HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100824PAC to Monsanto 1 (6).pdf"9. , ~. ROCK.Y MOUNTAINPOR A D1I1Sl0N OF PAIFlCO 201 So Main. Suite 2300 Sat Lake Cit. Uth 84111 Augut 23,2010 Radall C. Budge RACINE, OLSON, NY, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHATERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idao 83204-1391 RE: ID PAC-E-10-07 Monsanto Data Request Set 1 (1-32) Please fid enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's 1st Supplementa Response to Monsanto Data Request 1.6. Provided in hard copy is Attchment Monsanto 1.6 1st Supplementa. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, v~ -r-u tv~ /~ J. Ted Weston Maner, Regulation Enclosu: C.c: James R. Smith Richad Anderson George C. Carer, il Denns Peseau Gath R Kajander Maurce Brubaker Brian Collin Michal Gorm Kath Iverson Mark Widmer EneL.Olsen Jea Jewell Be Ot j PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 1.6 1 st Supplemental ,t Monsanto Data Request 1.6 Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of Bruce N. Wiliams. To.the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formula intact. 1 st Supplemental Response to Monsanto Data Request 1.6 Furher to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 1.6 provided June 15,2010, pleasereferto Atthment,Monsanto 6.1 1st SupplementaL. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bruce N. Willams Bruce N. Wiliams "" ' ,;'. H: 'J",' .: .::, r~. . . I; I ¡ c¡. ,::;:'. ,.¡ ; ¡, .( ..t .~ ~ .1 IDAHO PAC-E-IO-07 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO 1ST SET, DATA REQUEST'(1-32) ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 1.6 1 st SUPPLEMENTAL i,; i~ft.; l' I:: " ij I. h.i. (.'t ¡: ,) f: ,)10 PAC-E-1D-07 Monsanto 1.6 1 st Supplemen Attchment Monsanto 1.6 1 st Supplementl (HELP) for explanation.Muni FWCV II i _Graph 2 _ Update Curve 3 _Forwards Analysis FORWARD CURVE ANALYSISUSD Swaps(30/360; S/A)G TERM YIELD __ .__ _Ii . ~ 0.2075 0.272 i 0 ..1 Mo 0.2331 0.3256 0 0.8504 '0 1.3553 E R 2 0 0.2425 0.3 0.9658 J . J P A 3 Mo 0;2512 0.4695 E 1.06 E 1.5784 E o T 4 Mo 0.2831 0.5642 C 1.1347 C 1.5589 C 5 E 5 Mo 0.3281 0.6711 T 1.2272 T 1.5064 T I 5 6 Mo 0.4000 0.7690 E 1.3233 E 1.4760 E T 9 Mo 0.6500 1.0418 0 1.343 D 1.4621 0 1 Yr 0.904 1.1244 1. 364 1. 4956 2 Yr 1.2280 1.487 1.7984 2.0734 S R 3 Yr 1.8690 2.1019 2.3887 2.6515W A 4 Yr 2.3980 2.6138 2.8628 3.099 A T 5 Yr 2.8200 3.0107 3.2289 3.4318 P E 7 Yr 3.40 3.5539 3.7235 3.8798 5 10Yr 3.8920 4.0115 4.1429 4.2682 15Yr 4.3360 4.4216 4. S153 4.6055 20Yr 4.4800 4.5504 4.6278 4.702730Yr 4.5780 n/a n/a n/a 4 _FWCM (GO~ 5 _Enhanced Swap Curve Auatralla 61 2 9777 8600 Braz 11 5511 3048 4500 Europe 44 20 7330 7500 Germny 49 69 9204 121Ò Hong Kong 852 2917 6000Japan 81 33201 8900 Singapor. 65 621Z 1000 U.S. 1 ZIZ 318 ZOOO CopyrIght 2010 81oo.o.rg FInace L.P. SM 840957 8602-970-0 ZO-Aug-2010 13121120 Atd' Mosao 1.6 1 st Supp.pd Pag 1 of2 FORWARD CURVE ANALYSISSwaps(30/360 ~ S/A)TERM YIELD _Ii _Ii _Ii l. 0.2075 845 R 1. 8445 R 1. 845 Ri Ð Q. 0.2331 1.495 0 1.4950 0 1.4950 0 E R 2 Mo 0.2425 1. 86 J 1.388 J 1.388 J P A 3 Mo 0.2512 1.3658 E 1.3658 E 1.3658 E o T 4 Mo 0.2831 1.3680 C 1.3680 C 1.3680 C 5 E 5 Mo 0.3281 1.3806 T 1.3806 T 1.3806 T I S 6 Mo 0.4000 1.3974 E 1.3974 E 1.3974 E T 9 Mo 0.6500 1.4618 0 1.4618 0 1.4618 D 1 Yr 0.904 1. 5333 1.5333 1. 5333 2 Yr 1.2280 2.3218 2.3218 2.3218 S R 3 Yr 1.8690 2.8795 2.8795 2.8795 W A 4 Yr 2.3980 3.2965 3.2965 3.2965 A T 5 Yr 2.8200 3.6070' 3.6070 3.6070 P E 7 Yr 3.404 4.0116 4.0116 4.0116 5 10Yr 3.8920 4.3710 4.3710 4.3710 1SVr 4.3360 4.6770 4.6770 4.6770 20Yr 4.4800 4.7607 4.7607 4.760730Yr 4.5780 n/a n/a n/a 10 PAC-E-1D-07 Monsanto 1.6 1st Supplemental (HELP) for explanation. II FMC 1_Graph 2_ Update Curve 3 _Forwrds Analysis 4 _FWCM (GO) 5 _Enhanced Swap Curve Attchment Monsanto 1.6 1 st Supplemental Muni FWCV ~u.tralla 61 2 9777 8600 Braz 11 5511 3048 4500 Europe 44 20 7330 7500 Ssrmany 49 69 9204 1210 Hong Kong 852 2977 6000Japan 81 3 3201 8900 Slngapors 656212 1000 U.S. 1 212318 2000 CoPyright 2010 Blooaberg Finane. L.P.8M 840957 8602-970-0 ZO-Aug-2010 13' 28. 06 Att Mosanto 1.61st Supp.pd Pag2of2