HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100813PAC to Staff 112-141.pdf1 _ 1 ~ROCKY MOUNTAINPORA DlON OF PAFl RECS. 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Uth 84111 'lij\ß ~UG \3 M'\ 9~ 26 Augut 12, 2010 Scott Woodbur Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washigton Boise, ID 83702-5918 Neil Price Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washigton Boise, ID 83702-5918 RE: ID P AC-E-1 0-07 IPUC Data Requests (112-141) Please fid enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to IPUC Data Requests 112-141. If you have any questions, please feel fr to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, Te. ~ I c. J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure: C.c. Rady Budge/Monsanto Jean JewelllPUC Eric Olsen/IPA Ben Oto/ICL " PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 112 IPUC Production Data Request 112 Please provide the curent serice level goal for your Customer Service Call Centers. (i.e. 80% of cals answered withn 30 seconds). If your servce level goal has changed since 2005, provide dates when it changed and what chage was made. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 112 Servce level goal is 80% of calls answered in 30 seconds. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 113 IPUC Produdion Data Request 113 Please provide the actu monthy service levels for your Customer Service Call Centers for the calendar years 2007 though 2009. Response to IPUC Produdion Data Request 113 2007 2008 2009 Service Service Service Month Level Level Level Januarv 79%84%87% February 82%85%86% March 81%85%81% Aori 82%84%81% Mav 83%85%81% June 83%85%81% Julv 85%86%81% AU2ust 82%85%81% Seotember 82%85%81% Odober 83%85%80% November 85%86%81% December 85%87%81% Total 83%85%82% Recordholder: Sponsr: Arc Muhstein To Be Determned P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 114 IPUc Production Data Request 114 Please provide the total number of incoming telephone calls handled by month by the Customer Serice Call Centers for the calenda years 2007 though 2009. For each month provide a breakdown by the followig categories: a) IVR handled calls; b) Customer Service Representative (CSR) handled calls; and c) abandoned calls. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 114 In mid-Z008 new IVRs were implemented which enabled IVR reporting. 2007IVR 2008IVR 2009IVR Handled Handled Handled Month Calls Calls Calls January 49,965 February 44,966 March 40,788 April 34,686 May 36,996 June 36,413 44,109 Juiy 48,457 50,969 AU2Ust 49,242 51,286 September 44,055 43,967 October 44,499 39,793 November 40,573 37,454 December 56,322 58,915 2007 2009 Agent 2008 Agent Agent Handled Handled Handled Month Calls Calls Calls January 283,657 306,448 288,740 Februarv 266,424 262,545 260,936 March 265,151 257,362 275,681 Aoril 242,905 247,631 259,355 Mav 241,479 232,479 239,785 June 244,577 237,042 260,647 Julv 261,763 252,020 264,758 AU2Ust 282,527 261,534 260,500 Seotember 252,007 267,265 261,611 October 285,610 293,453 278,953 November 237,102 223,892 239,672 December 243,027 262,017 261,576 P AC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 114 2007 Caller 2008 Caller 2009 Caller Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned (disconnected)(disconnected)(disconnected) Month FromIVR FromlVR FromIVR January 48,193 February 43,342 March 39,622 Apri 33,976 May 36,098 June 34,497 37,065 July 45,962 47,970 Aupst 46,854 46,303 September 42,127 15,788 October 42,259 37,828 November 39,504 35,737 December 53,438 54,752 2007 Caller 2008 Caller 2009 Caller Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned in Agent in Agent in Agent Month Queue Queue Queue January 7,485 7,322 5,130 February 9,243 4,438 4,561 March 5,929 4,193 6,215 Apnl 5,280 3,883 6,073 May 4,776 4,655 6,074 June 5,119 4,362 6,211 Julv 5,724 4,472 7,184 AU2Ust 6,008 5,682 6,415 September 6,756 4,873 5,376 October 5,601 4,772 5,651 November 4,041 4,384 5,104 December 6,237 5,459 6,021 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed P AG.E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 115 IPUC Production Data Request 115 Please provide by month the average call handle times per Customer Service Representative (CSR) in the Rocky Mounta Power (R) call centers for the calendar years 2007 though 2009. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 115 Handle times are in seconds. 2007 2008 2009 Agent Agent Agent Average Average Average Handle Handle Handle Month Time Time Time January 315 302 316 February 306 306 309 March 311 304 310 April 319 311 304 May 321 308 303 June 320 304 296 July 304 298 292 Au~st 311 309 299 September 304 316 297 October 304 321 296 November 307 309 294 December 299 299 279 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 116 IPUc Production Data Request 116 Please provide by month the average length of time in minutes and seconds tht customers placing calls to your call center were placed on hold durng calenda year 2007 though 2009. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 116 Agent average hold times are not calculated or measured. Any agent hold times would be included in the average cal hadle times. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 117 IPUC Production Data Request 117 As of December 2009, how many Idao RMP customers were signed up to receive their bils online? Response to IPUc Production Data Request 117 The customer biling system is not designed to pull data for a specific date or date range, and can only provide the number of Idaho customers curently receiving bils online as of the curent date. There are 8,171 residential and non-residential Idaho customers receiving bils online as of July 29,2010. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determned t P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 118 IPUc Production Data Request 118 At the end of calenda year 2005 though 2009, provide the tota number of CSR FTEs (Full Time Employees). Identify how many of those positions were vacant at the end of each year. Provide the same inormation for par-time employees. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 118 Below is the number of CSR employees as of the end of each year, 2005 though 2009, both actua and budgeted. As the Company hies and trains CSRs in larger blocks, actus var up and down from the budget. REQUEST NO. 118 Full-Par- Time time 2009 Actu 251 32 Budget 259 33 2008 Actu 264 33 Budget 257 35 2007 Actu 252 34 Budget 267 45 2006 Actu 271 39 Budtiet 271 49 2005 Actul 283 50 Budtiet 263 48 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 119 IPUC Production Data Request 119 By month, for calenda year 2007 though 2009, please provide the total number of customers who accessed RMP's NR system and subsequently elected to speak withaCSR. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 119 20071V 2001V 20071V 20081V 20091V Callers Chose 20081V Callers Chose Calls Calls Calls to Xfrto Callers Chose toXfrto Month Offered Offered Offered Month A2ent to Xfr to A2ent A2ent Januarv 81,142 99,627 95,709 January 8,376 February 85,086 73,284 86,613 Februarv 8,005 March 75,059 70,992 83,547 March 9,512 Aoril 63,033 63,953 74,557 Aoril 9,025 May 58,775 71,323 75,791 Mav 8,717 June 64,112 76,118 88,007 June 5,687 7,419 July 79,148 93,910 100,119 Julv 6,458 9,108 AU2ust 78,547 94,733 97,142 AU2ust 6,569 9,219 September 70,587 83,874 88,282 Seotember 6,895 8,779 October 80,876 86,481 84,970 October 7,041 9,586 November 68,798 77,133 75,920 November 6,102 8,787 December 80,067 105,554 106,098 December 7,118 10,104 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mounta Power Augus 12,2010 ¡PUC Production Data Request 120 IPUC Production Data Request 120 By month, for calenda years 2005 though 2009, please provide the number of emails received by the Customer Service Call Centers. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 120 Recordholder: Arc Muhstein Sponsor: To Be Determined eMails 1344 1080 1023 1382 1200 1151 1126 1276 1166 1103 808 570 PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 121 IPUC Production Data Request 121 Please provide in detail the methodology used for re-calculating a customer's bil when it is discovered a customer was inaccurately biled due to a meter malfunction or failure, metering equipment was incorrectly installed or programed, or bils were inaccurately pr~pared. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 121 If a meter fails to correctly register the energy used, the meter was incorrectly installed or programmed or the bil was not correctly calculated, the amount of usage wil be determined by calculating the percent of the unbiled use based upon the installation or meter program error or the incorrect billng calculation. If the calculation error or meter error cannot be determined the usage wil be estimated based on historical biling data. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arie Muhlstein . To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 122 IPUc Production Data Request 122 In situtions when a customer is re-biled due to any of the situtions listed in Production Request No. 121, please provide RM's protocol to inform the customer of the re-biling. Please include copies of letters sent in advance of or with the biling to the customer, or copies of scripted telephone calls to the customers made by a RMP employee. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 122 When biling adjustments are made to customer accounts the customer is provided notification on their next reguar bil. The adjustments section on the bil will include the month of the adjustment, reason for adjustment, service dates and amount. Customer service agents are requied to document the adjustment detals to the customer account as well, in the event the customer contacts us to discuss the adjustment. For complex biling adjustments such as corrections due to crossed meters, adjustments greater tha $10,000, adjustments for manged accounts or adjustments associated to guantee requests, the customer is notified of the adjustment diectly either by phone or by mail using our biling adjustment letters. Samples of letters: Guaantee adjustment - debit Guaantee adjustment - credit Crossed meter - debit Crossed meter -credit IK CQ uopao:i ..no si ip 8I .10 ~ IN ~,. ua., UI ii~i "MI'~ Sl fU 83 Ji .- Ul ~.~ 'no ai oi UØ . .. 'no Jt ca Ad al .. AilliluaeaJd a: Ja JI JO J. 'Ol-a.a"1a. 'J aa .. l! aw ÑI ti II .. '8Ub MI lM .1 UO QI ali PP no J! li 's1O JI pa au aMlI oo sa Ja., ac aM .. ~ po ap ~ oo .. .. 8JI ca Il II JI 10 au 'a: Ja ~ 8P oi iuUI JI JO ¡. PI is .i ..UI IlUu 8QlS U8 ap oi Mc al .. PU11.n oi.. pcn U8 Il lI lI PlIB 8M ... 6u ., po oi.w al po .I . - no lI aM -. mev 10 -.. úiia...... ai lU ix .i uo pa al .. (i) jO a6 . .. oo WJ ca )a aapo .. JI p;M8 aM .~ .. .. 'i ca 1i ìij lU 'iiäl Jä.. .. ~Jn 'ap - UO _ sw MI pa po aI ca.. aa oc ...ip PU ap aA no.. a.... 0I1l lI JI JO au ~.. filBJ ti 6i JO no lI :äi ..ïï Jø .a 'l:) ap dl z au ss a.au8A JO ai Ja aw Ji:l Ja 8I .J Ja ON~ii:i.~ ISl1l't'Il(¥' 119i-m'1Bt"1 eoEO-srIHl ~ 'A -. '1'5 1I!i )fog 'OøNIV.LNI ~~ ZLI ls~nb~"l UlUO UO!i~np01d ;Jßdl OWL 'll lsníny l~MOd UlUunoW 4~ow LO-O I-H-;Jy d . II 0l uOpacø ..no SI ~s en .IO .,".~ II UD.l UI ii91-s..i,... '~Sl8.~ JllI JI LI Al.~ -no.. ~ ai ... -no 1S CI Ad aq .. ~ a: Ja JI JD I. llLOL-I,zz1" 'Ja aa JI 18 au Au snll.. ...iiaiib Au aA JO uo ;u aw Pt no Jl ¡n ~io Jn p; aN ailB I1 .. .J .. ac aM .. ~ pu lI al I1 li aI a!l CI ll Il Jn JD au .~ .Jlualina 8P CI ~ Jn JD.. CV -UD lí jO -~ i. iiii:i.. JU au ~ ¡x Jn DO pc aiiu aq .. (iJï JO J! . PU PI Jn ~ MI ai:-. po ~ pø" äí oJ. CI äí ii:.ll ii*Jaüi:l l8 PI ~ Jn 'P no .. ~.. I5 sn 6u.l no .- :äÛ JIí.Ó.. ON ~ if:.. lJ ap d! z au 88 I, au 88 j( an Jl aU ~ Jl aw Ja Jl .clU:l Ise'0"'1 ~ 11'J"S"lSS-1 $Oro-sm. If ~ ei lles øosi it 'OclNlyiNn~~ LLI ls~nb~"l UlUO u0!l~npo1d JOdI OWL 'll lsníny l~MOd ulUunoW 4~OWLO-0 1 -H-;JY d 11 O:t uopO:l"no il~ifSlO JC ua .... un ~I Je fl ii~-tlZ'1i " ai .~ ., IU ~ .Jwi JM Ul Ai .~ ~ MI Cl ai ... ~ ~ClAdd aI"~ a:JI .l lØ ii -Ql-i.zzi. .ia.. aa .l JI ..- .. la aI J( -M PI P8.. l-a..:ïûlipOnUMl 'ai qaM.I JI U! a8 '8I i-1O aM fl I -a6 iø.n pe CI II in.n CI pa al 11 (i)J lØ lP . :.. piai ëi Cl äï WC:: WQ1l ~.n IMpe 0~ aM aa 'p:M.n ~ lØ in. sv "UI aq II Al pa aq 11 no .. os lI .n pø Wt aM -Jl .m .. no.I II p; II p; lI ~ CI a: ~ .. PØ - uo Jl...q ~ aq pu (.- ~ JO UI 'J8 aq lq.. ll) ~ JI ll .. PC- ~ Jn -t. . pu pu '.ãï äï Jä518 .. :t .n ~ ~ aM -ii At.. al lM no.. aiM aøw CI 8l tI.1 lØ au :ãW .Jii JB ll l':l ap dl z au S8 i. au S8 j( aJ J8 -N~Ja lI .J Ja ON ~ 1". lU Ja Ja . Ja 15f1l...lllJ 119l~1lBa-1 eoro-sl" 4ei*O.. 1l as¡ xo "OêlNYJ. ~.. ZLl ls~nb~"l UlUO UO!i~npo1d JOdI o lOZ 'll lsníny l~MOd UlunoW Á)f~oW LO-O I -H-;JY d ~ P~Ul~l~O ~H oi U!~ls¡iW ~!J :losuodS :1~PIOi¡10~~"l II CQ UO~O:l"no il ips il JrO 1f lI ~ UllI.I ru iiN'-ç..i ,. ai '~., ru a: JiUJ .- Ul Al '~ -n lW CI am II .. -n lI CI Md aq .. SMIi a: J8 JI JI It 'QL-l-ZZi. 'Jlwn aa JI 18 ~ ti l8 .. .i ',s P8 pa .. laJãiïipMM 'll qBM JI 18 ui'" 'su IIIUØgiPPB aM no I iø JI 18 .. ¡u aa~ U8 ap CI ld aq .. pu ll .m CI ¡u pø_HI U8 tI lI JI'8i; aM ... &1l1l lI po CI Ñ. aa.. Jl II - no ar aM ..I8.m P8 CI lf 1D JI CI pc aq .. (sJî$ 10 ai II li no lI CI pu al pu 'i Õi CI äï WC:: WG .. :I JI p; 0i M8 al 'l.m ii JD JI II fl ..... II.. PØ aq 11 no ¡I os JI JI pø aM aM 'JO .m .. no JI II ~ II pill -n ØI a: ~ - p; .. ui JI 8l JI Ja 8l .. (J ~ JO IR ... 8l Aq .li ¡e) II Jl 6u - pa-.. Jn -lI II pu .. iì ii:0 18 .. :t .m pa Jp aM .. jp.. ~ Ml no lI alM;q CI Sl tI JI JI au :äü Ji J8 ~..:) ap d! z au Ra l- au Ra JOaI..8U.J Ja lM J8 Ja OH~II::.~.I Ja . JI Im"O"'I~ , 19r:-s"8B"1 to-stt.. ii ~ Il ii _nic"OllNIViNf ~~ LLI ls~nb~"l Ul'BO uo!l~np01d JOdI o lOl 'll lsnSny l~MOd ulUunoW 4~oWLO-01-3-;JYd .. P AC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power Augut 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 123 IPUC Production Data Request 123 Prior to preparng the re-biled statement, does RM allow the customer to offer input into his or her unque personal electrc usage habits durng the time in which the meter was registerig incorrectly? Please explain. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 123 Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 121. Rocky Mountan Power considers the customer's unque electrc usage habits based on their biling history when calculating the biling adjustment. If the customer contats the Company afer the adjustment ha been made to offer additional input, fuer review and adjustments may be applied to the account at that time. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determned P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 124 IPUC Production Data Request 124 Please describe in detail the program offered by RMP wherein property owners or managers assume responsibility for payment of bils during periods of time when property is vacant, but service remains connected. Please provide all forms and letters associated with the program, including whether the correspondence is manually or automatically generated. Please provide the step by step process for how a property owner or manager "signs up" for the program and any scripted information or written contractual agreements that are used by customer service personnel at the time of enrollment. Please provide pages from training manuals or online CSR "help" desk pages regarding the program. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 124 The Landlord Interim Biling Agreement is available to Rocky Mountain Power property owners and managers. The agreement ensures the continuance of electric service between tenants for rental properties. Paricipating landlords have the choice to authorize Rocky Mountain Power to disconnect the electric service if the tenant account becomes past due or to continue the service and place the service in the landlord name. Sign up process: Step 1 - Landlord requests Interim Biling Agreement form The interim biling agreement form will be provided to landlords who request the form via a phone call, letter or emaiL. This work is handled by agents at our call centers. Sending the form is a manual process handled though our outbound correspondence process. The form is also available for landlords to downoad and print directly from the Rocky Mountain Power website in the section called Landlord Information & Programs. Step 2 - Landlord fills out the Interim Biling Agreement form The landlord provides the following information: . Account number . Name, mailng address and phone number . Propert manager name and phone number (if applies) . List of property addresses to be included for interim biling . Yes/No authorization to disconnect the service if the tenant payments become past due. o Yes - provides authorization for Rocky Mountain Power to disconnect the service and the service remains off until either the tenant has paid the required reconnection amount or the landlord has requested a reconnection and assumes responsibility for the electric service. o No - provides authorization for Rocky Mountain Power to activate the landlord agreement and place service into landlord name. The landlord assumes PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 124 responsibility for the future electric service bilings even if the tenant stil occupies the property. . Authorization for property manager to discuss the account with Rocky Mountain Power and/or to make changes to the account . Biling instructions to either provide separate bils for each property or a master bil which displays were property as a separate line item. Step 3 - Landlord submits completed Interim Biling Agreement form After the landlord has filled out the form and signed, the form can be mailed to Rocky Mountain Power or faxed. Note: At this time the form canot be submitted via the website. Step 4 - Landlord Agreement is established Agents in customer service will establish the landlord agreement within our customer service system. Step 5 - Landlord Agreement activated When the tenant notifies Rocky Mountain Power that they are moving out of a site with an active landlord agreement the landlord agreement is automatically activated and the service transferred to the responsibility of the landlord. Letter samples: Notification of transfer of service letter Cover letter - new requests Interim Biling Agreement form PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 124 Landlord notification of transfer of service ~~~AØ P. 80 1530 $i ui ci Ut 84125 i\om:t* o Accgto om re, yo el act at . is pa di ad ha be doed for DD~t 1l Ia of yom pm ha ai us to be b& ii to pI"Et àa of ii eise"Ì. \\ "iò om Cl. ad are he to asilyO\i wi yom act Ymi ma retoe el iien;æ m yo Ba wl ym pa yo pat di ba ad a deit Pl ca us aa ti at om to-free !lum, i-SSs. nl-7070.Aiofom Cltm se"Ì reta"e wi be ha1D aier yo qiti aipiO\rid a qu for ym to ie. se;æ. Ifym moe pa yom put di ba ad reto yom se"Ì al 1b ymi for yo ~ ai pldiie ti Ji \\ lo foard to aiui to iien"e ymi. Siu, I Paramii iJoci6 IJ aJ 1-88-22j-2611 paa haia con tm rBpI't1en en espal PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 124 Cover letter sent with Interim Biling Agreement form ~!A\l~~P. So 1530 Sl .. ai Ua 84125 .Aioimt# I: ThanK you for contactng us to request a Landi ord AgreeentF orm . Establishing a Lan dl ord Agreeent will Slveyou time and malemanaging your rental properes eaier. Here's how it worKS. When your tenant applies for elecic service at your rental ,propert. we transfer responsibilt fo the acount from your name to theirs.. Then, when the tenant moves out, we transfer the resonsibiltforthe bill back into your name auomatically. We also offer a program called Lant.. This program helps us work toget.er efciently to handle tenant serice requets when they move in and out of your rental units. You may choose to sign up for the online or faxopti on of La t. in ad to your Landlord Agreeent The program is qui-ek an d eay, helping to eliminate the confuion that often surrounds tenant move-in dates. With t. Li, you always know who's responsible for the elecic service, and you can count on accuate opening and closing elecic bills. For more informaton abut our t. t. program, pleae visit our Web site at ! II. If the Ladlord Agreeent option soun cis like a good fifor your proper, pleae complete and relrn the enclose applicaon either by toU-free fa, 1-88-2851,. or mail ¡tto: Its a pleaure to sere you. Sinceely, Par má¥FljÓl' ll all-888-125-2dllJH habÙI con fU røU8ta Ø1 upol. P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 ¡PUC Production Data Request 124 Interim Biling Agreement Form Landlord Agreement (Page "I of 2) By sig this ageeent, i understand that I am responsIble for paying the electc bil (for the propemes lisd on ih ai she) Whver ih bIll is not in anoter cuomets name. Generally, this will be the interim peiiod be ih ocancy oUenants;however, this may include time whn the propert Is occupIed by tie tenant but lhyhavefaileto eshserv will . Thefore, i acclresponsIbìIt for ensuiing the reners ofmy Pfoppulh bil into th name on dates speiedbeee myself and my tenants. "Me ih blgisin my name, i understand that i wIff be coIdeed a cuomer wi regards to rules and reg estnshby iñ ut. i undend that fallure to pay tie eledc bill may resultin terminatiooof thIsagee Wh the biDing is in the name of the tenant, this landlord a.greement becmes inadive. i have tie right to make Chan an re Inoratin for my own acnt; however, I wiD not be able to make changes to my teants'aa wiou lñir pn cosent Plase re iñ foBWi tw stmets an plac your Initals by your Pfeferredopn. Then, please sIgn iñfor, bew. I YES I By initaling Yes, I autore to disconnectie elecc services) if payments becme past due. i agee that I wIff not hold tie company liable for any damag Incurred should the company nee - to dicotiue power duiing iñ course of routne colledons. The company will not noti me of thediscome. Th copany wil reconnec lñpowe aftr (A) the tenant has provided suitle paymt of any past due bIllings and relate charge and has reques arennedin, or (8) I have request a recon.1f I have reque tie recnnedn, the landlord agreent bemes "adie" an i wilasume tie role of a cutomer. The tenant's unaid charges do not apply to me but Iwill be rens1b1e for futre bililng. c:NO By Inialing No, i do not autoiiz.. e Iii i iFl to dIsconec the elecc service(s) for my tenant(s) Ifpaymnts bece past due. On ih date and time the servce would have been disconnec, the- landord ageemet bes "ace" and the elctc service wil be place Into my name. The tenant's unpai charges do not apply to me. However, regardless of occpancy i will continue to be responsible for futre bIllngs even if tle tenant stiff occpIes th propert. The electci wil remain In my name oo iñ tenant has provided suitble payment of any past duebillngs and relate charges and requd a recnnedn. ladlord Agreement Account Number: (Noe: !fyou do not have an existiac numbe, pleae complean AppltionforService em oorWebsite, ,orcalus tcil-fee anytime at 1-38-221-7070.)OWs Nam: Owets Name:Sie: Siue:Dat: Date: PñaryPhone': L-l Pnmary Phone': L-lProp Manag Nam: Phone it L-l ai auorize the prop manageanagem en compny listed abe to di.sas my accou wr a I au orize the propemanagemangeen company 1isted abve to makectngto my Ilccountwi a for ffltp1e promes, i would like separate bllls for eadproprt. a for multle Pfop, l woUld like a maste bill, wlch shows each propert as a separate llneitm. PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 ¡PUC Production Data Request 124 landlord Agreement (Page 2 of 2) Ladlord Agreemnt Accout Numbe (NOl.OUdo notbaveanex accounnu,pIeasecomlee anAppicabon forSeice on OUT Web .. , oicaustolfree anytiatl-8SS-221-7070.) Add Ai Cit Sta (J I woul lik to inlude oth addrtlfl,. which will be lis on an atthe shøe PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 124 Landlord Agreements, Sending Application Form in GT -x (AN) Filenamel Quality Manual Ref No.: Document Ref. i Version No. Version 1.0 Date of Creation 07/1/06 Sumar Procedure for sending the landlord interim biling authorization letter though GTX. Author(s)Kathy Raey Last Reviewed 7/25/06 Date & Reviewer Fahym Acuay Purpose This procedure describes how CSEs process requests through GT-X to send landlord interim biling agreement forms when a new account or customer needs to be created in the system. Scope This procedure includes steps describing how CSEs process requests to mail or fax landlord interim biling agreement forms through GT-X when a new account or customer needs to be created in the system. Training Assumptions These procedures do not cover areas that employees are assumed to have received training in or be familiar with. These assumptions are: . Customer Services Introductory Training Definitions Word Definition Landlord Interim Biling Agreement Form Authorization form for Landlords who wish for the power to stay in service and automatically revert into their name between tenants. References . None Responsibilities Job Title Responsibilities CSE . Receive request from existing or new customer requesting the landlord interim billing agreement form. PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 124 . Determine if the caller is an existing customer or new customer . Create customer . Submit request for form Revision History Performance Reports . None Policy . None About Landlord Agreements, Sending Application Form Overview This procedure describes how CSEs process requests from callers for the landlord interim biling application form through GT-X when a new account or customer needs to be created in the system. Background Prior to CSS Release 6.4 (implemented July 14, 2006), agents were required to use a manual work around when processing requests for the Landlord Interim Biling Agreement form through GT-X where a new account or customer needed to be created in the system. The manual process required agents to create the customer account through the G T - X connect process then exit out of the process using the escape fuction prior to associating any services to the account. The agent would then manually print, fill out and deliver the manual template form to customer. If the customer's account was already established the agent was able to successfully complete this task using the GT -X outbound correspondence process. The manual process caused various system issues with contact history and other processes so a new process was established. This new enhanced process wil allow agents to create a customer account and mail the required form through GT-X, however if the caller needs to connect any specific sites or services to their account the regular connect process will need to be completed. This procedure does not include the process for the landlord agreement set up or maintenance fuctionalities which must stil be completed in CSS on the JCUL and JCLL screens. PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 124 Process Flowchart Reaunt LandlordIntrtm Billing Agreement Form T S..rçbfor iltø and customer l 51l1&r or çgatøçuitomtr- l Submit request for form PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 124 Customer Requests Landlord Interim Biling Agreement Form 1. From the GT-X common screen select Landlord Application from the Activity List window, Search for site and customer 1. Complete a search for the location the caller is requesting to establish the landlord agreement at, 2, Complete a search for the customer that is requesting the application, Select or Create Customer Account After viewing the potential customers matched on the customer. selection screen you will need to either select an existing customer account or create a new account by selecting the Create Person activity from the activity list. 1. Select the type of account, Choices are residential or non-residentiaL. 2. If the account already exists, a pop-up screen will display asking "Will this customer account be for the same customer and co-customer?", Click Yes or No radio button as directed by the customer, 3, If the account already exists, a second pop-up screen will display asking "Do you want your charges for this address to appear on the same statement?" Click Yes or No as directed by the customer, Complete all applicable fields on the form, 4, Edit or add the customer's information and contacts to create the new account, Submit Request for Form When the Outbound Correspondence screen displays the customer information and LA form wil be pre-selected. 1. Ask the customer how they would like the form sent and click on the appropriate radio button, 2. Input your first name in the Agent First Name field, 3, Click Ok 4, Input the recipient's name 5. Input today's date in the Requested On date field, PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 13,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 124 6, Click OK, 7, Confirm information by reviewing details on the Confirm Landlord Agreement, then click OK. Recordholder: Sponsor: Aric Muhlstein To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 125 ¡PUC Production Data Request 125 How are new customers made aware ofRM's Schedule 36 meterig? Response to IPUc Production Data Request 125 New Idaho residential customers are sent a Welcome Aboard kit when a new customer numbe has been created within the past 30 days in the customer biling system. Rate schedule 36 inormation is also presente on the company's website under residential, rates and reguations, and a consumer pricing insert is distrbuted anualy to all Idao customers. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 126 IPUC Production Data Request 126 At year end in 2007 though 2009, how many customers in Idaho were being biled under Schedule 36? Response to IPUc Production Data Request 126 There were 16,485, 16,723 and 15,158 customers in Idao biled under Schedule 36 at year end in 2007 through 2009 respectively. Recordholder: Sponsor: James Zhag Wiliam R. Grffth .. P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 127 IPUC Production Data Request 127 How does an existing residential customer who is not on Schedule 36 become a Schedule 36 customer? Response to IPUC Production Data Request 127 An existing residential customer who is interested in becomin a Schedule 36 customer need only contact the company's customer services toll free numbe 1-888-221-7070 and request a rate schedule change in order to activate the time of use serce. In some cases, a meter exchage may be required in order to complete the customer's requested rate change. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determned P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 128 IPUc Production Data Request 128 Does the Company routinely physically disconnect service afer a customer requests closure of an account or disconnection of service? If so, in Idaho in 2009, what were the average and maximum intervals between receipt of the customers' requests and the actual disconnections of service? Please provide ths inormation by rate class, Response to IPUC Production Data Request 128 The Company does not routinely physically disconnect service afer a customer requests closure of an account. The Company does disconnect servce for non- payment, and if there is no customer response with five days the account is closed. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determned PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 129 IPUC Production Data Request 129 In 2009 how many customer-requested account closures were performed in Idaho? Please provide ths information by rate class. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 129 Revenue Class Grd Commercial Industral Irrgation Residential Total 934 30 347 11,390 12,701 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determned PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 130 IPUC Production Data Request 130 Of the tota number of customer-requested account closures in 2009 in Idao, how many of those were performed in-between regular biling cycle meter-reading dates, and how many were performed on reguarly scheduled meter reading dates? Please provide this information by rate class. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 130 On Cycle Revenue Class Grand Source Commercial Industral Irrgation Residential Total Itron 256 7 44 1,122 1,429 Off Cycle Revenue Class Source Commercial Industral Irrgation Residential Grand Tota Customer Provide Read 49 49 Field Rep 92 15 840 947 Interval Data 2 2 Irrgation closed durg off season 190 190 Itron Administrtor Read 1 1 2 invoice 1 1 Adjustment 10 216 226 Landlord closed while inactive 209 209 Meter Reader - Manual 238 6 29 4,049 4,322 Offce Estimate 54 2 11 645 712 System Estimate 283 13 58 4,258 4,612 Grd Tota 678 23 303 10,268 11,272 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power Augut 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 131 IPUc Production Data Request 131 Regardig fial bils prepared outside of the reguar biling cycle in 2009, please provide how many of the readings entered on the bils were determed by: (a) a computer estimate; (b) a manua estimate; (c) an actua reading by a company employee; or, (d) a customer-provided reading. Please provide ths information by rate class. Response to IPUc Producton Data Request 131 Revenue Class Grd Source Commercial Industral Irrgation Residential Tota a Computer Estimate 283 13 58 4,258 4,612 b Manual Estimate 64 2 11 862 939 c Actu Reading - Company 587 15 88 6,012 6,702 d Actu Readig - Customer ---49 49 e No closing read required --190 209 399 Check Tota 934 30 347 11,390 12,701 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power Augut 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 132 IPUC Production Data Request 132 For those customer-requested account closures in 2009, what percentage were completed: a) with 3 calenda days; b) with 4-5 calendar days; or c) took longer than 5 calendar days? Please provide ths information by rate class. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 132 With CSS, customer-requested account closures are made when the customer requests it, even if that date is in the past or futue. Revenue Class Grand Commercial Industral Irgation Residential Tota 934 30 347 11,390 12,701 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determned PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 133 IPUc Production Data Request 133 When meters are left on between occupants, is a readg always taen agai when a tenat moves in? If not, please explain how the Company determnes whether to read the meter. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 133 If the account close date is five days before or five days afer the scheduled monthy meter read date, the close/open read will be computer estimated based upon per day usage. Ifthe close date is not within the five day widow, a work order will be generated to acquie a field meter read to be used for biling. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed . PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 134 IPUc Production Data Request 134 In situtions when a meter is not physically disconnected between occupants, does the ending meter reading date given on the bil for the deparing customer correspond to the actu date the meter was read? If not, please explai. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 134 As stated in the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 133, if the account close date is five days before or five days afer the scheduled monthy meter read date, the close/open read will be computer estimated based upon per day usage. If the close date is not with the five day widow, a work order will be generated to acquire a field meter read to be used for biling. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed . P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 135 IPUC Production Data Request 135 In situtions when a meter is not physically disconnected between occupants, does the beginnng meter reading date given on the bil for the new customer correspond to the actu date the meter was read followig the customer's request to initiate service? If not, please explain. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 135 As stated in the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 133, if the account close date is five days before or five days afer the scheduled monthy meter read date, the close/open read will be computer estimated based upon per day usage. If the close date is not with the five day widow, a work order will be generated to acquie a field meter read to be used for billng. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed .. P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 136 IPUc Production Data Request 136 In situtions when meters are left on between tenants, and no customer ha signed up for service, who pays for the energy usage when electrc service is not being biled to a customer? Response to IPUc Production Data Request 136 Typically electrc use between customers is mini. Monthy meter reads are still conducted and recorded. If the combined usage over time exceeds 1000 kWh with no new customer signed for servce, a field order to disconnect the electrc service will be generated and the service will be physically disconnected. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 12, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 137 IPUC Production Data Request 137 In situtions when meters are left on between tenats, does the Company have a threshold for electrc usage so that when tht theshold is reached, service is physically disconnected? If so, what is the theshold? And if so, in 2009 in Idaho, how many times was the theshold reached? Is the theshold the same for all rate classes? If not, please provide the thesholds for each rate class. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 137 A work request is automatically generated within the customer servce system to disconnect the service when there has been cumulative consumption of 1000 unbiled kilowatt hours or more in the past one year or since the most reent agreement was terminated. Ths theshold is the sae for all rate classes. In 2009, there were 835 such system generated work requests generated in Idaho. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 138 IPUC Production Data Request 138 In Idao in 2009 how many meter readings were taen in between reguarly scheduled meter reading dates where servce was not physically disconnected between occupants? Response to IPUC Production Data Request 138 Connect Reads and Disconnect Reads (CRO and DRO): Off cycle reads generated between tenants when a customer either sign for servce or termates agreement between cycle reads. Meter Special Read and Guateed Special Read (MSRlGSR): Off cycle reads generated between cycle reads when either a customer requests a special read or company requests verification read for billng purses. 200 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jan Jii AWl SeP Oc Nov De Tota CRO #Comn 211 164 205 301 248 252 288 271 364 264 297 291 3,156 Initiat 223 180 205 301 255 258 302 279 368 265 297 293 3,226 %comp within 5 94.6%91.%100.0%100.0%97.3%97.7%95,4%97.1%98.9%99.6%l00.O"ft 99.3%97.8% day window DRO #Comp 218 183 283 481 304 383 376 377 367 357 287 379 3,995 Intite 226 192 284 486 314 388 393 386 372 362 288 382 4,073 %Cómp within 5 96.5%95.3%99.6%99.0%96.8%98.7%95.7%97.7%98.7%98,6%99.7%99.2%98.1% day widow GSR #Comn 100 61 52 19 28 38 31 30 30 20 30 34 473 Initiate 105 61 52 20 28 38 31 32 31 20 30 34 482 %cop within 5 95.2%100.0%100,0%95.0"ft 100.0%100.0%l00.O"ft 93.8%96.8%100.0%100.0%100.0%98.1% daywiw MSR #Comi:110 96 67 73 62 66 62 53 55 40 30 48 762 Initiated 110 96 68 74 62 67 64 54 55 40 30 48 768 %cop within 5 100.0%100.0"ft 98.5%98.6%100.0%98.5%96.9%98.1%100.0%l00.O"ft 100.0%100.0%99.2% day window ...... ilCöIi,.639 .$04 607 874 642 739 75'1 731 816 681 64 .7$2 8,386 ............8,$49InitiAt....../5 529 ....6Ó9 881 659 7.5F 190 751 ..826 681 64.5 15'1 o. ""....'..'.. ,,~:*.... ......99.70/i ....97.3% .... i98.i% ~(10W...................... .... .. .. P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 12,2010 ¡PUC Production Data Request 138 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determned . ,;, PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power Augut 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 139 IPUc Production Data Request 139 In Idao in 2009, how many meter readings were taen in between reguarly scheduled meter reading dates where serice was physically disconnected between occupants? Response to IPUc Production Data Request 139 Connect Orders (CON) orders are generated when a customer sign up for service at a site where the site has been disconnected since the previous customer was using the service. CON Orders Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed . " PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 140 IPUC Production Data Request 140 When RM establishes a meter reading schedule for its regular biling cycles, does it always read the meter on the established days? If not, explain why and how often in Idaho in 2009 the Company failed to read meters as scheduled? Please provide ths information by rate class. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 140 The Company has an established monthly read schedule and has a read window of one day prior to the scheduled read date and up to five days afer the scheduled monthly read date. In 2009,80% of meter reads were worked on the scheduled reading date. Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determed ~. 1:""- P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 12,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 141 IPUC Production Data Request 141 As a result of leaving meters on between occupants, how many kilowatt hours in Idaho went unbiled in 2009? Please provide ths inormation by rate class. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 141 A 'usage no signer' automated work request is generated and worked to aid in the recovery of unbiled kilowatt hours usage when there ha been cumulative consumption of 1000 unbiledkilowatt hour or more in the past year or since the most recent agreement was termated, In 2009, 835 work orders were worked for sites exceeding the 1000 kWh theshold. .......;,:,....... /.../'/. .'i .Îì..I.... ....... ',',",r.. ~L !'1~-.~ ,,,. ~. ..~Cl"t::i.'ii i0Q 07APSA010L 34 07APSA010S 3 07APSAL10X 12 07APSAS10X 1 07APSN010L 2 07APSVCNLL 1 07CISHOO19 4 07GNSVOOO6 11 07GNSVOO23 76 07GNSVOO6A 4 07GNSV023A 17 07RESOOOO1 668 07RESDOO36 2 Recordholder: Sponsor: Arc Muhstein To Be Determined