HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100812PAC to IIPA 57-58.pdf~ROCKY MOUNTAINPOR A OMSION OF PACIFIP ,.~j' ,r\.1 ißWAUG f 2 AM 9= l 9 August 11, 2010 Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 RACINE, OLSON, NY, BUDGE & BAILEY, C~TERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: ID PAC-E-1O-07 IIPA Data Request (54-66) 201 Sout Main. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Utah 84 i i I Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to IIPA Data Requests 57-58. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments IIPA 57 -(1-5) and 58. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, Enclosure: C.c. Rady Budge/Monsto Jean JewellUC Anthony Yanel Ben Otto PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 11,2010 lIP A Data Request 57 LIP A Data Request 57 Because the Company appears to be proposing the usage of the average of 5 years of irrgation data for the Irrgation customers, please provide load research data (similar to that provided in the response to lIP A Data Request 3) for Schedules 1, 36, 6, and 23. Response to lIP A Data Request 57 Please refer to Attchments IIPA 57 -1 though lIPA 57 -5. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determed PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 11,2010 LIP A Data Request 58 LIP A Data Request 58 Because the Company appears to be proposing the usage of the average of 5 years of irgation data for the Irrgation customers, please provide the five year average data (similar to that provided in the response to LIP A Data Request 3 for the Irrgation customers) for Schedules 1,36,6, and 23. Please describe the method used and all calculations that were used to tae the individua load research data for each sample customer in order to develop the average for the rate schedule over the five years. Response to lIP A Data Request 58 Please refer to Attachment lIP A 58. Individual customer data is not weighted and must first have weights applied before stratu averages can be determined. Strta weight factors for each load research saple can be found in the header of Attachments lIP A 57 -1 though IIPA 57 -5. Each contrbuting year of the 5- year average is equa to the sum of the weighted stratu averages for any given time interval. The 5-year average is based upon a normalized year, rather tha a simple averaging of the system peak. Each of the contrbuting years (2005-2009) was adjusted to fit the 2009 day-of-the-week profie. For intance, Janua 1,2009 occured on a Thurday. The closest correspondig Thursday to Janua 1 in the 2005 data was Janua 6th. The 2005 data was shifted 5 days (+ 4 years) to align with the 2009 data. In 2007, the closest correspondig Thuray to Janua 1 was Janua 4. The data was shifted 3 days (+ 2 years). Once ths alignent of all th contrbutig years was complete, the years are averaged together to obta a normalized representation for the year 2009. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determed