HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100809PAC to Staff 77-108, 110.pdfl (, ~ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DISION OF PAAC ot: ('~,~-,i,V 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 ZDIßAUG -9 AM to: 06 August 6, 2010 Scott Woodbur Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 Neil Price Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 RE: ID P AC-E-l 0-07 IPUC Data Requests (77-111) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to IPUC Data Requests 77-111, excluding 109 and 111. These responses will be provided when available. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments ¡PUC 77, 81 -(1-2), 85, 93, and 101. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD are Confdential Attachments IPUC 78 -(1-2), 79 -(1-2),82,84,86 -(1-2),87- (1-2),88,90,94 -(1-2),95 -(1-2), 99, 100 -(1-3), and 110 -(1-2). Confdential Attchments are Confdential and are provided to paries that have signed a protective order in ths docket. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, 1d .,~ /4e J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure: C.c. Rady Budge/Monsato Jean Jewell/UC Eric OlsenlIPA Ben Oto/ICL '-. PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power Augut 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 77 IPUC Production Data Request 77 Pleas provide a copy of an evaluation manua or other document that describes how bids submitted in the 2008R RFP were to be evaluated. If no manua exists, please provide a description of all price and non-price scorig criteria including gudelines related to how scores were to be assigned and how project costs were to be computed. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 77 Pleae refer to Attchment IPUC 77. Section 6 (pages 19-24) describe how bids were evaluated. Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Link Mark Tallman " P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 78 IPUC Production Data Request 78 Please provide copies of all spreadsheets, scores and analysis used to evaluate price and non-price factors for development of the Initial Shortlist for the 200SR RFP (for example, PacifiCorp's Strctug and Pricing RFP Model), Please provide a sumar of the results of the Intial Shortlist evaluation, Please provide the requested information in an electronic, executable format with formulas intact. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 78 Please refer to Confdential Atthment IPUC 78 -1 for a sumar of intial shortlist results. Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 78 -2 for a table which identifies the nae of each highly confdential atthment contaning the analysis supporting initial shortlist price scores for each bid and the name of each confdential attchment containg the initial shortlist non-price score for each bid. The Company considers the economic analyses of RFP bids to be of utmost commercial sensitivity and highy confdentiaL. The models will be made available for review at the Company's offces; no copies can be made. Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 to discuss argements for review onsite, Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement. Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Link Mark Tallman -. PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 79 IPUC Production Data Request 79 Please provide copies of all sumar spreadsheets, scores and analysis used to evaluate price and non-price factors for development of the Final Shortlist for the 2008R RFP, It is not necessar to provide a copy of the IR PaR model, but Sta would like to see the results of the IR PaR anysis and the results of the ACC calculations for each of the five proposals on the Initial Shortlist. Please clearly identify the Forward Price Cure used for the analysis and state the date on which it was developed. Please provide the requested information in an electronic, executable format with formulas intact. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 79 Please refer to Confdential Attachment IPU C 79 -1 for a sumar of final shortlist results, Please refer to Confdential Atthment IPUC 79 -2 for a table which identifies the name of each highy confdential attchment containing the analysis supporting the final shortlist evaluation. The forward price cure used to develop project revenues for each bid under the next highest alternative cost of compliance method (the ACC method) was the March 31, 2008 forward price curve completed on March 31, 2008, The Company considers the economic analyses of RFP bids to be of utmost commercial sensitivity and highy confdentiaL. The models will be made available for review at the Company's offces; no copies can be made. Please contat Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 to discuss argements for review onsite. Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Lin Mark Tallman -, PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 80 IPUC Production Data Request 80 Please provide a copy of all reports prepared by the independent evaluator for the 2008R RFP, If an independent evaluator was not used, please explain why. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 80 The 2008R RFP did not use an independent evaluator. The 2008R RFP solicited resources for less than 100 megwatt therefore the procurement rues in Oregon and Uta did not apply. Recordholder: Sponsor: Stacey Kusters Mark Tallman -. PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 81 IPUC Production Data Request 81 Please provide a copy of the reguatory gudelines for resource procurement as stipulated by the Oregon and Uta Commssions, Response to IPUC Production Data Request 81 Please refer to Attchments IPUC 81 -1 and IPUC 81 -2, Recordholder: Sponsor: Stacey. Kusters Mark Tallman ~. PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power Augus 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 82 IPUC Production Data Request 82 Please provide monthy generation totas for the Three Buttes project from the commercial operation date of December 1, 2009 through the curent month, Response to IPUC Production Data Request 82 Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 82 for the requested information. Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding, Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Stefan Bird ~, PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 83 IPUC Production Data Request 83 Pleae separately identify and quatify all amounts paid for RECs associated with the Thee Buttes PP A. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 83 The Thee Buttes PP A contas a single contract price, The contract price is derined as follows in Section 1,1 of the agreement: "Contract Price" means the applicable price, expressed in $/MWfor Net Output, Green Tags and Capacity Rights stated in Section 5.1. The contract price is set fort in Exhibit 5.1 of the PP A, Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Production Data Request 84 for a copy of Exhbit 5,1. Recordholder: Sponsor: Paul Clements Stefan Bird ~, PAC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power Augut 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 84 IPUC Production Data Request 84 Please provide (in an electronic form only) all exhbits attched to the Thee ButtesPPA, Response to IPUC Production Data Request 84 Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 84, Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding, Recordholder: Spon~or: Paul Clements Stefan Bird ~. P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 85 IPUC Production Data Request 85 Please provide a copy of an evaluation manua or other document that describes how bids submitted in the Amended 2008R-l RFP were to be evaluated (if different than the manual used for the 2008R RFP). If no manual exists, pleae provide a description of all price and non-price scoring criteria including guidelines related to how scores were to be assigned and how project costs were to be computed. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 85 Please refer to the Attchment IPUC 85. Section 6 (pages 26-33) describes how bids were evaluated. Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Link Mark Tallman PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountai Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 86 IPUC Production Data Request 86 Please provide copies of all spreadsheets, scores and analysis used to evaluate price and non-price factors for development of the thee Initial Shortlists for the Amended 2008R-l RFP (for example, PacifiCorp's Strctung and Pricing RFP Model), Please provide a sumar of the results of the Initial Shortist evaluation, Please provide the requested information in an electronic, executable formt with formulas intact. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 86 Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 86 -1 for a sumar of initial shortlist results, Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 86 -2 for a table which identifies the nae of each highy confdential attachment containg the analysis supportng initial shortlist price scores for each bid and identifies the name of each confdential attchment contanig the initial shortlist non-price score for each bid, The Company considers the economic analyses ofRFP bids to be of utmost commercial sensitivity and highy confdentiaL. The models will be made available for review at the Company's offces; no copies can be made, Please contat Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 to discuss argements for review onsite. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Link Mark Tallman P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power Augut 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 87 IPUC Production Data Request 87 Please provide copies of all sumar spreadsheets, scores and analysis used to evaluate price and non-price factors for development of the Final Shortlist for the Amended 2008R-1 RFP. It is not necessar to provide a copy of the IR PaR model, but Sta would like to see the results of the IR PaR analysis and the results of the ACC calculations for each of the five proposals on the Initial Shortlist. Please clearly identify the Forward Price Cure used for the analysis and state the date on which it was developed. Please provide the reuested information in an electronic, executable format with formulas intact. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 87 Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 87 -1 for a sumar of final shortlist results. Please refer to Confdential Attachment IPUC 87 -2 for a table which identifies the name of each highy confdential attchment contanig the analysis supporting the fmal shortlist evaluation. The forward price cure used to develop project revenues for each bid under the next highest alternative cost of compliance method (the ACC method) was the Februar 27, 2009 forward price cure completed on Febru 27,2009, The Company considers the economic analyses ofRFP bids to be of utmost commercial sensitivity and highy confdential, The models will be made available for review at the Company's offces; no copies can be made, Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 to discuss arangements for review onsite. Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding, Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Lin Mark Tallman P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 6, 2010 ¡PUC Production Data Request 88 IPUc Production Data Request 88 Please provide (in an electronic form only) all exhibits in the Boston Pacific report of the Independent Evaluators in the 2008R-1 RFP, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 88 Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 88, Ths inormation is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding, Recordholder: Sponsor: Stacey Kusters Stefan Bird P AC-E-IO-07 /Rocky Mountain Power August 6,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 89 IPUC Production Data Request 89 Pleas provide a copy of any independent evaluator's report other than the Boston Pacific report prepared for the Oregon PUC, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 89 No independent evaluator report were prepared other than the Boston Pacific report prepared for the Oregon PUC. Recordholder: Sponsor: Staey Kusters Mark Tallman PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 90 IPUC Production Data Request 90 Please provide (in an electronic form only) all exhbits attached to the Top of the WorldPPA, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 90 Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 90, Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective ageement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Jim Schroeder Stefan Bird PAC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Reauest 91 ¡PUC Production Data Request 91 Please separately identify and quatify all amounts paid for RECs associated with the Top of the World PPA. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 91 The evaluation of Top of World PPA does not have a seperate amount paid for RECs, Recordholder: Sponsor: Stacey Kusters Stefan Bird l' P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 6,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 92 IPUc Production Data Request 92 It appear that all of the bids placed on the final shortlist had positive ACC and "Adjusted ACC" scores, Please explain why the Company stil decided to pursue the winng bid when its ACC score was positive, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 92 When compared to other bids, the Company owned project was one of the most favorable resources for customers on a least cost risk adjusted basis, Recordholder: Sponsor: Stacey Kusters / Rick Lin Mark Tallman P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 93 IPUc Production Data Request 93 Please provide a copy of an evaluation manua or other document that describes how bids submitted in the Amended 2008R-1 RFP were to be evaluated (if different th the manual used for the 2008R or 2008R-1 RFPs), If no manual exists, please provide a description of all price and non-price scoring criteria including guidelines related to how scores were to be assigned and how project costs were to be computed, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 93 Please refer to Attchment IPUC 93 (the Company assumes IPUC is askig for the manua for the 2009R RFP rather than the 2008R-l RFP requested). Section 6 (pages 20-27) describes how bids were evaluated, Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Lin Mark Tallman PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 94 IPUc Production Data Request 94 Please provide copies of all spreadsheets, scores and anysis used to evaluate price and non-price factors for development of the thee Initial Shortlists for the Amended 2009R RFP (for example, PacifiCorp's Strctung and Pricing RFP Model), Please provide a sumar of the results of the Intial Shortlist evaluation, Please provide the requested information in an electronic, executable format with formulas intact. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 94 Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 94 -1 for a sumar of intial shortlist results, Please refer to Confdential Attachment IPUC 94 -2 for a table which identifies the nae of each highy confdential attchment containg the analysis supporting intial shortlist price scores for each bid and a table which identifies the nae of each confdential attchment contang the initial shortlist non-price score for each bid, The Company considers the economic analyses of RFP bids to be of utmost commercial sensitivity and highly confdentiaL. The models will be made available for review at the Company's offces; no copies can be made, Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 to discuss arangements for review onsite, Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding, Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Lin Mark Tallman PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 95 IPUc Production Data Request 95 Please provide copies of all sumar spreadsheets, scores and anysis used to evaluate price and non-price factors for development of the Final Shortlist for the Amended 2009R RFP. It is not necessar to provide a copy of the IR PaR model, but Staff would like to see the results of the IR PaR analysis and the results of the ACC calculations for each of the five proposals on the Intial Shortlist. Please clearly identify the Forward Prce Cure used for the analysis and state the date on which it was develope, Please provide the requested information in an electronic, executable format with formulas intat. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 95 Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPU C 95 -1 for a sumar of final shortist results, Please refer to Confdential Attchment IPUC 95 -2 for a table which identifies the name of each highy confdential atthment contanig the analysis supporting the final shortlist evaluation. The forward price cure used to develop project revenues for each bid under the next highest alternative cost of compliance method (the ACC method) was the August 24, 2009 forward price cure completed on August 24, 2009. The Company considers the economic analyses of RFP bids to be of utmost commercial sensitivity and highy confdential, The models will be made available for review at the Company's offces; no copies can be made, Please contat Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 to discuss argements for review onsite. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agrement in ths proceeding, Recordholder: Sponsor: Rick Lin Mark Tallman PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power Augut 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 96 IPUC Production Data Request 96 Please explain why a Company Benchmark was prepared and evaluated in the 2009R RFP, but not in either the 2008R or 2008R-1 RFPs, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 96 The due date for proposals under RFP 2008R was March 31, 2008, At that time, the Company did not have a wid-powered generation resource at a development stage such that it met the benchmk requiements of the RFP. Likewise, a benchmark proposal would have had to be submitted in RFP 200SR-1 by December 8, 2008. At that time, the Company did not have a wid-powered generation resource at a development stage such that it met the benchmark requiements of the RFP. Recordholder: Sponsor: Mark Tallman Mark Tallman PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 97 IPUC Production Data Request 97 Please explain why it was a goal of the Company to select a mix of PP As and BOTs in each of the thee Initial Shortlists, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 97 The Company did not have a pre-determined goal to select resources with a PP A or BOT strctue. The evaluation of bids in the RFP process allows the Company to compare bids with either tye of strctue to establish the most favorable resource to customers on a least cost least risk adjusted basis, As such, the Company encourges a diverse range of bids (fuel, strctues, and counterparies) in the procurement process. Notwthstading any desire by the Company to receive a varety of bid structues, the market is the one that determines the mix of bids received, Recordholder: Sponsor: Stacey Kusters / Rick Link Mark Tallman PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 6,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 98 IPUC Production Data Request 98 Please explain why a Company-owned project was selected in the 2009R RFP instead of a PP A. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 98 When compared to other bids, the Company owned project was one of the most favorable resources for customers on a least cost risk adjusted basis. Recordholder: Sponsor: Stacey Kusters / Rick Link Mark Tallman PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power Augut 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 99 IPUC Production Data Request 99 Please provide (in an electronic form only) all exhbits in the Boston Pacific Final Closing Report of the Independent Evaluators in the 2009R RFP, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 99 Please refer to Confdential Atthment IPU C 99, Ths inormation is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in place in this proceeding, Recordholder: Sponsor: Stacey Kusters Mark Tallman P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 100 IPUC Production Data Request 100 Please provide a copy of any independent evaluator's report other th the Boston Pacific Benchmark Memo and the Boston Pacific Closing Report prepared for the Oregon PUC. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 100 Please refer to Confdential Attchments IPUC 100 -1, though IPUC 100 -3. Ths inormation is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agrement in ths proceeding, Recordholder: Sponsor: Stacey Kusters Mark Tallman . PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 101 IPUC Production Data Request 101 Please provide workpapers or other documentation showig how the estimated operation and maintenance costs of $2.4 millon for the Dunap I project were derived, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 101 Please refer to Attchment IPUC 101, Recordholder: Sponsor: Karl Mortensen Stefan Bird .. PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power Augut 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 102 IPUc Production Data Request 102 Please describe any safeguads or controls that have ben put in place to gud against the possibilty that the ultimate costs to constrct the Dunap 1 project will not exceed the costs assumed in the RFP bid evaluations, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 102 At the time of submitt into the RFP 2009R process, a large majority of the costs associated with the Dunap I project could reasonably be forecasted on the basis of then-curent contractul commtments or actu expenditues up until that tie, For example, propert costs were materially known and major equipment in the form of wind tubine generators, switch gear and the collector substation step-up transformer were subject to contrct. In addition, the balance of plant constrction costs was contractuly established at that point in time, Finally, prudent contingency was included in the estimate, In tota, at the time of submitt into the RFP 2009R process, approximately 95% of the Dunap I costs could reasonably be forecasted on the basis of contrctu commitments or actu spend to date, Recordholder: Sponsor: Mark Tallman Mark Tallman . .., -r PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 103 IPUC Production Data Request 103 It appear that all of the bids placed on the final shortlist had positive ACC and "Adjusted ACC" scores, Please explain why the Company stil decided to pursue the winning bid when its ACC score was positive. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 103 Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 92. Recordholder: Sponsor: Staey Kusters Mark Tallman .. PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power Augst 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 104 IPUc Production Data Request 104 For each ófthe wind resources discussed in the testimony of Mark Tallman, please describe in detal how the projects were identified and selected. Please discuss any RFPs that were issued and present the results of those RFPs, Please provide copies of all spreadheets or other analysis of both quatitative and qualitative factors, including economic analysis used to compare proposals, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 104 The Company developed each wid resource discussed in the testimony of Mark Tallman outside of a renewable request for proposa process. Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Requests 107 and ios for a description of the competitive procurement processes associated with each wind project. Recordholder: Sponsor: Mark Tallman Mark Tallman . . P AC-E-10-07 /Rocky Mounta Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 105 IPUC Production Data Request 105 Please describe how the Company decides whether to acquire new wind generation resources through PP As vs. though BOT arangements, In your answer, specifically address how the Company weighs the risks or owng and operating a project (e,g" online delays, generation shortfalls, equipment failurs, mechancal availability, etc,) against PPAs in which these types of risks are borne by the project owner, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 105 The Company has acquired new wid generation resources via the renewable resource for proposal process (RFP) via the build own trfer (BOT) and power purchase agreements (pP A) strctues. The Company compares all valid and compliant alternatives presented to it by bidders via its renewable resource RFPs; PP A, BOT or otherwse. The comparson metrcs are the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) as well as other non-price factors, The Company does not agree that the project owner under a PP A inerently bear the referenced risks, For example, no bidder is obligated to bid based on its costs, Bidders are free to bid whatever price they believe the Company will tract at. Therefore, a bidder is able to hedge whatever risks it bears by chaging a premium above cost or by requiring an internal rate of retu above their cost of capita, One risk the Company has quatified in recent renewable RFPs has been the risk to customers where the Company does not own the right to continue operating or repower the asset at cost at the end of its initial life (the "Termal Value"). Typically, in a PPA strctue, the Company is unable to receive the Termal Value right at cost, Under a BOT strctue, the Company holds the Terminal Value, The Company has thus quatified Termina Value associated with alternatives in its more recent renewable RFPs, Finally, thus far, the Company has been unable to receive contractu assurances associated with PP A generation levels or BOT generation levels, Recordholder: Sponsor: Mak Tallman Stefan Bird " P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 106 IPUc Production Data Request 106 Please describe how transmission costs are considered in the analysis of wind project proposals, For each wid project discussed by Company witnesses in this case, please state the transmission costs associated with the project and describe how each cost was determined, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 106 The Company's valuation of wind projects contan the expected dirctly assigned transmission interconnection costs associated with that paricular wind project. Costs associated with interconnection facilities classified as network facilties are not included in the analysis since their cost allocation between different tyes of transmission customers is determined by the Federal Regulatory Commssion (FERC), In addition, FERC determines applicable cost recovery methodologies based on transmission taiffs approved or determined by FERC, Recordholder: Sponsor: Mark Tallman / Stacey Kusters Mark Tallman / Stefan Bird 4., . PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 107 IPUC Production Data Request 107 Please discuss the procurement process for each of the following categories for wind projects owned and operated by the Company: A, materials and equipment (e.g., wid tubine generators, electrical generators, communcation and control facilties, substations, transformers, etc,) B, labor and professiona services (e,g" constrction contracts, engineering contracts, permitting contracts, etc,) C. operation and maintenance In your answers, please specifically address whether the procurement process is competitive, and discuss any specific practices or procedures tht help to ensure that materials, equipment, labor, professional servces, and operation and maitenace are procured for the lowest cost. Response to IPUc Production Data Request 107 The response below to IPUC 107 addresses the Seven Mile Hil, Glenrock, Rollng Hils, High Plai, McFadden Ridge I, Glenrock III and Seven Mile Hil II wid resources, A. Regarding wid tubine generators (WTGs), please refer to IPUC Data Request 108. Other than the WTGs and a backup generator for the operations/maintenance buildig at Seven Mile Hil, there were no other electrcal generators procured, Equipment and constrction services were competitively procured for the Seven Mile Hil, Glenrock, Rollng Hils and High Plains projects, The on-site equipment and constrction servces contractor utilzed for Seven Mile Hil, Glenrock and Rolling Hils was used for Glenrock III and Seven Mile Hil II on a sole source basis due to permitting restrctions and to gai cost effciencies. The on-site equipment and constrction services contractor utilzed for High Plains was utilzed for McFadden Ridge II on a sole source basis due to permitting restrctions and to gain cost effciencies, B. Please refer to A, above regarding constrction services. Engineerig labor and professional services for the projects referenced above were provided by vendors who had previously been established via a competitive procurement process or were otherwse identified as the preferred provider for the specific professional service(s) requied, C, Operation and maitenance services were acquied via competitive procurement processes, Recordholder: Sponsor: Mark Tallman Mark Tallman .. .. . PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountain Power Augut 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request ios IPUc Production Data Request 108 Please explain why all of the wind tubine generators for the wind resources discussed by Mark Tallman have been acquied from GE, Were bids obtained from other tubine manufactuers? Response to IPUc Production Data Request 108 The wind tubine generators (WTGs) associated with Seven Mile Hil and Rolling Hils were procured on a sole source basis due to limited market availabilty and the then-curent expected expiration of Federal production ta credits at the end of 2008, The WTGs associated with Glenrock were procured on a sole source basis due to limited market availability and the then-curent expected expiration of Federal production ta credits at the end of 2008, However, a bid was received from another tubine supplier who claimed availabilty, Because of limted market availability, it was determined to be a sole source procurement. The WTGs associated with High Plains, McFadden Ridge I, Glenrock II and Seven Mile Hil II were acquied via a competitive procurement process, Recordholder: Sponsor: Mark Tallma Mark Tallman It .. ,. P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power Augut 6, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 110 IPUC Production Data Request 110 For each of the wind resources, please compare the final cost of each project as booked for ratemakg purses to the costs tht were assumed for each project durng the evaluations that compared the projects to other alterntives. Please explain any instaces wherein the final project costs exceeded bid costs or other intial estimates, Response to IPUc Production Data Request 110 Please refer to Confdential Atthments IPUC 110 -1 and 110 -2 for a comparson of the amounts included in Docket PAC-E-1O-07 and the costs contaned in the individual project approval documents. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding, Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal/Mark Tallman Mark Tallman