HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100809PAC to IIPA 67-79.pdf~ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERA DIVSI OF PAACO RECE 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Utah 84111 20m AUG - 9 AMIOt 05 August 6, 2010 lDAJ-1C) UTtLlTiES Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & . BAILEY, CHATERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: il PAC-E-10-07 IIPA Data Request (67-79) Please find enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to lIP A Data Requests 67-79. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments IIPA 72 -(1-2), 73, 74 -(1-2), 75, 76, 77, and 78. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, Enclosure: C.c. Rady Budge/Monsanto Michal C. Creamer! Agrum Jea JewelllUC Anthony Yane i Ben Oto PAC-E-I0-07!Rocky Mountain Power August 6,2010 LIP A Data Request 67 LIP A Data Request 67 Given the levelized cost for the Residential direct load control program of $93 per kW that was found in the July 11,2007 Quantec report for Rocky Mountain Power and given the fact that the Company's IRP suggests a supply side resource cost that is well below this value, please explain the Company's reasons for continuing to offer the Residential Direct Load Control Program. Response to lIP A Data Request 67 The levelized market cost for the residential and small commercial air conditioner load control program that was assumed by Quantec in their July 11, 2007 report was for new resources at the time the report was produced ~ not the costs the company was incurring to operate its Utah system. The cost is not reflective of the levelized cost of Rocky Mountain Power's Cool Keeper program that was procured and implemented in 2003 under a 10 year pay-for-performance program strctue. The program is operated with the approval of the Public Service Commission of Utah and satisfies the cost effectiveness requirements established by that commission. Recordholder: Sponsor: Jeff Bumgarer To Be Determined ¡f ¡ I. PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 LIP A Data Request 68 IIPA Data Request 68 Based upon the Response to lIP A R~quest 1 e, the Irrigators take this to mean that the adjustments on page 10.13 through 10.18 on Exhibit 2 for jurisdictional allocations are not caried through to the class cost of service study in Exhibit 49. Is this meaninglinterpretation correct? Response to lIP A Data Request 68 The adjustments on page 10.13 though 10.18 on Exhibit 2 for jurisdictional allocations are not caried through to the .cass cost of service study in Exhibit 49. Please refer to IIPA Data Request 8 ~dMonsanto Data Request 5.4. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougall C. Craig Paice Steven R. McDougall C. Craig Paice 1:\ PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 LIP A Data Request 69 LIP A Data Request 69 Regarding the attachment to the Response to lIP A Request 2d, under tab "To Actual 2009" in row 4 are listed values for "ID RES 01". Please answer the following: a. Is the data in row 4 the result of the load research data? How is this data derived from the load research data (please specify all calculations and adjustments that are incorporated to take the raw load research data and produce the values listed on row 4)? b. Is this calendar data, biling data, or some other formtimeframe? If anything other than calendar data, please specify how it was derived. c. The data in row 5 is labeled as "Pricing Kwh". Is this calendar data, biling data, or some other formtimeframe? If anything other than biling data, please specify how it was derived. d. If the data on row 4 is based upon a different time frame than the data on row 5, do the adjustments in row 6 capture the difference is usage because of the different timeframes (calendar vs. biling) as well as any calibration that is needed to align the sample load research data with the usage data of the population? Response to lIP A Data Request 69 ç ! "1 a. The data in row 4 is derived from the load research sample. A veragelcustomer calculations of the hourly demands are first calculated at the individual stratum leveL. These strata averages are then weighted based on the population distrbutions specified in the sample design, and sumed to arive at averagelcustomer hourly demand estimates for the schedule. Finally, these averagelcustomer estimates are multiplied by the applicable monthly population to arive at estimates of total schedule demand for any hour of a given month. Suming these hourly load estimates for all hours in the month will provide an estimate of tota kWh for that sche4iiJe, f()r that month..' ;,1 I, \ b. Energy (kWh) estimates derived frôdi load research data are defined by strict calendar month boundares. c. The data in row 5 reflects biling data which has been adjusted for unbiled kWh, as well as other adjustment necessar to approximate calendar (vs. biling) month usage. d. The data in rows 5 and 6 are both cortsideted to represent calendar month usage. PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 lIP A Data Request 69 Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton' To Be Determined , \ ,L " P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power Augut 6, 2010 lIP A Data Request 70 lIP A Data Request 70 With respect to the other rate schedules listed on the Response to lIP A Request 2d, under tab "To _Actu 2009", would the response be the same as that contaed in 69 above. Response to lIP A Data Request 70 The response would be the same with two exceptions: a) The line labeled 'iD IRR A V' is based on load research data normalized of a 5 year time period; and b) The line labeled Contrct 1 is based on load research data normalized over a 3 year time period. All other rate schedules conform to the Company's response to iip A Data Request 69. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determed P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 6, 2010 lIPA Data Request 71 IIPA Data Request 71 Given the Response to IIP A Requests 2f and 16b, it is assumed that the values for the Irgation coincident peak loads found on Exhbit 49, tab 5, page 7 were derived by takng the 5- year average results (demand at time of system peaks) of the "actu" load research data and combinng ths with the actu load research energy usages to develop ratios tht are applied to the test year monthy energy usages in order to develop the peak values that are presented. If there is anyting wrong with these assumptions, please explain how the Irrgation coincident peak values are developed. Response to lIP A Data Request 71 The 5 year average is based upon a normalized year, rather th a simple averaging of the system peaks. Each of the contrbuting years (2005-2009) was adjusted to fit the 2009 day-of-the-week profie. For instace, June 1,2009 occured on a Monday. The closest corresponding Monday to June 1 in the 2005 data was June 6. So the 2005 data was shifted 5 days (+ 4 year) to align with the 2009 data In 2007, the closest corresponding Monday to June 1 was June 4, so the data was shifted 3 days (+ 2 year). Once ths alignent of all the contrbutig years was complete, the years are averaged together to obta a normalized, on-season representation for the irrgation class loads. At ths point in the processing, system peaks are selected based on the 2009 season and adjustments are made based on the process outlined in the body of ths request Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power August 6, 2010 LIP A Data Request 72 LIP A Data Request 72 Tab "id8760" to Attchment 8a to the Response to IIPA Request 8 contains hourly information by rate schedule. Please provide all supporting and/or interi data that was used to develop each of these values. We are seeking the entire dat thoughout the flow of the calculations that resulted in these values. Response to LIP A Data Request 72 Please refer to Attchment LIP A 72 -1, which contans sample customer data for Schedules 1,36,23,6 and 9. Irrgation sample customer data was included in Attachment lIP A 56. Sample customer data is not available for Street Lighting. Schedules. Please also refer to Attchment IIPA 72 -2, which shows the flow of calculations that resulted in the values show in Attchment 8a, tab "id8760". Below is an explantion of the flow of calculations shown in Atthment LIP A 72 -2. Tab "mv90avgs" shows the A veragelCustomer data resulting from the sample customer data. Tab "Customers-Actul" shows the Normalized Actu Monthy Customers used to expand the AveragelCustomer data by population. Tab "mv90pp" shows the results of expanding the A veragelCustomer data by population. Tab "kWh-Actu" shows the Normalized Actu Monthy kWh. Tab "ActdjFactors" shows the adjustment factor needed to ratio the Avere/Customer data expanded by population to tie to Normalized Actu Monthy kWh. Tab "ld8760Act" shows the resuts of adjustg A vere/cusmer data expanded by populaton to tie to Normalize Actu Monthy kWh. These results are referr to as "2009 Hourly Class Load". Tab "kWh-Forecast" shows Forca Monthy kWh. Tab "ForeAdjFactors" shows the adjusent factor needed to ratio the 2009 Hourly Clas Loads to tie to Foreas Monthy kWh. PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountan Power August 6, 2010 LIP A Data Request 72 Tab Id8760 shows the results of adjusting 2009 Hourly Class Loads to tie to Forecast Monthy kWh. These results are referred to as "Idao Class Loads Tied to Test Year 2010 Energy" and are shown in Attchment 8a. Note: The MV90 Load Research System used to calculate class averages and class loads does not save the individual customer data used to generate the class averages and class loads in a dedicated area. Only the class averages and class loads are saved. The individua customer data can be accessed by multiple paries, creating the possibilty of customer interval data being chaged or corrpted. It is therefore extremely dicult to go back in time and attempt to generate anew the class averages from the individua customer data Even roundig errors will prevent an exact calculation. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Determned PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 LIP A Data Request 73 LIP A Data Request 73 Please provide for each of the years 2000-2009 the value of the "SO" allocation factor that was assigned and/or calculated for Idaho in either rate case filings or other general filings made by the Company for any of its jurisdictions during that timeframe. Response to liP A Data Request 73 Please refer to Attachment LIP A 73. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steve McDougal Steve McDougal PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 LIP A Data Request 74 IIPA Data Request 74 With respect to the Company's response to lIP A Request 21 c, please supply the last 13 years of usage per customer data for Schedule 1 and Schedule 36 on a monthly basis. If available, please supply the data on a calendar as well as biling month basis. Response to IIPA Data Request 74 Calendar sales have not been calculated for Januar 2004 through Januar 2005. Also at the rate schedule level, the Company only has number of bils. The Company does not have recorded monthly number of bils or sales by rate schedule before January 2004. Please refer to Attachment lIPA 74 -1 for a copy of biling cycle Schedule 1 and Schedule 36 KWh/bil from Januar 2004 to June 2010. Please refer to Attachment lIPA 74 -2 for a copy of Schedule 1 and Schedule 36 KWhil adjusted to the calendar months of February 2005 to June 2010. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 LIP A Data Request 75 IIPA Data Request 75 With respect to the Company's response to lIPA Request 21d, please supply the same data on a monthly basis. Response to lIP A Data Request 75 Please refer to Attachment lIP A 75. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 LIP A Data Request 76 LIP A Data Request 76 With respect to the Company's response to IIPA Request 21f, please supply the last 13 years ofHDD and CDD data on a monthly basis. Response to lIP A Data Request 76 Please refer to Attachment LIP A 76. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 LIP A Data Request 77 LIP A Data Request 77 With respect to the Company's response to lIPA Request 21g, please supply the same data on a monthly basis. Response to lIP A Data Request 77 Please refer to Attachment lIP A 77. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAc-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 LIP A Data Request 78 IIPA.Data Request 78 With respect to the Company's response to lIPA Request 21h, please supply the same data on a monthly basis. Response to LIP A Data Request 78 Please refer to Attchment LIP A 78. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Eelkema Pete Eelkema PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power August 6, 2010 UP A Data Request 79 LIP A Data Request 79 Tab "id8760" to Attchment 8a to the Response to lIP A Request 8 indicates that the data listed is hourly demands by rate schedule "tied to test year 2010 energy". Does this mean that this data in this Response is based only on 2009 load research data and then ratioed up or down, depending upon the difference between 2010 monthly/anual energy levels? How does the fact that, according to the response to lIP A Request 2, multiple years of data have been utilzed to develop some allocation factors reconcile with this Response? Response to liP A Data Request 79 For all Schedules except 'ID IRR AV' and 'CUSTl_3YR', the data presented is based on 2009 load research data, ratioed up or down to reflect test year 2010 monthly energy levels. Both the 'ID IRR AV' and 'CUST1_3YR' estimates hav~ been normalized over a period of years, based on the historical load research data, before adjustment to test year 20 i 0 monthly energy levels. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton To Be Deteimined ..j '.\ \ ,.j r