HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100730PAC to IIPA 64.pdf., .,ROCKY MOUNTAIN ~ ~Y!~AQ~CORP cr("t=l'\c:i,Vi.-= 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Utah 84111 2UtnJUl 30 l\M 10: 20 July 29,2010 Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 RACIN, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, C~TERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: il PAC-E-1O-07 LIP A Data Request (54-66) Please fid enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's response to lIP A Data Request 64. If you have any questons, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, ieJ 0.acn/ ~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosure: C.c. Rady Budge/Monsanto Michael C. Creer/ Agrum Jea JewellUC Anthony Yanel Ben Otto P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 29,2010 LIP A Data Request 64 LIP A Data Request 64 The response to lIP A Request 25 contaied the 2008 report on the Irgation Load Mangement Program. On page 11 of tht report there is listed 192,542.4 kW of dispatchable program load that was interrpted on June 18, 2008. Please answer the followig: a. Is ths the actu kW of load that was reduced, or is it the potential load (depending upon if the load was actuly being served at the time)? b. If ths figue was the potential load, how does the Company calculate the actuestiated load tht was interrpted, and what would tht figue be in ths cas? c. Is the 192,542.4 figue based upon sale level, transmission level, or generation level? d. Please provide a generalized response to requests a, b, and c above for the data listed on pages 12-15. of the 2009 Load Management Report. Response to lIP A Data Request 64 a. Table 14 on page 11 references paricipating progr load as aggregated from Rocky Mountan Power's customer servce system for the month; it does not represent the load that was evaluated and presumed rung at the time of the June 18, 2008, dispatch event. Rocky Mountai Power does not maintan time-of- use meters on agrcultual pumping service customers in Idao. Accordigly there is no way for the Rocky Mountain Power to precisely know the loads tht were actuly rug at the time of dispatch except to estimate based on supervsory control and data acquisition (SCADA) data and geo-spatial positionig of load sites associated to tranmission substtion where the Company does maitan SCADA. It should also be noted that unike table 13 on page 11, table 14 adjusts table 13 data for grower opt-outs of a parcular event or the net parcipatig program load for the event. Here again, ths data is based on nominal values retreved from the Company's customer service system database which is populated by mete data and is not a reflection ofloads that were actuly rug at the tie of the dispatch event. b. Pleas see the response to lIP A 64 A above for a description of how the values listed for June 18, 2008 in the 2008 report were calculated. In the rate case, the Company ha calculated a test year level of curlment based on test year potential curilment and the monthy rao (for the thee month the program is in effect) of class usage at the tie of coincident peak to maximum class usae. Test year potential curlment is estite at approximately 229 MW at the sales leveL. Please se the line 23, page 9 and lies 1 to 3, page 10 of the testiony of Dr. Pete Eelkema for a description of the calculation. c. The value is a saes level meaurment. .PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 29, 2010 LIP A Data Request 64 d. All calculations are based on customer service system biling data or customer site metering. The answer in reference to the tables in the 2009 report would be identical to those ariculated above. Recordholder: Sponsor: Jeff Bumgarer / Peter C. Eelkema Peter C. Eelkema