HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100729PAC to IIPA 54-56, 59-63, etc.pdf~~OUAIN July 28, 2010 Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 RACIN, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, C~TERED PD. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idao 83204-1391 RE: ID PAC-E-10-07 LIP A Data Request (54-66) or,r.~l'.~-~. iaHl JUl29 AM 9: 2 t \ÐAtlC¡! ITII niCSu it-I i .-=. 201 South Mai. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Uth 84111 Please find enclosed Rocky Mountai Power's responses to IIPA Data Requests 54-56, 59-63, and 65-66. The remaig responses will be provided separately. Provided on the enclosed CD is Attchment LIP A 54. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD is Confdential Attchment LIP A 61. The Confdential Attchment is Confdential and is provided to paries tht have signed a protective order in ths docket. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J. Ud Ú/~/~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosure: C.c. Randy BudgelMonsanto Michael C. Creamer/ Agrum Jea JewelllUC Anthony Yanel Ben Ot P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 54 LIP A Data Request 54 With respect to lIP A Data Request 12, inormation was not requested by individua customer. Please provide the requested inormation on an aggregated or system basis. Response to lIP A Data Request 54 PacifiCorp has only two interrptible customers outside of Idaho. Providing the requested inormation on an aggregated or system basis does not protect customer specific inormation and canot be provided without the consent from US Magnesium and Nucor. Recordho1der: Sponsor: Peter C. Eelkema Peter C. Eelkema PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 55 LIP A Data Request 55 Regarding the data provided in response to LIP A Data Requests 33a and 33b, please provide the following: A. Wht level are the values listed at (Generation, Transmission, Sales, etc.)? B. Assumg tht these values were the actu levels served, pleas provide in electronic format the level of interrption and/or curlment that took place durng each hour. C. Is it possible to add all values for a given month and come up with the published monthly energy figues or does some adjusent need to be made? Please specify. Response to lIP A Data Request 55 A. The hourly values are listed at generation. B. Test year actul sales have not occured; therefore, the Company canot report the level of interrption and/or curlment that took place each hour. C. Adding up the hourly loads by month will yield the monthy loads (at the generator). Adding Demand Side Management back to the loads and subtracting line losses will yield the monthy saes level (at the customer meter). There are no adjustments other th Demand Side Manement and line losses. Recordholder: Sponsor: Peter C. Eelkema Peter C. Ee1kema P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountai Power July 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 56 LIP A Data Request 56 The response to lIP A Data Request 3 included sum data for Irgation customers which was a 5 year average for (presumably) the average customer. Please provide the actu load research inormation by sample customer for the Irgation class for each of these five years as wa provided for the other customer. classes as listed in the response to Request 3. Response to lIP A Data Request 56 Please refer to Attchment LIP A 56. Note: The MV90 Load Research System used to calculate class averages and class loads does not save the individual customer data used to generte the class averages and class loads in a dedicated area. Only the class averages and class loads are saved. The individua customer data can be accessed by multiple pares, creatig the possibilty of customer interval data being chaged or corrpted. It is therefore extemely diffcult to go back in time and attempt to generate anew the class averages from the individual customer data. Even rounding errors will prevent an exact calculation. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton C. Craig Paice PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 28,2010 IIPA Data Request 59 LIP A Data Request 59 Regarding the tab labeled "Adjfactors" in the Company's response to IIPA request 3, please explai how the following figues are calculated and/or what they represent: A. kWh sample B. Pricing kWh C. Fore. kWh Response to lIP A Data Request 59 A. kWh Sample refers to those estimates of kWh derived from the sample load data. The data is derived using exactly the same methodology as tht employed to derive demand estimates. On the referenced tab, these values can be found on the rows labeled il RES 01, ID RES 36, ID GS 06S, ID GS 23S and il IRR A V. B. Pricing kWh refers to actu biled energy afer adjustment for unbiled kWh and other adjustments necessar to convert ths data into approxiate calenda month blocks. C. Fore. kWh refers to energy estimates provided by the load and revenue forecastig deparent. These estimates reflect norm weather based on a 20-year average actu weather history. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton C. Crag Paice PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 60 lIP A Data Request 60 The response to lIP A Data Request 6 indicated that new strata boundares for the Irgation class were determed in 2008-2009. Please explain (if a new sample was not developed) which sample customers (by sample number or some other identification process) were associated with each of the previous four strata and which are now associated with each of the present three strata. Response to lIP A Data Request 60 A new irrgation sample was put in place prior to the 2008 irgation season. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott Thornton C. Craig Paice PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 61 LIP A Data Request 61 The response to lIP A Data Request 7 contaed by rate schedule the weather normalized chage in kWh usage and the price of those kWh. Please provide (a) the "normal weather" values, the difference from "normal" that had to be normalized, and (b) the equations and/or assumptions used to establish the prices used in that response. Response to lIP A Data Request 61 a. Different weather varables are used to weather normalize residential and commercial sales. Therefore, normal weather values will be different for residential and commercial classes. Please refer to Confdential Attachment lIP A 61 for the 2009 normal weather values and the 2009 deviation (normal minus actual) from normal weather. Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. b. The prices in the response were the actu energy prices from the Company's Idaho taf schedules in the historic period. There were no equations or assumptions used to establish the prices used in that response. Recordholder: Sponsor: Romita Biswas / James Zhang Wiliam R. Grffth .P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 62 LIP A Data Request 62 The response to lIP A Data Request 16a indicates that base year load measurements and estimates were adjusted to match test year energy. Does ths mean that a ratio is established between a given monthy demand figue for a given rate schedule and the monthy energy, and then that ratio is simply applied to the new test year energy level? Response to lIP A Data Request 62 Yes, using the following equation: xf --yf yb *xb Where:x = demand (kW) estimates by month y = energy (kWh) estimates by month f= test year b = base year Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice / Scott D. Thornton C. Crag Paice PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 28, 2010 IIPA Data Request 63 LIP A Data Request 63 The response to lIP A Data Request 16b indicates that the irrgation curlment is based upon a five year average. Please supply for each month the specific averages that went into makng up the five year average curilment that was used. Response to lIP A Data Request 63 As explained in the response to lIP A Data Request 16b, the impact of the load curlment program is reflected in the five year average data. The level of curlment is based on this five year average and does not represent any individua year or any specific curlment amounts. As such, the averages that.went into makng up the five year average curlment are embedded in the five year averge load research data which was provided in Attch LIP A Data Request 3 and are not separately available. Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice / Scott Thornton C. Craig Paice P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 65 LIP A Data Request 65 With respect to the Response to lIP A Request 38,. please answer the followig: A. With respect to tab "EstNCP's" of the spreasheet, at cell G27 the June 2009 value for the Irrgators is 349,732. Wht is meant by the NCP value, how was ths value derived, and how does it relate to the June values listed tabs "NCP1","NCP2", and "NCP3"? B. With respect to tab "EstNCP's" of the spreadheet, at cell G27 the June 2009 value for the Irrgators is 349,732. How is ths value for 2009 incorporated into the class cost of service study in ths case? C. With respect to tab "NCP3" of the spreadsheet, at cell G27 the June 2008 value for the Irgators is 454,766. How is ths value ultimately incorporated into the class cost of service study in ths case? D. With respect to tab "NCP3" of the spreadsheet, at cell G27 the June 2008 value for the Irrgators is 454,766. How is ths value derived/calculated? E. With respect to tab "NCP3" of the spreadsheet the 2008 values on line 27 for the Irgators totas 1,760,244. How does ths value relate to the values ofkW biling for 2008 for the Irgators of only 1,323,028 found in the Compay's response to lIP A Request 26? We are seekig a reconcilation of the vas difference in these two values. F. With respect to tab "RateSch" of the spreadsheet, at cell G27 the June 2009 value for the Irgators is 286,224. Wht is meat by ths schedule pea value, how was ths value derived, and how does it relate to the June. values listed tabs "RateSch1 ",."RateSch2", and "RateSch3"? G. With respet to tab "RateSch" of the spreadsheet, at cell G27 the June 2009 value for the Irgators is 286,224. How is ths value for 2009 incorporated into thè class cost of service study in ths case? H. With respect to tab "RateSch" of the spreasheet, at cell G27 the June 2009 value for the Irgators is 286,224. How is ths value derved/calculated? Response to lI A Data Request 65 A. Th value of 349,732 is the irgaon non-coincident pea value for June 2009. Ths value was este ba on a 3 yr. NCP/Schedule Pea ratio. The corrspndig values list on tabs ''NCP1'', ''NCP2'', and P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 65 ''NCP3'' are non-coincident values for the years 2006-2008 used in the 3 yr. ratio used to estimate 2009. B. The June 2009 non-coincident peak (NCP) for Schedule 10 is 349,732 at sales leveL. Ths value is adjusted to input level by applying a secondar loss factor of11.642% (please refer to Attachment IIPA 45) to equa 390,448 as shown in Exhbit No. 49, Tab 5, page 10, lines 17 and 23 and page 13, lines 21-22. C. The value of 454,766 is the June 2008 NCP for Schedule 10 (at sales) and is one of thee actu NCP values used to calculate the thee year average of 349,732 for the month of June 2009 (please refer to the response to item A. above). The response to item B. above describes how this value is incorporated in the cost of service study. D. Ths value was derived from the 2008 Irgation Sample. 2008 Irrg. Sample NCP A vg/Cust. Irrgation Population NCP Value95.7 X 4752 = 454,766 E. The value of 1,760,244 differs from the kW biling amount of 1,323,028 for the followig reasons: 1,760,244 = Sumation of 12 months 1,323,028 = Sumation of5 months 1,760,244 = Irgation Sample Derived 1,323,028 = Biling System Derived 1,760,244 = Based on Calendar Month 1,323,028 = Based on Biling Month F. The value of 286,224 is the irgation rate schedule peak value for June 2009. Ths value was derived by scang the irrgation hourly class loads, derived from the Irgation Sample, for that schedule's highest value for the month. The correspondig values listed on tabs "RA TESCH 1 ", "RATESCH2", and "RATESCH3" ar the rate schedule peak values for the years 2006-2008. G. The value of 286,224 is the June 2009 Rate Schedule Peak for Schedule 10 (at saes) which is multiplied by the thee year NCP to Rate Schedule Pea ratio of 1.221884 to derive the June 2009 NCP of 349,732 (please refer to the response to item A. above). The response to item B. above describes how ths value is incorpraed in the cost of service stuy. H. The value of 286,224 is the irgation rate schedule pea value for June 2009. Ths value was derived by scg the irrgation hourly class load, derived frm the Irgation Sample,. for tht schedule's highest value for the month. PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 65 Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice I Scott Thornton C. Craig Paice P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 66 LIP A Data Request 66 With respect to the Response to lIP A Request 40, par "c" asked for the time and date of each substations monthy peak. If ths inormation is available, please provide it. It ths information is not available, please so indicate. Response to lIP A Data Request 66 The requested information is not readily available and would be burdensome to collect. Ftecordholder: NI A Sponsor: NI A