HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100728PAC to Monsanto 5 (1-10).pdf. ~ROCKY M. OUNTAINPOERA DlVSIO OF PAIRCO iO J South Main,. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Uth 84111 Rf=("c:J.~.~t..:~-. 2810 JUl28 AM '0: 3' July 27, 2010 Randall C. Budge RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAlLEY, C~TERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idao 83204-1391 RE: ID PAC-E-1O-07 Monsanto Data Request Set 5 (1-10) Please fid enclosed Rocky Mounta Power's responses to Monsanto Data Requests 5.1 -5. 1 O. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments Monsanto 5.2, 5.5, and 5.8. Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Confdential Attchments Monsanto 5.1, 5.9, and 5.10. Confdential Attchments are Confdential and are provided to pares that have signed a protective order in ths docket. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely,J,Tu~~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosure: C.c: James R. Smith Richad Anderson George C. Carer, III Denns Peseau Gar R. Kajander Mauce Brubaker Bnan Collin Michal GormanKa Ivern Mark Widmer Michal C. Creer EncL. Olsen Jea Jewell Ben Oto / PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 27,2010 Monsanto Data Request 5.1 Monsanto Data Request 5.1 Provide monthy Monsanto actu kw coincident peak, mwh energy sales and revenues for the test year. Response to Monsanto Data Request 5.1 Please. refer to Confdential Attchment Monsanto 5.1. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Robert McCary To Be Determined PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 27,2010 Monsanto Data Request 5.2 Monsanto Data Request 5.2 Provide all monthy adjustments to actul kw peak and mwh sales amounts individualy, including normalization adjustments, interrption adjustments and any other adjustents used to derive adjusted, normalized monthy test year coincident kw peak and mwh energy loads used to develop cost allocators used in the "revised protocol" jurisdictional separation study. Response to Monsanto Data Request 5.2 Development of test year loads begins with forecasted 2010 peak and mwh sales, which is then adjusted for buy-thoughs, interrptions, and reductions not included in the forecast. Please refer to Attchment Monsanto 5.2. Recordholder: Sponsor: Bóan Dickman Steven R. McDougal P AC-E- 1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 27,2010 Monsanto Data Request 5.3 Monsanto Data Request 5.3 Provide individually all monthy adjustments to actul revenues used to determine adjusted, normalized revenues used in the jursdictiona separation study. Response to Monsanto Data Request 5.3 The Company does not prepare revenue adjustments on a monthy basis. Please refer to page 3.1.1 of Exhbit No.2, for a matrx outlinng all revenue adjustments to determine December, 2010 normalized revenue. For a more detaled matrx, please refer to Attchment Monsanto 5.5. Recordholder: Sponsor: Wiliäm R. Grffth Wiliam R. Grffth PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 27,2010 Monsanto Data Request 5.4 Monsanto Data Request 5.4 Provide all monthy adjustments to actu peak kw and mwli saes amounts individualy, including normalization adjustments, interrption adjustments and any other adjustments used to derive adjusted, normalized monthy test year kw coincident peak and mwh energy loads used to develop cost allocators used in the class cost of service study Response to Monsanto Data Request 5.4 The Company's response to lI A Data Request 15 explains adjustents to Monsanto's demand and energy data. The Company's responses to IIPA Data Requests 16(B) and 63 explain the level of load curlment for Schedule 10 customers. No adjustments were made to other customer class demand and energy data used in the cost of service study. Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice C. Craig Paice P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 27,2010 Monsanto Data Request 5.5 Monsanto Data Request 5.5 Provide individually all monthy adjustments to actul revenues used to determe adjusted, normalized revenues used in the class cost of servce study. Response to Monsanto Data Request 5.5 Pleae refer to Attchment Monsanto 5.5 for the anua.adjustments. These adjustments were not prepared on a monthy basis and are not readily available. Recordholder: Sponsor: Wiliam R. Grffth Willam R. Grffth PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 27,2010 Monsanto Data Request 5.6 Monsanto Data Request 5.6 Provide monthy Monsanto coincident peaks as included in the East Load line in Table 5.18, Chapter 5, page 91 ofPacifiCorp's 2008 IR. Ifmonthy peak are not available, provide the numbers anualy. Response to Monsanto Data Request 5.6 Monsanto monthy peaks are not available. The Company's hourly forecast, which is the basis of the forecast of coincident peak, is forecasted at the jursdictiona level; therefore, Monsanto's contrbution to the forecasted coincident peak canot be identified. Recordholder: Sponsor: Peter C: Eelkema Peter C. Eelkema PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountai Power July 27,2010 Monsanto Data Request 5.7 Monsanto Data Request 5.7 Provide monthly Monsanto interptions as included in the East Interrptible line in Table 5.18, Chapter 5, page 91 or PacifiCorp's 2008 IR. Response to Monsanto Data Request 5.7 For Monsanto, PacifiCorp assumed that 67 MW is available for interrption at the time of the system coincident peak hour for each year in the capacity load and resource balance. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Waren Peter C. Eelkema PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountai Power July 27, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 5.8 Monsanto Data Request 5.8 Provide in tabular format the monthly energy Resource, Obligation and Position amount used to develop Figues 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8, Chapter 5, pages 95-96 of PacifiCorp's 2008 IRP. Response to Monsanto Data Request 5.8 Please refer to Attchment Monsanto 5.8. Recordholder: Sponsor: Pete Waren To Be Determned P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 27,2010 Monsanto Data Request 5.10 Monsanto Data Request 5.10 Provide monthy Monsanto loads used to develop Figures 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8, Chapter 5, pages 95-96 ofPacifiCorp's 2008 IR. Response to Monsanto Data Request 5.10 Please refer to Confdential Attchment Monsanto 5.10. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Peter C, Eelkema Peter C. Eelkema