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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100713PAC to Monsanto 3 (1-41).pdf~ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DISION OF PAIFICORP RECE 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt lake City. Uth 84111 zim JilL l 3 AM 9= 22 July 12,2010 Randall C. Budge RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idao 83204-1391 RE: ID PAC-E-I0-07 Monsto Data Request Set 3 (1-41) Please fid enclosed Rocky Mountan Power's responses to Monsanto Data Requests 3.1-3.4, 3.7-3.13,3.18,3.24, and 3.29-3.41. The remaining responses wil be provided separately. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD are Confdential Attchments Monsanto 3.1, 3.4, 3.11, 3.24, and 3.35. Confdential Attchments are Confdential and are provided to paries that have signed a protective order in ths docket. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J.TiUW~ /~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure: C.c: James R. Smith Richard Anderson George C. Carer, III Denns Peseau Gareth R. Kajander Maurce Brubaker Brian Collns Michal Gorman Kath Iverson Mark Widmer Michal Stak Michal C. Creer Eric L. Olsen Jea Jewell Ben Ot PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.1 Monsanto Data Request 3.1 Please provide the Hermston fuel cost calculation for ths docket and Wyomig Docket No. 20000-352-ER-09. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.1 Please refer to Confdential Attchment Monsanto 3.1 for Hermston fuel cost in the curent proceeding. The same inormation in Confdential Attchment Monsanto 3.1 was also used in Wyoming Docket No. 20000-352-ER-09. Ths information is confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.2 Monsanto Data Request 3.2 Please provide the Hermiston purchase power price calculation from Wyoming Docket No. 20000-352-ER-09. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.2 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.5 for the information in the Wyoming docket. Specifically, please refer to tab "Hermston" in the NPC workbook. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.3 Monsanto Data Request 3.3 Please the reduction in APS Supplementa volume in ths case compared to Wyomig Docket No. 20000-352-ER-09. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.3 Assumg Monsanto requests the explantion of the reduction, the two cases have different base periods for the normalized volumes. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.4 Monsanto Data Request 3.4 Please provide the actul NPC report ($ and MWh) for the most recent period completed. Ths request is continuig and the updated NPC report should be provided when a new month of actu information is available. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.4 Please refer to Confdential Attchment Monsanto 3.4 for the actu 2010 NPC report through May. Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountai Power July 12, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.7 Monsanto Data Request 3.7 Please explain the reasons for the 24MW reduction in Dave Johnston's peak capacity and provide the supporting documentation. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.7 Assumng Monsanto is referrng to a comparson between Dave Johnston's peak capacity included in the curent proceeding and the capacity included in the Wyoming general rate case Docket No. 20000-352-ER-09, the Dave Johnston peak capacity is 14MW lower in the curent proceedig. The curent capacity excluded a tubine upgrade (l0MW tht has not occured as previously planed and the reduction in capacity (4.2MW) due to installation of the scrubber on Dave Johnton Unit 3. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.8 Monsanto Data Request 3.8 Please explain the reasons for the 6MW reduction in Jim Bridger's peak capacity and provide the supporting documentation. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.8 Assumg Monsanto is referrg to a comparson between Jim Bridger's peak capacity in the curent proceeding and the capacity included in the Wyoming general rate case Docket No. 20000-352-ER-09, the cUrent proceeding revised the impact of a tubine upgrade (from 9MW to 3. 7MW) and the reduction in capacity (2MW due to instalation of the scrubber on Jim Bridger Unit 1. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.9 Monsanto Data Request 3.9 Please provide a project breakdown of non-owned east and non-owned west wid generation included in the GRID wind integration calculation. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.9 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.12. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.10 Monsanto Data Request 3.10 Please provide the calculation and supporting workpapers for the Sunyside QF pnces. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.10 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.11. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.11 Monsanto Data Request 3.11 Please explai the drop in Blundell fuel prices from Wyomig Docket No. 20000- 352-ER-09 to ths docket and provide supporting workpapers. Response to lVonsanto Data Request 3.11 In 2008 PacifiCorp Energy began an expansion project of the Roosevelt Hot Sprigs Area (Blundell Steam Field). The project included the successfu drllng of one production well and one injection well. The project also included the tie-in of these new wells into the existing steam field for steam delivery to the Blundell Plant. The cost of these wells and the well integration project was forecasted for an in-service date of Janua 2010 and was included in the depreciation porton of the Blundell fuel price as modeled in Wyoming Docket No. 20000-352-ER-09. Since that time, the in-service date of the well integration project ha been moved to December 2010. Please refer to the supporting work papers in Confdential Attchment Monsanto 3.11. Ths inormation is confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths procedig. Recordholder: Sponsor: Brian Durng To Be Determed P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.12 Monsanto Data Request 3.12 Please provide the calculation and supporting workpapers for the gas physical included in GRI. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.12 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.10. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.13 Monsanto Data Request 3.13 Please provide the calculation and supporting workpapers for the Clay Basin Storage included in GRID. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.13 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.10. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.18 Monsanto Data Request 3.18 Please identify the transaction pull date for STF contracts included in GRID. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.18 The STF transactions were extracted on May 4, 2010. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.24 Monsanto Data Request 3.24 Please provide the same inormation requested in the prior request for the Dunap wind project. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.24 To the extent this request seeks all correspondence to management regarding the decision to enter the transaction, PacifiCorp objects to this request on the grounds that it is overly broad and unduly burdensome. Without waiving ths objection, please note that Dunap is a Company-owned facilty and therefore there is no agreement for it. The documentation that exists is associated with approvals for the capita expenditue and is provided as redacted Confdential Attchment Monsato 3.24. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Stacey Kusters Hui Shu PAC-E-IO-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.29 Monsanto Data Request 3.29 Please provide the calculation and supporting workpapers for the Grant Reasonable credit. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.29 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.10. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.30 Monsanto Data Request 3.30 Please explain the methodology used to calculate the Black Hils CT purhase contract and provide the calculation and supporting workpapers. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.30 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.72. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.31 Monsanto Data Request 3.31 Please provide the calculation and supportng workpapers for the Electric Swaps credit included in GRID. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.31 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.10. Recordholder: Sponsor: HuiShu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.32 Monsanto Data Request 3.32 Please provide the calculation and supporting workpapers for the STF Index trades included in GRID. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.32 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.10. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountai Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.33 Monsanto Data Request 3.33 Please provide calculation and support for 75% assumption utilzed on page 3.6.3 of the Green Tag revenue calculation. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.33 The Company considers the requested information to be of utmost commercial sensitivity and highly confdential. Please contact Ted Weston at 801-220-2963 to discuss arangements for review. Recordholder: Sponsor: Paul Johnon Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.34 Monsanto Data Request 3.34 Please provide support for assumption of $5.00 price for remaing available sold green tags utilzed on page 3.6.3 of the Green Tag revenue calculation. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.34 The $5.00 per MWH REC price is based on assumptions as explained in recent Company IRPs: 2007 IRP Discussion: Renewable Energy Credits - Renewable energy credits (RECs), also known as green tags, are certificates that represent the reporting rights for a quatity of energy generated from a specific resource. Markets have developed around buying and sellng RECs. Consumers desirg to encourge renewable resources may purchase RECs, sometimes matchig all or a portion of their electrc power usage. Utilities may also purchae RECs to satisfy mium renewable energy requirements established in some states. Since PacifiCorp's 2003 IRP, a value has been ascribed to the green tags generated by owned renewable energy projects. That value was estimated to be $5 per megawatt-hour of generation for the first five year of production (constat nomi dollars). PacifiCorp called a number of green tag suppliers to ascertn whether the market value of RECs had substatially changed from where it has been over the past few year. Despite the expectation that increasing stte mimum requirements for renewable generation would push market prices up, there was no clear indication that market prices ha gone up. The potential market impacts of state standads was discussed, but the consensus was tht the effect on market prices would be highy dependent on the specifcs of state requirements, and did not clearly indicate a specific direction for green tag prices. In light of ths, PacifiCorp has chosen to reta its REC value assumption of$5 per megawatt-hour for five year in const nomi dollars. 2008 IR Discussion: Renewable Energy CertficĂ tes - Absent either a RPS compliance obligation or an opportty to ban unbundled renewable energy certficate (RCs) for futu year RPS compliance, PacifiCorp has historically relied on an assumption tht a renewable project may generate $5 per megawatt-hour for five years from the sale of unbundled RECs. Unbundled REC sales have helped mitigate the near-term cost differential between new reewable resources and tradtiona generatig resources. However, once greenhouse gas emissions ar reguated surlus unbundled REC sales would cease. PacifiCorp assumes if an unbundled REC is sold, then the underlying power (aka "null" power) would likely have a carbon emissions rate imputed to it by regulatory autorities, thus obligating PacifiCorp to purchae either allowances or cabon offsets sucient to cover the imputed carbon P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountai Power July 12, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.34 emissions. By sellng an unbundled REC, PacifiCorp may generate revenue, but risks incurng a new carbon liabilty. Once greenhouse gases are reguated-and until the unbundled REC and carbon markets are reconciled-PacifiCorp plans to cease sellng unbundled RECs. Recordholder: Sponsor: Paul Johnon Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.35 Monsanto Data Request 3.35 Please provide calculation and support for non-wid 2010 vintage REC sales. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.35 Please refer to Confdential Attchment Monsanto 3.35. Ths inormation is confdential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in ths proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Paul Johnson / Brian Dickman Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountai Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.36 Monsanto Data Request 3.36 Please provide an update of the Green Tag revenue adjustment for tranactions completed as of June 30, 2010. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.36 There are no additional transactions completed as of June 30, 2010 that were not already included in the case. Recordholder: Sponsor: Paul Johnson Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.37 Monsanto Data Request 3.37 Please list all tyes of actions that the Company taes to balance it system for inter-hour wind integration, includig whether wholesale tranactions are STF or non-firm and ran them from highest to.lowest in terms of historical / expected volumetrc use. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.37 Actions taken to balance the system for inter-hour wind integration include the followig, in order of expected volumetrc use: . Hourly fi wholesale transactions . Re-dispatch of wholesale contrcts with hourly flexibilty . Re-dispatch of generation resources . Hourly non-fi wholesale trsactions . Wind curlment Recordholder: Sponsor: Greg Maxfield Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.38 Monsanto Data Request 3.38 Please provide a breakdown of the $6.50IMWh charge for wid integration by time periods and components that are available. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.38 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 2.20. The Company does not have fuer details. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.39 Monsanto Data Request 3.39 Please provide the Company's estimate of the amount of spinng reserves required to meet the intra-hour reserve requirement for wind generation included inGRI. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.39 The amount of sping reserve required in GRI is determned based on the NERC requiement that the Company needs to hold an amount of contigency reserve that equals 5% of wid generation, and half of that must be sping. In addition, the wid integration chage incorporates the additional intra-hour requiement to integrate the intermittent resource into the Company's portfolio. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.40 Monsanto Data Request 3.40 Has the Company performed any calculations of intra-hour wid integration costs using the GRID model? If yes, please provide the calculation, supportng workpapers and conclusions reached for each calculation. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.40 Yes. The Company has recently calculated the impact of modeling a higher reserve requirement of the wind facilties: addi 33% to the NERC required 5% reserve requirement. That is, the reserve requirements of the wid facilties are assumed to be 37% of the generation, and half of them spinng. The increases in net power costs which resulted from higher reserve requirements are comparble to the wid integration costs tht the Company used. By chagig ths one parameter, Monsanto should be able to perform the study. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-I0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 12,2010 Monsanto Data Request 3.41 Monsanto Data Request 3.41 Please provide a GRID model populated with the latest forecast inormation for 201 i, 2012 and 2013 so that Monsanto can evaluate the system value of Monsanto curlments and non-spin reserves. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.41 The Company objects to the request on the basis that the Company has not prepared such an analysis. The Company has provided the GRI model to Monsanto so they can perform their own anysis. The net power cost stdy in the curent proceeding includes the contract that was entered into in 2007 and is curently in effect for Monsanto curlment and non-spin reserves. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu