HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020903_250.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL DON HOWELL RANDY LOBB BEV BARKER GENE FADNESS RON LAW WORKING FILE FROM:CAROL COOPER DATE:AUGUST 29, 2002 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT OF DEIDRA PASQUARIELLO On July 26, 2002 the Commission received a "formal" complaint from Ms. Deidra Pasquariello against Idaho Power. Ms. Pasquariello is requesting than an alleged past-due amount of$573.37 be removed from her current account. The amount in dispute was transferred" from a prior account in the name of Charles P. and Dee Adams. BACKGROUND From August 20, 1999 to November 8, 2000, Idaho Power records indicate that Charles P. and Dee Adams had electric service at 612 Montomery Street in Idaho City, Idaho. A balance owing of $242 was left unpaid on that account when service was discontinued. On August 17 2001 , Charles P. Adams contacted Idaho Power asking for service at 6330 W. Ustick Road, Meridian, Idaho. Mr. Adams went alone to the Idaho Power office, provided his photo identification and paid the old bill of $242 prior to receiving service. He also provided social security numbers for both he and an individual purported to be Dee Adams. There were two meters at the Ustick location, one residential and one small general service. Both accounts were set up under the names Charles P. and Dee Adams and service was connected on August 2001. The accounts closed on March 7 2002 with balances of$573.37 owing on the residential meter and $13 9.75 owing on the small general service meter. DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 28 , 2002 On March 19 2002, Deidra Pasquariello established service in her name at 252 Meridian Road, Kuna, Idaho. A credit check performed by Idaho Power found the Social Security number for Deidra Pasquariello was an exact match with the number provided by Mr. Adams for Dee Adams. Idaho Power mailed a transfer letter to Deidra Pasquariello and on May 13 , 2002 the $573.37 was transferred to her active account. On June 11 2002, Deidra Pasquariello contacted the Consumer Assistance Staff disputing the transfer because she is not and has never been "Dee Adams . She states she was never married to Charles P. Adams, nor did she ever give permission for him to add her name as a responsible party for paying the power bills. She admits she was residing at the household at 6330 W. Ustick Road, but argues she should not be held responsible for payment because the bill should have been listed solely in the name of Charles P. Adams. She said that she paid her portion of the monthly electric bill to Mr. Adams. She was unable to provide to the Staff any documentation of these payments to Mr. Adams. She did not contact Idaho Power to accept responsibility for payment on that account. She states she is not legally obligated to pay the bills for Mr. Adams, since they were never married. Mr. Adams was living at 252 Meridian Road Kuna, Idaho at the time service was initiated there. However, he recently indicated to the Staff that he has moved, but did not indicate where he was currently living. STAFF ANALYSIS 01. Utility Customer Relations Rule 206 Transfer of Bills-Residential Customers states: Customer Defined. For purposes of this rule , " customer" means a customer whose name appears on the utility s regular bill for residential service or who signed a written application for service or other document informing the customer that he or she was assuming an obligation for payment for service. 02.Customer s Responsibility. A customer shall not be held responsible for payment of an amount owed by any person who resides at the customer s premises or is a member of the customer s household, but whose name does not appear on the current bill or application for service, unless The customer expressly accepts responsibility for payment of the other person s bill, or The customer has a legal obligation to pay the other person s bill. DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 28, 2002 Idaho Power is not prohibited from taking orders for service over the telephone. Idaho Power indicates that Mr. Adams put power on in both names, claiming they were married. When both social security numbers were provided, Idaho Power had no reason to doubt the validity, and processed the order. Monthly bills were mailed to Charles P. and Dee Adams in Idaho City and 6330 W. Ustick (copies attached). Neither Mr. Adams nor Deidra Pasquariello, disputed responsibility for the Idaho City bill. The Company was not contacted by either party to request a change of responsibility. The parties have attempted to reach an agreement informally and have been unable to do so. Given this impasse, Staff recommends that a summons be issued requiring Idaho Power to answer the complaint. COMMISSION DECISION The Commission s procedural Rule 24 allows a disgruntled party to formally file a complaint. IDAPA Should the Commission issue a summons to Idaho Power? How does the Commission wish to proceed? C/J!l~ (!~) Carol Cooper i:udmemos/Pasquariello dm DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 28 , 2002 07/25/2002 17: 35 FAX 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER I4J 002 -- ~'-~~.~--- :. - :~~:_~~:&- 3~. ~ () ~._------_..-... """"'-'------___n-."" ----..-.----.. ......-. --"'-"------...... ......--...----- ---... ...O'O' O'-- \_~ ..0___' FAX 208 388 643007/25/2002 17:35 IDAHO POWER 141003 07/25/2002 17:36 FAX 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER 141 004 - ''-------_.._--~~-_..-'-"-', '-- ,--- "'.,,--'-''-' --.~,-,- ,~-'n __,,'._._---, -,----_._-- ~---,-- -."'.."-' ---,-..,".' ,,_n_.._...---- ,--- -~---._',--- 07/25/2002 17: 35 FAX 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER 141001 Post-it"' Fax Note 7671To C, ,"3'"CO'/Cept P LA.. PhOM # - O'!te Fax# 33L (- 'i O!.( ~i-....:::- .. _on_- -- ..", ,'" ..".-.,..~:"-,-" -----,,'--,.. ' --,..~ .. ~,""~" .,",,'' ,",.. 08/29/2002 06: 55 FAX 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER 141001 Account Number: 5884693403 Previous Account Number: 3579151249 Questions? Call us at 388-2323 (Boise area) or 1-800-488-6151. Page 1 of 2 May 13, 2002 DEIDRA P ASQU ARIELLO 252 N KUNA MERIDIAN RD KUNA ill 83634-1302 Post-it" Fax Note . 7671 From pee) Phone # '-1 gz-8"'-:)2) vC; Fax # 3?g-- --- ~ TRANSFER FROM PREVIOUS ACCOUNT TO CURRENT ACCOUNT Our records indicate that you are a responsible party for a bill in the amount 0$573.37. This is for service at6330 W USTICK RD/MERIDIAN, IDthrough the time period ofO3/07/2002 under the name of CHARLES P ADAMs. This amount will be transferred to your current account if Idaho Power Company has not been contacted before OS/23/2002. Payment arrangements may be available upon request. If you have a question or comment concerning this transfer, please call 388-2323 (Treasure Valley) or 800-488-6151. If you are not satisfied with the company s handling of this transfer you may contact the PublicUtilities Commission. Account Number:5884693403 DEIDRA PASQUARIELLO 252 N KUNA MERIDIAN RD KUNA ID 83634-1302 Idaho Power O. Box 30 Boise, ID 83721 1I1I1'1I 11t1,"III IIIIIII'II IIIIII.II.IIIIIIII/.1I1I1I1 1/1 1/ 1111111/ 1I1I1I1I 1I1I1..IIII III.II.IIIIIII It/III /II II. Check the box for address or phone corrections. and print corrections on reverse side. 588469340350000891490000000000000573370513 0 -r-:, "" . '" r- - I --I.....L. 07/25/2002 17: 38 FAX 208 388 6430. , IDAHO POWER I4J 010 U" J _ \, LEASE..REr ~L A RRE~MENT A~D DEPOSIT fEIPT RECEIVED FlioM~~Jl.\1~ro.JlQ.d._._~cirQ t'-Ct ~fJ.t1 Q yo' \ e..lltL.....__.- ---.--'---'--"'-'--'- -'-""-"'--'-""--'-""'--.----.---.--- ..._ hereinafter referred 10 as Tenant the sum at S-_.._--_........._-~-~-L-__.__._....._-_.._..._..._.._-_....---....-.---...---.-.--- ...__........-____DOLLARS: evidenced by "--------' ;""'--"""--"--" ___.__m._u..__-.---. as a d!lllosit which, Upon aCl:tplan~ of this rental agreement, the Owne, of the preMises, hereinafler referredta as Owner, shall apply said dtposit as fllilows: PAYABLE PRIOR TO OCCUPANC'f Rent for the period fram__ _..._,------. to ~.......__.,_......._...- --- $ $--....-.-.-..---. last----.-.........-.............-.-.- month's rent " $-..---..... ,$. ._.._._---~-. Security deposit " '-"..................".........,-., $----..--.--------- $..-----.-..--.-.... . Other ...........,..... ..,...................................,............ $~-_...._._---- $-........--...-...-..-. :\. TOTAL " .,."...,..................."......... $-~-,..............__...,_._.... $.....-..........--...........----. In the event that tills agreemeri(is not accepted by the .owner or his ~uthoriZe~ agent. withln. ji-; __._.- days. the total deposit deived shal~ be refunded stat :~ICe~.. :ff :cr~:e :~ f:1:~3~. ~~;.~ r~m ~t~\(. fid ~f .~r-1 _.., ~ns~~n of ~_~ck~=~'c~t0i\c:US.e._ , upo~ the following TERMS and CONDITIONS, 1\ :r 01'\ S ~ ~ C- e. ~ fERM:T11e terM hereof shall cwance on ... y'Cll.J ~--r...--L..:..__ ~._...._--~..__._.. --#U~ and continue ld1eck one at the Iwo foliowini',alternatlllesJ ~ntil ._Q.uQ.u...sT_...L____ ~ - -r 0 on a mo"th.to.~;b-3sis thllreafter, until either party shall te.rminate the same by giving the Dther party l~~.- days written ,notice delivered by certified mail ,provided that Tenant a~!s not tD terminate prior to th!l !lxpiralfon of ....._oo__id.- a'onths. ,, RENT~ Rent shilll be ..L\:t~ :-"~""""" :l'i.....per month. PDyab~e in adviince fonrlhe"" ...;.._~"""' :.-......m, ~", day of ,each, calendar month'ner Or " fll$ authorized agent, at lIie foltowlng address: Ulc.Lt\e...H..CJ..t::.t::l..S.t:I(\.._,h..AJ..._~r:k.....g,,\.J._-,~o...Qj~.J:.drt.btL....t3..lD)J.:Q.._...._,..-. or at such other p/aees. 3s m2Y be d!lsignated by Owner from til'l1e 10' time. In the' eve"t rent is not lIald within fivA 15) dti~ after clue date. Tenant all're!s to' pay a late eharge of $la.oo plus'interest at 10% lIer annum on ' the deHnquant ~mount. Tenant ~gree.s further tc pay $5;00 for esdi' dishonored bank check. ' :' '' . ULTIPLE, OCCUPANCY: It Is elpressly understood that this agreement'!s between Ihe Owner and each signatory individually, and severally: In the eVent at default by anyone signatory ~ach and every remaln!ng .ignatory,shaU, be resllon~i~~e for timely payment of rent and all~ther proViS~On5~!~h!pgreem!'\l" , ~ '.' ' U:t:I'LITI~S: Te",!nt-J!~, responSIble tor the payment ot all utilities ,and serVIces, ex~lIt: ..~._...te..~e.r_~D.Q;_~~C:;r...,-,-----... ............._-, whlcl1.ShaJ1--be g,lIdo'bYQWner. ' , ' U!~: T!le premises shall be used as a rAsidence b'(the undersigr;ed" Tenants with no morA than O'-.-.---..cL..-..-..--.... adults and, .-..- :'...-.: "" :_m -.----......... childrenlin~ for no other purpose. without the prior written COI.1Sent of the Owner. a~cupancy by gUl!Sts.' staying over 15 days will be considered'to be in',"olation Jf this provisionPETS: No pets 5ltall be brought on the premises without the prior wrrtten c:anSent of tha Owner. , "" '.. : " . ," .." ' HOUSE RULES: In the event that the premi$es are a portion of a bulldint contairaing mare Iharaene unit, Tenant ar,ees to abide by' any and, all, h..I~!I ru:le~; whether oromulgirted before or after the execution hereof. including, but not limited ta. rules with raspect to noise, odors, dls"osal of refuse, pels. parking, and tI~~ ct'-common ar~a$,Tenant's""" not have a wiltetbed on Iha Dremius without prior wrilt~n COII~"t(lf!he Ih'Inar, " '- " ORDINAMCiS ,l.ND STATUT!S: ~e~ant shall comply with all shitute~; ordinances:and reQuirements of' all munlclPa~ state and fedi:ralauthorib"s' now,jn"torcr. orwhich may hereafler be In for~e, pertalnlne' la the use of the ptemlses'1e,nt1nt-!'.. mf;).\n.o\-Q., f\ ~\\ ,. e.f\c..\ ncLl.'"n"lrt ,-rc:.'~a.\'("S ' ,ASSIGNMENT AND . SUULEitING: Tenant shall not as:i~n -this agreement or su!iTet any portion of t~e premises wlthQUt prIer wrItten \oMe~af the dwn/!r .vhiCfi may'not be unreasonably wlthheld.T~nQ.o\-~ Q.c.t.e.\~ t=!rem;. "5t.~ CLt'\Q ~Lt\-~u, \d \ r\ci..~ (\ ~... -r~ MAINTOIANc:E, REPAIRS QIt ALTERATIONS: Tenant acknowledres that the premises are in goOd order and relillr, unle$Sofn~"1iiihcatl!d, herein. Owner-mayat. any: time' efve Tenant I written ir.ventory of furniture and fumishinrs on the premises and Tenant shall lie deemed to have possession' 1'1,1: alLsaid furnlturll and furnIsh.ings in ,good condition and, repair, unless hI! objects thereto' iB writine' within fille days after receIpt of such Inventory. Tenant shall. at his own' expen5e. an:J at all times./IIaItltaln the' ptemiS!ls' in 3 clean and sanitary manner inciUdinE' aU equipmltnl'appliances, furniture and furnishings therein a~d shall 'surrender 1he Silm!, at'terminationhereof, il'l as goad', CIInllltlon as:~ceivlld, normal wear and tear, excePted. Tenant s/lall be responsible fot damalle~,aused ,by hisnegligance and'that ot"his, family orinvitees and gusts. Tenanl shlilfnClt palM, paper ar otherwIse redecorate or make at teralions to the premises without the prior written con~ent at tlte Owper. Tenant shall'rrhrate al'ld maintain any surrOundjn ~ gtcu:1ds, IBdllding lawns and sl1fubbery . and ~eep !he, same clear of rubbish or weeds if such IIrounds are, II part ot the premises ;~~~~ ~~~$ ~~~;~ c:~~o~~ ~e~~~t :~:~~~~d;7 rn9g~Q~ ~~~~~e~tt'~as~~~I:'e9 fnJ Qo~\t;a~t'ab~ ~~~~r~~!;xsr'o~lIIaking necessary or convenient repairs, ,or to show the premises to prospective telllnts, purchasers, or mortgage!lS.I~NIFICATIO": Owner shall itO! be liable for any damilge ar iniury to Tenant, or any ather person. or to anv property, occurring o~ the premises. 01 al'ly partther!Of. or In common areas thueof. unless such damal/e is the proximate result of the negligence or unlawful act of Owntr, his agenls, Or hIs employees. Te"ant agrees::: to hold Owner harmless from any claims for damages no matter how caused. except for iniuljI or damales for which Owner is lelally respDnsible.POSSESSION: If Owner is unabl!! to deli"er Oos5ession of the prel1lises at the commencement hereof, Owner shall not be liable ror any damage caused thereby, norshall this agreement be void or ,lIoidable. ~ul Tenant shall not be liable for any rent until possession is delivered. Tenant may terminate this acreemen! if possession is not derrvered withi" ....-..._..........;3.._--__..............-.. days of thl! commencement of the !erm hereof, DEFAULT: If Tenant shall fall to pay rent when due, or perform any term hereof. after not less than thr~e (3) days written notice of suctl default given In the mannerrequfred by law. thA Owner, at his option. may terminate all rights of Tenan! hereunder, ullles$ Tenant. wIthin said time. shall cure such default If Tenant abandons ar\lat:ates the property. while ill default at I~e payment at rent OVlner may cDllsider any properly Il!ft on the premises to hI! abandoned al1d may dispose of the same inany manner allowed by law. In the even! the Owner reasonably believes that .such abandoned property has no value, it may lie discarded. AU property on the premises i~hereby subject to a lien in favor ot Owner for the payment of all sums due hereunder, tQ thll maximum extent allowed by law,In the event of a default by Tenant Owner may elect 10 lal continue the lease in effect and Itnlorce all hIs rights and remedies hereunder. including the right to recoverthe re~t as it be~mes due, or (bl ".1 any time. terminate all of Tenant'$ ri~hts hereunder and recover !ro~ Tenilf1t all da!"al/es ha may In~ur ~y ree.son, of the breilcn ot t~e leis!. Inctudlll~ the cost of recoveflni the premise~, and including the worth at the time of such temllnatlon, or at the time of an award rf SUit be II1stltuted to enforce. thl$provision of the amount by which Ihe unpaid rent for the balance of the term exceeds the amount of sueh renblloss which the tenant proves could be reilsDnablyavOided. SECURITY~ T~e security cle~asit set forth abolle. it any, shall secure the performance of Tllnan!'s obliplions hereunder. Owner may, but shall nol be obligated to. apply all or 'portions of said deposit on account Df Tenant's obligations hereunder. A"y billance remai"ing upon t~rminatjol1 shall lie returned to Tenanl. Tenant ~all not Mve the right ~o apply the Security Deposit in payment of the lasl month's rent,DEpOSIT REfUNbS; The balance of all deposits shall be refunded within two w!leks from date possession is delivered to Owner Or his Authorized Ag!lnt, together witha statement showing any charges made against such deposits by Ownil!r.ATTORNEYS FEES: In any legal action brought by either party 10 enforce the terms her~af or relating 10 the demised premises, the prevailing party shall be entitled10 ilil casts incurred in conl1ection wllh such action. including a reasonable attorney s fee. WAiVeR: No failure of Owller 10 enforce any term hueD! shall be deemed a waiHr, nor shall any acceptanc:e of a partial payment of rent be deemed' a waiver afOwners right ta the full amount thereof.~OTlctS: A"y notice whith"either party mayor is rtQulred to give, rnay b~ given by ,mailing the same, po~~age prepaid. to Tenanl at the premises or to Owner at theaddress shown baJow or at such other places as milY be designated by the parties from, time to time.HOLDING OYEIt: Any holding ' Over after e~oiril\ion ~ereaf. with the consent of Owner. sh~1I be construed as a month.ta.month tenancy in accordance with the lerms ,hereof, a~ agpliQblS. until either p~rly ~all !ermll'lUe the same by givin( the otoer party 30 daY$ written notice ,delivered by certit!~d mall. :~~~.:..~~~ .: ~_ I~:.:SS~~:~ o!_t~!~ :!:~e~~,;t.Te.\\o..n-t~ ~"'o.\\ ~cfie '('Q.f\d-N\C,( rrta. t 1"\ \Ch~" ~ Q.t\d 5\Jw'C'~~~'f'~h f'\ 07/~5/~O02 17:39 F~1 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER 141011" "~l- : LEASE-RENTAL AGREEMENT AND DEPOSIT t\...CeIPT RECEIVED fROM.2.9..t..."QdQO::ls..,.. ~~. Cl \. \. ~~)..jj. e.id..CL~.':l.~~~..&...\lD.,_.___.__..._-,_._..._. -,-. ------..-.-_ou...........herelnafter referred to as Tenant. ""--'- :"r\ ~;"-"-"-"'- a:.:j;~" ;;;- .I. Ci;-,~:~:;iij ~t..\-,,- ,..,.._-,,_._----_..__._-_.,-,-,.__._- COLLARSJe ~~ 'm'_-- :..I~I,....._-._- ~.._......~),.._ 't.. ..... i:1J..~. -..... ;,' evidencea by O'.........--....-.............. '.. bec..lc_:::J.5.J.5.-..,. as a dspaslt 'l'fhlch, upon acceptance 01 tills rental 311reement, the Owner of the premises, hereinafter referred'to as Owner. shall apply said deposit as (allows~ RECEIVED PAYABLE PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY R~nt tor th! peria4 ftom...lJJ.Q,c.LhJ.. ~~~.\.... to ..c\.iJ...._L~.~D-L_. $__. J5~"..m.....- $--- -=-..~....................... Last ................-....."..--_mO'.""""---'-'" month's :ant..,.,.,.." .,.,.............""" $._...._--~.....__._....~_. $---...........-......--......-....-.-... Security a!posit ...." ........,.,.,..,..,....,..."....,..,""'"...,.... $-_.._.._.."_..~_......_-~. $-.-.-.................-............... ~~~:r L . ::::: ::: :::: :::::: :::::~ ::~::: :::::: :::::::::: :::: ::::::::: ::: :::: ::: :=~cs:(S: ~:=~::~ ;:=~:=:=:=:~~~~=::::==::: In rIle event that Ihi, a;reement j, "at IGcepled by- thl O~n~r 01 /lis .lIthoriud aiel'll within -::;'T'- . --""-- '-'" da~$. Ihl total dlpasJ!.lreceived shal~ be refunded. Tenanl h~eoy offers 10 rent frtmt t~ the premlm .i',ua\ed In 1I!eplIY af . 1)')..e.:L.L. Cl.~-".., C4un~ of ..-Q.uSl..-_.-..-......-...., ~tate of..I.\.J,....... described 'as ....J.J...~. . ~~, ~'ti_t.\L._ji(L___- ... .., COl\slsUnl of .-:Lm.r..ri.)._.Lb~-!:.b_-h~\15.e.,_....... upon the (oilowini TERMS and CONDITIONS: . ' ",(\:)' C\ c.:...,~ e. ':;) \\\f". ~r' ' \ TERM: Tne term hereof shall COmmence on....._......... ~.._\"'. . ........),..,.....__..._--_...."_...~~\.. and continue rcheck one of tile !wa follawing all~rnatiYesl; ~tlf ._D:\.Cu,-:th...J___..~. t"- O on a month.to.month basis lhernfler. until eill'ler party shillterminah Ihe um! by (ivlnr the other, party .... ~_., days .wrlllen nCilice d.liver~d by, ca,\ili!d l1I~il provided that T enant agre~AO.t....to t ~f~r.at~ prior to the upiratian o f ....__-1~~---:-. ma ~. ' " ' , ' .".. ' ' iENT: R~nt shall be $.._.......... ~~\j,~....--. ;-_..._.., II!! mon~h. payable In a ~~ce. upon the ~- :-.---":---- ~"" day 91 each, calendar 1'10~JlL.ta Own~r or ills alJthomed al!nt. at the follawlnl iddee5S: .._.._....):J~Qule..J\C1..L~...L&a..\.~_.ful...~L"._Q..d..~._:t..(l~\e...1..d....~kl~ ot at such alher places as may be dtsignilll!d b~ Owner (ram lirne to time. In tll, ev~l1t relit is not lIild,wilhln five (51. dlys a.ft.r, due date Jenanl urus t'ci pay a 1118 .;IIarge of $10.00 plus inlerest at 10% pee annum on the aelinqllent amaunt. Tenillt agrees further to pay $5,00 for, each IIi $honored banlt "'eck. .. ' j,I,ULTll'LE OI;C:UPANCY: It Is ullres~ly understood that this agree~ef\llsbelween tlla Owner and each si!tnatory fndividUally :ind sevually. In the event of default IJpl1Y OilS signatary each and every' remain!ni sil!nalory shall be responsible for timely payment al rer't aQ!.l iU other pt!vjSi!!'1 o( this \greem!pl. ' , , , UTILITIES: Tenant shill be responSible lor lhe paymen! 01 all uUlllIes and services, nc:ept: , ~_._.. i:lt..e._ \..,~'- .hJ.~t..e..x._-_.__...__..... ....,.............."'.." \~,icllshallbel!aidbyOwl1er, . USE: The ~remi~es shall be. used as a r.e$id!l~ce by tile undersigned, Tenanls wil~ no mare thiln ..._n """'" .-. .2......... adlllt~ H'L....... ,..-"",'""" :.......... . :. chlld~an and for no other pl)rpose. wltl1aut the poor Io/rttlen con~~nl of tile Owner. OcCllpan~1 by l\Ie~ls stayine 0 I 5 dn$ will be consIdered to be HI vIolation af :nls IHQ\/lUon PETS: No pets .nall be Drouill! on the premises without the prior written callse"t or IIIe Ownef. : ' I-ipUS~ jt,U1.E.$; in ihe event Illa,!llIe pr,'mises ate a pcrtian of buildllli ~or.laininr more,liun one, unit. Tellant agrees to abldi 01 any, and all house rules. whether orQmuigai~a bejole or aiter 1he e.ecutiol' lIer~a/. il!cilldlng-. but nllt lill1ile,1 (0. rules yjn~ respect ir.. noise, adiir;, disposAl c! lefuu, ~::t:i. ilir~;,~. iir,y use r..: tomi,1cr, art"s. (enal'll shall no! have a waterbed an the !'femises .without grief writ:!:! consent or the Owner " , , ORCltJAHCES ,AND STATUTESr T!nant sllall comply with all st3tullS;'crcl~nfn'Gs and tequiremerts 01 aU munici~al. slate anoJ fedelal authorities now (n farc!, which mayheteafler'be in force, pertalnin~ to the use of the ~rtllli~e5:Te\lCl\It~ ~ m~\(\;-~\n.a.\\ .teO~if\Ci. G' ~reO(\;r~ ' AS'S IGNMEHT' AND . SUBLETTING: Tenant shill nol ml~n 'this aeleeJllent or subTet any portaon "01 th~ prernlsu without pIlot writt~n consent o~ the Own~r whIch may nat bt untea.sonabl)'wlthheld.Te\1Q.f\1-~ CtQept: O\e\\\\~e~,~\.l+b\\\\Qiro!'... J1~-~"'~INT~N4NC:E. REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS: Tenant ickAowledgtS that the DremlSI:5 are In zaoll ord'erinQ repal/, un ess ~erwl~1t indicated herein, Owner mal' ~I anr lime ~jve T ~nant a wrill~n ir.veniory of !urnilure ind .'ulnisnings an Ille premises and Tenant' Shall I)e. aeemed' 10 IIlIve posseuiop. of all saia lutnil\Jre and, fu~nish'In" In ~nI\tI /:Onrlrlton and recall, Llnlu~ hot ablects Ihereto In wrltlne:,within fivE days ~fter receipt 01 suc:ll Inventory. Tenant s~aJl. at t"S, own expense . and ,It all limes, . .-., _.._.~~~....._ ~....IA...Ad..,d..U u",.nd..t Ih. $aIllC. It lerml"aUon 0\~. ft\lE-N \' Dc,, \:, \\. ~ e\l , V e.~ 3() \'1\0 IJ 'ec\OJ-\- S~ 0 t o~~\c' \\\.0-\4"'00. ~ '-~ ~~(b;;~O'W~ AUG 1 ~ .dJOt FRONT DESK 07/25/2002 17:J9 FAX 208 J88 64JO IDAHO POWER I4J 012 , , This 'Lease is made betwee ~~ \c\v ~~~-W~:~~iPT , ;' Hereinafter called Tenants"i/'nd Stubbs entals , hereinafter called Ownen. do hereby rent unto T rea! property ~D1D1only kno~ as and located at together with the personal p~perty comprising the furnis~ and fIXtUres within' th~ aboV d~bed real prope Exhibit' A, attached. ' ..' ', ' " This proPerty i5 to be oCcupied bY~Adults .-e-Chlldrm~Pets. ~ pcb arc to remain outSide uarrangements and an extra deposit are made with the Oimer&. , : Guests of Tenanui who remain longer than five' (5) days must be okayed by O1niers or be c~ged ,an extra rent ~I lfty (50) , dciJlari; per day 'per gUcst,:itaying longer than one (1) wl;(;k. ' ,'" ", ' 1. , Teoants agnie as follO1"s: ' ' . . A Topayrentintheamounto ~,..j~\'~ ~~'I~Ir ~lc\~~~",~J;) (1"'\t;-.0 ~I/ ~ , in monthly paymentscommencin g~p,,'((' ~ 201:J~'and due on or before the ' ay of each month thereafter, Said rent is to be p . d to 0Imers or Agents. 1'o pay deposit in the amount of. 2. Th,is Ren"'l teaSe will De a \ () ~"):~ notice is to be :giVen by either party to the oth6~ at the ~xpiration of this lease.1~~ ' " Renters, have:: a five (5) day grace period. 'OD.tliestuh (6) day a tWenty.~ve (25) do~lar late fee, and every y after that isfive (5) doU~ per day until rent is paid ill' fuii. 4. Retunred C~: ' ' , ", , Any checks that aJ'C returned, there will ~ a twenty-fIVe:: (25) dollar fee. The Rent1:r is r~poll5ibl~ for ~. checkreturned. Rent will paid by cash or Money Order after any returned checks. 5. ReDle"agrus all toIlowa: A. To pay all utilities and ~lVices used by them except -ter aud'sewe in. the amount of said thirty~thf: (33)dollars. Any ~mount over and aOOve the said thirty-three (33) dollars is due and payable by said Tmam: B. T\1 pt;rmit Owners or their Alents to enter said premises at any reasomible times to examine its COI1Q: "C. To maintain premises and furnishings in a ~~lI.te and,condition With: reasol1ab we: . .: tear, damage y the, dements and fire excepled, and ~o pay for negligence or carelessncss,by the Tenants;:" I, ' ' D. To maintain, waler, trim and care for the lawn, shrubberies and flowers. If , : .;i:ir.iheir Ag",," h e it done , ... ' thenrenter~paYthebiUinc~edforthem~ntaince. " "- ....--O'.., :..X\, :, E. To allow Ownen or their Agents to show property at rea~nable times for the pu~; of rIO-renting 58le dll.\'ingthe IRSt period of OCCUPllIlcy. \ :' , F. To (emove all trash IIIId other propefty owned by Tenants from the premises upon taeating, G- Tenant! to get renters insurance, if not, thc;n T~ts hold Owuel'll'or tbeir,Agmts':rummess from an oss, damage,or liability caused by the T-ta or their invitees. H. ' If said property is for sale, Tenants must be willing to show property with an appo~ent whenever I ~eded.6. OwnenBg~aafoIlO1'l'tI: , A. T(j;;aJlow Tenants to !lave, hold, and enjoy peaceable and quietly, the possession of said premises i!O long as Terumts perform the covenants herein contained and agreed by them to be performed. B. To pay all taxes and assessments on the premises as (bey beoome due and p ~yable.C To keep ptemises insu.red by standard iIikraJk:e coverage fa, loes and d4mage due t6fire, 0: To keep roof and eXterior o~building in a good state of repair except glass breakage arising from the use and OCCUpancy by Teuants. 7. DRAIN' STOPPAGE: As of the date of this Agreement, Owuen warranl that the dwelling s sewage drains are .order and thai they will ac.:cpt normal ho~hold Waste for which they were designed. They win not aceea. paper diapers, sanitary napkins; tampons, childrens toys, wads of toilet paper, balls of hair, grease, oil,clothing, rags, sand, dirt rocks or neW5paper. Tenant agteC5 to pay for tIie clearing the drains of any and except those which the plumber-Who is called 10 clear the stoppage will attest in writing were caused by d plumbing, tree roots, or acts of God. 8. ALTERATIONS, DECORATIONS, AND REPAIRS: Except as provided by law, Tenants agree not 10 alter or d corale tIil."ifdwelling with~ut firsl obtaining 01men permission. 9. APPLIANCES: As of the date of this AgreemeQr, Ownen Warrant that all appliances are in good working, and .f the needarises for any repair to appliances, it will be sole judge of Owners 10 decide. r . . ~ good working things such able scrap$, toppagcs ective 07/25/200217:40 FAX 208 388' 6430 IDAHO POWER 141013""" " ,a, ".' '.. .- RENTAl LEAsE' AND 'DEPOSIT RECEIP'I: , "" ", ''" .', ' ~"1 V " "' , " ,' ' 10. The Oo.me~ or their Agents resclVe the right to evict WitbOlit ootice 8DY pel1Qu'or persons, who become Db' , 'able create ,a disturbance or make a nuisance, or conduct thell1!lelv~, UUII un1a~1 manner, !be OWners qr ir ~e~~ Io'ill " ,' ", , ' , , '!' be the sole jUdge of suCh Conditions and the need for action. , ", , , 11. DEFAULT: ' , lfTen8nt shall f~ to pay~entwhe~ due, or pcrf~~:any ~rm here?f,after not l~:than three (3)d~ys en no~ice ofsuch defaillt given in the manner requki!d bylaw, the 01mer, at his Option, may tenirinate all, ri~1S nt "b.:reunder, unless Teu.nt, within said lime, shall cure such default. If l_t abandons or \I~tC3 tile pc rty, while in' default of the, payment ofrent,Owuer mayoonsid~r any propcrt)' leff'oIl the premises to be ab~doncd an may'dis~e of (he '!lime in any m8IiJler allOWed by iaw. In the ~eIlt the 0wnCr reasonable Delie~s that suc.tiabandon propertyhll$ no value, it may be discarded, All property on tii~;pr~.'h~~by s~bje~t~ a lien ~'iav~r oi " . fort~epayment of all suDlS due: hereunder, to'tbe maximul11~ent allowed,by law.lri the eVent of 8, defi\~t byTe 1IDt,: Qm1crmay elect to (a) continue thi lease in effect and enforce all his tights ,and remedies herc:;unlkr, iIJclu~g,right torecuvcr the rent as it becomes due, or (b) at any tinie, termiriate all of Teniuii's rights hereUnder a4d reco 'frolIJ Tenant an daIl1ages he may incur by reason of the breach of the lcase , , including the COSI of recovering th;" :~mises, and , " " ''" " "", ' including the worth al th~ time of such termination, or at the time of an award If sUit j,e instituted to e~o c thisprovision, of the amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance tbe te~ ex~d.s ih~ ~~unt of ~c~ e~~ lo~ 'which the Tenaqt proves could reasonable avoided. U, ORDINANCES AND STATUTES' " Tenant! shan comply with all 9tat\1tes, ordinanCC$ and requirements of 11ll municipal, stale and fcdcrl!1 aut )*i~.. , , ' now in. force, orw~h may herciUter be,in for!;ej pe~~g ~,tho use ofth~premises. IfyoQ aJ;C mted i , rent contro/area, contact Rent and Arbitration' Board for your legal rights. 13. ENTiRE AGREEMEN;r: The Iorcgoing constitutes the en1i!e,agreemcnt between the parties and maybe modified only by a writing ignedby both panics. The foUowing,&bJ~,.i,f any, have ~ell made a p~,of thi:i agreement before, the partie8exeeution'h~rc;of ; ,' ", ,. ' The undcnsigncd TellJUlt hereby acknowledges receiPt ~~ -OOfJ.Y'.IJc~!- , ,., .:-". :.. "",--,, ',~, C'~.._..~Q ~l ~~~).. "" ' Owners ,,:' ," ' TC'Uants ~-\~O2- Date 2-, , .' Date " , ., ',. "" '. Stubbs Rentals O. Box 392 Kuna, -Id. 83634 208-922-9819 , ', ", ",',' -, ,, " ', ' t ' !.-." , 06/18/2002 09: 09 FAX 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER 141001Its ~ Ltlt Ki e Questions? Call us at 388-2323 (Boise area) or 1.800-488-6151.Account Number: 3579151249 Page 1 of 2 January 3 , 2001 Phone # 7671 CHARLES P & DEE ADAMS 612 MONTGOMERY ST IDAHO CITY ID 83631-4186 Post-it. Fax Note CoJDept. FIIX # UNPAID BALANCE DUE WITHIN 15 DAYS As of 01103/2001, your account shows an unpaid balance 01$240.24 for service received at612 MONTGOMERY ST/IDAHO CITY, ill. You were recently billed for this amount. If payment or satisfactory payment arrangements are not made within 15 days of the date of this letter, your account will be referred tGi. collection agency. An addressed envelope, which requires no postage, is enclosed for your convenience in making payment. Please disregard this letter if payment has been made. PlfJSS8 mskfJ chack payabll!: to Idaho Power i1nd rcmctnbt!:t to wrltt!: Return this panion with payment your account number en your check Dr money order. Bring in entirebill when fJaying in pElrson. Thank you! Amount Enclosed CHARLES P & DEE ADAMS PO BOX 738 IDAHO CITY ID 83631-0738 Account Number: 35791 51249 Due Date: 01/18/2001 Total Amount Due: $240, Idaho Power O. Box 30 Boise, ID 83721 11..111.11,1,1,111 11111111,11 111111111.111111.11,1111111 11. 111111 111111 1111111 Check the box for address or phone corrections, and print corrections on reverse side. 3579151249700002402400002402400002402401033 07/30/2002 14: 35 FAX 208 388 6430 IDAHO POWER 141 002 Billing Date: 03/08/2002 Due Date: 03/25/2002 Questions? Call us at (208) 388-2323 or (800) 488-615l. For fuster service please call Tuesday through Friday, 7:30 am - 6:30 pm Page: 1 of 2 Current Account Activity Account Previous Payments Balance Current Please Number Amount Due Received Forward Charges Pay 3579151249 $695.$0.$695.$3.$699. Account Balance Summary Balance Forward.., ..... ........ """ .....,...... ..... ........ ,...,.......,....... .....,.... .. $695.72.............. Current Charges................"..................................,... .............,............. $3..36..... .. . . ... , . Account Balance.......... ...,.. """" ......,. ....... .,... ,..............., ..... .,.. ... ...... .$699_08 """"""" SAVE ENERGY AND MONEY $$ Energy conservation efforts can help lower your utility bills. Consider the following suggestions: set your thermostat to 68 degrees; open curtains and blinds during the day, then close at night; use the clothes washer, dryer and dishwasher fully loaded; turn off unneeded lights or try CFL bulbs. For more energy-saving tips, visit our Web site or write to iwebster(giidahopower.com Please Note: ' Any unpaid balances will be assessed a monthly charge of one percent (1 %) for Idaho customers. Returned checks from any customers will be charged a $20 fee, Please consider making a pledge to the Project Share program by calling Idaho Power! Please return this portion with your payment to ensure proper credit to your account. Please write your account number on your check or money order and l1I1lke your check payable to ldilho Power. Please bring in entire bill when paying in person. Thank you! Account Nmp.~- '3579151249 Please Pay: Due Date: Amount Enclosed: $699,08' 03/25/2002 CHARLES P & DEE ADAMS 6330 W USTICK DR MERIDIAN ill 83642 Idaho Power O. Box 30 Boise, ill 83721 11..111111.111.111 1111 1111.111111111 1111111111 111 1111111 111 Please check the box for address/phone correction. Print corrections on reverse side. 35791512497000069908000069572 000069908 03087