HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100709PAC partial to Monsanto 4.pdf. ~~~~RC~OUNTAIN July 8, 2010 Randall C. Budge RACIN, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: ID P AC-E-1 0-07 Monsanto Data Request Set 4 (1-10) RECE 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 zun JUt -9 AM 10:21 IO/\f"i-O ~FiLJ~.~l~L;ll;~ "~ ~~_ l UTiLITIES GOf'1Mb~iUf" ....,~' Please fid enclosed Rocky Mountan Power's responses to Monsanto Data Requests 4.1-4.10. Sincerely, J. T~d 1v/4/l! ~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Reguation Enclosure: C.c: James R. Smith Richad Anderson George C. Carer, III Denns Peseau Gareth R. Kajander Maurce Brubaker Bnan Collin Michal Gorman Kath Iverson Mark Widmer Michal Stak Michal C. Creaer EncL. Olsen Jea Jewell PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.1 Monsanto Data Request 4.1 Reference Testimony of Mr. Bird, pg. 5 lines 8-12. Please provide a detaled explantion of the varous reguatory gudelines for resource procurement for each state reguatory jursdiction that Pacificorp and Rocky Mounta Power operate under, including present and futue gudelines, standards and requiements. Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.1 Oregon: The Public Utilty Commission of Oregon has issued competitive bidding requirements for new supply-side resource acquisitions applicable to Oregon's investor-owned utilties. See Re. In the Matter of an Investigation Regarding Competitive Bidding, Docket UM 1182, Order No. 06-446 (Aug. 10, 2006). PacifiCorp is unaware of any futue gudelines, stadards and requirements. California: PacifiCorp is exempt from Californa Public Utiity Code § 454.5, which requires the submission and approval of resource procurement plans that include competitive procurement processes. See In Re. In the Matter of the Application ofPacifCorp (U-901-E)for Exemptionfrom the Requirements of California Public Utilties Code Section 454.5., Application No. 03-04-011, Decision No. 03-07-011. Pursuat to PUC §399 .17, PacifiCorp is exempt from the requirement under PUC §399.l4 regarding the submission of renewable energy procurement plans that includes a process for procurement. In lieu of fiing a procurement plan, PacifiCorp is required to provide an IRP prepared in compliance with the requirements of another state utility reguatory commission. PacifiCorp is unware of any futu gudelines, stadads and requirements. Washington: Resource procurement in Washington is govered by Washington Admstative Code § 480-107-015. PacifiCorp is unware of any futue gudelines, stadads and requirements. Idaho: There are no regulatory gudelines for resource procurement in the State of Idao. PacifiCorp is unware of any futue gudelines, stadads and requirements. Utah: Resoure procurement in Uta is goverened by Uta Code An. § 54-17- 201, § 54-17-301, and § 54-17-501. Additiona inormation on the solicitation pross is. found under R746-430-2 and R746-420-3. PacifiCorp is unaware of any fu gudelines, stadads and requiements. Wyoming: There are no reguatory gudelines for resource procurement in the State of Wyomig. PacifCorp is unwar of any futue gudelines, stadads and reuients. P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.1 Recordholder: Sponsor: Jordan Whte / Gregory N. Duvall Stefan Bird P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 8,2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.2 Monsanto Data Request 4.2 Same reference. Please provide the approximate forecast of anual megawatt requirements necessar to meet all renewable requirements for each state reguating Pacificorp and RM though 2025. Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.2 The following table reports the anua Renewable Portfolio Stadard compliance requirements by stte jursdiction based on the load forecast used for the Company's 2008 Integrated Resource Plan Update, filed with the Idao Public Utilty Comnssion on March 31, 2010. Compliance requirements are expressed in megawatt-hours. Annua Comp ianæ Targets by State Megawat- ours Year Washington Oregon California Utah TOTAL 2010 ----163,344 --163,344 2011 120,564 638,733 171,44 --930,745 2012 120,478 656,679 179,731 --956,887 2013 121,461 663,589 18,221 --973,271 2014 122,168 66,997 196,n8 --985,943 2015 367,237 2,005,568 205,379 --2,578,184 2016 368,631 2,013,210 214,034 --2,595,875 2017 370,628 2,014,557 222,770 --2,607,955 2018 372,026 2, 024, 8n 231,535 --2,628,438 2019 622,638 2,038,50 240,387 --2,901,532 2020 626,906 2,738,022 294,862 --3,659,789 2021 631,076 2,742,014 298,08 --3,671,176 2022 633,899 2,752,68 299,911 --3,686,490 2023 636,268 2,764,662 302,590 --3, 7æ, 520 2024 639,701 2,786,112 305,121 --3,730,934 2025 64,268 3,491,385 308,662 5,036,165 9,48,48 h Recrdholder: Sponsor: Stefan Bird Stefan Bird PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.3 Monsanto Data Request 4.3 Reference Testiony of Mr. Birdpg. 151. 18-19. Please provide individual state requirements by year necessar to comply with each six states' RPS referenced. Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.3 Please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 4.2. Recordholder: Sponsor: Stefan Bird Stefan Bird P AC..E-l 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.4 Monsanto Data Request 4.4 Reference Testimony of Mr. John Cupparo. What is the expected megawatt line rating or capacity of the 345 kV Populus to Term facility before and afer completion of the gateway West and Gateway South segments? Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.4 The incremental capacity is expected to be 700 MW in the southbound direction and 350 MW in the northbound direction prior to completion of Gateway South in 2018-2020. Once Gateway South is completed the capacity in both directions is expected to increase to 1400 MW. Supportng documentation for the above can be found at the followig link. http://ww.oasis.pacificorp.com/oasis/ppw/Gateway20 11 IRPModelAssumptions. pM Recordholder: Sponsor: Kenneth Houston Darell Gerrard / John Cupparo PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.5 Monsanto Data Request 4.5 Wht fuction would the Gateway Central serve if.either or both of the South and West segments are not completed? Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.5 If Gateway South and/or Gateway West were not completed, Gateway Central will continue to provide signficant benefits to the Company's customers. Please refer to pages Di-3 and Di4 in the diect testimony of Darell T. Gerrard below. . Increase the overall tranmission capacity in the existing trsmission corrdor between southeast Idaho and northern Utah where the existing system ha limited capacity and demonstrated operational limitations. . Meet the imediate need to: (1) Improve system reliabilty in the area and maintan compliance with national electrcal system reliabilty stadads by instaling new tranmission capacity to ensure the system can sustan transmission outaes north of Terminal Substation without curiling loads, generation or impactig PacifiCorp's East Control Area and neighboring tranmission balancing authonty areas; and (2) Improve the Company's abilty to perform maintenance on trmission facilties between Populus and Termnal by having alternative transmission path that allow facilties to be taen off-line and maitaed. . Meet the trsmission capacity and reliabilty requirements to deliver resources to loads. . Provide PacifiCorp with greater flexibilty when considenng futue planed resources to meet customers' growig demands for energy while meeting curent and futue energy requirements tht may be mandated by state and federal regulation. . Faciltate the integrtion of potential new energy resources in Wyomig, Uta, Idaho and Oregon, and help support economic development in those states. Furer, Gateway Centrl will reduce the impacts to cusomers durng system distbances. Pleas refer to pages Di-9, Di-lO, Di-l 1 in the diect testimony of Darell T. Gerrard. Recrdholder: Sponsor: Darell T. Gerd Darell T. Gerrd P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.6 Monsanto Data Request 4.6 List all other Pacificorp and RM state and federal jursdictions, if any, in which Gateway Central has been allowed in rate baseto date. Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.6 The Ben Lomond to Termin segment was approved into rate base in Uta, in the order issued on June 15,2010 in Docket No. 10-035-13. Ben Lomond to Terminal is also included in rates in Wyoming, which became effective July 1, 2010in Wyoming Docket No. 20000-352-EA-09. The ful Populus-Termal line is included in an uncontested rate case settlement agreement in Californa Proceeding No. A.09-l1-0 15, which is expected to become effective Janua 1, 2011. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-l 0-07/RockyMountain Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.7 Monsanto Data Request 4.7 List all other Pacificorp and RM stae and federal jursdictions, if any, in which Gateway Central has been requested rate base treatment by Pacificorp and RMP. Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.7 As stated in the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 4.6, rate base treatment has been granted - or included in pending uncontested settlement agreements - for Populus-Terminal in Californa and for the Ben Lomond- Termnal segment in Uta and Wyomig. Rate base treatment has been requested for the ful Populus-Termnal line in the curently outstading caes in Oregon (Docket No. UE-217) and Idaho. Rate base treatment for the Populus-Ben Lomond segment will be requested in Utah and Wyoming cases later this year. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.8 Monsanto Data Request 4.8 What is the curent expected on-line date for ful completion of Gateway Central? Please consider ths a continuig request as any more recent updates arse. Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.8 Gateway Centra consists of the Populus to Termal transmission segment and the Mona to Oquirrh transmission segment. . Populus to Termnal- The first section of the Populus to Terminal segment, Ben Lomond to Termna, was energized in March 2010. The remainig section, Populus to Ben Lomond, is anticipated to be energized in November 2010. . Mona to Oquirrh - Comprised of thee sections that in tota extend approximately 142 miles from the Mona substation to the proposed Limber substation. The thee sections include a 67mie 500 kV single-circuit from Mona to Limber and a 31mile 345 kV double-circuit from Limber to Oquih estimated to be in-service 2013-2014. The segment also includes a 44 mile double-circuit 345 kV line from Limber to Termnal planed for 2019 based upon curent load forecasts. There is potential to constrct Limber to Termal earlier, if needed to satisfy load growt. A portion of the Limber Substation is expected to be completed in the 2014 time fre. Recordholder: Sponsor: Cory Scott / Shay LaBray Darell Gerrd / John Cupparo PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.9 Monsanto Data Request 4.9 Please reconcile and provide detaled explantion for the estimted investment cost of $78 millon for the Populus to Termnal transmission line (ORDER NO. 29998 page 6 Commitment 34 and the requested $801.5 millon contained in Gerrard Exhibit 34. Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.9 Durg the MEHC acquisition a tranaction commtment (#34) was made to execute curently existing plans at that time by increasing the Path C capacity by 300 MW from southeast Idaho to nortern Uta. The objectives of the transaction commtment dated March 14,2006 were to: . Enhce the reliabilty of the only high use commercial path between Idaho and Uta; . Provide for increased transfer capabilty between the east and west control areas; . Faciltate the delivery of futue power from wid projects in Wyoming and Idao; and . Provide PacifiCorp with greater flexibilty and the opportty to consider additional options regarding planed generation capacity additions. The existing plan scope consisted of two options with a conceptu estimate of $78M. . Option I - A combination of new constrction/rebuild the existig 138 kV tranmission lines from the Treasureton Substation in Idao to the Syracuse Substation in Uta (a distace of approximately 90 miles). . Option 2 - Constrct a new single circuit 345 kV line from a proposed futue Populus Substation to the Ben Lomond Substation in Uta, a distace of approximately 80 miles. Subsequent to the Traaction Commtment business conditions drove a signfication change in tranmission system requiements detaled below. The Traaction Commitment was fufilled via incorporation into the fin scope of the Populus to Termin project. In ealy 2007, PacifiCorp Transmission intiated its anua load and resource study which forecas network cusomer load with resources for the next ten years. Compliance with the Opn Access Tramission Tarff requies PacifiCorp Transsion to respond to network customer's load and resource requiements with the tig of trmission investents necessar to deliver new network resoures and to reliably serve load. The results of the study fuer confed the nee for additiona long term trssion capacity and increased investment and upgres in Pat C well beyond 300 MW. PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mounta Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.9 Since March 2006 and the plan for a 300MW increase a Path C,several operational events in the Wasatch Front demonstrated Path C is now subject to signficant reliabilty limtations resulting from double line outae contigencies. In addition, operationa events between Ben Lomond and Term Substations occured that demonstrated a clear need to improve capacity and reliabilty in the par of the system south of Path C. Please refer to pages Di-9, Di-lO, Di-l1 of the direct testimony of Darell T. Gerrd. As a result, a new high capacity 345 kV transmission line was recommended between a new substation in southeast Idaho (Populus) and the existig Termnal Substation in Salt Lae City. A double circuit 345 kV tranmission line provides an estimated 1400 MW plang capacity increase when combined with other segments of the Energy Gateway project. This new line positions PacifiCorp to serve long-term load growt needs, improve overall system reliabilty. In 2007, the segment between Populus and Terminal became an integr par of the Energy Gateway program by providing a critical lin that connects Energy Gateway West and Energy Gateway South. It provides a vita link between the Gateway West and Gateway South segments tht will support designed capacity ratings based on Western Electrcity Coorditing Council plang criteria. The investment in ths project as requested is $801.5 milion. Recordholder: Sponsor: Darell T. Gerrard Darell T. Gerrard and John Cupparo PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power July 8, 2010 Monsanto Data Request 4.10 Monsanto Data Request 4.10 What is the estimated completed costs of the Populus to Terml line, including AFUDC, that make up the Idaho-allocated investment of ths facilty in the testimony and exhbits of Mr. McDougal? Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.10 The estimated cost that is included in Docket Number P AC- E-1 0-07 for the Populus to Termal project is $801.5 millon on a Tota Company basis and approximately $45 millon on an Idaho allocated basis. Of that Tota Company amount, $53.5 milion was placed into service by December 31, 2009, and is included in the unadjusted base penod. The remainig $748 millon is included in the Major Plant Addition Adjustment Number 8.6, in Exhbit 2, which accompanes the direct testimony of Mr. McDougal. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal