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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100701PAC partial to IIPA 1-53.pdf~;~~;co~OUNTAIN R-l ¡: ri:l".."\.f .1. 20m JUt - J AM 10: 25 June 30, 2010 ffìr;,L!n UTI LÏfil S" Enc L. Olsen ISB# 4811 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: ID PAC-E-10-07 lIPA Data Request (1-53) 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to lIP A Data Requests I, 2, 8, 14, 17, 19,20-22,32, and 46-48. The remaining responses will be provided separately. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments lIPA la, If, 2d, 8a, 19,20, 21c, 21d, 2'lg, 21h, 22c, 22e, and 22h. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD are Confidential Attchments LIP A 21-( a,f) and 22a. Confdential Attachments are Confdential and are provided to paries that have signed a protective order in this docket. If you have any questions, please feel free tocall me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J. r'td tv.eWkw J. Ted Weston Manger, Regulation Enclosure: C.c. Rady budge/Monsanto Michael C. Creamer/ Agrium Jean Jewell/UC PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 LIP A Data Request 1 lIP A Data Request 1 Please answer the following with respect to information contaned on McDougal's Exbit 2, Tab 10 entitled "Allocation Factors": A. On pages 10.13 through 10.18, are these actual generation level energy and demand values recorded for each jursdiction durng each of the months specified? If not, please provide the actual values. B. Do the demand values on page 10.13 for Idaho include Monsanto load that has been interrpted? C. Are the values/adjustments on page 10.13 though 10.18 simply weather related adjustments? If these adjustments are more than simply weather related adjustments, please provide a breakdown of these values that relate to weather adjustments and those that relate to other adjustments (please provide specific detal for each "other" adjustment). D. Are the demand and energy values. on pages 10.13 though 10.1 8 the ones used to form the basis for such system allocators as SC and SE? E. For each of the adjustments listed on pages 10.13 and 10.14, how are these adjustments reflected by rate schedules or special contract customer . consumptions in each month? F. Please provide an electronic as well as hard copy of all workpapers tht support the calculations on Tab 10. G. Please provide an electronic copy of all workpapers and/or calculations that support the adjustments to actu values for both demand and energy for each jursdiction listed in Tab 10. Response to lIP A Data Request 1 A. The energy and demand values on pages 10.13 though 10.18 are for the 12 months ended December 31, 2010. These were used in the fiing instead of the 2009 actu values in order to reflect load at a normalized level for the test penod as descnbed in Mr. Peter C. Eelkema's testimony. Pleae refer to Atthment IIP A 1 a for the actu energy and demand values for the 12 month ended December 31, 2009. B. The demand values for the Idao jursdiction are reflected as if there is no interrption to Monsanto load. PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 LIP A Data Request 1 C. The values/adjustments shown on pages 10.13 though 10.18 are not weather (temperature) adjustments. The adjustments shown are to properly reflect curilment of irrgation and Monsanto load for cost allocation purposes. The adjustments to Idao load on page 10.13 are related to the irrgation load control program, and the adjustments to Idaho load on page 10.14 are related to Monsanto curlment. Adjustments to Uta load represent load curlment related to special contract customers and demand side management programs in Uta. D. Yes. E. The adjustments to Idaho load on pages 10.13 and 10.14 represent curailments to irrgation class and Monsanto load. These adjust the jursdictional load for allocating costs between jursdictions. F. Please refer to Attchment lIP A 1 f. G. Electronic copies of work papers to support Tab 10 are provided as Attachment lIPA If. . The calculations of Tab 10 are preformed in the Jurisdictional Allocation Model (JAM) which was provided as Attachment Monsanto 1.19 and as par of Steve McDougal's Exhbit NO.2 workpapers. Hard copies of Tab 10 were provided as par of the Exhbit 2. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal / Peter Eelkema Steven R. McDougal / Peter Eelkema P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 LIP A Data Request 2 lIP A Data Request 2 Please answer the following with respect to information contained on Paice's Exhbit 49, Tab 5 "Cost of Service Allocation Factors": A. Are the times of the system peaks listed on page 6 the same as the actual coincident system peaks durng each of those months? B. Are the times listed on page 6 on Pacific or Mounta time? C. How do the total jursdictional values for each month on page 6 relate to the Idaho values on McDougal's Exhibit 2, Tab 1O?/. D. With respect to the data listed on pages 7 and 12, which data came from the Company's load research data and which data came from census data? Iffrom load research data, over what timeframe was the data collected? If the data came from load research data but was adjusted, please provide an electronic copy of all workpapers and/or calculations that support the adjustments to actual values. E. With respect to the data listed on page 13, which data came from the Company's load research data and which data came from biling data? If the data came from biliing data, but was adjusted, please provide an electronic copy of all workpapers and/or calculations that support the adjustments to act values. F. What was the level of curilment/interrption for each customer class or Monsanto durng the times of each of the monthy peak listed on page 7? (Please specify at input leveL.) G. Is there any weather normalization of the Distrbution Peak data on page 12 or the Non-Coincident Peak data on page 13? If this data is weather normalized, please provide an electronic as well as hard copy of all workpapers used to support ths normalization. ' Response to lIP A Data Request 2 A. Yes. B. Mounta time. C. Pleas refer to the Company's response to lIP A Data Request 8. D. Schedule 001 Schedule 036 Load Reseh Data Load Reseah Data Jan09-Dec09 Jan09-Dec09 PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 UP A Data Request 2 Schedule 006 Load Research Data Jan09-Dec09 Schedule 023 Load Research Data Jan09-Dec09 Schedule 019 Load Research Data 1996, 1998, 1999 Schedule 010 Load Research Data '05-'09 Irrg. Seasons Schedule 009 Census Data Jan09-Dec09 Contract 1 Census Data Jan06-Dec08 Contract 2 Census Data Jan09-Dec09 Please refer to Attchment LIP A 2d for a listing of adjustments to actul values. Jan06-Dec08 Jan06-Dec08 Jan06-Dec08 Jan06-Dec08 Jan06-Dec08 Jan06-Dec08 Jan06-Dec08 Jan06-Dec08 Jan06-Dec08 E. Schedule 001 Est. From Load Research Data Schedule 036 Est. From Load Research Data Schedule 006 Est. From Load Research Data Schedule 023 Est. From Load Research Data Schedule 019 Est. From Load Research Data Schedule 010 Est. From Load Research Data Schedule 009 Est. From Load Research Data Contract 1 Est. From Load Research Data Contract 2 Est. From Load Research DataSchedule 007 Biling DataSchedule 011 Biling Data Schedule 0 l2 Biling Data Please refer to Attchment LIP A 2d for a listing of adjustments to actu values. F . Please refer to the Company's responses to IIP A Data Requests 15 and 16(b). G. There is no weather normalization of the distrbution peak data or non- coincident data. Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice / Scott D. Thornton C. Craig Paice P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 LIP A Data Request 8 LIP A Data Request 8 On Exhibit 2, page 10.13 there is a different coincident peak value for Idaho (406) for Januar 2010 than the value used on Exhbit 49 pages 6 and 7. Please provide all data equations, and assumptions used to develop the figue on both Exhbit 2 and Exhbit 49. Please supply ths data in Excel format. Explain how, if at all, the jursdictional data from Exhbit 49 (pages 6 and 7) flows through or is incorporated in Exhibit 2 Tab 10. Response to lIP A Data Request 8 Idaho jursdiction loads on Exhbit 2, page 10.13 were developed from adjusted state jursdictional loads as explained in Company witness Peter C. Eelkema's testimony. Class loads on Exhbit 49, Tab 5, pages 6 and 7 were developed from both sample and direct census Load Research data. Therefore, because they are from different data soures and used for different puroses, class loads do not directly flow though to the Idaho state jursdiction load. Please refer to Attachment lIP A 8a for the support for class loads and Atthment lIP A If for support for page 10.13 of Exhibit i. Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice C. Craig Paice P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 UP A. Data Request 14 IIPA Data Request 14 Do the values in Exhbit 2, Tab 10, reflect Idaho demand and energy requiements by assuming that there are no curlments/interrptions to Monsanto? If curailments/interrptions are assumed, what is the energy and demand impact of each for each month of the test year? Response to lIP A Data Request 14 For the puroses of allocating costs among the Company's jursdictions Idaho's demand and energy requirements are computed in Exhbit 2, Tab 10, to reflect Idaho load assuming that there are no curlments/interrptions to Monsanto. Please refer to the Company's response provided to lIP A Data Request 1, specifically par b. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 LIPl\ Data Request 17 LIP A Data Request 17 Please explain how any revenue credits to Monsanto are addressed in ths case in relationship to Monsanto's inclusion/exclusion infrom the Idao Jursdiction and how Monsanto is treated in the class cost of service study. Response to lIP A Data Request 17 This answer assumes that the term "revenue credits" in this data request refers to bil credits given to Monsanto in exchange for the nght to interrpt or curl service under the terms of its service contract. These credits are treated as a system power cost because the curailments are an acquisition of power to meet system load. This cost is allocated to all states and all customers based on jursdictional and cost of service allocation factors just as other system power costs are allocated. Because Monsanto's "revenue credit" or purchased power cost is system allocated any peak or energy reduction achieved by the curailment is not reflected in Idaho load for jursdictional and cost of service allocation puroses. Please refer to the Company's responses to lIPA Data Requests 1b and 15. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 lIPA Data Request 19 LIP A Data Request 19 For the year 2005--2009 list by FERC account the amount of Distnbution plant that is associated (allocated or directly assigned) with each jurisdiction. Response to lIP A Data Request 19 Please refer to Attachment lIP A 19. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 lIPA Data Request 20 LIP A Data Request 20 For the year 2005--2009 list by FERC account the amount of Transmission plant that is associated (allocated or directly assigned) with each jursdiction. Response to lIP A Data Request 20 Please refer to Attchment lIPA 20. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R.. McDougal PAC-E-1O-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 LIP A Data Request 21 IIPA Data Request 21 Beginnng on page 5 line 22 of Mr. Eelkema' s testimony there is a discussion regarding the development of the company's models for sales per residential customer: a. Please provide in electronic format (Excel) the historical and/or projected data/drivers used to develop the Residential modeL. b. Was there a single model for the residential class, or a separate one for Schedule 1 and Schedule 36 customers? If only one model was ru, how was the projected usage spread between the two rate schedules? c. For each of the last 20 years, what has been the actul sales per residential customer, schedule 1 customer, and schedule 36 customer? d. For each of the last 20 years, what has been the weather normalized sales per residential customer, schedule 1 customer, and schedule 36 customer? f. For each of the last 20 years, what has been the calculated/utilized HDD and CDD data used by the Company for the Idaho jurisdiction? . g. What are the test year weather normalized sales per residential customer, schedule 1 customer, and schedule 36 customer? h. What does the company consider normal anual HDD andCDD values for its Idaho service terrtory? Response to lIP A Data Request 21 a. Please refer to Confidential Attchment lIPA 21a for the relevant data used to develop the Residential ModeL. b. There is one residential class modeL. Please refer to page 10 lines 9-21 of Dr. Eelkema's direct testimony for the discussion of the development of test year rate schedules sales. c. Please refer to Attchment IIP A 21 c for the actu sales per residential customer for the most recent 20 years, actual sales per Schedule 1 bil for the most recent 13 years, and actul sales per Schedule 36 bil for the most recent 13 years. Only i 3 years of actu sales per Schedule 1 and Schedule 36 bil is available. d. Please refer to Attchment lI A 2 i d for the weather normalized sales per residential customer for the most recent i 2 years, weather normalized sales per residential schedule 1 bil for the most recent 4 years, and weather normalized PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 LIP A Data Request 21 sales per residential schedule 36 bil for the most recent 4 years. The Company has calculated weather normalized anual per customer values for the residential customer class for only the most recent 12 years. The Company has calculated weather normalized anual per bil values for the residential schedules 1 and 36 for only the most recent 4 years. e. No Question. f. Please refer to Confidential Attchment LIP A 21 t for the weighted CDD and weighted HDD used by the Company to develop Idaho Residential test year sales. g. Please refer to Attachment lIP A 21 g for the relevant test year weather normalized sales. h. Please refer to Attchment LIP A 21h for the normal weighted CDD and normal weighted HDD data used by the Company for the development of residential Idaho customer class sales. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions ofthe protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Peter C. Eelkema Peter C. Eelkema P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 UP A Data Request 22 LIP A Data Request 22 Beginng on page 6 line 8 of Mr. Eelkema's testimony there is a discussion regarding the development of the company's models for sales per "other" customer classes: a. Please provide in electronic format (Excel) the histoncal and/or projected data/dnversused to develop the Irrgation model used in this case. b. Please provide all workpapers that support the weather or other normalizing adjustment to monthy Irgation revenues in ths case. c. For each of the last 20 years, what has been the actul monthly sales per Irgation customer? d. Please provide all workpapers that support the monthy weather normalizing adjustment to the Irgation monthy demands in this case. e. For each of the last 20.years, what has been the monthly weather normalized sales per Irrgation customer? f. For each ofthe last 20 years, what has been the calculated/utilzed monthy precipitation data available to and/or used by the Company for the Idaho jursdiction? g. What does the company consider normal monthly precipitation values for its Idaho service terrtory? h. What are the test year weather normalized sales per Irrgation customer? Response to lIP A Data Request 22 a. Please refer to Confdential Attchment lIP A 22a for the relevant data used to develop the Irgation ModeL. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the term and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. b. There are no weather or other normalizing adjustments to test year irrgation revenues in ths case. c. Pleae refer to Attchment LIP A 22c for the actu monthy sales per irgation cusomer. d. The test year is pased on sales tht would occur given normal weather. Hence no weather adjustment was made to irgation monthy demand. P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 IIP A Data Request 22 e. Please refer to Attchment LIP A 22e for the weather normalized monthly sales per irrgation customer. f. Precipitation data was not used by the Company to develop irrgation sales. g. Please refer to the Company's response to lIP A Data Request 22f above. h. Please refer to Attchment LIP A 22h for the test year weather normalized sales per irrigation customer. Recordholder: Sponsor: Peter C. Eelkema Peter C. Eelkema PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 201 0 LIP A Data Request 32 LIP A Data Request 32 Regarding the values on page 10.13 of Company Exhibit 2, please answer the following: a. Are the "Metered Loads" at the top of the page actua (unaltered in any way) values for each junsdiction at the time of the monthly system energy in 2009? b. What is the specific basis for the first set of adjustments to the Utah energy load? c. Why are there no adjustments in the first set of adjustments (decreases) to the Idaho energy load? d. Why.are there values each month for both Idaho and Uta shown for the second set of adjustments which is suppose to include the "normalization of Irrgation and Monsanto"? Response to lIP A Data Request 32 a. The metered loads at the top of the page are the forecasted values for 2010. They are not altered by curlments or buy"'though. b. These adjustments are made to reflect curilment at the time ofPacifiCorp's monthy coincident peak for US MagCorp. c. Adjustments required to Idaho energy were addressed in the second set of adjustments. d. The second set of adjustments is related to Ancilar Services Contracts including reserves. Affected customers are in both Idaho and Utah. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal Steven R. McDougal PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 UP A Data Request 46 LIP A Data Request 46 Please list all benefits reflected in the Company's case for the system as a whole of the Idaho Irrgation Load Control Program. Please quantify these benefits by reruing the Company's Net Power Cost Model and other appropnate models without the Idaho Irrigation Load Control Program. Response to lIP A Data Request 46 The Company objects to ths question on the grounds that it is overly broad and vague. Without waivig its objection, the Company states that its case is compnsed of costs and revenues and the Company does not attempt to assign any specific benefits to the system or any paricular state. Consequently, the requested studies have not been performed. The Company assigns the Idaho Irrgation Load Control Program costs situs to Idaho, and Idaho's allocation factor is calculated using coincident peaks that reflect reduced irrgation load based on program paricipation durng the irgation season. Because the Idaho Irrgation Load Control Program is designed to shift energy and not reduce consumption, it is expected to have little effect on net power costs. The Company has estimated the system value of the Idao Irgation Load Control Program for cost-effectiveness evaluation using a methodology first developed in 2007 and reviewed by the LIP A. Ths methodology captues the capacity deferral benefit of the resource via displacement of simple cycle combustion tubine proxy resources and firm market purchases. The latest estimate, $73.09 kW-year, was prepared in April 2009 and cited in the Company's 2009 dispatchable irgation progr report. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Hui Shu PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 LIP A Data Request 47 IIPAData Request 47 Please list all benefits reflected in the Company's case for the Idaho jursdiction of the Idaho Irgation Load Control Program. Please quatify these benefits by reruing the Company's Net Power Cost Model, Jurisdictional Allocation Model, and other appropnate models without the Idaho Irgation Load Control Program. Response to lIP A Data Request 47 Please refer to the Company's response to IIPA Data Request 46. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Hui Shu PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 30, 2010 IIPA Data Request 48 LIP A Data Request 48 Please list all benefits reflected in the Company's case for the Idaho Irgation Schedule 10 of the Idaho Irgation Load Control Program. Please quatify these benefits by rerung the Company's Net Power Cost Model, Jursdictional Allocation Model, Class Cost-of-Service Model, and otherappropnate models without the Idao Irrigation Load.Control Program. Response to lIP A Data Request 48 Please refer to the Company's response to lIP A Data Request 46. Recordholder: Sponsor:. Gregory N. Duvall Hui Shu