HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100629PAC to IIPA 1-53.pdf,.ROCKY MOUNTAIN ~~!!~~RP June 28, 2010 Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHATERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocátello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE: ID PAC-E-1O-07 IIPA Data Request (1-53) 21H6 JllH 29 AN II: 06 l"f". ,f' .t..! '0""unäl1iku~_.,-v 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's responses to IIPA Data Requests 3-7, 9, 15-16, 18,25-29,31,34-45, and 49-53. The remaining responses will be provided separately. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments IIPA 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 18,25,26, 27c, 27d, 28, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39b, 40, 41, 42, and 45. Provided on the enclosed Confdential CD are Confdential Attachments IIPA 27aand 31-(a,c). Confdential Attachments are Confidential and are provided to paries that have signed a protective order in ths docket. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, J,'-id /l14~!~ J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosure: C.c. Rady budgelMonsanto Michael C. Creamer/ Agrum Jean JewelllIUC P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 3 LIP A Data Request 3 With respect to the Company's Load Research data, please provide for each sample customer with valid data that was sampled between Januar 2007 and the most recent month available the following: A. Customer identification number; B. Customer rate schedule; C. Strata to which it belongs and weighting factors of each strata; D. Raw hourly usage data (i.e., unadjusted, simply the data originally gathered for each sample); E. Raw hoùrly usage data modified to reflect losses; F. On an hourly basis, any additional calibrations that are applied to the Load Research data before it is applied to develop the allocation factors used in the Company's cost of service study in ths case. G. Please provide copies of the formulas (and data) used to expand the Load Research data up to the population as a whole as used in the class cost of service study in this case. This information should include number of customers in the population of each class. Response to lIP A Data Request 3 Please refer to Attachment lIP A 3. Recordho1der: Sponsor: Scott D. Thornton To Be Determned P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 4 LIP A Data Request 4 Previously the Company developed hourly calibrations that calibrated the Load Research data such that the sumation of the (population expanded) Load Research data and the Census data equaled the Company's "Operations Stat" or border loads. The Company may no longer be applying these calibrations to the Load Research data, but the data is stil of interest. On an hourly basis from Januar 2007 through the most recent month available, please provide: A. The "Operations Stat" or border load for the Idaho Jursdiction; B. The sumation of the (population expanded) Load Research data and the Census data that would reflect what the Company measured or estimated as its internal customer load for each rate schedule or customer group; C. The hourly load for each rate schedule or special contract customer that is measured or calculated on a: census basis as opposed to using load research data; D. Any other load that is contained in "a" above but is not addressed in "c" above (please specify the tye of load); and E. Any inormation such as difference in measurng technqueS or timing of the data that needs to be addressed when. comparng the above data. Response to lIP A Data Request 4 Refer to Attchment LIP A 4. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott D. Thornton To Be Determned P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 lIP A Data Request 5 LIP A Data Rèquest 5 Please provide for each month from Janua 2007 forward a copy of the results of all checks that the Company makes regarding how well the load research data reflects the actu population usage. Response to lIP A Data Request 5 Please refer to Attchment LIP A 5. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott D. Thornton - To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 IIP A Data Request 6 lIP A Data Request 6 For the Irrgation load research samples, what is the range (kW or kWh) cut-off for each stratu? Response to lIP A Data Request 6 (2005-2007) Strata boundares were determned based on a customer's cumulative kWh for the months May-September. Strata boundares are shown below: Strata 1 250- 50,000 Strata 2 50,001-100,000 Strata 3 100,001-400,000 Strata 4 GT -400,000 (2008-2009) Strata boundares were determned based on a customer's peak monthly biling kW for the months May-September. Strata boundaries are shown below: Strata 1 Strta 2 Strata 3 0-75 76- 275 GT-275 Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott D. Thornton To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 2$, 2010 IIP A Data Request 7 LIP A Data Request 7 This fiing used weather-normalized data for developing allocation factors in the jursdictional allocations and presumably the class cost-of-service study. For each rate schedule, please provide all workpapers as well as a description of the flow (manpulation) of data from historic load research or consensus data to projected test year energy, coincident demands, and non-coincident demands. Please supply this data in Excel format. Response to lIP A Data Request 7 Please refer to the Attchment LIP A 7 for the inormation requested. This normalized data is used in developing jursdictional and cost of service allocation factors, but no additional weather normalization is performed to load research data. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott D. Thornton To Be Determned PAC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 9 lIP A Data Request 9 Please provide in electronic format for the period Janua 1,2007 through the most recent month available hourly data similar to that provided in CCS Request 11 in PAC..E-05-01. Response to lIP A Data Request 9 The Company assumes the request is referrg to lIP A Data Request 11 in P AC- E-05-0 1. Please refer to Attchment LIP A 9. Recordholder: Sponsor: Ray Zacharia To Be Determed P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 IIP A Data Request 15 lIP A Data Request 15 Do the values in Exhbit 49, Tab 5, reflect Idaho demand and energy requirements by assuming that there are no curlments/interrptions to Monsanto? If curlments/interrptions are assumed, what is the energy and demand impact of each for each month of the test year? Response to lIP A Data Request 15 Curlments and/or interrptions of Monsanto's service are added back to data used to develop the demand and energy allocation factors employed in the cost of service study. The values referenced in Exhbit 49, Tab 5 are presented as if there are no curilments or interrptions to Monsanto. . Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice C. Craig Paice P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 16 IIPA Data Request 16 With respect to Exhbit 49, Tab 5, page 7, please answer the following: A. Are all of these values actual? Ifnot, please provide and explanation of how they were normalized and the workpapers that support the normalization. B. What level of curlment of Schedule 10 load is reflected on line 23? Is this level of curlment the same as occured in 2008 and 2009 or is expected to be incured in 201 O? C. What is the level of curilment that is reflected in each month on line 26 for the Irgation load? Response to lIP A Data Request 16 A. The values presented reflect estimates of forecast class demand levels at the time of the merged Company system peak. Base year load measurements (census) and estimates (sample data) are adjusted to match test year energy levels. B. The level of curailment of Schedule 10 load reflected on line 23 is derived from the historic five year average (2005-2009) of actu load research sample data adjusted to test period energy. Because the load curilment program operated durg most of ths five year period, the load curilment program impact is reflected in the five year average data. The level of curlment is based on ths five year average and does not represent any individua year or any specific curlment amount. C. No class load data is shown on line 26. Please refer to the Company's response to par B. above. Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice / Scott D. Thornton C. Craig Paice P AC-E-l 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 18 LIP A Data Request 18 For each rate schedule and special contract customer listed in Exhibit 50, for each month of 2005 through the most recent month available, please list the amount of energy consumed and the revenue collected. Response to lIP A Data Request 18 Please refer to Attchment IIP A 18 for the requested information from Janua 2005 though the most recent available month May 2010. These energy sales and revenues are as booked in the Company's revenue reports based on the biling month without any adjustments. Recordholder: Sponsor: James Z. Zhang Willam R. Grffith P AC-E-1 0"'07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 IIP A Data Request 25 LIP A Data Request 25 Please provide electronically a listing of all dates, times, and expected magnitude of all dispatched and scheduled day curilments when Idaho irrigation load was curled under Schedule 72A since Janua 2007. Response to lIP A Data Request 25 Please refer to Attchment IIP A 25 consisting of the Schedule 72 and 72A Idaho Irrgation Load Control reports for years 2007-2009. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarer To Be Determed P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 IIP A Data Request 26 IIPA Data Request 26 Please provide a biling sumar for the Irrgation customers for each month since Janua 2003 showing; total revenue, KWh, revenue based on energy, biling demand, revenue based upon biling demand, customers biled, and revenue based upon customers biled. Please provide similar information for the test year as welL. Response to lIP A Data Request 26 Please refer to Attchment IIP A 26 for the requested information, which is readily available only for the period from Janua 2005 though May 2010. Ths information was based on actu usages without temperatue adjustments. Recordholder: Sponsor: James Z. Zhang Wiliam R. Grffith PAC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 201 0 IIPA Data Request 27 LIP A Data Request 27 For each hour since Januar 1 2007 to the most recent data available please provide the following inormation in $lMwh for both the entire system and for the East System: a. The market value of energy; b. The incremental cost associated with the most expensive resource dispatched; c. The purchase price for the most expensive short-term resource purchased; and d. The revenue received from the most expensive sale made. Response to lIP A Data Request 27 a. Please refer to Confdential Atthment IIPA 27a~ Confdential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. This file has Powerdex hourly prices which are proprietr and provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. A single hourly index representative of the Company's entire system does not exist, thus the response includes the requested prices for the most representative points on each side of the system. b. Due to the complexity of the operatig requirements on PacifiCorp's system, PacifiCorp does not calculate incremental cost associated with the most expensive resource dispatched each hour. These complexities include system operating reserve requiements, reguating margin, load followig and other resource contingencies. Multiple generating unts of varable fuel tyes and contracts, including hydro generation, are dispatched to manage system requiements. c. Please refer to Attchment LIP A 27 c for purchase inormation. d. Please refer to Attchment IIPA 27d for sales information. Recordholder: Sponsr: Rick Lin / John Apperson / Tom Beck To Be Determed PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 lIP A Data Request 28 LIP A Data Request 28 For each month since Januar 2007, please supply the level (as well as mechansm such as mills per kWh etc.) of the BPA credit that was applied to each rate schedule. Response to lIP A Data Request 28 Please refer to Attchment liP A 28 for the requested information. The BP A credit for Non-Irgation customers was reduced to zero effective June 1,2007 and the BPA credit for Irrgation customers was reduced to zero effective July 13, 2007. The BP A revenues after July 2007 are not included in the attachment due to the fact that they only were adjustments from pro-ration of bils, the processing of lingering bils and the correction of bils for periods when the BP A credit was not equa to zero. Recordholder: Sponsor: James Z. Zhang Willam R. Griffth P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 29 LIP A Data Request 29 Does the Company weather normalization sumer usage of Schedule 36 customers? Response to lIP A Data Request 29 Yes. Schedule 36 customers usage is weather normalized. Recordholder: Sponsor: James Z. Zhang Wiliam R. Grffth PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power June 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 31 IIPA Data Request 31 Please provide the following for each Morgan Staley contract that is included in the Company's Net Power Cost model: a. Please provide a copy of each contract? b. In the Net Power Cost model, what was the energy and dollars associated with each month of the test year. c. Since Januar 1,2007, what has been the dates, hours, MW, and $IMWH of all purchases through each of these contracts? Response to IIPA Data Request 31 a. Please refer to Confdential Attachment lIP A 31 a. b. The dollars associated with each contract are included in the Company's fied Exhibit 40 (Shu). The associated energy is available in the GRID model, which has been provided. c. Of the three Morgan Staley contracts, two are new in 2010. Please refer to Confdential Attachment lIPA 31 c for the requested inormation on the thrd contract, Morgan Staley p189046. Confdential inormation is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Jim Schroeder / Hui Shu / Tom Beck Hui Shu PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountan Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 34 IIPA Data Request 34 Regarding the DSM programs on page 4.15 of Company Exhbit 2, please provide for each state the most recent study/assessment of each program involved. Response to lIP A Data Request 34 For clarfication, the line items listed on page 4.15 of Company Exhibit 2 are not DSM programs, but sumaries of the amounts adjusted out of general rates for net DSM collections in each of the Company's jursdictions. Anual report for 2009 DSM activities (the most recent study/assessment of each DSM program) are available at the followig link: http://ww.pacificorp.com/es/dsm.html for the states of Californa, Idaho, Uta, Washington and Wyoming. DSM programs inthe state of Oregon are managed by the Energy Trut of Oregon. The 2009 anua report for the Energy Trust of Oregon (including PacifiCorp fuding) is available at the followig link: htt://energytrust.org/ About/policy-and-reports/Reports.aspx. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarer To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 35 LIP A Data Request 35 On July 11,2007 Quantec provided a report to the Company entitled "Assessment of Long-Term, System-Wide Potential for Demand-Side and Other Supplementa Resources". Please provide a copy of any Company assessments ofthat report as well as any other similar (topic wise) reports that have been developed since. Response to lIP A Data Request 35 The Company did not prepare an assessment of the "Assessment of Long-Term, System- Wide Potential for Demand-Side and Other Supplementa Resources" report. The Company does complete market characterizations to support program development and changes. Market characterizations were filed for the FinAswer Express Program in Californa, Idaho and Washigton as well as the Energy FinAswer program in Idaho and Washington. Please refer to Attachment lIP A 35 for copies of these studies. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarer To Be Determined PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28,2010 LIP A Data Request 36 LIP A Data Request 36 Please provide a copy of the Company's jurisdictional allocation model(s) and its class cost of service study in Excel format with all formula's intact. Response to lIP A Data Request 36 The Jursdictional Allocation Model was provided in the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 1.19. Please refer to Attachment lIPA 36 for a copy of the cost of service modeL. Recordholder: Sponsor: Steven R. McDougal/C. Craig Paice Steven R. McDougal/C. Craig Paice PAC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 37 LIP A Data Request 37 For each month for which the Company does not have load research data for the Irrgation class, please explain how the monthy system coincident peak used on Exhbit 49, Tab 5, page 7 and the monthy Distrbution peaks used on Exhbit 49, Tab 5, page 12 are derived. Please provide the raw data used to establish these non-load research based data. Response to lIP A Data Request 37 For all irrgation non-season months where load research data is not available, monthly system coincident peak and monthy distrbution peaks are derived assuming a 100% load factor for each hour of the month. Peaks are calculated by dividing the tota monthy class kWh by the number of hours in the month. Please refer to Attchment LIP A 37. Note: Exhbit 49, TabS, page 7 is at sales level and Exhbit 49, Tab 5, page 12 is at input leveL. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott D. Thornton To Be Determned PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 lIPA Data Request 38 LIP A Data Request 38 Please explain the methodology and provide the underlying data used to develop the non-coincident peak data used on Exhibit 49, Tab 5, page 13 for all rate schedules. Response to lIP A Data Request 38 Non-coincident peak data was estimated based on a thee year NCP/Schedule Peak ratio. Please refer to Attchment IIPA 38. Note: Attchment IIPA 38 is at sales leveL. Exhbit 49, Tab5, page 13 is at input leveL. Recordholder: Sponsor: Scott D. Thornton To Be Determned P AC-E-1 0-07/Rock) Mountan Power June 28, 2010 lIPA Data Request 39 LIP A Data Request 39 With respectto the distribution peak data listed on Exhbit 49, Tab 5, page 12, please provide the following: a. The loss factors that are applied to each rates schedule listed; b. The hourly distrbution value for each hour for 2005-09 in electronic format; c. The estimated hourly impact upon the distrbutions values listed in "b" above, due to the impact of the Irrgation load management programs. Response to lIP A Data Request 39 a. Loss factors used to develop data provided on Exhibit 49, Tab 5, page 12 are: Secondar = 11.642 Primar = 8.644 b. Please refer to Attchment LIP A 39b. c. This analysis has not been performed. Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice / Scott D. Thornton C. Craig Paice P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mounta Power June 28, 2010 IIP A Data Request 40 LIP A Data Request 40 With respect to the data used to establish the Substation Peaks weighting factors on the top of page 11 of Tab 5 of Exhbit 49, please provide the following; a. The name of each substation used in the analysis; b. The MW of peak recorded at each substation; c. The time and date of the peak of each substation; d. The original cost of the substation or any cost value that is available on the Company's property records; and e. A list of all substations not included in the analysis and the reason for the non- inclusion. Response to lIP A Data Request 40 a. Please refer to Attchment lIPA 40. b. Please refer to Attchment lIP A 40. c. The requested information is not readily available. d. Please refer to Attchment lIP A 40. e. No substations were excluded from the analysis. Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice C. Craig Paice PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 41 lIP A Data Request 4 i Please provide a listing by size the number of the line transformers that are presently used in the field to service customers. If available, please list the , customer tye (Res, Comm., Ir., Ind., other) that is served. Response to lIP A Data Request 41 Please refer to Attchment LIP A 41. Recordholder: Sponsor: Lori Adams To Be Determed PAC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain.Power June 28, 2010 lIPA Data Request 42 LIP A Data Request 42 Please provide a listing by size the number of single phae line transformers that are grouped for a single customer that are presently used in the field to service 3- phase customers. Response to lIP A Data Request 42 Please refer to Attchment lIPA 42. Recordh()lder: Sponsor: Lori Adams To Be Determined PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountai Power June 28, 2010 lIPA Data Request 43 LIP A Data Request 43 What size range of line transformers are normally used to serve residential load? Response to lIP A Data Request 43 The size ranges of a single phase padmount transformer for residential loads are; 25kVA, 50kVA, 75kVA, 100kVA, and 167kV A. Recordholder: Sponsor: Lori Adams To Be Determned P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 44 LIP A Data Request 44 For new line transformers that have been ordered by the Company over the last few years (for any ofthe jursdictions), please provide a tyical price for each size and type of line transformers. Ths data is being requested in relationship to the tyical sizes and tyes of line transformers listed in "41" above and need only reflect these tyes of line transformers. Response to lIP A Data Request 44 Prices for each size and type of line transformers are as follows: The price of 25kVA is: The price of 50kV A is: The price of 75kVA is: The price of 100kVA is: The price of 167kVA is: $1,541 $1,969 $2,169 $2,600 $3,747 Recordholder: Sponsor: Lori Adams To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 45 LIP A Data Request 45 Please provide a copy of all loss studies that were developed and presently being used for each of the Company's jursdictions. Response to lIP A Data Request 45 Class load data developed for the 2009 calendar year employed loss factors derived from the following loss.studies: Californa exhibits revised- please refer to Attchment LIP A 45, specifically the file named' Attach LIP A 45 -l.pdt. Idaho exhbits revised- please refer to Attchment LIP A 45, specifically the file named 'Attch lIPA 45 -2.pdt. Oregon PacifiCorp 2007 Loss Analysis revised- please refer to Attachment lIP A 45, specifically the file named 'Attach lIPA 45 -3.pdt. Uta exhbits revised- please refer to Attachment lIP A 45, specifically the file named' Attach IIPA 45 -4.pdt. Washington exhbits revised- please refer to Attchment lIPA 45, specifically the file named 'Attach lIPA 45 -5.pdt. Wyoming exhibits revised- please refer to Attchment LIP A 45, specifically the file named 'Attach lIPA 45 -6.pdt. Recordholder: Sponsor: C. Craig Paice Co Craig Paice P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 49 LIP A Data Request 49 According to Còmpany witness Shu, beginng at page 8 line 23: "The addition of the Populus to Terminal line increases the transmission capacity across Path C from southeast Idaho to nortern Utah by approximately 780 megawatts. The additional transmission capacity makes it possible to better utilze the market price differentials between the east and west sides of the Company's system, reduces reliance on additional purchases of transmission from third paries, and improves reliability." Please reru the Company's Net Power Supply Model used in this case without the increase of approximately 780 megawatts across Path C. Response to lIP A Data Request 49 The Company has not performed ths analysis; however the Company provided lIPA with access to the GRI model on June 24, 2010 with delivery on June 25, 2010. The NPC impact may be identified by reducing the modeled trfer capability from Idaho to Path C and from Path C to Uta Nort. Recordholder: Sponsor: Hui Shu Hui Shu PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 50 LIP A Data Request 50 Company witness Bird discusses an AAC method to determe the relative favorability of varous resource options. Please use ths same ACC method to compare the cost/value of the Idaho Irgation Load Control Program with the purchase of a gas fired peaker of equivalent size. This comparson can be done on either a generic $IMW basis, or specific sized peakers can be chosen and the appropriate reduction make to the Idaho Irrigation Load Control Program values. Response to IIPA Data Request 50 The Company has not performed the requested analysis. Moreover, the ACC method is strctly energy based in that it measures the difference in system net power costs with and without uncommtted resources. It does not include any cost reductions associated with capacity resource. deferrals. Recordholder: Sponsor: Gregory N. Duvall Stefan Bird P AC-E-1 0-07/Rocky Mountan Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 51 LIP A Data Request 51 On July 11,2007 Quantec provided a report to the Company entitled "Assessment of Long-Term, System-Wide Potential for Demand-Side and Other Supplementa Resources". That report on page 17 and elsewhere lists an avoided cost of papacityh of$98 per kW-year for Rocky Mountain Power and $58 per kW-year for Pacific Power. Are there any new values for these avoided costs? Ifthere are, please provide a copy of the study of analysis that contains the new values. Response to lIP A Data Request 51 The Company does not have any new values for the avoided cost estimates published in the "Assessment of Long-Term, System-Wide Potential for Demand- Side and Other Supplemental Resources." As stated previously, in responding to ths question in 2007, the avoided capacity costs listed on page 17 and elsewhere in the "Assessment of Long-Term, System- Wide Potential.for Demand-Side and Other Supplemental Resources" (Potential Study) were planing estimates used for the completion of the study. The IRP modeling process determines resource economic potential and provides direction to the Company as to which resource options to pursue. The values used in the Potential Study referenced were arbitrar values selected to avoid overly constrainig resource selections and understating market opportties in advance of the IRP modeling work. Recordholder: Sponsor: Jeff W. Bumgarer To Be Determned PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 LIP A Data Request 52 IIPA Data Request 52 On July 11, 2007 Quantec provided a report to the Company entitled "Assessment of Long-Term, System-Wide Potential for Demand-Side and Other Supplemental Resources". That report on page 22 found that there was a levelized cost for the Residential direct load control program of $93 per kW in the Rocky Mountain service area. Are there any new values for this levelized cost? If there are, please provide a copy of the study of analysis that contains the new value. Response to lIP A Data Request 52 No, there are not any new values for ths levelized cost. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarner To Be Determned PAC-E-10-07/Rocky Mountain Power June 28, 2010 lIPA Data Request 53 LIP A Data Request 53 On July 11,2007 Quatec provided a report to the Company entitled "Assessment of Long-Term, System-Wide Potential for Demand-Side and Other Supplemental Resources". That report on page 22 found that there was a levelized cost for the Irrgation direct load control program of$47 per kW in the Rocky Mountan service area. Are there any new values for ths levelized cost? If there are, please provide a copy of the study of analysis that contains the new value. Response to lIP A Data Request 53 No, there are not any new values for this levelized cost. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarer To Be Determined