HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100617Monsanto 2 (1-74) to PAC.pdfMrs. Jean Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 W. MARCUS W. NYE RANDALL C. BUDGE JOHN A. BAILEY, JR. JOHN R. GOODELL JOHN B. INGELSTROM DANIEL C. GREEN BRENT O. ROCHE KIRK B. HADLEY FRED J. LEWIS ERIC L. OLSEN CONRAD J. AIKEN RICHARD A. HEARN, M.D. LANE V. ERICKSON FREDERICK J. HAHN, III DAVID E. ALEXANDER PATRICK N. GEORGE SCOTT J. SMITH JOSHUA D. JOHNSON STEPHEN J. MUHONEN CANDICE M. MCHUGH CAROL T1PPI VOLYN BRENT L. WHITING JONATHON S. BYINGTON DAVE BAGLEY THOMAS J. BUDGE JONATHAN M. VOLYN MARK A. SHAFFER JASON E. FLAIG Dear Jean: LAW OFFICES OF RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE Be BAILEY CHARTERED 201 EAST CENTER STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1391 POCATELLO, IDAHO 83204-1391 Boise: OFFICE to t SOUTH CAPITOL BOULEVARD, SUITE.208 BOISE, IDAHO 83702TELEPHONE: (208) 395-001.1 FACSIMILE: (208) 433-0187 TELEPHONE (208) 232-6101FACSIMILE (208) 232-6109 IDAHO FALLS OFFICE 477 SHOUP AVENUE SUITE 107 POST OFFICE BOX 50698 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83405 TELEPHONE:. (208) 528-8101 FACSIMILE: (20S) 528-6109 ww.racinelaw.net ALL OFFICES TOLL FREE (877) 232-8 I 01 SENDER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS:rcb\!racinelaw.net L.OUIS F. RACINE (1917.2005) WILLIAMD. OLSON, OF COUNSEL June 15,2010 ~~e:~~ Re: Cfo\S .,-J § PAC-E-10-07 Enclosed for filing please find the original and nine copies of Monsanto Company's Second Data Requests to Rocky Mountain Power. Than you for your assistance. RCB:rr Enclosures cc: Service List ~ . BUDGE . Randall C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAlLEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-139 I Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 rcb(qracinelaw.net ,,-RE",,l=;:_D zuin JUN' 1 AM 8: 09 Attorneys for Intervenor Monsanto Company BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL ) OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE ) SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF ) $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY )13.7 PERCENT ) ) Case No. PAC-E-io-07 MONSANO COMPAN'S SECOND DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER MONSANTO COMPANY, by and though their attorneys, hereby submits ths Second Data Request to Rocky Mountan Power, pursuant to Rule 225 of the Idaho Public Utilty Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01, as follows: Monsato 2.1: Please provide workpapers that show the source and calculations pertining to the Company's NPC study(s), including the net power cost report in Excel, the GRID project and access to the NPC modeL. Furher, it should be noted that all requests for spreadsheets or any other documentation which includes numerical calculations should be provided in a working format with all cells and formula intact. Ths is a continuig request for all discovery requests. Monsanto 2.2: Please provide a copy of all PacifiCorp discovery responses and attchments from Case No. PAC-E-07-05 related to NPC that were provided in response to discovery from Monsanto and Sta. Monsanto 2.3: Please provide a working copy ofthe entire NPC study that shows the authorized MONSANO'S SECOND DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER-l NPC from Case No. PAC-E-08-07. Monsanto 2.4: Please provide a copy of the Idaho Commission Order for Case No. PAC-E-08- 07. Monsanto 2.5: Does the Company agree to allow Monsanto to use discovery responses for the following cases: Washington Docket No. UE-090205, Wyoming PSC Docket Nos. 20000-352- ER-09, 20000-342-EA-09, 20000-341-EP-09 and 20000-333-ER-08? Monsanto 2.6: Please provide the calculation and supporting workpapers for the $16.5 millon increase for wheeling expense. Monsanto 2.7: Please explain how STF transmission capability and expense were modeled in GRID and provide all supporting workpapers. Monsanto 2.8: Please provide the workpapers that calculated planed and unplaned forced outage rates used in GRID including all back-up data showing each outage and duration considered in the time period plus NERC cause code, tye of event duration, energy lost, etc. Monsanto 2.9: Please provide the heat rate cures for each resource and the spreadsheets that show the derivation of the heat rate cures. Monsanto 2.10: Please provide the workpapers and documentation supporting the inputs in the Other Cost file used in GRID, including all spreadsheets used to compute any of the line items in the file including test year wheeling expense. Monsanto 2.11: Please provide workpapers and documentation supporting the Energy Cost fie in GRID, including all spreadsheets used to compute any of the line items in the fie. Monsanto 2.12: Please provide workpapers and documentation supporting the Demand file in GRID, including all spreadsheets used to compute any of the line items in the file. Monsanto 2.13: Please identify the time periods used to calculate outage rates and other inputs included in the GRID modeL. Monsanto 2.14: Please provide a list and explanation of all modeling or logic changes/enhancements to the GRID model that have been implemented since Case No. E-08-07. Monsanto 2.15: Please provide all documents, workpapers or other information relied upon by the Company in the development of market caps used in GRID. Monsanto 2.16: Please provide the date and forward price cure (HLH, LLH, flat) used in GRID for the test year and years 2011, 2012 and 2013. MONSANO'S SECOND DATA REQUESTS TO ROCK MOUNAI POWER - 2 Monsanto 2.17: Did the Company use monthly screens or daily screens as was agreed to in Wyoming Docket No.20000-352-ER-09 to model thermal plant dispatch? Ifnot, please explain why not. Monsanto 2.18: Please provide workpapers for any screens applied to correct uneconomic commitment and dispatch of resources in the GRID modeL. Monsanto 2.19: Please provide a plant breakdown of the 0.1 milion MWh hydro generation decline referred to in Dr. Shu's testimony as compared to the amount included in the Company's last filing. Monsanto 2.20: Please explain the methodology used to calculate the $6.50 per MWH wind integration cost used in GRID and whether that methodology includes an offset for changes in retail load. Please provide the calculation, supporting workpapers and a sumar of assumptions. Monsanto 2.21: Please provide reasonable advance notice to Mr. Widmer of all IRP public meetings on the Company's new wind integration cost study. Monsanto 2.22: Please explain how the Company modeled Bridger Coal overburden strpping costs and provide the supporting workpapers. Monsanto 2.23: Please provide the calculation and supporting workpapers for the gas star-up costs included in GRID. Monsanto 2.24: Please provide the GRI transmission topology for Case No. E-08-07. Monsanto 2.25: Please provide the GRID transmission topology for the curent filing plus an explanation of all differences that have been made to the topology since the last filing, including supporting documentation for the changes. Monsanto 2.26: Please provide the latest status of the Condit hydro decommissioning including the expected decommissioning date. Monsanto 2.27: Please provide a list of thermal plant upgrades for the period 2004 though December 3 i, 2010 including in-service dates and capacity changes. Monsanto 2.28: Does the Company's market cap adjustment include any normalizing adjustments for expected changes in wholesale market sizes to reflect new transmission capacity? If not, please explain why not. Monsanto 2.29: Does the Company's market cap adjustment include any normalizing adjustments to wholesale market sizes to reflect increased thermal capacity durng the modeling period? If not, please explain why not. MONSANO'S SECOND DATA REQUESTS TO ROCK MOUNAIN POWER - 3 Monsanto 2.30: Please identify and quantify how the impact of reduced reliance of additional purchases of transmission from third paries has been reflected in NPC. Please provide a sumar of the comparable transmission capacity and associated expense that was included in NPC in Case No. PAC-E -08-07. Monsanto 2.31: Please provide the normalization term for each of the hydro resources included in NPC. Monsanto 2.32: Dr. Shu indicated that the Company will update its filing in rebutt testimony for material changes in NPC. Please define material changes. Does the Company plan to update the fiing to include actual STF transactions during the test year? Monsanto 2.33: Please provide an explanation and provide supporting workpapers of each material change to the filed NPC concurent with the time the Company becomes aware of such changes. Monsanto 2.34: Has the Idaho Commission previously approved of the Company's plan to make the tyes of updates it proposes to make in rebuttal testimony? If yes, please provide the associated commission order supporting such updates. Monsanto 2.35: Please provide the workpapers used to calculate reduced hydro generation for the motoring and effciency losses as discussed in Dr. Shu's testimony. Monsanto 2.36: Please provide the calculation and supporting workpapers for the Company's Bear River median hydro normalization. Monsanto 2.37: Please provide the order on avoided costs for Case No. PAC-E-09-07. Monsanto 2.38: Please provide the2008 IRP wind integration studies and supporting workpapers referenced in Dr. Shu's testimony. Monsanto 2.39: Please provide the 2011 IRP updated wind integration studies and supporting documentation when they are completed. Monsanto 2.40: Please provide a table showing the actual generation of each PacifiCorp coal, gas and hydro unit modeled in GRID for each month of the period 2005 to the present. Please provide the information electronically in excel spreadsheets. Monsanto 2.41: Please provide the hourly generator logs for each wind, coal, gas and hydro plant modeled in GRID for the four year period used to model outage rates and other inputs used in GRID ("the Four Year Period"). Note that in cases where the Company does not possess unt specific data for its share of a resource such as Bridger, please provide unt specific data for its share of a resource as a whole including the output of other owners. MONSANO'S SECOND DATA REQUESTS TO ROCK MOUNTAI POWER - 4 Monsanto 2.42: For the Four Year Period, please provide the hourly logs for the following contracts/resources modeled in GRID in excel format. a. The Mid Columbia hydro contracts b. All SPA contracts c. All wind resources d. Each long-term purchase or sale contract Monsanto 2.43: Please provide the most curent schedule for thermal and hydro generator planed outages for 2010,2011,2012 and 2013. Monsanto 2.44: For each transmission contract whose costs are included in GRID, please identify the purose of the transaction, why it is used and useful in the test year, the amount of transmission capacity or tye of transmission service it provides and where the capacity or service is modeled in GRID. Monsanto 2.45: Please provide all real time thermal unit operating characteristics comparable to GRI inputs. Monsanto 2.46: Please provide all real time hydro unt operating characteristics comparble to GRID inputs. Monsanto 2.47: Please provide electronic copies of all wholesale sales and purchase power contracts and all fuel contracts modeled in GRID, a sumar list of which contracts have been executed or changed since Case no. E-08-07 and workpapers used to develop the contracts GRID model inputs. If the contracts have been changed, please provide a sumar of the changes. Monsanto 2.48: Have any changes been made to the maximum capacities, minimum up or down times or minimum unt capacities for thermal or hydro generators modeled in GRID since Case No. PAC-E-08-07? If yes, identify each change, explain why the change was made and provide supporting documentation, including engineering data, reports or analysis supporting the new assumptions. Monsanto 2.49: Provide data for the Four Year Period for all third par transmission imbalance transactions that have been included in actual costs durng that period. Monsanto 2.50: Please provide all non-firm transmission transactions that have been included in actu net power costs for the Four Year Period. The data should also include non-firm transmission acquired from PacifiCorp transmission that was not made possible as a result of release of firm commitments from PacifiCorp Merchant. The information should be provided in the same format as Attchment WIEC 3.27 Confidential from Wyoming Docket No. 20000-ER- 352-EP-09. MONSANTO'S SECOND DATA REQUESTS TO ROCK MOUNAIN POWER - S Monsanto 2.51: Please provide all STF transmission data that have been included in actual net power costs for the Four Year Period. Please provide the information in the same format as Attachment WIEC 1.18 from Docket No. 20000-ER-352-09. Monsanto 2.52: Did the Company model the non-firm transmission that it uses in actual operations? If yes, please provide the workpapers used to develop the modeling inputs. If not, please provide the Company's justification for exclusion of these tyes of transactions. Monsanto 2.53: Please provide the calculation and supporting documentation for sta-up fuel costs used in this case including the star-up MMBTU and number of stas etc. Provide the information for per unit sta costs and total star costs modeled in GRID. Monsanto 2.54: Please provide an update of the Company's efforts to address the commitment logic error in the GRID model, as opposed to the use of screens or other workarounds. Monsanto 2.55: Please provide hourly spin and non-spin reserve and regulating margin requirements (not available reserves) on the Company's generation system for the period November 16,2006 to the most recent month available by plant. Monsanto 2.56: Please provide hourly spin and non-spin reserve and regulating margin requirements available on the Company's generation system for the period November 16,2006 to the most recent month available by plant. Monsanto 2.57: Please provide a sumar of all assumptions used in the Company's REC sales calculation, a copy of the calculation including all supporting workpapers. Monsanto 2.58 Please provide a sumar of the 2009 RECs that shows the amounts generated by generated by plant, the amount sold by plant/contract, the sales price, the amount ofRECs required to be baned and the amount of RECs available for sale that were not sold. Monsanto 2.59: Please provide the actual cost of wind integration per MWh for the most recent 12 month period that the information is available or any other period that the Company has performed the calculation. If the requested information is not available, please explain why it is not available. Monsanto 2.60: Please provide actual STF transaction detail included in GRID, in the same format as Confdential Attachment WIEC 1.42 from Wyoming Docket No. 2000-352-ER-09. In addition, please update the format from Attachment WIEC 1.42 to include colums that show the bid and ask prices for the representative market on the day each transaction was executed. Monsanto 2.61: Please provide actu STF transaction detail for the Four Year Period in the same format as the prior request. A separate fie should be provided for each of the four years. MONSANO'S SECOND DATA REQUESTS TO ROCK MOUNTAIN POWER - 6 Monsanto 2.62: Please provide the Offcial Forward Price Cure wholesale market prices for Mead for the test year by month on a flat, HLH, LLH and hourly basis. Monsanto 2.63: Has the Company made a FERC fiing to establish a wind integration tarff for thrd par wind generators located within a PacifiCorp control area? Monsanto 2.64: Please explain any changes the Company has made to wind integration cost modeling methodology for third par wind developers located in the Company's control area since Wyoming Docket No. 20000-ER-352-EP-09. Monsanto 2.65: Please provide the approximate date that PacifiCorp became aware that there is a cost associated with integrating wind generation located in its control area. Monsanto 2.66: Please provide the actual monthly Cal iso wheeling and service fees for 2008, 2009 and 2010 to date. Monsanto 2.67: Please provide a monthly breakdown of coal plant generation for peak, off-peak and graveyard periods for each year of the Four Year Period used in ths filing. All information should be provided on a PacifiCorp basis. Monsanto 2.68: Please provide a monthly sumar thermal plant backed down for reserves including reserves for wind integration for each year of the Four Year Period used in ths filing. Monsanto 2.69: Please provide the Regulatory Fuel Budget and any other workpapers used in developing fuel cost inputs for GRID. Monsanto 2.70: Please provide a copy of the alternative coal supply analysis performed for the Naughton plant. Monsanto 2.71: Please provide a history of Biomass non-generation agreements executed by the Company from 2000 though the most curent period available. Monsanto 2.72: Please describe the Company's modeling for the Black Hils CT contract and provide the calculation of GRID inputs and supporting documentation. Monsanto 2.73: Please provide the Company's definition and calculation of the Mona market size including all supporting workpapers. Monsanto 2.74: Please describe how the Company decides whether it will exercise its option to tae energy under the APS Supplemental Other contract. MONSANO'S SECOND DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER-7 DATED this 1- fI~ day of June, 2010. RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED By~t'~ RADALL C. BUDGE MONSATO'S SECOND DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER - 8 CERTIFCATE OF MALING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on ths I J l~ay of June, 2010, I served a true, correct and complete copy of the foregoing docume;i, to each of the followig, via the method so indicated: Jean D. Jewell, Secretar (original and 7) Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 E-mail: jjewellêpuc.state.id.us U.S. Mail Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 E-mail: ted.westonCfpacificorp.com E-Mail Daniel Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake city, Utah 84111 E-mail: Danel.solanderCfpacificorp.com E-Mail ~t~~ RADALL C. BUDGE - MONSANO'S SECOND DATA REQUESTS TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER - 9