HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100601PAC to Staff 1-9.pdf~~;co~OUNTAIN RECEiVEr) 20m JUN - , lUi 10= 00 May 28,2010 Jean Jewel Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 RE: PAC-E-1O--3 IPUC_Production Data Request (1-9) 201 South Main, Sute 2300 Salt Lake City, Uth 84 i I i Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC _Production Data Request Numbers 1-9. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments IPUC Production 5 and 9 -(1-2). If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, 1~.ÆVv~/~ Ted Weston, Manager Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Bryan Lanspery Gar Grayson Krstine A. Sasser P AC-E-1 0-03/Rocky Mountain Power May 28,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 1 ¡PUC Production Data Request 1 Please provide the Company's rationale for exempting its special contract customers from Schedule 191? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 1 Historically special contract customers have not contributed towards funding investment in demand-side management in Idaho through Schedule 191. Accordingly, special contract customers are not eligible to participate in the Company's FinAnswer program (commercial and industrial DSM program) which was implemented in Idaho in 2008. The company has developed a program (the self direction program) available in Utah and Wyoming which encourages large customers to invest in energy efficiency measures. Through this program, large customers are subject to the DSM surcharge but are able to offset the DSM surcharge on their bil by a portion of the cost of energy efficiency projects which they implement at their facilities. Recordholder: Sponsor: J. Ted Weston To Be Determined 'l P AC-E-l 0-03/Rocky Mountain Power May 28,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 2 ¡PUC Production Data Request 2 Does the Company curently offer programs fuded through Schedule 191 that special contract customers cando paricipate in? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 2 Programs fuded through Schedule 191 are not available for customer loads served by a special contract. Customers with loads served under a retail rate schedule and a special contract are eligible for programs funded through Schedule 191 for only the load served under a retail rate schedule. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarer To Be Determined P AC-E-1 0-03/Rocky Mountain Power May 28, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 3 ¡PUC Production Data Request 3 Are any customer classes that curently provide funding through Schedule 191 unable to paricipate in the Company's program offerings? If so, why? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 3 Loads served under schedule 7, 7 A and 11 (lighting schedules) pay Schedule 191 charges but are not able paricipate in thëCompany's program offerings as these schedules are not listed as qualifying, schedules in any program tariffs. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarner To Be Determined ,, . ) .. P AC-E-l 0-03/Rocky Mountain Power May 28, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 4 ¡PUC Production Data Request 4 Do non-participants benefit from DSM programs? If so, should they pay into the DSM rider fund? If not, please explain. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 4 Yes, customers who do not paricipate in the company's DSM programs realize benefits from the programs. DSM programs reduce the need to acquire more expensive resources to meet growing load. This mitigates upward pressure on rates for all customers. The company believes that all customers who benefit from DSM programs should contribute to the fuding of those programs. Recordholder: Sponsor: J. Ted Weston To Be Determined l)j¡. 't ~ i t " PAC-E-I0-03/Rocky Mountain Power May 28,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 5 ¡PUC Production Data Request 5 Please provide a breakdown of the operating expenditues associated with the Irrigation Load Control Program that are being recovered through Schedule 191. Please provide this information for 2008 and2009 separately. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 5 Please refer to Attchment IPUC 5. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarner To Be Determined PAC-E-I0-03/Rocky Mountain Power May 28, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 6 ¡PUC Production Data Request 6 Does the Company believe it wil reach a plateau in participation for the Irrigation Load Control Program, and if so, when does the Company anticipate this to occur? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 6 The greatest one year growth in paricipation (as measured by paricipating loads at site) occurred between 2007 and 2008 as the dispatchable control option was made available to all growers. During this period participating loads grew approximately 135 megawatts providing for 215 megawatts of participating loads. In 2009 and 2010 program paricipation continued to grow however at a slower pace with an additional 45 megawatts and 15 megawatts respectively. This trend would suggest that program paricipation under the current design and incentive structure was indeed reaching saturation or a plateau in participation. Absent modifications to the program tariff to limit paricipation however, the Company is unable to guarantee that program wil plateau until 100 percent of the Company's qualifying Idaho agricultural loads are enrolled. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarner To Be Determined il I:; P AC-E-l 0-03/Rocky Mountain Power May 28, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 7 ¡PUC Production Data Request 7 Should the equipment and administrative costs associated with the Irrigation Load Control Program decline from 2008 as paricipation reaches a saturation point (given 2008 as the transition year to the dispatchable program)? Please explain. Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 7 No. The Company expects costs to level off over time as the program reaches saturation and additional program effciencies can be found however does not anticipate significant declines in the annual expenditures required to operate the program. The size of the network, relatively limited life of electronics/control equipment, harsh operating environment, customer/field service requirements and impacts on the distribution system all point to ongoing costs at or above current levels on a dollar per kilowatt basis. The Company is committed to continue to operate the program as cost-effectively as possible. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarner To Be Determined .! ' ¡ ;l P AC-E-l 0-03/Rocky Mountain Power May 28, 2010 IPUC Production Data Request 8 ¡PUC Production Data Request 8 Does the Company plan to add measures that were identified in the Northwest Council's DRAFT 6th Power Plan? If yes, which measures wil be included and how wil that affect incentives and overall DSM budget? Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 8 The Company is stil analyzing measures included in the 6th Power Plan. At such time as measures are identified which will enhance the current program offerings in Idaho, the Company wil submit an application for the addition of the measures along with a cost effectiveness analysis demonstrating the value to the specific program. Recordholder: Sponsor: JeffW. Bumgarner To Be Determined n ! ~ PAC-E-I0-03/Rocky Mountain Power May 28,2010 IPUC Production Data Request 9 ¡PUC Production Data Request 9 For each year beginning in 2006, please provide a table showing Schedule 191 revenues collected by customer schedule number and the corresponding dollar amounts of Rocky Mountain's energy efficiency costs and estimated demand and energy savings. (Please note that Tables 16-21 in the Company's 2009 DSM Report do not show specific rate schedules and have several ilegible components. ) Response to ¡PUC Production Data Request 9 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 9-1 for the revenues and expenditures for Schedule 191 from 2006 through 20Q9. The Company does not track DSM expenditures and KW and KWh savings by customer rate schedule. However, the Company does track DSM expenditures and savings by customer segment. In 2006 and 2007, the Company tracked commercial and industrial segments as a single segment. Beginning in 2008, the Company began to track commercial and industrial expenditures and savings as distinct segments. Schedule 191 revenues are compiled by customer rate schedule and are provided in Attachment IPUC 9 -1. With regard to Tables 16 through21,ofthe¡2009 Idaho DSM Annual Report, a PDF version of the report is availahl,e athttp://www.paciíìcorp.com/es/dsm.htmL. When Company staff accessed tahid'16- 21 on that PDF and printed pages 31 to 33, they printed legibly. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 9 -2 for a PDF containing Tables 16 to 21. If there are stil issues with legibilty of these tables, please contact the Company DSM staff, and the tables can be provided in a different format. Recordholder: Sponsor: ¡ JeffW. Bumgarner To Be Determineq