HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090114PAC to IIPA 8, 21, 26, 29-32.pdf:. '.~ROCKY MOUNTAIN . POWERA DMIO Ol iw °ECEI\¡i::ni'\ ,~,. "'. "C, 201 South Main. Su 2300 Salt La Cit. Uth 84111 Janua 13,2009 2009 JAN III AM 10: 5 I IDAHO UTILITIES Eric Olsen Idaho Irgation Pumpers Assoc Racine, OLSe Nye, Budge & Bailey 201 East Center Pocatello, ID 83204 RE: PAC-E-08..07 IIPA Data Request (1-35) Please find enclosed Rocky Mounta Power~s Responses to IIPA Data Requests 8,21,26, and 29-32. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attchments IIPA 8, 21 -(a,e), 30 -(a, b-(1-2), c). If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, T.i~ lú4/b/~ Ted Weston, Manger, Reguation Enclosurs C.c.: Bryan LansperylIUC Tony Yanell/IPA , PAC-E-08-07/Rocky Mountain Power Januar 13,2009 LIP A Data Request 8 LIP A Data Request 8 a. On Exhibit i 2, page 10.14 there is an adjusment for th August 2007 Idao coincident pe of a positive 6 MW. Pleas provide all data equations, and assumptions used to develop this figure. Please supply this data in Excel format. B. Explain how, if at all, this adjustment flows through or is incorporated in Exhibit 22 Tab 5, pages 6 or 7. Response to lIP A Data Request 8 a. Please refer to Attchment LIP A 8, tab "States", cell K541 7, which shows a temperature adjustment to the Idaho peak load of 6,412 kW, or 6 MW. b. The cost of service study does not use the jursdictional load data used in the JAM. Please refer to the Company's response to' LIP A Data Request 2 for more information. " IDAHO P AC-E-08-07 2008 GENERAL RATE CASE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IIPA DATA REQUEST (1-35) ATTACHMENT IIPA 8 ON THE ENCLOSED CD a PAC-E-08-07/Rocky Mountan Power Janua 13, 2009 LIP A Data Request 2 i IIPA Data Request 21 On page i 0 lines i 8-20 of Mr. Duvall's testimony, it is indicated that the NPC model uses hourly retail load as some of the inputs. a. Please provide the hourly system retail load data that was used in the NPC model that was used in this case. b. Please provide the hourly system retail load data that was used/adjusted for uss in the NPC model to develop the data in "a" above. c. Please provide the hourly Idao retail load data that was used in th NPC modl that was used in this case. d. Please provide the hourly Idao Irrgation retail load data that was used in the NPC model that was used in this case. e. Please provide the hourly market price data that was used in the NPC model that was used in this case. Response to IIPA Data Request 21 a. Please refer to Attachment LIP A 2 i a. b. Please refer to the Company's response to subpar a above. c. Please refer to the Company's response to subpar a above. d. Please refer to Attchment lIP A 2 i a. The Company models loads at the state level not at the customer class leveL. e. Please refer to Attachment lIP A 2 i e. . PAC-E-08-07/Rocky Mountain Power Januar 13, 2009 LIP A Data Request 26 LIP A Data Request 26 Does the Company weather normalization summer usage of Schedule 36 customers? Response to LIP A Data Request 26 No, these customers are primarly electric heating customers and ar considere winter weather sensitive. '" IDAHO PAC-E-08-07 2008 GENERAL RATE CASE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IIPA DATA REQUEST (1-35) ATTACHMENT IIPA 21-(a,e) ON THE ENCLOSED CD ì PAC-E-08-07/Rocky Mountain Power Januar 13,2009 LIP A Data Request 29 LIP A Data Request 29 Regarding the values on page 10. i 3 of Company Exhibit 12, please answer the following: a. Ar the "Metered Loads" at the top of the page actua (unaltered in any way) values for each jursdiction at the time of the monthly system peak in 2007? b. Wht is the specific basis for the first se of adjustmnts to the Utah load tha range from 85-92 MW? c. What is the specific bass for the first set of adjustments (decreases) to the Idao load of 7 i MW? d. Why is the Idaho load only adjusted (decreased) in the months of June, July, August, and October in the firs set of adjustments? e. What is the specific basis for the second set of adjustments (increases) to the Idaho load of71 MW? f. Why is the Idaho load only adjusted (incrased) in the months of May, Jun, July, August, and October in the first set of adjustents? g. How do the decreases in the Idaho load relate to the increases in Idaho load and why is there only an increase and no decrease durng the month of May? h. The bottom table on the page is listed as being "Normalized Load". Is the only "normalizing" adjustment for the Idaho load on ths page the fact that in some months 7 i MW was both added and subtracted for the actual coincident pe values? Response to lIP A Data Request 29 a. Yes. b. These adjustments reflect the reversal of buy-though purhases made for US MagCorp at the time ofPacifCorp's monthly system coincident peak. Please se the response to lIP A Data Request 1. c. These adjustments reflect the reversal of buy-throug purchases made for Monsanto at the time ofPacifiCorp's monthly system coincident pe. Pleas se the Company's response to I1PA Data Request 10. ~ PAC-E-08-07/Rocky Mountain Power Januar 13, 2009 lIP A Data Request 29 d. In 2007, adjustments occured in the months of July, August, Septembe, and November. They reflect the reversal of buy-through purchaes made at the time ofPacifiCorp's monthly system coincident peak. There were no buy-thoughs at the time of system coincident peak in the months where there are no adjustments. e. These reductions reflect the reversal of curailments of Monsanto at the time of PacifiCorp's monthly system coincident peak. . Please se the Compay's response to lIP A Data Request i O. f. Adjustments for 2007 were made in the months of June, July, August, September, and November. They reflect the reversal of demand curailments at the time of PacifiCorp's monthly system coincident peak. There were no curilments at the time of system coincident peak in the months where thre are no adjustments. g. The decreases and increases are related as follows: The decreass represent removal of volunta buy-throughs customers have elected in response to curailments, which are adjusted as increases on page 10.13 since they are being reversed. The Company assumes the second par of the question is referrng to the month of June 2007. In June 2007, there was a demand curilment with no buy-through. h. Yes. 1 PAC-E-08-07/Rocky Mountain Power Januay 13,2009 IIPA Data Request 30 liP A Data Request 30 Regarding the values on page 10.14 of Company Exhibit 12, piease answer the following: a. What were the specific equations used to calculate the "Adjustment for Coincidental System. Peaks Temperatu Adjustments" found on the fourh table on that page? b. What was the specifc data used to calculate the'" Adjustment for Coincidental. System Peas Temperatue Adjustments" found on the four table on that page? c. Please provide as an example the exact equations and data used to calculate the July 2007 temperatue adjustment for Idaho in the four table on that page of -5 MW? Response to lIP A Data Request 30 a. Please refer to Attchment LIP A 30a. . b. Please refer to Attachments lIP A SOb - i and LIP A 30b -2. c. Please see Attchment IIPA 30e. This file has the exact code which generated the adjustment. IDAHO PAC-E-08-07 2008 GENERAL RATE CASE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IIPA DATA REQUEST (1-35) ATTACHMENT IIPA 30 -(a, b-(1-2), c) ON THE ENCLOSED CD PAC-E-08-07/Rocky Mountain Power Januar 13, 2009 LIP A Data Request 3 i IIPA Data Request 31 Regarding the values on page 10.15 of Company Exhibit 12, please answer the following: A. Are the "Metered Loads" at the top of the page actual (unaltered in any way) values for each jursdiction on a calendar or biling month basis? B. What is the specific basis for the first set of adjustments (decreases) to the Uta load that range from 4,330-7545 MWh? C. How do the first set of adjustments (decreases) to the Uta load related to the adjustments in the second set of adjustents on page 10.13 for peak load? D. Why is there an adjustment in the first set of adjustments (decreases) for Utah durng January on this page, but there is no corresponding adjustment for Uta during Januar on page 1O.13? E. What is the specifc basis for the firs set of adjustents (decreases) to the Idaho load and why do these adjustments not conform to adjustments taing place in similar months on page 1O.13? F. What is the specific basis for the second set of adjustments (increass) to the Uta load tht range from 167-596 MWh? G. What is the specific basis for the second set of adjustments (increases) to the Idaho load? Response to I1PA Data Request 31 a. Yes. b. These adjustments reflect reversal of energy buy-through purchases for US MagCorp. Please see the Company's response to IIPA Data Request i 1. c. There are no adjustments to Uta load in the second set of adjustments on page i o. 1 3 for peak load. The Company assumes the question is comparing the first set of adjustments on page 10.15 to the first set of adjustments on page 10.13. The adjustments on page 10.15 are reversals of the monthly energy buy-thoughs, whereas the adjustments on page 10.13 are reversals ofbuy-thoughs occurrng at the time ofPacifiCorp's monthly system coincident peak. d. The Janua 2007 Uta buy-though did not occur at the time of the system pe. PAC-E-08-07/Rocky Mountain Power Janua i 3,2009 LIP A Data Request 3 i e. The basis for the firs set of adjustments is the total monthy energy buy-through by Monsanto. Some Monsanto buy-thoughs do not occur at the time of PacifiCorp's monthly system coincident peak. Thus the adjustents on page 10.15 will not always conform to those on page 10.13. f. The "second set of adjustments" reflect the reversal of curilments of US Magcorp related to operating reserves. g. The "second set of adjustments" reflect the reversal of curlments of Monsto. . PAC-E-08-071R0cky Mountain Power Janua 13, 2009 I1PA Data Request 32 LIP A Data Request 32 Regarding the values on page 10.16 of Compay Exhibit 12, please answer the following: a. What were the specific equations used to ~alculate the "Temperatue Adjustments for Energy" found on the second table on that page? b. What was the specific data used to calculate th "Temperatu Adjustments for Energy" found on the second table on that page? c. Please provide as an example the exact equations and data used to calculate the July 2007 tempeture adjustment for Idaho in the second table on that page of ~ 4,182 MW? Response to lIP A Data Request 32 a. Please refer to the Company's response to I1PA Data Request 30, subpar a. The same model is used for the hourly model and energy. Energy weather adjustment is the sum of the hourly adjustments over the proper time interval. b. Please refer to the Company's response to IIPA Data Request 30, subpar b. The same model is used for the hourly model and energy. Energy weather adjusent is the sum of the hourly adjustments over the proper time intervaL. c. Please refer to the Company's response to IIPA Data Request 30, subpar c. Th same model is used for the hourly model and energy. Energy weather adjustmnt is the sum of the hourly adjustments over the proper time interal.