HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020815_239.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL RANDY LOBB DON HOWELL LYNN ANDERSON JOE CUSICK DOUG COOLEY CAROLEE HALL WAYNE HART BEVERLY BARKER RON LAW GENE FADNESS TONY A CLARK WORKING FILE FROM:BIRDELLE BROWN DATE:AUGUST 13, 2002 RE:IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND - 2002 ANNUAL REPORT On July 15, 2002, Alyson Anderson, the Administrator of the Idaho Universal Service Fund, filed her Annual Report to the Commission for the period of July 1 , 2001 through June 30, 2002. Staff has reviewed the calculations and recommendations in this report and finds them to be accurate and comprehensive. Once again, Staff commends Ms. Anderson for her continued outstanding performance as Administrator of this fund. Ms. Anderson reports surcharge revenue for the year in the amount of $2,498 097 of which $1 231 353 (49%) was contributed by local exchange services and $1 266 744 (51 %) was contributed by MTS/W A TS services. (This is a decrease in local revenue of nearly $170 000 and an increase in toll revenue of about $90 000.) Disbursements to the eight qualifying independent local exchange carriers (ILECs) totaled $1 898.303, which is a decrease of nearly $300 000 resulting from the completion of a short-term payment to Fremont Telcom. The ending fund cash balance at June 30, 2002 after applying bank charges, administrative expenses and interest received was $646 286. DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 13 2002 Local Service As of May 1 , 2001 companies reported 532 279 residential lines and 190,428 business lines, for a total of 722 707 lines. This represents an approximate 2.7% decrease in total lines from the prior year. The newly calculated statewide average rates and threshold rates are: Business Services 2001 Current 2002 Statewide 125% Statewide 125% Statewide Weighted Weighted Weighted Average Weighted Average Average Rate Average Rate Rate - 2001 Rate - 2002 17.46 $17.21.83 $22. 32.$32.42 41.03 $40. Residential Switched Access Service Toll access minutes reported by the local exchange companies were 609 012 001 , which represents a small increase from 574 million minutes in 2001. The new Statewide Average rate has decreased to $0.051828 per minute. Toll Minutes The number of toll minutes reported to the USF decreased by 2.34% from 304 million minutes in the 2001 report to about 297 million minutes in the 2002 report. Toll revenue reported showed a decline of about 60% due to report anomalies. Disbursements Total disbursements for the year were $1 898 303 , and are not expected to change for the coming year unless modifications to access rates are required of some companies. Funding The Universal Service Fund is currently funded through assessments of $0.1 0 per residential line per month, $0.15 per business line per month, and $0.0035 per toll minute. DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 13 , 2002 ADMINISTRATOR'S OPTIONS The Administrator has presented three funding options for the coming year. These options are as follows: Option 1: Status Quo - Ms. Anderson stated that if current surcharge levels are maintained and no additional funding is needed, the fund will increase to a balance of 220 634, a greater reserve balance than she recommends. Option 2: Adjust Funding to meet Statewide Averages and Maintain Surcharge Rates - In this discussion, Ms. Anderson compares the companies' current local and switched access rates to the statewide threshold rates and applies the eligibility rule (Idaho Universal Service Fund Rule 106.02) to determine what revisions are required by current participants to the fund to continue to qualify. She notes that ATC', Fremont', and Inland's switched access rates are above the threshold rate and they should reduce their rates (thus increasing their draw from the Universal Service Fund). If these adjustments are made and the current assessment is maintained, Ms. Anderson projects an ending balance of$I 182 174, which is still a greater reserve balance than she recommends. Option 3: Adjust Funding to meet Statewide Averages and Maintain Surcharge Rates - In this option, Ms. Anderson proposes a decrease in current surcharge rates to $0.08 per residential line, $0.13 per business line and $0.0025 per toll minute and increasing disbursements resulting from adjusted access rates as discussed in Option 2. This plan would produce a projected balance of$711 652. ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION Ms. Anderson recommends Option 3, which would reduce the surcharge rates to $0025 per MTS/W ATS billed minute and to $.08 per residential and $.13 per business line. She recommends adjustments to Fremont, ATC and Inland, which will increase disbursements by $38,460 to offset decreases in access rates and keeping surcharges at their current levels. The fund would increase to approximately $711 652. DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 13, 2002 STAFF COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff finds Ms. Anderson s report to be complete and comprehensive. Staff would add that it has requested explanations from four companies regarding reported access rates that increase even though there was no authorized rate increase. Two companies have revised their reports and no longer show excess rates from access. ATC and Inland have promised to send the information as soon as they can compile it. Staff did not contact Fremont. Staff also notes that Rural's access rate declined by an amount greater than the allowed 3% to $.048781 as a result of lost billing and collection revenues from its recent EAS implementation. Rural received Universal Service Funds to compensate for this lost revenue. Staff recommends that the Commission adopt the Administrator s Option No.3 to reduce access rates, but to defer any adjustments to access rates for any company. Over time, these rates seem to be stabilizing and most significant variations seem to be a result of reporting anomalies. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission approve the Administrator s recommended Option No.3 to reduce surcharge rates to $0.08 for residential lines, $0.13 for business lines and $0.0025 per toll minute? Does the Commission wish to defer revisions of Access Rates? Attachment Iusf/yearly/200 1-2002/reports/annrept dmm DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 13 2002