HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071023Monsanto to PAC 1-37.pdfJean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Xan Allen 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 LOUIS F. RACINE "917-2005) WILLIAM D. OLSON W. MARCUS W. NYE RANDALL C. BUDGE JOHN A. BAILEY, JR. JOHN R. GOODELL' JOHN B. INGELSTROMDANIEL C. GREEN" BRENT O. ROCHE KIRK B. HADLEY FRED J. LEWIS MITCHELL W. BROWN ERIC L. OLSEN CONRAD J. AIKEN'" RICHARD A. HEARN , M.DAVID E. ALEXANDERtt LANE V. ERICKSON" PATRICK N. GEORGE" SCOTT J. SMITH STEPHEN J. MUHONEN BRENT L. WHITING JUSTIN R. ELLIS JOSHUA D. JOHNSON; JONATHON S. BYINGTON DAVE BAGLEY CAROL TIPPI VOLYN;; THOMAS J. BUDGE CANDICE M. MCHUGH'" Dear Mrs. Jewel: LAW OFFICES OF RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY CHARTERED BOISE OFFICE 101 SOUTH CAPITOL BOULEVARD, SUITE 20B BOISE, IDAHO 83702TELEPHONE: (208) 385-0011 FACSIMILE: (208) 433-0167 201 EAST CENTER STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1391 POCATELLO, IDAHO 83204-1391 TELEPHONE (208) 232-6101 FACSIMILE (208) 232-6109 IDAHO FALLS OFFICE www.racinelaw.net 477 SHOUP AVENUE SUITE 203A IDAHO FALLS, 10 83402 TELEPHONE: (208) 52B-81 0 I FACSIMILE: (208) 528-610e SENDER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS: rcbrgJraclnelaw.net 'ALSO MEMBER WY & IL BARS "ALSO MEMBER UT BAR "'ALSO MEMBER CO BAR tALSO MEMBER D. C. BAR ttALSO MEMBER MO BAR .ALSO MEMBER IL BAR "ALSO MEMBER WA BAR t"';'c;:"co October 22 , 2007 (::)--\ f'J (") "-;,9 Re:PAC-O7- Enclosed please find the original and three copies of Monsanto Company s Responses to Rocky Mountain Power s First Set of Data Requests. Included is a CD marked "CONFIDENTIAL" which contains that portion of Monsanto s Responses to Data Request Nos. 14 and 17, identified as confidential , which are only being made available to Pacificorp and those staff members who executed the Confidentiality Agreement. RCB:sab Enclosures Sincerely, 'F~ RANDALL C. BUDGE F~ECE; Randall C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello , Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 lUll OCT Ri,; o. chi' .1- j(.. iLJ ~'" (,,,),,:' ORIGiNAL Attorneys for Intervenor Monsanto Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL) OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICESCHEDULES Case No. PAC-O7- MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO ROCKY MOUNT AIN POWER'S FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS Pursuant to Rule 228 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure Monsanto Company ("Monsanto ), by and through its counsel, submits the attached Responses to Rocky Mountain Power s First Set of Data Requests dated October 9, 2007. Daniel R. Schettler. Please provide documentation or citation to an agreement with the Company that Monsanto relies upon in support of its contention that future price increases from Rocky Mountain Power would be based on increases in its operating costs incurred after January 1 , 2007. RESPONSE:As a result of Monsanto s rate increase effective January 1 , 2007 PacifiCorp stated that "the proposed revenue increase would allow PacifiCorp the opportunity to earn a fair rate of return in its Idaho jurisdiction." Case No. PAC-064-, Larsen Direct, p. 8. Mr. Larsen further stated that the terms and conditions of the 2006 Stipulation produce "rates MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS- that are just and reasonable . Larsen Direct, page 11. Consequently, since Monsanto s "just and reasonable" rates allowed the Company the opportunity to earn a fair rate of return as of January , 2007, the witness drew the reasonable conclusion that only cost increases after this time period would affect future price increases. Daniel R. Schettler. Please define the terms reliable, predictable and affordable as those terms appear on page 16 of your pre filed direct testimony. RESPONSE: These are commonly defined terms and self-explanatory as used in Mr. Schettler s testimony. Normal meanings are ascribed to these terms. Specifically, "reliable predictable and affordable" means that Monsanto has confidence that PacifiCorp will provide power under the terms of the 2007 Agreement, together with Monsanto being able to reasonably anticipate price increases and to effectively compete in its markets. Daniel R. Schettler. Please identify all facts relied upon by you for your assertion on page 15 of your prefiled direct testimony that the Company was not negotiating in good faith with respect to the contract negotiations for the 2007 contract. RESPONSE: One of the reasons cited by PacifiCorp for the proposed $11.7 million increase to Monsanto in this case was that the "$6.8 million increase the customer agreed to in Case No. P AC-06-04 recovered less than half of the $14.3 million dollar shortfall the Company s cost of service showed at that time.Direct Testimony of Mark Tucker, p. 7 emphasis added. The facts though show PacifiCorp testified in its request for approval of the 2007 contract that the proposed rates were "just and reasonable" and that "the proposed revenue increase would allow PacifiCorp the opportunity to earn a fair rate of return in its Idaho jurisdiction." The Commission s approval of the 2007 contract further confirms that the new MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - 2 effective rates were "fair, just and reasonable and in the public interest." Case No. P AC-06- , Order No. 30199 , p. 9 Furthermore, the Order states that in Commission Staffs view "the give and take involved in the proposed 2006 Settlement is unusual in that the three customer classes whose rates are farthest below cost of service have agreed to substantial rate increases and the Company appears to forego advocating for all that it could"Order No. 30199, p. 4 emphasis added. Thus, the facts are clear that PacifiCorp claimed the 2007 rates were "just and reasonable" during the negotiations and subsequent application to the Commission, only to turn around and seek recovery of the additional $7.5 million ($14.3 million less $6.8 million) in this case. Had PacifiCorp negotiated the 2007 contract in good faith, it would not be trying to now recover costs of serving Monsanto incurred prior to the effective data of the 2007 contract. James Smith. Please identify all phosphorus producers that you are aware of that use non-electric furnaces. RESPONSE: The witness is not aware of any technology or operation that would allow one to produce "Phosphorus" (P4) without electric furnaces. James Smith. Please provide copies of all documentation relied upon or that reasonably relates to your contention on page 18 of your prefiled direct testimony that Monsanto is committed to spending millions of dollars on projects at the Soda Springs plant. RESPONSE: Monsanto objects to this data request on the grounds that the specific nature of the documents requested would require disclosure of future capital expenditures budget and planning information that is proprietary and confidential to Monsanto s business and competitive interests, irrelevant to the issues presented in this case and not likely to lead to relevant discoverable information. MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - 3 James Smith. Please confirm that the reference of 21.4% on line 1 , page 20 of your prefiled direct testimony is a typographical error that should read 24.1 %. RESPONSE: Yes, this was a typographical error and should read 24.1 % J ames Smith. Please identify all facts and documentation relied upon by you for your assertion on page 16 of your prefiled direct testimony that Monsanto believed that its rate increase for 2007 rates effectively brought Monsanto to a rate that was "fair, just and reasonable at or near true cost of service and fairly valuing interruptibility. RESPONSE: See Monsanto Response to Data Request No.1 and No.3 above. James Smith.Please provide copies of all notes, presentations, or other documentation used, referred to, or relied upon in Monsanto s meeting with community leaders and suppliers as alleged on page 22 of your prefiled direct testimony. Please also identify who Monsanto met with, where and when the meetings occurred. RESPONSE: No notes, presentations or documents were used, referred to or relied upon, other than the Application and other documents which are part of the filing and record in this proceeding. The exact time and location of each meeting is unknown and no notes or records were taken. Generally, communications were by phone or in person in Soda Springs or at the plant responding to inquiries from public officials, suppliers, employees and other citizens that had read news articles in the Caribou County Sun based upon information provided by PacifiCorp or the Commission and were expressing concern of the magnitude of the proposed increase to Monsanto s rates and the impact such an increase might have on the future viability of the plant. From memory the witness had communications with the following persons: Vaughn Rasmussen, PacifiCorp/Bear Lake County Commissioner Mitch Hart, Soda Springs City Council MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - 4 Boyce Barnes, BJ Barnes Trucking Rod Eike, SGL Carbon Earl Somsen, Caribou County Commissioner Clayton Krall, Washington Group International F erril Beins, Mark III Kevin Keller, PPS Nancy Keller, PPS Wayne Perkins, Perks Electric Randy Czikal, Oxbow Carbon Jon Goode, Agrium Inc. and the Hospital Board Troy Nielsen, Heritage Safe Wade Clark, Alexander Company Terry Andersen, Sander s Furniture Robert Moyle, AR W Engineers Lorrin Rasmussen, Atlas Mechanical Casey Standley, Ferguson Molly Stein, School Superintendent Linda Lee, Soda Springs City Counsel Mark Dooley, School board trustee Jim Stoor, School board trustee Mark Steel, Caribou County Sun Randy Griffith, Chemical Lime Kathryn E. Iverson. Please identify all circumstances that you are aware of where Monsanto would not comply with a curtailment request from Rocky Mountain Power? RESPONSE: It is the witness s understanding that if Rocky Mountain Power were to request curtailments that are above and beyond those specified in the contract, Monsanto would not be obligated to comply with the request unless additional arrangements had been agreed to by the parties. 10.Kathryn E. Iverson. You testify that the Company should value Monsanto curtailment based upon the long-run avoided costs. Can Monsanto guarantee that the Soda Springs plant will remain in operation for the next 15 , 20, 30 or 35 years? If not, how can the Company reasonably plan on Monsanto s curtailment as a long-term resource? MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - 5 RESPONSE: In economic terms, long-run costs are those that recognize that all factors of production (i., capital facilities, fuel, etc.) can be varied. The avoided costs used in the witness s analysis are based on those costs found in the Company s 2007 IRP which are first- year real levelized costs which represent the costs associated with deferral of a plant for one year.In contrast, the first year revenue requirement of a plant coming on-line would be substantially higher under traditional utility accounting as the revenue requirement would be based on a return applied to the full undepreciated cost of the facility. Thus, first-year real levelized costs do not assume 15 , 20, 30 or 35 years of operation. Even so, it is the witness understanding that Monsanto s intent is to remain in operation given a reasonable and stable cost of energy. Further, Monsanto has been a customer for more than 50 years pursuant to special contracts all of which provided for load interruptions and it is the witness s understanding that Monsanto contemplates continuing to be a long-term interruptible customer in the future. 11.Kathryn E. Iverson. Please confirm whether the amount used for the SO2 sales adjustment illustrated in Exhibit 210 (KEI-6), and proposed by Monsanto witness Mr. Gorman included a rate base offset component? RESPONSE: Yes, the amount used for the SO2 sales adjustment included a rate base offset component. See Exhibit 215 (MPG- 12.Kathryn E. Iverson.Please provide copIes of all work papers, analyses documents , calculations, and other material relied upon or that you anticipate relying upon in support of your Exhibit 208 (KEI-4), Adjustments in Load to Align with JAM Study. RESPONSE: Please see the attached Excel spreadsheets: "Exhibit 206, 207, 208. xis and "Table 3 Idaho COS (9.6 with Alignment).xls MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - 6 13.Kathryn E. Iverson.Please provide copies of all work papers, analyses documents, calculations, and other material relied upon or that you anticipate relying upon in support of your Exhibit 209 (KEI-5), Allocation of Revenue Reduction as a Result of the Rate Mitigation Cap. RESPONSE:See the attached Excel spreadsheets "Exhibit 209.xls" and "Exhibit 210.xls 14.Kathryn E. Iverson.Please provide copIes of all work papers, analyses documents, calculations, and other material relied upon or that you anticipate relying upon in support of your Exhibit 211 (KEI- 7) - Exhibit 213 (KEI-9), regarding valuation of Monsanto interruptibility. RESPONSE: Please see the attached Excel spreadsheets: "Exhibit 211 , 212.xls" and Exhibit 213 REDACTED.xls . Also, see Attachment 14 for reference on paper footnoted on page 40 of the witness s Direct Testimony. In addition, the following workpaper is provided as a confidential attachment. This information is confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding: "Exhibit 213 CONFIDENTIALxls. 15.Kathryn E. Iverson. Please identify all characteristics that you rely upon support of your contention that the Company treats the Monsanto load curtailment like a combustion turbine. RESPONSE: See pages 24 and 25 of the witness s direct testimony for a discussion of the characteristics.The notable characteristics include:(1) Addition of peaking capacity increases overall reliability of Rocky Mountain Power to meet its customers ' demands. Interruptible load defers capacity and so enables the Company to meet customer demand in MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - 7 reliable manner. (2) Generation from peaking resources is able to displace high cost wholesale purchases. Interruptible load similarly is able to displace wholesale purchases. (3) Peaking resources have planned maintenance outages and forced outages. Monsanto works with Rocky Mountain Power to coordinate its planned maintenance to provide the greatest benefit for the system.(4)Peaking resources are available throughout the year, except for planned maintenance and forced outages. Interruptible load is also available throughout the year. 16.Kathryn E. Iverson. Please identify all characteristics that you are aware of that distinguish the Company s treatment of Monsanto s load curtailment from its use of a combustion turbine. RESPONSE: Unlike a combustion turbine that is added to the Company s rate base and depreciated over time, Rocky Mountain Power values interruptible load on the basis of wholesale prices either avoided, or in the case of operating reserves, the additional profits. 17.Kathryn E. Iverson.Please provide copies of all work papers, analyses documents, and other material relied upon or that you anticipate relying upon in support (including electronic files with active formulas) of your Monsanto curtailment recommendation. RESPONSE:Please see the attached Excel spreadsheets:GRID Reserves EC 09.xls" and "Exhibit 213 REDACTED.xls" Note that in Monsanto s GRID model runs, we could not match Rocky Mountain Power s costs for the year 2008, however, we were able to match the amounts for year 2009.The following workpaper is provided as a confidential attachment. This information is confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding: "CONFIDENTIAL WP on Operating Reserves.pdf' MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - 8 18.Kathryn E. Iverson. Given the Company s current generation portfolio, should Monsanto be paid any more for providing power through curtailing its load than the cost the Company would incur by providing that same power by utilizing its current generation portfolio? RESPONSE: According to page 68 of the 2007 IRP , " In 2007 PacifiCorp owns, or has interest in resources with a system peak capacity of 12 131 megawatts." As an interruptible customer, Monsanto is included in the interruptible load comprising 1.9% of the total 12 131 MW capacity and so should be considered an integral part of PacifiCorp s current generation portfolio. Since Monsanto s interruptible rate is set in a general rate case, there is no "payment" for power. Ms. Iverson s treatment of the valuation of Monsanto s interruptibility is found in Section V of her Direct Testimony. 19.Kathryn E. Iverson.Please explain, in your OpInIOn, the difference, if any, between a firm WSPP Schedule C market purchase of power, power generated by a Company owned resource, and power supplied by Monsanto by curtailing load. RESPONSE: The question is unclear as to what type of difference (cost, reliability, quality, length of contract, availability, etc.) is sought. WSPP Schedule C market purchases of power are typically short-term and terms are negotiated between parties. Power generated by a Company owned resource may be unavailable due to maintenance or forced outage, and its variable cost may fluctuate due to rising fuel costs. In contrast, the cost for curtailment of Monsanto load is a sunk cost as the result of the 2007 contract. 20.Kathryn E. Iverson.Please provide any analysis or work papers supporting Monsanto s claim that an aero-derivative simple cycle combustion turbine is the most cost effective method to provide operation reserves. MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - 9 RESPONSE: Combustion turbines typically have the lowest capital cost to install and the shortest construction time frame, and when units can start and reach full load in less than 10 minutes, can provide ancillary services in the form of operating reserves.F or details alternative resource costs, see PacifiCorp s 2007 IRP. 21.Kathryn E. Iverson. Please provide a list comparing the number of hours an aero- derivative simple cycle combustion turbine is available to operate in a typical year to the total number of hours Monsanto is willing to curtail all three furnaces in a typical year. RESPONSE: This question seeks to compare "availability" to "hours of operation which is an inconsistent comparison. However, it should be noted that except for periods of planned maintenance or forced outage, a SCCT is available all hours of the year, and is expected to be run during heavy load hours. Monsanto s curtailment is also available all hours of the year and can be called upon in conformity to the 2007 contract. 22.Kathryn E. Iverson.Please provide the benefit to customers for Monsanto receiving credit for "avoiding capacity" if the Company already owns sufficient capacity to meet load and operating reserve requirements. RESPONSE: See Response to Data Request 18. Monsanto is considered a resource within PacifiCorp s current generation portfolio and as such, the value of its interruptibility should continue to be reflected in Monsanto s interruptible rates. Interruptible loads defer the need for additional peaking resources even during times the utility may be in load/resource balance. Furthermore, this data request begs the obvious question: ifthe Company already owns sufficient capacity to meet load and operating reserve requirements, then why is it seeking to add MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - some $38 million of production rate base to the Idaho jurisdiction?Consequently, the hypothetical posited in this request is not valid in light of these capacity additions. 23.Kathryn E. Iverson.Please provide the benefit to customers for Monsanto receiving credit for "avoiding capacity" if the Company can obtain the same type of capacity and energy product through the market at costs that are less than those incurred by building and operating new capacity. RESPONSE: Unlike the purchase of energy from the wholesale market during heavy load hours, PacifiCorp has never demonstrated that it can buy operating reserves from the market. To the contrary, PacifiCorp testified in Case No. PAC-01-16 that in the case of operating reserves, the Company prices the product based on "not holding them on our own facilities.Rebuttal Testimony of Stan Watters, page 2 , line 16. Consequently, this question pre-supposes that a market exists for the services provided by Monsanto s interruptibility, when in reality, no such market exists. Furthermore, PacifiCorp s continued building and operating of new capacity also substantiates that these services are not available in the market. For example PacifiCorp brought on-line the 120 MW peaking resource Gadsby in 2002 at a cost of $75 million. This resource provides ancillary services in the form of operating reserves. 24.Kathryn E. Iverson.Please explain how customers benefit from retaining interruptible contracts at costs that are higher than those incurred by the customers to obtain the same products elsewhere. RESPONSE: See Response to Data Request 23. MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - 25.Michael Gorman.Please confirm whether you agree with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staffs adjustment related to the Company s 2007 plant additions? If not please explain why. RESPONSE:Mr. Gorman has not yet completed his reVIew of the Staff s filing. However, his position on 2007 plant additions is described in his Volume 1 direct testimony at 12-14. 26.Michael Gorman.Please confirm whether you agree that Idaho law permits known and measurable adjustments when setting utility rates. Please explain your answer. RESPONSE: Monsanto objects to this data request on the grounds that it calls for legal conclusions and analyses that are beyond the scope of proper discovery. Without waiving this objection, Monsanto responds that it is Mr. Gorman s understanding that Idaho law allows for known and measurable changes to cost of service including cost increases and decreases. 27.Michael Gorman. Exhibit 220 (MPG- 7) reverses the 2007 plant additions and accumulated deferred income taxes from McDougal Exhibit 11 page 8., but does not reverse the schedule M or deferred income tax adjustments associated with the same plant on page 8. Please explain why you did not include these tax items in your adjustment? RESPONSE: Mr. Gorman agrees that the deferred income tax related to the 2007 plant additions should also be removed from the final revenue requirement if Mr. Gorman s 2007 plant addition adjustment is approved. 28.Michael Gorman.Please confirm whether you agree with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff s position to disallow only those severance costs that exceed the MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - amount of the lower of the actual amount paid or the savings realized. If you do not, please explain your response. RESPONSE: Mr. Gorman s position concerning severance costs is described in his direct testimony at 5-8. Mr. Gorman does not agree that costs incurred before RMP requested authority to defer severance costs should be included in the deferral balance and subject to recovery in a rate case. 29.Michael Gorman. Please provide copies of all work papers, analyses, documents and other material relied upon or that you anticipate relying upon in support (including electronic files with active formulas) of your return on equity recommendations. RESPONSE: Please see Attachment 29 which contains Mr. Gorman s workpapers. 30.What is the maximum number of hours Monsanto is willing to curtail each year? Please provide how many furnaces will be curtailed for the number of hours provided. RESPONSE: See the Direct Testimony of Dan Schettler at page 12, line 17 31.What is the maximum number of consecutive hours Monsanto is willing to curtail three furnaces? Two furnaces? One furnace? RESPONSE: See the Direct Testimony of Dan Schettler at page 12, line 17. 32.For each of Monsanto s three furnaces , please provide the market value of the product produced by the furnace in a typical hour of operation. RESPONSE: Monsanto objects to this data request on the grounds that the information is irrelevant to the issues presented, will not likely lead to any relevant or admissible evidence relating to Rocky Mountain Power s application for an increase in rates , and is proprietary and confidential information. MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - 33.Please provide details regarding the ability of Monsanto s furnaces to operate at different levels. For comparison purposes, please provide ramp rates, minimum run times, and other data similar to that which is available for a combustion turbine. RESPONSE: The 2007 Electric Service Agreement between Monsanto and PacifiCorp addresses the availability and hours of interruption associated with the three furnaces. Each furnace is able to operate in compliance with the requirements specified in the Electric Service Agreement. 34.Please provide all facts and documentation that supports the proposition that the market price during a double contingency event (as described in the current Monsanto agreement) will equal or exceed $250 per MWh. RESPONSE:First, the value for system emergency is not necessarily tied to any particular market price, but rather to the value PacifiCorp has placed on Monsanto agreeing to be the first off the system before other retail customers.It is an insurance policy to restore reliability to the system without affecting other retail customers.Second, the double- contingency language included in the 2007 Electric Service Agreement was meant only to clarify the event, and not to limit the valuation of this particular component of Monsanto interruptible resource. Third, in Case No. PAC-01-, PacifiCorp analyzed the value of interrupting Monsanto s total furnace load for system integrity purposes.That entailed Monsanto being first off the system before other retail customers. The value to PacifiCorp for that option was $486 000 per year (162 000 kW x 12 hours x $250). Since there has been no change in the availability of system integrity, the value of having Monsanto agree to be the first off should remain at least as high as it was valued in 2003. MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS. 14 35.Is Monsanto willing to enter into a 30 year contract to provide curtailment products? If yes, is Monsanto willing to agree to liquidated damages and credit requirements similar to those required in typical power purchase supply agreement entered into by the Company? RESPONSE:Monsanto has always desired a long-term contract in order to have reliable, predictable and affordable power for Soda Springs to remain viable. See Monsanto Responses to Data Request No.2 and No.1 O. 36.Please provide all Monsanto s quantitative analysis, dating from 2003 to 2007, on the value of its interruptibility. RESPONSE: Monsanto objects to this data request on the grounds that these documents are attorney-client privilege and were prepared during confidential contract negotiations in 2005 and 2006. Other than the valuations presented in Ms. Iverson s testimony, and those valuations during the 2005-2006 contract negations, there are no quantitative analysis. 37.Please produce any and all documents that Monsanto expects or reasonably anticipates introducing into evidence at hearing in the above-captioned docket. RESPONSE: Monsanto intends to introduce into evidence the testimony and exhibits of Monsanto s witnesses. Monsanto has not yet identified all documents it may seek to introduce into evidence and reserves the right to present additional documents into evidence at the hearing. MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - DATED this day of October, 2007. RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED For -y/. RANDALL C. BUDGE MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this Z- day of October, 2007 , I served a true correct and complete copy of the foregoing document, to each of the following, via the method so indicated: Jean D. Jewell, Secretary (original and 3) Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 E-mail: jjewell~puc.state.id.S. Mail Justin Brown Brian Dickman PacifiCorp/dba Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 bri an. di ckman~pacifi corp. com J ustin. brown~pacificorp .com Via Overnight Delivery Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Fax: 503-813-6060 datareq uest~ pac i fi corp. com Mail Maurice Brubaker Katie Iverson Brubaker & Associates, Inc. 1215 Fern Ridge Parkway, Suite 208 St. Louis, MO 63141 m brubaker~consultbai. com ki verson~c6ns ul tbai. co m Mail James R. Smith Monsanto Company O. Box 816 Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 iim.smith~monsanto.com Mail Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey O. Box 1391 MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS . Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 elo(fYxacinelaw.net Mail Conley E. Ward Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 cew~gi venspursley .com Mail Dennis E. Peseau, Ph. Utility Resources, Inc. 1500 Liberty Street S., Ste. 250 Salem, OR 97302 dpeseau~excite.com Mail Katherine A.McDowell McDowell & Rackner 520 Southwest Sixth Ave. Ste. 830 Portland, OR 97204 katherine~mcd -law .com Mail Scott Woodbury Neil Price Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington (83702) O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 scott. woodbury~puc.idaho. gov neil. price~puc. idaho. gov Via Overnight Delivery Randall C. Budge Racine Olson Nye Budge & Bailey 201 E. Center O. Box 1391 Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 rc b~racinelaw .net Mail Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 1 ih Street Boise, ID 83702 MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS - bmpurdy~hotmail.com Mail Kevin B. Homer Attorney at Law 1565 South Boulevard Idaho Falls, ID 83404 kbh(fYkhomerlaw.com Mail Timothy Shurtz 411 S. Main Firth, ID 83236 tim~idahosupreme.com Mail -- /~. RANDALL C. BUDGE c:Y MONSANTO COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S FIRST DATA REQUESTS -