HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070921PAC to IIPA 8-1 to 8-4.pdf~~~OUNTAIN RECE\\lE 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt lake City, Utah 84111 lnGl SEP Z I ~r1 9: 09 September 20, 2007 . .' '; ' f'\ \~UC\U;.I"r1i. '-: ~ 7c..j ;" .,/' UTILiTiES COMfAI :Jvil, Eric Olsen Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Assoc Racine, Olsen, Nye, Budge & Bailey 201 East Center Pocatello, ID 83204 RE:PAC-07- IIP A Set 8 (1- Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power s Responses to IIPA 8th Set Data Requests 1 - 8.4. Provided on the enclosed CD is Attachment IIPA 8. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-4975. Sincerely, /)/~~~ , Brian Dickman, Manager Regulation Enclosures Cc:Tony Y ankellIIP A Jean JewelllIPUC Randall C. Budge/Monsanto James R. Smith/Monsanto Maurice BrubakerlMonsanto Richard Anderson/Energy Strategies Conley Ward/Agrium Dennis Peseau/ Agrium Brad Purdy/CAPAI Timothy Shurtz PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 20 , 2007 IIP A 8th Set Data Request 8. lIP A Data Request 8. Please answer the following with respect to the Company s responses to Monsanto 2.50-C and IIPA I-II- a. The response to Monsanto 2-50-C lists maximum "short-tenn resource purchases" for 6-12-06 between the hours of 700 and 2200 as $95 per MWH. The response to IIP A 1-11-A lists nothing during this timeframe above $75 per MWH. Please explain the differences between these two sets of data. b. The response to Monsanto 2-50-C lists maximum "short-tenn resource purchases" for 6-06 between the hours of 700 and 2200 as $95 per MWH. The response to IIP A 1-11-A lists a purchase of $130 per MWH during the 1600 hour. Please explain the differences between these two sets of data. There are a number of days in the Company s responses to Monsanto 2.50- where the maximum price is $95 per MWH during all heavy load hours. What is the entity from which this purchase is being made? Response to lIP A Data Request 8. a. The attachment to Monsanto request 2.50 c-2 provided in the original response was in error. Sales data was provided instead of the purchase data due to a file naming error. Please find the revised version of the Monsanto request 2.50 c-2 in Attachment IIP A 8. b. Please refer to the company s response to part a. above. (Ray M. Zacharia prepared this response and is the recordholder. Mark T. Widmer is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER lIP A DATA REQUEST SET 8 (1- ATTACHMENT lIP A 8. P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 20, 2007 IIP A 8th Set Data Request 8. lIP A Data Request 8. For the Irrigation load research samples, what is the size (kW or kWh) cut off level between strata? Response to liP A Data Request 8. Strata size cut offlevels were detennined based on a customer s cumulative kWh for the months May-September. Strata size cut offlevels are shown below. Strata 1 250- 50 000 Strata 2 50 001-100 000 Strata 3 100 001-400 000 Strata 4 GT-400 000 (Scott D. Thornton prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been detennined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 20, 2007 IIP A 8th Set Data Request 8.3 lIP A Data Request 8. Regarding the Company s response to IIP A -13 and the Utah Cool Keeper data please reconcile the estimated load control on July 28, 2006 of 90.2 MW and the infonnation on page 29 ofthe July 11 2007 "Assessment of Long-Tenn System- Wide Potential for Demand-Side and other Supplemental Resources" report that: Currently 89 MW of load curtailment is under contract; Event participation is based on a 50% duty cycling strategy; and There is an expected 92% participation rate during actual events. Response to lIP A Data Request 8. a. The company s response to IIPA 1.13 provided an estimate of the magnitude of the Cool Keeper curtailments per event and within the hours operated. While this is difficult to assess accurately without metering all Cool Keeper sites, the company employed two estimation methodologies (as described in our response to IIP A 1.113) to provide our estimate. The measurement used to derive the estimate of "approximately 89 MW of load curtailment" provided on page 29 of the July 11 2007 "Assessment of Long-Tenn System-Wide Potential for Demand-side and other Supplemental Resources" report relied on only one of these methodologies, the company s contractual protocol which looks at the magnitude of loads available for control at temperatures at or above 97 degrees Fahrenheit. It should be noted that the Cool Keeper population is made up of a dynamic group of voluntary participants that results in system capacity fluctuations on a daily basis. Those fluctuations are in addition to daily variations in achievable load reduction depending on average outdoor ambient temperatures over the time periods that the system may be operated. b. Both the estimated curtailment of90.2 megawatts on July 28 , 2006 and the 89 megawatts reported in July, 2007 were based on 50% cycling conditions. 50% cycling means that the Direct Load Control (DLC) device is controlled in such a way as to "impose a duty cycle" that reduces the nonnal operation or runtime of the air conditioner to 50% as compared to the air conditioner natural duty cycle" of 100% (at or above 97 degrees Fahrenheit). By employing a 50% cycling strategy indoor temperature increases can be better managed to maintain acceptable levels of customer comfort. Although it' theoretically and technically possible to double the capacity of the system by turning off all the air conditioners at the same time, such an approach would result in unacceptable indoor temperature increases within the participants homes or buildings if done over sustained periods of times. PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 20, 2007 IIP A 8th Set Data Request 8.3 c. The expected participation percentage of92% referenced in the "Assessment of Long- Tenn, System-Wide Potential for Demand-Side and other Supplemental Resources" and in the IIPA data request is an estimate of non- responsive DLC devices for any given cycling event. The estimate is based on the results of the program s ongoing inspection program. It's believed that Quantec included this infonnation in the "Assessment of Long- Tenn, System- Wide Potential for Demand-Side and other Supplemental Resources" report for reference only. It should also be noted that the 92% estimate was not part of the estimating calculation used for detennining the amount of load controlled on July 28 , 2006 given that non-responsive units are allowed for in Cool Keeper program measurement and verification (M& V) data. The estimation calculation used for detennining the amount of load controlled on July 28, 2006 incorporated kW avoided data collected from the metered 2006 Cool Keeper Program s M&V group. As is customary in the utility load control industry the M&V group is a statistically representative sample of the larger population of installed DLC devices. The M&V data accounts for varying customer s thermostat behavior, opt-out requests, non-responsive DLC devices etc. (JeffW. Bumgarner prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been detennined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power September 20, 2007 IIP A 8th Set Data Request 8.4 liP A Data Request 8. The Company supplied individual load research sample data for irrigation customers in its response to IIPA 1-4. Customers 853040 and 853300 had no data listed after July 31 , 2006. Customers 853140 and 854210 had no data listed prior to July 1 , 2006.a. Why did each of these samples not have data for the entire irrigation season? b. How was the lack of this data treated when developing the weighted strata values for each month-were they put in as "zeros " or were they completely ignored? Response to lIP A Data Request 8. a. Each of the four sample points did not have data for the entire irrigation season due to insufficient data collected from the field. b. When developing the weighted strata values for each month, these four sample points were completely ignored for the months in which no data was listed. (Scott D. Thornton prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been detennined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response.