HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070918PAC to IIPA 5-4.pdf~~::OUNTAIN RECE \JE 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Utah 84111 2mn SF-? \ 8 AI'I 9: \ 9 September 17, 2007 "rr \t4r ~~tP 2d1,~\~\~SjOl d I, ,. .....- Eric Olsen Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Assoc Racine, Olsen, Nye, Budge & Bailey 201 East Center Pocatello, ID 83204 RE:P AC-07- IIPA Set S (1- Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power s Response to lIP A Sth Set Data Requests S.4. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments IIPA S.4 (a, b-1 - b-4). If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-497S. Sincerely,o/~/ Brian Dickman, Manager Regulation Enclosures Cc:Tony Y ankel/IIP A Jean JewelllIPUC Randall C. Budge/Monsanto James R. Smith/Monsanto Maurice BrubakerIMonsanto Richard AndersonlEnergy Strategies Conley Ward/Agrium Dennis Peseau/ Agrium Brad Purdy/CAP AI Timothy Shurtz PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 17, 2007 IIPA 5th Set Data Request 5.4 lIP A Data Request 5.4 Regarding the Company s response to Monsanto request 2.50 please answer the following: a. The data for June 19 2006 at 1600 indicates under attachment C-2 that the highest price of short-term purchase on the eastern system was $95 per MWH while under attachment C-1 the highest price of short-term purchase on the entire system was only $72.25 per MWH. Why is the highest priced purchase on the "system , less than the highest price purchase in the "east system b. How many MW's were purchased at each of the "highest" prices listed for each hour in the data contained in attachments C-, C-, D-, and D-2 of response to Monsanto request 2.50? c. Regarding attachment C-, what was the name of the entity selling energy at the maximum price during each ofthe hours listed? d. In the Company s response to Monsanto request 1.17-2 there is listed times and dates of curtailments as well as the amount of replacement power purchased and at what cost. For the afternoon of June 19 2006 there was 67 MW's for 6 hours at a cost of$21 921 , which translates into $54.53 per MWH. Please explain how the rate charged for replacement power is determined/developed and how it relates to the "highest" priced energy listed in the Company s response to Monsanto 2.50? Response to lIP A Data Request 5. a. The attachment for Monsanto request 2.50 c-2 was provided in error -in the original response. Sales data was provided instead of the purchase data due to a file naming error. Please find the revised version of the Monsanto s request 50 c-2 in the attachment for 5.4 a (Attach IIPA 5.4 a.xls). b. Please refer to the following attachments for part b: Attach IIPA 5.4 b-1.xls (Monsanto 2.50 c- Attach lIP A 5.4 b-xls (Monsanto 2.50 c- Attach IIPA 5.4 b-xls (Monsanto 2.50 d- Attach lIP A 5.4 b-xls (Monsanto 2.50 d- Notes on Attachment b-3 and b- This includes all short-term transactions with the maximum price for the hour. The previous response included only the transaction with maximum dollar value when there is more than one transaction present with highest price for the hour, so revenues (MWH * Price) for some hours may be different in the new files. c. Counter-party information is extremely confidential , transaction sensitive, and commercially proprietary. Disclosure of this information may give an undue advantage to competitors and therefore requires the highest level of P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power September 17, 2007 lIP A 5th Set Data Request 5.4 confidential treatment. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 or Barry Bell at 801-220-4985 to make arrangements for review. d. The $21 921 was calculated from Dow Jones off-peak Index, shaping factor and MWh of replacement: Dow Jones Off-Peak Index of June 19 2006 = 43.28 $/MWh Shaping factor from exhibit B-1 = ,1.26 Adjusted Index = 43.28$/MWh x 1.26 = 54.53 $/MWh MWh = 67 MW x 6 hours = 402MWh Replacement power cost = MWh * Adjusted Index = 402MWh * 54. $/MWh = $21 921. The "highest" priced energy listed in the Company s response to Monsanto 50 is calculated from the maximum purchase and sale price for all short- term firm deals at the hourly level. The "highest" priced energy is not-related to calculation of the rate charged for replacement power' because the replacement power cost calculation is not a function of the "highest" priced energy but a function of the published Dow Jones index. (Ray M. Zacharia (a-d), John A. Apperson (a-d), and Sang Baum Kang Cd) prepared this response and are the recordholders. Mark T. Widmer is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER lIP A DATA REQUEST SET 5 (1- ATTACHMENT lIP A 5.4 (a, b-- b- ON THE ENCLOSED CD