HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070917PAC to Monsanto 9-6, 9-7.pdf~ ~~~ ~OUNTAIN RECE\\i 20 I South Main, Suite 2300 Salt lake City, Utah 8411 .., ' f'rr; Dh1 q" L! HI ;)r:..r i I. LjTiL +f~'1~J ~5!~f;~\~SjC; September 2007 Randall C. Budge RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE:PAC-07- Monsanto Data Request Set 9 (1-13) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power s Response to Monsanto Data Request 9. and 9.7. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments Monsanto 9.6 and 9.7 c. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-4975. Sincerely, )j/~~/ Brian Dickman, Manager Regulation Enclosures Cc:James R. SmithIMonsanto Maurice Brubaker/Monsanto Richard Anderson/Energy Strategies Jean JewelllIPUC Eric Olsen/lIP A Tony Y ankellIIP A Conley Ward/Agrium Dennis Peseaul Agrium Brad Purdy/CAP AI Timothy Shurtz P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 14, 2007 Monsanto 9th Set Data Request 9. Monsanto Data Request 9. Reference Exhibit 29, Tab 5 , Page 7 (Idaho Cost of Service Study). For the coincident peaks in September, November and December for Monsanto, the cost study uses the following data (kW at sales): September: 166 800 + 67 000 = 233,800 November: 167 690 + 67 000 = 234 690 December: 172 582 + 67 000 = 239 582 However, the information provided in response to Attachment Monsanto 1.17- clearly shows that Monsanto was purchasing buy-through (i., replacement) energy during those coincident peaks as follows: 9/5/2006: 4 hours ~ 67 11129/2006: 5 hours ~ 67 12/18/2006: 8 hours ~ 67 Furthermore, the "Monsanto Adjustment" tab of Attachment Monsanto 1.17.2 also shows the buy-through MW for these three months, as well Page 10.12 of Mr. McDougal's Exhibit 11. Mr. McDougal has removed the buy-through load from both the monthly energy loads, as well as the appropriate monthly coincident peaks. a. Please confirm or deny that Monsanto coincident peaks for the months of September, November and December are overstated by 67 MW (at sales) in Exhibit 29 as a result of double-counting the buy-through kW. b. If denied, please explain how Monsanto s loads could physically reach a maximum load of close to 240 MW and/or how those loads correctly reflect Monsanto s loads when the JAM model has reduced the metered loads by the buy-through MW. c. If confirmed, please provide a corrected version of Exhibit 29. Response to Monsanto Data Request 9. a. The question refers to the cost of service study which is Exhibit 30. In the cost of service study, service to Monsanto is treated as firm retail service. To accomplish this, any curtailments are added back to their metered demand and energy totals. In addition, any buy-through or replacement energy and kW is subtracted because these are treated as purchased power. Rocky Mountain Power agrees that the metered coincident peak loads of Monsanto for the months of September, November, and December include 67 MW of buy-through kW in Exhibit 30. The buy-through kW amounts should be deducted from the metered loads before the addition of the curtailed kW. This deduction did not occur in September, November and December, and Rocky Mountain Power acknowledges that it should have. b. Not applicable. P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power September 2007 Monsanto 9th Set Data Request 9. c. A revised Exhibit 30 is provided as Attach Monsanto 9.6. This version of the cost of service model also incorporates the net power cost adjustment that was provided in response to Monsanto 7. (Mark E. Tucker prepared this response, is the recordholder, and is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 9 (1-13) ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 9. ON THE ENCLOSED CD PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 14, 2007 Monsanto 9th Set Data Request 9. Monsanto Data Request 9. Reference Monsanto s hourly MWH of energy provided in Attachment Monsanto 1.17- a. Please confirm or deny that the 8 760 hours of energy shown in this attachment are actual metered load at sales. b. Please confirm or deny that the metered energy includes any buy-through (i. replacement) energy. c. The total energy shown for Monsanto in Exhibit 29 is 1 395 545 MWH. However, the total MWH shown in Attachment Monsanto 1.17-1 is 1 360 773 MWH. Removing the buy-through energy of 9,903 MWH and adding back in curtailment and interruption energy of 34 948 MWH results in a total load of 385 818 MWH. Please confirm or deny that Monsanto s energy load in Exhibit 29 is overstated by 9,727 MWH. d. If denied, please explain how Monsanto s loads in Attachment Monsanto 1.17-1 have been reduced for buy-through (i., replacement) energy and provide Monsanto s hourly loads before the replacement energy has been removed.. For any hour in which Monsanto s MWH load is greater 185 000 MWH, please identify and explain how Monsanto s loads could reach this amount. e. If confirmed, please provide a corrected version of Exhibit 29 with Monsanto s energy loads corrected. Response to Monsanto Data Request 9. a. The data is interval data for the total load to Monsanto for calendar year 2006. 760 hours. b. The data includes all energy delivered to Monsanto for calendar year 2006. c. The question refers to the cost of service study which is Exhibit 30. Monsanto s energy in the cost of service study is not derived from the data shown in Attachment Monsanto 1.17-1. It is taken from the firm and interruptible energy shown in Monsanto s monthly bills during the test period in order to match energy to revenues in the test period. Curtailed or interrupted energy is added back to the billed totals. The monthly amounts for each category are shown in Attach Monsanto 9.7c. The monthly and annual totals shown in this attachment correspond to the MWh by Month at Sales totals shown in Exhibit 30, Tab 5, Page 16. The annual total is 1 395 545 MWh. Replacement. or buy-through energy is excluded from this calculation and therefore does not need to be adjusted out. Monsanto s energy totals are accurate as shown in Exhibit 30 and do not need to be adjusted. d. Please refer to response to part c above. e. No correction to Monsanto s energy totals is necessary. P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 2007 Monsanto 9th Set Data Request 9. (Mark E. Tucker prepared this response, is the recordholder, and is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 9 (1-13) ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 9.7 c ON THE ENCLOSED CD