HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070914PAC to IIPA 7-1 to 7-3.pdf~ ~~ro ~OUNTAIN RECE\\!r= 20 I South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Utah 84111 September 13, 2007 zmn SEP \ t~ M'\ 9: 25 dT\~fFr~r~) td1:f? ~\~S\Ol Eric Olsen Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Assoc Racine, Olsen, Nye, Budge & Bailey 201 East Center Pocatello, ID 83204 RE:PAC-07- IIPA Set 7 (1- Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power s Responses to IIPA 7th Set Data Requests 1 - 7.3. Provided in hard copy is Attachment lIP A 7. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-4975. Sincerely, IJ, ~~~ Brian Dickman, Manager Regulation Enclosures Cc:Tony Yankel/IIPA Jean JewelllIPUC Randall C. BudgelMonsanto James R. Smith/Monsanto Maurice BrubakerlMonsanto Richard Anderson/Energy Strategies Conley Ward/ Agrium Dennis Peseau/ Agrium Brad Purdy/CAP AI Timothy Shurtz P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 13 2007 lIP A ih Set Data Request 7. lIP A Data Request 7. For each month since January 1996, please supply the level (as well as mechanism such as mills per kWh etc.) of the BPA credit that was applied to each rate schedule. Response to lIP A Data Request 7. The BP A credit applied by month since 1996 is provided in Attachment lIP A 7. The rate is shown as a cents per kWh rate for irrigation and for non-irrigation schedules. (Mark E. Tucker prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER lIP A DATA REQUEST SET 7 (1- ATTACHMENT lIP A 7. SPA Credit Rates in Cents per kWhMonth Irrigation Non-Irrigation Jan-96 1.0845 1.0845 Feb-96 1.0845 1.0845 Mar-96 1.0845 1.0845 Apr-96 2.1784 1.6884 May-96 2.1784 1.6884 J un-96 2.1784 1 .6884 Jul-96 2.1784 1.6884 Aug-96 2.1784 1.6884Sep~96 1.5745 1.0845 Oct-96 1.2009 0.8269 Nov-96 0.8269 0.8269 Dec-96 0.8269 0.8269 Jan-97 0.8269 0.8269 Feb-97 0.8269 0.8269 Mar-97 0.8269 0.8269 Apr-97 1.6614 1.2874 May-97 1.6614 1.2874 Jun-97 1.6614 1.2874 Jul-97 1.6614 1.2874 Aug-97 1.6614 1.2874 Sep-97 1.2009 0.8269 Oct-97 1.2009 0.8269 Nov-97 0.8269 0.8269 Dec-97 0.8269 0.8269 Jan-98 0.8269 0.8269 Feb-98 0.8269 0.8269 Mar-98 0.8269 0.8269 Apr-98 1.6614 1.2874 May-98 1.6614 1.2874 Jun-98 1.6614 1.2874 Jul-98 1.6614 1.2874 Aug-98 1.6614 1.2874 Sep-98 1.2009 0.6398 Oct-98 1.2009 0.6398 Nov-98 0.8269 0.6398 Dec-98 0.8269 0.6398 Jan-99 0.8269 0.6398 Feb-99 0.8269 0.6398 Mar-99 0.8269 0.6398 Apr-99 1.6614 0.9961 May-99 1.6614 0.9961 Jun-99 1.6614 0.9961 Jul-99 1.6614 0.9961 Aug-99 1.6614 0.9961 Sep-99 1.2009 0.4465 Oct-99 1.2009 0.4465 Nov-99 0.8269 0.4465 Dec-99 0.8269 0.4465 Jan-OO 0.8269 0.4465 Feb-OO 0.8269 0.4465 Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oet- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oet- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dee- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- 8269 6614 6614 1583 1583 1583 8371 8371 2464 2464 2464 2464 2464 1583 1 .1583 1583 1583 1583 8371 8371 2464 2464 2464 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 3005 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 9377 0.4465 6952 6952 3836 3836 3836 2464 2464 2464 2464 0.2464 2464 2464 2464 2464 2464 2464 2464 2464 2464 2464 2464 2464 3421 3421 3421 3421 3421 3421 3421 3421 3421 3421 3421 3421 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 5006 3327 Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Thru 7/12/2007 7/13/2007 9377 9377 9377 9377 9377 9377 9377 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 1546 8981 6415 6415 6415 6415 6415 3327 3327 3327 3327 3327 3327 3327 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 9216 7987 6757 6757 6757 P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power September 13 2007 lIP A ih Set Data Request 7.2 liP A Data Request 7. Regarding the Company s response to lIP A request 1-19 please answer the following: Where is the term "ancillary services" defined in the Revised Protocol? What does the Company mean by "ancillary services What does the Company mean by "identifiable ancillary services What (if anything) prevents the Company from considering that the Irrigation Schedule 72 curtailment credits to be associated with "ancillary service What (if anything) prevents the Company from considering that the Irrigation Schedule 72 curtailment credits to be associated with identifiable ancillary service What (if anything) prevents the Company from considering that the new Irrigation Schedule 72-A (company controlled) curtailment credits to be associated with "ancillary service What (if anything) prevents the Company from considering that the new Irrigation Schedule 72-A (company controlled) curtailment credits to be associated with "identifiable ancillary service Response to lIP A Data Request 7. a. Ancillary Services are referenced in Appendix D of the Revised Protocol. The term is not specifically defined in the Revised Protocol. The term Special Contract Ancillary Service Discounts" is defined in Appendix A of the Revised Protocol. b. In the context of Appendix D ofthe Revised Protocol , " Ancillary Services refer to resource type products that the company purchases back from a Special Contract customer. These products currently include: Economic Curtailment, Non-spinning Reserves, and System Integrity Interruption. c. "Identifiable Ancillary Services" mean ancillary service products that are specifically called out in the contract with an individual identifiable price (discount) attached. d. The Revised Protocol allocation treatment of "Special Contracts with Identifiable Ancillary Services Components" is only applicable to Special Contracts. Appendix A of the Revised Protocol provides this definition for special contracts: "Special Contracts means a contract entered between PacifiCorp s and one of its retail customers with prices, term and conditions PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 13, 2007 lIP A 7th Set Data Request 7. different from otherwise-applicable tariff rates. Special Contracts may provide for a discount to reflect Customer Ancillary Services Contract attributes. Irrigation Schedules 10, 72 and 72-A are "otherwise applicable tariff rates and therefore are not eligible to special contract treatment. Irrigation Schedules 72 and 72-A are Demand-Side Management Programs. Under the Revised Protocol DSM programs are identified as State Resources and treated as follows: 1. Demand-Side Management Programs: Costs associated with Demand-Side Management Programs will be assigned on a situs basis to the State in which the investment is made. Benefits from these programs in the form of reduced consumption, will be reflected through time in the Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors. e. Please refer to the company s response to part d. f. Please refer to the company s response to part d. g. Please refer to the company s response to part d. (David L. Taylor prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 13, 2007 lIP A ih Set Data Request 7. lIP A Data Request 7. In the Company s response to Agrium 7 there was weather normalization data supplied for Schedules 1 and 36. Why was there no weather normalization done for most of the months for Schedule 36? Response to liP A Data Request 7. The statistical process the company uses indicates there is no correlation between the summer consumption for Schedule 36 customers and summer temperatures. This corresponds with the need for summer air conditioning primarily during the daytime hours. Schedule 36 customers are on the optional time of day rate and the difference between daytime prices and nighttime prices should be a motivator to have them find alternatives to running space air conditioning equipment during the daytime hours. Also, because of the significant change in temperatures during the night, less air conditioning is expected among these customers because of their likelihood to use the natural cooling associated with lower nighttime temperatures to reduce daytime air conditioning needs. (Reed C. Davis prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response.