HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070912PAC to IIPA 6-1 to 6-6.pdf~\;.::nOUNT AIN 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt lake City, Utah 84111 F;:ECE!" 21JD'i SEP I (~ f'). J' t.. September 11 , 2007 iC, Eric Olsen Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Assoc Racine, Olsen, Nye, Budge & Bailey 201 East Center Pocatello, ID 83204 RE:PAC-07- lIP A Set 6 (1- Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power s Responses to lIP A 6th Set Data Requests 1 - 6.6. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments lIP A 6.1-(a-e), 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-4975. Sincerely, /po Brian Dickman, Manager Regulation Enclosures Cc:Tony YankelllIPA Jean JewelllIPUC Randall C. Budge/Monsanto James R. SmithIMonsanto Maurice Brubaker/Monsanto Richard Anderson/Energy Strategies Conley Ward/Agrium Dennis Peseaul Agrium Brad Purdy/CAP AI Timothy Shurtz P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 11 , 2007 lIP A 6th Set Data Request 6. lIP A Data Request 6. In a manner similar to the Company s response to Monsanto Request 1., please supply an electronic copy of the latest cost of service studies available for each jurisdiction. If there is a choice available, it is preferred that a test year ending December 31 , 2006 (same as in the present case) is preferable. Response to lIP A Data Request 6. The company s most recent filed cost of service studies for California, Oregon Utah, Washington, and Wyoming are provided as Attachments lIP A 6.1a - 6.1e on the enclosed CD. (Mark E. Tucker prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER lIP A DATA REQUEST SET 6 (1- ATTACHMENT lIP A 6.1-(a-e) ON THE ENCLOSED CD PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 11 , 2007 IIPA 6th Set Data Request 6.2 lIP A Data Request 6. Please provide a list of all demand and energy loss factors by service level used by the Company for each jurisdiction that it serves. Response to lIP A Data Request 6. The requested information is provided as Attachment lIP A 6. (Mark E. Tucker prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER lIP A DATA REQUEST SET 6 (1- ATTACHMENT lIP A 6. ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 11 , 2007 lIP A 6th Set Data Request 6. lIP A Data Request 6. Please provide a list at sales level for 2006 of the sales made at each service level by jurisdiction. Response to lIP A Data Request 6. Attachment lIP A 6.3 contains MWH sales for 2006 by service level (customer class) by jurisdiction. (Reed C. Davis prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER lIP A DATA REQUEST SET 6 (1- TT A CHMENT lIP A 6. ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 11 , 2007 lIP A 6th Set Data Request 6.4 lIP A Data Request 6. Please provide any support for the different loss factors used in each jurisdiction. Response to lIP A Data Request 6. The supporting documentation for the loss factors used in each jurisdiction is provided as the following Exhibits included in Attachment lIP A 6.4: Exhibit 1: June 11 , 2003 System Loss Report Memo Exhibit 2: Analysis of System Losses - CA Exhibit 3: Analysis of System Losses - OR Exhibit 4: Analysis of System Losses - UT Exhibit 5: Analysis of System Losses - WA Exhibit 6: Analysis of System Losses - WY Exhibit 7: Analysis of System Losses - ID (Mark E. Tucker prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER lIP A DATA REQUEST SET 6 (1- ATTACHMENT lIP A 6. ON THE ENCLOSED CD PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 11 , 2007 lIP A 6th Set Data Request 6. lIP A Data Request 6. Does the Company have any explanation for the difference between the combined energy losses calculated for each jurisdiction for 2006, when compared to the energy losses listed on page 401a of the 2006 FERC Form I? Response to lIP A Data Request 6. lIP A has withdrawn this data request because Mr. Yankel has indicated that following discussions with company representatives he is satisfied with the information previously provided. (Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 11 , 2007 lIP A 6th Set Data Request 6. lIP A Data Request 6. The Company s Attachment 1.17-2 to the Monsanto interrogatory lists curtailments to Monsanto that begin 6/19/06. Were there no curtailments prior to this date in 2006, and if not, why not? Response to lIP A Data Request 6. The company did not curtail Monsanto prior to June 19th due to the calculated strike price being higher than the day ahead scaled price. (Ray M. Zacharia prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response.