HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070912PAC to IIPA 5-1 to 5-3.pdf~~~~OUNTAIN 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 ,-. .r. ,..,. j', '~;: \ := l ' zon'/ SEP I 2 (\;'1 9: I j September 11 , 2007 !DAi'iO TT.JT1ES Eric Olsen Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Assoc Racine, Olsen, Nye, Budge & Bailey 201 East Center Pocatello , ID 83204 RE:PAC-07- IIPA Set 5 (1- Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power s Responses to IIP A 5th Set Data Requests 1 - 5.3. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments IIPA 5.5.2 and 5.3. The Response to IIP A Data Request 5.4 is in process and will be provided when available. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-4975. Sincerely, lIP Brian Dickman, Manager Regulation Enclosures Cc:Tony Y ankel/IIP A Jean Jewell/IPUC Randall C. Budge/Monsanto James R. Smith/Monsanto Maurice BrubakerlMonsanto Richard Anderson/Energy Strategies Conley WardiAgrium Dennis Peseau/ Agrium Brad Purdy/CAPAI Timothy Shurtz P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power September 11 , 2007 lIP A 5th Set Data Request 5. lIP A Data Request 5. With respect to the Company s response to IPUC Request 25, here is a figure listed for Schedule 10 or -001 %. Please answer the following: a. Does this figure mean that the actual usage was 8% higher or lower than the usage predicted by the sample? b. Were the sample results increase/decreased by the 8% figure in order to develop coincident and non-coincident demand data for the Irrigation class? c. Presumably the "sample" data is on a calendar month basis and the population" data is on a billing month basis. How were (if at all) these two sets of data put on the same time basis? d. What were the energy values there were being compared for the "sample" and for the "population" that resulted in the difference in 8.001 %? e. Over what time frame was the "summer months , and what were the energy values there were being compared for the "sample" and for the "population that resulted in the difference in 6.623%? f. Which sample customers were on Schedule 72 or 72A during the 2006 Schedule 10 load research study? Please simply provide the identification numbers used in the load research data. Response to liP A Data Request 5. a. For calendar year 2006, the energy calculated by the load research sample was 001 % less than the calendar adjusted billing energy for the same period. b. The net, annual adjustment to coincident loads was 8.001%. It should be noted, however, that these loads are adjusted on a monthly basis. These individual monthly adjustment factors were provided in the response to IIP 1- 7. No adjustment was applied to non-coincident loads. c. Billing energy was adjusted to a calendar month basis for comparison and adjustment purposes. d. This information has been provided in the response to IIP A 1- e. Summer months include calendar months June, July and August. The relevant energy values were provided in the response to IIP A 1- f. The load research identification numbers have been provided in Attachment IIPA 5.1 (Scott D. Thornton prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P A C- E-07 - ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER lIP A DATA REQUEST SET 5 (1- ATTACHMENT lIP A 5. ON THE ENCLOSED CD PAC-O7-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 11 , 2007 IIP A 5th Set Data Request 5.2 lIP A Data Request 5. Regarding the Company s response to IPUC request 27 , it is stated that the Company conducted an analysis of Schedule 36 usage over a test period ended September 2005 and that load research data used in the study demonstrated "that Schedule 36 load often reaches its peak during off-peak hours, while Schedule peaks during the on-peak hours." Please supply a list of the identification numbers in the load research data for customers that are presently on Schedule 36 as well as those that were on Schedule 36 during the referenced study. Response to liP A Data Request 5. Please refer to Attachment IIPA5.2 for a list of identification numbers of the load research customers used in Schedule 36 for the time periods 12 months ending September 2005 and 12 months ending December 2006. (Scott D. Thornton prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER lIP A DATA REQUEST SET 5 (1- ATTACHMENT lIP A 5. ON THE ENCLOSED CD PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power September 11 , 2007 IIPA 5th Set Data Request 5. lIP A Data Request 5. Contained in the Company s response to IPUC 27-1 is an ID Residential Time-of- Use Program Analysis for 2005. Contained in that analysis are four graphs. Please supply in electronic format the data points for each of those graphs. Response to lIP A Data Request 5. The requested information is provided as Attachment IIPA 5. (Scott D. Thornton prepared this response and is the recordholder. It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to discuss this response. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER lIP A DATA REQUEST SET 5 (1- ATTACHMENT lIP A 5. ON THE ENCLOSED CD