HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070809PAC to Monsanto 3-1, 2-7.pdfl~OUNTA'N r,t E C 20 I South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City. Utah &tIll 20G ll~JJG .- 9 Ii: 20 UT! L gfE S.J d3r\;K1\:jSI- - August 8, 2007 Randall C. Budge RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, C~TERED O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE:PAC-07- Monsanto Data Request Set 3 (1- 7) Please find enclosed PacifiCorp s responses to 3rd Set Monsanto Data Request 3.1- Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments Monsanto 3.2 L, 3.3, 3.7. Provided on the enclosed confidential CD are Confidential Attachments Monsanto 3.1 a, 3.1 c, 3.2 a. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-4975. Sincerely, U)/ ~"- Brian Dickman, Manager Regulation Enclosures Cc: James R. Smith Maurice Brubaker Richard Anderson PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3rd Set Data Request 3. Monsanto Data Request 3. With respect to Mr. Widmer s supplemental direct testimony and Exhibit No. 42, please provide:a. A listing of all assumptions used in each model;b. Complete executable copy of each model in native format with all formulas intact; All work papers and supporting documentation for the forward price curves; and All other workpapers supporting the modeling and calculations of the value of interruptible power. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3. Front Office Model a. An assessment of all assumptions pertinent to the economic evaluation completed using the front office model is provided as Confidential Attachment Monsanto 3.1(a) on the enclosed CD. This information is confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. b. The front office models are extremely confidential, price and transaction sensitive, and commercially proprietary. Disclosure of this material may give an undue advantage to competitors and therefore requires the highest level of confidential treatment. The models will be made available for review via secure access to the company s website. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to make arrangements to review. The relevant models are named Monsanto _2007 -06-- OldApp - TestimonyV2.xls and Monsanto Final 20060508- 01.07-12.Reserves & Curtailments.xls. c. A copy of the confidential documentation supporting the forward price curve pertinent to the economic evaluation completed using the front office model is provided as Confidential Attachment Monsanto 3.1(c) on the enclosed CD. This information is confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. d. Please refer to the documents provided in response to parts a, b, and c above for all supporting workpapers and calculations used to value the interruptible products with the front office model. GRID Model a. Please see response to Monsanto Data Request 3. PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3 rd Set Data Request 3. b. Please see response to Monsanto Data Request 3. c. The Monsanto valuation used the same forward price curves as used in the current case. These forward price curves were provided as Attachment Monsanto 1.8 L. d. Please see the Company s response to Monsanto Data Request 3.3. (Mark T. Widmer is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. ID AD P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 3 (1- CONFIDENTIAL A TT ACDMENT MONSANTO 3.1 a ON THE ENCLOSED CONFIDENTIAL CD IDAHO P A C- E-07 - ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 3 (1- CONFIDENTIAL A TT ACHMENT MONSANTO 3.1 c ON THE ENCLOSED CONFIDENTIAL CD P AC-07 -OS/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3rd Set Data Request 3.2 Monsanto Data Request 3. Concerning Mr. Widmer s supplemental direct testimony and Exhibit No. 42, if not provided in response to other data requests, please provide for the "Front Office Model" the following:a. The generating units evaluated to calculate the value of operating reserves, the number of megawatt of reserves evaluated on each unit, the incremental cost for each unit and the market price. The name and incremental cost of the unites) selected as the unit(s) "in- the-money All assumptions used in determining the incremental cost of each unit evaluated including heat rates, gas prices and variable operating and maintenance expenses; The source of the market prices used in the valuation of operating reserves and the date the market price forecast was prepared; The hours (per day, per month and per year) and loads of Monsanto modeled in the valuation of operating reserves; The market price values for each hour in the year, with the particular 800 most expensive" hours identified; The source of the market price values used in the valuation of the economic curtailment and the date the market price forecast was prepared; The derivation of the "annual average on peak market price" used for the system integrity valuation, with workpapers to show the values foreach hour of each day; A description and explanation of any adjustment made in the Front Office Model for "lost revenues ; and A description, derivation, and explanation of any discount rate used in the Front Office Model. If the Front Office Model was in fact used to establish the Existing Contract value of$12.4M shown in Exhibit No. 42, page 1, please describe why the value decreased to $1O.8M in 2008 and to $8.7M in 2009 and provide all supporting information. Please describe in detail how the $12.4M value in 2007 for the Existing Contract shown in Exhibit No. 42, page 1 was established, how the Front Office Model and GRID Model were utilized to establish this value and provide all supporting work papers. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3. a. Please refer to page two of Confidential Attachment Monsanto 3.1 (a) for a list of generating units evaluated to calculate the value of operating reserves. The number of megawatt of reserves evaluated on each unit is the amount of reserves available through the existing Monsanto interruptible products, which is 95 MW. This amount of reserves is applied regardless of the generating unit. A table listing the incremental cost for each unit and the market prices is provided as IDAHO P A C- E-07 - ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 3 (1- CO NFID E NTIAL A TT A CHME NT MONSANTO 3.2 a ON THE ENCLOSED CONFIDENTIAL CD P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3rd Set Data Request 3. Confidential Attachment Monsanto 3.2 a on the enclosed CD. This information is confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. The name of the file is Monsanto OR PriceVsCost.PDF. b. Please refer to Confidential Attachment Monsanto 3. c. Please refer to Attachment Monsanto 3.1(a) for heat rate and variable operating and maintenance expenses. Gas prices for each unit are extremely confidential price and transaction sensitive, and commercially proprietary. Disclosure of this material may give an undue advantage to competitors and therefore requires the highest level of confidential treatment. The information will be made available for review via secure access to the company s website. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801-220-4975 to make arrangements to review. The name of the file is Monsanto Gas - HighlyConfidential. pdf. d. The market prices used in the valuation are derived from the company s hourly price scalars and the highly confidential forward price curve as of June 28, 2007. e. Monsanto loads are not considered in the front office evaluation of operating reserves. f. The average monthly prices for individual peak hours, the average four-hour peak prices that were applied in the valuation, and the number of hours to which the prices are applied. The front office models are extremely confidential, price and transaction sensitive, and commercially proprietary. Disclosure of this material may give an undue advantage to competitors and therefore requires the highest level of confidential treatment. The models will be made available for review via secure access to the company s website. Please contact Brian Dickman at 801- 220-4975 to make arrangements to review. The name of the highly confidential file is Monsanto Curtail Hourly.PDF. g. Please refer to the company s response to parts d and f above. h. The company did not produce a price for each hour in the year for the valuation of the system integrity product. Notwithstanding, the annual average on-peak market price used to value the system integrity product is calculated from the company s highly confidential forward price curve dated June 28, 2007. 1. Lost revenues are not included in the front office model evaluation. J. All evaluation results referenced in Mr. Widmer s supplemental direct testimony and Exhibit No. 42 as related to the front office model are in nominal dollars. PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3 rd Set Data Request 3. k. The front office model used to support the existing contract value was updated with a more recent forward price curve and reserve stack operating cost data. Considering that the evaluation model was not changed and that the contract characteristics were not changed, the updated forward price curve and reServe stack operating cost data used in the front office model explain the decrease in value. I. The $12.4m value in 2007 for the existing contract shown in Exhibit No. 42, page 1 was established by taking the average of the annual values produced by the front office model for years 2007, 2008, and 2009 (the initial term of the existing contract) at the time the existing contract was negotiated and executed. The GRID model was used as other value information but was not directly used to determine reserve value. Provided as Attachment Monsanto 3.2 L is the Front Office valuations. (Mark T. Widmer is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 3 (1- ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 3.2 I ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC-07 -O5/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3rd Set Data Request 3.3 Monsanto Data Request 3. Concerning Mr. Widmer s supplemental direct testimony and Exhibit No. 42, if not provided in response to other data requests, please provide the following information with respect to the "Grid Model" evaluation:a. Complete copies of both Grid model runs used in the evaluation;b. A detailed listing of all assumptions;c. A copy of all standard output reports;d. Work papers deriving the value of the interruptible product; ande. A detailed explanation of how the Monsanto curtailment products are modeled in the second Grid model run. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3. The requesteq GRID project is provided as Attachment Monsanto 3.3(a). The GRID project can be imported onto the GRID computer provided to Monsanto. All of the assumptions and inputs used to calculate the Monsanto valuation are included with the GRID project provided in response to part a. above. A copy of the GRID output reports used to derive the value of the interruptible product are provided as Attachment Monsanto 3.3(c). Please see the Company s response to part c above. Provided as Attachment Monsanto 3.3(e) is a list of the GRID modeling assumptions used to model the Monsanto contract. The Monsanto contract is broken into two sections, curtailment and reserves. i. The "Monsanto Curtailment" component is an energy limited call option purchase with a maximum annual take of 53 600 MWH and with a maximum hourly take of 67 MW. GRID curtails Monsanto load in the 800 highest value hours. ii. The operating reserve component is for 95 MW in all hours. The de-rate is an operating reserve sale with a maximum of 7 MW in all hours. The use of a purchase and offsetting sale provides modeling flexibility. The net effect of the two components is an operating reserve pur-chase from Monsanto of 88 MW in all hours. (Mark T. Widmer is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO PAC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 3 (1- ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 3. ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3rd Set Data Request 3.4 Monsanto Data Request 3. For the existing contract the Front Office Model and the GRID Model, for each year, please separately identify the values attributed to Monsanto s operating reserves, economic curtailment and system integrity features. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3. Existing Contract The value for both 2008 and 2009 were estimated as per the provisions of the contract. Contract Cost as listed in the Idaho GRC FilingMonsanto Curtailment 5 113,440P4 Production 7 250,400Total 12 363,840 67 MW x 12 Month x $6.36/kW = 5 113,440 95 MW x 12 Month x $6.36/kW = 7,250,400 Curtailment Reserves Front Office Model The breakdown of each product evaluated with the front office model is as follows: GRID Model Please see table below. As explained in Mr. Widmer s testimony, the GRID model is not capable of calculating a value for the system integrity component of the contract. 2008 2009 Total Value of Curtailment and Reserves 179 729 10,444 874 Value of Curtailments 993 624 865 232 Value of Reserves 186,105 579,642 (Mark T. Widmer is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. P AC- E-07 -OS/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3 rd Set Data Request 3. Monsanto Data Request 3. Please explain why from 2008 to 2009 the valuation of the interruptible products decreases under the Front Office Model and increases under the GRID Model and provide all supporting work papers and detail. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3. Front Office Model With respect to the front office model, the year-on-year decline in value is driven by the operating reserve product. The operating reserve product declines in 2009 relative to 2008 due to a decline in the spread between the market value of energy and the highest cost in the money resource in the reserve stack. GRID Model With respect to the GRID model, the year-on-year increase in value is related to the May 2008 expiration of the West Valley lease. With the expiration, reserves are carried on lower cost units than West Valley, which increases the value of the reserves for 2009. For the requested work papers, please see the company s response to Monsanto Data Request 3. (Mark T. Widmer is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3rd Set Data Request 3. Monsanto Data Request 3. PacifiCorp Pricing and Regulatory Operations Director William Griffith is quoted in the July 9, 2007 Power Week West publication with respect to the Wyoming general rate case filed June 19,2007, as stating that Wyoming industrial customers, primarily mining and other extractive industries, have told PacifiCorp they expect to add 1 000 MW of new load, of which 560 MW is expected to accrue over the next five years. Further, that the Company proposes that new large customers be priced for firm service using the same avoided costs methodology that the Wyoming Public Service Commission recently approved for new, large power generation qualifying facilities so that prices charged for new customers will be set based on the same method used to set prices paid to the new large QFs; and, that the "benefits of this proposal are that it will provide better price signals for new customers about the cost of serving them, and it will reduce future price impacts on our current Wyoming customers." Also, that "a more accurate price signal is needed to help ensure that these anticipated new large load customers are making the most economically fuel efficient choice when obtaining new service for their new facilities." Please state:a. The number, size and total new load of industrial customers added in the Company s service area in Idaho in each of the last five years and the projected amounts in the next three years; Does the Company propose that new large customers in Idaho be priced for firm service using the same avoided costs methodology that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved for QFs? If not, please explain why. With respect to the Company s proposed rate increase in Wyoming, please indicate the percentage increase in rates the Company proposes for each customer class. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3. a. Below is a table that summarizes the load growth for the last 5 years by the industrial operations in Idaho. The growth in Idaho has been very low and the forecast growth is basically zero. This data is not specifically maintained from customer requests but developed from analyzing actual load over the historical period. PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3rd Set Data Request 3. Number of Load Year Size of customers customers Growth 2002 oe( 1 MW of load 0.2 MW :::-1 MWofload 7MW 2003 oe( 1 MW of load 7MW :::-1 MWofload 3MW 2004 oe( 1 MW of load 8MW :::- 1 MWofload 1.1 MW 2005 oe( 1 MW of load 6MW :::-1 MWofload 5MW 2006 oe( 1 MW of load 2MW :::- 1 MWofload 6MW No. In this docket, the Company has not proposed that new large customers in Idaho be priced for firm service using the same avoided costs methodology that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved for QFs. If in the future our Idaho service territory experiences the same kind of growth as anticipated in Wyoming then a new large customer pricing proposal may be proposed. The proposed percentage increase in rates in the Wyoming rate case by customer class are: Residential Commercial Industrial Irrigation Street Lighting 7.4% 11.1% (William R. Griffith is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power August 8, 2007 Monsanto 3 rd Set Data Request 3. Monsanto Data Request 3. The July 9, 2007 publication of Power Week West also quotes PacifiCorp spokesman Jeff Hymus as stating that "based on actual and projected costs from December 31 , 2006, through August 31 , 2008, the Company will have invested $153,000,000 in generation, transmission and distribution to serve Wyoming customers. a. Please indicate the amount the Company will have invested in Idaho in each year 2006 through 2008 in generation, transmission and distribution to serve Idaho customers. b. Break the amount invested into each category: generation, transmission and distribution; c. With respect to your answer to the previous question, indicate how much of said investments occurred in Idaho and the location of the balance of said investments. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3. To provide context for the amounts given below, it should be noted that the $153 million figure referenced above represents only generation investment allocated to Wyoming in the Company s recently filed Wyoming general rate case, not transmission and distribution as the data request suggests. This amount also reflects the averaging methodology used for rate base in the Wyoming general rate case. The amounts below are on an Idaho allocated basis and do not reflect any averaging methodology. a. The Idaho allocated amount of generation, transmi~sion and distribution investment made by the Company in 2006 is $63 million and is forecast to be $97.2 million for 2007 and $32.million for the 8 months ended August 2008 for a total of$192.7 million. b. Of the Idaho allocated $192.7 million investment $125.million is for generation assets $25.3 million is for transmission assets and $42.3 million is for distribution assets. c. Please see Attachment Monsanto 3.7 for a listing of the plant investment locations. (Steven R. McDougal is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 3 (1- ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 3. ON THE ENCLOSED CD