HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070724PAC to Staff 1-2, 4-6, 9-10, 12-13, 15-17.pdf~~t~OUNT AIN 20 I South Main. Suite 2300 Salt lake City. Utah 84111 , i .. July 23 , 2007 .. . Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Neil Price Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 RE:PAC-07- IPUC Production Data Request 1- Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power s Response to IPUC Production Requests 1 , 10, 12, 13 , 15 ,16 and 17. Responses to IPUC Production Requests 3 , 7, 8 11 and 14 are currently being prepared and will be provided once they are available. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments IPUC Production 1 , 2 -(1-2), 16 and 17 - (1-4). Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Attachments IPUC Production 4 and 9. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-4975. Sincerely, ~a;l\ckJ&~ I~. Brian Dickman, Manager Regulation Enclosures P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23, 2007 IPUC Production Data Request IPUC Production Data Request 1 Please provide a copy of the Navigant report referred to on pages 4-5 of the direct testimony of William Fehrman. The Navigant report was an assessment of the evaluation process for RFP 2003-A in which the Lake Side project was chosen as the best alternative. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 1 The above referenced Navigant report is provided as Attachment IPUC Production 1 on the enclosed CD. (William J. Fehrman is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO PAC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IPUC PRODUCTION DATA REQUESTS 1- ATTACHMENT IPUC PRODUCTION ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23, 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 2 IPUC Production Data Request 2 Please provide a copy ofRFP 2003-B issued in February 2004. Please identify or provide a list of amendments to RFP 2003-B following the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 2 RFP 2003-, issued in February 2004, is provided as Attachment IPUC 2 -Ion the enclosed CD. The RFP 2003-B amendment following the acquisition of PacifiCorp by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company is provided as Attachment IPUC 2 -2 on the enclosed CD. (William J. Fehrma,n is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IPUC PRODUCTION DATA REQUESTS 1- ATTACHMENT IPUC PRODUCTION 2 -(1- ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23 , 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 4 IPUC Production Data Request 4 Please provide a summary of all bids received in response to RFP 2003- Response to IPUC Production Data Request 4 A confidential summary of all bids received in response to RFP 2003-B is provided as Confidential Attachment IPUC Production 4. This document contains confidential information and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. (William 1. Fehrman is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IPUC PRODUCTION DATA REQUESTS 1- CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT IPUC PRODUCTION 4 ON THE ENCLOSED CONFIDENTIAL CD PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23, 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 5 IPUC Production Data Request 5 Please provide a summary of all projects short-listed in the evaluation process for RFP 2003- Response to IPUC Production Data Request 5 Please refer to IPUC Production Data Request 4. (William J. Fehrman is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23 , 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 6 IPUC Production Data Request 6 For each short-listed bid not selected in RFP 2003-, please provide an explanation and supporting documentation of why the bid was not selected. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 6 Please refer to page 2 and page 3 of the document provided in response to IPUC Production Data Request 4. With respect to Phase 1 ofRFP 2003-, as of April 2005 , a project would have needed to reach commercial operation by December 31 , 2005 to retain the benefit of the Federal production tax credit. Two bids proposed a commercial operation date during 2005 (bid 67-170 and 82-550). Bid 67-170 was rejected due to a negative net present value revenue requirement. Bid 82-550 was the bid that resulted in the Wolverine Creek power purchase agreement. With respect to Phase 2 ofRFP 2003-, bids short-listed and not selected were bids; 83-630b, 82-580cd (59.8 MW), 69-290, 72-430a, and bids 90-730a(1). Bids 83-630b, 69-290, and 72-430a were not selected due to a negative net present value revenue requirement. Bids 83-610b and 82-580cd (120.5 MW) were the bids that resulted in the Leaning Juniper 1 and Marengo projects respectively. Bid 82-580cd (59.8 MW) was not selected since the bid relied on the same project site as bid 82-580cd (120.6 MW). Bids 90-730a(1) were not selected due to delivery uncertainty associated with anticipated and necessary transmission upgrades on the Idaho Power transmission system. (William 1. Fehrman is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23, 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 9 IPUC Production Data Request 9 In discussing the Leaning Juniper, Marengo, and Goodnoe Hills projects, the direct testimony of William Fehrman states "The Company was provided with a detailed overview of the project, the contract support and counterparty guarantees for executing upon the project, a comparison against the risks associated with an alternative bidder, the risks associated with the project, the need for the project as established by the IRP, the financial assessment of the project and the justification ofthe project due to the results ofRFP 2003-A." To the extent not provided in response to Request No., please provide the information referred to in the quoted testimony for each ofthese three projects. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 9 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC Production 9 on the enclosed CD. It consists of the following files: (Leaning Juniper).pdf, (Marengo).pdf, and (Goodnoe Hills).pdf. These documents contain confidential information and are provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. (William J. Fehrman is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO PAC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IPUC PRODUCTION DATA REQUESTS 1- CO NFID E NTIAL A TT A CHME NT IPUC PRODUCTION 9 ON THE ENCLOSED CONFIDENTIAL CD PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23 , 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 10 IPUC Production Data Request 10 On page 11 , lines 7-10 of William Fehrman s direct testimony, he states , " RFP 20O3-B resulted in the acquisition of the 100.5 megawatt Leaning Juniper wind plant, the acquisition and subsequent construction of the 140.4 megawatt Marengo wind plant, and served as a benchmark to compare other wind resource alternatives against (such as the Goodnoe Hills wind project)." Please explain in more detail what is meant by " . . . served as a benchmark to compare other wind resource alternatives against." Was the Goodnoe Hills project not bid in RFP 20O3-B? If not, how was the proposal received? Have other wind proposals been received outside ofthe RFP 20O3-B process? Response to IPUC Production Data Request 10 The phrase " . . . served as a benchmark to compare other wind resource alternatives against.. ." means that the knowledge obtained from RFP 2003 - B informed PacifiCorp s assessment of other wind resource alternatives. PacifiCorp received the Goodnoe Hills project proposal from the project developers and not via RFP 20O3-B. PacifiCorp has received information regarding wind projects other than via RFP 20O3- (William 1. Fehrman is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23 , 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 12 IPUC Production Data Request 12 Please identify the amount of federal production tax credits or equivalent deductions on an annual basis PacifiCorp expects to receive for the renewable projects (Leaning Juniper, Marengo, Goodnoe Hills, Blundell). Please also identify any state tax credits or other state incentives that have been received or will be received for these projects and discuss how these credits or incentives will be jurisdictionally allocated. Please indicate where in the Results of Operations these credits are accounted for. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 12 The anticipated amount of federal production tax credit for Leaning Juniper Marengo, Goodnoe Hills, and Blundell is approximately $5 923 000; $3,407 000; $546 000; and $0 respectively. Blundell does not qualify for the renewable energy credits since it was placed in service prior to October 22, 2004, which is the date after which qualified plants have to be placed in service. These credits are based on the applicable production included in the net power cost study in the company s general rate case. The current federal production tax credit rate is 2 cents per kilowatt hour. The total credit is dependent upon the annual amount of production at each plant, and the annual credit amount will change as the energy output at each plant changes. These federal production tax credits are included in the Results of Operations as Adjustment 7., which treats these credits as a reduction to FERC account 409.10. Since these are related to production of energy, the allocation factor used to allocate them is the SE (System Energy) factor. The Leaning Juniper plant also qualifies for an Oregon BETC (Business Energy Tax Credit) of$1 million for the twelve-month period ending December 2007. This amount was inadvertently excluded from the case. Because state income tax items are system-allocated using the IBT (Income Before Taxes) factor, Idaho rate payers would be entitled to an allocated share of this credit. The Idaho IB T factor in the current case is .022044. Applying that percentage to the $1 million credit produces a decrease in the amount of state income tax expense allocated to Idaho of approximately $22 044. When that reduction is netted with a $7 716 increase in current federal tax due to this state tax reduction, the net result from this state tax credit is a reduction to total current tax expense of approximately $14 328 for Idaho. (Steven R. McDougal is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23, 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 13 IPUC Production Data Request 13 Please list any funds received by PacifiCorp from the BP A Conservation and Renewable Resource Credit Program and from the Energy Trust of Oregon that are being used for any ofPacifiCorp s renewable generation projects. Please state the amounts received from each program and the corresponding projects to which they have been or will be applied. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 13 From January - September 2006, PacifiCorp received $1 555 909 from the Bonneville Power Administration (BP A) Conservation and Renewable Discount (C&RD) Program. These funds were received due to energy produced by the Rock River 1 wind project. From October - December 2006, PacifiCorp received $643 128 from BPA' Conservation Rate Credit (CRC) Program (successor to the C&RD program). A portion of these funds will be applied to conservation efforts with the remaining amount applied to renewable resource projects. In 2007, PacifiCorp anticipates receiving $2 572 411 from the BPA CRC Program, subject to the final outcome oftheNinth Circuit Court ruling on BP A payments and $0 from the Energy Trust of Oregon Inc. Funds received from the Energy Trust of Oregon Inc. in the future will be utilized to reduce expenses associated with the Goodnoe Hills project. Funds received from the BP A CRC Program do not become project-specific until PacifiCorp provides BP A with a final accounting pursuant to the provisions of the program. (Steven R. McDougal is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23, 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 15 IPUC Production Data Request 15 Please compare the costs of the Leaning Juniper, Marengo and Goodnoe Hills projects to the cost assumption for wind generation included in PacifiCorp s 2003 and 2007 IRPs. If the costs of any of these projects exceed the wind generation costs assumed in either the 2003 or 2007 IRPs, please provide justification for why the Company still decided to acquire the resources and discuss whether there is any cost limit that the Company would not be willing to exceed in order to meet its renewable resource targets. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 15 The capital cost to acquire the Leaning Juniper, Marengo, and Goodnoe Hills projects are higher than the capital cost assumptions in PacifiCorp s 2003 and 2007 Integrated Resource Plans. Please refer to IPUC Production Data Request 9 for the Company s justification for acquiring the Leaning Juniper, Marengo, and Goodnoe Hills projects. With respect to cost limits, the Company makes individual resource decisions on a case by case basis and based on what the Company knows at the time. (William J. Fehrman is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23 , 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 16 IPUC Production Data Request 16 The testimony of Carole Rockney discusses a proposed change to the methodology used for line extension refunds. In her testimony on page 10, lines 13-, she states , " Transferring the contract is an administrative burden that is time consuming and is not a requirement in any other state served by the Company." How many contracts were transferred in Idaho in each of the past two years? Please provide an estimate of the time and expense of transferring a contract, or otherwise provide some evidence of the administrative burden. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 16 Below is the number of residential contracts that have been transferred: From 7/1105 through 6/30/06 -- 5 transfers From 711/06 through 6/30/07 -- 9 transfers Attachment IPUC Production 16 gives a comparison between the existing and proposed processes. The existing process generally takes two or more hours per transfer. The activity rate for Idaho estimators is $89.47 per hour. Based on an average of approximately 2 hours, the estimated cost is $179 to transfer the contract as applies to Idaho residential refunds. (Carole A. Rockney is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IPUC PRODUCTION DATA REQUESTS 1- ATTACHMENT IPUC PRODUCTION ON THE ENCLOSED CD PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power July 23 , 2007 IPUC Production Data Request 17 IPUC Production Data Request 17 Please explain the method used to temperature normalize residential and small commercial revenues as per Adjustment 3.1 (McDougal, Exhibit 11). Please provide the model and input data used to determine temperature normalized revenues. Response to IPUC Production Data Request 17 See Attachments IPUC Production 17 -1 through 17 -4 on the enclosed CD. (It has not been determined who will sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-O7- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IPUC PRODUCTION DATA REQUESTS 1- ATTACHMENT IPUC PRODUCTION 17 -(1- ON THE ENCLOSED CD