HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070720PAC to Monsanto Set 1, 1-20.pdf~~;~OUNTAIN 20 I South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 , ,' ' ,- July 13, 2007 Randall C. Budge RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED O. Box 1391; 201E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE:PAC-07- Monsanto Data Request Set 1 (1-20) Please find enclosed PacifiCorp s responses to Monsanto Data Requests 1.1 - 1.20. Provided on the enclosed CD are Attachments Monsanto 1.1, 1.2 a, 1.4 -(a-b), 1.5 , 1.6- (a-d), 1.7, 1.8 -(a-k), 1.10 -(a-j), 1.12 -(a-c), 1.13 -(a-b), 1.14 -(a-b), 1.17 -(1-2), 1.18 and 1.20. Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Attachments Monsanto 1.2 b and 1.8 If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-4975. Sincerely, ~~ l)( ~( p. () . Brian Dickman, Manager Regulation Enclosures Cc: James R. Smith Katie Iverson P AC-07 -05/Rocky M~)Untain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Please provide a copy of all data requests received from Commission Staff and other parties. Please consider this to be continuing request and supplement your response as additional requests are received. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.1 See Attachment Monsanto 1.1 on the enclosed CD. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 1. ON THE ENCLOSED CD PAC-E-O7-05/Rocky Mountain Power July 13 , 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1.2 Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.2 Please provide a copy of your responses to the data requests from Commission Staff and other parties. Please consider this to be continuing request and supplement your response as additional responses are received. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. See Attachment Monsanto 1.2 a on the enclosed CD for non-confidential responses submitted by the company. Confidential responses are provided in Confidential Attachment Monsanto 1.2 b, on the enclosed confidential CD subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 1. 0 N THE EN CLOSED CD IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 1.2 b CONFIDENTIAL (LEVEL YELLOW) ON THE ENCLOSED CONFIDENTIAL CD P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power July 13 , 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1.3 Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Please provide a copy of your responses to requests conveyed to Rocky Mountain Power other than through formal data requests from Commission Staff and other parties. Please consider this to be continuing request and supplement your response as additional responses as provided. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.3 All responses provided to parties in this proceeding to date are provided in response to Monsanto Data Request 1.2. The company will supplement this response as additional responses are provided. P AC-07 -05/Rocky Mountain P~wer July 13 , 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1.4 Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness Richard Walje. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.4 See Attachments Monsanto l.4a and l.4b on the enclosed CD. There are no additional workpapers, but the Company is providing supporting data for Mr. Walje s testimony in response to Monsanto 2-1 through 2-14. (A. Richard Walje is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENTS MONSANTO 1.4a & 1. ON THE EN CLOSED CD P AC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power July 13 , 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data R-equest 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness Samuel Hadaway. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.5 See Attachment Monsanto 1.5 on the enclosed CD. (Samuel C. Hadaway is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P A C- E-07 - ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 1. ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC- E-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power July 13 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness Bruce Williams. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.6 Please see Attachments Monsanto 1.6 a-d on the enclosed CD. (Bruce N. Williams is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENTS MONSANTO 6 a through 1.6 d ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC-07 -05/R~cky Mountain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.7 Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness Steven McDougal. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. The revenue requirement workpapers supporting the direct testimony of Steven R. McDougal are provided as Exhibits 11 , 12 and 13 , already provided with the filing. Attached are executable copies of Exhibit 13, the JAM model, and the RAM model. They are all provided on the enclosed CD as Attachment Monsanto 1.7. The JAM and RAM models can be run for both Rolled-In and Revised Protocol methodologies. (Steven R. McDougal is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 1. ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC- E-07 -OS/Rocky Mountain Power July 13 , 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness Mark Widmer. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.8 The requested information is provided as non-confidential Attachments Monsanto 8a through 1.8k and Confidential Attachment Monsanto 1.8L on the enclosed CDs. Company forecasts of market prices are confidential and are provided as Confidential Attachment Monsanto 1.8L subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. (Mark T. Widmer is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO PAC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENTS MONSANTO 8 a through 1.8 k 0 N THE EN CLOSED CD IDAHO P A C- E-07 - ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 1.8 I CONFIDENTIAL (LEVEL YELLOW) ON THE ENCLOSED CONFIDENTIAL CD PAC-07-05/Rocky Mountain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.9 Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness William Fehrman. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.9 Mr. Fehrman s testimony was filed in support of the company s new supply-side resources and relies on the Integrated Resource Plan, Requests for Proposals, and other analyses provided in response to IPUC Staff Audit Request 67 in this proceeding. The response to IPUC 67 includes citations to the 2003, 2004, and 2007 IRPs, copies of RFP 2003A and RFP 2003B, final reports on RFP 2003A and RFP 2003B, and additional supporting documents for Lake Side and the new wind resources. A copy of the response to IPUC 67 is included in the company response to Monsanto 1.2 in this set. Supporting documents for the Blundell Bottoming Cycle will be provided in response to Monsanto request 2.32. Following is a clarification of Mr. Ferhman s testimony regarding operation and maintenance costs for the Lake Side (page 8, line 14) and Leaning Juniper 1 (page , line 5) resour~es. The dollar amounts referenced in the filed testimony are the incremental O&M costs above 2006 historical levels. The total 2007 O&M cost for all resources supported by Mr. Fehrman is detailed on Page 4.10.1 of Company witness Steven McDougal's Exhibit No. 11. (William J. Fehrman and Steven R. McDougal are expected to sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-07-oS/Rocky Mountain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.10 Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness Douglas Bennion. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.10 See the following attachments on the enclosed CD: Attachment Monsanto 1. lOa (Transmission System Planning 5-year Study Guide 2006) Attachment Monsanto 1.10b (Asset replacements) Attachment Monsanto 1.10c (5-year study) Attachment Monsanto 1.10d (Greg Abel RMP Customer & Community Conference - 2007) Attachment Monsanto 1.10e (Idaho Service Quality Review 4/1/2006-6/30/2006 Report) Attachment Monsanto 1.10f(Idaho New Connects) Attachment Monsanto 1. 109 (Line and Feeder Design Criteria) Attachment Monsanto 1.10h (Planning Standards for Voltage) Attachment Monsanto 1.10i (Sample Costs Comparison of Large Material Items) Attachment Monsanto 1.10j (RMP Dee 2006 statistics) (Douglas N. Bennion is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P A C- E-07 - ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENTS MONSANTO 10 a through 1.10 j ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC-07 -OS/Rocky Mountain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness Erich Wilson. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.11 There are no additional workpapers. (Erich D. Wilson is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. PAC-07-0S/Rocky Mountain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness Mark Tucker. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Attachment Monsanto 1.12a on the enclosed CD is the Cost of Service model used in this case. This is the source for Exhibits 28 and 29, and for Tabs 4 and 5 of Exhibit 30. Attachment Monsanto 1.12b on the enclosed CD shows the calculation of the functional factors used in the cost of service study. This is the source of Exhibit 30, Tab 3. Attachment Monsanto 1.12c on the enclosed CD is the source document for Exhibit 30, Tab 1. Exhibit 30, Tab 2 - Functionalized Results of Operations comes from the Jurisdictional Allocation Model which is being provided as an attachment to Monsanto 1- (Mark E. Tucker is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENTS MONSANTO 12 a through 1.12 c ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC-E-O7-0S/Rocky Mountain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness William Griffith. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.13 Attachment Monsanto 1.13a on the enclosed CD contains the data and calculations used in developing Exhibits 31 , 34 and 35. This file also shows the calculation of the new rates shown in Exhibits 32 and 33. Attachment Monsanto 1.13 b on the enclosed CD contains the data used to calculate the percentage change in Rocky Mountain Power rates compared to the Consumer Price Index as described in Mr. Griffith's testimony. (William R. Griffith is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENTS MONSANTO 13 a through 1.13 b ON THE ENCLOSED CD PAC-07-0S/Rocky Mountain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Please provide a copy of the workpapers supporting the testimony of witness Carole Rockney. To the extent that the workpapers include any spreadsheets or models, please provide in executable native format with all formulas intact. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.14 See Attachments Monsanto 1.14a and 1.14b on the enclosed CD. (Carole A. Rockney is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENTS MONSANTO 14 a through 1.14 b ON THE EN CLOSED CD P AC- E-,O7 -OSlRocky Mountain Power July 13 2007 Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. If not included in the responses to other data requests, please provide the jurisdictional allocation models in executable native format with all formulas intact. Please include the allocations for both the Rolled-In and the Revised Protocol. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.15 The jurisdictional allocation models in executable format with all formulas intact are provided as Attachment Monsanto 1.7. Both the JAM and RAM models can be run for both the Rolled-In and Revised Protocol methodologies. (Steven R. McDougal is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. P AC- E-07 -OS/Rocky Mountain Power July 13 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.16 If not included in the responses to other data requests, please provide the class cost of service allocation model in executable native format with all formulas intact. Please include the allocations for both the Rolled-In and the Revised Protocol. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.16 The Idaho Cost of Service model is included as Attachment Monsanto 1.12a. This model uses MSP Revised Protocol allocations. Separate cost of service allocations for Rolled-In are no longer calculated in any of the company jurisdictions. (Mark E. Tucker is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-07 -05/Rocky Mountain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.17 Please provide Monsanto s actual hourly load data for the test year and all adjustments made to that actual hourly load data for purposes of:a, The jurisdictional allocationsb. The class cost of service allocations Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.17 Monsanto s actual hourly load data for the 12 months ended December 31 , 2006 is provided as Attachment Monsanto 1.17 -Ion the enclosed CD. a. Adjustments made to Monsanto s actual hourly load for Coincident Peak and Energy Factor adjustments is provided as Attachment Monsanto 1.17 -2 on the enclosed CD. b. The Total Curtailment MWh Adjustment and Total Curtailment MW Adjustment figures shown in Attachment Monsanto 1.17 -2 are used in the cost of service study to develop energy- and demand-related allocation factors. The cost of service model is included as Attachment Monsanto 1.12a. (Steven R. McDougal is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P AC-07- ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENTS MONSANTO 17 -1 through 1.17 - ON THE ENCLOSED CD PAC-Q7-05/Rocky M~untain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.18 If not provided in response to other data requests, please provide all workpapers and supporting data showing the derivation of each external allocation factor for both the Rolled-In and Revised Protocol versions of the jurisdictional allocation models. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.18 The derivation of each external allocation factor for the Revised Protocol version ofthe jurisdictional models is provided as hard copy in the direct testimony of Steven R. McDougal, Exhibit 11 , tab 10. An electronic copy is provided as Attachment Monsanto 1.7 "JAM-Idaho GRC-Dec2006.xls " tab "Factors. The derivation of each external allocation factor for the Rolled-In version of the jurisdictional models is provided as Attachment Monsanto 1.18 on the enclosed CD. An electronic copy is provided as Attachment Monsanto 1.7 "JAM-Idaho GRC-Dec2006.xls tab "Factors. (Steven R. McDougal is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P A C- E-07 - ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 1. ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC-07 -()5/R-ocky Mountain Power July 13 2007 Monsanto 1 st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.19 If not provided in response to other data requests, please provide all workpapers and supporting data showing the derivation of each external allocation factor for both the Rolled-In and Revised Protocol versions ofthe class cost of service allocation models. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.19 The derivation of external allocation factors used in the cost of service model is provided as Attachment Monsanto 1.12b. All other allocation factors are calculated within the Cost of Service model. (Mark E. Tucker is expected to sponsor this response at hearing. PAC-07-0S/Rocky Mountain Power July 13, 2007 Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1. Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.20 If not provided in response to other data requests, please provide the filed exhibits in executable native format with all formulas intact, where available. Response to Monsanto 1st Set Data Request 1.20 Please see Attachment Monsanto 1.20 on the enclosed CD. (Samuel C. Hadaway, Bruce N. Williams, Steven R. McDougal, Mark T. Widmer, William J. Fehrman, Erich D. Wilson, Mark E. Tucker, William R. Griffith, and Carole A. Rockney will sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P A C- E-07 - ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER MONSANTO DATA REQUESTS SET 1 (1-20) ATTACHMENT MONSANTO 1. ON THE ENCLOSED CD