HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070122Stipulation.pdfDean Brockbank Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4459 Fax: (801) 220-3299 Email: Dean.Brockbank~PacifiCorp.com ;:~~E C E 1"/:::: U ZOGl JMJ 10 AH II: 59 IU,'I.!'JO FLIUi_ UTiliTIES CC;,\iViISSIO" Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF P ACIFICORP TO DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE FUNDING STRUCTURE OF ITS SCHEDULE 21 CASE NO. PAC-O6- STIPULATION This stipulation ("Stipulation ) is entered into by and between the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff ("Staff'), Rocky Mountain Power, a division ofPacifiCorp ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company ) and the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho CAP AI") (collectively referred to as the "Parties ) as of January &, 2007. I. INTRODUCTION The terms and conditions of this Stipulation are set forth herein. The Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a fair, just and reasonable compromise ofthe issues raised between the Parties and that this Stipulation is in the public interest. The Parties, therefore recommend that the Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) approve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions. Reference IDAPA , 274. II. BACKGROUND On September 1 , 2006, Rocky Mountain Power filed a petition seeking a declaratory order that the Company s current funding structure for its Low Income STIPULATION - Page Weatherization Program contained in tariff Schedule 21 is just and reasonable. On September , 2006, CAP AI petitioned to intervene. On October 3 , 2006, the Commission granted intervenor status to CAP AI. On December 14, 2006, in an attempt to settle all outstanding issues in this docket, pursuant to IDAP A , Staff, CAP AI and Rocky Mountain Power met to discuss possible settlement. The Parties tentatively settled all outstanding issues in this docket and by this Stipulation memorialize that settlement. Based upon the settlement discussions between the Parties, as a compromise of the positions in this proceeding, and for other consideration as set forth below, the Parties agree to the following terms: III. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION Rocky Mountain Power will fund all cost-effective, United States Department of Energy ("DOE") weatherization measures for electrically heated houses, and as indicated by a Savings to Investment Ratio ("SIR") greater than or equal to 1. Rocky Mountain Power funding is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Stipulation and Rocky Mountain Power Service Schedule 21. Effective April 1 , 2007 , Rocky Mountain Power will modify Service Schedule 21 to provide rebates for a maximum of seventy-five percent (75%) ofthe total cost associated with approved weatherization measures, with no cap imposed for how much money can be spent on a per-home basis. Provided, however, that Rocky Mountain Power will never pay more than 75% of the costs of a home weatherization, even if federal funding has been exhausted. CAP AI agrees to stay out of and not intervene in or otherwise participate, directly or indirectly, in any proceedings with the intent of modifying Service Schedule 21 or any Rocky Mountain Power weatherization programs in Idaho from April 1 , 2007 to March 31 , 2009. STIPULATION - Page 2 F or the period of April 1 , 2007 through March 31 , 2009, the overall annual spending cap for Service Schedule 21 remains unchanged at $150 000 such that under no circumstances shall Rocky Mountain Power be required to pay more than an annual aggregate amount of $150 000 on weatherization programs in Idaho. The Parties acknowledge that after March 31 , 2009, Rocky Mountain Power will conduct a cost-effectiveness study, analyzing Service Schedule 21 based on actual homes weatherized to ensure that the program is a cost-effective demand-side management program. Rocky Mountain Power will submit the results of that study to the Commission. Nothing in this provision should be interpreted as acceptance on the part of CAP AI of the validity or applicability of any cost-effectiveness study to the weatherization program. 10.The Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Parties in this proceeding. Other than the above-referenced positions and any testimony filed in support of the approval ofthis Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation all negotiations relating to this Stipulation, and this Stipulation itself, shall not be admissible as evidence in this or any other proceeding regarding this subject matter in Idaho or in any other jurisdiction, nor shall this Stipulation have any precedential effect whatsoever. 11.The Parties submit this Stipulation together with the attached redline of Electric Service Schedule No. 21 , attached hereto and made apart hereof as Exhibit A, to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to IDAP A The Parties shall support this Stipulation before the Commission, and no Party shall appeal any portion of this Stipulation or Order approving the same. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation, the Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to cross-examine witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlement embodied in this Stipulation. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Parties to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission s adoption of the terms of this Stipulation. STIPULATION - Page 3 12.In the event the Commission rejects any part or all of this Stipulation, or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Stipulation, each Party reserves the right upon written notice to the Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding, within 15 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation. In such case, no Party shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Stipulation, and each Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration ofthe Commission s order, file testimony as it chooses, cross- examine witnesses, and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. 13.The Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. 14.No Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stipulation be construed as a waiver ofthe rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution ofthis Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by any Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 15.The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission s approval ofthis Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and, if judicial review is sought, upon such approval being upheld on appeal by a court of competent jurisdiction. STIPULATION - Page 4 Respectfully submitted this &th day of January, 2007. By: Its: Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Staff ~;: ~I Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho By: Its: STIPULATION - Page 5 Jan 22 07 11: 48a Brad M. Purd~2083848511 Respectfully submitted this &'h day of January, 2007.. By: Its: Community Action Partnership Association ofIdaho 4. ,J:;N e,' Its:fin ,."", ;- I Lr. / ( B\rc, J-I. ?u/ STIPULATION - Page :;;;~ Its: ,..-_.-;:::::,-,- iT'::: ::' Z:::c;-- ::-... (j~:C:::(/J c:. f'o.) --' "t.o ::;0 .~: i ;, "-" .s:- 1..0 STIPULATION - Page 6 STIPULATION EXHIBIT A (Revisions to Service Schedule No. 21) ~ ~~~" ~OUN1.-. Co No.First Revision of,s eetN'().)J,Original Cancelinl!:Ori inal Sheet No. 21.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 STATE OF IDAHO Low Income Weatherization Services Optional For Income Qualifying Customers PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of existing residential dwellings inhabited by customers that meet income guidelines through the installation of energy efficient materials. The decision to extend service under this schedule shall be based upon the eligibility requirements contained herein. AVAILABILITY: This tariff is applicable to residential customers in all territory served by the Company in the state of Idaho. ENERGY CONSERV AnON SERVICE TO LOW INCOME CUSTOMERS: This program is available to existing single family and multi-family residential units. It is intended to reduce the electricity requirements and increase the penetration of weatherization and electric efficiency measures in residential dwellings inhabited by low income households through the installation of permanent energy efficiency materials. The decision to extend service under this schedule shall be based on eligibility requirements contained herein. Definitions: Dwelling" is real or personal property within the state inhabited as the principal residence of a dwelling owner or a tenant. "Dwelling" includes a manufactured home, a single-family home, duplex or multi-unit residential housing. "Dwelling does not include a recreational vehicle. Duplexes and fourplexes are eligible if at least one half of the dwelling is occupied by low income tenants. (Continued) -------..--...___ ___H_'_._U'UU I Submitted Under Docket No. P AC-06-1 0 -Advice Letter No. 07- I ISSUED: January 10,2007 EFFECTIVE: April I. 2007 Deleted: 06- Deleted: August 15 2006 .. .. ( Deleted: September 15, 2006 ~ ~2~~o ~OUNTAIt'v I.P.C. No.J'irst Revision of.s "~~. N'~' ~!~ Deleted: Original Cancelin Ori inal Sheet No. 21.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - (Continued) Definitions (Continued):b. Triplexes and multi-family dwellings are eligible if at least 66% of the units are occupied by low income tenants. l:, . - _....g~. ~(;x'~.!l!.e~!l.~- ~()~'1'~~fi.t . Er(). ~py_ M~.~!(;!p'~!itx. (). c;()1.II?-~Y..!!~~h()~!~. ~~.~~.~€?(;. ~t~~.. , " Deleted: ~ funds for installation of energy efficiency materials in low income properties. Low Income" means households qualifying under the fed~r~!.. !(). ~..i.~(;~~e Deleted: federal guidelines and certified for eligibility according to agency procedure, Income eligibility is based on 150% of federal poverty guidelines. Major Measure" means ceiling insulation, wall insulation, floor insulation and window replacements applicable in dwellings with permanently installed electric space heating systems. When cost-effective (Savings to Investment Ratio ("' SIR" of 1.0 or greate~(ls. cleten!1ined~vaU.- Dep(jrtment of ~n(:rg;vJ"DO~'1 aQpr(jved.. ---- energv audit).all major measures must be installed or in place or financial assistance under this schedule will not be offered, If physical barriers exist that prohibit the installation of a measure, then the measure is not required as a condition for financial assistance under this schedule. ( Deleted: ), Supplemental Measures and Additional Measures" are not required measures under this schedule, but may qualify for a Company reimbursement. Financial Assistance: The Company will reimburse Agency .u.'Yo o(the installe co!,t ofa!l(:ligible ---- Deleted: 50 Energy Conservation Measures listed in Section C of this Tariff. ~ei~bll.~~e!l!5~nt!'-- . . ' Deleted: If participating Agencies on weatherized homes will be provided one time only on any individual measure exhaust weatherization funds they are provided through federal sources an up to two times per we mg, n mcentlve WI e proV! e a secon time on y Company will reimburse \00% ofcosts on dwellings originally treated before October I , 1993, associated with the installation of eligible Energy Conservation Measures. (Continued) . . - Deleted: Agencies will not delay serving Company customers in order to obtain funding at the 100% level. Agencies must notify Company when other funds are depleted, no less than 30 days prior to billing at the 100% reimbursement level. . - ~ted: Advice No. 06- ..... --. -........ -- . r Deleted: August 14 2006 :::. . ( Deleted: September 15 2006 T......... I Submitted Under Docket No. P AC-06-1 0 - Advice Letter No. 07- I ISSUED: J anuarv 10, 2007 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2007 ~ ~2~~~o ~OUNTAI(\' c. No.irst Revision of ~t;et.l'II!. ~!)-"-- - Deleted: Original Cancelin Ori inal Sheet No. 21.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - Continued ~ --- _-- _hh--_----_-----_uuuu_--------...-----u----------_--_un----_--U_-_U--"-----n 1 Formatted: Font: 8 ptFinancial Assistance (Continued): The Company will reimburse Agency for administrative costs based on 15% of ..R.()cky. ~10ll11!ai!l 1.'()~~(_ - _~~~~~ g!! i.~~!~JJ~_4 - ~~_1!~lI~~~' l)()~ ~ _ e)(c:e~4- !~-~ .foI19_\\:i ~g- - _- .- - Deleted: Utah total administrative payment per building: Dwelling Units in Building Maximum..A.d:~i.l)i~!~~_tjx~X1!Y!!l..~I)!..mnnm Deleted: UP&L1 to 4 $3505 to 10 $80011to15 $120016 to 20 $140021 to 25 $160026t030 $180031+ $2100 I "--------,---______n_m______-______nnnnnn______n__u---______mm______--,.,..______n___n_______ ___ __n______--_nn ( Formatted: Font: 8 pt The minimum reimbursement will be $150 on homes with one or more Major Measure installed and $50 on homes without the installation of a Major Measure. I .......---------.------ --- --_.._-------------______n___ _" ----- ------------------ ,-------------_..--_n'-- -..__.._--n --- ----- j Formatted: Font: 8 Agencies must invoice Company within 120 days of job completion. A maximum of $150 000 in Company reimbursements will be available annually (April 1 through March 31). Reimbursements related to health and safety measures are limited 10 15'70 oflhe annual cost of total iobs performed bv each agency, Energy Conservation Measures -- ......-..................-- -- --".................. --- ...............- - --- ....m - --_m"", """" \FOrmatted:Font:8pt Financial assistance will be provided based on the results of a cost effective analysis through a Department of Energy approved energy audit. The energy efficient measures eligible for funding ,J11ust - ~~ - il).1!lled. - in 4'Y~Il i!!gs ~i~h - _ ~~!!entl)' - i!!s~all~~--9jJe!_~bl~- - "-- ' - Deleted: (Savings to Investment Ratio electric space heat except where noted. All MaioI' and Supplemental Measures indicated is 1.0 or greater) belo\v mav qualif\' for a companv reimbursement when audit results indicate a measurc has a Savings to Investment Ratio of 1.0 or greater.The energy efficient measures that may be eligible for funding are listed as follows: I " I . -- --- . ". ..... . --- -.----..--...-------.----"'--"'--""----" Major Measures - Electric Heating System Required: --_----mm --_----............----..-- Formatted: Font: 8 pt Ceiling insulation up to R-48 for ceilings with less than R-30 in place. R- ~eleted: ~ 30 or better attics will not be further insulated. l II L________nn_-_..--______nmmm- - ,- --______nm_'.nnmn /~:' r;eleted: Advice No. ~6 :~~ (Contiiiue"dr . --.----. ... ..--..---- -- -. .--..--' " eleted:AugUst14 2006 ( Deleted: September 15 2006 c...--. I Submitted Under Docket No. P AC-06-1 0 - Advice Letter No, 07- I ISSUED: Januarv 10, ZOO7 EFFECTIVE: April 1.2007 ~ ~8~~~o ~OUNTAh c. No.First Re\'ision of.sl1eet)'II().Deleted: Original Cancelin Ori inal Sheet No. 21.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - Continued Energy Conservation Measures:(Continued) Floor insulation over unheated spaced up to R-30, Wal1 insulation up to R-26 for walls with no insulation installed (financing will not be available for the instal1ation of urea-formaldehyde wall insulation). Replacement windows with a U-value of 0.35 or less. Nothing shall preclude the Company from providing a reimbursement for the installation of a greater R value on insulation for the above items that are determined to be cost effective Qilltis _1 ,- ()r ,gre!iter) _throug~_t~e !iu~it ):Jro~~s~, -.. - -.. - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -.. - - -.. - -.. - - no - - 1 Deleted: Savings to Investment Ratio Supplemental Measures - Electric Heating System Required: Attic ventilation, _ ~~_ u~l.ing--P9_~~~- ::~~tiJ!l_t~rs , -~~-()!~- _ ~9_1!~~- _I11~~~!ln!c!ll - _ '::'~n~i a~i()n - -,- -' - - Deleted: , and spot ventilation for kitchen and baths ,,--_. ' Weather stripping and/or caulking, including blower door assisted air sealing and duct sealing, Deleted: when installed with ceiling insulation (required if needed at the time ceiling insulation is installed). Deleted:at time ceiling insulation is installed. ~ Deleted: when installed with floor insulation; other vapor barrier materials as required when installed with floor or ceiling insulation. Ground cover and water pipe wrap in homes with an electric water heater, ._--_ Forced air electric space heating duct insulation and sealing in unheated spaces. Thermal doors. (Continued) ~------------_._--_...._...._.._----_.._-_.._-----------' j Deleted: Advice Letter No. 06- ( Deleted: August 14 2006 ' :- ( Deleted: September 15 2006 I Submitted Under Docket No, P AC-06-1 0 - Advice Letter No, 07- I ISSUED: Januarv 10,2007 EFFECTIVE: April I, 2007 ~ ~~~~~o ~OUNTAU\ I.P.c. No. I First Revision of'sl1eet1'l().5 ---Deleted: Original Cancelin Ori inal Sheet No. 21.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21 - Continued Energy Conservation Measures: (Continued) Supplemental Measures - Electric Heating System Required (continued) Timed thennostats on centrally controlled multi-room heating/cooling systems except when used with heat pumps. Heat anticipating type thermostats for zonal electric resistance heating systems. Storm Windows Electric furnace repair and replacement. Additional Measures - No Electric Heating System Requirement: T - T. . Pipe insulation, energy efficient showerheads and aerators where electric water heaters are present. Compact fluorescent light bulbs applicable in all homes - limit 8 Energy Star certified bulbs per home placed in fixtures that are on 2 hours or more per day. Existing Refrigerator models with annual usage listed in the Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance center database as 900 kWh or greater may be replaced with an Energy Star model with estimated annual consumption of 500 kWh or less. Replaced refrigerators must be removed and recycled in accordance with EP A guidelines. ::l_______l~lectric water heater relJair and replacement. Measures that promote health and safetv related to electricity usage, Provisions of Service for Energy Conservation Service to Low Income Customers iY1e!lSur~_s _.iI1~~al!~_d - - a~~--iI~t,?nde~ ~q - - in1proy',? - _\lpg_I'! --the - ~le(;!!'i(; - - ~.fli(;h~I1_ci,?~- - of participating homes and must be included in the u.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program available to Agency, - --.. - -- -- - -- -- -- - - -- - - ---------- ---.- --......... -- ...----- ..------....----------- (Continued) I Submitted Under Docket No, P AC-06-l 0 - Advice Let1er No. 07- I ISSUED: Januarv 10.2007 EFFECTIVE: April 1. 2007 Deleted: An Energy AudiI must , completed by the Agency prior to .. installation of the Major Measures by theAgency. - - Deleted: 2. . Agency must qualify residential customers for assistance using the Federal Low Income guidelines. Deleted: 3. , Installation shall meet Federal, State and local building codes. .l Deleted: Advice Letter No. 06. Deleted: 4. . Measures installed under this schedule shall not receive financial incentives from other Company programs. "#"Agency shall inspect the installation to insure that the weatherization meets or exceeds required specifications. -( Deleted: August 14 2006 ':: ( Deleted: September 15 2006 ~~~~~OllI\lT AIN C. No.First Revision of Sheet No. 21.6 Canceling Original Sheet No. 21.6 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 21- (Continued) Provisions of Service for Energy Conservation Service to Low Income Customers (Continued) DOE-approved energy audit must be completed by the Agency prior to installation of Major and Supplemental Measures. Agency must qualify residential customers for assistance using the Federal low income guidelines. Installation shall meet Federal, state and local building codes. Measures installed under this schedule shall not receive financial incentives from other Company programs. Agency shall inspect the installation to insure that the services meet or exceed required specifications. Company may audit Agency weatherization and financial records and inspect the installations in dwellings of customers receiving services under this program Company shall pay Agency the amount established under the terms of their contract when provisions of this schedule have been met. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments and additional regulations prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Docket No. PAC-06-10 - Advice Letter No. 07- EFFECTIVE: April 1 , 2007ISSUED: January 10 2007