HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061207PAC to Staff 1-7.pdf~ ~~;~ ~OUNTAIN RECEIVED znu~ DEC - 1 ~H \0: \ 3 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt lake City, Utah 84111 . ~.. ,, ,;- 1 \,",.l_,hr. . ,.. ' ISSI0UTILITIES COi,HI) December 6, 2006 Donald L. Howell Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 RE:Idaho PAC-06- IPUC Staff Production Data Requests 1- Please find enclosed an original and one copy of Rocky Mountain Power s Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Requests 1-7. Provided on the enclosed CD is Attachment IPUC Production 6 (-1 and - If you have any questions, please call me at (801) 220-4052. Sincerely, ~~!p. Brian Dickman Manager, Regulation Enclosure cc:Dean Brockbank Jean Jewell (3 copies) P AC- E-06-O/Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2006 IPUC Staff Production Data Request IPUC Staff Production Data Request 1 Please identify the total average energy savings estimated from all measures eligible for Rocky Mountain funding per unit weatherized in the area served by Rocky Mountain Power that were weatherized in calendar year 2005 and also for the most recently available information for 2006. (Please use the same time period for all responses requesting information for 2006.) Please break this information down by single and multi-family units. Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Request 1 The estimated kWh savings included below were reported to Rocky Mountain Power by its two partnering agencies, SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency (SEICAA) and Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP). Estimated savings are included on the invoice form submitted to the Company for each completed home. Rocky Mountain Power has not verified the accuracy of reported energy savings but plans to perform a detailed analysis of the costs and benefits of its weatherization program in 2008. January 1 through December 31 , 2005 Estimated kWh savings per home = 3,113 kWh* January 1 through November 27, 2006 Estimated kWh savings per home = 305 kWh* * All savings estimates are related to single family homes, including manufactured homes. Agencies did not submit requests for payment on multi-family homes during this period. PREP ARER: Brian S. Dickman - Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs SPONSOR:Brian S. Dickman P AC-06-O/Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2006 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 2 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 2 How does the Company calculate energy savings for a house where energy efficiency measures not covered under Schedule 21 , but approved by a DOE energy audit, are installed under DOE guidelines? Are the energy savings associated with measures not covered under Schedule 21 excluded from projected total energy savings? Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Request 2 Energy savings for each house are submitted to the Company by SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency (SEICAA) and Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP). Refer to Data Response IPUC Staff 1. Savings estimates submitted by SEICAA and EICAP are based solely on the installation of measures for which the Company provides a rebate. A program evaluation will be completed during the year 2008 that will indicate actual savings from installed Schedule 21 measures. An outside evaluation firm will review pre- and post- installation kWh consumption levels of participating households to determine actual savings. PREP ARER: Brian S. Dickman - Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs SPONSOR:Brian S. Dickman P AC- E-06-O/Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2006 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 3 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 3 Please explain the Company s decision to not include under Schedule 21 all energy efficient measures recommended by a DOE approved energy audit for an electrically heated home. What specific objection does the Company have to covering expenditures for furnace tune-up, repair, or replacement where the Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) is ~ 1. 0; or incidental home repairs that support weatherization measures, e., minor repair of roofs, walls or ceilings when the overall measure SIR ~ 1. Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Request 3 Rocky Mountain Power s Low Income Weatherization program, Schedule 21 , is an approved demand side management offering. The Company does not object to including electric efficiency measures in the program that are determined to be cost effective by a DOE approved audit. This includes minor repairs required to install insulation measures where the overall measure SIR is ~ 1. PREP ARER: Brian S. Dickman - Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs SPONSOR:Brian S. Dickman P AC- E-06-O/Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2006 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 4 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 4 Schedule 21 covers 100% of cost of eligible energy conservation measures after participating agencies exhaust federal weatherization funds. Please explain how the Company determines when fe~eral funds are exhausted. Does the fact that DOE weatherization funds are allocated based on the poverty population of each county playa role in determining when federal funds are exhausted? Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Request 4 SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency (SEICAA) and Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP) notify the Company when their allocation of federal funds is exhausted. Rocky Mountain Power is aware that federal funding is allocated by county. An agency may request 100% funding for services provided in a specific county when federal funding is not exhausted in another county. PREP ARER: Brian S. Dickman - Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs SPONSOR:Brian S. Dickman PAC-06-10/Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2006 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 5 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 5 Please provide descriptions of the relevant terms and conditions of any low income weatherization efforts operated or funded, in whole or in part, by Rocky Mountain Power or Pacific Power in Utah, Oregon and Washington. In particular what measures are eligible for utility funding and what are the limitations, if any, on the use of utility funds for completing measures that are eligible for funding through the Department of Energy? Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Request 5 Please see Attachment IPUC 5 -1 (Utah Schedule 118) and Attachment IPUC 5 - (Washington Schedule 114) that include the approved Low Income Weatherization tariffs for Utah and Washington. The terms and conditions of the programs are contained in these tariffs, including eligible measures and limitations on the use of utility funds. Pacific Power does not offer weatherization services in Oregon but collects funds for such services. The Oregon legislature requires electric investor owned utilities to collect funding for energy efficiency programs. A portion of the funds are forwarded to Oregon Housing and Community Services on a monthly basis for their use in providing energy efficiency services to limited income households. Because these funds are administered by Oregon Housing and Community Services, Pacific Power does not immediately know the limitations placed on use of the funds in Oregon for measures also eligible for Department of Energy funding. PREP ARER: Brian S. Dickman - Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs SPONSOR:Brian S. Dickman IDAHO PAC-O6- SCHEDULE 21 FUNDING STRUCTURE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IPUC STAFF PRODUCTION D A TARE QUE S T TT A CHMENT IPUC PRODUCTION 5 - Blah ngJUM U. No. 46 First Revised Sheet No. 118. Canceling Original Sheet No. 118. UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 118 STATE OF UTAH Low Income Weatherization APPLICABLE: This tariff is applicable to residential customers residing in single family, multi-family and manufactured home dwellings in all territory served by the Company in the State of Utah. ELIGIBLE: Utah Power customers in the state of Utah that are certified as eligible according to the Utah Department of Community and Culture s (DCe) Weatherization Assistance Guidelines. Income eligibility is based on current requirements set by DCe. Company will direct interested Customers to the participating agency in their county. Agencies will provide program details and enrollment directions. PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirement of existing residential use dwellings or facilities inhabited by customers that meet income guidelines through the installation of cost-effective energy efficient materials. DESCRIPTION: Service under this program is available to improve the energy efficiency of applicable residential use dwellings or facilities connected to Company s system. The decision to extend service under this schedule shall be based on eligibility requirements contained herein. DEFINITIONS: Dwelling: Real or personal property within the state inhabited as the principal residence of a dwelling owner or a tenant. "Dwelling" includes a manufactured home, a single-family home, duplex or multi-unit residential housing. "Dwelling does not include a recreational vehicle. Duplexes and fourplexes are eligible if at least one-half of the dwelling is occupied by low income tenants. Triplexes and multi-family dwellings are eligible if at least 66% of the units are occupied by low income tenants. Facilities: Housing facilities whose principal purpose is to house, on a temporary basis, individuals who mayor may not be related to one another and who are not living in nursing homes, prisons, or similar institutional care facilities (continued) Issued by authority of Report and Order of the Public Service Commission of Utah in Advice No. 06-0 I FILED: January 6 , 2006 EFFECTIVE: February 7, 2006 ulah IJIlI1 D. No. 46 Original Sheet No. 118. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 118 - Continued DEFINITIONS: (continued) Agency: A non-profit group, State, Municipality or County authorized to receive funds for installation of weatherization materials in low income properties. Energy Audit: A service provided by the Agency that includes the measurement and analysis of the energy efficiency of a dwelling including energy savings potential that would result from installing energy efficient measures that are determined to be cost effective. Low Income: Households qualifying under the federal low income guidelines and certified for eligibility according to agency procedure. Income eligibility is based on 125% of federal poverty guidelines. Major Measures: Ceiling insulation, wall insulation, floor insulation, and window replacement, applicable in dwellings with permanently installed operable electric space heating systems. Supplemental Measures: Measures that are not required under this schedule, but may qualify for a Company reimbursement. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE:(1) The Company will reimburse the Agency 50% of the installed cost of all major measures and supplemental measures installed, and 50% of the cost related to refrigerator testing, as required in this tariff. These reimbursements will be calculated after property owner contributions are deducted. Financial assistance will be provided one time only on any individual major or supplemental measure, and up to two times per dwelling. (2)The Company will reimburse the Agency for administrative costs based on 10% of Utah Power s rebate on installed measures, not to exceed the following total administrative payment per building: Dwelling Units in Building Maximum UP&L Administrative Payment1 to 4 $3505 to 10 $80011 to 15 $120016 to 20 $140021 to 25 $160026 to 30 $180031+ $2100 ( continued) Issued by authority of Report and Order of the Public Service Commission of Utah in Docket No. 04-035- FILED: February 28, 2005 EFFECTIVE: March 1 2005 ulah IJIlI1 c.u. No. 46 Original Sheet No. 118. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 118 - Continued FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: (continued) (3)Agencies must invoice the Company within sixty days of job completion. ENERGY EFFICIENT MEASURES: Financial assistance will be provided based on the results of a cost effective analysis through a Department of Energy approved energy audit. The energy efficient measures eligible for funding must be installed in dwellings with permanently installed operable electric space heat except where noted. The energy efficient measures that my be eligible for funding are listed as follows along with their estimated measure life where applicable: (1) Major Measures: (2) Ceiling insulation up to R-48 for ceilings with less than R-30 in place. R-30 or better attics will not be further insulated: 30 years. Floor insulation over unheated spaces up to R-30: 30 years. (3)Wall insulation up to R-26 for walls with no insulation installed (financing will not be available for the installation of urea-formaldehyde wall insulation): 30 years. (4)Low E vinyl replacement windows: 25 years. Nothing shall preclude the Company from providing a reimbursement for the installation of a greater R value of insulation for the above items that are determined to be cost effective through the audit process. Supplemental Measures - Electrically Heated Homes: (1)Attic ventilation, excluding power ventilators when installed with ceiling insulation (required if needed at the time ceiling insulation is installed). Whole house mechanical ventilation and spot ventilation for kitchen and baths at time ceiling insulation is installed: Always considered cost effective. (2)Ground cover and water pipe wrap when installed with floor insulation; other vapor barrier materials as required when installed with floor or ceiling insulation: Always considered cost effective. (continued) Issued by authority of Report and Order of the Public Service Commission of Utah in Docket No. 04-035- FILED: February 28, 2005 EFFECTIVE: March 1 2005 ulah IJIlI1 U. No. 46 Original Sheet No. 118. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 118 - Continued ENERGY EFFICIENT MEASURES: (continued) (3) (4) (5) Forced air electric space heating duct insulation and sealing in unheated spaces: 30 years. Weather stripping and/or caulking, including blower door assisted air sealing and duct sealing: Always considered cost effective. Thermal doors: 30 years. (6)Timed thermostats on centrally controlled multi-room heating/cooling systems except when used with heat pumps. Heat anticipating type thermostats for zonal electric resistance heating systems. Zonal thermostats must be separate from the heating unit and must be calibrated at the site to within 2OF of actual room temperature in the range of 65OF- 75OF: Always considered cost effective. Supplemental Measures - No Electric Heating System Requirement: (1)Energy efficient showerheads and aerators where electric water heaters are present: Always considered cost effective. (2)Compact fluorescent light bulbs applicable in all homes - limit 8 Energy Star certified bulbs per home placed in fixtures that are on 2 hours or more per day: 9 years. (3)Refrigerators with monitored results showing a savings-to-investment ratio of 1.0 or greater may be replaced with an Energy Star model with estimated annual consumption of 500 kWh or less. Refrigerator usage will be monitored for a minimum of 72 hours. Replaced refrigerators must be removed and recycled in accordance with EP A guidelines: 19 years. (4)Replacement of inefficient window air conditioning units when audit results determine this to be cost effective. Existing units must have been operated during the past 12 months. Replacements must be Energy Star rated. (continued) Issued by authority of Report and Order of the Public Service Commission of Utah in Docket No. 04-035- FILED: February 28, 2005 EFFECTIVE: March 1 2005 ulah IJIlI1 c.u. No. 46 Original Sheet No. 118. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 118 - Continued ENERGY EFFICIENT MEASURES: (continued) Supplemental Measures - No Electric Heating System Requirement (continued) (5)Replacement of inefficient central air conditioning units with evaporative coolers when audit results determine this to be cost effective. Existing units must have been operated during past 12 months. Swamp coolers must be Energy Star rated. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (1)A Department of Energy approved Energy Audit must be completed by the Agency prior to installation of major measures by the Agency. (2)Agency must qualify residential customers for assistance using the federal low income guidelines. Income eligibility is based on 125% of federal poverty guidelines. (3)Installation shall meet Federal, State and Local building codes. (4)Measures installed under this schedule shall not receive financial incentives from other Company programs. (5)Agency shall inspect measure installation to insure that the weatherization measures and installation practices meet or exceed required specifications. (6)Company may audit Agency weatherization and financial records and inspect the installations in dwellings of customers receiving services under this program. (7)Company shall pay the Agency the amount established under the terms of their contract when provisions of the schedule have been met. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Public Service Commission of the State of Utah, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Issued by authority of Report and Order of the Public Service Commission of Utah in Docket No. 04-035- FILED: February 28 , 2005 EFFECTIVE: March 1 2005 IDAHO P AC-O6- SCHEDULE 21 FUNDING STRUCTURE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IPUC STAFF PRODUCTION DATA REQUEST TT A CHMENT IPUC PRODUCTION 5 - WN U-Third Revislon of Sheet No. 114. Canceling Second Revislon of Sheet No. 114. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR COMMISSION'S RECEIPT STAMP SCHEDULE 114 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER OPTIONAL FOR QUALIFYING LOW INCOME CUSTOMERS PURPOSE: Service under this schedule is intended to maxlmize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirement of existing residential dwellings inhabited by customers that meet income guidelines through the installation of permanent energy efficient materials. APPLICABLE: To residential Customers residing in single family, multi-family and manufactured home dwellings billed under Schedule 16 or Schedule 17 in allterri tory served by the Company in the State of Washington. This scheduleis applicable to existing dwellings built before July 1, 1991 with permanently installed operable electric space heating designed to heat theIi ving space of the dwelling, except as noted under the energy efficient measures section of this tariff. DESCRIPTION:Service under this program is available efficiency of applicable residential dwellingssystem. The declsion to extend service under this on eligibility requirements contained hereln. to improve the energy connected to Company schedule shall be based DEFINITIONS:(1) "Dwelling " means real or personal property within the state inhabitedas the princlpal residence of a dwelling owner or a tenant. Dwelling " includes a manufactured home, a single-family home, duplex or mul ti-uni t residential housing. "Dwelling" does not include a recreational vehicle. (a)Duplexes and fourplexes are eligible if at least one half of the dwelling is occupied by low income tenants. (b)Triplexes and multi-family dwellings are eligible if at 66% of the units are occupied by low income tenants. least (2 )Agency" means a non-profit group, Municipality or County authorized to receive funds for installation of weatherization materials in low income properties. (3)Energy Audit" means a service provided by the Agency that includes the measurement and analysis of the energy efficiency of a dwelling including energy savings potential that would result from installing energy efficient measures that are determined to be cost effective. (Continued) Issued June 27 , 2003 PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY D. Douglas Larson Effective July 1, 2003 Issued by Title Vice President, Regulation TF2 114. Form F Advice No.03-007 WN U-Third Revislon of Sheet No. 114. Canceling Second Revlsion of Sheet No. 114. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR COMMISSION'S RECEIPT STAMP SCHEDULE 114 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER OPTIONAL FOR QUALIFYING LOW INCOME CUSTOMERS (Continued) DEFINITIONS: (Continued)(4) "Low Income " means households qualifying under the federal low income guidelines and certified for eligibility according to agency procedure. (5)Major Measures means ceiling insulation wall insulation floorinsulation, or window replacement. If physical barriers exist thatprohibit the installation of a measure then the measure is not required as a condition for financial assistance under this schedule. (6 )Supplemental Measures" are not required measures under this schedule, but may qualify for a Company reimbursement based on audit results. (7)The "Energy Matchmaker Program" in the State of Washington is designed to increase resources for low-income weatherization by leveraging local matching dollars. A community can access the Energy Matchmaker fundsby providing a dollar-for-dollar match. Anticipated match providers include utilities , local governments , service organizations and rental housing owners. All measures installed under the Pacific Power Program must also be eligible under the Energy Matchmaker Program. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE:(1) The Company will reimburse the "Agency" 50% of the installed cost of all cost-effective measures in qualifying homes completed by each agency annually. If Matchmaker Program participating Agencies exhaust Matchmaker Funds , Company will fund "Agency" 100% of costs associated with the installation of cost effective measures. Measures determined to be cost effective through the audit process must be installed. Financial assistance will be provided one time only on any individual major or supplemental measure , and up to two times per dwelling. Issued (2 )The Company will reimburse the "Agency" for administrative costs when all maj or measures determined to be cost effective have been installed. Adminlstrative reimbursement will be made using the following schedule: 15% of Pacific Power rebate, not to exceed the following total adminlstrative payment per building:Dwelling Units in Building Maximum PPL Adminlstrative Payment1 to 4 $3505 to 10 $80011 to 15 $120016 to 20 $140021 to 25 $160026 to 30 $180031+ $2100 (Continued) Issued Effective July 2 , 2001May 31, 2001 PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY D. Douglas Larson Title Vice President, RegulationAdvice No. 01-010TF2 114. 2E Form F WN U-Second Revislon of Sheet No. 114. Canceling First Revlsion of Sheet No. 114. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR COMMISSION'S RECEIPT STAMP SCHEDULE 114 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER OPTIONAL FOR QUALIFYING LOW INCOME CUSTOMERS (Continued) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: (Continued)(3) Energy related repairs will be reimbursed at 50% while matching funds are available and when matching funds are exhausted funding will be at 100%; up to $200 per dwelling. Energy related repairs are the costsof incidental repairs if such repairs are necessary to make the installation of weatherization materials effective. Issued by (4)Energy Education will be provided to Matchmaker Program participating Agencies at a level no greater than $100,000 per year through payments of $100 per household. Energy Education funds are available only on households with permanently installed electric heat receivlng both energy education and cost effective energy efficiency measures. The minimum education services provided to qualify for the funds are: a) Conservation tips and materials provided , and site specific energy consumption reviewed during intake session. b) Auditor describes measures to be installed and their benefits.c) An in-home education session includes energy conservation tips on a room by room basis, instruction on reading the meter, proper use of the heating system, hot water usage and moisture control.d) A post weatherization session addressing how to live in a weatherized home. e) Follow-up contact to discuss outcome of weatherization services and energy conservation recommendations and actions. (5)Agencies must notify Company when matching funds are depleted, no less than 30 days prior to billing at 100% funding levels. (6)Total funding for all program components will not exceed $1 000 000annually. (7)Agencies must completion. involce wi thin forty-five jobthedaysCompany ENERGY EFFICIENT MEASURES: Financial assistance will be provided based on the results of a cost- effective analysis through a Department of Energy approved energy audit. The energy efficient measures eligible for funding must be installed dwellings with permanently installed operable electric space heat except where noted. The energy efficient measures that may be eligible for fundingare listed as follows along with their estimated measure life whereapplicable: or Measures:(1) Ceiling insulation up to R-49 for ceilings with less than R-30 in place. R-30 or better attics will not be further insulated: years. (Continued) Issued Effective July 2, 2001May 31 , 2001 PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY D. Douglas Larson Title Vice President, Regulation Advice No.01-010TF2 114. 3E Form F WN U-Second Revislon of Sheet No. 114. Canceling First Revlsion of Sheet No. 114. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR COMMISSION'S RECEIPT STAMP SCHEDULE 114 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER OPTIONAL FOR QUALIFYING LOW INCOME CUSTOMERS (Continued) ENERGY EFFICIENT MEASURES: (Continued) or Measures: (Continued)(2) Floor insulation over unheated spaces up to R-30: (3) (4) 30 years. Wall insulation or exterior insulation sheathing up to R-26 for walls with no insulation installed (financing will not be available for the installation of urea-formaldehyde wall insulation): 30 years. Class 40 Replacement windows:25 years. Nothing shall preclude the Company from providing a reimbursement for the installation of a greater R value of insulation for the above items that are determined to be cost effective through the audit process. lemental Measures:(1) Attic ventilation , excluding power ventilators when installed with ceiling insulation (required if needed at the time ceiling insulationis installed). Whole house mechanical ventilation and spot ventilation for kitchen and baths at time ceiling insulation is installed: Always considered cost effective. Issued by (2 )Ground cover and water pipe wrap when installed with floor insulation; other vapor barrier materlals as required when installed with floor or ceiling insulation: Always considered cost effective. (3 )Forced air electric space unheated spaces: 30 years.heating insulation sealingductand (4)Weatherstripping and/or caulking, including blower door assisted air sealing and duct sealing: Always considered cost effective. (5)Thermal doors: 30 years. (6)Dehumidifiers and air-to-alr heat exchanger when installed withcaulking and/or weatherstripping of all openings allowing infiltration: Always considered cost effective. (7)Timed thermostats on centrally controlled multi-room heating systems except when used with heat pumps. Heat anticipating type thermostats for zonal electric resistance heating systems. Zonal thermostats must be separate from the heating unit and must be calibrated at the site to within 2OF of actual room temperature in the range of 65O 75O Always considered cost effective. (8)Energy Efficient Showerheads and aerators where electric water heaters are present: Always considered cost effective. (Continued) Issued Effective July 2, 2001May 31, 2001 PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY D. Douglas Larson Ti tIe Vice President , RegulationAdvice No. 01-010TF2 114. 4E Form F WN U-Second Revislon of Sheet No. 114. Canceling First Revlsion of Sheet No. 114. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR COMMISSION'S RECEIPT STAMP SCHEDULE 114 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER OPTIONAL FOR QUALIFYING LOW INCOME CUSTOMERS Continued) ENERGY EFFICIENT MEASURES: (Continued) lemental Measures: (Continued)(9) Water heaters: Tank replacement of failed existing electric water heaters with an EF rating of at least . 93 will be eligible for a $100rebate. (10) (11) (12) Fluorescent light fixtures applicable in all homes:15 years. Compact fluorescent light bulbs applicable in all homes - limit 4 Energy Star certified bulbs per home placed in fixtures that are on over 3 hours per day: 7 years. Refrigerators applicable in all homes: Refrigerators with monitored results showing annual usage of 1 500 kWh or greater may be replaced with an Energy Star model with an estimated annual consumption of 600 kWh or less. Replaced refrigerators must be removed and recycled in accordance with EPA guidelines: 15 years. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE: (1) A Department of Energy approved Energy Audit must be completed by the Agency prior to installation of the measures by the Agency. (2)Agency must qualify residential customers Federal Low Income Guidelines. for assistance using the (3)Installation shall meet Federal , State and Local building codes. (4)Measures installed under this schedule shall not receive financial incent i ves from other Company programs. (5)Agency shall inspect the installation to insure weatherization meets or exceeds required specifications. that the (6)Company may audit Agency weatherization and financial records andinspect the installations in dwellings of customers recelving weatherization under this program. (7)Company shall pay the Agency the amount established under the terms of their contract when provislons of this schedule have been met. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this schedule is a part, and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Issued by Issued Effective July 2 , 2001May 31, 2001 PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY D. Douglas Larson Title Vice President, RegulationAdvice No. 01-010TF2 114. 5E Form F P AC- E-06-OlRocky Mountain Power December 6, 2006 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 6 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 6 Please provide copies of any analyses or studies of energy savings or cost effectiveness that have been completed within the past three years for any low income weatherization programs operated or funded, in whole or in part, by Rocky Mountain Power or Pacific Power. If any specific program has had more than one analysis in the past three years the most recent analysis will be sufficient. Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Request 6 Please see Attachment IPUC 6 -, which includes an evaluation of the Company Washington Low Income Weatherization Program. This evaluation reviews actual consumption data on homes completed between July 1 2001 and June 30 2003. Also included as Attachment IPUC 6 -2 is an analysis completed on the Utah Low Income Weatherization Program. This report was prepared based on estimates and assumptions versus actual program results. PREP ARER: Brian Dickman - Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs SPONSOR:Brian Dickman IDAHO PAC-O6- SCHEDULE 21 FUNDING STRUCTURE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IPUC STAFF PRODUCTION D A TARE QUE S T TT A CHMENT IPUC PRODUCTION 6 (-1 and - ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC- E-06-O/Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2006 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 7 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 7 Does Rocky Mountain Power and/or PacifiCorp realize any tax benefits, at either the federal or state level, for the conservation investments made in Idaho through the low income weatherization efforts. If so, please quantify such benefits. Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Request 7 Other than being deductible as ordinary business expenses, the Company is not aware of any additional federal or state tax benefits from its low income weatherization investments made in Idaho. PREP ARER: Brian Dickman - Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs SPONSOR:Brian Dickman