HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061207CAPAI to Staff 1-11.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law Bar No. 3472 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 FAX: (208) 384-8511 bmpurdylfYhotmail.com Attorney for Community Action Partnership Association ofldaho HECEIVED 2006 DEC - 7 Pt~ 3: 45 IDAHO eusuc UTILITIES COMfviISSIOi BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE FUNDING STRUCTURE OF ITS SCHEDULE 21 (LOW INCOME WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM). CASE NO. PAC-O6- RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF The Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAP AI) hereby responds to Staff's First Production Request. All answers pertaining to SEICCA were provided by Rick Burgin who is that agency s weatherization director. All answers pertaining to EICAP were provided by Brad Simmons who is that agency s weatherization director. Answers that weren specific to either SEICCA or EICAP were answered both by Mr. Burgin and Mr. Simmons. Teri Ottens of CAP AI also had input into various answers. REQUEST NO.1: Please identify the average total weatherization investment per residence in the Rocky Mountain Power service area for calendar year 2005 and the most recent data available for 2006. Please break this down as follows: Average Investment per residence - Calendar Year 2005 Single Family/ Elec. Heat Non-Elec Rocky Mountain Funds Federal Funds Other Funds CAP AI RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODCTION REQUESTS Multi- familyElec Non Elec Total Investment Average Investment per residence - Calendar Year 2006 to date Single Family/ Elec. Heat Non-Elec Multi- familyElec Non Elec Rocky Mountain Funds Federal Funds Other Funds Total Investment ANSWER:The two eastern Idaho agencies do not weatherize non-electric homes using PacifiCorp funds. The responses to this, and where appropriate, to other requests will be separated between SEICCA and EICAP. SEICCA: 2005: Single family RMP DOE Other funds Total Invest. Elec. Heat 361.00 208. 569. 2006: Single Family Elec. HeatRMP $994.DOE $1 592. Other funds Total Invest. $2 586. EICAP: 2005: Single Family Elec HeatRMP $1 080.33DOE $1 348. Other funds $2 438.43 Total Invest. $4 867. 1 Rocky Mountain Power (i., PacifiCorp) Non-Elec None 482. 482. Non-Elec. 116. 116. Non-Elec 957.48 $622. 694. CAP AI RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODCTION REQUESTS 2006: Single Family Elec HeatRMP $1 228.DOE $1 215. Other funds $2 484. Total Invest. $4 929. Multi-Family RMP DOE Other funds Total Invest. Elec Heat 000. 000. Non-Elec 957.48 $286. 244.32 Non-Elec REQUEST NO.2: Please identify the number oflow income units in the area served by Rocky Mountain Power that were weatherized in calendar year 2005 and also for the most recently available information for 2006 (Please use the same time period for all responses requesting information for 2006). Please break this information down by single and multi-family as well as by electrically heated and non-electrically heated. ANSWER: SEICCA: 2005: Three homes were weatherized with RMP and DOE funds. Twenty homes were weatherized that used other sources of heat (e., oil, propane, natural gas, wood). All homes weatherized were single-family units. 2006: Twenty homes were weatherized using RMP and DOE funds. Fourteen additional homes in RMP's service area were weatherized that used alternative sources of heat (as described above). This encompasses the time period January I-November 30, 2006. EICAP: 2005: Eighty-seven units using an electric heat source were weatherized using RMP and DOE funds. All were single-family. A total of65 units were weatherized using non-RMP funds that did not use electric heat. 2006: CAP AI RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODCTION REQUESTS There were 92 single-family electric heat homes weatherized using RMP and DOE funds. Five multi-family electric homes were weatherized using RMP and DOE funds. Seventy- five non-electric homes using non- RMP funds. REQUEST NO.3: Please identify the total average energy savings estimated from all DOE-approved measures per unit weatherized in the area served by Rocky Mountain Power that were weatherized in calendar year 2005 and also for the most recently available information for 2006 (Please use the same time period for all responses requesting information for 2006). Please break this information down by single and multi-family as well as by electrically heated and non- electrically heated. ANSWER: SEICCA: Average energy savings for 2005 for DOE units located within RMP's service territory was estimated at 31 807 305.00 BTUs. The average for 2006 was 5 802 722 was estimated at 824 139. EICAP: Energy savings for 2005 were estimated at 23 985 306 BTUs. Estimated savings for 2006 are 24 471 358. REQUEST NO.4: Please identify the total average energy savings estimated from all measures eligible for Rocky Mountain funding per unit weatherized in the area served by Rocky Mountain Power that were weatherized in calendar year 2005 and also for the most recently available information for 2006 (Please use the same time period for all responses requesting information for 2006.) Please break this information down by single and multi-family units. ANSWER: SIECCA: The average RMP energy savings of2005 was estimated at 4 983 877. EICAP: Estimated savings for 2005 were 9 573 277. For 2006, the estimated savings are 843 960. REQUEST NO.5: How many electrically heated units were not weatherized specifically due to the limitation that Rocky Mountain will only fund 50% ofthe installed cost of eligible energy conservation measures approved in its Schedule 21. CAP AI RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODCTION REQUESTS ANSWER: Unknown. PacifiCorp s 50% funding limitation is less than a year old and there is insufficient historical data to answer this request. CAP AI notes, however, that in spite of PacifiCorp s contention that lifting or eliminating the 50% contribution percentage will result in less homes being weatherized (Testimony of Brian Dickman pp. 6-8), so long as there are unspent PacifiCorp weatherization funds at the end of any fiscal year, then the opposite is true. The community action agencies can still rely on federal funds, but those funds vary from year to year and their continued availability is currently in question. REQUEST NO.6: How many electrically heated homes were weatherized but not all eligible energy conservation measures were installed due to the 50% matching requirement. ANSWER: See response to Request No. REQUEST NO.7: Please provide any examples of any electricity saving measures not installed due to the 50% matching requirement. ANSWER: See response to Request No. REQUEST NO.8: How many electrically heated units were not weatherized specifically due to the limitation that Rocky Mountain will only fund eligible energy conservation measures approved in its Schedule 21. ANSWER: See response to Request No. REQUEST NO.9: How many electrically heated homes were weatherized but not all DOE approved eligible energy conservation measures were installed due to the difference between DOE and Rocky Mountain as to the list of measures eligible for funding. ANSWER: In order to answer this request, it would be necessary for eastern Idaho community action technicians to go back through each project weatherized, including a physical site inspection. This is not feasible, especially given the time constraints of this case. CAP AI notes, however, that when PacifiCorp funds are not available, the community action agencies rely upon federal funds. In some years those funds are exhausted and, as already stated, their continued availability is questionable. REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide any examples of any electricity saving measures not installed due to the difference between DOE and Rocky Mountain as to the list of measures eligible for funding. ANSWER: The following are DOE-approved energy conservation measures that PacifiCorp does not fund through its low-income weatherization program: CAP AI RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODCTION REQUESTS Attic insulation where an R-30 or better rating already exists; Storm windows; Replacement windows with a U value of .35 or greater; Attic ventilation is only allowed when installed with attic insulation; Ground cover and pipe insulation is only allowed when installed with floor insulation Water heater repair or replacement; Furnace repair or replacement; Health and safety measures. REQUEST NO. 11: Please provide copies of the most recently enacted agency contracts with Rocky Mountain Power for the low income weatherization programs in Idaho. ANSWER: See attached Exhibit "A.,, DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 7th day of December, 2006. / /~------~!/~ - Brad M. Purdy 2 The only exception to this is that pipe insulation may be installed in units where an electric water heater is used. 3 SEICCA and EICAP have identical contracts. CAP AI RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODCTION REQUESTS CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE ON THIS 7TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2006 SERVED THE FOREGOING RESPONSE TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST IN CASE NO. PAC-06010 BY HAND-DELIVERING, EMAILING, OR FAXING A COpy THEREOF TO THE FOLLOWING: DEAN BROCKBANK ACIFICORP dean. brockbanklfYpacificorp. com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER ACIFICORP datarequestlfYpacificorp. com BRIAN DICKMAN ACIFICORP brian. dickmanlfYpacificorp. com DONALD L. HOWELL ASSIST ANT ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION don.howelllfYpuc. idaho. gov ,---- ~ : //' - - 7 /. / '' ~. -~----------- Brad M. Purdy CAP AI RESPONSE TO STAFF PRODCTION REQUESTS 12/06/2006 13: 8&:.!tJt:I.:I:.!.1qt:l.1':J F~IE ICIA-llathlr 1.lti..tn-n'.tul T-OII P. DOUOII fool,...,I-IDOI II : DI... ~IIGII\No. 4700000522 CON'I8ACT LOW 1NCOMEWEAl: ,,--III' .. Tl ON I'8OGRAK mAllO nta it etkdn JIItUIIY 12, 200'. ...... SaudIEaM8a 1dIhD Conaunl1:y AcIion ApM.y ("'AGENCY"") ... UI8h ,.,... (-ccJMP AMY"). Ia ....id8IIIioA at........ .-G,IIII """" let -.-me....- - fbI1oM: ........... n. .. of1bll.......1blll1ppIJ to aU ..... pI.mdld J~ 12. 2_. 11IiI1IIIII ..... ill ill' ...., COI88CI No 3GOOOOO 1'1. ...... ~....I'fll " AGEIICY. AOENCY 1pCI'" ,.ovido ............. lIIYic. tD Utah Power CfIIIDIII8It tnclacJbt, b\8 DDlIiIIIiIId lit . d8&Y audit, iRlll8l1Idon of """' _011 ........ ,.. iatplllftlon 8nd a,iIlIllC notitlcl8llola'" COMPANY . 1be AGENCY will iftll8l1 aJl mf',-in a........., ..... ftderI1. ... ad local bui1dIa8 c:ade8. If..... tile LOW.DICOME WEAntDJZATION PIOORAM ("PIOORAM'1"" _10 COMPANY'. reAl "'" ~J I ." ..... ...JIiIIp. AD J11.MII - S """""-. .... .. ..,..,. .,.. ... appHc8We ia tIMD.. wllllwlllclricltJ It till ......, 10I1III8 ..........-ay. ". is ..... aID .... .,... da8t is """.. .....-., in...'"wiIb die C If II - tIr 10 ... 1& .... S I" of........... 1118 dw8IIin&"'. tile pri1IoIp8J --- of die ...1tIe ClMt..At'.J!IIctrto M8I it l1li mauinld for.. ........ 11I111III1..... -- tn 1InuP it .... .... S8aion B...,. AI"""" """ m_" fdanI. .. 1M"" bulldIDg CGda MaMa .. MIl""" for &InciII ~--... adIIr COMPAJIIY JIIv8IlJIUI. f.IiaI1tle ...--- inaludI:: A. MAJOR MEASUUS Ta 1118 ... U.5. ~ E8D IPJ'fOV8d audit ....... ... ..... Ia.. am"(SaviIIp to 1IMIaIL_1IIiD II 1.8.......)- IIICh NIjar ........ tor .........:.... It .. .. ......... CII' ....... .......... will .. be otfII8d .. 8IJ .... v- 1'III .rU1l..ilMt re9IiIld if""'" ..... aiIt ... pnIdbit ... of. -.A ... lid ~ r . .. o-,.~ .... pi ........... tCII' 1he ,-~n'-:'-of a -- .-wI... of i8IIIII'faa tbr..... -- . .... u ... ...sa 8IIaw it to be ftdly COlI dIIcdve csm. .Ia L- ", 1.0 .. .-.). Major MtuuNI-1i84 ...... 1. CdiIII""""'" . ItA. fbr -..... with IBM .. ...30 m p_. It.-3D or beaIr 811iCl ..1I1ICII .. ftIItI8 -......s. 2. floar""""" owr"""" .... up fa 1t.-30. 3. Will iII~UP' &-26 far WIllI wiIb DO -xi... ..d,-.,f-paw will ... ....... for ......... of..~.... ....) 4, IqIr-- .""'" wid! a U~-- of .35 or leu. ... ...tJIJJ. ... 1C; :;\ i1; ~~'.;'~" ---_ 12/66/2006 13: 06 2883214819 rH\:IL U"" "11-'101 11:01"FIDM-SE ICAA-llathir 1.1' Ian tOt-ZlNea,T-OII , . lOW. F-Zre .ApeaII8Dt No. 41OOODO522 8. SUPPLiMENT AI. MEASURES: 1'tIu8 .... ~1IIaa """l1li)' 1pII8if1 for . ..... .....-111 .,. ... the1 ue ..., dhliw (SIMap 10 ... of 0 or ....,). SIw~ --- _1iIIIId below: 1. AD.m1lliae ..... 1l1li... .... .....II1II .. ceilIa8 ........ (....-. if ........ . .1 ... ...... iI.~illIutaIIIMO. WIIDID halatellll8DUllcal WIlli.... ad apat -.d1ldma for 1dIah8" ........ ceOIDI iItuIIdoa ia -.ned. 2. 0r0Ind .",. .... ........ ...... ..... iuI8Ilc11 willa .. ; odIer wpar bI8riIr ........ ....... ..... ......... willa ftoor Of ...... f-\11"",,- :t. ...-1 ... .... ... duct """":- ad -int 1ft "-W ...... 4. WadhertlriPPbti _dlOI --Ins hleMr door -- 8Ir _in. ad daclscallq. 5. ne.-a--. 6. ,....... OD ---By COftII'D11ed muId-roam 1MDWCIIIOlina ay8tD1 IIIIUPI-- UIeCI wiD bar ....pI. Heat"""', type therlnGlfIIIS for 1DDII1IIactric: ......... MIIIDc .,...... 7. Pipe id8uJIIion. eDaJIY eMo- ......... .... -- ..... ID eJecIrIc .... heIJ8 Ja pnIIIIII- I. CompIor uo. In 1f11 1iP1"'" .,,1Ieab1D "' .n ..... -Ifnd, . $air ..... bulbi,.. .... ..... ia ftXIUI8I- ... an 2 ar IDOI8 bDun ... day. ,. RdfpI8a ..,uutlf Ia... . .....: l186ia6ailllDr "'" wIdt ... ... .... iD 1Ius W...A.. iD1IaD ~""" T.~ --- c.tIr .,....... . _kWh or ..-- ..., be npIM8d willa. EI8D SI8r --I willi ---........ C'.GIIIU8pIk8 or SOO kWh ar Ie-. ..,.... .4 -- -........ IIC)'ded iD 8CC8da8ce widt EP A. pldeHnet. IV. ~ - V"" .....-. Far" ,..,.... elf... A" 1 J ..~......... ....,..rar die PIOGRAM ..... Ut8h Power cdI1-.biIW""",. UU ,... --.: -"- .urIC"""" 8tiW II ---HaMs ...... AGEMCY"""", ...... 0wa8I . 'MIl ...... .."......... fIa8ci8I wID lie jWIUId --., ..., OD IDJ illdivldualMVw or Suppllm - .. lip to ... .... pIII"""" All III C ... wID lie "..... . --1II1II: only '" ....n-.,odIIuDy ........... Ocdr 1. I_. .... fbar""" .. "'. "..... if GIlle ...., of.. dweDIII8 i. oca.w by Iow-"""" -. TripIIus 8Dd ... .......finaiIJ d-'~it.. of IbI: -- ... oasupIIId by low- ........ _. COMPANY will otI=r. .....1Ir .dI .-trip.... four-pler. 111'l1li&" lImiIJ buIMIq OJIJy if . ........ ........ ita 111M of. ..... COMPANY wig .. oar. ..... fot 8)' .. InCl. thin J" Df'tbt ....0.,8. "-1zed. Nat ~.... 120""'" job COI1IP1Idoa. AGENCY wig MInk AD laYoiCII fDIII8 .. tlCb CGIIIPlatad .... ad . oowr IMoiG8 iff8D",_GUIlt due pet 111_- fa COMPANY. Upaa I8IIipr. COMPANY will...... bmJic:e lad CIXp8II8IilUlU tot IIppIOVIl COMPANY.... 10 nritahune .. AGENCY 5OH af~o'"MlUII""'" ... Suppt....a Meuta -- (ap fa -1WnIII ofII,500,.1IOIu ""Ir 08 '-...... _t.. NaJar ill iall8l1ed). M8Iaa 11\\111. dc8rm1Md ........ audit --III be laDy DOlt ttraive. All filly COR t&ctiwI .. tIrWftIIIdy fiIuih1e -- ........ .. ..1Md8d. or ID"", AGBNCY.... N8i. COfI1 olall llG ...,.......Ar.- .... tll811pa1Ur8 or.. ~JI... ..-. ,... AOENCY 10 f8VWIdc "18Y~ I'utbLAIaIIr: P8p2 t"RI:II:. 1:.1" 12/06/2006 13:06 2083214819 .21-1"8 IZ:.'"F~tEICAA""'h8r I.., Ion nl-IIT-all'TooDl1 p.oa8l0l1 f-UI No. 4700000522 MIl COMPANY 10 iaspoa. . 11II"""'1ipcd w.y 1M e1iplt1c 8IImW COMPANY. pnwMI8 ..... ... 11. -- ftnD iD 0Ida' 10 .,..... ..~UI8"'" .... ......... ~w ..........".. WIll .. .... .... die tbUowlq ~b! of COMP AllY'JdmM J -Mit011 Mljar ..... .., S1Ipp1emtIdId ,........ ftC111D ..... talll lIf-~ ,..1NUcIin8: 0-.. \JDIIIIWI~.. ...... P&yIICIIIIIm4 5.10 11 . 15 11-\6..20 11'-21..25 11'-U.:SO SJ.31+ 12.100 TIle 1IIIIJd- ....- -y8I (Aprilt ... Maroh ) 1) ..bunement'" COMPAW far M., M8uur8. S""",,- Meuura IIId Admtni...,. ColI ........... it JInritIId to $75,000. 'I'JII1DiniaNm ............. wi' . SUO ... . .... with ... or ..... jt\l1l11ed SSO - . balM widaoaI6c of. M81aure. COMPANY 88)', AT m OWN EXPENSE. ...----- ad 8unc'" recerdI of AOEHCY for -- .-Mal ..,,- --... JIIQORAM. VI.lie J'.p.....CAll r """, 1'Mi' .. r... All ..... ad wDI be auII81de . .. .. 1D CUIIDIII8' (I'IOGaAM ,.......). "....... of """"'" .. ,.....:..u.. ............... will- pravkIId bY * AtJENCY ..... .. ... """""'- .... u .... .18adJonJ ....,1NdeIII. VII. ........ A. WldMMJIIiatid8J _IiIbIUIIII. .."", obJipdoal rrf AGENCY. AOENCV 1bI11 JIIiar II) .......-.. wad, ICCIII8 .. ....,.."..sy ,.,., with .....1CCIpIIb1e to COMP AllY ... tb11oM1t8 ......... CIMI8IIE 1'1""'-"'" 0-1 I :.......... =--- willi. ....1' ..... -",1iaIk of 11'-'-. ,..."... lUll ind1rde: ..,..., ad ~...-4Y I)'"- ~, ec.a..uI LiII1tDf&y. "aj~ad eom,..." OpINItanItD .... .... .,.c.....oI~,.. ..... ...... 8IIIiaa or. ... ID JIII8Dt .... .. eo- 811 ... by ...... at..., at .-- . ...... tD ,.,.,. ......... AOJiNCY' OWD ..... _1116.. pan- ... ....- 01 COMPANY' .. .n1laW,......1I8Iad upoa OUI of AQiNCY"1 ........ -., inoIuIIIIII- afill of lIlY ..... B~ A--~~ ' '."'1iW ...... willa . .Cadmaa ... u.It of $1,000.000 far badiIy iI\IU1Y IDd ..~--. with te8J*I lilt AOmfCY". wbicla wIsethII'owned, bINd ...1IGIIOWII8d. ......., tID or DIed . die ....~ at.... B. TIna""1. .......... ...-1) pmvIIII8.. ----...... COMPANY III aIinIc:tIn. MJ .. of ill PMifirepJMnI. ............ ...... .... ad .. ............. ... 2) . --1irHItI)t ... --- 8WI:y ",...... --. . . . .It ..u..- 'r""()J A "..,..~ ~~, ~~, ~WW~ ~~. ~~ IIOV-II-I'" 12:08'" -~~--- ~--- F~SE I CAA-II"hlr I." III "1-atr"llIl T-0I8 P. 00rlO08 F-2T1 A.-----No. 4'700000522 C. AII",,- ....... by ....11811 ..... """" 1l1li.. ...... is primIIy --- -'1IIIIIpICI tD'" GfCOMPANY ... .... ., ... ...... ..,.........., COMPANY it........ .-6"" -- willi- --- ....... h.. 'T pmIIIaaI- .... .... .... - " ....... Ii8tD of II81IDILy II M I"wbIIDUt (I 0) ... prior MIlIa...... COMPANY if e..""laaJ8)w- ,,-'- or""'" (30) da)'I priar .... ...... to COMPA'NY It Ilil J81 ,fer .., adIIr -. A ...... ... 8 -- "'..AM OIJ IDmMPAMY """ ""UI Gl... _..... 1ld1le .. ~ 1DaJMPAMY. For'"...r.w ...... .... ..... wri- 0118 ............ Ntis. the oenI1k:8ID ..... .. ... .u au.. """"1iI8I,if.,. If.... - r ~ COMP AMY, . ClOP)' of C8IIIa ....... policy, CllliW . . tn8 copy by ... ................... Gf* .... company, Pall be ,....... lit COMPANY. D. COMPANY IIIIU" 1IGdW by AGENCY of Illy GDJllmuci8l pIIIIII1fahJ1IIy poticiu .,"_1-' ....... ., ...... . a .D~ fonD. Such iAMtac8 poHaIes wriIa on . MeIalml-ID8dI" .......... be """' " AOENCV tbr 8 111"'--"pIriod offt". (S))aD"'" completlcm of daII .. COMPANY ....ia"""'"", AGeNCY. at AGENCY's .. .,.... IDInIdan8 ..... --- to .......... ..... 0CMII8t b c... u cocampIa1ed by 11th vm. 'IV""" ~Jll'nll... AGINCY 8b8I1", wiIb _IoU..WOIbrt' fOa, MI8taD l1li ill... of*o. ad l11li1 fIniIh proof"'" ""7 to COMPANY"" to commenolna U8IIIIIJ ...,.-- "1.. AOINCY 1IIa11 K. ansiWt for die IIPJWC'WII.IUp8rtiIioa .. ...... of .u CDBIIIaGR, III...of III"""" ... iltl8Pr'-f1l8l1111111ri1&t. lit........ .. COMPANY ...... ... haw .., IIIpOIIIiI8iIily er1tl1dll&J --fen. PldllCmp I1tID narllmll8)' l'II1ooasa.l1lty ... U8Id1ily for .... quIIky of die ........ ........ or 1ft)' -- witb ... 1hanIro. AGEM:Y ......., ... ,. M1y .... tD ......... --ifY,.. bold ....... COMPANY, ill cIincan. ....... of III PIoifiCaIp IoItd. ..... afBc:at. ....... .... ...,.... (caI18lV8 "",4 ""J '-I")...,n. ... 6D8 .., "'111--' clliJDs. ....... .we.. ell ... ....... of...., dllc -....... ....~- --"'-""""'" iIIMnd by "" .........,....... ..... .w.a - a( . . .., .., c:I8II ",* BY ... ..~ twll, or ...-. of AGENCY. ... ......,...,......."" ':.....- "'~II..--.orlllY-.1IIItr ~ IIIJIe8, ......... ,.-M~-ia.... ,..L- .. Ii""'"ttI AGDICY'I """""" 811r:rtJdl .-...oIIf .. .., way nI8ItIlD- fit .. .., way .... .. ,. ...... ......... ne -'" ~ iI1 aIrIipIiIM ...1III8111ic18'" -- -- lilli_. Lea 01 or ..... tD DY .. of COMPANY, ece.1CIQ.., c...... .. 8D11bi1d pIftY. C"" reII8d 10 die .... or ..... f4....of die In_Uod _taL BodiIJ ar ...-atqtury 1D, .. ...... fII.., plll8l(1). bIaIudII& wIIbaur UI8iIIIi8I.,1oyIn of COMPANY. ... 01 AGENCY ... ... ........... or My tier 01 any '*~... au. ......... orWClltli8n' C.., all ..... U""""'" CoIIpasatiDII, or llimillr suob taws Dr oWipDont 8PPIfcabIa .. of AGENCY or III ,,~rdrIIfII(.Df 8IIY tier. AGENCrI ............, ..... litis ArdcJe ...- .... (0 .., II8UIay au- by 1M 8aIo1IIII...of~of"WA. "- .......,. Pwp& 12/06/2006 13: 06 2083214819 IICIV-Zt-IDDI 1 t: GI'"FlaM-IE I~,hlr I II' I on IOI-ZIT-I'"T-DI8 P.008/1O1 f-27' ;. . AafIIIDCIIINo. 4700000522 ~..., ,'~ .. AOEMCY .-u . II .....,a, witb. .....,.~ laM, - a """ ... ilwW'-l --- ,......... ...... W8IIIt ....... 118111 Jpia8. .....-..,.. bI8Ida -1iIIIIr. AGENCY IIIID .-ply witIa .... 0JII8III8iIY ... .. ,.....w-1D tile ...... -.. ...,11- .wa.widw8...'" tIII..1DwiII: P.w.-IIIve ~)rIo. 11244.. 41 CPR. SecIioD 60-1.4 (F"'~ ~); EMcudvc ant. No. 1 1101'" 41 en.. kadMt 60-250.(pmp""'" ofV.-at Euoudft OIW. MOL 11625... 121" ud.l CR. J'IIt I-I (Udlb:8Iian of MiDorky W.....ow-I ""-.,. Ex8emM Older Mo. 11158.... 41 en. Seadaa fO.741.4 ~- of p...~".., Individa8ll)j ... Ap .. Em,... Acr. or J 967, 1IItIIId8d. AGENCY I1IIU ~~.......... _hold""'" COMPANY. i11 4kI.:btI..mo... af'iIa hdtICarp SolId. .......... -...,..... ..... ....., ................. c-,. ...." ~.... ia 00IIAIIGIII8willa ..,..... or"'" vIoIIdaD...... ... ... .-y1t8bllhJ. iacludiaa ft88. ..... ... -- ...... - of AGeNCY 's Alhn 10 ..,.,. u... AODICY .-u 1) WP" .ddIa4 ad hoW ...... COMPANY II1II CONPAMrs r---ftom .n """,......... s ud 1ft I L ~ - .... CII"'" .... ... &lid upDft - .... or prapI8ty w1dcb 1M.... it .......... of., I8II8r ""'.d or 1Ibor.18YiCII. ........--- tImI8bId .., AGENCY" ~~.... tJ6.., ti8r ..... ............. ....... 1MCIIa- .. tidw '--' 00 DIIIIO1ioa Mdt,. walk, .... Ii) ... 1M .. .... IIId .. ... .. of 8116l1li. eIIimI .... hID tU pat'araIInce of 88Y at..--..... by 1l1li by IIIKmI.lII8ChIDfaI.'" aIhI:r nab pIIII8II. xu. All"'" AD .... --- ......... 11) dIIariIIe ... .--0- .. PJOGaAM .un ooonI...... ""een AGENCY .. COMP AMY ItIfl SIlL IP'. .. --...- C....,- AOEMCY .. bt.,.... ... 1ft ,.... 11t~by AOENCY iii CCII8I8C1ioD ........ w~~~~-~~~~.~r~ XIV. ... AI-' I - 11riI an, 1'1_1 J NIl ...". . 61118 .............. ......,.. ~ ~ the ...... ad ""':111-811 "" A.-AdI--..1hD pudes. II illUbjell1D"'" _Iv... boA..... ..... in 'IWI'i1iq by baIh ...-. ., ." WdIIJ1.... Ptp5 12/06/2006 13:06 2083214819 .~~ IOf-Zt-'OIl IZ:""F~SE ICAA-III'htri ..tian ZOI-U?"',T-O" P .O8tl8Dt F-11I .:. . 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