HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051122Vol I hearing at Rexburg.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA UTAH POWER LIGHT COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF A NEW DSM COST RECOVERY MECHANISM AND ENHANCED ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS FOR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, AGRICULTURAL AND RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS BEFORE ) CASE NO. ) PAC-E-O5- COMMISSIONER DENNIS HANSEN PLACE:Best Western Cottontree 450 West 4th Street Rexburg, Idaho DATE:November 10, 2005 VOLUME I - Pages 1 - 30 ---; , " 2.~ ;:'-1 : ' : :,.. ' ' .. "c ..:;.. " -...---' ,- ,r ' =:;:CT :=::' (J) c=; co(J) - ,'::) Iii!T & REJPO RTKN G CERf1FJED SHORn"IAND REPORTERS ORIGINAL REpORTED By Tauna K. Tonks, RPR, CSR POST OFFICE Box 51020 IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 83405 208.529.5491 . FAX 208.529.5496. 1.800.529.5491 APPEARANCES For Utah Power & Light Company: LISA D. NORDSTROM Deputy Attorney GeneralContracts & Administrative Law Public Utilities Commission Post Office Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 Di vi s ion Also Present: Don Jones, Jr. Jeff Bumgarner Glen Pond T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 APPEARANCE WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Timothy Shurt z Statement (Public)Commlssioner Hansen Bevan Jeppesen Statement (Public)Commlssioner Hansen Shawn Webster Statement (Public)Commi s Sloner Hansen (None) T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 INDEX IDAHO,THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 2005REXBURG, 7:00 P. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:ll call this hearing to order. Good evening,ladies and gentlemen. This is the time and place set by the Idaho Public Utility Commission for a public hearing in Case No. PAC-E-05-10,known as In the Matter of the Application of Pacificorp,or Utah Power & Light Company,for Approval of a New DSM Cost Recovery Mechanism and Enhanced Energy Efficiency Programs For Commercial,Industrial , Agricultural and Residential Customers. m Commissioner Dennis Hansen;ll be chairman of tonight's hearing.Commi s s ioner Paul Kj e llande r and Commi s s ione r Marsha Smi th are not in attendance this evening; however they will read the t ran s c rip t s o f t his he a r i n g b e for e del i era t ion 0 n this case,and so you ll be assured that your te s t imony will be heard by all the commi s s ioner s ll first take the appearance of the parties.I know we only have one party here tonight, T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 COLLOQUY and ll ask Pacificorp if they will introduce themselves. Good evening.My name isMS. NORDSTROM: Lisa Nordstrom and I am legal counsel for Pacificorp.m joined here tonight by Don Jones, Jr., the DSM segment and program manager;Jeff the director of the onsi te management;andBumgarner, Gl en Pond,the regional community manager. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Thank you.It looks like ll go from a sign-up sheet that we have of witnesses that wish to testify.And just briefly, this hearing is to get input from the public of how they feel about this proposal that is being brought before the Commission.And we ha ve a recorder,court recorder here that will be recording your testimony, so that it will be part of the official record in this case. ll begin; we have one signup.And I know Mr. Timothy Shurtz,and I know tha t you familiar wi th testifying,you ve been before the PUC, but I will just ask you that if you ll come forth, ll swear you in after which I'll ask you to give your name,and spell your last name for the record, and your address and whom you re representing,and then you can give your testimony. T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 COLLOQUY So, Timothy,if you would like to come forward. TIMOTHY SHURTZ, appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn to tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth,testified as follows: If you ll please haveCOMMISSIONER HANSEN: a seat and give your name and spell your last name for the record. THE WITNESS:Timothy Shurtz,S-H-U-R-T-Z. I live at 411 South Main,Firth,and I'Idaho 83236, representing myself. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Thank you.I f you would like to go ahead,and give us yourthen, statement or testimony. THE WITNESS:Okay.ve got some notes here.Honorable Commissioner,I thank you for giving me the opportuni ty to testify.I appreciate the time and effort put in by you and your staff in making this hearing possible,and I appreciate that the Utah Power representatives have taken the time to come and represent their point of view. I feel that the energy conservation T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 SHURTZ Public programs are a good and valuable thing that we looking at doing in this area.You know cost avoidance,if you have to spend a dollar to save that's good -- you know to save 10,that'money, good,but I have the following reservations. given the cost of the recentOne, increase in natural gas and other energy cost in this I would ask that rather than go with the firstarea, that maybe we -- I favor the DSM, but of January, would favor a delay into the first of April, possibly first of May,to implement this on a permanent basis. You know though,it is very reasonable,in the last few weeks or within the last six months, we will have seen a 6.3 percent increase in our utili ty rates wi Utah Power,although some of it is not really -- was hidden in some of the other things that have come off since then. My concern is that you guys have -- Utah Power has a good program, but we need to lighten up little bit,until we get intoas much as we can, early spring, when it might be more affordable for the companies.One company that I talked to today would be looking at an additional $800 a month in fees for this program and if we can just delay it, while the energy costs are a little bit higher for T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 SHURTZ Public our winter period,I think that would be a valuable thing. As an intervenor in the Utah Power case, I was not informed that one of therate case, condi tions that they were going to meet,the low income weatherization -- which I favor;I have no problem wi th that -- was going to be put in a DSM or taken out of this levy.I kind of feel that that was -- maybe I was misled,or that I just wasn t told where the money was going to come from when I was signing off on the stipulation.So I have a little, you know,axe to grind there,to an extent. But again , the weatherization program a very important thing.And with that in mind, would like to make sure that the monies that go into this low income,that the homes -- and I think -- ve been assured that that is so -- that are weatherized with the Utah Power money will be the homes in Utah Power terri tory of low income.Okay. I also would encourage that we look as this thing is implemented,that we look into -- make sure that the Commission keeps a steady eye on these funds and demands a fair and good accounting from them on a continual basis,so that it doesn just become,, well,this money is here,this is T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 SHURTZ Public how we re spending it. I would also like to see the monies from this thing benefit all classes and good programs for every class of customer.Business,small business, all the different classes of customers covered in this with some type of program. I also believe that given the apathy that we have all witnessed,a lot of people -- I would like to see some sort of incentive program, first come,first served,to a degree to get people fired up and energized and say,you know let's get down to the local hardware store and buy the energy efficient things,because if we do it now, benefit from it.So I'd like to see,you know,some innovative ideas in implementing this. The one thing I'd like to keep in mind, you know,whether we have increases in a large percentage or small percentages at a time,over the years they keep adding up.5 percent forYou know, a DSM doesn t sound like a whole lot,but if you take the recent 4.8 percent increase wi th the Utah Power rate case,we are up to 6.And then any future rate cases or anything that come along,al though they are small,you know,what kills -- you know,what kills you quicker,just kind of strings you know, T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 SHURT Z Public and I would like to see some restraintout longer, from Utah Power. And in levying increases,you know, myself realize that they have a business to support, and they are in the business to sell power and to make a profit, but we re in the business to try to raise families and balance city budgets and other things that I've been involved in and it just makes it all the more difficult. So I would encourage the Commi s s ion and the company to,in the future , take only what they need and give only what they deserve and look out for the average guy on the street.Thank you. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Okay.Let's see if we have any questions. Pacificorp,do you have any questions? MS. NORDSTROM:No, not at this time. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:ve got maybe q couple. EXAMINAT ION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: You mentioned about that you hope that this program benefited all the classes of customers. And my question:Do you think, as it's proposed T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 SHURTZ (Com) Public right now,it's offering a good program to each class of customer? ve looked at all 100 -- I went through all 143 pages of their filing,and not to say that read it exactly word for word, but my biggest concern is the residential customer.There was some concern -- when reading the staff's obj ect ions,there was some concern that the mechanisms weren t qui te in place for the residential customer. The other thing,ve talked to the small town business people,and they are kind of caught in the middle.They are not big enough for energy efficiency things,and they are not residential.And I would have some concerns that, you know the auto parts -- the small-time auto parts dealer or the little grocery store or whatever might be left behind in a DSM program,and I would encourage the company to look at those, be innovative,and see -- you know,open up the opportunities as much as possible. How do you feel about the one-and-half and how do you feel like -- how do you thinkpercent, that will affect the total electric home?Like,are you aware of what a total electric home may pay in the winter months for electricity to heat their home? T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 SHURTZ (Com) Public I talked with our company accountant at Supreme today,and he has a total electric -- well, s oil.I take that back.We had a conversation on heating oil. But he s looking at about $1.25,and m looking at about $1.75 additional per myself, but my gas furnace is fired byI have gas, electrici ty,so we re looking at an additional $1.75. But I would imagine that You haven t talked to any total electric homeowne r? No.Most of the areas that weNo,no. have are gas or alternate fuel. Are you -- have you had -- just I' asking you,in your opinion:Do you think there s a lot of -- or qui te a few people that you re aware of that have an older fridge or freezer,either in their garage or even that they are using,that this would entice them to get rid of it if they knew they could get $40 for it? I have a Philco right now in my kitchen, and if the price is right while I'm looking,that would be a Do you think that would make a difference in you getting rid of it? T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 SHURTZ (Com) Public yes,yes,most definitely, looking for Energy Star type thing that would pay for itself the long run. Realizing the new fridge could save you energy? Well the new fridge died.But anyway, I would find any assistance in saving me moneyyes, in the,you know end would be very helpful. One last question:Are you on the time of day service with -- I am.Yes, There are a lot of people that you are associated with.Are you aware whether they are on time of day or not? Most -- in my conversations wi th most of the people in my area,it falls,about 50/50 ofoh, the people I talk to. Do you think that being on time of day influences you when you use electricity? d like to think it does for me, but having a family, that's a moot conversation. times when I look at my bill,I see being on time of day actually,at some points,especiallyis adverse, in the summer, because my kids are -- or my boy is home and he tends to use a little more power than T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 SHURTZ (Com) Public would like to see happen. But the older folks, and as my family has gone down and we have all gone to work and school, we are seeing a difference. Okay. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Well, thank you very much for your testimony. THE WITNESS:You re welcome. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:I believe we have another person with us.Okay.Mr. Jeppesen, if you would like to come forward. MR. JEPPESEN:Take the hot seat, huh? COMMISSIONER HANSEN:ll swear you in. BEVAN JEPPESEN appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, testified as follows: COMMISSIONER HANSEN:m going to ask you if you ll give our court recorder your name and spell your last name for the record. THE WITNESS:Bevan Jeppesen , B-E-V-A-N J-E-P-P-E-S-E-N. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:And also, would you T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 COLLOQUY give her your address. THE WITNESS:1282 South Second East, Rexburg. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:And are you here to represent yourself or some individuals? THE WITNESS:m here as a farmer.Just, COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Okay.I f you would like,d love to have your statement.then, THE WITNESS:Can I ask questions or COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Unfortunately at this, we had a workshop where you could come and ask questions of the company or the staff.After this hearing is over, which it's about over with, we don have too many more to testify,the company will be here,and also, Mr. Law,at the back of the room,for the staff will be here to answer any questions that you would like to ask them.Or if you would wish, will put the hearing at ease for a few minutes if you would like to ask some questions to them before you give your testimony. THE WITNESS:Well I know I was late. just want to make sure I'm clear about what it is re talking about.This is on the -- like,a 1 to 2 percent? COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Well ll tell you T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 COLLOQUY wha t we ll do,and that's so we follow the proper procedures and guidelines.ll just go at ease for a couple or three minutes and give you a chance to talk to the company,as well as if you want to talk And then we ll come bac k on and give youto Mr. Law. an opportunity to give your testimony. Would that be okay? THE WITNESS:that will work.Yes, COMMISSIONER HANSEN:re going to go at ease for a few minutes. (A discussion was held off the record, and a brief recess was taken. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:ll come back on the record and you may proceed wi th your testimony. THE WITNESS:guess position,have real problem wi th this.don un de r stand why as ked pay more money and turn around and then have to jump through hoops to try and get that money back for improvements on my farm. The other thing I have a hard time with is,as a farmer and irrigator m doing everything that I can right now to be efficient with the power that I use and the water that I use.I make sure my pivots are all -- the maintenance is there.You we have a maintenance schedule.And I have aknow T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 JEPPESEN Public real struggle with somebody taking money out of my farm and then wanting to give it back to me for things that I'm already doing.I struggle with that. I don t understand why that would be the case. You know,one-and-a-halffor me, you know that's a big chunk of money.Youpercent, that's in the thousands of dollars a year,know, which I'm already doing to upgrade my equipment,and now you re going to take it away from me,and I' got to jump through the hoops to try and get some of that back to do the things that I'm already doing. I guess that's my whole point.I hope it doesn t go through.I don t see the reasoning here,I really don on an agricul tural side. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Does that conclude your testimony?I didn t mean to interruptI mean, you.Do have more? THE WITNESS:m against it.I want it made clear that I'm against any kind of rate hike. I think -- I will say this:I think the VFD,you know,if the power company wants to assist in VFDs,I can kind of see that position a little bit.it still falls back to,if it doesnHowever fit in my application,a VFD does not work for me, then I've got to subsidize my neighbors who it works T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 JEPPESEN Public better and they can put it on. VFDs do not work on every system.It' not like,every farmer could benefit justyou know, to what extent if they put a VFD on their motors. have a motor up there that it won t work on,and the cost is -- you know,ve priced them,and they are, you know,80 to 85,000 to put one on.I can t - - I still can t justify one of those, where it's got to run at 100 percent anyway. So to pay an extra one-and-half percent to allow other farmers to put those on,you know,I don t think that's fair for me as an irrigator.I struggle wi th that.I think that all I have to say. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Let's see if we have any questions.Do we have any questions from Pacificorp? MS. NORDSTROM:No questions. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:I guess I have a couple of questions. EXAMINAT ION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: You said that you didn t see how this program benefi ted you.Do you see how it can benefit T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 JEPPESEN (Com) Public other farmers,your neighbors that farm? I do see farms that could use this program, wi thout a question.the farms thatHoweve r, I see the real benefit coming from are farmers that have let things really go to pot.they areI mean, in the position they are at because they have not They have not upgraded orspent any money. maintained their systems,so why should I have to pay money into a fund to help them out? Yeah there s -- clearly,there s some farmers that could benefit, but,you know I don feel that's my responsibili ty to help them out. This may be an unfair question to you, and if you don t know the answer that's fine. Okay. m kind of curious, why aren t other farmers here tonight, whether it would benefi t them or not benefi t them?why aren t we seeingI mean, people out here saying,this will benefityou know me,or li ke you re saying,it doesn t benefit you. Is it they are not aware of this? I think they are just not aware.I was going to try to make some phone calls last night and tonight,and I talked to one neighbor who is here, but that' s - - you know it's a very busy time of T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 JEPPESEN (Com) Public Just in the last few days,things have slowedyear. down for me personally,and I think other farmers are in the same boat. Yeah,I don t think anybody knows about it.I talked to one other farmer yesterday.He had no idea.And he headed out of town this morning, was going to be gone,or he would be here. So you re not aware that it might have been in the paper?It could have been, but you could have missed it because you re at a really busy time of the year? Correct. Or if it would have been in the newspaper here in Rexburg, would you have definitely been aware of it then? I take the Rexburg paper and I was still not aware of it. You re not aware that it was in that paper? No. MR. WEBSTER:I didn t see it. THE WITNESS:I didn t see it in the Rexburg Not saying it wasn t there, but...paper. (BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN)So one other question.You mentioned that you see that this is T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 JEPPESEN (Com) Public probably going to cost you qui te a little bi t of money -- Yes. -- because of the amount of money that you pay for your power. Would you feel a little more comfortable if there was a cap or a limit?Because I think you kind of mentioned that you could see some good for some people in it.So would you be more supportive if all of a sudden it was a one-and-half percent, let's say a cap,though,at a certain level? So wha tever tha t might be,500 a year, thousand a year, whatever that cap may be,that was it.You didn t have to pay more into it up to tha cap.Would that make any difference to you? I guess if I had to choose,yeah. would rather,first,not have it,and then have a cap if I had to.But clearly,I would rather not see any increase.I still have trouble with handing over my money to somebody else so that they can distribute how they would like. Do you heat your home with total electric -- is it a total electric home? No.It's a combination. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:That's all the T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 JEPPESEN (Com) Public questions I have, and thank you for your testimony. THE WITNESS:Okay. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Okay, we have -- is it Shawn Webster? MR. WEBSTER:Yes. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Would you care to come forward?I need to swear you in. SHAWN WEBSTER, appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, testified as follows: COMMISSIONER HANSEN:We need to ask you you would give your name and spell your last name for the record. THE WITNESS:It's Shawn,S-H-A-W-N, Webster, W-E-B-S-T-E-R. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:And your addre s s? THE WITNESS:Mailing address is Post Office Box 457 in Rexburg,Idaho. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:And are you here to represent yourself or another party? THE WITNESS:Just myself. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Okay.I f you would T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 WEBSTER Public like to go ahead,and give your statement.then, THE WITNESS:I just would like to comment on what Bevan said,as far as raising the money to help fund other programs or improvements to other farmers. And when he commented on the VFDs, frequency drives,not working on -- maybe working on one system and then not working on another system, actually have a system that it would not work on very well at all.And the reason I'm aware of that because I own a VFD on the second system.And it works perfectly on the first one for the load and circles that I run off that, but it would not work on the second one. And where I have already spent -- it's a little smaller system,and I've already spent approximately 38,$39,000 for the first VFD,and it' already been in place for a year-and-half now, don t see the purpose of paying into -- through a rate increase to fund other people to buy some VFDs where I've already done it,and especially where I am not interested in buying a second one for the other one. We have had low pressure systems on our place since 1982 and through those years we have T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 WEBSTER Public upgraded the nozzle packages,so we have put the expense forth to upgrade our irrigation circles and our efficiency.And by paying into that fund, don t think that I want to support ei ther my growers in my local area or elsewhere in their improvements because they got behind over the years. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Is tha t your testimony? THE WITNESS:m just not in favor of a rate increase for that.It may be good public relations to show that money is going in and then money is coming back out for improvements, but think that's the wrong way.I think it's wrong to ask us to fund that.If UP&L wanted to fund that themselves with that increase,then that shows good faith,and public response to that would be great. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:Okay.Do we have any questions? MS. NORDSTROM:No questions. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:m not going to let any of you off the hook. THE WITNESS:That's great. / / // / // / / T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 WEBSTER Public EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Do you think that the farmers here,your neighbors and so forth,could get together and actually come up with some ideas that could bring efficiency to the irrigation pumping and actually contribute to helping the company shape their load bet ter so maybe they don t have to build new generation,or they don t have to go out on the market and buy it at a very expensive cost? Because I think,as I understand with these DSM programs,that's one of the purposes, new generation costs a lot of money,and so if there s areas that companies can be more efficient and shape their load better so that they may be able to avoid this. And so my question -- I understand in both of the testimonies,that evidently you don think that it's worth the fee because it isn t going to benefit you, but do you see that there could be some areas where you farmers may be able to get together and say,you know wha this would bring about a point of efficiency if we had this or this or this program in.Do you see that? Well,I could see a program.Let's go T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 WEBSTER (Com) Public back to the VFDs.I think they are a great tool and they do save power.I have one,just like this pump when it's working,it runs between 88 and 92 percent of a full load.So that's definitely a lot of savings,and it works good there. I guess my concern would be,is if the program was to go into place,what happens to me and my nephew and a cousin named Robin Shane Webster,who has already -- and one named Bart Webster,that has already bought VFDs and have already contributed to the savings, would we be compensated wi th this retroactive,I guess, on this program. VFDs are great for saving power.In the Rexburg bench area,I think beginning in probably about 1980-it was very quick to switch over to low pressure systems, and also to maintain them on new nozzles.To my knowledge,there s only a handful of circles up there that are high pressure systems, and those people are gradually swi tching those over, as the nozzle packages become wore. So I think the efficiency on the bench is probably -- really,I would say it's pretty good compared to some other areas wi th either handlines, wheelines,or flood irrigation, which flood would So in this area you re saying you really T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 WEBSTER (Com) Public can t think of any areas Well,to the technology that's out there right now,I would say that we are quite efficient wi th the water we use. I see. That's not to say that the VFDs can become more used more the smaller systems.The very large systems,think there some things some hurdles get over.Because the high horsepower main motors and then booster pumps on the sides,there needs to be a li t tie work done there. Are you aware of whether the farmers in this area have had any opportuni ty to have any input in the DSM proposals or programs? I don t know what DSM stands for, missed it. We 11,Demand Side Savings program like re talking here. all.mean, area? I don t know if they are aware of it at from the turnout here tonight... Do you have a total electric home? I do not,no. You don Okay.But you live in this I live,yes, up on -- I live on my farm, T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 WEBSTER (Com) Public actually. Okay.Just a question more in the residential area. If you had a refrigerator or a freezer that you had had for a long time that you used out in your garage or something like that,and you could get $40 for it,it had to be running, but they would come and pick it up and give you $40 and you knew tha you could buy a more efficient refrigerator,energy efficient refrigerator, would you take them up on that,or would you say,for 40 bucks,I won t do that? Where would I buy the new one from, would it be a rebate program?Would I have to buy from the person who picked it up? You could buy it at Sears orNo. anyplace that sells them.you d just go outI mean, and -- Well,I would probably do that, because I do,I have a freezer that's 20 years old,and I probably would do that. Okay. COMMISSIONER HANSEN:That's all the questions I have.Thank you for your testimony. I won t ask the question if there T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 WEBSTER (Com) Public anyone else here that would like to give their testimony, because I guess it would either be Ron or one of the parties anyway. I really appreciate you people coming out tonight.And as I mentioned earlier,there s two other commissioners that sit on the Commission,and the three of us will be making the decisions on this And those other two commissioners will be ablecase. to read your comments that you have made here this evening before we deliberate and make a decision on this case. And with that,I do appreciate you coming out,and if you have any other questions that you want to talk to the company about, we have representatives here,or also, Mr. Law with the public utility staff. So with that,this will bring our hearing to a close.And with that, we will be adj ourned.Thank you. (The hearing concluded at 7:45 p. 00000- T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491 COLLOQUY This is to certify that the foregoing proceedings held In the Matter of the Application of Pacificorp Dba Utah Power & Light Company For Approval of a New Dsm Cost Recover Mechanism and Enhanced Energy Efficiency Programs For Commercial Industrial, Agricultural and Residential Customers, commencing at 7:00 p.m., on Thursday, November 10, 2005, at the Best Western Cot tontree, 450 West 4th Street, Rexburg, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. ;:;t 11 auna K. Tonks Idaho CSR No. 276, RPR Notary Public in and for the State of Idaho. My Commission Expires:10/04/10 T&T Reporting (208) 529-5491