HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060207PAC response staff requests 11, 12.pdf825 E. Mu/tnomah St. Portland, OR 97232 - , - PACIFICORP ' ' ': OS PACIFIC POWER UTAH POWER ) : \ \, - \i \ ~::, C ;S' ::, \U: February 3 , 2006 Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE:ID PAC-05- IPUC Staff Production Data Requests (11-12) Please find enclosed an original and one copy ofPacifiCorp s Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Requests 11-12. Provided on the enclosed CD is Attachment IPUC Production 11. If you have any questions, please call Barry Bell at (801) 220-4985. Sincerely, 1?b~~ iIt ~I 1\ Bob Lively, Manager Regulation Enclosures cc:Lisa Nordstrom Dean Brockbank P AC-05-9/PacifiCorp February 3 , 2006 IPUC Staff Production Data Request IPU C Staff Production Data Request Please provide a detailed narrative description of how the Non-Conforming Energy Purchase Prices as shown on page 14 of the Amended Agreement were computed. Include a copy of all spread sheets, computations, analysis, data, or other information used to derive the prices. Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Request The Company and Schwendiman Wind agreed that the non-conforming purchase price would be the Idaho Commission Approved avoided costs excluding capacity costs. Capacity costs were defined as the fixed costs, capital and O&M, of the East Side Greenfield SCCT Frame (2 Frame ") from the Company s 2004 IRP Update. Using a traditional peak credit calculation, the fixed costs ofthe SCCT are subtracted from the fixed costs of the SAR CCCT to get capitalized energy. Capitalized energy plus the running cost of the CCCT is total energy cost. The requested spreadsheet is provided as Attachment IPUC lIon the enclosed CD. Bruce Griswold will sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO P A C- E-O5- PPA FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ENER G Y SCHWEND IMAN WIND ACIFICORP IPUC STAFF PRODUCTION DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENT IPUC ON THE ENCLOSED CD P AC-05-9/PacifiCorp February 3 , 2006 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 12 IPUC Staff Production Data Request 12 Please discuss how the Non-Conforming Energy Purchase Prices as shown on page 14 ofthe Amended Agreement provide a reasonable or equivalent substitute for the 90/110 performance band as addressed by the Commission in Order No. 29880. Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Request 12 The Schwendiman Amended Agreement retains the 90/110 Bandwidth as required by Order Nos. 29632 and 29880. However, the Company has proposed a capacity factor variation of the 90/110 Bandwidth that provides the same rigorous predictability as the energy-based 90/110 Bandwidth. The following variations are included in the Amended Agreement: 1. Schwendiman must provide a monthly Capacity Factor projection instead of a monthly energy delivery projection. Since energy produced by a wind farm is a function of capacity factor, this variation is an equivalent substitute for monthly energy delivery. The Company also feels it keeps the QF focus on maintaining the mechanical availability as high as possible to achieve the forecast capacity factor. 2. The Company proposes a different price for energy produced that does not meet the 90/110 Bandwidth thresholds ("Non-conforming Energy ). As Order No. 29632 requires, the price for Non-conforming Energy should reflect a non- firm price for the energy that does not meet minimum level of predictability and reliability. Rather than a market price for the non-firm energy, the Company proposes a non-levelized fixed energy price that is based on removing the fixed costs of a simple cycle combustion turbine from the SAR model. The price provides a reasonable replacement for the non-firm market index price because it relies on the SAR model as the underlying methodology consistent with the standard price development. It sets a fixed price for both the Conforming and Non-Conforming energy which provides the QF with a project that can be more easily financed. Bruce Griswold will sponsor this response at hearing.