HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051121MidAm-PAC response request 5.pdf~ !!~N ~~!~ . PACIFICORP November 18 , 2005 , -: ~; ~:- :J)- ::~ DONALD L. HOWELL, II DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 C) --- ;;g,:::: " (J)e-;(f1 RE:ID Docket No. PAC-05- IPUC Staff Data Request (5) Please find enclosed MidAmerican s and PacifiCorp's Responses to IPUC Data Request (5). If you have any questions, please call Andrea Kelly at (503) 813-6043. Sincerely, rea elly naging Director, PacifiCorp Enclosures cc:Jamie Van Nostrand/Stoel Rives ~-- C:? P AC-05-08/PacifiCorp November 18, 2005 IPUC Staff Data Request 5 IPUC Staff Data Request 5 Please provide a copy of the Applicants' responses to the following data requests for review in Boise by November 21 2005: Utah DPU Data Request Nos. Responses 2., 2.4, 4., 4., 4. Utah CCS Data Request Nos. Responses 2., 2., 2.30, 2.81. WUTC Data Request No. Response 2. Washineton PC Data Request Nos. Responses 43 45. Response to IPUC Staff Data Request 5 Please see Attachment IPUC 5 -1 and Confidential Attachment IPUC 5 - IDAHO P A C- E-O5- MEHC/PPW IPUC DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENT IPU C 5 - ON THE ENCLOSED CD IDAHO P A C- E-O5- MEH C/pPW IPUC DATA REQUEST CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT IPUC 5 ATTACHMENT IPUC 5 - CO NFID ENTIAL (LEVEL YELLOW) ON THE ENCLOSED CD 05-035-54/PacifiCorp August 24, 2005 DPU 2nd Set Data Request 2. DPU Data Request 2. Please provide complete copies of analyses and reports prepared by investment bankers or other consultants advising either ScottishPower, PacifiCorp, MidAmerican Energy Holding Company, Berkshire Hathaway, or any subsidiary or affiliate regarding the advisability or feasibility of the proposed transaction between MidAmerican Energy Holding Company and PacifiCorp. PPW's Response to DPU Data Request 2. PacifiCorp has no responsive documents. Scottish Power objects to this request to the extent that it may seek information covered by the attomey-client and work product privileges. Scottish Power also objects to this data request because it seeks extremely confidential, price and transaction sensitive and commercially proprietary information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing objection, pursuant to Paragraph 1(D) of the Protective Order issued by the Commission in this docket, Scottish Power provides notice to the Division of Public Utilities that the documents requested from Scottish Power constitute extremely confidential, price and transaction sensitive and commercially proprietary information. Disclosure of this material may give an undue advantage to competitors and speculative investors and therefore, requires the highest level of confidential treatment. These documents which include copies of the board minutes at which the proposed acquisition of PacifiCorp by MEHC was discussed and any reports or analysis and/or presentations that exist will be made available for review, upon advance notice, at a convenient location in Utah. Please contact David Taylor at 801-220-2923 to make arrangements to review the documents. This response contains material that is extremely confidential and price and transaction sensitive to Scottish Power and should not be disclosed directly or indirectly to MEHC. 05-035-54/PacifiCorp August 24, 2005 DPU 2nd Set Data Request 2.4 Supplemental DPU Data Request 2. Has PacifiCorp, or any affiliate or parent, prepared a study ofPacifiCorp assets pursuant to F AS 142 anytime during the last 24 months? If so, please provide complete copies of all such studies. Supplemental Response to DPU Data Request 2. Yes. Pursuant to Paragraph 1(D) of the Protective Order issued by the Commission in this docket, Scottish Power provides notice to the Division of Public Utilities that the documents requested from Scottish Power constitute extremely confidential, price and transaction sensitive, and commercially proprietary information. Disclosure of this material may give an undue advantage to competitors and speculative investors and therefore, requires the highest level of confidential treatment. These documents, which include the studies of PacifiCorp assets pursuant to FAS 142 will be made available for review, upon advance notice, at a convenient location in Utah. Please contact David Taylor at 801-220-2923 to make arrangements to review the documents. This response contains material that is extremely confidential and price and transaction sensitive to Scottish Power and should not be disclosed directly or indirectly to MEHC. 05-035-54/PacifiCorp August 22, 2005 DPU 2nd Set Data Request 2. DPU Data Request 2.4 Has PacifiCorp, or any affiliate or parent, prepared a study ofPacifiCorp assets pursuant to F AS 142 anytime during the last 24 months? If so, please provide complete copies of all such studies. Response to DPU Data Request 2. Yes. Scottish Power objects to this request to the extent that it seeks information covered by the attorney-client and work product privileges. Scottish Power also objects to this request because it seeks highly confidential and proprietary information. Without waiving this objection, information will be made available upon agreement to special handling procedures for these highly confidential and proprietary documents. 05-O35-54/PacifiCorp October 5, 2005 DPU 4th Set Data Request 4. DPU Data Request 4. In the Scottish Power Board Minutes dated June 28, 2005 there is a section titled Documents Produced to the Meeting." In the minutes there isa description of each document and they are labeled "a-x , please provide a copy of each document that was distributed at this Board Meeting that was under the section Documents Produced to the Meeting. PPW's Response to DPU Data Request 4. Scottish Power objects to this request to the extent it may seek information covered by the attorney-client and work product privileges. Scottish Power also objects to this request because it seeks extremely confidential, price and transaction sensitive and commercially proprietary information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing objection, Scottish Power responds that responsive documents will be provided for review with the exception of the following: Item t" is not being provided by Scottish Power because it is irrelevant to the Commission s inquiry and relates only to future prospects of the continuing Scottish Power group and item "h" is a document produced by PwC for which PwC will seek a release letter before producing for review. Upon execution of the release letter, Scottish Power will produce for review. Pursuant to Paragraph 1(D) of the Protective Order issued by the Commission in this docket, Scottish Power provides notice to the Division of Public Utilities that the documents requested from Scottish Power constitute extremely confidential price and transaction sensitive and commercially proprietary information. Disclosure of this material may give an undue advantage to competitors and speculative investors and therefore, requires the highest level of confidential treatment. These documents will be made available for review, upon advance notice, at a convenient location in Utah. Please contact Dave Taylor at (801) 220-2923 to make arrangements to review the documents. This response contains material that is extremely confidential and price and transaction sensitive to Scottish Power and should not be disclosed directly or indirectly to MEHc. 05-035-54/PacifiCorp October 5, 2005 DPU 4th Set Data Request 4. DPU Data Request 4. When were Morgan Stanley and UBS retained as advisors to Scottish Power with regard to corporate strategy involving PacifiCorp? What was the scope of their assignment? Please provide all documents, reports, and work papers associated with the engagement of Morgan Stanley and UBS. PPW's Response to DPU Data Request 4. Pursuant to Paragraph 1(D) of the Protective Order issued by the Commission in this docket, Scottish Power provides notice to the Division of Public Utilities that the documents requested from Scottish Power constitute extremely confidential price and transaction sensitive and commercially proprietary information. Disclosure of this material may give an undue advantage to competitors and speculative investors and therefore, requires the highest level of confidential treatment. These documents will be made available for review, upon advance notice, at a convenient location in Utah. Please contact Dave Taylor at (801) 220-2923 to make arrangements to review the documents. This response contains material that is extremely confidential and price and transaction sensitive to Scottish Power and should not be disclosed directly or indirectly to MEHC. 05-035-54/PacifiCorp October 5, 2005 DPU 4th Set Data Request 4. DPU Data Request 4. Please provide any documents, statements, analyses, reports or work papers related to the deferred income tax expense and account balances and amounts subsequent to calendar year 2004. PPW's Response to DPU Data Request 4. Projected deferred tax expense and accumulated deferred tax balances for years 2006 through 2014 from PacifiCorp s 10-year plan are highly confidential. This information will be made available for inspection at PacifiCorp s offices in Salt Lake City upon reasonable prior notice. Please contact Barry Bell at 801-220- 4985. 05-035-54/PacifiCorp August 25, 2005 CCS 2nd Set Data Request 2.10 MEHC CCS Data Request 2.10 MERC Income taxes. (a) Please confmn that the merger will have no impact on the rights of parties concerning the ratemaking treatment of upstream tax savings and costs, including potential refunds of amounts of income taxes included in PacifiCorp s operating expenses paid by Utah ratepayers that were not paid to the government. If this is not the case, explain fully. (b) Please provide the PacifiCorp tax sharing or tax allocation agreements that were in effect during the period of ownership by ScottishPower. (c) For the period November 1, 1999 through the present, please provide the consolidated federal income tax returns filed by NA General Partnership (ScottishPower s parent company for its United States subsidiaries) and by PacfiCorp Holdings, Inc. (which became the parent company ofScottishPower s U.S. consolidated group when NA General Partnership and PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc merged). (d) For the period November 1, 1999 through the present, please provide the amounts of income tax paid by PacifiCorp to upstream holding companies. For each such payment, please clearly identify the tax year (or if shorter than a full year, the tax return to which such tax payment pertains). MERC's Response to CCS Data Request 2. Applicants object to this request insofar as it seeks information that is not relevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissable evidence. Without waiving their objection, Applicants respond as follows: (a)Applicants agree that the parties have the full opportunity to present their legal and factual claims regarding tax issues in future rate case proceedings. However, by stating this agreement, Applicants do not waive any objections they may have to those claims (for example, but not limited to, the right to assert that a party has not met its burden on an issue or that a party s claim would amount to unlawful retroactive ratemaking). Please refer to PPW's response to CCS Data Request 2.10 for parts (b) through (d). 05-035-54/PacifiCorp August 25, 2005 CCS 2nd Set Data Request 2.10 PPW CCS Data Request 2.10 PPW Income taxes. (a) Please COnflliIl that the merger will have no impact on the rights of parties concerning the ratemaking treatment of upstream tax savings and costs, including potential refunds of amounts of income taxes included in PacifiCorp s operating expenses paid by Utah ratepayers that were not paid to the government. If this is not the case, explain fully. (b) Please provide the PacifiCorp tax sharing or tax allocation agreements that were in effect during the period of ownership by ScottishPower. (c) For the period November 1 , 1999 through the present, please provide the consolidated federal income tax returns filed by NA General Partnership (ScottishPower s parent company for its United States subsidiaries) and by PacfiCorp Holdings, Inc. (which became the parent company ofScottishPower s U.S. consolidated group when NA General Partnership and PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc merged). (d) For the period November 1, 1999 through the present, please provide the amounts of income tax paid by PacifiCorp to upstream holding companies. For each such payment, please clearly identify the tax year (or if shorter than a full year, the tax return to which such tax payment pertains) . PPW's Response to CCS Data Request 2. b) See Confidential Attachment CCS 2.1 O(b )-1 on the enclosed confidential CD for the Income Tax Allocation Policy dated April 1 , 2000. See Confidential Attachment CCS 2.1 O(b )-2 on the enclosed confidential CD for the Amended Tax Allocation Agreement dated April 1, 2004. c) Pursuant to Paragraph 1 (D) of the Protective Order issued by the Commission in this Docket, PacifiCorp provides notice to the Committee of Consumer Services that the consolidated federal income tax returns filed by NA General Partnership and PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc. for the tax periods 3/31/2000 through 3/31/04 constitute highly sensitive documents. These documents will be made available for review upon advance notice at PacifiCorp s Utah office. Please contact Barry Bell at (801) 220-4985 to make arrangements to review the documents. d) See Attachment CCS 2.1Od on the enclosed CD. Please refer to MEHC's response to CCS Data Request 2.10 for part (a). 05-035-54/PacifiCorp August 25, 2005 CCS 2nd Set Data Request 2. CCS Data Request 2. Reference page 21 of the Direct Testimony of Gregory Abel and Exhibit GEA- page 4. Provide the studies and analyses in which PacifiCorp and/or MEHC evaluated the specific pollution control equipment to be installed at each ofPacifiCorp s coal-fueled units. Specify the cost of each of the pollution control commitments listed in the table on page 21 of Mr. Abel's testimony. Specify the reductions in SO2, NOx, and mercury emissions expected to be achieved by each of the pollution control equipment commitments listed in the table on page 21 of Mr. Abel's testimony. Provide the correspondence, studies, analyses and other documents and analyses that show that these commitments are the appropriate or optimal plan and investments to be made to reduce emissions from PacifiCorp coal-fueled generating plans. Provide the correspondence, studies, analyses and other documents which form the basis for the belief that implementation of these pollution control measures will cost approximately $812 million. Provide the correspondence, studies, analyses and other documents which form the basis for the conclusion that implementation of this plan will result in a decrease in the SO2 emissions rates of more than 50%, a decrease in the NOx emissions rates of more than 40%, a reduction in the mercury emissions rates of almost 40%, and no increase in the expected CO2 emissions rates. MERC's Response to CCS Data Request 2. See Confidential Attachment CCS 2.29 f on the enclosed Confidential CD. Please refer to PPW's response to CCS Data Request 2.29 for parts (a) through (e). 05-035-54/PacifiCorp August 25, 2005 CCS 2nd Set Data Request 2. CCS Data Request 2. Reference page 21 of the Direct Testimony of Gregory Abel and Exhibit GEA- page 4. Provide the studies and analyses in which PacifiCorp and/or MEHC evaluated the specific pollution control equipment to be installed at each ofPacifiCorp s coal-fueled units. Specify the cost of each of the pollution control commitments listed in the table on page 21 of Mr. Abel's testimony. Specify the reductions in SO2 NOx, and mercury emissions expected to be achieved by each of the pollution control equipment commitments listed in the table on page 21 of Mr. Abel's testimony. Provide the correspondence, studies, analyses and other documents and analyses that show that these commitments are the appropriate or optimal plan and investments to be made to reduce emissions from PacifiCorp coal-fueled generating plans. Provide the correspondence, studies, analyses and other documents which form the basis for the belief that implementation of these pollution control measures will cost approximately $812 million. Provide the correspondence, studies, analyses and other documents which form the basis for the conclusion that implementation of this plan will result in a decrease in the SO2 emissions rates of more than 50%, a decrease in the NOx emissions rates of more than 40%, a reduction in the mercury emissions rates of almost 40%, and no increase in the expected CO2 emissions rates. PPW's Response to CCS Data Request 2. a-e Applicants object to this request to the extent that it seeks the production of documents protected by the attorney-client privilege or the work product doctrine. Without waiving their objections, Applicants respond as follows: Pursuant to Paragraph 1 (D) of the Protective Order issued by the Commission in this Docket, Applicants provide notice to the Committee of Consumer Services that the documents sought constitute highly sensitive documents and will be made available for review, upon advance notice, at PacifiCorp s Salt Lake office. Please contact Barry Bell at (801) 220-4985 to make arrangements to review the documents. Please refer to MEHC's response to CCS Data Request 2.29 for part (t). 05-035-54/PacifiCorp August 25, 2005 CCS 2nd Set Data Request 2.30 CCS Data Request 2. Reference page 19, lines 20-, of the Direct Testimony of Gregory Abel. Please provide the correspondence, studies, analyses and other documents in which PacifiCorp and/or MEHC examined or evaluated the economic and/or reliability benefits of committing now to install new and upgraded emissions control equipment as compared to waiting to install the controls. Response to CCS Data Request 2. Applicants object to this request to the extent that it seeks the production of documents protected by the attorney-client privilege or the work product doctrine. Without waiving their objections, Applicants respond as follows. Pursuant to Paragraph 1 (D) of the Protective Order issued by the Commission in this Docket, Applicants provide notice to the Committee of Consumer Services that the documents sought constitute highly sensitive documents and will be made available for review, upon advance notice, at PacifiCorp s Salt Lake office. Please contact Barry Bell at (801) 220-4985 to make arrangements to review the documents. 05-035-54/PacifiCorp August 25, 2005 CCS 2nd Set Data Request 2' CCS Data Request 2. Please provide the November 2004 ScottishPower Board of Directors ' " strategic review ofPacifiCorp as a result of its performance and the significant investment it required. Response to CCS Data Request 2. Scottish Power objects to this request to the extent it may seek information covered by the attorney-client and work product privileges. Scottish Power also objects to this request because it seeks extremely confidentiaL price and transaction sensitive and commercially proprietary information. Subject to and without waiving the foregoing objection, Scottish Power responds that the review in question culminated in the presentations to the Scottish Power Board of Directors which took place on May 22, 2005 and was supported by financial analysis. Pursuant to Paragraph 1(D) of the Protective Order issued by the Commission in this docket, Scottish Power provides notice to the Committee of Consumer Services that the documents requested from Scottish Power constitute extremely confidential, price and transaction sensitive and commercially proprietary information. Disclosure of this material may give an undue advantage to competitors and speculative investors and therefore, requires the highest level of confidential treatment. These documents, which include a copy of the May 22 2005 Scottish Power Board minutes and supporting financial analysis, will be made available for review, upon advance notice, at a convenient location in Utah. Please contact Barry Bell at (801) 220-4985 to make arrangements to review the documents. This response contains material that is extremely confidential and price and transaction sensitive to Scottish Power and should not be disclosed directly or indirectly to MEHC. UE-051090/PacifiCorp September 20, 2005 WUTC Staff Data Request 2 WUTC Staff Data Request 2 Referring to the pre-filed direct testimony of Gregory E. Abel, Exhibit (GEA-l T), page 9-, lines 19-23 and 1-, respectively, please provide all studies, analyses memoranda, internal reports, electronic messages or other documentation relied upon by Mr. Abel to determine that the price paid for PacifiCorp is fair to shareholders ofMEHC and Berkshire Hathaway. MERC's Response to WUTC Staff Data Request 2 MEHC objects to this data request on the grounds that it is overly broad and unduly burdensome, and vague and indefinite, to the extent that it requests all studies, analyses, internal reports, memoranda, electronic messages or other documentation relied upon by Mr. Abel...." Without waiving these objections MEHC provides the following response regarding the documents upon which it relied. Please Note:The documents responsive to this request are BIGBL Y CONFIDENTIAL and price- and transaction-sensitive to MEHC, and should not be disclosed, directly or indirectly, to PacifiCorp or ScottishPower or any other person or entity. Disclosure of such information would result in irreparable fInancial harm and expense to MEHC. The responsive documents, which are described below, are available for inspection at the offices of Applicant's counsel in Seattle, Washington. Please contact Jamie Van Nostrand at (503) 294-9679 to make arrangement for this inspection. Due Diligence Materials. Available for inspection are the memoranda prepared by MEHC in conjunction with the due diligence review ofPacifiCorp. The memoranda, prepared by members ofMEHC's in-house due diligence team, address various aspects ofPacifiCorp s operations. While the materials do not comprise all of the documents gathered, reviewed or generated in the due diligence process, they are a culmination ofMEHC's due diligence efforts provide a concise summary of the due diligence process, and represent the work product that was provided to MEHC's senior management. Also available for inspection is a PowerPoint presentation entitled "Project Apollo: Management Presentation." This presentation summarizes the above- mentioned memoranda. A key to the code names used in the materials is provided hereafter. Saturn = Scottish Power pic Mercury = MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company Venus = PacifiCorp Apollo = Name given to the project UE-051090/PacifiCorp September 20, 2005 WUTC Staff Data Request 2 On the basis of attorney-client and work product privileges, MEHC does not plan to produce certain of the documents that were originally included in the binder of materials. MEHC has noted where the documents were withheld from the binder at the original position of each such privileged document. Fairness Opinion Materials.Finally, MEHC is making available for inspection the 3-page "fairness opinion" (cover page plus 2-page letter) issued by the Houlihan, Lokey, Howard & Zukin investment banking firm. UE-051090/PacifiCorp September 9, 2005 PC Data Request 43 PC Data Request 43 (Ref: Stock Purchase Agreement, p. 20) Please provide a complete copy of the Seller Parent Disclosure Letter. MERC's Response to PC Data Request 43 This document is considered "highly confidential" by MEHC and it will be provided for review at the offices ofPacifiCorp once arrangements are made for viewing the document. Such arrangements can be made by contacting Jamie Van Nostrand ofStoel Rives at (503) 294-9679. Responder: Gregory E. Abel Witness: Gregory E. Abel - ' UE-051090/PacifiCorp September 9, 2005 PC Data Request 45 PC Data Request 45 (Ref: Abel Testimony, p. 13, ll. 7-10) Mr. Abel indicates that although the Company will not earn a return on its acquisition premium, if PacifiCorp is able to earn its allowed return, that will be a fair return. a) If $1.2 Billion of the $9.4 Billion sales price is an acquisition premium over book value and PacifiCorp is allowed and earns a 10.3% return on equity (the most recent electric utility equity return award in Washington), the resultant equity return on the purchase price to MEHC would be 98% (($9.4B-$1.2B)/$9.4B x 10.3%). Is an 8.98% return on the market price ofPacifiCorp reasonable? Why, or why not? b) In determining the value of PacifiCorp, what DCF discount rate was used to determine the present value of the Company s future cash flows? Please provide support for your response from the analysis of the investment bankers that assisted MEHC in preparing its bid for PacifiCorp. MEHC's Response to PC Data Request 45 a. Applicants do not agree that an 8.98% return on equity would be reasonable as a return on equity authorized in the context of a rate proceeding. A fair return should be equal to that required by investors in securities of commensurate risk. That return should also be sufficient to pernrit PacifiCorp to attract capital on reasonable terms and maintain its credit rating. Applicants do not endorse the method used in this request to relate the acquisition premium and rates of return. The amount of the acquisition premium must be evaluated in the context of the transaction as a whole. Strategic considerations important to MERC are described in the Direct Testimony of Gregory E. Abel. Financial factors are also discussed in the Direct Testimony of Patrick J. Goodman. b. The information responsive to part "b" is Highly Confidential. Please contact Jamie Van Nostrand ofStoel Rives, at (503) 294-9679, to make arrangements for inspection of this information. Responder: Gregory E. Abel Witness: Gregory E. Abel