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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051031Part I response staff 2nd request .pdf~ !!~~~!~ . PACIFICORP " , October 28, 2005 ,,-"'~'! '--,.,-~"", " i-; DONALD L. HOWELL, II DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 ()-."'" ...-(=) ,. v ' -"" ;:E;~ =;: 7::: ~,,-- " UJ C-) RE:ID Docket No. PAC-05- IPUC Staff 2nd Data Request (3- Please find enclosed MidAmerican s and PacifiCorp s Responses to IPUC 2nd Set of Data Requests (3-4). A supplemental response to IPUC 2.4 will follow when information related to Idaho becomes available. If you have any questions, please call Andrea Kelly at (503) 813-6043. Sincerely, QNt&-- ~ ~~ Andrea Kelly Managing Director, PacifiCorp Enclosures cc:Jamie Van Nostrand/Stoel Rives ..,""""" c"' ::: ; .. , J""' (",.-,""'" P AC-05-08/PacifiCorp October 27 2005 IPUC Staff Data Request 2.3 IPU C Staff Data Request 2. Please provide a copy of the Applicants' response to the following data requests: Ore20n PUC Data Request Nos. 3 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 15 , 16, 17 , 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 42, 43 , 44, 45 , 47, 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 (a , 56, 60, 61 , 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71 , 73 , 74, 75 , 76, 77 , 78 , 79, 80 101 102 103 104, 108 (a c), 109, 110 111 (a through k), 112, 113 Utah Division of Public Utilities Data Request Nos. 2., 2.3, 2.4, 3., 3., 3., 3., 3.13 , 3.14, 3.16, 3., 3. , 4., 4., 4., 4.4, 4., 4. Utah Committee of Consumer Services Data Request Nos. 2., 2., 2., 2.4, 2., 2., 2., 2.14, 2., 2.16 , 2.18, 2. , 2., 2.30, 2., 2., 2., 2., 2.38 2.47 2.48 , 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2. , 2., 2., 4., 4., 4., 4., 4., 4.11 , 6.1 a WUTC Staff Data Request Nos. 2 through 25 Washin2ton Public Counsel Data Request Nos. PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC- , PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC- PC-28 PC-29 PC-31 PC-32 PC-33 PC-34 PC-35 PC-37 PC-39 PC-41 PC- 42 (a d), PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC- PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC-, PC- Response to IPUC Staff Data Request 2. Please see Attachment IPUC 2. IDAHO P A C- O5- MEHC/PPW IPUC 2nd Set DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENT IPUC UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19,2005 OPUC Data Request 3 OPUC Data Request 3 Regarding PPUI00, Abel 11 lines 21-23: Please provide all documentation analyses and studies or other sources of information relied upon to draw the conclusion that PacifiCorp does not meet ScottishPower s investors ' expectations. Response to OPUC Data Request 3 The conclusion drawn in Mr. Abel's testimony is based upon his conversations with representatives of Scottish Power pic. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 7 OPUC Data Request 7 Regarding PPUI00 Abel/14, line 9 - PPVI00, Abel/IS, line 26: Is it the applicant's position that the transmission investments would not take place absent MERC's acquisition of PacifiCorp? If yes, please provide documentation that supports this position. If no, why not? Response to OPUC Data Request 7 It is the Applicant's position that MERC's acquisition of PacifiCorp will provide greater certainty in both the funding and timeframes for the investments described in Mr Abel's testimony. There are a number of investments referenced in the documents which are new investments, investments with accelerated schedules or investments with expanded scope or capabilities. These are a result of MERC' s commitment. For example: The Mona - Oquirrh investment has been considered in part through PacifiCorp s IRP efforts. However the funding availability and project time lines have not been certain nor commitments made. The Walla Walla Yakima or Mid C investment was a direct result of MEHC's commitments and has not been part of PacifiCorp' s plans to date. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 8 OPUC Data Request 8 PPUI00 and PPUI01. Provide a listing of each condition and commitment offered by MEHC in this exhibit and testimony by other applicant witnesses, and a corresponding 2006 present valued dollar estimate of benefit. The dollar estimate of benefit should be net of the costs customers would incur in rates. For example, if a transmission investment were made, the benefit estimate should be net of the revenue requirements effect in rates. For each condition and commitment describe the difference (or incremental benefit) customers would experience compared to continued ownership by Scottish Power. Response to OPUC Data Request 8 A preliminary listing of the NPV of revenue requirements and benefits of the commitments made in the testimony of Greg Abel (Exhibit PPL/lOl) is provided in Attachment OPUC 8. These values are initial estimates only. comprehensive cost-benefit analysis related to these items has been completed at this point, and these estimates may be subject to revision during the course of this proceeding. Substantial benefits exist that have not been currently quantified in this data response. A preliminary estimate of the NPV of the quantifiable net benefits of the commitments is $200 million. This includes quantification of externality values associated with environmental benefits, in a manner consistent with PacifiCorp s 2004 IRP. Benefits have not been estimated at this time for the continuation of previous commitments included in the testimony of Brent Gale (Exhibit PPU30 1). Financial impacts for other benefits not referenced in the above were not estimated because they tend to be more qualitative than quantitative in nature. OREGON UM-1209 MEH C/PPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENT OPUC 8 ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 9 OPUC Data Request 9 PPU200, Johansen/6 notes that PaciCorp has replaced and maintained transmission facilities. Referring to the transmission investments listed on PPUIOO, Abel/14, line 9-Abel/15, line26. For each transmission investment listed, provide a discussion answering the following questions: a. Has PacifiCorp identified the project as a needed improvement? b. Has PacifiCorp budgeted funds to undertake the improvement? c. Has the transmission improvements been identified or studied in the company s IRP? d. Has any state adopted an IRP that includes the transmission investment? e. Ras the company undertaken a cost/benefit study regarding the transmission investment? If yes, please provide the study. Response to OPUC Data Request 9 a. See Response to OPUC 9. b. PacifiCorp has approved limited funds to complete corridor alternative selection and begin preliminary site and permitting feasibility analysis on the Mona-Oquirrh project. PacifiCorp has also approved funding to secure one substation site at Oquirrh to reduce the future risk of locating the substation in an area that has high economic growth of residential and commercial properties. The commitment to the project is less than $6 million. No funds have been committed for the other two projects specifically referenced in the testimony. c. Only the "Mona - Oquirrh" transmission investment was identified and studied in PacifiCorp s 2004 IRP. This investment was associated with the CY 2009 Utah Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine (CCCT) proxy resource identified in the Preferred Portfolio. d. None of the commissions regulating PacifiCorp "adopt" the Company IRPs. Washington has acknowledged the IRP with the Mona - Oquirrh transmission investment included in PacifiCorp s Preferred Portfolio. Utah has also acknowledged the IRP, but has declined to acknowledge the Action Plan. In lieu of Action Plan acknowledgement, the Utah Public Service Commission ordered that the IRP Action Plan be considered in the approval process for PacifiCorp s subsequent resource solicitations. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 9 e. As was indicated in Response to OPUC 9., the Mona-Oquirrh transmission project was evaluated as part of the Company s 2004 IRP, and is a component of the Preferred Portfolio. The Company is planning on evaluating the benefit of the Path-C upgrade as part of its 2004 IRP Update filing that is scheduled to be filed informally with the Commissions in October. As wind projects are identified as part of RFP 2003B, the Company will evaluate the benefits of the wind project and the Walla Walla - Yakima or Mid-C commitment for cost-effectiveness. UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 10 OPUC Data Request 10 Regarding PPL/300, Gale/24: Oregon has affiliated interest rules and statutes that require services provided to the utility by an affiliate to be priced at the lower of cost or market. For the states where MEC serves, which of those states have the same requirement as Oregon? Response to OPUC Data Request 10 In illinois, affiliate transactions, including transactions for services, must be approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission, unless entered into in the ordinary course of business at market prices or unless otherwise subject to an enumerated exemption. To reduce the number of regulatory proceedings that otherwise would be required and to document policies, MEC has entered into an Inter-company Administrative Services Agreement C'IASA"), with its ultimate parent holding company, which has been approved by the illinois Commerce Commission. The IASA allows the utility to provide and receive "corporate support" services as long as the actual cost or an appropriate allocation of cost is charged for the service. The IASA was provided as PPL Exhibit 501 , attached to the testimony of MEHC witness Tom Specketer. In Iowa, affiliate transactions for services must be priced the same as such services are priced to non-affiliates. If no such price is available, the services must be priced at the lower of: (i) fully distributed cost; (ii) the lowest price charged to other affiliates; or (iii) market price. In no event is an amount in excess of market price to be charged to the utility. In South Dakota, the PUC does not regulate affiliate transactions, although by law affiliate transactions are not to result in cross-subsidization of the affiliate by the regulated utility. UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 14 OPUC Data Request 14 Regarding PPU4oo, Goodman/9: What is the basis for selecting a five-year period for the 10-basis point commitment? Response to OPUC Data Request 14 MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company ("MEHC") believes that over the recent past, due to the superior credit quality and reputation of Berkshire Hathaway, MERC's subsidiaries have been able to issue long-tenn (Le., ten year) debt issuances at roughly a ten basis point discount, relative to other issuances by firms of similar credit quality. MERC cannot guarantee that this spread will continue to exist, or if it does, for how long. However, MERC is confident enough of its market reputation that it is willing to make the five year conunitment referenced in the question. The spread benefit may not last five years, but MERC is willing to assume the business and market risk that it can issue debt at up to the ten basis point discount for that period of time. Uncertainty around the permanence of the spread and the magnitude of the estimated PacifiCorp long-term debt issuances makes a benefit projection beyond five years less certain. UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request OPUC Data Request 15 Regarding PPU400, Goodmanl9: Provide copies of documents relied upon for the financial forecast of future PacifiCorp debt issuance. Response to OPUC Data Request 15 Debt issuances for PacifiCorp included in the financial forecast of Scottish Power are provided as Confidential Attachment OPUC 15. This information is Confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. OREGON UM-1209 MEH CIPPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST CONFIDENTIAL A TT A CHMENT OPUC CONFIDENTIAL (LEVEL YELLOW) ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 16 OPUC Data Request 16 Regarding PPU400 Goodman/II: Provide a table that shows the derivation of the $1.2 billion estimate of the purchase price in excess of book value. What account will the $1.2 billion premium be entered into? Response to OPUC Data Request 16 The derivation of the estimated purchase price in excess of equity book value is provided as Confidential Attachment OPUC 16. This information is Confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. OREGON UM -1209 MEn CIPPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT OPUC CONFIDENTIAL (LEVEL YELLOW) 0 N THE EN CLOSED CD UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request OPUC Data Request 17 Regarding PPL/4oo, Goodman/IS: Provide examples of possible Commission actions that would qualify as a reduction in revenue requirements from an imputation of benefits accruing from the acquisition company. Was it intentional to not list Berkshire Hathaway as an acquisition company? If yes, why was Berkshire Hathaway not listed? Response to OPUC Data Request 17 Examples of possible Commission actions that would qualify as a reduction to revenue requirements as a result of the imputation of benefits accruing from the acquisition company or other parent companies include the assignment of effective tax rates of the acquisition company or other parent companies rather than the use of the effective tax rates of the operating utility in the calculation of revenue requirements or the use of a consolidated capital structure that may assign additional leverage to the operating utility without applying an equity rate of return that reflects the risk of the double leveraged capital structure. As of the date of the initial testimony, Berkshire Hathaway was an MEHC investor. With the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Public Utility Holding Company Act ("PURCA") will be repealed. As reflected in Applicant' August 17, 2005 filing re PURCA-related revisions to the Application, Berkshire Hathaway will convert the amount that it has invested in convertible preferred stock of MEHC into common stock of MEHC. In the August 17, 2005 revisions Mr. Gale s exhibit and Mr. Goodman s testimony list Berkshire Hathaway as well as MEHC and PPW Holdings LLC. UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 20 OPUC Data Request 20 Regarding PPU500, Specketer/21-22: Are the Applicants requesting a waiver of the Commission s affiliated interest rules to have shared service costs billed to PacifiCorp at cost, instead of the lower of market or costs? Response to OPUC Data Request 20 No, a waiver of the Commission s rules is not being requested. Costs for the executive management services and other services contemplated with this testimony are expected to be at or below market. If costs exceed market, MEHC is willing to utilize the market price or pursue a waiver. UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 21 OPUC Data Request 21 Please provide a listing of all PacifiCorp s Board of Directors ' meetings, including committee meetings, over the past year and a schedule of upcoming Board of Directors' meetings, including committee meetings for the next year. Response to OPUC Data Request 21 2005 Meeting Dates 2006 Meeting Dates (actual dates have not been set at this time) PacifiCorp Board of DirectorsPacifiCorp Board of Directors January 20, 2005 February 15, 2005 March 17, 2005 April 21 , 2005 May 23, 2005 May 27,2005 June 16, 2005 July 14,2005 August 18, 2005 September 15,2005 October 20, 2005 November 17,2005 December 13, 2005 Held approximately the third week of every month PacifiCorp Compensation Committee PacifiCorp Compensation Committee April 29, 2005 May 12, 2005* May 13, 2005* J ul y 6, 2005 Held twice a year * Resolution in lieu of meeting. UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 22 OPUC Data Request 22 Please provide PacifiCorp s Board of Directors' meeting minutes , including committee meeting minutes, since January 1, 2004. Response to OPUC Data Request 22 PacifiCorp objects to this data request to the extent that it seeks information covered by the attorney-client and work product privileges. Without waiving this objection, PacifiCorp responds as follows: Please see Confidential Attachments OPUC 22 -1 through OPUC 22 - containing PacifiCorp s Board of Directors' meeting minutes. This information is Confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. Please see Confidential Attachment OPUC 22 -7, containing PacifiCorp Compensation Committee meeting minutes. This information is Confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. OREGON UM-1209 MEH CIPPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT OPUC 22 (1- CONFIDENTIAL (LEVEL YELLOW) ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 23 OPUC Data Request 23 Please provide a listing of all MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (MERC) Board of Directors' meetings, including committee meetings, over the past year and a schedule of upcoming Board of Directors' meetings, including committee meetings for the next year. Response to OPUC Data Request 23 MEHC Board Meetings May 26, 2004 December 9,2004 May 10, 2005 December 7, 2005 No meetings yet scheduled for 2006 MEHC Committee (Audit) Mee~ February 9 , 2004 May 4, 2004 May 26, 2004 August 3, 2004 November 3 2004 December 8, 2004 February 25, 2005 May 5, 2005 May 9, 2005 August 8, 2005 November 3, 2005 December 6, 2005 No meetings yet scheduled for 2006 UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 24 OPUC Data Request 24 Please provide MERC's Board of Directors ' meeting minutes, including committee meeting minutes, since January 1 , 2004. Response to OPUC Data Request 24 MERC's final and approved Board of Directors' meeting minutes, including committee meeting minutes, since January 1, 2004, are attached in the following confidential attachments: Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- Confidential Attachment OPUC 24- This information is Confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. OREGON UM-1209 MER C/PPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT OPUC 24 (1-14) CONFIDENTIAL (LEVEL YELLOW) ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM -1209/Pacifi Corp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 25 0 PU C Data Request 25 Please provide a listing of all ScottishPower s Board of Directors' meetings including committee meetings, over the past year and a schedule of upcoming Board of Directors' meetings, including committee meetings for the next year. Response to OPUc Data Request 2005 Meeting Dates 2006 Meeting Dates Scottish Power Board of Directors Scottish Power Board of Directors (dates subject to change and confirmation) 4 February 2/3 February 2006* 3 March 29/30/31 March 2006* 6 April 4/5 May 2006* 12 April 26/27 July 2006* 6 May 22 May 23 May 28 June 21 July 8 August 30 September* 4 November Scottish Power Board Committees Scottish Power Board Committees 10 February No committee meeting dates have 21 February been confirmed at this time. 24 May 22 June 30 June 10 August Scottish Power Audit Committee Scottish Power Audit Committee 3 February No committee meeting dates have 5 April been confirmed at this time. 4 May 20 May 21 July 8 August *Future meeting dates subject to change and confirmation. UM..1209lPacifiCorp August 19,2005 OPUC Data Request 27 OPUc Data Request Please provide a listing of all presentations made to ratings agencies (e. g., Moody s, Fitch and S&P) by PacifiCorp since January 2004. For each listed presentation, provide the date, location, and topic(s) covered. Response to OPUc Data Request 27 Date, location and topics are detailed in response to OPUC 28. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 28 OPUc Data Request Please provide a copy of each presentation, including supporting materials, PacifiCorp made to the ratings agencies since January 1, 2004. Response to OPUc Data Request 28 Please refer to Confidential Attachments OPUC 28 -1 and OPUC 28 -2 on the enclosed CD. These documents contain Confidential infonnation and are provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. OREGON UM-1209 MEH CIPPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT OPUC 28 (1- CONFIDENTIAL (LEVEL YELLOW) ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 29 OPUc Data Request 29 Please provide a listing of all presentations made to ratings agencies (e. Moody , Fitch and S&P) by MEHC since January 2004. For each listed presentation, provide the date, location, and topic(s) covered. Response to OPUc Data Request 29 At three different times, since January 2004 presentations have been made by MEHC, in New York, to Moody , Fitch Ratings and S&P. Each time presentations were made to each of the three ratings agencies over a two day period as shown below. January 30-, 2004 June 23-, 2004 May 24-25, 2005 Topics covered included corporate strategy and financial information. The presentation on May 24-25,2005 included an additional segment which was an overview of the PacifiCorp transaction. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 30 OPUc Data Request 30 Please provide a copy of each presentation, including supporting materials MERC made to the ratings agencies since January 1 2004. Response to OPUc Data Request The requested presentations to rating agencies are provided in the seven confidential attachments as follows, pursuant to the protective order in this docket: Confidential Attachment OPUC 30 -1 (Presentation of January 30, 2004. Confidential Attachment OPUC 30 -2 (Supporting materials for Presentation of January 30,2004. Confidential Attachment OPUC 30 -3 (Presentation of June 23, 2004. Confidential Attachment OPUC 30 -4 (Supporting materials for Presentation of June 23 2004. Confidential Attachment OPUC 30 -5 (Presentation of May 24, 2005. Confidential Attachment OPUC 30 -6 (Supporting materials for Presentation of May 24, 2005. Confidential Attachment OPUC 30 -7 (Presentation of May 24, 2005, regarding PacifiCorp Transaction. The information provided in these attachments is Confidential and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this proceeding. OREGON UM-1209 MEH CIPPW OPU C STAFF DATA REQUEST CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT OPUC 30 (1- CONFIDENTIAL (LEVEL YELLOW) ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 34 OPUC Data Request 34 Please provide the applicant's cost estimate (and supporting materials) for the formation of the ServCo discussed at PPU300, Gale/32 lines 10-12. Response to OPUC Data Request 34 With the recent enactment of new energy legislation, the Domenici-Barton Energy Policy Act of 2005 ("Energy Act,,, signed into law on August 8, 2005, the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 will be repealed effective February 8, 2006. As a result of PURCA's repeal, a services company- ServCo-will not be formed. This portion of Mr. Gale s prefiled direct testimony was withdrawn in the August 17, 2005 filing reflecting changes to the Application and Direct Testimony related to repeal of PURCA. R. Rep. No. 109-190 (Conf. Rep. UM -1209 /Pacifi Corp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 35 OPUc Data Request Please provide the applicant's cost estimate (and supporting materials) for the currently required SEC filings. Please indicate which costs will be avoided if PURCA is repealed. Response to OPUc Data Request With the recent enactment of new energy legislation, the Domenici-Barton Energy Policy Act of 2005 ("Energy Act", signed into law on August 8, 2005, the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 will be repealed effective February 8, 2006. As a result, MEHC does not expect to make any filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission seeking that agency s approval of the proposed acquisition. R. Rep. No. 109-190 (Conf. Rep. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19,2005 OPUC Data Request 37 OPUc Data Request 37 Please provide the names of Berkshire Hathaway s Board of Directors. Response to OPUc Data Request Warren E. Buffett Howard G. Buffett William R. Gates ill Malcolm G. Chace David S. Gottesman Charlotte Guyman Donald R. Keough Charles T. Munger Thomas S. Murphy Ronald L. Olson Walter Scott, Jr. Warren E. Buffett is the Chairman of the Board of Directors; Mr. Munger is the Vice Chairman. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 19, 2005 OPUC Data Request 38 OPUc Data Request 38 Please provide a listing of all Berkshire Hathaway s Board of Directors' meetings, including committee meetings, over the past year and a schedule of upcoming Board of Directors' meetings, including committee meetings for the next year. Response to OPUc Data Request Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Board Meetings February 17, 2004 May 3, 2004 October 29-30, 2004 May 2, 2005 July 5, 2005 October 21-22, 2005 No meetings yet scheduled for 2006 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Audit Committee Meetings March 2, 2004 May 3, 2004 July 14, 2004 August 4, 2004 November 3 , 2004 March 2, 2005 May 2, 2005 June 29, 2005 August 3, 2005 August 17, 2005 November 2 2005 No meetings yet scheduled for 2006. Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Governance, Compensation and Nominating Committee Meetings April 27, 2004 January 24, 2005 No meeting yet scheduled for 2006 UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 42 OPUc Data Request Does PacifiCorp have existing contracts and/or tariffs with CalEnergy Generation, Kern River Gas Transmission Company, Northern Natural Gas Company, or any other MEHC affiliate? If so, please summarize the terms and conditions of the contracts/tariffs including costs and termination dates. Response to OPUc Data Request 42 The requested information is provided as Attachment OPUC 42 -Ion the enclosed CD. CalEnergy PacifiCorp owns and operates the Blundell Geothennal Plant near Milford, Utah. Intermountain Geothermal Company, a subsidiary of CalEnergy, is a part owner and the unit operator of the Roosevelt Hot Springs, which is the geothermal steam source for the Blundell Plant. PacifiCorp and Intermountain are signatories to two agreements: 1) Geothermal Steam Prepurchase Agreement and 2) Steam Delivery Agreement. Please see Attachment OPUC 42 -2 on the enclosed CD for a summary of the agreements. OREGON UM-1209 MEH CIPPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENTS OPUC 42 -and 42 ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 43 OPUc Data Request Has PacifiCorp analyzed any future possible contracts with CalEnergy Generation, Kern River Gas Transmission Company, or Northern Natural Gas Company? Please explain. Response to OPUC Data Request 43 PacifiCorp has not analyzed any future possible contracts with these companies. UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 44 OPUc Data Request If the application is approved, what is the anticipated effect on the deductible buy- down insurance with SPI? Will this captive insurance end since PacifiCorp would no longer be an affiliate of SPUK? Response to OPUC Data Request 44 The deductible buy-down insurance with Dornoch would be terminated. The Ireland-based captive insurer Domoch International Insurance Limited Dornoch') has been established by Scottish Power to provide insurance cover to companies within the Scottish Power group. Accordingly, insurance cover from Dornoch will no longer be available to PacifiCorp once it leaves the Scottish Power group. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 45 OPUC Data Request If the captive insurance is terminated, has PacifiCorp analyzed the cost of replacement or substitute insurance? Please explain. Response to OPUc Data Request 4S Pacifi Corp obtained indicative quotes from the commercial market for replacement insurance and found them to be above the levels of premiums charged by the captive. Please refer to OPUC Data Request 46. MEHC believes that similar terms and conditions will be available subject to appropriate risk parameters UM -1209/Pacifi Corp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 47 OPUC Data Request 47 Has PacifiCorp analyzed or does PacifiCorp plan to analyze obtaining insurance from any insurance companies currently owned by Berkshire-Hathaway? Please explain. Response to OPUc Data Request 47 PacifiCorp has not analyzed obtaining insurance from any insurance companies currently owned by Berkshire-Hathaway. UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 48 OPUC Data Request 48 Per page 38 of the Stock Purchase Agreement, does PacifiCorp anticipate that it will make a contribution to its Pension Plan to address the current under funding? If so, what is the projected amount of this contribution? Response to OPUc Data Request 48 PacifiCorp is considering this additional contribution, though no determination has yet been made. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 49 OPUC Data Request 49 If PacifiCorp plans to make a contribution to its Pension Plan, please provide sample journal record entries or T -accounts for the accounts used in the contribution. Response to OPUc Data Request Example entry to record contribution. Debit Pension Liability and Credit Cash. AlC # Account Descri tion 280340 Pension 119665 State Street Bank & Trust Debit $xxx. Credit $xxx. UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 50 OPUC Data Request 50 Does PacifiCorp anticipate that it will revise its pension plan assets, investment category, to more closely match MEHC's investment category mix? Will PacifiCorp perform an actuarial study on the effects of any change in investment mix that may result? Please explain. Response to OPUc Data Request PacifiCorp undertakes an asset-liability study approximately every two years, the most recent of which was completed earlier in CY 2005. The analysis was done in conjunction with the PacifiCorp Retirement Plan actuaries, Hewitt Associates, and investment consultants. The results of that study are currently being reviewed by the PacifiCorp Pension Investment Committee, the Retirement Committee and advisors. Any change to the existing asset allocation targets would be a result of the asset liability analysis and not to more closely match MEHC's investment category mIX. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request OPUc Data Request PPL 100; Abel/5 states that there will be "at least a $30 million reduction (over five years) in corporate overhead costs." This amount is based on the difference of MEHC/MEC overhead costs capped at $9 million and SPUK' s overhead cost of $15 million. However the SPUK CY 2006 cost was stipulated in Oregon $11.7 million system-wide. Is the projected savings actually $13.5 million system-wide over five years ($4 million Oregon)? Please explain. Response to OPUC Data Request 51 The testimony of Mr. Abel and Mr. Specketer pertaining to overhead costs does not speak to the rate treatment of such costs, but merely the billing from MEHC to PacifiCorp. We believe the rate treatment of such costs should be addressed in rate proceedings. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 52 OPUC Data Request 52 Based on the above difference between actual SPUK overhead costs and the MERC stated overhead costs, what else is contributing to this savings? Please list each category of savings and associated savings. Response to OPUc Data Request 52 See OPUC Data Request 51. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 53 OPUC Data Request 53 Please explain the effect of the transaction on PacifiCorp s Corporate Allocation for Group Expenses. a. How will the transaction change the CY 2006 electric operation allocation of 92.74%? b. What will be the revised electric operation allocation? c. If the allocation is increased due to PPM not being in the calculation wouldn t this actually result in an increase in corporate overhead? Please explain. d. What will be PacifiCorp s cost associated with an increase in the electric operation allocation? Response to OPUc Data Request 53 a. The CY 2006 electric operation allocation percentage will increase as result of PPM & other affiliates remaining with ScottishPower following the closing of the transaction. b. The revised electric operation allocation is anticipated to be approximately 99.85%. c. It is not possible to respond definitively at this time. Depending upon whether and to what extent PacifiCorp s total internal corporate overhead costs are reduced, the actual level of such costs allocated to the regulated utility could either decrease or increase even though the percent of the total has increased. Such total overhead cost reductions could be associated with integration with MEHC and/or a reduction of service provisions to affiliates. The only remaining affiliate will be PacifiCorp Environmental Remediation Company (PERCo). d. PacifiCorp s Corporate Allocation for Group Expenses (internal management fee) associated with the change are unknown at this time. It is possible that some current services\costs under ScottishPower ownership will either be eliminated or need to be replaced by an alternate provider. This allocation of PacifiCorp expenses does not include any ScottishPower Corporate Allocation for Group Expenses, which will decrease as outlined in the filed testimony. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 55 OPUc Data Request Does PacifiCorp anticipate that it will participate in any money pooling arrangement with MERC, MEHC affiliates, or PacifiCorp subsidiaries as a result of this transaction? Please explain. Response to OPUc Data Request 5S At this time it is not anticipated that PacifiCorp will participate in any money pooling arrangements with MEHC or any MEHC affiliates. MEHC's preference would be for its regulated subsidiaries to not engage in any money pooling arrangements with affiliates and instead require each entity to establish its own banking relationships and any required lines of credit. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 56 OPUC Data Request 56 If the transaction is approved, what is the anticipated savings that will result in the release of International Assignees (IAs)? Will the positions currently filled by IAs be terminated or filled through a recruiting/reassignment process? What the overall effect on full time equivalents (PrEs), including cost savings of the potential release of IAs? Response to OPUC Data Request 56 Currently there are three employees on International Assignment with PacifiCorp. The anticipated cost adjustment for these employees no longer on assignment post close with MidAmerican is estimated to be $740 000 annually. The positions are core positions and will require to be filled post close. There will be no FIE impact as these are current positions and will remain going forward. Therefore the cost savings would be based on the benefits provided to the lA's which annually are estimated to be at $740,000. Note that the IA benefit costs referenced here are not included in Oregon rates; therefore the savings are below- the-line. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29 2005 OPUC Data Request 60 OPUC Data Request Will the $3.7 million per year MEC charges to PacifiCorp for budgeting and forecasting, human resources, and tax compliance result in an off-setting reduction of $3.7 million in PacifiCorp s corporate overhead costs since PacifiCorp currently performs these functions and employs numerous personnel involved in these functions? Why will PacifiCorp need these services as a separate business platform with its own management? Please explain. Response to OPUC Data Request 60 , MEC charges for the functions described are not expected to result in cost savings for such functions at PacifiCorp. MEC charges for budgeting and forecasting, human resources, tax compliance, etc., are for coordination efforts on behalf of MEHC. UM -1209 /Pacifi Corp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request OPUC Data Request In what accounts will PacifiCorp record expenses (legal, accounting, administration, IT, other) associated with this transaction? Are any "above-the line-accounts" (i.e. accounts 921 922, 923, etc.) being used to record costs? Please explain. Response to OPUc Data Request 61 Transition, integration and separation associated costs will be recorded in above- the-line A&G accounts such as 920, 921 , 923 etc. Transaction costs will either be recorded in below-the-line accounts or will billed to and paid by ScottishPower. UM -1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 62 OPUc Data Request 62 Please list PacifiCorp s costs to date for the transaction by cost category, and amount. Response to OPUc Data Request Please see Attachment OPUC 62 on the enclosed CD. OREGON UM -1209 MEH CIPPW OPTIC STAFF DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENT OPUC 62 ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 63 OPUC Data Request 63 What are PacifiCorp s anticipated costs (budget or otherwise) for this transaction? How will PacifiCorp shield customers from the costs associated with this transaction? Response to 0 PU C Data Request 63 PacifiCorp s transaction cost projection is based on what was incurred during the ScottishPower transaction and is estimated to be in the range of $3-5m. It should be noted that transaction cost estimates can be materially impacted by the length of the transaction approval process. Transaction costs will be charged below the line and paid by shareholders. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 64 OPUC Data Request For shared services, please provide a table that compares PacifiCorp s current labor loading with MEHC and MEC's labor loadings. Please include percentages for each specific labor loading (i., benefits, vacation (PTO), employment taxes etc. ). Response to OPUc Data Request 64 Below are labor loadings budgeted for 2005, by entity for MEC and MEHC and for FY 2006 for PacifiCorp. The MERC rates are generally lower than those of MEC primarily due to MEHC's relatively higher paYroll per employee. ACIFICORP RESPONSE PacifiCorp MEHC RESPONSEMEC MEHC Benefits FAS 106 FAS 112Vacation 8.81 4.Holiday 4.74 2.Sick leave 4.26 . PTO (sum of vacation, sick and holiday benefit) Injuries/damages 1.46Payroll taxes 9. Incentive pay 13. 39.02%18.58%30.88% 1.38 13. 15. 68 * *NOTE: PacifiCorp s union employees area no longer offered an incentive pay program. Union salaries are included in the base pay upon which these percentages are based. UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 65 OPUC Data Request Please provide a comparison of the projected Shared Services Costs to PacifiCorp between the proposed two-factor formula and the three-factor formula used PacifiCorp for subsidiaries. Please use Exhibit PPU502; Specketer for the cost companson. Response to OPUc Data Request 65 See Attachment OPUC 65 on the enclosed CD. OREGON UM-1209 MEH CIPPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST TT A CHMENT 0 PU C 65 ON THE ENCLOSED UM-1209/PacifiCorp August 29, 2005 OPUC Data Request 66 OPUC Data Request 66 Does PacifiCorp anticipate any potential cost savings associated with returning to a calendar year basis for accounting? Please explain. Response to OPUc Data Request No specific savings have been quantified. The value of the change lies principally in improved comparability of publicly available financial information. UM -1209/Pacifi Corp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 68 MERC OPUC Data Request 68 MEHC As a follow-up to Staff Data Request No. 45 , has PacifiCorp or MERC analyzed the use ofCE Insurance Services Limited (CEISL) or any other captive insurer for any insurance including insurance not currently available through third-party insurers (e.g. Overhead Lines)? If so, please provide the potential costs and savings of using a captive insurer. MEHC's Response to OPUC Data Request 68 MERC has not analyzed the use of CE Insurance Services Limited or any other captive insurer for any insurance for PacifiCorp. UM -1209/Pacifi Corp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 68 PPW OPUC Data Request 68 PPW As a follow-up to Staff Data Request No. 45, has PacifiCorp or MEHC analyzed the use ofCE Insurance Services Limited (CEISL) or any other captive insurer for any insurance including insurance not currently available through third-party insurers (e.g. Overhead Lines)? If so, please provide the potential costs and savings of using a captive insurer. PPW's Response to OPUC Data Request 68 At this time, PacifiCorp has not analyzed the use ofCE Insurance Services Limited or any other captive insurer. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 69 OPUC Data Request 69 If a captive insurer is utilized, will PacifiCorp be able to provide Staff a cost-benefit analysis and/or risk analysis on the use of a captive insurer? Will any analysis be perfonned with the assistance of a third-party broker (e.g. Marsh)? Please explain. Response to OPUC Data Request 69 MEHC has not done an analysis of the use of a captive insurer for PacifiCorp following the closing, and thus does not have a cost/benefit analysis, a risk analysis or a third-party broker analysis regarding this. If a captive insurer is utilized, PacifiCorp will file for approval of the affiliated interest transaction and demonstrate that it is consistent with the Commission s rules. It is unknown at this time whether any supporting analyses will be perfonned with the assistance of a third-party broker. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 70 OPUC Data Request 70 As a follow-up to Staff Data Request No. 58, did MEHC and PacifiCorp calculate the effect of the approximately $2 million cross-charges ($720 thousand in FY 2004) to SPUK by PacifiCorp as stated in UI 221? The net cost of the $11.7 million system-wide charges to PacifiCorp and the $2 million system-wide charges to SPUK would equal approximately $9.7 million. When considering the PacifiCorp cross-charge to SPUK, is the projected savings in corporate overhead actually $0.7 million annually ($9.7 million minus $9 million) or $3.5 million system-wide over five years ($1.03 million Oregon)? Please explain. Response to OPUC Data Request 70 This request appears to mistakenly refer to Staff Data Request No. 58 instead of No. 51. Referring to the response to Request No. 51 , $15 million is the anticipated amount of SP charges referenced in Mr. Specketer s testimony. It is not necessary or appropriate to reduce this amount by the $2 million of cross- charges from PacifiCorp to SP noted above. In Oregon general rate cases (including the most recent docket UE-170), PacifiCorp reduced its labor costs by the amount associated with PacifiCorp employees providing services to the ScottishPower Group. It would be double counting to reduce the amount of the ScottishPower charges by the amount of these PacifiCorp labor costs because these costs are elsewhere removed from revenue requirements. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 2005 OPUC Data Request 71 OPUC Data Request 71 What specific services will PacifiCorp receive from CalEnergy? What is missing from PacifiCorp s current organizational structure that requires it to use CalEnergy? What services are currently being performed in the SPUK contract that will be carried out by CalEnergy? Please explain. Response to OPUC Data Request Due to the repeal of the PUHCA, it is not anticipated that any administrative services will be provided by CalEnergy. Instead, all such services will be provided by MEHC or MEC. Please refer to the amended and substituted testimony ofMEHC witness Specketer. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 73 OPUC Data Request 73 Please list any subsidiary ofPacifiCorp that will no longer be active if the transaction with MERC is approved. Please explain any changes in PacifiCorp s subsidiary organizational structure. Response to OPUC Data Request 73 No changes in status or organizational structure of any subsidiary ofPacifiCorp are anticipated at this time. UM -12 09 /Pacifi Corp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 74 OPUC Data Request 74 Is PacifiCorp contemplating structuring an affiliate to undertake business activities of any Scottish Power affiliates after completion of the transaction? Please explain. Response to OPUC Data Request 74 No. PacifiCorp has no current plans to structure an affiliate to undertake business activities of any Scottish Power affiliates. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 75 OPUC Data Request 75 Is PacifiCorp contemplating structuring an affiliate or subsidiary to undertake any new business activities or business ventures not presently being perfonned by a current affiliate or subsidiary after completion of the transaction? Please explain. Response to OPUC Data Request 75 No. PacifiCorp has no current plans to structure an affiliate or subsidiary to undertake any new business activities or business ventures not currently being perfonned by a current affiliate or subsidiary. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 76 OPUC Data Request 76 As a follow-up to Staff Data Request No. 60, please provide Organization Charts for PacifiCorp s Budgeting, Forecasting, Human Resources, and Tax divisions. Please include total Full Time Equivalents (FTE's) for each division and fiscal year 2005 labor costs (include all loadings) for each division. Response to OPUC Data Request 76 Please refer to Attachment OPUC 76 on the enclosed CD for the most recent available organizational charts of the BudgetIForecasting, Human Resources Corporate Tax, and Operating Tax groups. FY 2005 FTE counts and labor costs for the requested parts of the Company are as follows: Or~anization FfE' s FYO5 Labor Costs Bud getIF orecasting $ 1 722 585 Human Resources $ 6 389,474 Corporate Tax $ 1 747 162 Operating Tax $ 359 585 OREGON UM-1209 MEHC/PPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENT OPUC ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 77 OPUC Data Request 77 Please explain any reductions of personnel in each division that will result from receiving these services from MEC. For each targeted reduction, please include the associated cost savings. Response to OPUC Data Request 77 As noted in our response to Request No. 60, the services to be provided by MEC pertain to executive management or corporate coordination services, and the day-to- day management ofPacifiCorp (and other MEHC group companies) will not change. These services are similar to services provided by Scottish Power today. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 78 OPUC Data Request 78 Will the Intercompany Administrative Services Agreement (IASA) between PacifiCorp and MEHC/MEC include the amendments shown on PPL/501; Specketer pages one and two of nine? Please explain if these amendments will not be included. Response to OPUC Data Request 78 Yes, the amendment is an integral part of the IASA. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 79 OPUC Data Request 79 What entities (e.g. PacifiCorp, MEHC, MEC, other) will be party to the IASA? Response to OPTIC Data Request 79 MEHC and all MEHC subsidiaries, including MEC and PacifiCorp upon completion of the transaction, are or will be parties to the IASA. UM -1209/PacifiCorp September 1, 2005 OPUC Data Request 80 OPUC Data Request 80 Based on historical data concerning the MEHC/MEC IASA, approximately what percentage of costs are direct charged and what percentage of costs are allocated per the two-factor formula? Please explain the analysis. Response to OPUC Data Request 80 Costs reflected on Revised Exhibit 502 are based on MEHC's historical experience. The estimate is that approximately 70% of the MEHC/MEC costs reflected in Revised Exhibit 502 will be directly charged and the remainder allocated. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 81 OPUC Data Request 81 Per the IASA, Section 2., and the travel costs listed in PPL/502; Specketer, will PacifiCorp perform a "lower of cost or market" analysis" (market being economy/coach class flights) when determining to use or not to use the corporate aircraft? Will these records be available to Staff? Please explain. Response to OPUC Data Request MERC bills the actual costs of travel incurred by its executives to the entities benefiting, which in turn account for such costs as above-the-line (recoverable) or below-the-line (non-recoverable) based on the various regulatory arrangements that are in place, including an analysis of how such costs relate to "market" if appropriate. As with any cost charged to PacifiCorp, Staffwill have access to any and all supporting documentation. MERC doesn t necessarily view the "market" for such costs as simply the price of a coach fare. In any event, this is an issue properly resolved in a rate proceeding. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 82 OPUC Data Request 82 Per the IASA, what is the projected annual amount that PacifiCorp will cross-charge MEHC, MEC, and other affiliates ofMEHC? Response to OPUC Data Request 82 No such charges are contemplated at this time, although PacifiCorp is not precluded from charging MEHC for costs that should be shared by all MEHC group companies or for services provided specifically to another entity in the MEHC group. UM 1209/P acifi Corp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 86 OPUC Data Request 86 Referring to PPL/ 100 Abel! 9, please provide further infonnation regarding acquisitions (of regulated utilities) that MERC has undertaken in the energy industry: Describe the regulatory review processes that each acquisition went through. b. What commitments were made by MEHC or its predecessor in interest? c. What is the current status of the acquisition commitments? Please explain the circumstances surrounding any commitments that may still be outstanding or were not settled to the satisfaction of the regulatory agencIes. Response to OPUC Data Request 86 The following is provided with respect to MERC's acquisition of regulated utilities in the United States: Northern Natural Gas Company & Kern River Gas Transmission Company a. Both the Northern and Kern acquisitions were subject to review under the Rart-Scott-Rodino Act. b. Neither MEHC nor its predecessor in interest made any commitments to regulatory bodies in connection with review of the Northern and Kern acquisitions. c. N/ MidAmerican Energy Company a. MEHC's acquisition ofMEC was reviewed by the state commissions of Iowa, illinois and South Dakota. The acquisition was also subject to review under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act, was reviewed by FERC, the NRC, and certain license transfers were reviewed by the FCC. b. MEHC entered into the following commitments with the Iowa Utilities Board ("IUB") in the course of obtaining that regulatory agency approval of the MEC acquisition. The commitments included: (1) Investment Grade Rating - MERC affinned that they will use all commercially reasonable efforts to maintain an investment grade rating for both MEC as an entity and particularly for MEC's long-tenD debt. (2) Capital Structure - i. In case of a decrease in MEC's common equity level below 42%, resulting from events within the control ofMEC, MEC will file with the IUB within a reasonable time after the occurrence of the event an application for approval of a reasonable utility capital structure in light of such event; UM -1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 86 ii. In case of a decrease in MEC's common equity below 42% as a result of events beyond the control of MEC, MEC shall file a notice of the decrease in the common equity with the IUB explaining the causes of the decrease. iii. case of a decrease in common equity to a level below 39% resulting ftom events beyond the control of MEC, MEC shall file with the IUB an application for approval of a reasonable utility capital structure in light of such event or events. (3) Affiliate Debt - MEHC will not pennit: i. MEC to guarantee the obligations of any affiliate ii. MEC to make loans or transfer funds or assets to affiliated holdings companies or other affiliates outside the ordinary course of business or without adequate consideration, provided that the foregoing commitments shall not apply to: (a) the disbursement out of retained earnings by MEC (b) use by MEC of any securitization or transitional funding proceeds for the repayment or retirement of debt or equity securities held by its parent, provided such use is pursuant to the authority of any law which has the purpose of restructuring the electric industry, and/or (c) any contracts or arrangements between MEC and any affiliate which is authorized by rule or approved by the IUB. (4) Non-recourse financing - MEHC i. Will continue to use its best efforts to use non- recourse project financing to the extent necessary to protect MEC from the debts of its affiliates; ii. Will not pledge the assets ofMEC beyond the stock of the direct parent ofMEC that may be pledged under the financing structure proposed for the reorganization, provided that the foregoing commitments shall not apply to (a) the issuance of debt by MEHC or other affiliates which does not cause the assets of MEC to be pledged, and/or (b) the issuance of secured and unsecured debt by MEC for its own purposes. (5) Cash infusions - Consistent with the concept of non- recourse financing, MEHC has not guaranteed the debt of MEC. However, MEHC will use its best efforts to provide UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 86 MEC with cash infusions, if necessary, to protect customers MEC and its investment in MEC. (6) Affiliate relationship with power plants - MEC will not purchase capacity or energy from any power plant owned or operated by MERC or an affiliate ofMEHC without prior IUB approval. (7) Omaha office MEHC affirms that it will not charge any costs of the Omaha office to MEC except to the extent that the activities conducted from that office are beneficial to MEC or are appropriately charged to MEC under IUB rules. (8) Additional affiliate infonnation - MERC affinns its commitment and legal obligation to file with the IUB all infonnation regarding affiliates ofMEC which is required to be filed by statute or rule. (9) Reports to the IUB MERC commits to timely file with the IUB a copy of i. All regular quarterly and annual reports ofMEHC or any affiliate to the Securities and Exchange Commission ii. All quarterly and annual consolidated financial statements ofMEHC, any intermediate company between MEHC and MEC and MEC, and iii. All quarterly and annual consolidating schedules for MERC, MEC and any intermediate companies. (10) Annual revenue sharing calculations - The IUB directed MEC to file its 1999 revenue sharing calculation two ways. First, include all costs and savings of the acquisition and second, exclude all costs and savings of the acquisition. CalEnergy, now MERC, entered into the following commitments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") in the course of obtaining that regulatory agency s approval of the MERC/MEC acquisition. The commitments included: (1) That CalEnergy would sell 80% of its 50% share of the output of an independent power joint venture project both it and MERC had agreed to construct, for at least four (4) years, through multi-year contract(s). (2) That an open season would be extended to eligible MEC wholesale requirements customers pennitting them to terminate their contract with MEC in the event MEC filed for a rate increase, for a period of five (5) years from the acquisition (1999). UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 1 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 86 (3)That MERC would abide by the ICC's policy with respect to intra-system transactions within the MERC structure, as newly constituted after the acquisition. c. MERC is in compliance with all of the foregoing acquisition commitments to the extent that such commitments have not expired. UM -1209 /Pacifi Corp September 8, 2005 OPUC Data Request 87 OPUc Data Request From 1995 through the present, please provide for PacifiCorp: a. A matrix that details the Treasury rate, date, and type of security (e. senior secured, unsecured, etc.) and all-in spreads for each security issued; b. The corresponding debt ratings from Moody s Investor s Service, Fitch and Standard & Poor s when each security was issued; andc. Narrative explanations for any changes in ratings or spreads for each issuance, including copies of analyst reports by the rating agencies for each upgrade or downgrade. PPW's Response to OPUc Data Request 87 a. Please see Attachment OPUC 87 a on the enclosed CD that provides this information. b. Please see Attachment OPUC 87 a on the enclosed CD. c. PacifiCorp s ratings were changed by Standard & Poor s (S&P) in August 2004 and by both S&P and Moody s in November, 2001. Copies of the reports discussing those rating changes are attached as Attachments OPUC 87 c -, 87 c -, and 87 c -3 on the enclosed CD. Copies of other rating agency reports documenting changes in ratings in the time frame requested are not presently available. OREGON UM -1209 MEH CIPPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENTS OPUC 87 a, and 87 c(I- ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 8, 2005 OPUC Data Request 88 OPUC Data Request 88 From 1995 through the present, please provide for both MEHC and MEC: a. A matrix that details the Treasury rate, date, and type of security (e. senior secured, unsecured, etc.) and all-in spreads for each security issued; b. The corresponding debt ratings from Moody s Investor s Service, Fitch and Standard & Poor s when each security was issued; andc. Narrative explanations for any changes in ratings or spreads for each issuance, including copies of analyst reports by the rating agencies for each upgrade or downgrade. MEHC's Response to OPUC Data Request 88 The entity currently known as MEHC did not exist, as presently comprised, until March 1999 and Berkshire Hathaway made its investment in MEHC in March of 2000. Thus MERC has limited this response to the period 1999 through the present. a. See the attachment identified as Attachment OPUC 88 a on the enclosed CD. b. See the attachment identified as Attachment OPUC 88 b on the enclosed CD. c. There have been no changes in the ratings of these securities by either Moody s Investors Service or Standard & Poor s since they were issued. Fitch Ratings, however, has changed the rating they assigned to both MEHC and MEC. In the case of MEHC, Fitch Ratings upgraded MEHC at the time of the Berkshire Hathaway investment, raising the senior unsecured credit rating from BBB- to BBB. Fitch indicated that the exceptional financial flexibility of Berkshire Hathaway would lend considerable financial strength to MEHC. See the attachment identified as Attachment OPUC 88 c -Ion the enclosed CD. Regarding MEC, Fitch lowered MEC' s senior unsecured credit rating in January 2002 (from A+ to A) and again in November 2002 (from A to A-). The rationale given by Fitch was that the credit downgrades were not reflective of any changes in MEC's credit quality, but rather were a consequence of a change in Fitch policy regarding the magnitude of the rating differential between a utility subsidiary and its parent. See the attachments identified as Attachment OPUC 88 c -2 and Attachment OPUC 88 c -3 on the enclosed CD. OREGON UM -1209 MER CIPPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENTS OPUC 88 a, 88 b, and 88 c(I- ON THE ENCLOSED CD UM -1209/PacifiCorp September 8 2005 OPUC Data Request 89 OPUC Data Request 89 How does MEHC propose to track the debt costs of PacifiCorp s "similarly situated peers?" Who are the similarly situated peers today and what is the current incremental cost of debt for those Companies? MERe's Response to OPUC Data Request 89 At this time it is envisioned that over the five year commitment period, on each occasion that PacifiCorp makes a long-term debt issuance, an investment banking firm familiar with the public utility debt issuance market would be requested to compile examples of comparable debt issuances by other public utilities that have similar credit ratings (excluding similarly rated MEHC public utilities). An example of similarly situated peers and their incremental cost of debt is contained in the attachment identified as Attachment OPUC 89 on the enclosed CD. OREGON UM -1209 MEH CIPPW OPUC STAFF DATA REQUEST TT A CHMENT 0 PU C 89 ON THE ENCLOSED CD , UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 92 OPUC Data Request 92 As a follow-up to Staff Data Request No. 45, does PacifiCorp intend to obtain replacement insurance for SPI? If so: i. Has PacifiCorp perfonned an analysis to detennine the cost benefit of the replacement insurance? ii. How does PacifiCorp s analysis compare to Staffs property insurance analysis listed on Table 3 of Staffs VI 233 memorandum dated November 4, 2004 (Commission Order No. 04- 737)? iii. How does PacifiCorp s analysis compare to Staffs liability insurance analysis listed on Table 2 of Staffs VI 233(1) memorandum dated March 4, 2005 (Commission Order No. 05-146)? PPW's Response to OPUC Data Request 92 The parties are still in the early stages of the transaction and no formal discussions have taken place to date. 11. 111. This request is not applicable. This request is not applicable. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 93 MERC OPUC Data Request 93 MERC Based on PacifiCorp s insurance analysis, please provide a cost comparison of total insurance costs between current costs and post-transaction costs using the following table? Row do these costs compare to what was authorized in rates in the UE 170 Stipulation on Non-labor A&G costs? Cost Fiscal Year 2005 Under MERC Property Insurance Premiums (include SP!) Property - Uninsured Loss Liability Insurance Premiums (include SP!) O/H Line Insurance Premiums (include SP!) O/H Line - Uninsured Loss Liability - Uninsured Losses Workers Compensation Premiums Workers Compensation - Uninsured Losses Other Risk Management Expenses Mining - Premiums Minin~ - Uninsured Losses MERC's Response to OPUC Data Request 93 MERC Given that the parties are still in the very early stages of the transaction, there has been no identification, yet, ofprojected insurance cost after completion of the acquisition. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 93 PPW OPUC Data Request 93 PPW Based on PacifiCorp s insurance analysis, please provide a cost comparison of total insurance costs between current costs and post-transaction costs using the following table? How do these costs compare to what was authorized in rates in the DE 170 Stipulation on Non-labor A&G costs? Cost Fiscal Year 2005 Under MERC Property Insurance Premiums (include SP!) Property - Uninsured Loss Liability Insurance Premiums (include SP!) om Line Insurance Premiums (include SP!) om Line - Uninsured Loss Liability - Uninsured Losses Workers Compensation Premiums Workers Compensation - Uninsured Losses Other Risk Mana~ement Expenses Mining - Premiums Mining - Uninsured Losses PPW's Response to OPUC Data Request 93 PPW PacifiCorp s costs were as follows: UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 93 PPW Cost Fiscal Year 2005 Under MEHC* Property Insurance Premiums (include $11,594 668 SPI)Domoch (DIlL) was not in place during FY 05 Property - Uninsured Loss $10,000 000 Liability Insurance Premiums (include $7,063,339 SPI)Domoch (DIlL) was not in place during FY 05 OIR Line Insurance Premiums (include N/A SPI)Domoch (DIlL) was not in place during FY 05 OIR Line - Uninsured Loss Included in Property - Uninsured Loss (above) Liability - Uninsured Losses 249,863 Workers Compensation Prenuums $2,272 682 Workers Compensation - Uninsured $1,459,480 Losses Other Risk Management Expenses $861,486 Mining - Premiums (Workers 080,217 Compensation) Mining - Uninsured Losses (Workers $578,805 Compensation) * Regarding post-transaction costs, see MERC's response to this request. In OPUC Docket No. UE 170, PacifiCorp requested recovery of $45.3 million for Property & Liability Insurance Premiums and Uninsured Losses (See PPL Exhibit 801 page 4.17.1. This amount is on a total company basis.) In the First Partial Stipulation in that Docket, the Parties agreed to a decrease of $6.123 million in the Company s filed revenue requirement related to unspecified non-labor administrative and general costs. The Stipulation is silent on how much of this decrease is related to insurance. UM -1209/PacifiCorp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 96 OPUC Data Request 96 As a follow-up to both Staff Data Request No. 60 and a discussion during the August 29, 2005 Workshop, please explain how the tax services provided by MEC would be a "benefit" due to I;l;corporate overhead" cost savings since the UE 170 Stipulation concerning Non-labor A&G costs already contains approximately $3.04 million in payments to Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) (please see PacifiCorp s UE 170 response to Staff Data Request No. 254)? a. Does PacifiCorp expect that payments to MEC will replace payments to PwC? b. If so, how can there be any savings to customers since this amount is already in rates and was not provided by Scottish Power? MEHC's Response to OPUC Data Request 96 a. Yes. We understand that approximately $980 000 of the $3.04 million projected billings from PwC for FY 2006 is for preparation of federal and state income tax returns of PacifiCorp Holdings Inc. and subsidiaries. That portion of these tax services pertaining to utility operations is included in the MEC shared service cost estimate ofMEHC witness Specketer. b. To present a conservative estimate of corporate overhead costs savings MEHC has included the costs of the MEC tax return preparation services in the its shared services cost projections even though the comparable PwC costs do not originate from ScottishPower today. MEC shared services billings for tax preparation services will likely be offset by a reduction in future payments to PwC by PacifiCorp. However, since the an-angement with PwC is effective through FY 2006 and MEHC has not evaluated alternatives to this agreement, MEHC chose not to reflect the potential savings related to tax preparation services in this proceeding. However, all savings properly assigned or allocated to PacifiCorp resulting from this transaction, including savings on tax preparation or tax advisory services, will be appropriately reflected in PacifiCorp s next general rate proceeding. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 97 OPUC Data Request 97 As a follow-up to Staff Data Request No. 61 , why would transition, integration and separation costs be recorded in regulatory accounts since customers would not have to bear these costs absent the transaction? Please explain. PPW's Response to OPUC Data Request 97 Consistent with PacifiCorp s prior experience in the ScottishPower transaction PacifiCorp would request that the Commission consider inclusion of these types of costs in future rate proceedings to the extent that the resultant benefits outweighed the costs. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 101 OPUC Data Request 101 Please provide copies of any analyses in the possession of PacifiCorp or MidAmerican related to the effect of the proposed transaction on future coal costs of PacifiCorp or MidAmerican. Response to OPUC Data Request 101 Neither PacifiCorp nor MidAmerican possess any analyses related to the effect of the proposed transaction on future coal costs of PacifiCorp or MidAmerican. UM -1209 /Pacifi Corp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 102 MERC OPUC Data Request 102 MEHC Please identify the mines that provided coal to both PacifiCorp and MidAmerican thermal plants in 2004 or 2005 and specify the type of contract(s) (e., spot or long term) related to the purchase(s). If the transaction occurs, could PacifiCorp reassign its coal deliveries to MidAmerican or vice versa? MEHC's Response to OPUC Data Request 102 Based on summaries PacifiCorp has provided, as well as public information MidAmerican believes the only mine providing coal to both PacifiCorp and MidAmerican in 2004 and 2005 is Kennecott's Cordero Rojo Complex in the Powder River Basin (PRB), in Wyoming. MidAmerican has both spot and multi- year contracts with Kennecott, but these contracts cannot be assigned without the written consent of Kennecott. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 102 PPW OPUC Data Request 102 PPW Please identify the mines that provided coal to both PacifiCorp and MidAmerican thermal plants in 2004 or 2005 and specify the type of contract(s) (e., spot or long term) related to the purchase(s). If the transaction occurs, could PacifiCorp reassign its coal deliveries to MidAmerican or vice versa? PPW's Response to OPUC Data Request 102 The Cordero Rojo Mine Complex provided coal to both PacifiCorp and MidAmerican thermal plants in 2004 and 2005. PacifiCorp s three-year contract for coal deliveries to the Dave Johnston plant from Kennecott Energy s Cordero Rojo Complex terminates December 31 , 2005. Therefore, there is no anticipated impact in terms of reassigning coal deliveries under this contract. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 103 OPUC Data Request 103 If the transaction occurs, what would be the effect on future coal costs or coal transportation costs? Response to OPUC Data Request 103 Neither MidAmerican nor PacifiCorp has a projection of the effect on future coal costs or coal transportation costs resulting from this transaction. UM -1209 /Pacifi Corp September 16, 2005 OPUC Data Request 104 OPUC Data Request 104 Please refer to the attached testimony exhibit of Mr. MacRitchie in Docket UM 918 that shows a "Comparison of Non-Production Cost/Customer for US Utilities (1996)". Please provide a similar comparison using 2004 data. Please discuss the relative positions of PacifiCorp and MidAmerican Energy Company and the implications for cost changes at PacifiCorp as a result of the transaction. MEHc's Response to OPUC Data Request 104 MEHC does not possess the requested analysis and could not reasonably produce it. In an attempt to be responsive to this data request, however, MEHC has examined FERC Ponn 1 data for PacifiCorp and MEC with the following results: Using FERC Fonn 1 infonnation, MEHC was not able to precisely match the numbers for PacifiCorp or MEC to the information supplied in the 1996 exhibit but did calculate amounts that were relatively similar to those provided in 1996 by subtracting production O&M from total O&M. This approach yielded the following values, for 1996: $319.45/customer for PacifiCorp, rather than the $300. 13/customer provided in the above-referenced exhibit. The same approach yielded a value of $270. 13/customer for MEC, rather than the $247.95/customer provided in the above-referenced exhibit. Comparable values for 2004 would be $433.23/customer for PacifiCorp and $350.87/customer for MEC. MEHC does not believe that this comparison materially assists the Commission in determining whether this proposed transaction is in the public interest. Differences in non-production costs may exist between utilities for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with relative efficiency of operation. These differences frequently exist because of factors such as differences in service territory terrain, population densities, customer mix and proximity of generation to load centers, for example. MEHC anticipates a much more detailed review of PacifiCorp s costs will be required to determine to what extent post-transaction cost reductions will be possible. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 23, 2005 OPUC Data Request 108 OPUC Data Request 108 As a follow-up to PacifiCorp s response to Staff Data Request No. 70: a. Since PacifiCorp will no longer be receiving payments for labor from ScottishPower, and since PacifiCorp does not intend to make labor reductions based on the MEHC transaction, and since no PacifiCorp cross- charges to MEHC are contemplated at this time (PacifiCorp s response to Staff Data Request No. 82), would customers now have to bear higher A&G overhead costs since ScottishPower will no longer absorb a portion of these costs? Please explain. b. Is this also true for labor and other services provided to PacifiCorp Financial Services and PacifiCorp Group Holdings that will no longer be affiliates of PacifiCorp? Please explain. c. Are there any new business operations or reduction in expenses that will replace the lost labor and other service payments from ScottishPower, PacifiCorp Financial Services, and PacifiCorp Group Holdings? Please explain. MERC's Response to OPUC Data Request 108 a. The $15 million net ScottishPower cross-charge number cited by MEHC witness Specketer at pp. 9-10, lines 23-24 and 1-4 of his testimony already takes into consideration the labor charges that PacifiCorp charged back to ScottishPower. The $9 million annual cap on corporate overhead charges MEHC has committed to for the flfst five years following the transaction is clearly less than the $15 million net charges from ScottishPower. aggregate, as a result of the transaction, PacifiCorp will bear lower costs under fv1EHC ownership than under ScottishPower ownership. b. See the response to OPUC Data Request 53 c. Charges to these two entities are small, only $400,000 per year. c. It is not possible to predict whether any new business operations or other reductions in expenses will be implemented. However, MEHC believes that, in aggregate, corporate overhead costs borne by PacifiCorp will be reduced as a result of this transaction UM-1209 /Pacifi Corp September 23,2005 OPUC Data Request 109 OPUC Data Request 109 In the same format provided in PacifiCorp s response to Staff Data Request No. 76, please provide total Full Time Equivalents (FfE's) and fiscal year 2005 labor costs (include all loadings) for Facilities Services, CBS Accounting, IT Services and PC Services. PPW's Response to OPUC Data Request 109 PacifiCorp does not have specific departments called Facilities Services, CBS Accounting, IT Services, and PC Services; typically these are terms that are used when describing service pricing - the process of charging our affiliates for services provided by PacifiCorp. The departments provided below are not a perfect match for the terms listed above; however they do closely align to the type of costs included in the above mentioned service pricing: Oraanization Real Estate Management CBS Finance FTE' 337 FYO5 labor Costs 196 238 105,705 $43 304 628 UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 23 , 2005 OPUC Data Request 110 OPUC Data Request 110 Are there any planned fiscal year 2006 reductions for Facilities Services, CBS Accounting, IT Services, and PC Services or for Budget/Forecasting, Human Resources, Corporate Tax, and Operating Tax groups? Please explain. PPW's Response to OPUC Data Request 110 There are no fiscal year 2006 regulated cost reductions planned in the areas referenced in this request as a result of the MEHC transaction. Prior to the MEHC transaction the company initiated a "re-basing" project with the purpose of identifying ways to make efficiencies and mitigate increases in controllable costs going folWard. This task was accomplished by a combination of reorganizing and realigning business activities and reducing cost increases. This project targeted only non-operational areas of the business. As a consequence, the areas referenced in this request may be affected by this "re-basing" project. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 23 2005 OPUC Data Request 111 MERC OPUC Data Request 111 MERe Concerning the transfer of personnel to Utah: a. Please provide relevant documentation which demonstrates that PacifiCorp has previously discussed with the Oregon Commission or Commission Staff, prior to the MEHC transaction, the possible large-scale shifting of personnel from Portland to Salt Lake City. b. Approximately how many people will be transferred? (Please see the September 7, 2005, Oregonian article titled PacifiCorp to Shift Staff Utah" c. Please provide the titles of corporate and senior management that will be transferred to Utah. How many corporate and senior management personnel are planned to be transferred to Utah? Please explain. d. Given the assurances by MEHC and MEC to Utah to have a balanced level of staffing between Portland and Salt Lake City, about how many more Portland personnel would need to be transferred to Utah to meet this commitment? e. What is the average total annual compensation for personnel currently located in Portland? Given this total compensation, provide estimates of annual local and state taxes that are paid on average per employee. f. What is the estimated re-Iocation cost of these personnel and in which accounts would these costs be recorded? Please explain the analysis performed to determine this amount. g. Please provide the number and titles of corporate and senior management that will be maintained in Portland. h. Concerning the positions that will be transferred to Utah, what upper level subordinate positions will stay in Portland? Will these personnel be able to make decisions regarding interpretation of customer service policies and tariffs pertaining to Oregon customers? 1. What is the estimated decrease in Portland building lease costs that will result from moving personnel out of Portland? When do current lease contracts expire? Will PacifiCorp need to sub-let any space to off-set costs of vacancies? j. Please explain how the loss of state income tax revenue, loss of local purchasing dollars, and loss of community involvement for the personnel being transferred from Oregon is a benefit to the Oregon public.k. Please explain how the loss of local presence of corporate and senior management is a benefit to Oregon customers. MERe's Response to OPUC Data Request 111 b. The September 7, 2005, Oregonian article titled PacifiCorp to Shift Staff to Utah" is a reporter s selective and speculative supposition regarding future MEHC actions, ba~.:d upon remarks made by Mr. Abel in Utah that UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 23,2005 OPUC Data Request 111 MEHC were taken out-of-context. The article is not a factual report of any MERC plans regarding staff changes because MEHC has not made definitive plans regarding how it will increase the number of corporate and senior management positions in Utah, other than what is already included in Mr. Abel's testimony. The impact, if any, on Oregon staffing levels will depend upon facts currently unknown (e., executives who may choose to leave PacifiCorp after the close of the transaction) and whether it is determined to be efficient and appropriate to locate an executive position and associated staffing in another state. c. See the response to " d. See the response to " f. See the response to " g. See the response to " h. See the response to " i. See the response to " J. See the response to " k. See the response to " Regarding parts a and e, please see PPW's response to this request. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 23 2005 OPUC Data Request 111 PPW OPUC Data Request 111 PPW Concerning the transfer of personnel to Utah: , ' a. Please provide relevant documentation which demonstrates that PacifiCorp has previously discussed with the Oregon Commission or Commission Staff, prior to the MEHC transaction, the possible large-scale shifting of personnel from Portland to Salt Lake City. b. Approximately how many people will be transferred? (Please see the September 7 2005, Oregonian article titled PacifiCorp to Shift Staff Utah" c. Please provide the titles of corporate and senior management that will be transferred to Utah. How many corporate and senior management personnel are planned to be transferred to Utah? Please explain. d. Given the assurances by MEHC and MEC to Utah to have a balanced level of staffing between Portland and Salt Lake City, about how many more Portland personnel would need to be transferred to Utah to meet this commitment? e. What is the average total annual compensation for personnel currently located in Portland? Given this total compensation, provide estimates of annual local and state taxes that are paid on average per employee. f. What is the estimated re-Iocation cost of these personnel and in which accounts would these costs be recorded? Please explain the analysis performed to determine this amount. g. Please provide the number and titles of corporate and senior management that will be maintained in Portland. h. Concerning the positions that will be transferred to Utah, what upper level subordinate positions will stay in Portland? Will these personnel be able to make decisions regarding interpretation of customer service policies and tariffs pertaining to Oregon customers? 1. What is the estimated decrease in Portland building lease costs that will result from moving personnel out of Portland? When do current lease contracts expire? Will PacifiCorp need to sub-let any space to off-set costs of vacancies? J. Please explain how the loss of state income tax revenue, loss of local purchasing dollars, and loss of community involvement for the personnel being transferred from Oregon is a benefit to the Oregon public. k. Please explain how the loss of local presence of corporate and senior management is a benefit to Oregon customers. PPW's Response to OPUC Data Request 111 a. PacifiCorp has no documents discussing large-scale shifts of personnel from Portland to Salt Lake City. UM -1209/PacifiCorp September 23,2005 OPUC Data Request 111 PPW e. The average total annual compensation (base plus incentive) for personnel currently located in Portland is $85 945. The average annual taxes paid per employee is $637 for local taxes and $6,132 for state taxes. See also MEHC's response to this request. UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 23,2005 OPUC Data Request 112 OPUC Data Request 112 Please provide the expiration dates for all union contracts. What percentage of PacifiCorp s employees is unionized? PPW's Response to OPUC Data Request 112 The percentage of PacifiCorp s employees that are unionized is estimated at 58% as of 2005 Contract Expiration: Mining - Bridger (November 25,2007) Mining - Energy West (January 2, 2008) Local 125 IBEW (January 25, 2009) Local 57 Power Delivery (January 25 2006) Local 57 Generation (May 25 , 2006) Local 57 Combustion (May 25, 2007) Local 197 UWUA (May 25 2007) Local 659 IBEW (April 25 , 2007) Local 127 UWUA (September 25 2007) Local 57 Laramie (June 25 2006) UM-1209/PacifiCorp September 23, 2005 OPUC Data Request 113 OPUC Data Request 113 Please provide a listing, including expiration dates, for MEC's current union contracts. What percentage of MEC's employees are unionized? Response to OPUC Data Request 113 MidAmerican Energy Company Current Collective Bargaining Agreements . f D t.2reemen xplra Ion 1. MidAmerican Energy March 1, 2006 Company and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Locals 109 & 499 2. MidAmerican Energy September 30, 2007 Company and United Steel Paper and Forestry, Rubber Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union, Local 738 3. MidAmerican Energy February 28, 2008 Company and Local Union 125 United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada 2. The percentage ofMEC employees who are unionized is 46.8%.