HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050412PAC responseto staff requests 39-49.pdf" ' ",. i 1'- , t. L L ! -L:J 825 E. Multnomah Portland, Oregon 97232 (503) 813-5000 1; r--n ; ,..- r~- ... ':"' ,Yf"';' "\, "" ~ .. ~ .. lUJJfU- r~ . I;.. f~rl . ... ' PACIFICORP UT lL.r I E. s' CUt"ll f/~ S! ON PACIFIC POWER UTAH POWER April 11 , 2005 SCOTT WOODBURY DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 W Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 RE:ID P AC-05- IPUC Staff Production Data Requests 39- Please find enclosed an original and one copy ofPacifiCorp s Response to IPUC Staff Production Data Requests 39-49. If you have any questions, please call Barry Bell at (801) 220-4985. Sincerely, ~bJ,~ ~. Bob Lively, Manager Regulation Enclosures cc:Katie Iverson/IIPA Jean Jewell (3 copies) James Fell/Stoel Rives Service List CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I caused the foregoing document to be served on the following named person(s) on the date indicated below by overnight mail to said person(s) a true copy thereof, contained in a sealed envelope, addressed to said person( s) at their last known address( es) indicated below. Patricia A. Lopas Regulatory Coordinator Dated:1f/I/jO!J JOHN STEWART PACIFICORP 201 S. MAIN STREET. SUITE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84140 JAMES M. V AN NOSTRAND STOEL RIVES LLP 900 SW FIFTH AVE., SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OR 97204 SCOTT WOODBURY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISION 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, ID 83702-5983 KIRA PFISTERER IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISION 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, ID 83702-5983 RANDALL C. BUDGE RACINE, OLSON, NYE BUDGE&BAILEY, CHARTERED 201 E. CENTER POCA TELLO, ID 83204 JAMES R. SMITH MONSANTO COMPANY HIGHWAY 34 NORTH SODA SPRINGS, ID 83276 ERIC L. OLSEN RACINE, OLSON, NYE BUDGE&BAILEY, CHARTERED 201 E. CENTER POCA TELLO, ID 83204 ANTHONY Y ANKEL 29814 LAKE ROAD BAY VILLAGE, OH 44140 CONLEY E. WARD GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. BANNOCK ST. BOISE, ID 83702 DENNIS E. PESEAU UTILITY RESOURCES, INC. 1500 LIBERTY ST. SE, SUITE 250 SALEM, OR 97302 R. SCOTT PASLEY ASSISTANT GENERAL COUNSEL R. SIMPLOT COMPANY 999 MAIN ST. BOISE, ID 83702 DA VID HAWK DIRECTOR, ENREGY NATURAL RESOURCES J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY 999 MAIN ST. BOISE, ID 83702 TIMOTHY 1. SHURTZ 411 S. MAIN FIRTH, ID 83236 BRADY M. PURDY A TTORNEY AT LAW 2019N. 17TH STREET BOISE, ID 83702 P AC-05-l/PacifiCorp April 11 , 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 39 IPUC Staff Production Request 39 PacifiCorp recently provided a chart showing the number of its Call Center abandoned calls by month from February 2003 through January 2005. For that same time period, please provide the total number of incoming calls in each of those months. Response to IPUC Staff Production Request 39 Please see Attachment IPUC 39. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO A C- O5- GENERAL RATE CASE ACIFICORP IPUC STAFF PRODUCTION DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENT IPUC Attachment IPUG 39 Jan-n/a 343 319 188 Feb-n/a 909 338 270 Mar-n/a 6,483 308 374 Apr -n/a 114 886 335,122 May-n/a 178 857 339 852 Jun-671 113 095 404 593 Jul-085 249 436 174 Aug-226 101 313 447 682 Sep-835 101 696 397 607 Oct-844 131 796 407 524 Nov-709 207 888 341 148 Dec-559 461 291 683 598 Jan-358 952 526 521 Feb-026 645 397 522 Mar-530 048 402 760 Apr-745 233 344 392 034 May-088 136 197 395,024 Jun-543 119 567 385 383 Jul-394 168 799 383 386 Aug-083 157 592 408 765 Sep-745 149 994 382 546 Oct-1,471 138 514 382 345 Nov-504 134 883 355 086 Dec-387 118 243 366,475 Jan-164 140 375 462 149 P AC-05-l/PacifiCorp April 11 , 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 40 IPUC Staff Production Request 40 In the chart mentioned above in the month of December 2003 , it shows that 291 calls were abandoned from the Agent queue and 461 were abandoned from the Irrigation Specialist queue. What caused those higher than normal abandoned rates for that month? Response to IPUC Staff Production Request 40 This higher than normal abandoned call rate for the month of December 2003 resulted form the prolonged wide spread outages throughout Utah and surrounding areas which occurred during the last week of December 2003. These outages were caused by extreme winter weather. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-05-1/PacifiCorp April 11 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 41 IPUC Staff Production Request The Company has indicated it mails the Rules Summary to each customer once a year. Does the Company provide the Rules Summary to each new customer at the time service is initiated as required by UCRR 701? If not, why not? Response to IPUC Staff Production Request Yes, the Company provides the Rules Summary to each new customer at the time service is initiated as required by UCRR 701. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-05-1/PacifiCorp April 11 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 42 IPUC Staff Production Request 42 The Company stated recently that all customers annually receive a copy of the Rules Summary. Is the Rules Summary that was provided to Staff sent to non- residential customers as well? If a different summary is provided to non- residential customers, please provide a copy of that summary or summaries. Response to IPUC Staff Production Request 42 Yes, the Rules Summary provided previously to Staff is sent to non- residential customers as well. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-05-l/PacifiCorp April 11 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 43 IPUC Staff Production Request 43 The Company has stated there were 693 customers who declared the need for winter disconnection protection by the end of calendar year 2004. (a) How many of those customers were on the Winter Payment Plan? (b) How many customers were on a Winter Payment Plan but did not declare the need for moratorium protection? Response to IPUC Staff Production Request 43 This response begins with a correction of the information provided in February. The 693 customers reported in February as having declared the need for winter disconnection protection by the end of calendar year 2004 mistakenly included customers that signed up for Moratorium protection after the end of calendar 2004. The correct figure is that 254 Idaho customers were signed up for Moratorium protection from disconnection (winter moratorium protection) as of December 31 , 2004. ( a) Of the 254 customers signed up for moratorium protection, 8 customers were on the Winter Payment Plan. (b) There were no customers who were on the Winter Payment Plan but did not declare the need for moratorium protection. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-05-l/PacifiCorp April 11 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 44 IPUC Staff Production Request 44 PacifiCorp recently provided to Staff many brochures and pamphlets written in Spanish. How does the Company make customers aware that Spanish-language information is available? Response to IPUC Staff Production Request 44 The Company makes Spanish speaking customers aware that Spanish information is available by including a special message in Spanish on our statements, notices Customer Information Guide and Welcome Aboard brochure. A special telephone number is provided for Spanish speaking customers to contact the Company for information. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-05-1/PacifiCorp April 11 , 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 45 IPUC Staff Production Request 45 The Company indicated recently to Staff that it would allow (although not encourage) a customer to be placed on the Equal Time Payment Plan, even if the customer did not have 12 months of service at a location. Since Level Pay is normally based upon prior usage, ( a) how does the Company calculate a level payment amount if the customer is in a newly constructed home with no prior usage? (b) Does this same methodology apply to deposit calculations when there is no prior usage? (c) If not, please explain Response to IPUC Staff Production Request 45 ( a) When there is no usage history, customers are advised that if they select to be set on Equal Time Payment (ETP) or Equal Payment Plan (EPP), the monthly amount would be based upon a "best estimate" because of the lack of billing history to use to calculate the monthly average amount. If the customer still desires to be set on ETP or EPP, the customer and customer service agent will come to an agreement on the amount by reviewing customer history at their previous address or taking an educated guess on potential electrical consumption based upon the estimated load for the residence. The customer is set on ETP or EPP with the understanding that the payment plan will be re-evaluated within six months. There is logic built into PacifiCorp computer system that will suspend the account for manual review if the outstanding accounts receivable balance is +/- 4 times the equal pay monthly amount. (b) No, this same methodology does not apply to deposit calculations when there IS no prIor usage. (c) When prior usage data exists, deposits for Idaho customers are based on an average of two month usage. If 12 months history is available there is logic built into PacifiCorp s computer system that will add the 12 monthly billings and divide by 6 to derive the two month average. When there is no prior usage site history, PacifiCorp s computer system has a logic built into it that will bill a default amount dependent on the Base Schedule. For example, a residential customer in Idaho without prior site usage history would be charged a $150 deposit as a default. A small commercial account on base schedule 07GNSVO023 would be charged a deposit of $200 as a default amount. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-05-1/PacifiCorp April 11 , 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 46 IPUC Staff Production Request 46 Since the Company has stated that it does not routinely physically disconnect meters between occupants, (a J what meter reading does the Company use to prepare the final bill for the occupant moving out and the initial bill for the occupant moving in? (bJ Is an actual meter reading obtained on the date the customer requests service to end? (c J If not, why not? (dJ Is an actual meter reading obtained on the date a new customer requests service to begin? (e J If not why not? Response to IPUC Staff Production Request 46 (aJ, (bJ, (cJ When a customer notifies us of intent to terminate service, a disconnect read-only request is created, sent to the field, and read by the field employee which results in an accurate closing read / bill. (dJ, (eJ When a customer notifies us of intent to initiate service, a connect read- only request is created, sent to the field, and read by the field employee which results in an accurate start read / bill. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-05-l/PacifiCorp April 11 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 47 IPUC Staff Production Request 47 The Company stated recently that meters are typically left on between occupants unless usage is above a threshold amount at the next billing date. (aJ What is that threshold amount? (b J How was the threshold established? Response to IPUC Staff Production Request 47 (a J The threshold is 400 kWh. (b J This 400 kWh represents the average labor / vehicle costs to the company to disconnect service. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing. P AC-05-l/PacifiCorp April 11 , 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 48 IPUC Staff Production Request 48 Does the Company take additional steps, other than the information included in the Consumer Information brochure and the Company Voices publication, to make customers aware of how to receive protection from disconnection during the winter months and how to sign up for the Winter Payment Plan? If other steps are taken to target those customers who might benefit from Winter Disconnection Protection or the Winter Payment Plan, please provide detailed information such as mailing dates and a copy of the brochure or pamphlet that is mailed at specific time frames. Response to IPUC Staff Production Request 48 (a J Yes, the Company takes additional steps to make customers aware of how to receive protection from disconnection during the winter months and how to sign up for the Winter Payment Plan. An additional step taken by the Company is to provide refresher training to our Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) annually regarding the Winter Payment Plan. The CSRs then inform customers who call of the needed information. In addition the Company works closely with LIEAP agencies to educate the agencies with regarding to the availability of the Winter Payment Plan. (bJ Please see Attachment IPUC 48 for a sample of the information provided to our CSRs regarding the Winter Payment Plan for education to our customers. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing. IDAHO PAC-O5- GENERAL RATE CASE ACIFICORP IPUC STAFF PRODUCTION DATA REQUEST ATTACHMENT IPUC HOT TOPIC 11-17-04: IDAHO WINTER PAYMENT PLAN Why the Idaho Winter Payment Plan? This plan is intended to help Idaho residential customer make a monthly payment during the winter moratorium. Who is eligible for this plan? All Idaho residential customers who are eligible for the moratorium are eligible for this plan. What is the duration of the plan? The plan can start on November 1st and would last until March 31st. The customer must pay the monthly installment to stay on the plan. Remember the plan is only offered to moratorium eligible Idaho residential customers. What happens once the plan is over? The customer will be required to pay the account balance in full. When a customer calls to declare that they are eligible for the moratorium: The customer must meet one of the criteria below for the moratorium - Child 18 or under - Elderly 62 or older - Infirm The CSE needs to set up the customer on the moratorium profile in CSS by starting on the JCSQ screen, navigating to the JLGL screen and inputting MOR for the Profile Code. Then create another profile with one of the following reason codes CHL, ELD or HND on the JLGL screen. The CSE next needs to explain to the customer that they are eligible for the Idaho Winter Payment Plan which will last until March 31st What is the customer s monthly payment amount that they re required to pay to stay on the plan? The plan is equal to '/2 the amount that the customer would need to pay to be on a 12 month ETP plan which is V2 EPP amount + V2 of the monthly installment amount. This is found in CSS by going from the JCSQ screen to the JLEB screen in CSS. The plan will be created for only the number of months between the current day and March 31 , 2005. For example, if the current date is December 5, 2004, the plan will be created for a total of four months (December, January, February and March). Inform the customer that the last installment of the plan will include a balloon ' installment for the remainder of the account balance. For assistance with calculating this plan, contact the Collection Center Help Desk at extension 4050. P AC-05-l/PacifiCorp April 11 2005 IPUC Staff Production Request 49 IPUC Staff Production Request 49 One of the forms recently provided to Staff by PacifiCorp was identified as the Winter Moratorium Door Hanger. (aJ At what point in the collection process is this form hung on the customer s door? (b J Is this form used in any other circumstances, such as being mailed with final disconnect notices? (c J If so please explain. Response to IPUC Staff Production Request 49 (aJ The Winter Moratorium Door Hanger is hung on the customer s door at the time of the disconnect visit during the Winter Moratorium season. The availability of the Winter Moratorium is also noted of the Company s past due notices. (b J, (c J This form is not used in any other circumstance. (David L. Taylor will sponsor this response at hearing.