HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050412IIPA 4th data request to PacifiCorp.pdfEric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 :ECEiVEO \1 , " w""' ~ ! 'i(;nr. 1l Pi' M:'l 8: 2 tjLUUIJ hI n - ;~":(, .;: ; " Ii \ \ ~' i-' C u f'l ('j j 5 I 0 I~ ::' I!.- \. ,. Attorneys for the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP DBA UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE ST ATE OF IDAHO ) CASE NO. PAC-05- ) IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ) ASSOCIATION, INC.S FOURTH ) DATA REQUEST TO P ACIFICORP Please answer the following with respect to infonnation: Supplemental request regarding lIP A data Request 2- The response indicates that census data is provided for all Schedule 9 customers over MW. Are all Schedule 9 customers taking service at the sub-transmission level in this category? The response to lIP A 2-E indicates that the sample data is adjusted, up or down, in order to tie to the Energy report in the Operating Statements. Has this data been provided elsewhere (lIP A 4)? If it has not, please provide copies of this data and an example of its app Ii cati on? It is assumed that the adjustment referenced in lIP A 2-E related to the energy reports is one where the adjustment is done on the same percentage basis for each hour of a given month. Is this correct? The attachment lIP A 2-E is not clear. Is this a similar adjustment to that of the Operating Statements discussed above, i., where the adjustment is done on the same percentage basis for each hour of a given month? What were the percentage adjustments that were used? IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO PACIFICORP Page 1 Supplemental request regardin~ lIP A data Request 3 In this response it is stated that "the treatment of losses are different between the two calculations.. .. It appears that losses are used in Ex. 24, but there is no need for losses to be addressed in Ex. 9. Is there any more significance than this to the statement regarding the different treatment of losses? The response to lIP A 3 did not seem to give a detailed explanation regarding the difference in the demand of energy values between Exhibits 9 and 24, other than to state that these values were developed differently. If one looks at the month of May 2003 it can be seen that the cost of service study puts the coincident peak at 453 MW while the IJA puts it at 532 MW. Because Monsanto is directly metered, one can assume that this infonnation is as fairly accurate. The Monsanto load at the time of this peak was 150 MW. Removing this load (the same could be done for the other special contract customer and large Schedule 9 customers) and the net result would be that the peak under the cost of service study would be 283 MW while under the IJA it would be 362 MW- effectively the peak load assignment to the jurisdiction is 28% greater than what can be calculated under the data available from the load research data. This discrepancy is very large (but not the largest) and calls into question both the quality of the load research data as well as the jurisdictional assignment of costs. More discussion/review is requested regarding these large differences in data. Supplemental request re~arding lIP A data Request 4 The data included in Attachment lIP A 4-1 contains a number of data points for sample customers where the usage is continually recorded at ". This could be due to actual consumption or simply reflect that data was not available. Do any of the "0" entries in this spreadsheet reflect meter problems or something other than "0" consumption by the sample customer? The data included in Attachment lIP A 4-1 contains a number of data points for sample customers where the usage is continually recorded at ". This could be due to actual consumption or simply reflect that data was not available. Do any of the "0" entries in this spreadsheet reflect meter problems or something other than "0" consumption by the sample customer? According to the response to lIP A 4-, the attachment lIP A 4-5 contains infonnation regarding two adjustments or calibrations. Looking at this attachment, it appears that the values in attachment lIP A 4-5 are simply final numbers and in fact the reference should have been attachment lIP A 4-6. Is this correct, and if so, what is the purpose of attachment lIP A 4-5? If this is not correct, please point out where the calibrations on in attachment lIP A 4- Attachment lIP A 4-6 contains two tabs; one labeled "CaIAdj" and the other labeled PriceAdj". Please explain the significance and source of the data for each of these tabs. IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO PACIFICORP Page 2 Please explain how these values fit into the overall development of the load research data. As part of attachment lIP A 4-5 there was established energy data by rate schedule by month. For Schedule 1 in April, the energy level in attachment lIP A 4-5 was listed as 614 MWH. How does this value relate to the values in attachment lIP A 4- Attachment lIP A 4-6 has information listed for Schedule 10 under the "PriceAdj" tab. Why isn t there data under the "CaIAdj" tab? Please provide an example of the calculation of the August 13 2003 peak values for Schedules 1 , 36, and 10 found on Exhibit 24 tab 5 page 7 , based upon the information provided in attachments 4-1 through 4- Supplemental request regarding lIP A data Request 6 Can it be assumed that the hourly border loads listed here are the same or at least calculated the same as the jurisdictional load listed on Exhibit 9, Tab 10, page 7 (with Monsanto curtailments added)? Can it be assumed that the hourly class loads listed are the results of census or load research data after all adjustments and calibrations? As would be expected, there is not a perfect match between loads plus losses and border load data. A comparison of the data suggests that these mismatches are not random, but in fact, there are patterns or times when a mismatch is more likely in one direction than in another. Does the Company have any information or beliefs as to what may cause these patterns to occur? Supplemental request regarding lIP A data Request 7 The response refers to attachment lIP A 4-6 tab 1 , which does not exist. Many of the adjustment in attachment lIP A 4-6 are quite large. Does the Company agree that some of these adjustments are excessive? Is there any consideration regarding these adjustments as to whether the load research data is providing accurate data? Is there any reason why these adjustments are so large? Supplemental request re~ardin~ lIP A data Request 8 The thrust of this question was to see if there are any reports that are routinely compiled regarding the load research data that are a part of the ongoing effort. Supplemental request regardin~ lIP A data Request 10 I was not looking for bill frequency data prepared for the rate case, but bill frequency data that is generally available from the Company records. For example, the Schedule 10 has different rates for different usage levels for different times of the year. Doesn t the IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO P ACIFICORP Page 3 Company have data that lists the amount of energy consumed by customer each month such that one can create such a bill frequency distribution? Likewise bill frequency data for Schedules 1 and 36 would be helpful by month. Why is there only a temperature adjustment for Schedule 1 customers, but not Schedule 36? (Exhibit 29, page 1) Supplemental request re~ardin~ lIP A data Request 16 The data provided in attachment lIP A 16-1 generally decreases with time. How were these values derived? What measurements exist to support this? What workpapers exist? Supplemental request re~arding lIP A data Request 20 It appears from the load research data infonnation contained in attachments lIP A 2 through lIP A 6 that the load data is adjusted on the basis of comparisons of monthly usages, i., each hour of the month is adjustment by the same factor. The response to lIP A 20 suggests that there is a different weather-normalization factor/adjustment for each hour. Is this correct? How/where do these individual hourly adjustments fit into the development of the hourly load data that is found in attachment lIP A 6 or on Exhibit 24 Tab 5 , page 7? Supplemental request re~arding lIP A data Request For the sake of comparison, Exhibit 9, Tab 5, page 4 of 13 lists the Net Power Cost in the Company s filing as $639 936 000 and the results of attachment lIP A 21 place the amount at $611 262 000. Under this request there are no interruptions or curtailments on the system, but the Monsanto load does not exist at all. Compared to the Company filing, this means that the company could make all of its customers finn, and by not supplying Monsanto, it would reduce its net power costs by $28 674 000. Does the Company agree with this interpretation? Supplemental request regarding lIP A data Request 22 For the sake of comparison, Exhibit 9, Tab 5, page 4 of 13 lists the Net Power Cost in the Company s filing as $639 936 000 and the results of attachment lIP A 22 place the amount at $663 243 000. Under this request, all interruptible/curtailable loads on the system are being served. This suggests that this is the maximum cost to the Company if there are not interruptions or curtailments is $23 307 000 greater than the status quo of $639 936 000. Does the Company agree with this interpretation? Supplemental request regarding lIP A data Request For the sake of comparison, Exhibit 9, Tab 5, page 4 of 13 lists the Net Power Cost in the Company s filing as $639 936 000 and the results of attachment lIP A 23 place the IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO PACIFICORP Page 4 amount at $640 400 000. Under this request, all interruptible/curtail able loads on the system are being served with the exception that portion of the Irrigation load (not the entire Irrigation load), which can be curtailed. This suggests that the difference ($22 843 000) between this response and attachment lIP A 22 ($663 243 000) is solely attributed to the irrigation load control program. This number seems too high. Is there something wrong or missing here? Supplemental request re~ardin~ lIP A data Request 24 Exhibit 9, Tab 1 , page 1 places the Idaho Jurisdictional rate of return at 6.785%. Attachment lIP A 24-2 places the Monsanto rate of return at 2.657% or well below the jurisdictional average. Attachment lIP A 24-3 places the remainder of the Idaho rate of return at 7.463 %. This information suggests, that according to the allocation methods used by the Company, well over half of the increase being requested from the non- Monsanto customers is associated with a shortfall that the Company has calculated for Monsanto. Is this correct? Monsanto s rates were set approximately one year before the filing in this case. Monsanto is also being priced at its firm cost of service with a credit for interruptible power being flowed through the purchase power costs. What has changed in the last year or so that would cause the Monsanto s rate of return to drop so much? Supplemental request re~arding lIP A data Request 26 This response indicates that there is less than a 1 % difference in this annual 12-CP data. Looking at April 2003 , (no Monsanto interruptions) Exhibit 24, Tab 5, page 6 shows an Idaho peak of 407.0 MW. Exhibit 9, Tab 10, page 5 lists the Idaho peak at 375.3 MW. This is a difference of 8.4%. Assuming that these values are comparable, to what does the Company attribute such a large discrepancy? Supplemental request regarding lIP A data Request 27- I have not looked at specific data, but it is my recollection that there were more irrigators participating in the irrigation load management program in 2004 than in 2003. I also thought that the company was anticipating more participation in 2005 than in 2004. Why does the response state that: "This level of curtailment is the same as expected to be incurred in 2005" When will data be available regarding how many irrigators have signed up for the load control program and how much will be curtailed by day of the week? Supplemental request regarding lIP A data Request 32 Please supply a copy of tariffs T-23 and T-24 that support the calculation on attachment lIP A 32. IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO PACIFICORP Page 5 If not provided above, please supply a copy of tariffs T-23 and T-24 for Rate Schedules , 36, 10, and 23 Supplemental request re~ardin~ lIP A data Request 39 Electronic copies of these studies were not provided with my copy of the Company filing. Supplemental request re~ardin~ lIP A data Request 44 Actual data by substation for each of the 5-year study period is what was sought. It is desired to get the name of the substation (coordinated with lIP A 45) that peaked during each month of this 5-year period. Presumably, this was the base data upon which this analysis was based. From the data presented, it would appear that there were 100 substations in 1995 and only 83 in 1999. Please clarify what this data represents. Supplemental request regarding lIP A data Request What is meant by "distribution figures for power plant substations ? Do these serve any different function than a regular distribution substation? , Were these power plant substations included in the study addressed in lIP A 44? Please indicate which of the listed substations were or were not included in the analysis addressed in lIP A 46. Supplemental request regarding lIP A data Request 52 Further explanation is requested with respect to this request/response. It appears from the response that the term "net system balancing activity" used here is referring to something different than the system balancing transactions that are not netted out in the Power Cost Model. I would like to get these two different things (assuming they are different) clarified. Respectfully submitted this ay of April, 2005. ERIC L. OLSEN Attorneys for the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO PACIFICORP Page 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ay of April, 2005, I served a true correct and complete copy of the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc.s Fourth Data Request to Pacificorp to each of the following, via U.S. Mail, e-mail or hand delivery: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 E-mail: lean. lewell~puc.idaho.gov S. Mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah St., Suite 800 Portland, OR 97232 E-mail: datarequest~pacificorp.com E-mail John Stewart P acifi Corp 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 E-mail: john.stewart2~pacificorp.com S. Mail James M. Van Nostrand Stoel Rives LLP 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2600 Portland, OR 97204 E-mail: jffell~stoe1.com imvannostrand~stoe 1. con1 S. Mail Lisa Nordstrom PacifiCorp Office of the General Counsel 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97232 E-mail: lisa.nordstrom~pacificorp.coln S. Mail James R. Smith Monsanto Company O. Box 816 Soda Springs, ID 83276 E-mail: ji1n.r.smith~monsanto.com S. Mail IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO PACIFICORP Page 7 Monsanto Company c/o Mark Boswell, Legal Dept. 800 N. Lindburg Blvd. Mailzone E2NR St. Louis, MO 63167 S. Mail Katie Iverson Brubaker & Associates 7244 W. Cordova Court Surprise, AZ 85387 ki verson~sconsultbai. com S. Mail Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village, OH 44140 E-mail: tony~yankel.net S. Mail Conley E. Ward Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 S. Mail J .R. Simplot Company Att: David Hawk & R. Scott Pasley 999 Main Street, Suite 1300 O. Box 27 Boise, ID 83707-0027 S. Mail Timothy J. Schurtz 411 S. Main Firth, ID 83236 S. Mail Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. ih St. Boise, ID 83702 S. Mail Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association c/o Lynn T omina O. Box 2624 Boise, ID 83701-2624 S. Mail IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOURTH DATA REQUEST TO PACIFICORP Page 8