HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050404PAC response to IIPA request 42.pdfr" f'-r !CG t. J 'w LED -=-- iv' L", "",....n~ ..,r,'!U Q f!\LUU~ tir\ 4 Hf ;;: , i. PACIFICORpt .. " ,.. iU ; ;,) i ddLjC '~-"'" '-" 'f"~U I i It:; 'Ur'I!"'H~S PACIFIC POWER UTAH POWER ~tq '..111 March 25 2005 \ ' Eric L. Olsen ISB# 4811 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 RE:ID PAC-05- lIP A Data Requests 41- 825 E. Multnomah Portland, Oregon 97232 (503) 813-5000 Please find enclosed PacifiCorp s Response to lIP A Data Request Number (42). Provided on the enclosed CD is Attachment lIP A 42. If you have any questions, please call Barry Bell at (801) 220-4985. Sincerely, i~ (p. /1 Bob Lively, Manager Regulation Enclosures cc:Katie Iverson/Monsanto Randall C. Budge/Monsanto James R Smith/Monsanto James Fell/Stoel Rives P AC-05-1/Pa~ifiCorp March 25,2005' lIP A Data Request 42 lIP A Data R~quest In the Company s Net Power Cost results (Exhibit 9, Tab 5) there are listed Short I Term Firm Sales and Purchases as well as System Balancing Sales and Purchases for a number of "locations" such as COB, Colorado, DSW, East Main, Mid Columbia, SP15, West Main, Wyoming, and "Emergency . Please answer the following: a. For each of the above-mentioned locations, please supply on a total hourly basis from 1 :00 a.m. on January 1 , 2000 through the most recent data available the actual megawatthours and dollar value of all Short-Term Firm Sales. b. For each of the above-mentioned locations, please supply on a total hourly basis from 1 :00 a.m. on January 1 , 2000 through the most recent data available, the actual megawatthours and dollar value of all Short-Term Firm Purchases. c. For each of the above-mentioned locations, please supply on a total hourly basis from 1 :00 a.m. on January 1 , 2000 through the most recent data available the actual megawatthours and dollar value of all Non-Firm Sales. d. For each of the above-mentioned locations, please supply on a total hourly basis from 1 :00 a.m. on January 1 , 2000 through the most recent data available the actua~ megawatthours and dollar value of all Non-Firm Purchases. e. For each of the above-mentioned locations, please supply on a total hourly basis from 1 :00 a.m. on January 1 , 2000 through the most recent data available the actual megawatthours and dollar value of all System Balancing Sales.f. For each of the above-mentioned locations, please supply on a total hourly basis from 1 :00 a.m. on January 1,2000 through the most recent data available, the actual megawatthours and dollar value of all System Balancing Purchases. g. Please describe how System Balancing transactions in the Net Power Cost model are similar to as well as different from actual Non-Firm transactions. h. Please describe how Short-Term Firm transactions in the Net Power Cost model are similar to as well as different from actual Short-Term Firm transacti ons.i. What is meant by "Emergency Purchases" in the Power Cost Model and what actual purchase are simulated by these purchases? Please provide specific examples as well as quantify the actual purchases that are simulated. P AC-O5-1/PacifiCorp March 25, 2005 lIP A Data Request 42 j. What is meant by "Trapped Energy" in the Power Cost Model and what actual sales are simulated by these sal~s? Please provide specific examples as well as qu~ntify the actual sales that are simulated. Response to lIP A Data Request 42 bt Hourly information that combines all delivery points is provided as Attachment lIP A 42 on the enclosed CD. Please note that total hourly information for each delivery point woUld be extremely volumino~s, estimated 13 million rows of data. Therefore, the Company has provided hourly information that combines all delivery pbints. Please see the Company s response to section a. Please see the Company s response to section a. Please see the Company s response to section a. System Balancing Sales are included in the Company s Actual Short Term Firm data provided in response to IIPA Request 42 a. System Balancing Purchases are included in the Company s Actual Short Term Film data provided in response to IIPA Request 42 b. The GRID linear program eLP) optimization module brings each transmission area to a zero balance by transferring energy using its transmission topology and/or buying/selling energy at the liquid market points. For a more detailed description, please refer to the GRID Algorithm Guide. This activity is analogous to the Company s real time traders making firm spot transaction just prior to the hour of delivery. The model's system balancing activity differs from the Company s real time traders' activity in that the model most likely has a larger imbalance to resolve and it doesn t have to deal with real time events. See the Company s response to lIP A Request 42 h for additional information. The short-term firm transactions (STF) in the GRID model run are the actual transactions that the Company made prior to the time when the net power costs were prepared for the general rate case filing. Additional STF transactions that are required to bring the system in balance are captured in the system balancing LP. They differ from the actual balancing activity in two respects. First, the model has perfect foresight. Hence, it needs only one pass at balancing the system, whereas the traders continually rebalance the system in response to changing conditions. Second, the model balances the system by making single hour purchases/sales. The traders making transactions pre-day P AC-05-1/PacifiCorp March 25 2005. lIP A Data Request 42 of delivery are making block transactions, e.g. a heavy load product for the following month. Emergency purchase means the LP does not have sufficient firm resources or firm access to a liquid market to serve the requirements in a transmission area. There are not analogous actual transactions labeled emergency purchase. actual practice the real time traders will find a way to meet the requirement. Trapped energy means the LP has a surplus in a transmission area, can not back down generation in the area any further, and does not have sufficient firm access to a liquid market to sell the surplus. There are no analogous actual transactions labeled trapped energy. In actual practice, the real time traders will find a way to market the surplus. (Mark T. Widmer will sponsor this response at hearing. \ " ~I't "'III IDAHO P AC-O5- GENERAL RATE CASE ACIFICORP ATTACHMENT lIP A ON THE ENCLOSED CD