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20050118Taylor Exhibit 18-22.xls
RI vs MSP Factors ECD Allocation Exhibit No. 22 Pg. 2 COS Target Exhibit No.22, Pg 1 COS Earned Exhibit 21, ECD Calculation Exhibit No. 20- Factor Calc Exhibit No.19, Pg. 4 MA Results Exhibit No.1, Pg. 3- RI Results Exhibit No19, Pg 2 MSP Results Exhibit No19, Pg. 1 MSP Impacts Exhibit No. 18 - MSP Cap ActualROR Adjs2avg Adjs2avg ADJTOTAL ADJTOTAL Cntr FranchiseTax FranchiseTax Func_Ftrs Func_GTD_Percents Func_MC Func_Percents Func_Rev_Req2 Func_Revenue GTD_Percents LABORMOD LABORROLL Line_Ext_Credit MCtoREV MSPAverageInput MSPYearEndInput NetToGross NetToGross PrintDetail PrintStateReport PTDMOD PTDROLL PTMOD PTROLL ResourceSupplier ResourceSupplier RevenueCheck SERVICES_3 TABLEONE TargetROR TDMOD TDROLL UncollectibleAccounts UncollectibleAccounts UtGrossReceipts UtGrossReceipts WaRevenueTax WaRevenueTax Year PACIFICORP UTAH (1) (2) (3) Total Adjusted Results with Results Price Change Operating Revenues: General Business Revenues Interdepartmental Special Sales Other Operating Revenues Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Steam Production Nuclear Production Hydro Production Other Power Supply Transmission Distribution Customer Accounting Customer Service & Info Sales Administrative & General Total O&M Expenses Depreciation Amortization Taxes Other Than Income Income Taxes - Federal Income Taxes - State Income Taxes - Def Net Investment Tax Credit Adj. Misc Revenue & Expense Total Operating Expenses: Operating Rev For Return: Rate Base: Electric Plant In Service Plant Held for Future Use Misc Deferred Debits Elec Plant Acq Adj Nuclear Fuel Prepayments Fuel Stock Material & Supplies Working Capital Weatherization Loans Misc Rate Base Total Electric Plant: Rate Base Deductions: Accum Prov For Deprec Accum Prov For Amort Accum Def Income Tax Unamortized ITC Customer Adv For Const Customer Service Deposits Misc Rate Base Deductions Total Rate Base Deductions Total Rate Base: Return on Rate Base Return on Equity State Income Taxes Company Owned Hydro - West Account Description Amount Mwh $/Mwh Differential 535 - 545 Hydro Operation & Maintenance Expense 403HP Hydro Depreciation Expense 404IP Hydro Relicensing Amortization Total West Hydro Operating Expense 330 - 336 Hydro Electric Plant in Service Hydro Relicensing 108HP Hydro Accumulated Depreciation Reserve 111IP Hydro Relicensing Accumulated Reserve Materials and Supplies West Hydro Net Rate Base Pre-tax Return Rate Base Revenue Requirement Annual Embedded Cost West Hydro-Electric Resources Mid C Contracts Annual Mid-C Contracts Costs Qualified Facilities Utah Annual Qualified Facilites Costs Oregon Annual Qualified Facilites Costs Idaho Annual Qualified Facilites Costs WYU Annual Qualified Facilites Costs WYP Annual Qualified Facilites Costs California Annual Qualified Facilites Costs Washington Annual Qualified Facilites Costs Total Qualified Facilities Costs All Other Generation Resources (Excl. West Hydro, Mid C, and QF) 500 - 514 Steam Operation & Maintenance Expense East Hydro Operation & Maintenance Expense 546 - 554 Other Generation Operation & Maintenance Expense Other Purchased Power Contracts SO2 Emission Allowances 403SP Steam Depreciation Expense East Hydro Depreciation Expense 403OP Other Generation Depreciation Expense 403MP Mining Depreciation Expense East Hydro Relicensing Amortization Amortization of Plant Acquisition Costs Total All Other Operating Expenses 310 - 316 Steam Electric Plant in Service East Hydro Electric Plant in Service East Hydro Relicensing 340 - 346 Other Electric Plant in Service Mining 108SP Steam Accumulated Depreciation Reserve 108OP Other Generation Accumulated Depreciation Reserve 108MP Other Accumulated Depreciation Reserve East Hydro Accumulated Depreciation Reserve East Hydro Relicensing Accumulated Reserve Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustment Accumulated Provision Acquisition Adjustment 253.16 - 253.19 Joint Owner WC Deposit Materials & Supplies East Hydro Materials & Supplies Total Net Rate Base Total Annual Embedded Costs FERC ACCT DESCRIPTION FACTOR TOTAL CA OR WA WYP UT IDU WYU NUTIL ECD Embedded Cost Differentials Company Owned Hydro DGP SG Mid-C Contract MC Existing QF Contracts S RESULTS OF OPERATIONS SUMMARY UNADJUSTED RESULTS Description of Account Summary: Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Customer Accounts Customer Service Total O & M Expenses Amortization Expense Misc Revenue & Expense Total Operating Expenses Operating Revenue for Return Rate Base: Electric Plant in Service Miscellaneous Rate Base Total Electric Plant Accum Prov For Depr Accum Def Income Taxes Customer Adv for Const Misc. Rate Base Deductions Total Rate Base 100 Basis Points in Equity: Revenue Requirement Impact Rate Base Decrease Sales to Ultimate Customers Residential Sales Commercial & Industrial Sales Public Street & Highway Lighting Other Sales to Public Authority Total Sales to Ultimate Customers Sales for Resale Provision for Rate Refund Total Sales from Electricity Forfeited Discounts & Interest Misc Electric Revenue Water Sales Rent of Electric Property Other Electric Revenue Total Other Electric Revenues Total Electric Operating Revenues Summary of Revenues by Factor S CN SE SO Miscellaneous Revenues Gain on Sale of Utility Plant - CR Loss on Sale of Utility Plant Gain from Emission Allowances Gain from Disposition of NOX Credits Impact Housing Interest Income (Gain) / Loss on Sale of Utility Plant Total Miscellaneous Revenues Miscellaneous Expenses Interest on Customer Deposits Total Miscellaneous Expenses Net Misc Revenue and Expense Operation Supervision & Engineering Fuel Related Huntington CTs Cholla Steam Expenses Steam From Other Sources Electric Expenses Misc. Steam Expense Rents Maint Supervision & Engineering Maintenance of Structures Maintenance of Boiler Plant Maintenance of Electric Plant Maintenance of Misc. Steam Plant Total Steam Power Generation Operation Super & Engineering Nuclear Fuel Expense Coolants and Water Misc. Nuclear Expenses Maintenance Super & Engineering Maintenance of Reactor Plant Maintenance of Misc Nuclear Total Nuclear Power Generation Water For Power Hydraulic Expenses Misc. Hydro Expenses Rents (Hydro Generation) Maintenance of Dams & Waterways Maintenance of Misc. Hydro Plant Total Hydraulic Power Generation Fuel Generation Expense Miscellaneous Other Maint of Generation & Electric Plant Maintenance of Misc. Other Total Other Power Generation Purchased Power Seasonal Contracts System Control & Load Dispatch Other Expenses Total Other Power Supply TOTAL PRODUCTION EXPENSE Summary of Production Expense by Factor SNPPH TROJP SGCT DEU DEP SNPPS SNPPO DGU SSGCT SSECT SSGC SSGCH SSECH Total Production Expense by Factor Load Dispatching Station Expense Overhead Line Expense Underground Line Expense Transmission of Electricity by Others Misc. Transmission Expense Rents - Transmission Maintenance of Station Equipment Maintenance of Overhead Lines Maintenance of Underground Lines Maint of Misc. Transmission Plant TOTAL TRANSMISSION EXPENSE Summary of Transmission Expense by Factor SNPT Total Transmission Expense by Factor Overhead Line Expenses Street Lighting & Signal Systems Meter Expenses Customer Installation Expenses Misc. Distribution Expenses Maintenance of Line Transformers Maint of Street Lighting & Signal Sys. Maintenance of Meters Maint of Misc. Distribution Plant TOTAL DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE Summary of Distribution Expense by Factor SNPD Total Distribution Expense by Factor Supervision Meter Reading Expense Customer Receipts & Collections Uncollectible Accounts Misc. Customer Accounts Expense TOTAL CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSE Summary of Customer Accts Exp by Factor Total Customer Accounts Expense by Factor Customer Assistance Informational & Instructional Adv Misc. Customer Service TOTAL CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPENSE Summary of Customer Service Exp by Factor Total Customer Service Expense by Factor Demonstration & Selling Expense Advertising Expense Misc. Sales Expense TOTAL SALES EXPENSE Total Sales Expense by Factor Total Customer Service Exp Including Sales Administrative & General Salaries Office Supplies & expenses Outside Services Property Insurance Injuries & Damages Employee Pensions & Benefits Franchise Requirements Regulatory Commission Expense Duplicate Charges Misc General Expenses Maintenance of General Plant TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE & GEN EXPENSE Summary of A&G Expense by Factor Total A&G Expense by Factor TOTAL O&M EXPENSE Steam Depreciation 403NP Nuclear Depreciation Hydro Depreciation Pre-Merger Pacific Pre-Merger Utah Post-Merger Pacific Post-Merger Utah Other Production Depreciation 403TP Transmission Depreciation Distribution Depreciation Land & Land Rights Structures Station Equipment Poles & Towers OH Conductors UG Conduit UG Conductor Line Trans Services Meters Inst Cust Prem Leased Property Street Lighting 403GP General Depreciation 403GV0 General Vehicles Mining Depreciation 403EP Experimental Plant Depreciation TOTAL DEPRECIATION EXPENSE Summary Total Depreciation Expense By Factor 404GP Amort of LT Plant - Capital Lease Gen 404SP Amort of LT Plant - Cap Lease Steam 404IP Amort of LT Plant - Intangible Plant 404MP Amort of LT Plant - Mining Plant 404HP Amortization of Other Electric Plant Post-Merger Plant Total Amortization of Limited Term Plant Amortization of Plant Acquisition Adj Amort of Prop Losses, Unrec Plant, etc TOTAL AMORTIZATION EXPENSE Summary of Amortization Expense by Factor Total Amortization Expense by Factor Deferred Investment Tax Credit - Fed Deferred Investment Tax Credit - Idaho TOTAL DEFERRED ITC Interest on Long-Term Debt Amortization of Debt Disc & Exp Amortization of Premium on Debt Other Interest Expense AFUDC - Borrowed Total Electric Interest Deductions for Tax Non-Utility Portion of Interest Total Non-utility Interest Total Interest Deductions for Tax Interest & Dividends Total Operating Deductions for Tax Deferred Income Tax - Federal-DR Deferred Income Tax - State-DR 41110 Deferred Income Tax - Federal-CR Deferred Income Tax - State-CR TOTAL DEFERRED INCOME TAXES SCHMAF Additions - Flow Through SCHMAP Additions - Permanent SCHMAT Additions - Temporary TOTAL SCHEDULE - M ADDITIONS SCHMDF Deductions - Flow Through SCHMDP Deductions - Permanent SCHMDT Deductions - Temporary TOTAL SCHEDULE - M DEDUCTIONS TOTAL SCHEDULE - M ADJUSTMENTS NOTE: Positive Schedule M amounts increase taxable income and therefore increase tax expense. Negative Schedule M amounts decrease taxable income and therefore decrease tax expense. TOTAL STATE TAXES Calculation of Taxable Income: Operating Deductions: O & M Expenses Depreciation Expense Amortization Expense Taxes Other Than Income Interest & Dividends (AFUDC-Equity) Misc Revenue & Expense Total Operating Deductions Other Deductions: Interest Deductions Interest on PCRBS Schedule M Adjustments Income Before State Taxes Total Taxable Income Tax Rate Federal Income Tax - Calculated Adjustments to Calculated Tax: Wy Wind Tax FITGCC Glenrock Coal FITOTH FIT True-up FIT Federal Income Tax Per Books TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Land and Land Rights Structures and Improvements Boiler Plant Equipment Turbogenerator Units Accessory Electric Equipment Misc Power Plant Equipment SP Unclassified Steam Plant - Account 300 Total Steam Production Plant Summary of Steam Production Plant by Factor Total Steam Production Plant by Factor Reactor Plant Equipment Misc. Power Plant Equipment NP Unclassified Nuclear Plant - Acct 300 Total Nuclear Production Plant Summary of Nuclear Production Plant by Factor Total Nuclear Plant by Factor Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways Water Wheel, Turbines, & Generators Roads, Railroads & Bridges HP Unclassified Hydro Plant - Acct 300 Total Hydraulic Plant Summary of Hydraulic Plant by Factor SG-P Total Hydraulic Plant by Factor Fuel Holders, Producers & Accessories Prime Movers Generators Accessory Electric Plant OP Unclassified Other Prod Plant-Acct 300 Total Other Production Plant Summary of Other Production Plant by Factor Total of Other Production Plant by Factor Experimental Plant Total Experimental Plant TOTAL PRODUCTION PLANT Towers and Fixtures Poles and Fixtures Clearing and Grading Underground Conduit Underground Conductors Roads and Trails TP Unclassified Trans Plant - Acct 300 TS0 Unclassified Trans Sub Plant - Acct 300 TOTAL TRANSMISSION PLANT Summary of Transmission Plant by Factor Total Transmission Plant by Factor Poles, Towers & Fixtures Overhead Conductors Line Transformers Installations on Customers' Premises Street Lights DP Unclassified Dist Plant - Acct 300 DS0 Unclassified Dist Sub Plant - Acct 300 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION PLANT Summary of Distribution Plant by Factor Total Distribution Plant by Factor Office Furniture & Equipment Transportation Equipment Stores Equipment Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment Laboratory Equipment Power Operated Equipment Communication Equipment Misc. Equipment Coal Mine MP 399L WIDCO Capital Lease Remove Capital Leases General Capital Leases General Vehicles Capital Leases GP Unclassified Gen Plant - Acct 300 399G TOTAL GENERAL PLANT Summary of General Plant by Factor Less Capital Leases Total General Plant by Factor Organization Franchise & Consent Miscellaneous Intangible Plant Less Non-Utility Plant IP Unclassified Intangible Plant - Acct 300 TOTAL INTANGIBLE PLANT Summary of Intangible Plant by Factor Total Intangible Plant by Factor Summary of Unclassified Plant (Account 106) Total Unclassified Plant by Factor TOTAL ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE Summary of Electric Plant by Factor Plant Held For Future Use Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments Accum Provision for Asset Acquisition Adjustments Weatherization 182W 186W Total Weatherization Fuel Stock - Undistributed DG&T Working Capital Deposit Provo Working Capital Deposit Total Fuel Stock Stores Expense Undistributed Total Materials & Supplies 182M Misc Regulatory Assets 186M CWC Cash Working Capital OWC Other Working Capital Cash Working Funds Other Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Deferred Hedge Other Deferred Credits - Misc Asset Retirement Obligations ARO Regulatory Liability Deer Creek Cholla Reclamation Total Working Capital Unrec Plant & Reg Study Costs Nuclear Plant - Trojan Misc Deferred Debits-Trojan Impact Housing - Notes Receivable TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS RATE BASE TOTAL RATE BASE ADDITIONS Prov for Property Insurance Prov for Injuries & Damages Prov for Pensions and Benefits Reg Liabilities - Insurance Provision Accum Misc Oper Prov-Black Lung Accum Misc Oper Prov-Trojan Customer Advances for Construction Other Deferred Credits Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes TOTAL ACCUMULATED DEF INCOME TAX Accumulated Investment Tax Credit TOTAL RATE BASE DEDUCTIONS Steam Prod Plant Accumulated Depr 108NP Nuclear Prod Plant Accumulated Depr Hydraulic Prod Plant Accum Depr Other Production Plant - Accum Depr 108EP Experimental Plant - Accum Depr TOTAL PRODUCTION PLANT DEPRECIATION Summary of Prod Plant Depreciation by Factor Total of Prod Plant Depreciation by Factor 108TP Transmission Plant Accumulated Depr TOTAL TRANS PLANT ACCUM DEPR 108D00 108DS 108DP TOTAL DISTRIBUTION PLANT DEPR Summary of Distribution Plant Depr by Factor Total Distribution Depreciation by Factor 108GP General Plant Accumulated Depr Mining Plant Accumulated Depr. Less Centralia Situs Depreciation Accum Depr - Capital Lease TOTAL GENERAL PLANT ACCUM DEPR Summary of General Depreciation by Factor Total General Depreciation by Factor TOTAL ACCUM DEPR - PLANT IN SERVICE 111SP Accum Prov for Amort-Steam 111GP Accum Prov for Amort-General 111HP Accum Prov for Amort-Hydro Accum Prov for Amort-Intangible Plant Accum Prov for Amort-Mining TOTAL ACCUM PROV FOR AMORTIZATION Summary of Amortization by Factor Total Provision For Amortization by Factor end MARCH 2006 BEGINNING/ENDING ROLLED-IN SNPPN GPS OPRV-ID EXCTAX SNP OTH DITEXP BADDEBT CIAC SCHMDEXP IBT TAXDEPRL SNPP SNPG CNP TROJD DITBAL ITC84 ITC85 ITC86 ITC88 ITC89 ITC90 SSGC SG-U MSP TOTAL COMPANY UTAH MONTH Total Proportion CALIFORNIA OREGON WASHINGTON WYOMING IDAHO WYOMING FERC Load Curtailment Gadsby CT West Valley CT Currant Creek Normalized Energy - MWH RI ALLOCATED MSP ALLOCATED MSP SEASONAL FACTOR CALCULATION EMBEDDED COST DIFFERENTIAL JURISDICTIONAL ALLOCATION EMBEDDED COST DIFFERENTIAL CALCULATION SSCCT Factor SSGCT Factor TEMPERATURE ADJUSTED COINCINDENTAL PEAK Normalized Results of Operations - ROLLED-IN Normalized FY06 General Business Revenue Impact of Rate Mitigation Cap CALIFORNIA OREGON WASHINGTON WYOMING FERC TEMPERATURE ADJUSTED ENERGY SSECT Factor APS Summer Constellation Morgan Stanley Pinnacle West Powerex Public Service NM Purchase SSCC Factor SSGC Factor SCCT FACTOR CALCULATION -- SCCT Proportion * Monthly Jurisdictional Coincidental Peak SCCT FACTOR CALCULATION -- SCCT Proportion * Monthly Jurisdictional Energy SEASONAL CONTRACT FACTOR CALCULATION -- Proportion * Monthly Jurisdictional Coincidental Peak SEASONAL CONTRACT FACTOR CALCULATION -- Proportion * Monthly Jurisdictional Energy SSEC Factor CHOLLA IV/APS EXCHANGE APS Cholla IV Exchange SSCCH Factor SSGCH Factor SSECH Factor CHOLLA/APS FACTOR CALCULATION -- Proportion * Monthly Jurisdictional Coincidental Peak CHOLLA/APS FACTOR CALCULATION -- Proportion * Monthly Jurisdictional Energy Normalized Results of Operations SIMPLE CYCLE COMBUSITON TURBINES SEASONAL CONTRACTS Diff Embedded Costs IDAHO-UPL IDAHO Revenue Requirement Impacts of MSP Revised Protocol A B Total Mid C QFs Seasonal Total Revenue Requirement Impacts of MSP Revised Protocol Idaho Idaho Revenue Requirement Idaho Revenue Requirement Impacts of MSP Revised Protocol 302 & 182 111IP & 22844 Normalized Results of Operations - MODIFIED ACCORD Modified Accord Max Allowed Revised Revenue Requirement per MSP Stipulation Net Revenue Requirement Impacts of MSP Modified Accord to Rolled-In Adjustment Idaho Revenue Requirement - MSP Revised Protocol Rate Mitigation Cap per MSP Stipulation Calculated Idaho Revenue Requirement under Revised Protocol Price Change without Rate Mitigation Cap Calculated Idaho Revenue Requirement under Rolled-In Proposed Price Change with Rate Mitigation Cap 12 Months Ended MARCH 2004 Normalized Results of Operations - REVISED PROTOCOL 12 Months Ended March 2004 PacifiCorp Cost Of Service By Rate Schedule State of Idaho 12 Months Ending March 2004 MSP Protocol C D E F G H I J K L M Return on Rate of Generation Transmission Retail Misc Increase Percentage Line Schedule Annual Rate Return Cost of (Decrease) Change from No. Revenue Base Index Service to = ROR Current Revenues 01 Residential 36 Residential - TOD 06 General Service - Large 08 General Service - Medium Voltage 09 General Service - High Voltage 10 Irrigation 07,11,12 Street & Area Lighting 12 Traffic Signals 19 Space Heating 23 General Service - Small SPC Contract Footnotes : Column C : Annual revenues based on 3-2004. Column D : Calculated Return on Ratebase per 3-2004 Embedded Cost of Service Study Column E : Rate of Return Index. Rate of return by rate schedule, divided by Idaho Jurisdiction's normalized rate of return. Column F : Calculated Full Cost of Service at Jurisdictional Rate of Return per the 3-2004 Embedded COS Study Column G : Calculated Generation Cost of Service at Jurisdictional Rate of Return per the 3-2004 Embedded COS Study. Column H : Calculated Transmission Cost of Service at Jurisdictional Rate of Return per the 3-2004 Embedded COS Study. Column I : Calculated Distribution Cost of Service at Jurisdictional Rate of Return per the 3-2004 Embedded COS Study. Column J : Calculated Retail Cost of Service at Jurisdictional Rate of Return per the 3-2004 Embedded COS Study. Column K : Calculated Misc.Distribution Cost of Service at Jurisdictional Rate of Return per the 3-2004 Embedded COS Study. Column L : Increase or Decrease Required to Move From Annual Revenue to Full Cost of Service Dollars. Column M : Increase or Decrease Required to Move From Annual Revenue to Full Cost of Service Percent. Call Sempra Seasonal Purchases 6.07% = Earned Return on Rate Base 8.36% = Target Return on Rate Base Stipulated Reduction to Revised Protocol Revenue Requirement Page 2. 1.00 2.00 2811245144.26 1155795348.59 1155795348.59 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 717118193.21 297585435.07 297585435.07 5.00 131042668.79 41095972.46 41093649.01 6.00 3659406006.26 1494476756.12 1494474432.67 7.00 8.00 9.00 699239897.64 289873596.62 289503758.82 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.00 35674756.67 14950614.90 14950614.90 12.00 1004641396.83 419315946.01 451623317.92 13.00 107780279.56 45135105.35 45135105.35 14.00 232358695.49 101947832.24 101947832.24 15.00 95074182.44 40485054.24 40485054.24 16.00 15280621.53 6812985.33 6812985.33 17.00 2349.69 1050.91 1050.91 18.00 219064433.42 92218274.70 92170704.60 19.00 20.00 2409116613.28 1010740460.29 1042630424.31 21.00 22.00 376449739.18 152899035.95 152799470.77 23.00 57612532.44 23458179.56 23449824.31 24.00 104831000.00 34770597.03 34750767.76 25.00 145232324.48 52312127.76 41844046.18 26.00 22965349.91 8313717.79 6397756.17 27.00 15778134.00 -1964486.35 -1962517.10 28.00 -5833372.00 -4851552.04 -4851552.04 29.00 -240419.73 103776.01 103776.01 30.00 31.00 3125911901.56 1275781856.00 1295161996.36 32.00 33.00 533494104.70 218694900.12 199312436.32 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 14245256398.00 5933600898.37 5930194535.23 38.00 1533369.04 794539.60 794539.60 39.00 87731904.66 21808197.90 21647424.06 40.00 84154174.18 35267420.65 35267420.65 41.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.00 20613194.01 7818176.11 7815034.34 43.00 55922309.99 23021434.38 22977958.98 44.00 94635172.72 40529032.39 40494154.89 45.00 65749672.49 29755547.97 30182487.17 46.00 34169386.96 8381337.86 8381222.08 47.00 9692266.43 4816698.87 4816698.87 48.00 49.00 14699457848.47 6105793284.09 6102571475.84 50.00 51.00 52.00 -5626203903.67 -2248837133.77 -2246608187.59 53.00 -394779364.59 -156906153.61 -156847418.83 54.00 -1138375748.00 -510621279.53 -510633925.59 55.00 -14198143.00 -205673.24 -205673.24 56.00 -3344714.59 -3092947.53 -3092947.53 57.00 -7817274.00 -7817274.00 -7817274.00 58.00 -115519735.90 -46639844.71 -46619997.70 59.00 60.00 -7300238883.76 -2974120306.40 -2971825424.49 61.00 62.00 7399218964.71 3131672977.70 3130746051.36 63.00 64.00 65.00 0.07 0.07 0.06 66.00 67.00 0.08 0.07 0.06 68.00 69.00 $35,368,266.65 $14,969,396.83 $14,964,966.13 70.00 56999623.93 24124733.01 24117592.47 71.00 -460036667.10 -200626523.47 -218648854.58 72.00 73.00 74.00 75.00 76.00 77.00 78.00 440.00 79.00 1082850513.27 441417805.53 441417805.53 80.00 81.00 1082850513.27 441417805.53 441417805.53 82.00 83.00 442.00 84.00 1689441714.82 684747826.89 684747826.89 85.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 87.00 88.00 89.00 1689441714.82 684747826.89 684747826.89 90.00 91.00 444.00 92.00 18297793.51 8974593.51 8974593.51 93.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94.00 18297793.51 8974593.51 8974593.51 95.00 96.00 445.00 97.00 20655122.67 20655122.67 20655122.67 98.00 99.00 20655122.67 20655122.67 20655122.67 100.00 101.00 448.00 102.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 103.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 104.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105.00 106.00 2811245144.26 1155795348.59 1155795348.59 107.00 108.00 109.00 110.00 447.00 111.00 7027801.62 0.00 0.00 112.00 710090391.59 297585435.07 297585435.07 113.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.00 116.00 717118193.21 297585435.07 297585435.07 117.00 449.00 118.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 119.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 121.00 122.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 123.00 124.00 3528363337.47 1453380783.67 1453380783.67 125.00 126.00 127.00 128.00 129.00 450.00 130.00 5823317.28 2584817.71 2584817.71 131.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 132.00 5823317.28 2584817.71 2584817.71 133.00 134.00 451.00 135.00 6359211.77 3881327.82 3881327.82 136.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 137.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 138.00 6359211.77 3881327.82 3881327.82 139.00 140.00 453.00 141.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 142.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 143.00 144.00 454.00 145.00 8961588.55 2774356.39 2774356.39 146.00 3356000.00 1406436.04 1406436.04 147.00 145212.74 60455.89 60421.18 148.00 12462801.29 4241248.32 4241213.61 149.00 150.00 151.00 152.00 456.00 153.00 38936905.23 2272137.21 2272137.21 154.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 155.00 17343925.23 7139941.76 7139941.76 156.00 9576131.97 3986795.82 3984507.08 157.00 40540376.02 16989703.82 16989703.82 158.00 159.00 160.00 106397338.45 30388578.61 30386289.87 161.00 162.00 131042668.79 41095972.46 41093649.01 163.00 164.00 3659406006.26 1494476756.12 1494474432.67 165.00 166.00 167.00 2878353968.71 1167307987.72 1167307987.72 168.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 169.00 17343925.23 7139941.76 7139941.76 170.00 9721344.71 4047251.70 4044928.26 171.00 753986767.61 315981574.93 315981574.93 172.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 173.00 174.00 3659406006.26 1494476756.12 1494474432.67 175.00 176.00 177.00 178.00 179.00 180.00 41160.00 181.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 182.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 183.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 184.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 185.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 186.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 187.00 188.00 41170.00 189.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 190.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 191.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 192.00 193.00 4118.00 194.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 195.00 -585036.73 -240840.99 -240840.99 196.00 -585036.73 -240840.99 -240840.99 197.00 198.00 41181.00 199.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 201.00 202.00 4194.00 203.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 204.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 205.00 206.00 421.00 207.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 208.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 209.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 210.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 212.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 213.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 214.00 215.00 -585036.73 -240840.99 -240840.99 216.00 217.00 4311.00 218.00 344617.00 344617.00 344617.00 219.00 344617.00 344617.00 344617.00 220.00 344617.00 344617.00 344617.00 221.00 222.00 -240419.73 103776.01 103776.01 223.00 224.00 225.00 226.00 227.00 228.00 500.00 229.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230.00 22337615.57 9361271.64 9361271.64 231.00 1379303.83 578040.11 563300.98 232.00 23716919.40 9939311.76 9924572.63 233.00 234.00 501.00 235.00 383239377.00 157767448.68 157767448.68 236.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 237.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 238.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 239.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 39783656.00 16377664.41 16174252.60 241.00 423023033.00 174145113.09 173941701.28 242.00 243.00 502.00 244.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 245.00 34560844.64 14483795.46 14483795.46 246.00 2160006.89 905217.98 882136.32 247.00 36720851.53 15389013.44 15365931.77 248.00 249.00 503.00 250.00 3881517.00 1597896.96 1597896.96 251.00 3881517.00 1597896.96 1597896.96 252.00 253.00 505.00 254.00 2463352.72 1032344.47 1032344.47 255.00 1053268.87 441405.03 430149.89 256.00 3516621.59 1473749.51 1462494.36 257.00 258.00 506.00 259.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 260.00 43854539.30 18378606.88 18378606.88 261.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 262.00 960173.70 402390.61 392130.27 263.00 44814712.99 18780997.49 18770737.15 264.00 265.00 507.00 266.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 267.00 4812330.29 2016756.49 2016756.49 268.00 27664.67 11593.74 11298.11 269.00 4839994.95 2028350.22 2028054.60 270.00 271.00 510.00 272.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 273.00 6038412.98 2530584.52 2530584.52 274.00 2149765.08 900925.83 877953.61 275.00 8188178.06 3431510.35 3408538.13 276.00 277.00 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822.00 242220.18 93907.49 93907.49 823.00 824.00 15280621.53 6812985.33 6812985.33 825.00 826.00 827.00 828.00 4155396.89 1837179.28 1837179.28 829.00 11125224.64 4975806.06 4975806.06 830.00 831.00 15280621.53 6812985.33 6812985.33 832.00 833.00 834.00 835.00 836.00 837.00 838.00 911.00 839.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 840.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 841.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 842.00 843.00 912.00 844.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 845.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 846.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 847.00 848.00 913.00 849.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 850.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 851.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 852.00 853.00 916.00 854.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 855.00 2349.69 1050.91 1050.91 856.00 2349.69 1050.91 1050.91 857.00 858.00 2349.69 1050.91 1050.91 859.00 860.00 861.00 862.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 863.00 2349.69 1050.91 1050.91 864.00 2349.69 1050.91 1050.91 865.00 866.00 15282971.22 6814036.24 6814036.24 867.00 868.00 869.00 870.00 871.00 920.00 872.00 326364.74 290915.19 290915.19 873.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 874.00 65581457.67 27303287.17 27287612.89 875.00 65907822.41 27594202.36 27578528.08 876.00 877.00 921.00 878.00 447424.22 136395.79 136395.79 879.00 26235.05 11733.74 11733.74 880.00 18437218.67 7675899.47 7671492.88 881.00 18910877.95 7824029.00 7819622.42 882.00 883.00 922.00 884.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 885.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 886.00 -13700198.98 -5703753.47 -5700479.06 887.00 -13700198.98 -5703753.47 -5700479.06 888.00 889.00 923.00 890.00 14822.79 -4157.58 -4157.58 891.00 83634.84 37406.06 37406.06 892.00 48959147.01 20382981.68 20371280.21 893.00 49057604.64 20416230.16 20404528.69 894.00 895.00 924.00 896.00 26747477.00 11135678.76 11129285.99 897.00 26747477.00 11135678.76 11129285.99 898.00 899.00 925.00 900.00 18504934.00 7704091.14 7699668.37 901.00 18504934.00 7704091.14 7699668.37 902.00 903.00 926.00 904.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 905.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 906.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 907.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 908.00 909.00 927.00 910.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 911.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 913.00 914.00 928.00 915.00 7959609.75 3135360.18 3135360.18 916.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 917.00 495557.70 206313.71 206195.27 918.00 1251138.24 524328.34 524328.34 919.00 9706305.69 3866002.23 3865883.79 920.00 921.00 929.00 922.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 923.00 -11799968.03 -4912637.31 -4909817.06 924.00 -11799968.03 -4912637.31 -4909817.06 925.00 926.00 930.00 927.00 9448081.67 5196045.67 5196045.67 928.00 98.32 43.98 43.98 929.00 16445412.06 6846657.94 6842727.41 930.00 25893592.05 12042747.59 12038817.06 931.00 932.00 931.00 933.00 147099.71 0.00 0.00 934.00 4702668.70 1957844.77 1956720.81 935.00 4849768.41 1957844.77 1956720.81 936.00 937.00 935.00 938.00 433436.32 75198.66 75198.66 939.00 -107625.18 -48135.84 -48135.84 940.00 24660407.15 10266776.65 10260882.69 941.00 24986218.29 10293839.47 10287945.51 942.00 943.00 219064433.42 92218274.70 92170704.60 944.00 945.00 946.00 18776839.19 8829757.91 8829757.91 947.00 199034112.95 82863140.51 82815570.42 948.00 1251138.24 524328.34 524328.34 949.00 2343.04 1047.93 1047.93 950.00 219064433.42 92218274.70 92170704.60 951.00 952.00 2409116613.28 1010740460.29 1042630424.31 953.00 954.00 955.00 956.00 957.00 958.00 38175862.51 15998780.98 15998780.98 959.00 42191009.01 17681452.84 17681452.84 960.00 46037579.75 19293477.79 19293477.79 961.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 962.00 11426167.44 4788490.38 4666391.25 963.00 137830618.71 57762202.00 57640102.86 964.00 965.00 966.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 967.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 968.00 969.00 970.00 5899978.81 2472569.38 2472569.38 971.00 1242651.53 520771.72 520771.72 972.00 4810198.39 2015863.05 2015863.05 973.00 1402066.81 587579.65 587579.65 974.00 13354895.55 5596783.80 5596783.80 975.00 976.00 977.00 48109.26 20161.68 20161.68 978.00 7551885.17 3164852.05 3164852.05 979.00 6013024.89 2519944.86 2549060.18 980.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 981.00 13613019.32 5704958.59 5734073.91 982.00 983.00 984.00 12676278.11 5312388.09 5312388.09 985.00 14141049.12 5926245.88 5926245.88 986.00 25921003.76 10863001.77 10863001.77 987.00 52738331.00 22101635.74 22101635.74 988.00 989.00 990.00 991.00 403.00 992.00 360.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 993.00 361.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 994.00 362.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 995.00 364.00 121021331.27 47006197.88 47006197.88 996.00 365.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 997.00 366.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 998.00 367.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999.00 368.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1000.00 369.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1001.00 370.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1002.00 371.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1003.00 372.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1004.00 373.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1005.00 121021331.27 47006197.88 47006197.88 1006.00 1007.00 1008.00 11873667.99 3846577.63 3846577.63 1009.00 479765.84 201060.78 201060.78 1010.00 843546.87 353514.52 353514.52 1011.00 35322.54 14541.17 14541.17 1012.00 1118629.50 500312.00 500312.00 1013.00 3699532.08 1550403.83 1550403.83 1014.00 19665110.92 8187103.33 8182403.28 1015.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1016.00 -60.79 -25.47 -25.77 1017.00 176028.38 73770.16 71889.13 1018.00 37891543.34 14727257.95 14720676.58 1019.00 1020.00 1021.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1022.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1023.00 1024.00 1025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1026.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 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36988.72 36988.72 1075.00 2677401.68 1122048.34 1122048.34 1076.00 34319223.94 14287996.33 14279793.88 1077.00 7491667.92 3350681.70 3350681.70 1078.00 1406489.71 589433.20 589433.20 1079.00 206058.56 86355.24 86355.24 1080.00 60460.20 25337.72 25337.72 1081.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1082.00 14442.75 6052.68 6052.68 1083.00 48729702.60 20299090.16 20290887.70 1084.00 1085.00 1086.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1087.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1088.00 1089.00 1090.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1091.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1092.00 28535.35 11958.62 11958.62 1093.00 28535.35 11958.62 11958.62 1094.00 1095.00 50114597.44 20818317.46 20809962.21 1096.00 1097.00 1098.00 405.00 1099.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1100.00 1101.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1102.00 1103.00 406.00 1104.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1105.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1106.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1107.00 5479353.00 2296293.07 2296293.07 1108.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1109.00 5479353.00 2296293.07 2296293.07 1110.00 1111.00 1112.00 1113.00 1114.00 407.00 1115.00 1196558.00 0.00 0.00 1116.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1117.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1118.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1119.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1120.00 822024.00 343569.03 343569.03 1121.00 2018582.00 343569.03 343569.03 1122.00 1123.00 57612532.44 23458179.56 23449824.31 1124.00 1125.00 1126.00 1127.00 1128.00 4184876.10 949055.60 949055.60 1129.00 89850.81 36988.72 36988.72 1130.00 822024.00 343569.03 343569.03 1131.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1132.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1133.00 34958537.69 14554159.48 14545804.22 1134.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1135.00 7684502.58 3436927.86 3436927.86 1136.00 9872741.25 4137478.89 4137478.89 1137.00 57612532.44 23458179.56 23449824.31 1138.00 1139.00 1140.00 1141.00 1142.00 408.00 1143.00 21465000.00 65000.00 65000.00 1144.00 75006000.00 31226972.23 31209045.44 1145.00 7960000.00 3313957.54 3312055.06 1146.00 400000.00 164667.26 164667.26 1147.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1148.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1149.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1151.00 1152.00 1153.00 1154.00 104831000.00 34770597.03 34750767.76 1155.00 1156.00 1157.00 1158.00 1159.00 1160.00 1161.00 41140.00 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-2271792.00 -952065.00 -952065.00 1259.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1260.00 -9349541.00 -3892460.03 -3890225.45 1261.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1262.00 -3856859.00 -1427037.44 -1427037.44 1263.00 -2079466.00 -560287.29 -560287.29 1264.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1265.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1266.00 1267.00 1268.00 -17891958.00 -6971948.56 -6969713.98 1269.00 1270.00 41111.00 1271.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1272.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1273.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1274.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1275.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1276.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1277.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1278.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1279.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1281.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1282.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1283.00 1284.00 1285.00 1286.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1287.00 1288.00 15778134.00 -1964486.35 -1962517.10 1289.00 1290.00 1291.00 1292.00 1293.00 1294.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1295.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1296.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1297.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1298.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1299.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1301.00 1302.00 1303.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1304.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1305.00 14116629.00 5877124.25 5873750.31 1306.00 1307.00 14116629.00 5877124.25 5873750.31 1308.00 1309.00 1310.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1311.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1312.00 35943746.98 12301596.84 12301596.84 1313.00 34425249.00 14753432.04 14748745.84 1314.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1315.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1316.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1317.00 11465630.00 4805028.39 4805028.39 1318.00 -39868741.00 -16598406.37 -16588877.55 1319.00 20720922.00 8626665.28 8621712.88 1320.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1321.00 376449739.00 152899035.88 152799470.69 1322.00 439136545.98 176787352.05 176687677.09 1323.00 1324.00 453253174.98 182664476.31 182561427.40 1325.00 1326.00 1327.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1328.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1329.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1330.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1331.00 1332.00 1333.00 1334.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1335.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1336.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1337.00 381000.00 163282.99 163231.13 1338.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1339.00 8518530.00 3546488.28 3544452.31 1340.00 8899530.00 3709771.27 3707683.43 1341.00 1342.00 1343.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1344.00 -10163000.00 -3760308.98 -3760308.98 1345.00 55746405.00 23890917.90 23883329.32 1346.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1347.00 445000.00 183192.33 183192.33 1348.00 1852639.00 776405.92 776405.92 1349.00 23316420.00 9707239.42 9701666.68 1350.00 -13965328.00 -5814133.66 -5810795.88 1351.00 409071943.00 161693834.24 161693834.24 1352.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1353.00 466304079.00 186677147.16 186667323.63 1354.00 1355.00 475203609.00 190386918.43 190375007.06 1356.00 1357.00 -21950434.02 -7722442.12 -7813579.66 1358.00 1359.00 1360.00 1361.00 1362.00 1363.00 1364.00 1365.00 40911.00 1366.00 22965349.91 8313717.79 6397756.17 1367.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1368.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1369.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1370.00 22965349.91 8313717.79 6397756.17 1371.00 1372.00 1373.00 1374.00 1375.00 1376.00 3659406006.26 1494476756.12 1494474432.67 1377.00 1378.00 2409116613.28 1010740460.29 1042630424.31 1379.00 376449739.18 152899035.95 152799470.77 1380.00 57612532.44 23458179.56 23449824.31 1381.00 104831000.00 34770597.03 34750767.76 1382.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1383.00 -240419.73 103776.01 103776.01 1384.00 2947769465.18 1221972048.84 1253734263.15 1385.00 1386.00 245511218.65 104428266.05 104397356.91 1387.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1388.00 -21950434.02 -7722442.12 -7813579.66 1389.00 1390.00 444174888.42 160353999.12 128529232.96 1391.00 1392.00 22965349.91 8313717.79 6397756.17 1393.00 1394.00 421209538.51 152040281.32 122131476.79 1395.00 1396.00 0.35 0.35 0.35 1397.00 1398.00 147423338.48 53214098.46 42746016.88 1399.00 1400.00 1401.00 40910.00 -2191014.00 -901970.70 -901970.70 1402.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1403.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1404.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1405.00 145232324.48 52312127.76 41844046.18 1406.00 1407.00 3125911901.56 1275781856.00 1295161996.36 1408.00 1409.00 1410.00 1411.00 1412.00 310.00 1413.00 3620785.26 1517402.53 1517402.53 1414.00 34520704.32 14466973.41 14466973.41 1415.00 41614268.50 17439751.82 17439751.82 1416.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1417.00 1231556.66 516122.07 502961.75 1418.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1419.00 80987314.74 33940249.83 33927089.51 1420.00 1421.00 311.00 1422.00 239230248.91 100256866.66 100256866.66 1423.00 331761763.78 139035072.13 139035072.13 1424.00 147032581.48 61618570.32 61618570.32 1425.00 45540858.79 19085311.44 18598665.39 1426.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1427.00 763565452.96 319995820.56 319509174.50 1428.00 1429.00 312.00 1430.00 763197813.39 319841749.78 319841749.78 1431.00 723000181.02 302995683.33 302995683.33 1432.00 763919082.88 320144020.16 320144020.16 1433.00 217300581.19 91066558.23 88744501.23 1434.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1435.00 2467417658.48 1034048011.50 1031725954.50 1436.00 1437.00 314.00 1438.00 149175113.23 62516464.80 62516464.80 1439.00 140286849.76 58791561.91 58791561.91 1440.00 489346178.14 205075715.78 205075715.78 1441.00 60612858.41 25401701.04 24753996.78 1442.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1443.00 839420999.55 351785443.54 351137739.28 1444.00 1445.00 315.00 1446.00 88873517.35 37245207.99 37245207.99 1447.00 141326671.97 59227331.71 59227331.71 1448.00 49197718.40 20617832.05 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0.00 1983.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1984.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1985.00 1986.00 1194165761.21 481679504.26 481563939.55 1987.00 1988.00 1989.00 430941380.24 161542545.28 161542545.28 1990.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1991.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1992.00 128767786.12 53964140.49 52080529.04 1993.00 304065190.41 126590342.85 126517669.83 1994.00 333726109.59 137384413.05 137384413.05 1995.00 21362904.37 9554653.71 9554653.71 1996.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1997.00 0.00 0.00 24958.91 1998.00 0.00 0.00 1811537.58 1999.00 -24697609.51 -7356591.12 -7352367.85 2000.00 1194165761.21 481679504.26 481563939.55 2001.00 2002.00 2003.00 2004.00 2005.00 301.00 2006.00 26139423.15 9983362.84 9983362.84 2007.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2008.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2009.00 26139423.15 9983362.84 9983362.84 2010.00 302.00 2011.00 1000000.00 0.00 0.00 2012.00 1166724.77 488952.26 488952.26 2013.00 65749393.35 27554325.56 27554325.56 2014.00 9632651.58 4036861.85 4036861.85 2015.00 2826342.32 1184466.54 1184466.54 2016.00 675157.66 282945.79 282945.79 2017.00 81050269.68 33547551.99 33547551.99 2018.00 2019.00 303.00 2020.00 4540628.05 227304.43 227304.43 2021.00 33255571.67 13936780.28 13936780.28 2022.00 440062711.82 183209690.95 183104513.88 2023.00 1155176.44 475549.36 475549.36 2024.00 96317416.99 43078391.86 43078391.86 2025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2026.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2027.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2028.00 575331504.98 240927716.88 240822539.81 2029.00 303.00 2030.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2031.00 575331504.98 240927716.88 240822539.81 2032.00 2033.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2034.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2035.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2036.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2037.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2038.00 2039.00 682521197.80 284458631.71 284353454.65 2040.00 2041.00 2042.00 31680051.20 10210667.27 10210667.27 2043.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2044.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2045.00 113305841.36 47484332.27 47484332.27 2046.00 440062711.82 183209690.95 183104513.88 2047.00 96317416.99 43078391.86 43078391.86 2048.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2049.00 1155176.44 475549.36 475549.36 2050.00 682521197.80 284458631.71 284353454.65 2051.00 2052.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2053.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2054.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2055.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2056.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2057.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2058.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2059.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2060.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2061.00 2062.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2063.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2064.00 2065.00 14245256398.00 5933600898.37 5930194535.23 2066.00 2067.00 4886839645.32 2009888830.55 2009888830.55 2068.00 334881286.03 137859962.41 137859962.41 2069.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2070.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2071.00 8186424852.57 3430775617.16 3202195127.04 2072.00 744127902.23 309800033.80 309622183.72 2073.00 117680321.36 52633045.57 52633045.57 2074.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2075.00 0.00 0.00 154483138.02 2076.00 0.00 0.00 70864615.77 2077.00 -24697609.51 -7356591.12 -7352367.85 2078.00 14245256398.00 5933600898.37 5930194535.23 2079.00 2080.00 2081.00 2082.00 2083.00 105.00 2084.00 273611.98 273611.98 273611.98 2085.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2086.00 313743.15 131483.81 131483.81 2087.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2088.00 946013.91 389443.80 389443.80 2089.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2090.00 2091.00 2092.00 1533369.04 794539.60 794539.60 2093.00 2094.00 114.00 2095.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2096.00 142633069.10 59774818.00 59774818.00 2097.00 14560710.68 6102118.09 6102118.09 2098.00 157193779.78 65876936.09 65876936.09 2099.00 2100.00 115.00 2101.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2102.00 -63522007.36 -26620870.27 -26620870.27 2103.00 -9517598.24 -3988645.17 -3988645.17 2104.00 -73039605.60 -30609515.45 -30609515.45 2105.00 2106.00 120.00 2107.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2108.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2109.00 2110.00 124.00 2111.00 7017101.91 -271446.75 -271446.75 2112.00 484443.88 201686.74 201570.96 2113.00 7501545.79 -69760.01 -69875.79 2114.00 2115.00 2116.00 26667841.17 8451097.87 8451097.87 2117.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2118.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2119.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2120.00 26667841.17 8451097.87 8451097.87 2121.00 2122.00 2123.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2124.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2126.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2127.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2128.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2129.00 2130.00 34169386.96 8381337.86 8381222.08 2131.00 2132.00 151.00 2133.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2134.00 50220310.15 20674102.61 20674102.61 2135.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2136.00 8502999.84 3500414.29 3456938.88 2137.00 58723309.99 24174516.90 24131041.49 2138.00 2139.00 152.00 2140.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2141.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2142.00 2143.00 25316.00 2144.00 -1029000.00 -423606.54 -423606.54 2145.00 -1029000.00 -423606.54 -423606.54 2146.00 2147.00 25317.00 2148.00 -1772000.00 -729475.98 -729475.98 2149.00 -1772000.00 -729475.98 -729475.98 2150.00 2151.00 25319.00 2152.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2153.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2154.00 2155.00 55922309.99 23021434.38 22977958.98 2156.00 2157.00 2158.00 2159.00 2160.00 154.00 2161.00 38213962.39 16879637.08 16879637.08 2162.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2163.00 2185420.81 899668.16 899668.16 2164.00 -5304322.48 -2208329.08 -2207061.32 2165.00 47057818.53 19721040.54 19683909.10 2166.00 -29016.47 -12160.25 -12160.25 2167.00 190037.77 85564.11 85564.11 2168.00 12666401.65 5308249.05 5308249.05 2169.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2170.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2171.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2172.00 -72129.48 -30228.10 -29457.33 2173.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2174.00 94908172.72 40643441.51 40608348.60 2175.00 2176.00 163.00 2177.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2178.00 2179.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2180.00 2181.00 25318.00 2182.00 -273000.00 -114409.13 -114193.72 2183.00 2184.00 -273000.00 -114409.13 -114193.72 2185.00 2186.00 94635172.72 40529032.39 40494154.89 2187.00 2188.00 165.00 2189.00 3545596.71 730651.50 730651.50 2190.00 6061382.47 2523513.08 2522064.38 2191.00 14254.55 5973.81 5973.81 2192.00 3908125.94 1608851.01 1608851.01 2193.00 7083834.34 2949186.71 2947493.64 2194.00 20613194.01 7818176.11 7815034.34 2195.00 2196.00 2197.00 56657196.99 9089739.45 9089739.45 2198.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2199.00 13282029.70 5588333.81 5424316.38 2200.00 -0.12 -0.05 -0.05 2201.00 -13571227.35 -5650059.19 -5646815.60 2202.00 56367999.22 9028014.02 8867240.18 2203.00 2204.00 2205.00 750000.70 0.00 0.00 2206.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2207.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2208.00 23933146.36 10029928.38 10029928.38 2209.00 0.04 0.02 0.02 2210.00 6680758.34 2750255.48 2750255.48 2211.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2212.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2213.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2214.00 31363905.44 12780183.88 12780183.88 2215.00 2216.00 2217.00 2218.00 53421556.04 24425927.23 24856222.84 2219.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2220.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2221.00 53421556.04 24425927.23 24856222.84 2222.00 2223.00 2224.00 131.00 13353109.96 5722665.95 5720848.24 2225.00 135.00 -145281.17 -60884.59 -60884.59 2226.00 143.00 14022878.47 5838093.44 5834741.91 2227.00 232.00 -7584947.74 -3157813.41 -3156000.57 2228.00 232.00 -96948.00 -39910.40 -39910.40 2229.00 253.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2230.00 2533.00 -5093310.21 -2096753.64 -2096753.64 2231.00 230.00 -1930056.72 -794542.90 -794542.90 2232.00 254105.00 -197328.15 -81233.71 -81233.71 2233.00 2533.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2234.00 2533.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2235.00 12328116.44 5329620.74 5326264.33 2236.00 2237.00 65749672.49 29755547.97 30182487.17 2238.00 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2281.00 2282.00 22841.00 2283.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2284.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2285.00 2286.00 22842.00 -2928282.14 -1223307.72 -1223307.72 2287.00 230.00 -2231349.62 -932159.91 -932159.91 2288.00 254105.00 -643019.88 -268625.48 -268625.48 2289.00 254.00 -238374.26 0.00 0.00 2290.00 -6041025.90 -2424093.10 -2424093.10 2291.00 2292.00 252.00 2293.00 -3361923.18 -3100644.15 -3100644.15 2294.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2295.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2296.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2297.00 17208.59 7696.62 7696.62 2298.00 -3344714.59 -3092947.53 -3092947.53 2299.00 2300.00 25399.00 2301.00 -3834536.93 -233594.57 -233594.57 2302.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2303.00 -14164454.15 -5936054.48 -5936054.48 2304.00 -8439482.57 -3474266.25 -3474266.25 2305.00 -26438473.65 -9643915.30 -9643915.30 2306.00 2307.00 190.00 2308.00 -2333687.00 0.00 0.00 2309.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2310.00 52319989.00 21782188.67 21769683.95 2311.00 -2438.00 0.00 0.00 2312.00 23478054.50 8686877.81 8686877.81 2313.00 -2131260.00 -890770.74 -890770.74 2314.00 23949714.00 10036871.57 10036871.57 2315.00 20130384.00 8287038.12 8287038.12 2316.00 3551656.00 1522112.89 1521629.42 2317.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2318.00 2319.00 118962412.50 49424318.32 49411330.12 2320.00 2321.00 281.00 2322.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2323.00 -1386625.00 0.00 0.00 2324.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2325.00 -1386625.00 0.00 0.00 2326.00 2327.00 282.00 2328.00 -1263843353.00 -566456459.50 -566456459.50 2329.00 40986075.00 19964257.41 19964257.41 2330.00 -273657.00 0.00 0.00 2331.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2332.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2333.00 -8231733.00 -3388742.37 -3388742.37 2334.00 -14639145.00 -6134988.43 -6134988.43 2335.00 -1246001813.00 -556015932.89 -556015932.89 2336.00 2337.00 283.00 2338.00 -348011.00 167973.00 167973.00 2339.00 86639.50 36308.97 36308.97 2340.00 -1081585.00 -445254.11 -445254.11 2341.00 9539011.00 3971341.38 3969061.51 2342.00 -1403778.00 -584429.73 -584094.22 2343.00 -16796832.00 -7198522.21 -7196235.71 2344.00 54833.00 22917.73 22917.73 2345.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2346.00 2347.00 -9949722.50 -4029664.97 -4029322.83 2348.00 2349.00 -1138375748.00 -510621279.53 -510633925.59 2350.00 2351.00 2352.00 2353.00 2354.00 255.00 2355.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2356.00 -4217879.00 0.00 0.00 2357.00 -5928853.00 0.00 0.00 2358.00 -2527911.00 0.00 0.00 2359.00 -348165.00 0.00 0.00 2360.00 -737131.00 0.00 0.00 2361.00 -438204.00 -205673.24 -205673.24 2362.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2363.00 -14198143.00 -205673.24 -205673.24 2364.00 2365.00 -1279255615.49 -568377019.01 -568369818.06 2366.00 2367.00 2368.00 2369.00 2370.00 2371.00 2372.00 -806797416.18 -338113517.59 -338113517.59 2373.00 -899980327.23 -377164710.87 -377164710.87 2374.00 -353961819.59 -148338695.09 -148338695.09 2375.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2376.00 -208677553.95 -87452810.82 -85222898.82 2377.00 -2269417116.95 -951069734.37 -948839822.37 2378.00 2379.00 2380.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2381.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2382.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2383.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2384.00 2385.00 2386.00 2387.00 -153176978.33 -64193570.68 -64193570.68 2388.00 -29952363.76 -12552468.40 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0.00 1012986.79 -13988808.48 -10388104.64 -10603355.57 30075329.99 2986280.74 795371.42 110299.75 Exhibit No. 22 1.00 24069844.40 0.05 0.91 27510788.22 14031107.58 1677187.26 8274313.30 2958830.28 569349.79 3440943.82 0.14 2.00 19665641.32 0.07 1.09 21720644.47 12857523.77 1466585.49 5616947.78 1492774.82 286812.61 2055003.15 0.10 3.00 19026526.00 0.08 1.24 20489085.28 14765528.32 1732186.76 3734060.04 227478.69 29831.46 1462559.28 0.08 4.00 168495.00 0.11 1.82 162065.96 114002.70 13362.71 32343.44 2168.78 188.34 -6429.04 -0.04 5.00 3982764.00 0.11 1.88 3790561.90 3364853.95 364823.66 35836.26 23544.52 1503.50 -192202.10 -0.05 6.00 39709324.00 0.05 0.85 46090819.90 28108879.37 2962433.72 14368149.72 546944.07 104413.03 6381495.90 0.16 7.00 279283.00 -0.28 -4.65 577574.76 71326.91 5297.74 447467.75 41885.78 11596.59 298291.76 1.07 8.00 18292.00 0.12 1.97 17206.36 9952.57 1071.64 4141.83 1596.23 444.09 -1085.64 -0.06 9.00 743355.00 0.09 1.45 767571.16 515922.42 61802.45 157514.21 26289.62 6042.45 24216.16 0.03 10.00 8532551.00 0.07 1.19 9254708.02 5376964.95 655565.12 2516838.80 588386.13 116953.02 722157.02 0.08 11.00 4011523.00 0.04 0.62 4911360.69 4409383.09 503184.08 -1913.17 1942.32 -1235.63 899837.69 0.22 12.00 120207598.72 0.06 1.00 135292386.72 83625445.61 9443500.64 35185699.97 5911841.24 1125899.26 $15,084,788.00 0.13 Exhibit No. 22 1.00 24069844.40 0.05 0.91 24531481.81 12772036.02 1065828.88 7350383.80 2911327.67 431905.45 461637.41 0.02 2.00 19665641.32 0.07 1.09 19314843.49 11730693.64 923642.27 4974219.74 1467570.92 218716.92 -350797.83 -0.02 3.00 19026526.00 0.08 1.24 18100167.04 13459659.41 1098124.72 3297134.39 220039.98 25208.55 -926358.96 -0.05 4.00 168495.00 0.11 1.82 143667.53 103902.94 8465.26 28997.84 2125.66 175.84 -24827.47 -0.15 5.00 3982764.00 0.11 1.88 3362764.57 3079371.92 227722.06 31470.53 22636.63 1563.44 -619999.43 -0.16 6.00 39709324.00 0.05 0.85 40956044.16 25805985.71 1847736.60 12698096.76 518154.52 86070.57 1246720.16 0.03 7.00 279283.00 -0.28 -4.65 548539.52 66256.95 2996.05 429454.99 41035.70 8795.84 269256.52 0.96 8.00 18292.00 0.12 1.97 15390.90 9112.43 668.04 3708.50 1564.79 337.15 -2901.10 -0.16 9.00 743355.00 0.09 1.45 678090.54 469582.04 39277.76 138845.03 25720.57 4665.14 -65264.46 -0.09 10.00 8532551.00 0.07 1.19 8201454.88 4891252.44 418503.84 2223834.37 578392.70 89471.52 -331096.12 -0.04 11.00 4011523.00 0.04 0.62 4355154.28 4038040.36 318740.12 -1942.91 1414.25 -1097.54 343631.28 0.09 12.00 120207598.72 0.06 1.00 120207598.72 76425893.87 5951705.59 31174203.02 5789983.38 865812.86 $0.00 0.00 1.00 35548285.61 2.00 9653220.20 3.00 1820791.92 4.00 47022297.73 5.00 380830262.18 6.00 51827896.81 7.00 -170188752.81 8.00 -17876787.70 9.00 154.00 2049.39 10.00 244594667.87 11.00 0.12 12.00 29188339.34 13.00 76210637.06 4209631.01 $18.10 ($16.70) -70307384.19 14.00 555.00 17223306.41 1837714.36 $9.37 ($25.43) -46739133.89 15.00 555.00 25696991.09 388462.70 $66.15 $31.35 12176379.38 16.00 555.00 47491734.18 372885.36 $127.36 $92.56 34513298.62 17.00 555.00 3749069.75 75729.61 $49.51 $14.70 1113267.98 18.00 555.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 ($34.81) 0.00 19.00 555.00 3368125.28 71147.23 $47.34 $12.53 891815.27 20.00 555.00 3835724.12 35980.96 $106.60 $71.80 2583391.29 21.00 555.00 2601022.56 21133.18 $123.08 $88.27 1865473.13 22.00 86742666.97 965339.04 $89.86 $55.05 53143625.67 23.00 708865720.16 24.00 9341498.53 25.00 101603817.34 26.00 555.00 1268219649.31 27.00 4118.00 -585036.73 28.00 131509180.08 29.00 2563805.63 30.00 14089268.18 31.00 0.00 32.00 701101.34 33.00 406.00 5479352.92 34.00 2241788356.76 35.00 4289336453.61 36.00 98475086.53 37.00 19074724.17 38.00 407042141.77 39.00 399.00 302581914.14 40.00 -2087969484.87 41.00 -44833559.00 42.00 -158678526.54 43.00 -37139104.95 44.00 -13782059.17 45.00 114.00 157193779.78 46.00 115.00 -62080917.14 47.00 151.00 61556156.98 48.00 -3413000.00 49.00 253.99 0.00 50.00 154.00 47057818.53 51.00 154.00 0.00 52.00 2974421423.83 53.00 0.12 54.00 354948137.68 55.00 2596736494.43 74607221.48 $34.81 56.00 2776913104.88 81619905.89 34.02 Page 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 ?1?/?1?/?2004 77740.96 1360417.21 443815.05 646117.51 1823369.79 283470.91 108109.58 15437.99 5.00 ?2?/?1?/?2004 68379.61 1197079.12 368564.05 593824.05 1653050.03 255991.03 99218.27 13932.28 6.00 ?3?/?1?/?2004 70746.81 1221923.96 363435.44 632563.09 1665246.25 257535.17 107156.80 14168.93 7.00 ?4?/?1?/?2003 75848.42 1095372.05 303639.43 572394.90 1529240.92 246547.95 82022.39 13233.84 8.00 ?5?/?1?/?2003 65252.85 1066621.31 308073.41 548517.52 1672359.64 319894.89 82344.92 14696.19 9.00 ?6?/?1?/?2003 87654.00 1125659.51 357065.00 551714.65 1721258.58 423958.70 77993.79 15459.33 10.00 ?7?/?1?/?2003 94006.75 1211181.65 387200.55 609356.12 2077386.43 464720.84 81900.65 19019.86 11.00 ?8?/?1?/?2003 84036.24 1187989.63 383268.38 603430.69 1990327.57 372454.90 85881.55 18469.81 12.00 ?9?/?1?/?2003 69384.24 1089446.54 358449.49 566283.58 1624061.72 275294.62 81492.02 14547.56 13.00 ?10?/?1?/?2003 63919.08 1118364.54 360952.28 586193.36 1676602.76 277789.15 84946.18 14861.12 14.00 ?11?/?1?/?2003 74489.56 1196615.09 368689.50 595395.43 1692686.92 260031.33 97331.76 14435.62 15.00 ?12?/?1?/?2003 81808.71 1366523.51 438890.73 661538.13 1860177.43 281566.83 108242.83 15852.56 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.00 913267.23 14237194.13 4442043.31 7167329.02 20985768.06 3719256.33 1096640.74 184115.09 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 ?1?/?1?/?2004 145.75 2524.22 780.31 900.57 2988.98 421.73 156.77 26.24 24.00 ?2?/?1?/?2004 164.05 2354.43 701.00 911.18 2748.70 414.72 145.12 22.64 25.00 ?3?/?1?/?2004 130.90 2111.98 606.92 899.57 2506.24 392.57 144.89 21.54 26.00 ?4?/?1?/?2003 137.68 2176.79 583.96 830.94 2422.47 375.26 118.52 22.75 27.00 ?5?/?1?/?2003 140.51 1779.96 532.07 826.32 3061.52 531.47 103.53 21.31 28.00 ?6?/?1?/?2003 144.83 1986.22 595.11 863.57 3260.61 631.94 108.42 33.10 29.00 ?7?/?1?/?2003 146.36 2231.90 696.33 890.53 3628.45 604.22 118.83 34.49 30.00 ?8?/?1?/?2003 160.08 2058.15 648.56 898.63 3573.46 527.63 123.05 38.87 31.00 ?9?/?1?/?2003 108.45 2056.16 628.03 861.83 3164.13 449.65 118.91 34.90 32.00 ?10?/?1?/?2003 109.78 2150.17 638.81 833.19 2529.56 381.40 122.04 21.21 33.00 ?11?/?1?/?2003 125.00 2146.95 670.11 915.40 2935.12 415.48 146.56 26.13 34.00 ?12?/?1?/?2003 131.27 2320.20 676.52 934.21 3000.53 420.04 151.42 24.32 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.00 1644.67 25897.13 7757.72 10565.96 35819.75 5566.11 1558.08 327.48 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 ?1?/?1?/?2004 0.00 25200.00 0.00 25200.00 0.06 6.00 ?2?/?1?/?2004 0.00 21560.38 0.00 21560.38 0.05 7.00 ?3?/?1?/?2004 0.00 35145.29 0.00 35145.29 0.08 8.00 ?4?/?1?/?2003 2700.00 25282.63 6162.68 34145.32 0.08 9.00 ?5?/?1?/?2003 5700.00 28239.90 14219.42 48159.32 0.11 10.00 ?6?/?1?/?2003 4840.00 25871.58 11808.00 42519.58 0.09 11.00 ?7?/?1?/?2003 8045.66 35131.46 20946.17 64123.30 0.14 12.00 ?8?/?1?/?2003 6478.64 38221.35 16617.21 61317.20 0.14 13.00 ?9?/?1?/?2003 5172.20 26933.50 15628.59 47734.29 0.11 14.00 ?10?/?1?/?2003 0.00 31408.58 0.00 31408.58 0.07 15.00 ?11?/?1?/?2003 0.00 18482.75 0.00 18482.75 0.04 16.00 ?12?/?1?/?2003 0.00 22220.07 0.00 22220.07 0.05 17.00 32936.50 333697.50 85382.08 452016.08 1.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 ?1?/?1?/?2004 0.06 4334.08 75843.56 24742.79 36021.20 101653.27 15803.57 6027.13 860.67 24.00 ?2?/?1?/?2004 0.05 3261.59 57098.59 17579.86 28324.37 78847.61 12210.33 4732.54 664.55 25.00 ?3?/?1?/?2004 0.08 5500.73 95007.41 28257.95 49183.24 129476.74 20023.95 8331.69 1101.67 26.00 ?4?/?1?/?2003 0.08 5729.59 82744.46 22936.94 43238.74 115518.94 18624.24 6195.98 999.68 27.00 ?5?/?1?/?2003 0.11 6952.26 113641.43 32823.18 58440.91 178178.84 34082.68 8773.31 1565.78 28.00 ?6?/?1?/?2003 0.09 8245.31 105886.87 33587.86 51897.88 161912.80 39880.32 7336.60 1454.21 29.00 ?7?/?1?/?2003 0.14 13335.86 171819.03 54928.53 86443.66 294699.42 65925.61 11618.48 2698.17 30.00 ?8?/?1?/?2003 0.14 11399.74 161153.99 51991.39 81857.00 269993.30 50524.51 11650.06 2505.48 31.00 ?9?/?1?/?2003 0.11 7327.19 115048.91 37853.37 59801.29 171505.92 29071.96 8605.81 1536.27 32.00 ?10?/?1?/?2003 0.07 4441.45 77710.16 25080.96 40731.96 116499.64 19302.33 5902.53 1032.63 33.00 ?11?/?1?/?2003 0.04 3045.85 48929.08 15075.56 24345.47 69213.25 10632.57 3979.85 590.27 34.00 ?12?/?1?/?2003 0.05 4021.53 67175.16 21574.86 32519.70 91442.06 13841.18 5320.97 779.28 35.00 1.00 77595.17 1172058.68 366433.25 592805.41 1778941.80 329923.25 88474.95 15788.65 36.00 37.00 0.02 0.27 0.08 0.13 0.40 0.07 0.02 3.57E-03 38.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 43.00 ?1?/?1?/?2004 0.06 8.13 140.73 43.50 50.21 166.64 23.51 8.74 1.46 44.00 ?2?/?1?/?2004 0.05 7.83 112.30 33.44 43.46 131.11 19.78 6.92 1.08 45.00 ?3?/?1?/?2004 0.08 10.18 164.21 47.19 69.94 194.87 30.52 11.27 1.68 46.00 ?4?/?1?/?2003 0.08 10.40 164.43 44.11 62.77 182.99 28.35 8.95 1.72 47.00 ?5?/?1?/?2003 0.11 14.97 189.64 56.69 88.04 326.18 56.62 11.03 2.27 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