HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050118sch-35a-3.rev.docELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 35A - Continued MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. POWER:  The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the 15-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 624.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $1,536.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 35A.3 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 35A.3 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-05-1 ISSUED: January 14, 2005 EFFECTIVE: September 16, 2005