HomeMy WebLinkAbout200302201st Response of PacifiCorp.pdf-).r7 D. Douglas Larson Vice President, Regulation - PACIFICORPPACIFIC POWER' UTAH POWER RECEIVED 1 rT)t'" ,_ (1) L--.. 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84140 (801) 220-2190 (phone) (801) 220-3116 (fax) 20D3FEB 20 AM 9: 06 ! ' 1 ' "-; r, i i C UTILi:ll~S Cm1~1fsSION February 19 2003 - -,."'~..,~.. .. a.. .-.~...'." Scott Woodbury Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 RE: IPUC Staff First Production Request, Case No. PAC-03- Please find enclosed PacifiCorp s responses to IPUC Staff Production Requests 1.1 , 1.2, 1.5, 1.6 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 , 1.12, 1.13, and 1.14 in Case No. PAC-03-3. If you have any questions please call Barry Bell at (801) 220-4985 or Bob Lively at (801) 220-4052. Sincerely, D. Douglas Larson PacifiCorp P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19, 2003 IPUC 1st Set Data Request No. 1.1 IPUC Data Request No. 1.1 Please provide the proposed amount (rate or rates) for the Load Control Service Credit (LCSC) in 2003. Response to IPUC Data Request No. 1.1 Month Monthly KWh Credit ($ per Participation KWh) Credit ($ per KW- month) June $1.$0. July $1.$0. August $2.$0. September $0.$0. This response was prepared by Bruce Griswold, Director, Energy Contracts. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19, 2003 IPUC 1st Set Data Request No. 1.2 IPUc Data Request No. 1.2 Please provide a description of the methodology used to calculate the LCSC rate all the supporting calculations, assumptions and related analysis used in the development of this value. Response to IPUc Data Request No. 1.2 Irrigation Load Control Credit - Rider to Schedule Methodology From June 1 S\ 2003 to September 15th, 2003, PacifiCorp has the right to physically curtail the irrigation pumping load associated with Idaho Schedule 10 customers for two six-continuous-hour blocks per week (Monday-Saturday). PacifiCorp must nominate in advance (March 31 , 2003) those days of the week it will curtail irrigation pump load. Physical curtailment applies to hours ending 1400 through 1900 Pacific Prevailing Time (2PM to 8PM Mountain Prevailing Time). In exchange for physical cunailment rights, PacifiCorp foregoes the retail revenue associated with Schedule 10 customers ' I load and also pays a monthly credit to the emolled Schedule 10 customers. This credit will be based on the customer s three-year average historical load level. Pricing is based on PacifiCorp s next best alternative to serve East Side load, the forward firm energy market at Mona. PacifiCorp will take six of the most expensive hours in a given day (HE 14-19 PPT), twice a week. The average hourly prices for these days are determined by applying the current monthly forward heavy load hour price at Mona (June, July, August, and September of 2003) to the HE 1400-1900 scalars found in the ID Load Control analysis. The net value PacifiCorp receives from the curtailment product, on a $/MWh basis, is the difference between the average scaled hourly Mona price (by month), and the Schedule 10 weighted average retail rate. PacifiCorp has estimated that roughly 20% ofthe irrigation load committed to the program will be unavailable for curtailment when actually called upon. To account for a portion ofthe projected irrigation load being unavailable during the curtailment periods, PacifiCorp adjusted the monthly credit down by approximately 20%. The reasons that load may be unavailable for curtailment include equipment failure, unexpected differences between the estimated 3-year I The weighted average retail rate of$43.58/MWh is used as the opportunity cost to PacifiCorp of curtailing Schedule 10 customers. This weighted average is based on the schedule 10 three retail rates ($54.32/MWh, $38.02/MWh, and $25/MWh), along with the MWh associated with these rates from April 2000 to March 31 , 2001. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19 2003 IPUC 1st Set Data Request No. 1.2 load versus actual load, outright failure of customer to curtail, and customer termination from the program for previously failing to curtail. Additional information is also provided as Attachment ID-P AC-03-3 1.2 This response was prepared by Mark Klein, Director, Pricing and Structuring. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19 , 2003 IPUC 1 st Set Data Request No. 1. IPUc Data Request No. 1.5 In the event of a utility system power failure of an hour or more would the Load Control Schedule be altered? If so, how? Is this explained in the Service Agreement? Response to IPUc Data Request No. 1.5 The load control schedule will not be altered in the event of a utility system power failure of an hour or more. It is the intent of the Company to adhere strictly to the load control schedule once it is established for participating customers. The Load Control Service Agreement will contain a statement informing participating customers of the Company s intent to strictly adhere to the load control schedule. This response was prepared by Robert Lively, Manager, Regulation. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19 2003 IPUC 1 st Set Data Request No. 1. IPUc Data Request No. 1.6 In order to give the irrigator a better idea of what the cost of early termination would be, could the Company quantify some of the anticipated costs and include them as a fixed amount in the tariff? Response to IPUc Data RequestNo. 1.6 The Company proposes to include a statement in the Load Control Service Agreement regarding the cost of early termination. This response was prepared by Robert Lively, Manager, Regulation. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19 2003 IPUC 1st Set Data Request No. 1.8 IPUc Data Request No. 1.8 Specifically would there be a cost for replacement power if an irrigator terminated early? Response to IPUc Data Request No. 1.8 The irrigator is not charged the cost of replacement power. Per special condition , if the irrigator does not interrupt, they are removed from the program for the rest of the year and forfeit the monthly credit. This response was prepared by Bruce Griswold, Director, Energy Contracts. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19,2003 IPUC 1st Set Data Request No. 1.9 IPUc Data Request No. 1.9 How would the cost of the replacement power be calculated? Response to IPUc Data Request No. 1.9 The irrigator is not charged the cost of replacement power. Per special condition , if the irrigator does not interrupt, they are removed from the program for the rest of the year and forfeit the monthly credit. This response was prepared by Bruce Griswold, Director, Energy Contracts. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19 2003 IPUC 1 st Set Data Request No. 1. IPUc Data Request No. 1.10 Instead of allowing the load control service credit to go to zero , does it make sense to always offer an LCSC of at least the forward market price less 2 mills? This might encourage some irrigator investment in pumping capacity modifications that would allow the irrigator to commit to this program. Please explain your answer. Response to IPUc Data Request No. 1.10 Paying the forward market price minus 2 mills could result in PacifiCorp paying above what the product is worth. The intent of the product is to establish the value of product so irrigators know what the payment would be for the upcoming season. If market price is used, there is no way for irrigators to know how much they will be paid until the month is over. They would only have an estimate. This response was prepared by Bruce Griswold, Director, Energy Contracts. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19, 2003 IPUC 1 st Set Data Request No. 1. IPUc Data Request No. 1.11 How will the Company factor early terminations into the analysis to determine the future value of interruption based on reliability? Response to IPUC Data Request No. 1.11 PacifiCorp will not factor early termination into the value of interruption but will consider the impact of early termination on participation levels. This response was prepared by Bruce Griswold, Director, Energy Contracts. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19 2003 IPUC 1st Set Data Request No. 1.12 IPUc Data Request No. 1.12 Procedurally, would the Company prefer to 1) file an Application in the fall of each year to review the proposed methodology and LCSC rate with approval by the Commission, or 2) have the methodology approved in this case with a tariff advice filed and reviewed on an annual basis to establish the LCSC rate? Note: Method one should allow 3-4 months to process and method two 1 month to process. Response to IPUc Data Request No. 1.12 The Company s preference is to have a LCSC methodology approved in this proceeding with subsequent annual tariff advice filings to update the LCSC rate for each irrigation season. This response was prepared by Robert Lively, Manager, Regulation. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19 2003 IPUC 1 st Set Data Request No. 1. IPUc Data Request No. 1.13 Why does the program require the customer to file an Intent to Participate letter or form along with signing a Load Control Service Agreement? It seems that two formal actions with deadlines complicate the process and in all probability reduce participation. Response to IPUc Data Request No. 1.13 The Company must have initial information on an annual basis regarding the number of customers who intend to participate in the scheduled load curtailment program. The information provided by irrigation customers in the Notice of Intent to Participate will be necessary for the Company to schedule daily blocks of curtailment. Once the daily curtailment blocks are established customers will be notified of their scheduled curtailment days. At that point all the necessary information is available to the customers and the Company to execute the Load Control Service Agreements. This response was prepared by Robert Lively, Manager, Regulation. P AC-03-3/PacifiCorp February 19, 2003 IPUC 1st Set Data Request No. 1.14 IPUc Data Request No. 1.14 Program participation is proposed to be subject to meter availability. How many meters will be available for 2003? What is the Company s educated guess as to the probability that there will be more irrigators interested in participating than there are meters available? Response to IPUC Data Request No. 1.14 All Schedule 10 customers have meters capable of recording usage intervals of no less than 15 minutes. There is no shortage of meters for current or anticipated new Schedule 10 customers. The Company proposes deleting the language from Special Condition No.1 Metering, ofthe proposed tariff, which states Participation is subject to meter availability. This response was prepared by Robert Lively, Manager, Regulation.