HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041104Stipulation.pdf'" ...'" .. ~:. jt. V !! c, " ;',~. ; r~'1 I Pn!, !YHJ ' tlu"j nllf Af1 9: 54 i i) " i : , , ; , : J i (' BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES romMlssiON1-~US'SION In The Matter of the Investigation of Inter- Jurisdictional Issues Affecting PacifiCorp, d/b/a Utah Power & Light Company STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT Docket No. PAC-O2- The parties to this Stipulation are PacifiCorp (or the "Company ), the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC Staff'), Monsanto Company ("Monsanto ), and AARP (collectively, the "Idaho Parties BACKGROUND As a result of discussions among representatives ofPacifiCorp and Oregon, Utah Washington, Idaho and Wyoming parties regarding issues arising from PacifiCorp s status as a multi-jurisdictional utility, the Company has proposed inter-jurisdictional cost allocation methods that are embodied in a document titled the "Revised PacifiCorp Inter-Jurisdictional Cost Allocation Protocol" ("Revised Protocol" ). PacifiCorp has requested that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Idaho Commission ) and the utility commissions of other jurisdictions in which it operates, ratify the Revised Protocol and use its allocation methodology in future regulatory proceedings. A copy of the Revised Protocol and its Appendices is attached as Exhibit A to this Stipulation. Capitalized terms used in this Stipulation are to have the same meaning as those set forth in Appendix A of the Revised Protocol. The Idaho Parties are generally supportive of the Revised Protocol as a means of achieving consistent allocation methods among the States, but have some concerns regarding how the Revised Protocol might impact PacifiCorp s Idaho customers. The Idaho Parties are therefore interested in establishing rate mitigation measures to protect against potential rate impacts on Idaho customers from the implementation of the Revised Protocol. While Idaho Parties recognize that the rate mitigation measures embodied in the Utah MSP Stipulation STIPULATION - Portlnd3-1496311.1 0050394-00008 provide a useful framework for consideration, Idaho Parties believe that there are several factors that are unique to Idaho that should be given consideration. These factors include the following: PacifiCorp has not had an Idaho general rate proceeding since 1985. Consequently, the Idaho Commission has not made a recent definitive determination of inter- jurisdictional cost allocation methods for PacifiCorp. Over the past 14 years, several allocation methods have been relied upon for processing of Idaho PacifiCorp dockets, including the Accord" and "Modified Accord" methods. The MSP analyses, on the other hand, generally compared future revenue requirement impacts for Idaho against the "Rolled-" method. Because of this ambiguity, estimates of the impacts of the Revised Protocol might be best evaluated against the Modified Accord method for comparisons to current rates and against the Rolled- In method for forward-looking comparisons. In Docket P AC-03-, PacifiCorp implemented a $3.5 million surcharge to collect $4.4 million over 16 months related to IRS tax settlements. This surcharge is set to expire in September 2005. The Company presently intends to request a general rate increase in early 2005 , to be effective in September 2005. The Revised Protocol will be reflected in rates to the Company s Idaho customers, consistent with the terms of this Stipulation, as an element of this general rate proceeding. Certain ofPacifiCorp s Idaho customers enjoy benefits from the Bonneville Power Administration ("BP A") that serve to decrease the cost of electric power for these customers. It is expected that the current level of BP A credits will be reduced over the next two years, causing upward pressure on these customers' bills. In recognition of this potential upward pressure on these customers' bills, Idaho Parties would prefer to avoid rate mitigation premiums in later years. PacifiCorp s largest Idaho customer, Monsanto, is currently served under a Special Contract. The current contract expires on December 31 , 2006. Monsanto s current rates are established by contract and, therefore, not affected by this Stipulation, by the surcharge STIPULATION - 2 Portlnd3-1496311.1 0050394-00008 related to Docket P AC-03-, or by any rate change established in the anticipated general rate proceeding in calendar year 2005. The parties to this Stipulation have entered into the following Agreement to respond to the concerns of the Idaho Parties: AGREEMENT The undersigned parties hereby stipulate and agree that they will support the ratification of the Revised Protocol by the Idaho Commission for establishing PacifiCorp s Idaho results of operations and that they will defend the Revised Protocol and this Stipulation in any testimony or written comments filed with the Idaho Commission, except as provided in paragraph 7 below. Except as otherwise provided below, PacifiCorp agrees that, as long as the Revised Protocol, or any amended version of the Revised Protocol, is relied upon by the Idaho Commission for purposes of inter-jurisdictional allocation of the Company s costs, all PacifiCorp s results of operations and general rate case filings in Idaho will be based upon same. Except as otherwise provided below, the Idaho Parties agree that, until such time as the Revised Protocol is amended in accordance with Section XIII., they will support the use of the Revised Protocol for allocating costs among PacifiCorp s jurisdictions. Support of the Revised Protocol by the undersigned is contingent upon subsequent ratification by the Idaho Commission of this Stipulation incorporating use of the Revised Protocol and the following Rate Mitigation Mechanism that is intended to apply to calculations of the Company s Idaho revenue requirement for filings made through March 31 2009: For all Idaho general rate proceedings initiated after the effective date of this Stipulation and the Revised Protocol, and until March 31 2009, the Company s Idaho revenue requirement to be used for purposes of setting rates for Idaho customers will be the lesser of: (i) the Company s Idaho revenue requirement calculated under the Rolled-In Allocation Method STIPULATION - 3 Portlnd3-1496311.1 0050394-00008 multiplied by 101.67 percent, or (ii) the Company s Idaho revenue requirement resulting from use of the Revised Protocol. As shown on Exhibit this Rate Mitigation Measure is designed to implement the Revised Protocol in the Company s next general rate proceeding with no additional incremental impact in subsequent cases above 101.67 percent, relative to the Rolled- Method through March 2009. F or purposes of establishing Monsanto s cost of service for subsequent Special Contracts, the Company s Idaho revenue requirement will be calculated consistent with the Rate Mitigation Mechanism described in subsection (a) above. This Stipulation does not prejudge how or over what timeframe Monsanto s cost of service will be established and no parties waive any arguments with respect thereto. Should the results of the contemplated allocations specified in the Revised Protocol, as compared to the use of the Rolled-In method, materially depart from PacifiCorp s current projections as reflected in attached Exhibit B to this Stipulation, or otherwise no longer produce results that are just, reasonable, and in the public interest, any party to this Stipulation may propose amendments to the Revised Protocol or propose to the Idaho Commission that the Idaho Commission depart from its terms, so as to produce results that are just, reasonable and in the public interest. As provided for in Section XIII.C of the Revised Protocol, a party s initial support of the Revised Protocol will not bind that party in the event that unforeseen circumstances cause that party to conclude that the Revised Protocol no longer produces just and reasonable results. allow Idaho Parties to monitor the impacts of the Revised Protocol, for the 10 years following the Idaho Commission s ratification of the Revised Protocol: a) the Company s general rate case filings with the Idaho Commission shall include calculations of the Company s Idaho revenue STIPULATION - 4 Portlnd3-1496311.1 0050394-00008 requirement under both the Revised Protocol and the Rolled-In methods, and b) the Company shall file annual results of operations with the Idaho Commission which shall include calculations of the Company s Idaho allocated results of operations under both the Revised Protocol and the Rolled-In methods. All such submittals shall include and adequately explain all adjustments, assumptions, work papers and spreadsheet models used by the Company in making such calculations. The Company will notify parties to this Stipulation in a timely manner of such submittals and will provide a copy of such submittals to the undersigned parties upon request. SIGNATURES This stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED this 5th day of November, 2004. ~\\ George Galloway Attorney for PacifiCorp BY: Sion BY: Randall C. Budge Attorney fort Monsanto Company BY: Ron Binz AARP ~TTPTTT ,ATTON - ~ requirement under both the Revised Protocol and the Rolled-In methods, and b) the Company shall file annual results of operations with the Idaho Commission which shall include calculations of the Company s Idaho allocated results of operations under both the Revised Protocol and the Rolled-In methods. All such submittals shall include and adequately explain all adjustments, assumptions, work papers and spreadsheet models used by the Company in making such calculations. The Company will notify parties to this Stipulation in a timely manner of such submittals and will provide a copy of such submittals to the undersigned parties upon request. SIGNATURES This stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED this 5th day of November, 2004. BY: George M. Galloway Attorney for PacifiCorp BY: Scott Woodbury, Staff of Idaho Public Utilities Commission BY: Randall C. Budge Attorney fort Monsanto Company BY: on Binz AARP STIPULATION - 5 Portlnd3-1496311.1 0050394-00008 CERTIFICA TE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HA VE THIS 5th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2004 SERVED THE FOREGOING JOINT MOTION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF SETTLEMENT; STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT, IN CASE NO. PAC-02-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: SUE ROLFEE MSP ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR 825 NE MUL TNOMAH, SUITE 300 PORTLAND, OR 97232 ANDREA KELL Y DIRECTOR REGULATION ACIFICORP 825 NE MUL TNOMAH PORTLAND OR 97232 RANDALL C. BUDGE RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ill 83204-1391 ERIC L OLSEN RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204-1391 JAMES F FELL STOELRIVES LLP 900 SW 5TH AVE PORTLAND OR 97204 JOHN ERIKSSON STOEL RIVES LLP 201 S MAIN, SUITE 1100 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 JAMES R SMITH MONSANTO COMPANY PO BOX 816 SODA SPRINGS ID 83276 ANTHONY Y ANKEL 29814 LAKE ROAD BAY VILLAGE OH 44140 ~~~ SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE