HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020219Prehearing Conference.pdf 1 BOISE, IDAHO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2002, 9:30 A.M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good morning. 5 We'll be on the record. This is the time and place 6 for hearing in Case Number PAC-E-02-01, also referred 7 to as in the matter of the application of PacifiCorp 8 dba Utah Power and Light Company, for approval of 9 changes to its electric service schedules. 10 I'm Paul Kjellander. I'll be the Chair 11 of today's hearing. To my right is Commissioner 12 Dennis Hansen, and absent and excused today is 13 Commissioner Marsha Smith. She will, however, be able 14 to access the full transcript of today's proceedings, 15 and since it is a prehearing conference, I think that 16 she'll be able to catch up and be back up to speed in 17 no time at all. 18 With that, the purpose of today's 19 process is to conduct a prehearing conference for the 20 purpose of reviewing the case status, identifying 21 issues, and establishing further procedures in the 22 specific case. 23 As I recall, we've already dealt with 24 the BPA portion of this; is that correct? And I'll 25 defer to Staff, Mr. Woodbury. 1 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 MR. WOODBURY: That's correct, 2 Mr. Chairman. 3 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: So with that, 4 we'll begin with the appearances of the parties. Some 5 of the faces are new to me, and so we're going to 6 start with the newest face, and that would be you. 7 MR. OLSEN: Eric Olsen for Idaho 8 Irrigation Pumpers Association. 9 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Since you are 10 new to the process, we need to inform you how to work 11 the microphone. There's a little flash button in 12 front there, and when the red light's on, you're on. 13 MR. OLSEN: Eric Olsen, Idaho Irrigation 14 Pumpers Association. 15 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Eric Olsen? 16 MR. OLSEN: Uh-huh. 17 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you 18 the attorney representing them? 19 MR. OLSEN: Yes. 20 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very 21 much and welcome. 22 We'll move over to the left. 23 Mr. Budge? 24 MR. BUDGE: I'm Randy Budge on behalf of 25 Intervenor Monsanto Company. 2 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And 2 Mr. Woodbury. 3 MR. WOODBURY: Scott Woodbury, Deputy 4 Attorney General for Commission Staff. 5 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And let's move 6 to -- I believe it's Stoel Rives. Is that who we have 7 back there? 8 MR. McKENZIE: That's correct. Curt 9 McKenzie for PacifiCorp. With me is John Eriksson, 10 member in good standing of the Utah Bar, has appeared 11 before this Commission on several occasions, and I'd 12 just move his admission for purposes of this case. 13 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Without 14 objection, we will go in that direction. Welcome, 15 Mr. Eriksson. 16 And I see another face to the left, and 17 so we'll move there. 18 MR. SHURTZ: Tim Shurtz, City of Firth. 19 I would ask, Mr. Chairman, that I be allowed to 20 intervene for the City of Firth. 21 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. And 22 there's going to be one other thing that I'm going to 23 say, and I think they may know, but just for the 24 general population here today, please, if you could 25 keep your cell phones off while we're in the hearing 3 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 room, that would be a plus for us. However, if we 2 should go off the record and you are all involved in 3 discussions, feel free to crank any technology on that 4 you may have in your possession. 5 And why don't we get your name again and 6 have you spell that for the record. 7 MR. SHURTZ: Tim Shurtz, S-h-u-r-t-z. 8 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: S-h-u-r-t-z. 9 And you are from the City of Firth and you're 10 requesting intervention status? 11 MR. SHURTZ: Yes, I am. 12 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Why don't you 13 give me just a quick overview of your request, then. 14 MR. SHURTZ: I request that I be allowed 15 to intervene. I don't intend to broaden any of the 16 issues that are before the Commission at this time. 17 We also are interested as we also have a franchise 18 agreement with Utah Power and buy our electricity from 19 Utah Power. 20 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Why don't we 21 go to some of the other parties and get a general 22 reaction. Why don't we start first with attorneys 23 representing PacifiCorp. 24 MR. ERIKSSON: I think I would just ask 25 what Mr. Shurtz's position is with the City of Firth. 4 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Mr. Shurtz? 2 MR. SHURTZ: I'm the city councilman 3 that's been assigned to represent the city over here. 4 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Mr. Shurtz, 5 just for clarification, have you appeared before this 6 Commission before under any other capacity? 7 MR. SHURTZ: Two years ago I appeared as 8 representing the City of Firth again as a city 9 councilman before the merger hearings. 10 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Were you an 11 intervenor in that case? 12 MR. SHURTZ: No, I was not. 13 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: But did 14 testify? 15 MR. SHURTZ: I did testify. 16 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: So you do have 17 some familiarity with our process, then. 18 MR. SHURTZ: Yes, I do. 19 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. No 20 objection? 21 MR. ERIKSSON: I have nothing, no. 22 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Is there any 23 other party who has objection to intervenor status? 24 None? Okay. 25 Commissioner Hansen, everything fine 5 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 with you? 2 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: I have no 3 objection. 4 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We have no 5 objections, so we'll go ahead and grant the City of 6 Firth, through Mr. Shurtz, intervenor status, and 7 welcome to this case. 8 Are there any other parties that need to 9 be recognized? 10 Okay. Are there any preliminary matters 11 that need to come before the Commission at this time? 12 None? 13 All right. Why don't we see how we need 14 to proceed here. Mr. Woodbury, since I see you in the 15 hallways occasionally, why don't you tell us where we 16 need to go and how we need to proceed, at least your 17 perception, and see if that sparks any interest. 18 MR. WOODBURY: Mr. Chairman, at this 19 time I would suggest that the Commissioners leave the 20 parties to establish a schedule for hearing in this 21 matter and with simultaneous scheduling for settlement 22 negotiations. 23 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: All right. 24 Does that seem reasonable to all of the parties to 25 this case? 6 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 Mr. Hansen? 2 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Well, 3 Mr. Chairman, you got away from me just a second 4 there. I did have a couple of comments I wanted to 5 make on identifying issues that I would like to see 6 brought to discussion in this case. 7 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Please 8 continue. 9 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: First, what effect 10 the two-year rate freeze agreed to by PacifiCorp in 11 the merger would have on this request. 12 Another area I'd like to see addressed 13 is what economic curtailments might have been possible 14 by PacifiCorp rather than purchase of high-priced 15 market power. 16 Another area is what interruptible 17 ability did the Company have during this period of 18 time with their customers. 19 Also, I would like to see a review of 20 all of PacifiCorp's sales of electricity over the last 21 two years or mainly any new contracts or agreements 22 that have been made by PacifiCorp in the last two 23 years that may have had an effect on the native load. 24 And last is was equipment, as was 25 brought out, the loss of the Hunter Plant, and I think 7 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 an issue that needs to be addressed is was the 2 equipment at the Hunter Plant properly maintained. I 3 think this is another issue that should be addressed. 4 So these were just some issues, 5 Mr. Chairman, that I would hope would be addressed in 6 this case. 7 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. 8 And, Commissioner Hansen, just as a point of at least 9 clarification perhaps of my position on one issue, you 10 mentioned the words "rate freeze." And I would just 11 like to note that if that were a rate freeze, then we 12 may have some problem with having established that BPA 13 credit that we just kicked back, so I think we might 14 want to refer to that as the stipulations in the case 15 which in essence restricted PacifiCorp from seeking a 16 rate increase that would have been effective prior to 17 January 1 of this calendar year. 18 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: I think you make a 19 good point there and I think we could handle it in 20 that manner. 21 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: I certainly 22 think the discussion on those issues needs to be 23 brought to the table as you proceed. 24 Any other comments before we go off the 25 record? If not, then, we will go off the record. And 8 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 when you guys have completed the process, please come 2 and grab us, and we'd be glad to hear what you have to 3 say and then move forward with regards to this case. 4 So with that, then, we're off the record. 5 (Recess taken.) 6 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We'll go back 7 on the record. And before we left, we had left the 8 parties to this case to look at some of the original 9 issues and to try to set up a scheduling scenario for 10 this case. So, Mr. Woodbury, would you be willing to 11 bring us up to speed? 12 MR. WOODBURY: Yes, Mr. Chairman. 13 Pursuant to discussion, we've come up with the 14 following scheduling. And this would be settlement 15 discussions initially, which we envision would happen, 16 and any settlement that might result from that would 17 be submitted to the Commission on Wednesday, 18 April 17th. And then Wednesday, May 8th, there would 19 be a hearing and comment deadline, a hearing to 20 provide the Commission the opportunity to inquire of 21 the parties. 22 Also, we've set up a schedule for 23 hearing in this matter: June 7th, Staff/Intervenor 24 deadline; June 28th, rebuttal deadline; an 25 acknowledgment that the parties in between would 9 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 attempt to respond to Company's production request 2 with a ten-day turnaround with e-mail answers; and the 3 hearing would be set for Wednesday, July 10th and 4 11th, and this should provide ample time for 5 transcript and Commission order by the end of the 6 suspension date, Wednesday, August 7th. 7 With respect to the identification of 8 issues, in addition to those issues identified by 9 Commissioner Hansen, there is some discussion 10 regarding treatment of irrigators previously 11 interruptible to transition to now firm and a 12 treatment of special contract customers previously 13 jurisdictional to now situs, and also a discussion of 14 whether or not a revenue requirement is at issue. 15 The Company has presented this case as 16 being revenue neutral, but -- so other than the issues 17 identified by the Company and its filing power costs, 18 the rate mitigation adjustment, the rate design and 19 cost of service issues, those are the issues we 20 identify as being present in this case. 21 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, 22 Mr. Woodbury. 23 Is there anyone who was a party to those 24 discussions who has any additional comment or sees it 25 differently? None? 10 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 Are there any other issues that need to 2 come before the Commission today, any additional 3 comments? 4 If not, then we will issue a subsequent 5 order with those dates firmed up by the Commission and 6 you should be receiving that soon. And we certainly, 7 as a Commission, appreciate your participation at this 8 point and look forward to those discussions moving 9 according to schedule. 10 And if I'm not mistaken, then, the 11 hearing dates will be July 10th and 11th, and the 12 Commission will no doubt see all of you here on that 13 date, so with that, we are adjourned. 14 15 (The prehearing conference 16 adjourned at 10:20 a.m.) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 AUTHENTICATION 2 3 This is to certify that the foregoing 4 prehearing conference held in the matter of the 5 application of Pacificorp, dba Utah Power and Light 6 Company, for approval of changes to its electric 7 service schedules, commencing at 9:30 a.m., on 8 February 19, 2002, in the Commission Hearing Room at 9 472 West Washington, Boise, Idaho, is a true and 10 correct transcript of said prehearing conference and 11 the original thereof for the file of the Commission. 12 13 14 15 16 CAROLE A. WALDEN 17 Certified Shorthand Reporter #71 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12 CSB REPORTING AUTHENTICATION Wilder, Idaho 83676