HomeMy WebLinkAboutstipattch.pdfAverage Total TotalLineAccountSch.No. of Base Merger Sch. 34 Net Rev.Rev.Rev.Credit Rev. No.No.Description No.Customers MWh Rev.Credit Credit Rev.($000)¢/kWh ($000)%($000)($000)%¢/kWh ($000)%($000)($000)%¢/kWh (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(6)+(7)+(8)(10)/(5)(12)/(6)(6)+(10)+(12)(14)-(6)-(7)(15)/{(6)+(7)}(15)/(5)(18)/{(6)+(7)}(14)+(18)(20)-(9)(21)/(9)(21)/(5) 440 Residential Sales 1 Residential Service 1 28,524 257,880 $22,056 ($375)($951)$20,730 $0 0.0000 $2,214 10.04%$24,270 $2,589 11.9%1.004 ($8,619)-39.75%$15,651 ($5,079)-24.5%-1.970 2 Residential Optional TOD 36 15,933 303,528 $20,383 ($347)($1,039)$18,997 $0 0.0000 $2,606 12.79%$22,989 $2,953 14.7%0.973 ($10,132)-50.57%$12,857 ($6,140)-32.3%-2.023 3 Total Residential 44,457 561,408 $42,439 ($722)($1,990)$39,727 $0 $4,820 11.36%$47,259 $5,542 13.3%0.987 ($18,751)-44.95%$28,508 ($11,219)-28.2%-1.998 442 Commercial & Industrial 4 General Service - Large Power 6 927 241,884 $13,571 ($231)$13,340 ($1,759)-0.7272 $2,068 15.24%$13,880 $540 4.0%0.223 $0 0.00%$13,880 $540 4.0%0.223 5 General Svc. - Lg. Power (R&F)6A 222 28,149 $1,761 ($30)($93)$1,638 $0 0.0000 $242 13.74%$2,003 $272 15.7%0.966 ($929)-53.67%$1,074 ($564)-34.4%-2.004 6 General Service - Med. Voltage 8 4 2,816 $156 ($3)$153 ($21)-0.7457 $24 15.38%$159 $6 3.9%0.213 $0 0.00%$159 $6 3.9%0.213 7 General Service - High Voltage 9 14 104,022 $4,373 ($74)$4,299 ($750)-0.7210 $848 19.39%$4,471 $172 4.0%0.165 $0 0.00%$4,471 $172 4.0%0.165 8 Irrigation Rate 10 1,876 615,632 $32,327 ($550)($5,578)$26,199 $4,000 0.6497 $5,285 16.35%$41,612 $9,835 31.0%1.598 ($20,344)-64.02%$21,268 ($4,931)-18.8%-0.801 Total Customers:4,670 9 Comm. & Ind. Space Heating 19 346 13,338 $942 ($16)$926 ($94)-0.7048 $115 12.21%$963 $37 4.0%0.277 $0 0.00%$963 $37 4.0%0.277 10 General Service 23 4,591 85,932 $7,410 ($126)$7,284 ($570)-0.6633 $737 9.95%$7,577 $293 4.0%0.341 $0 0.00%$7,577 $293 4.0%0.341 11 General Service (R&F)23A 1,310 16,388 $1,468 ($25)($53)$1,390 $0 0.0000 $141 9.60%$1,609 $166 11.5%1.013 ($540)-37.42%$1,069 ($321)-23.1%-1.959 12 General Service Optional TOD 35 1 1,227 $52 ($1)$51 ($10)-0.8150 $11 21.15%$53 $2 3.9%0.163 $0 0.00%$53 $2 3.9%0.163 13 Special Contracts - Nu West 1 114,868 $4,000 $4,000 ($777)-0.6764 $936 23.40%$4,159 $159 4.0%0.138 $0 0.00%$4,159 $159 4.0%0.138 14 Total Commercial & Industrial 9,292 1,224,256 $66,060 ($1,056)($5,724)$59,280 $19 $10,407 15.75%$76,486 $11,482 17.7%0.938 ($21,813)-33.56%$54,673 ($4,607)-7.8%-0.376 444 Public Street Lighting 15 Security Area Lighting 7 245 288 $72 ($1)$71 ($2)-0.6944 $3 4.17%$73 $2 2.8%0.694 $0 0.00%$73 $2 2.8%0.694 16 Security Area Lighting (R&F)7A 181 141 $38 ($1)($1)$36 $0 0.0000 $1 2.63%$39 $2 5.4%1.418 ($5)-13.51%$34 ($2)-5.6%-1.418 17 Street Lighting - Company 11 29 137 $41 ($1)$40 ($1)-0.7299 $1 2.44%$41 $1 2.5%0.730 $0 0.00%$41 $1 2.5%0.730 18 Street Lighting - Customer 12 161 1,919 $251 ($4)$247 ($14)-0.7295 $17 6.77%$254 $7 2.8%0.365 $0 0.00%$254 $7 2.8%0.36519Traffic Signal Systems 12 21 224 $23 $0 $23 ($2)-0.8929 $2 8.70%$23 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.00%$23 $0 0.0%0.000 20 Total Public Street Lighting 637 2,709 $425 ($7)($1)$417 ($19)$24 5.65%$430 $12 2.9%0.443 ($5)-1.20%$425 $8 1.9%0.295 Total Sales to Ultimate Consumers Table B1 Attachement B UTAH POWER ESTIMATED EFFECT OF PROPOSED PRICES ON REVENUES FROM ELECTRIC SALES TO ULTIMATE CONSUMERS Change Change Proposed Yr1 Current Revenues ($000)RMA PCS Exclusive of Sch. 34 Proposed Inclusive of Sch. 34 Sch. 34 DISTRIBUTED BY RATE SCHEDULES IN IDAHO NORMALIZED 12 MONTHS ENDED MARCH 2001 Average Base Yr 1 Yr 1 Total TotalLineAccountSch.No. of Current RMA +Sch. 34 Net Rev.Rev.Rev.Credit Rev. No.No.Description No.Customers MWh Rev.PCS Credit Rev.($000)¢/kWh ($000)%($000)($000)%¢/kWh ($000)%($000)($000)%¢/kWh ($000)% (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(6)+(7)+(8)(10)/(5)(12)/(6)(6)+(10)+(12)(14)-(6)-(7)(15)/{(6)+(7)}(15)/(5)(18)/{(6)+(7)}(14)+(18)(20)-(9)(21)/(9)(21)/(5)(20)-{A1(9)}(24)/{(A1(9)} 440 Residential Sales 1 Residential Service 1 28,524 257,880 $22,056 $2,214 ($8,619)$15,651 ($1,039)-0.4029 $1,083 4.91%$22,100 ($2,170)-8.9%-0.841 ($6,449)-26.57%$15,651 $0 0.0%0.000 ($5,079)-24.5%2 Residential Optional TOD 36 15,933 303,528 $20,383 $2,606 ($10,132)$12,857 ($1,220)-0.4019 $1,275 6.26%$20,438 ($2,551)-11.1%-0.840 ($7,581)-32.98%$12,857 $0 0.0%0.000 ($6,140)-32.3% 3 Total Residential 442 Commercial & Industrial 4 General Service - Large Power 6 927 241,884 $13,571 $309 $0 $13,880 ($702)-0.2902 $1,011 7.45%$13,880 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.00%$13,880 $0 0.0%0.000 $540 4.0% 5 General Svc. - Lg. Power (R&F)6A 222 28,149 $1,761 $242 ($929)$1,074 ($110)-0.3908 $118 6.70%$1,769 ($234)-11.7%-0.831 ($695)-34.70%$1,074 $0 0.0%0.000 ($564)-34.4%6 General Service - Med. Voltage 8 4 2,816 $156 $3 $0 $159 ($9)-0.3196 $12 7.69%$159 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.00%$159 $0 0.0%0.000 $6 3.9% 7 General Service - High Voltage 9 14 104,022 $4,373 $98 $0 $4,471 ($315)-0.3028 $415 9.49%$4,473 $2 0.0%0.002 $0 0.00%$4,473 $2 0.0%0.002 $174 4.0% 8 Irrigation Rate 10 1,876 615,632 $32,327 $9,285 ($20,344)$21,268 $4,000 0.6497 $2,586 8.00%$38,913 ($2,699)-6.5%-0.438 ($20,058)-48.20%$18,855 ($2,413)-11.3%-0.392 ($7,344)-28.0%Total Customers:4,670 9 Comm. & Ind. Space Heating 19 346 13,338 $942 $21 $0 $963 ($35)-0.2624 $56 5.94%$963 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.00%$963 $0 0.0%0.000 $37 4.0% 10 General Service 23 4,591 85,932 $7,410 $167 $0 $7,577 ($194)-0.2258 $361 4.87%$7,577 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.00%$7,577 $0 0.0%0.000 $293 4.0%11 General Service (R&F)23A 1,310 16,388 $1,468 $141 ($540)$1,069 ($64)-0.3905 $69 4.70%$1,473 ($136)-8.5%-0.830 ($404)-25.11%$1,069 $0 0.0%0.000 ($321)-23.1% 12 General Service Optional TOD 35 1 1,227 $52 $1 $0 $53 ($4)-0.3260 $5 9.62%$53 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.00%$53 $0 0.0%0.000 $2 3.9%13 Special Contracts - Nu West 1 114,868 $4,000 $159 $0 $4,159 ($299)-0.2603 $458 11.45%$4,159 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.00%$4,159 $0 0.0%0.000 $159 4.0% 14 Total Commercial & Industrial 444 Public Street Lighting 15 Security Area Lighting 7 245 288 $72 $1 $0 $73 $0 0.0000 $1 1.39%$73 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.00%$73 $0 0.0%0.000 $2 2.8% 16 Security Area Lighting (R&F)7A 181 141 $38 $1 ($5)$34 ($1)-0.7092 $1 2.63%$38 ($1)-2.6%-0.709 ($4)-10.26%$34 $0 0.0%0.000 ($2)-5.6% 17 Street Lighting - Company 11 29 137 $41 $0 $0 $41 ($1)-0.7299 $1 2.44%$41 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.00%$41 $0 0.0%0.000 $1 2.5%18 Street Lighting - Customer 12 161 1,919 $251 $3 $0 $254 ($6)-0.3127 $8 3.19%$253 ($1)-0.4%-0.052 $0 0.00%$253 ($1)-0.4%-0.052 $6 2.4% 19 Traffic Signal Systems 12 21 224 $23 $0 $0 $23 ($1)-0.4464 $1 4.35%$23 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.00%$23 $0 0.0%0.000 $0 0.0% 20 Total Public Street Lighting 21 Total Sales to Ultimate Consumers 54,386 1,788,373 $108,924 $15,251 ($40,569)$83,606 $0 $7,461 6.85%$116,385 ($7,790)-6.3%(0.436)($35,191)-28.34%$81,194 ($2,412)-2.9%(0.135)($18,230)-18.3% Exclusive of Sch. 34 Proposed Yr2 Inclusive of Sch. 34 Total ChangeEnd of Yr 1 ($000) RMA PCS Proposed Yr 2 From CurrentChangeChangeSch. 34 DISTRIBUTED BY RATE SCHEDULES IN IDAHO NORMALIZED 12 MONTHS ENDED MARCH 2001 Table B2 Attachment B UTAH POWER Average Base Yr 2 Yr 2 Total TotalLineAccountSch.No. of Current RMA +Sch. 34 Net Rev.Rev.Rev.Credit Rev. No.No.Description No.Customers MWh Rev.PCS Credit Rev.($000)¢/kWh ($000)%($000)($000)%¢/kWh ($000)%($000)($000)%¢/kWh ($000)% (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(6)+(7)+(8)(10)/(5)(12)/(6)(6)+(10)+(12)(14)-(6)-(7)(15)/{(6)+(7)}(15)/(5)(18)/{(6)+(7)}(14)+(18)(20)-(9)(21)/(9)(21)/(5)(20)-{A1(9)}(24)/{(A1(9)} 440 Residential Sales 1 Residential Service 1 28,524 257,880 $22,056 $44 ($6,449)$15,651 ($1,798)-0.6972 $0 0.00%$20,258 ($1,842)-8.3%-0.714 ($6,449)-29.18%$13,809 ($1,842)-11.8%-0.714 ($6,921)-33.4%2 Residential Optional TOD 36 15,933 303,528 $20,383 $55 ($7,581)$12,857 ($732)-0.2412 $0 0.00%$19,651 ($787)-3.9%-0.259 ($7,581)-37.09%$12,070 ($787)-6.1%-0.259 ($6,927)-36.5% 3 Total Residential 442 Commercial & Industrial 4 General Service - Large Power 6 927 241,884 $13,571 $309 $0 $13,880 $0 0.0000 $0 0.00%$13,571 ($309)-2.2%-0.128 $0 0.00%$13,571 ($309)-2.2%-0.128 $231 1.7% 5 General Svc. - Lg. Power (R&F)6A 222 28,149 $1,761 $8 ($695)$1,074 $0 0.0000 $0 0.00%$1,761 ($8)-0.5%-0.028 ($695)-39.29%$1,066 ($8)-0.7%-0.028 ($572)-34.9%6 General Service - Med. Voltage 8 4 2,816 $156 $3 $0 $159 $7 0.2486 $0 0.00%$163 $4 2.5%0.142 $0 0.00%$163 $4 2.5%0.142 $10 6.5% 7 General Service - High Voltage 9 14 104,022 $4,373 $100 $0 $4,473 $0 0.0000 $0 0.00%$4,373 ($100)-2.2%-0.096 $0 0.00%$4,373 ($100)-2.2%-0.096 $74 1.7% 8 Irrigation Rate 10 1,876 615,632 $32,327 $6,586 ($20,058)$18,855 $4,000 0.6497 $0 0.00%$36,327 ($2,586)-6.6%-0.420 ($20,058)-51.55%$16,269 ($2,586)-13.7%-0.420 ($9,930)-37.9%Total Customers:4,670 9 Comm. & Ind. Space Heating 19 346 13,338 $942 $21 $0 $963 ($86)-0.6448 $0 0.00%$856 ($107)-11.1%-0.802 $0 0.00%$856 ($107)-11.1%-0.802 ($70)-7.6% 10 General Service 23 4,591 85,932 $7,410 $167 $0 $7,577 ($1,106)-1.2871 $0 0.00%$6,304 ($1,273)-16.8%-1.481 $0 0.00%$6,304 ($1,273)-16.8%-1.481 ($980)-13.5%11 General Service (R&F)23A 1,310 16,388 $1,468 $5 ($404)$1,069 ($173)-1.0557 $0 0.00%$1,295 ($178)-12.1%-1.086 ($404)-27.43%$891 ($178)-16.7%-1.086 ($499)-35.9% 12 General Service Optional TOD 35 1 1,227 $52 $1 $0 $53 $0 0.0000 $0 0.00%$52 ($1)-1.9%-0.081 $0 0.00%$52 ($1)-1.9%-0.081 $1 2.0%13 Special Contracts - Nu West 1 114,868 $4,000 $159 $0 $4,159 $0 0.0000 $0 0.00%$4,000 ($159)-3.8%-0.138 $0 0.00%$4,000 ($159)-3.8%-0.138 $0 0.0% 14 Total Commercial & Industrial 444 Public Street Lighting 15 Security Area Lighting 7 245 288 $72 $1 $0 $73 ($19)-6.5972 $0 0.00%$53 ($20)-27.4%-6.944 $0 0.00%$53 ($20)-27.4%-6.944 ($18)-25.4% 16 Security Area Lighting (R&F)7A 181 141 $38 $0 ($4)$34 ($9)-6.3830 $0 0.00%$29 ($9)-23.7%-6.383 ($4)-10.53%$25 ($9)-26.5%-6.383 ($11)-30.6% 17 Street Lighting - Company 11 29 137 $41 $0 $0 $41 ($11)-8.0292 $0 0.00%$30 ($11)-26.8%-8.029 $0 0.00%$30 ($11)-26.8%-8.029 ($10)-25.0%18 Street Lighting - Customer 12 161 1,919 $251 $2 $0 $253 ($67)-3.4914 $0 0.00%$184 ($69)-27.3%-3.596 $0 0.00%$184 ($69)-27.3%-3.596 ($63)-25.5% 19 Traffic Signal Systems 12 21 224 $23 $0 $0 $23 ($6)-2.6786 $0 0.00%$17 ($6)-26.1%-2.679 $0 0.00%$17 ($6)-26.1%-2.679 ($6)-26.1% 20 Total Public Street Lighting 21 Total Sales to Ultimate Consumers 54,386 1,788,373 $108,924 $7,461 ($35,191)$81,194 $0 $0 0.00%$108,924 ($7,461)-6.4%(0.417)($35,191)-30.24%$73,733 ($7,461)-9.2%(0.417)($25,691)-25.8% DISTRIBUTED BY RATE SCHEDULES IN IDAHO NORMALIZED 12 MONTHS ENDED MARCH 2001 PCS Proposed Yr 3 RMA End of Yr 2 ($000)Exclusive of Sch. 34 Proposed Yr3 Inclusive of Sch. 34 Total Change Table B3 Attachment B UTAH POWER Sch. 34 From CurrentChangeChange