HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020715_192.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL RON LAW BILL EASTLAKE LOU ANN WESTERFIELD TONY A CLARK DON HOWELL RANDY LOBB TERRI CARLOCK CAROL COOPER BEV BARKER GENE FADNESS WORKING FILE FROM:JOHN R. HAMMOND DATE:JULY 11, 2002 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT OF RALPH STUART. CASE NO. IPC-02- On April 17, 2002, the Commission received a formal complaint from Ralph Stuart against Idaho Power Company. Stuart's complaint raised issues regarding recalculated billings Idaho Power made and issued to him for his residential electric service. On May 10, 2002, the Commission issued a Summons and Complaint to Idaho Power requiring the Company to file a written answer or motion in response to the allegations raised in Stuart's Complaint within 21 days. Idaho Power filed its answer and exhibits on May 31 2002. Mr. Stuart filed a reply on June 5, 2002. BACKGROUND This case results from a malfunctioning Idaho Power owned meter located on Mr. Stuart' property. On February 25, 2002, Idaho Power contends that one of its meter specialists took a reading of the meter at Stuart's residence and noted that a low amount of electricity had been consumed. Because of this low consumption the specialist reported the meter appeared to be malfunctioning to Idaho Power s billing department. On March 1 , 2002, the Company had a service DECISION MEMORANDUM and repair technician inspect the meter. He observed that the meter s dial continued to rotate. Accordingly, it was not replaced and a work order was noted that the meter was advancing. According to Idaho Power, based on meter readings, Stuart had been billed $85.47 and $13.49 respectively for electric service in January and February 2002. However, upon notification that there might be a malfunctioning meter at the Stuart residence the Company researched the historical consumption of energy at this location for January and February and discovered that the 2002 billings for these months were significantly lower than those for 2001. Idaho Power records showed that the Stuart residence consumed 5 405-kilowatt hours ("kWh") in January 2001 and 7 194 kWh in February 2001 for an average of 6 299 kWh per month. Based on this past usage Idaho Power cancelled the January and February 2002 billings and recalculated them based on historical usage. Idaho Power contends that it sent Mr. Stuart notice ofthis change in billings and the reason for it. The Company also claims that it sent Mr. Stuart new bills and charged him for the use of 500 kWh at a cost of$501.10 for January 2002 and 6 000 kWh at a cost of$456.95 for February 2002. This total averaged 6 250 kWh per month, similar to the 6 299 kWh per month averaged over the same months in the prior year. On or around March 10, 2002, Idaho Power contends that Mr. Stuart called the Company and was advised about the cancellation and recalculation of his bills. At this time an Idaho Power customer service representative also told Stuart incorrectly that the meter his residence had been replaced. Idaho Power also contends that at this time Mr. Stuart requested copies of his usage for the months of January and February 2001. The Company claims that it mailed this to him on March 13 2002. On April 3 , 2002, Mr. Stuart sent an e-mail to Idaho Power alleging that he was being billed arbitrarily for electric service because the meter on his property was not functioning properly. Stuart requested that he be billed only for those amounts actually recorded by the meter. Stuart also stated that the malfunctioning meter on his property was not replaced as he was originally advised the Company. This information was also sent to the Commission. On April 4, 2002, Brent Lulloff, a delivery services leader at the Idaho Power Customer Service Center, responded to Mr. Stuart bye-mail and described the process used by the Company to determine electrical usage in circumstances in which an electrical meter malfunctioned. He also advised Stuart that the electrical meter at his residence should have been replaced on March 1, when in fact it was not. Mr. Lulloff told Stuart that he had placed a new order to replace the DECISION MEMORANDUM malfunctioning meter. On behalf ofIdaho Power, Mr. Lulloff also offered to resolve this matter by charging Mr. Stuart for: 1) the historical usage of power for the months of January and February 2002 as noted in the reissued billings; 2) an estimated usage of2 000 kWh for the month of March when his actual usage for the year 2001 was 5 277 kWh hours; and 3) an amount for April based upon the usage reflected by the malfunctioning meter and the usage shown by the new meter following installation. Idaho Power represented that the amounts billed for the last two months would benefit Stuart because they essentially would be lower than the historical usage for those months and insulate him from any potential over-estimates in the months of January and February. In this communication Lullof also included a summary of Stuart's kWh usage for the previous 18 months. The Company contends that based upon historical usage, Lulloff s proposal represented an 18% reduction over the previous year s consumption for the same period of time. The Company replaced Mr. Stuart's meter on April 4, 2002. On April 5 , 2002, Stuart responded to Idaho Power and agreed with its proposal for the billings for March and April but rej ected the Company s proposal for the billing amounts for January and February. Alternatively, Stuart proposed that he only be billed 2 000 kWh each for January and February 2002. On April 8, 2002, Mr. Stuart rescinded his proposal of April 5 , 2002 and stated that he should only be responsible for paying the actual kWh hours shown as consumed by the meter at his residence. Stuart stated that he would pay Idaho Power $13.49 for the energy consumed in February and $8.63 for energy consumed in the month of March. He also requested a credit of $434.83 based upon amounts he previously paid to Idaho Power due to the rebillings. Stuart also complained in an e-mail to the Commission that Idaho Power had inappropriately contacted his wife regarding this matter who is not on his account with Idaho Power. Stuart contends that this action by the Company violated "account confidentiality" FORMAL COMPLAINT On April 17, 2002, Stuart filed his formal complaint with the Commission raising the following issues: 1) after his first inquiry about the unexplained February rebilling, why did the Company fail to offer an explanation for it; 2) after not contacting him, why did the Company contact his wife who was not listed on his account with Idaho Power; 3) why did the Company not notify him that the meter on his property was replaced; 4) why did the Company not inform him of his rights under Commission Utility Customer Relations Rule 204 that he had the option to repay the DECISION MEMORANDUM Company over an extended period of time; and 5) that Utility Customer Relations Rule 204 is ambiguous and open to liberal interpretation regarding the right to rebill. As relief Stuart requests that the Commission order Idaho Power to only bill him for the actual amounts of power consumed as shown by the meter in place on his property during January, February and March. IDAHO POWER COMPANY ANSWER In general, except as specifically admitted by the Company, Idaho Power denies all the material allegations in Mr. Stuart's formal complaint and his April 3 , 2002 filing to the Commission. The Company denies that on March 11 , 2002, its customer service representative failed to offer Mr. Stuart an explanation why he was being rebilled for electrical services in the months of January and February 2002. The Company further denies that it did not timely respond to Mr. Stuart's complaint. However, the Company admits that its personnel incorrectly advised Mr. Stuart that the electric meter serving his residence had been replaced on March 1 , 2002. The Company also denies that it violated any confidence by contacting Mr. Stuart's wife regarding the allegations raised by his complaint. Idaho Power states that because it owns and maintains the meter at Mr. Stuart's residence the Company is not required to notify him that the meter was replaced. In regard to the Commission s Customer Relations Rule 204., the Company argues that Mr. Stuart did not indicate that he was unable to pay for the underbilled services in full. Rather he objected to the payment of any bill that included energy costs beyond those shown on his malfunctioning meter. However, the Company states that it has no objection to permitting Mr. Stuart a reasonable amount of additional time to make payments on the recalculated bills for electrical services for the months of January and February 2002. The Company is also agreeable to making similar arrangements for the months of March and April 2002. Based on the foregoing, Idaho Power requests that Mr. Stuart's complaint be dismissed and that pursuant to Customer Service Rule 204 he be ordered to pay the Company for the following amounts of electrical service received: January 2002 February 2002 March 2002 500 kWh 000 kWh 000 kWh DECISION MEMORANDUM April 2002 Readings as shown by former meter for March 28 - April 4 and from April 5 to April 24 by the new meter. STUART'S REPLY Mr. Stuart argues that he should not pay for electrical service based on the recalculated bills. Rather he contends that because Idaho Power failed to replace the meter it waived the right to rebill and he should only pay based on the amounts the malfunctioning meter recorded. Stuart also contends that he did not receive notice advising him that the bills he received for January and February had been cancelled and rebilled. Stuart also denies that he discussed the February billings with an Idaho Power customer service representative. Stuart again complains that Idaho Power should not have contacted his wife regarding his complaint. Finally, Stuart also states that the Customer Relations Rules state that customers shall be given the opportunity to repay underbilled amounts over a period of time. COMMISSION STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION After investigating Mr. Stuart's complaint Staff offers its analysis and recommendations. 1. Company Responsiveness. The Staff believes that Idaho Power responded in a timely fashion to Mr. Stuart' inquiries and allegations. Although Mr. Stuart argues that Idaho Power did not advise him of certain issues it is equally clear that the Company attempted to respond accurately and quickly to his inquiries. Finally, although the Company failed to replace the malfunctioning meter on his property in a timely fashion it did take steps to correct the problem as demonstrated by Brent Lulloffs communication with Mr. Stuart. The Company apologized for not replacing the meter quickly and made a proposal for settlement recognizing this problem. Accordingly, Staff believes that Mr. Stuart's allegations regarding the Company s responsiveness to his inquiries are unfounded. 2. Account Confidentiality. Stuart alleges that Idaho Power violated "account confidentiality" because it discussed his complaint with his spouse even though she is not on his account. Although Staff believes that the Company should exercise discretion and caution when contacting individuals other than an account holder about that person s service, Mr. Stuart's allegation in this matter is not actionable. The DECISION MEMORANDUM Commission has no rules or requirements barring the communication Idaho Power had with Mr. Stuart's spouse. Therefore, Staff believes this allegation is without merit in this forum. 3. Notification of Meter Replacement. The Commission has no rules or requirements that customers be notified of Company owned meters being replaced. In Staff's experience the Company does not typically notify customers of meter replacements. Accordingly, Staff believes this allegation is without merit. 4. Recalculated Billings. Staffhas reviewed and considered the record regarding this issue together with applicable legal authorities.! Based on the record in this case, Staff believes that Idaho Power s recalculation and rebilling of Mr. Stuart's energy usage comports with standard Company practice and is in compliance with the Commission s Customer Relations Rule 204. Rule 204. , " Errors in Preparation - Malfunctions - Failure to Bill" provides in pertinent part: Whenever the billing for utility service was not accurately determined because a meter malfunctioned or failed, bills were estimated, or bills were inaccurately prepared, the utility shall prepare a corrected bill. IDAPA (emphasis added). The parties in this case agree that the meter at Mr. Stuart's residence malfunctioned during the months of January, February, March and the first few days of April. Thus, the Company was obligated to prepare a corrected bill. Section 204.02 "Corrections" of this Rule provides in pertinent part: If the time when the malfunction or error or failure to bill . . . can be reasonably determined, the corrected billings shall go back to that time, but not to exceed the time provided by Section 61-642, Idaho Code, (three years). IDAPA In this case the period time during which the meter malfunctioned is reasonably known to be January, February, March and the first days of April 2002 based on comparison of electrical service consumption between 2001 and 2002. Although Stuart's energy usage may have decreased due to changes in the amount of individuals residing at his residence in 2002 it is clear to Staffthat Idaho Code ~ 61-642 and Utility Customer Relations Rules 204 and 313. DECISION MEMORANDUM this could not have accounted entirely for the large difference in energy usage between the months in question in 2002 and 2001. Based on the Company s right to rebill the customer in this situation Idaho Power created new billings for Mr. Stuart based on his historical usage from 2001. Idaho Power proposes to charge Stuart for the use of 6 500 kWh for January 2002, 6 000 kWh for February 2002 000 kWh for March and a prorated amount for April. Staff believes that recalculating Mr. Stuart's bills in this fashion is reasonable as it took the best possible information in the Company s hands to reach the proposed rebilled amounts. In Staff s knowledge this is consistent with past Company practices in similar cases. Furthermore, Idaho Power s proposal represents approximately an 18% discount from his usage during the same months of2001. Staff believes this reduction adequately compensates Stuart for Idaho Power s failure to timely replace the malfunctioning meter and the possibility that the power consumption at his residence during 2002 was reduced due to changes in family living arrangements. Accordingly, Staff believes that Idaho Power s proposal represents a reasonable resolution of this issue. 5. Notification of Consumer Rights. Utility Customer Relations Rule 204.03 provides that customers who have been underbilled shall be given the opportunity to make payment arrangements over the telephone, by mail, or in person under Rule 313 on the amount due. At the customer s option, the term of the payment arrangement may extend for the length of time (roughly three to four months) that the customer was underbilled. IDAP A Mr. Stuart contends that the Company did not offer him this option to repay rebilled amounts. Staff believes that should the Commission require Mr. Stuart to pay for electric usage based on the proposal made by Idaho Power he should be given additional time to pay these corrected billings if he needs it. Finally, Idaho Power has no objections to permitting Mr. Stuart a reasonable amount of additional time in which to make payments for rebilled amounts for electrical services for the months of January through April 2002. 6. Conclusion In this case no party has requested a hearing and Staff believes the record is sufficient based on the written submissions made by the participants for the Commission to rule on this matter DECISION MEMORANDUM at this time. Accordingly, Staff recommends that the Commission should rule on this complaint based on the record currently before it. Based on the record in this case Staff makes the following recommendations: 1. Dismiss Mr. Stuart's complaint with prejudice. 2. Accept Idaho Power s proposal to rebill Stuart for electrical service based on the amounts it presented in its answer. 3. Allow Mr. Stuart a period of at least four months to repay Idaho Power for rebilled/underbilled amounts. CO MMISSI 0 N D ECISI 0 N Does the Commission wish to resolve this complaint without a hearing and based on the written record currently before it? If not, by what procedure does the Commission wish use to resolve this case? Does the Commission wish to adopt Staffs remaining recommendations for resolving this case? Ifnot, how does the Commission wish to resolve this case? bt~ John R. Hammond Staff: Carol Cooper M:IPCEO205jh DECISION MEMORANDUM