HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900820IPC to Staff 1-12.pdf../¿~¿9SNAKE RIVER HYDROPOWER IQPCEA1\/ Hpf\i.....t ~ lED 0 AUG 20 Pll 2 53 POVVER COMPANY BOX 70 . BOISE, IDAHO 83707 August 20, 1990 o PUßLlG LIES COMMISSION;2~~, Mrs. Myrna J. Walters Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boi se, Idaho 83720 Re: I PCo Response to Staff Product i on Request Case No. IPC-E-90-8 Dear Mrs. Walters: Please find enclosed for fil ing an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Company Response to Commi ssion Staff's Fi rst Production Request. I f you have any quest ions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, ~ ¿¡~yL/Larr~--. Rt;~r7--7 Attorney LDR:mmb Enclosures ..".,._.,_.._--..../¿ ~¡;7 F ED o .-1~l r:t GElV LARRY D. RIPLEY EVANS, KEANE, KOONTZ, BOYD, SIMKO & RIPLEY c/o Idaho Power Company 1220 W. Idaho Street P. O. Box 70 Boi se, Idaho 83707 (208) 383-2674 STEVEN L. HERNDON IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1220 W. Idaho Street P. O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 (208) 383-2918 ') i:i" HUG 20 Pfì c. vJ ~",:tJ 0 i f', ~ ¡ v r)\./2/~ Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY FOR THE RATE BASING ) OF THE MILNER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ) OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE ) A DETERMINATION OF EXEMPT STATUS ) FOR THE MILNER HYDROELECTRIC )PROJECT ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-90-8 IDAHO POWER COMPANY RESPONSE TO COMMISSION STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff dated July 31, 1990, herewith submits the following information: REQUEST 1 Please identify by name each "Authorized Representative" as defined in Attachment 2 of the Company's Application. RESPONSE 1 The "Authorized Representative" for Idaho Power Company is Ralph i. CL ements; Gl enn W. Brewer, Alternate. The "Authorized Representat i ve" for Twi n Fall s Canal Company is Jack H. Eakin; Chuck Coiner, Alternate. REQUEST 2 RESPONSE 2 REQUEST 3 RESPONSE 3 REQUEST 4 RESPONSE 4 .. The "Authorized Representative" for North Side Canal Company, ltd. is Ted Diehl; Vince Alberdi, Alternate. Please identify the "Design Engineer" modification as defined in Attachment Appl ication. for the Mi 1 ner Dam 2 of the Company's The Design Engineer is Morrison-Knudsen Engineers, Inc., 180 Howard Street, San Francisco, California 94105. Pl ease i dent i fy the Company's employee best able to exp 1 a in the reasonabl e range of potent i a 1 costs to the Company that wi 11 resul t from the Royalty as defined in Attachment 2 of the Application. J. laMont Keen, Controller, Idaho Power Company, woul d be the offi cia 1 best able to exp 1 a in the reasonable range of potent i a 1 costs to the Company that will result from the Royalty as defined in Attachment 2. The Company's Appl i cat ion i ndi cates that contracts have already been executed for powerhouse mechani ca 1 and e 1 ectri cal equi pment. PL ease provide a copy of all Requests for Proposals (RFPs), bid notices, plans, specifications, and other documents used to solicit suppliers for this equipment and for any other services or equipment appurtenant to the Mi 1 ner Project. The requested documents for the fo 11 owi ng contracts are avail ab 1 e: MlPR-I0l MlPR-09 MlPR-102 MlPR-I0 MlPR-08 MlPR-I04 MlPR-11 Turbi nes, Governors, and Valves Material Stockpil ing and Cofferdam Construction Generators General Construction Dam Rehabilitation Concrete Penstocks and Coup 1 i ngs General Construction Access Road and Excavation Jul 19, 1989 Sep 26, 1989 Nov 17, 1989 Jan 4, 1990 Feb 22, 1990 Apr 17, 1990 May 1, 1990 Due to the volume of the material involved, the Company will make the information available to the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission during regular business hours at the Company's Owyhee Plaza Office, 1109 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Boise, Idaho. Arrangements to review this material should be made by contacting Mr. Gl enn Brewer, whose telephone Number is (208) 383 - 2480. 2 REQUEST 5 RESPONSE 5 .. Please provide a list of each potential supplier that was directly notified of the Company's desire to procure powerhouse mechanical and/or electrical equipment for this project. Proposals were solicited by contract number (See Response No.4 for contract descri pt i on) Contract No. MlPR-I01 MlPR-09 MlPR-I02 MlPR-10 MlPR-08 C - E/Neyrp i c GE Canada Hitachi America, ltd. Kvaerner Hydro Power, Inc. Sul zer USA, Inc. Toshi ba Internat i ona 1 Corporation Voest-Alpine International Corporation Voith Hydro, Inc. Bi 11 Jackson Burggraf Construction Hoffbuhr Excavation Company, Inc. Kloepfer, Inc. Maveri ck Construct i on PMF, Inc. Tri p 1 e C Concrete Western Construct ion Ameri can El in Corporat ion Asea Brown Boveri, Inc. Canadi an General El ectri c Hitachi America, Ltd. Nissho-Iwai American Corporation (Fuji Electric) Siemens Utility Power Corporation Toshiba International Corporation Vi 11 ares Overseas Corporat ion ASI Moltz Barnard Construction Company Gi bbons & Reed Company Gi 1 bert Western Corporat i on Morrison-Knudsen Corporation, Inc. PMF, Inc. Western Construction Central Pre-Mix Concrete Company Idaho Concrete CompanyKloepfer Concrete, Inc. 3 REQUEST 6 RESPONSE 6 MlPR-I04 MlPR-l1 . . low's Ready Mi x Monroc, Inc. Triple C Concrete, Inc. Wa 1 ters Ready Mi x Ameri can Fabri cat ion Eaton Metal Products K and T Steel Mark Steel Corporat ion Northwest Pi pe and Cas i ng Company Simpson Steel Thompson Pi pe & Steel Company Yanke Machine Shop Ames Construction Company Barnard Construction Company Gi bbons & Reed Company Gi 1 bert Western Corporat i on M A Mortensen Morri son-Knudsen Corporati on, Inc. PMF, Inc. Summit Construction Western Construction Pl ease provi de a copy of each bi d, proposal, or other not ice of interest in supplying power house mechanical and/or electrical equi pment for the mi 1 ner project. Historically, Idaho Power Company has always treated the information obtained from prospective bidders as containing proprietary information. Idaho Power Company believes that maintaining this confidentiality is essential in order to receive responsive bids now and in the future. The Company's that filed bid responses are: Contract No. MlPR-101 MlPR-09 C - E/Neyrp i c Kvaerner Hydro Power, Inc. Sul zer USA, Inc. Toshiba International Corporation Voest-Alpine International Corporation Voith Hydro, Inc. Burggraf Construct i on Kloepfer, Inc. Western Construct ion 4 MlPR-102 MlPR-10 MlPR-08 MlPR-104 MlPR-l1 .. Ameri can El in Corporat ion Asea Brown Boveri, Inc. Hitachi America, ltd. Vi 11 ares Overseas Corporation Barnard Construction Company Gibbons & Reed Company Gi 1 bert Western Corporation Morrison-Knudsen Corporation, Inc. Western Construction Central Pre-Mix Concrete Company Monroc, Inc. Ameri can Fabri cat ion Mark Steel Corporation Yanke Machine Shop Ames Construction Company Barnard Construction Company Gi bbons & Reed Company Gi 1 bert Western Corporation Western Construct ion Copies of the proposals, including the evaluations, will be made available for Commission Staff review by contacting Glenn Brewer at (208) 383-2480. REQUEST 7 Please provide a copy of each contract executed for supply of powerhouse mechan i ca 1 and/or elect ri ca 1 equ i pment for the Mi 1 ner Project, Including all applicable plans and specifications. RESPONSE 7 The following contracts have been awarded: MlPR-101 MlPR-09 MlPR-102 MlPR-I0 MlPR-08 MlPR-104 MlPR-ll Turbi nes, Governors, and Val ves Materi a 1 Stockpi 1 i ng and Cofferdam Construction Generators Genera 1 Construct i on Dam Rehabi 1 i tat ion Concrete Penstocks and Coupl i ngs General Construction Access Road and Excavation Nov 03, 1989 Oct 09, 1989 Mar 02, 1990 Mar 02, 1990 Mar 19, 1990 May 25, 1990 Jun 29, 1990 Due to the volume of the materi ali nvo 1 ved, the Company wi 11 make the information available to the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities 5 REQUEST 8 RESPONSE 8 REQUEST 9 RESPONSE 9 REQUEST 10 RESPONSE 10 .. Commission during regular business hours at the Company's Owyhee Plaza Office, 1109 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Boise, Idaho. Arrangements to review this material should be made by contacting Mr. Gl enn Brewer, whose telephone Number is (208) 383 - 2480. Pl ease provide a copy of each contract and agreement between the Company and the canal company(ies) relevant to the Milner Project, including but not 1 imited to the "Construction Management Agreement" . The "Agreement Regarding the Ownership, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of the Milner Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2899) by and between the Twi n Fall s Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, limited, and Idaho Power Company" was included as Attachment 2 to the Company's application. Attached is a letter agreement concerning the Construction Management for Dam Rehabil itation. Please provide a detailed cost estimate, including workpapers and spread sheets as app 1 i cab 1 e, for construct i on of the Mi 1 ner Dam rehabi 1 i tat ion. Due to the volume of the materi ali nvo 1 ved, the Company wi 11 make the information available to the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission during regular business hours at the Company's Owyhee Plaza Office, 1109 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Boise, Idaho. Arrangements to review this material should be made by contacting Mr. Gl enn Brewer, whose telephone Number is (208) 383 - 2480. Please provide a detailed cost estimate, including workpapers and spread sheets as app 1 i cab 1 e, for construct i on of the Mil ner Dam power houses and appurtenant structures and equi pment. Due to the volume of the materi ali nvo 1 ved, the Company wi 11 make the information available to the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission during regular business hours at the Company's Owyhee Plaza Office, 1109 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Boise, Idaho. Arrangements to review this material should be made by contacting Mr. Gl enn Brewer, whose telephone Number is (208) 383 - 2480. 6 REQUEST 11 RESPONSE 11 REQUEST 12 RESPONSE 12 .. Page 62, Schedule II of Attachment 2 to the Company's Application inc 1 udes ali ne item of costs incurred by the Company pri or to January 1990 of "Contract Costs....$397,198.51". Please provide a copy of each contract under which these costs were incurred. The costs set forth are 1989 expendi tures. Of the $397,198.51, $377 ,806.38 is for the design engineering by MK Engineers under contract MIlN-I-89. The remaining costs are small contracts for surveying, consulting and soils investigation services. Due to the vol ume of the materi ali nvo 1 ved, the Company wi 11 make the information available to the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission during regular business hours at the Company's Owyhee Plaza Office, 1109 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Boise, Idaho. Arrangements to review this material should be made by contacting Mr. Gl enn Brewer, whose telephone Number is (208) 383 - 2480. Pl ease provi de workpapers and spreadsheets showi ng the determi nat ion of estimated levelized life-cycle cost of energy from the Milner Project using the maximum available flow records. Include copies of flow duration data (including canal diversions unavailable for generat ion) for each powerhouse. Due to the volume of the materi ali nvo 1 ved, the Company wi 11 make the information available to the Staff of the Idaho Publ ic Util ities Commi ss ion duri ng regul ar bus i ness hours at the Company's Owyhee Plaza Office, 1109 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Boise, Idaho. Arrangements to review this material should be made by contacting Mr. Gl enn Brewer, whose telephone Number is (208) 383 - 2480. If the Company's Application in this matter is set for hearing, it is contemplated that Mr. Jan Packwood, Vice President of Power Supply, will be the Company's pri mary wi tness at the heari ng. Mr. Packwood is the Idaho Power Company officer primarily responsible for the construction of the Milner 7 .. Hydroelectric Project. Mr. Packwood and Mr. Glenn Brewer, Construction Project Engineer, prepared the above responses in consultation with Mr. Ripley and Mr. Herndon, wi th the except i on of the Response to No. 3 wh i ch, as set forth above, was provided by Mr. Keen. DATED This 20th day of August,1990~ &YI~~~ 8 .. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 20th day of August, 1990, I mailed a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing, IDAHO POWER COMPANY RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: Mr. Harold C. Miles 316 Fi fteenth Avenue South Nampa, ID 83651 Grant E. Tanner DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE 1300 SW Fi fth Avenue Suite 2300 Portland, OR 97201 R. Michael Southcombe Clemons, Cosho & Humphrey, P.A. 815 West Washington Boise, ID 83702 R. Scott Pasley Ass i stant General Counsel J. R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boi se, ID 83707 David H. Hawk Di rector, Energy Natural Resources J. R. Simplot Company P. o. Box 27 Boi se, ID 83707 Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson 1097 West River Street, Suite 230 Boi se, ID 83702 Peter J. Ri chardson DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE Jefferson PL ace, Suite 400 350 N. Ninth Boise, ID 83702 James N. Roethe Pi 11 sbury, Madi son & Sutro P.O. Box 7880 San Franci sco, CA 94120 Michael S. Gilmore Brad M. Purdy Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Mail Boi se, ID 83720-0001 9 -.. "".. BEFORE TH IDAHO PULIC UTUIES COMSSION CASE NO.IPC-E-98 IDAHO POWER COMPANY RESPSE 8 ATTACH . .IDAHO POVVER COMPANY. ~""" . '. '", ... . ~..,. .' :.~ "r.o -. '-. ..'- HYDROPOWER lOX 70 · lOISE, IDAHO 13107 CLIFFORD E. BISSELLs. YO PqPo Su Pri 1201 382421 October 2, 1989 Mr Jack H Eakin Twin Falls Canal Company P 0 80x 326 Twin Falls, Idaho 83303-0326 Mr Ted Diehl North Si de Canal Company 921 North Lincoln Avenue Jerome, Idaho 83338 Subject: Milner Hydroelectric Project Construction Management for Dam Rehabil itation Dear Jack and Ted: Enclosed is Idaho Power Company's proposal to do the construction management on the Milner Dam Rehabilitation Project. . The proposal is made in genera 1 compliance with you r req.ues t for proposa 1 s. However, in place of the TECHNICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, we hereby propose this Letter of Agreement between Idaho Power Company and the Canal Companies to provide CONSTRUCTION '.., MAAGEMENT SERVICES at actual cost. Actual cost shall consist of direct labor charges plus their respective markups for burdens and indirect costs, direct costs for those items which can be identified and allocated costs for those things which are shared costs between powerhouse and dam construction manage.. ment. IPCols estimated cost for this work is attached as Exhibit IAI along with a detailed man-hour estimate by task. Idaho Power Company is agreeing to perform the Construction Manage- ment Services for the Milner Dam Rehabilitation Project for the Canal Compan- ies under this Letter Agreement at cost, with no fee or profit included. The Twin Falls Canal Company and the North Side Canal Company each release Idaho Power Company, including its directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives, from any claims rel ating to performance of Construction Management Services related to the Milner Dam Rehabil itation Project by Idaho Power Company under the provisions of this Letter Agreement, except for reckless or intentional misconduct by Idaho Power Company. The Parties shall jointly and diligently use their best efforts to defend against any claim brought by a third party against any or all of the parties as a resul t of the performance by Idaho Power Company of Construction Managemnt Services related to the Milner Dam Rehabilitation Project under the provisions of this Letter Agreement. All actual costs for Milner Dam Rehabilitation Project Construction Managemnt Services performed by Idaho Power Company under thi s Letter Agree- ment, including paymnt or settlement of any claim (and all expenses of the .. Page October 2, 1989 2 parties related thereto) described in the preceding paragraph, shall, for all purposes of Section 4.4(c) of the Agreement Regarding the Ownership, Construction and Operation of the Milner Hydroelectric Project (FERC NO. 2899) By and Between the Twi n Fa 11 s Cana 1 Company, North Side Cana 1 Comany, Limited and Idaho Power Company (the uMi 1 ner Agreement") be paid by the Idaho Power Company as part of the Cost of Construction of the Milner Dam Rehabili- tation Project under the Milner Agreement which is to be reimbursed to Idaho Power Company by the Canal Companies in accordance with the applicable pro- visions of the Mi Iner Agreement. Idaho Power Company would expect to use a simi lar level of construc- tion management on the dam to that which is used on Idaho Power projects which would include the following scope: A. Genera 1 Scope The services will include all work required for management of construction from the request for bids for construction to and including a final report on construction. B. Construction Management 1. Administration ....The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall act as the CANAL COMPANIES repre- sentative in the administration of the construction contract and shall provide staff and faci 1 i ties to monitor the operations of the con- struction contractor. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall provide admin- istrative, inspection and testing services to assist in monitoring the contractor adherence to the construction schedules, technical require- ments and quality standards of the construction contract. 2. Field Faci 1 i ties The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall provide suitable temporary facilities as an office and operating center for the construction managementactivities. 3. Inspection The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall provide staff to monitor the operations of the construction contractor by performing the following functions: a. Monitor contractor1s work to see that it conforms with the requirements of the plans and specifications, b. Moni tor workmanshi p and methods, c. Check construction work for line, grade, position and orientation, .. Page 3 October 2, 1989 d. Monitor contractor's tests and make tests as appropriate, e. Check out and authorize concrete placement or other operations where approval is needed before work can proceed. . The inspection staff provided by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER and the programs of inspection shall comply with the requirements of FERC. 4. laboratory Testing The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall provide laboratory testin9 services for concrete aggregates, concrete, and embankment materi a 1 s to determi ne whether materials used in the completed work conform with the require- ments of the specifications. 5. FERC Inspections '.., The FERC license for the project provides for periodical inspections of the work by the FERC staff. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall accom- pany the FERC staff in these inspections and shall obtain the coopera- tion of the construction contractnr so that all areas will be avail- able for inspections. 6. State of Idaho Inspection The Rules and Regulations for Safety of Dams as issued by the State of Idaho Department of Water Resources requ i re the opportuni ty for periodic inspections by the Department s staff. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall accompany the members of the Department's staff during these inspections and shall obtain the cooperation of the construction contractor so that all areas will be available for inspection. 7. Surveys The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall provide surveyi ng services as required for determining quantities for payment and for checking the work of the construction contractor's survey crews. Line, grade and control for routine construction shall be the responsibility of the construc- tion contractor. 8. Quantities Construction required for the rehabilitation of the dam and spillway wi 11 be accomp 1 i shed under a uni t-pri ce type contract. The CONSTRUC- TION MANAGER sha 11 perform surveys, cal cu 1 ati ons or other forms of measurement in order to establish the quantities of work accomplished by the construction contractor, both on a monthly basis and asa final measurement. .. Page 4 October 2, 1989 9. Progress Estimates The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall prepare monthly estimates of the work performed by the construction contractor. The progress estimate, when accepted by the constructi on contractor shall be submi tted for pay- ment. Upon comp 1 eti on of a 11 work under the contract the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall. prepare a final estimate of work performed by the construction contractor. 10. Schedules and Cost Estimates The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall monitor actual progress against the construction schedule and where needed expedite the work for timely completion of the project. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall prepare a cost estimate of the con- struction work and shall monitor the costs. Cost trends shall be developed so that major deviations in cost can be forecast and, if possible, actions taken to mitigate the reason for the cost devia- tions. 11. Cash Flow '.'1 After reviewi ng contractor l s schedule and payment terms, the CONSTRUC~ TION MANAGER shall prepare a chart showing the cash flow on a monthly bas is. As the work progresses, the chart s ha 11 be updated to refl ect the best estimate of the cash flow, in order to assist the CANAL COMPANIES in management of the project funds. 12. Claims All claims of the construction contractor shall be received by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. Such claims shall be thoroughly investigated and either denied or negotiated with the claimant. Any resolution of a claim must be approved by CANAL COMPANIES prior to final settlement. 13. Reports The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall prepare and submit to CANAL COMPANIES reports covering construction progress on a weekly and monthly basis. Such reports shall include all facets of the constructi on work and shall be suitable to satisfy the requirements of FERC and the Idaho Department of Water Resources. 14. Equipment Furnished by CANAL COMPANIES The CANAL COMPANIES will furnish the spillway gates and hoists for installation by the construction contractor. Upon arrival at their destination, the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall inspect the equipment and .. Page 5 October 2, 1989 ... shall report and follow up on any claims of damage during transporta- tion. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall warehouse the spillway gates and hoists and issue the parts to the Contractor as required. The CON- STRUCTION MANAGER shall monitor the installation of the equipment unti 1 fina 1 acceptance. 15. Sa fety and Securi ty Since the well being of all personnel associated with the rehabilita- tion of the dam and spillway is of paramount importance, and the integrity of the new construction as well as the existing facilities must be safeguarded, the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall assist in promot- ing safe working practices, the conducting of safety meetings, and compliance with OSHA requirements. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall monitor the construction activities in an effort to help to protect existing facilities and new construction. 16. Visitors and Public Relations In serving as the representative of the OWNERS, the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall receive and accompany visitors to the project. We feel that with overlaps and tie-ins with the powerhouse construc- tion schedule, there would be significant economic advantage to the Canal Companies in using Idaho Power for this work. Resume's of the personnel which are slated to work on the Milner Project are also attached. If this agreement is acceptable, please sign below in the spaces provided and return to this office. There are three (3) original copies of this document which will require signatures from both the Twin Falls and the North Side Canal Company. After final signatures, please return one executed copy to thi s offi ce. Thank you for your consideration of our proposal. CEB:GWB:cy cc: P 0 Burns o 0 Taylor ..~"~/C E Bissell Senior Vice President Power Supply .. Page 6 October 2, 1989 WITNESS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement effective as of the ,1) day of Oe.'hli'tr' , 1989. TWIN FAllS CANAL COMPANY ~ z¡'.. 1: . J'L ¡tnlnt -l)t-~Secretary e: .11 ¿t~) J('-- WITNESS NORTH S I DE CANAL COMPANY ~.~) ~CSe etary &A&£L l1.)~Vresident ~ WITNESS~1t~lq; ~acw~ =te President Power Supply .. IDAHO POWER COMPANY COST ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ON MILNER DAM I LABOR COSTS Personnel Estimated Man-hours Base Salary * Estimated Res ident Engineer Secretary Chief Inspector Offi ce Engi neer Inspector Civi 1 Inspector Concrete lab Technician Inspector Mechani ca 1 Inspector Electrical Warehouseman Subtota 1 I -labor Costs 2,200 1,800 1,700 1,900 3,450 1,250 1,000 352 352 600 14,604 $ 26.70 6.86 22.16 19.07 20.56 19.07 17.71 22.16 22.16 17.71 ,.., Add Per Diem ~ $25/day 1,298 man/days Subtota 1 I I -labor & Per Di em Cos ts ** Add Burden estimated ~ 28i to Subtotal II *** Add I ndi rect Markup ~ 15. 99i to Subtotal I whi ch includes: 1. Group Insurance and Stock Plan 2. Officer's Salaries and Expenses Total Labor Costs * Hourly salary rates are approximate, actual rates will be used for billing. ** Burden percentages wi 11 be adjusted monthly based on I PCo ' s payroll. *** Indirect markup percentage will be adjusted yearly based on IPCo iS actual costs. A-I EXHIBIT A Total Estimated labor Cost $ 58,740.00 12,348.00 37,672.00 36,233.00 70,932.00 23,837.50 17,710.00 7,800.32 7,800.32 $ 10,626.00 $ 283,699.14 32,450.00 316,149.14 88,521. 76 45,363.49 $ 450,034.39 ..EXHIBIT A I I DIRECT COSTS labor Subsistence * Housing ~ S600/month Moving Expense Vehicle Expense Subtotal 59 man-months $ 35,400 1.800 12,000 49,200 Construction Office Trai ler Rental Trailer Set-up Septic System Water System Furniture Office Equipment Offi ce Supp 1 i es Reproduction Costs Phone Trailer Cleaning Photos Power Miscellaneous 7 months 3,500 No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge 2,800 2,400 1,200 6,000 600 900 1,400 700 19,500 7 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 18 months 7 months 7 months Subtotal Warehouse"."J Bui lding Lab No Charge Building Rental Equipment 1,000 2,000 Subtotal TOTAL DIRECT COST ESTIMATE 3,000 $ 71 ,700 * Housing could become a function of labor cost and be subject to the burden markup percentage. Note: Direct Costs will be actual where possible. To track other Direct Costs, items will be allocations made by IPCo accountants. A-2 . III OUTSIDE SERVICES DIRECT COSTS Outside Surveying Cost Estimate Other Services Outside Services Estimated Total $ 5,000 5,000 $ 10,000 .EXHIBIT A - - -- -- ~- - - -------- --- - -------.------ - --- - --- --- -- -- - - - - -- ----- -- - - - -.- - -- -- - - -- SUMMRY I Labor Cost Estimate II Indirect Cost Estimate I I I Ou ts i de Servi ces Di rect Cos ts Total Estimated Cost ','1 $ 450,034.39 71,700.00 10,000.00 $ 531,734.39 A-3 . :.. DAVID 0 TAYLOR POSITION - RESIDENT ENGINEER BSCE. Washington State University - 1976 Registered Professional Engineer. Idaho-4Z64 Member ASCE ------------ - - - --- ------_. -- - ----- -- ------ - ---- -- ----- ----- --- -- - - ----- - --- ._. Work Experience 13 years - Idaho Power Company ,.,. Co~perfield RV - Park - Project Manager in charge of penmitting. design. an~ construction of a 7Z space recreational vehicle park in Oxbow, Oregon. oWork included excavation and embankment, road building. asphalt paving, potable water system, septic system, irrigation system, elec- trical system, new rest room/shower building, and landscaping. Swan Falls Foundation Repair .. Resident Engineer in charg.e of field construction. Work involved the underwater placement of concrete to f111 eroded foundation on the downstream edges of the draft tubes. Twin Fall s Access Road - Resident Engineer in charge of field construc- tion. Work consisted of the building of a 2,200 foot long access road with a 100 foot long tunnel. Controlled blasting was a critical part of thi s project. Swan Falls S~illwai - Resident Engineer in charge of field construction. Dûties inclu~ëd contract administration, supervision of field inspection forces and responsibility fOr start-up. Work included extensive coffer- dam building, demolition of the existing spillway structure, excavation. concrete placement, spnlway gate installation and control checkout. Swan t:all s Tailrace Excavation - Resident Engineer in charge of field construction. Oûties included contract administration, supervision of field inspection forces. Work included the dredging of the Snake River to provide for a tailrace channel and the stockpiling of river gravel for concrete aggregate process i ng. '.0, Engineer in charge of field Development. Duties included contract administration, supervision of field inspection forces and responsibi lity for plant start-up. Work included tailrace and powerhouse excavation (controlled blasting). concrete placement, turbine and gener.. ator installation along with piping and electrical equipment and con..trols. Pahsimeroi Fish Hatchery Exøansion Project - Project. Manager in charge of design and construction. Work included building of fish raceways and holding ponds to raise salmon. Brownlee 5 Powerhouse - Inspection- Engineer. Duties included piping inspection and aSs1stance in start-up. Page i of Z .. Jim Bridger Power Plant-FGD Pond - Inspection Engineer overseeing the insta l1ation of earth dam and pond 1 ining for a flue gas desulferization pond. American Falls Powerhouse - Inspection and Cost Engineer. Duties in- cluded inspection of formork, rebar, concrete placement and concrete finishing. drafting contract modifications, review of Contractor's monthly cost statemnt, preparing independent cost studies, monthly cost reports and assisted project accountant with audits of Contractor's books. '. , Page 2 of 2 .. WILLIAM L EVANS POSITION - CHIEF INSPECTOR Construction Quality Assurance Inspector III - --.-._----- -- --- .--- - - ------- --.----_._--- -- ---- --- - -----_.----- - --- - - --_.._- Work Experience 23 years .. Idaho Power Company 9 years .. Bechetl IPCo - Copperfield RV - Park - Chief Inspector in charge of overseeing the quality assurance program for building a 72-space recreational vehicle park. IPCo - Swan Falls Spillway Project.. Chief Inspector in charge of over- seeing the qua1ity assurance program for building a new spillway at Swan Falls. Work included cofferdams, rock excavation, demolition, concrete placement, rebar placement, forms and radial gate installation. ¡PCo - Swan Falls Tailrace Excavation .. Chief Inspector in charge of overseei ng the qua li ty assurance program for excavating a new tail race channel for the Swan Falls powerhouse. ., . IPCo - Hells Canxon Fish Trap.. Chief Civil Inspector in charge of the civil quality assurance program for building a new concrete fish trap and ladder below Hell s Canyon Dam. IPCo - Cascade Hxdroelectric Project .. Chief Civil Inspector in charge of the quality assurance program for excavation and concrete placement for the Cascade powerhouse which consisted of two units, 6.4 megawatts each in size. IPeo - Brownlee Unit 5 Powerhouse - Chief Inspector in charge of the quality assurance program for excavation and concrete placement for the Brownlee unit 5 powerhouse which consisted of one unit, 265 megawatts insize. IPCo - ~erican Falls Powerhouse - Chief Inspector in charge of the quality assurance program for excavation and concrete placement for the Amrican Falls powerhouse which consisted of three units, 33 megawatts each in size. Bechtel -: Alaska Pipeline Project.. Quality Control Engi.neer overseeing right-of-way survey and clearing, development of materal sources and disposal sites, and erosion control. Later, Senior Quality Control Engineer and Acting Section Supervisor for pipeline ditching taping, lowering/elevating backfilling, erosion control, stringing and bending of the pipe. Also, Assistant Section Supervisor, supervising the work of the lead individuals for civil, welding and environmental work together with the office force. Bechtel - Jim Bddger'roject - Quality Control of batch plant and con- crete lab quality and yard piping installation. Also, served as Assistant to Lead Civil Engineer for quality control of concrete,rebar and embedded. placement. tater, Contracts Coordinator for structural steel, architectural work and concrete supply. Page 1 of 2 .. Bechtel - The Bay Area Ripid Transit Sxstem - Inspection and qualitycontrol of excavationlbackfilt. concrete. rebar. structural steel, siding, roofing. aerial structures, and yard and station construction. ¡peo - Hellstanaon Hxdroelectric Devel0Pñnt - Duties included surveys for roads and ams. qua 1 i ty contro 1 or concrete, rebar embedded materials and grouting. ¡ . . . Page 2 of 2 .. GARY D THORNTON POSITION - INSPECTOR Construction Quality Assurance Inspector II _.... - - --.. -.. -- - - - - - - _... -- ....-. - ------- --------- -- --.. -- -- ----............ -- - ----- --_...... Work Experience 12 years - Idaho Power Company 8 years - U S Anny Copperfield RV- Park - Inspector in charge of overseeing quality control of Contractor.s work which included excavation and embankment. under- ground water piping. underground electrical distribution. underground septic system. irrigation system. rest roo/shower building road build- ing. paving and landscaping. Swan Falls Powerhouse - Duties included quality control in the following areas, concrete testing, concrete placement. rebar.. forms, grounding, blast monitoring, radial gate installation, and testing. Swan Falls Tailrace Excavation - Duties as Inspector included lab work on pit run gravels, quality control of Contractor's dredging. Cascade Hydroelectric Deveio~nt - Duties as Inspector included concrete quality control, concrete p acement, piping inspector and testing in-spector. ,. IPeo Soils and Concrete lab - lab Technician work included concrete cyhnder capping and breaking. concrete mix designs. motor bar tests. aggregate 'gradati ons. soil compaction tests, proctors and screening plant setups. U S Army - 1969 thru 1977. Page 1 of 1 .... JAMES A LEONARD POSITION - GENERATION ENGINEER aSME, University of Idaho - 1981 Engineer in Training, Idaho --. - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- - - --- -- -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - - -. -- - -. --- Work Experi ence 5 years - Self-employed 6 years - Idaho Power Company 5 years - Snook Construction 3 years - U S Army Bowlden's' Hardware and Lumber - Owner/Manager responsible for all aspects of business operations including budgeting, purchasing, marketing andpersonnel management. Responsibilities also included materials take- offs, estimating and bidding for building contractors. IPCo - Cascade H~droelectric Project - Mechanical Inspection Engineer - Duties included inspection of an mechanical aspects of plant to include piping, pumps, compressors, turbine and generator installation, radio- graphic inspection of all pressure vessel welding, and monitoring of allcontrolled blasting. ¡PCo - Power Plant Maintenance Departmnt - Power Plant Mechanic .. Work included all aspects of hydroelectric plant maintenance including turbine welding, generator rewinding, complete plant overhaul, and general plant maintenance. Also included was overhaul and maintenance of combustion turbine and diesel generating plants. Snook' Construction - Equipment Operator and Laborer - Duties included truck driver, hea.vy equipment operator, mechanic and laborer. U S Army - Helico~ter Pilot - Medical evacuation helicopter pilot with additional duty o~ assistant maintenance officer. Page 1 of 1 .. JAMES R SCHAUFELBERGER POSITION - ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Construction Quality Assurance I nspector I I -_.~ --_.- - ~ - - - - - - - - - - -. -- - -- _. -- - - - ---.- - - - - - - - - - -. -- - -- - - - ---~--- - - - - -- - -- --- Work. Experi ence 20 years - I daho Power Company COåperfield RV - Park - Inspector - Design of secondary service to RV pe~esta1s, portable water control, irrigation pump control, septic and dosing tank control. S.wan Falls Spi1lwaì' Project - Inspector - Duties included quality control of contractor's e ectrical, rewire radial gates and control checkout. Upper Malad Hydroelectric Pro~ect - Rebuild all electrical controls, des;gn electrical control circuits, main control switchboard panels, secondary service, control checkout and start-up. Cascade Hydroelectric Project - Duties included quality control of contractor's electr;cal, design the schematics, wiring diagrams and layout diagrams for the major control and protection panels, control checkout and start-up. Brownlee Unit 5 Powerhouse - Duties included quality control of con- ,. tractor's electrical, control checkout and start-up. Amrican Falls Powerhouse. Duties included design the schemtics, wiringdiagrams and layout diagrams for the major control and protection panel s of the swi tchyard, and checkout. Substation Design Grou~ - 1968 thru 1979 - Responsible for design of control circuits whic provide operation and protection of substations and transmission lines. Includes control schematics, wiring diagrams and layout diagrams fOr" the control and protection panels, specify and order material, checkout and start-up. Page 1 of 1 ..., ,.. RALPH L GRAHAM POSITION - ENGINEER I BSCE, Universi ty of Idaho - 1989 Engineer in Training Member ASCE & NSPE - - - - ----- - --- - - - --- - --- -.- -- - - -- - - - - -. -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - ----- Work Experience 4 months - Idaho Power Company 8 months - Chronic & Associates, Boise, Idaho 8 years - Idaho Air National Guard, Base Engineering IPCo - Copperfield RV - Park - Performed cost verification for final paymnt request. IPCo - South Access Road - Bliss Power Plant - Field Engineer/Designer in charge of field surveys, site investigation and design' of an access road to the south end of the B 1 iss Dam. IPCo - Swan Falls Foundation Repair - Field Engineer/Civil Inspector incharge of project inspection, billing verification and turbine pi t inspections. Work included underwater placement of concrete to fill. cavities eroded under the foundation on the downstream edge of the draft tubes. Chronic & Associates .. Transit Mall - Surveyor/Engineering Technician in charge of project layout. work included site location of all utilities, street fixtures and road work for a dowtown redevelopment project. Chronic & Associates - Towne Square Mall - Surveying crew member assist- ing in site layout and record location of facilities for a major shopping mall. Chronic & Associates - Gowen Field Artillery Range/Mates - Engineering Technician assisting in range design, site layout and preparing legal descriptions of the property involved. Chronic & Associates - USFS Boundary Surveys - Surveying crew member assisting in location and posting of boundaries between public and private lands. Idaho Air National Guard - FaCilitf Manager .. I was responsible forproject programing, design and dra ~ti ng, construction inspection, and contract monitoring of various building, utility and airfield projects such as: Jet Fuel Storage - Construct a 10,000 barrel fuel storage tank, recondition three existing facilities and construct a new a.dminis- trative/control area. Operations and Training Facility - Construct a 40,000 square foot administrative and dining facility. Page 1 of 2 .... Base Engineer Maintenance. Construct a 30,000 square foot adminis- trative and maintenance shop facility. Aircraft Parking Apron. Repair - Demlish and reconstruct deterio- rated concrete parking areas to include excavation, reinforcement placement, concrete placement and resealing joints. Prepared construction and maintenance budgets for the Air National Guard Base, acted as resource advisor for maintenance funds and monitored energ conservati on measures. Accomp li shed projects wi th in-house ma i ntenance personnel, contractors and mil i tary constructi on teams. Memer of the AlE selection board, prepared project books and reviewed plans and .specifications prepared by AlE finns. Supervision duties as required to ac.compllsh the above tasks. ., Page 2 of 2 ..~ " "t.' 2 Organization Art . IDAHO POWER COMPANY GENERATION ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Sen \or- Vi c.e Pru,clei,t Powl.r- $", l Eng¡1\l.4t r r ---- I I I i I1- CosV Schedule En r. Project Accountant Additìonal Civil Ins ector Additional Civil Ins ector Additional Mechanical Ins ector Additional Electrical Ins ector I lI l l N E R D A I . C O N S T R U C T I O N l W A G E I I E N T I l P O W E P . u ; i ~ , . ~ £ . B A S E D O N A t l T 1 9 6 9 P R O J E C T S C H E D U E I Y E A R 19 . . 19 ~ 19 . ! 19 . . Oe S C R I P T I O N I M O N T ' " J F " MA M J . i AS 0 N OJ F" M AI M I J I J I A S o l N l o .i F " M AM J .i A S O N l o J/ " " l M ' A / M : J / J A sl o l N 0 SC H £ O U l ~ O A C T l V I T Y En H A I f I I I f I f I f i I i I I I I I I I I , i I , I / l I I I I , i I l , I Ha t e r i a i P r o c e s s i n g 61 6 I l I I i I i I I I )1 ) I i I w a y 1 , 0 r i e . . a a i i 88 I l - I l I I I I I i I I Da m C l e a r i n g / E a c a y . 3. 0 8 0 I l I I I i I I 1 Ei : a n k m e n t s 2, J 4 6 H I r I I i . I N. I s l a n d E x c a y a t i o n C o f e r 11 6 H I .. I I I I I I Sp i 1 1 wa y E x c l Y a t f o n 1. 1 1 4 I l :~ 1 Rt e E r o s i o n P r O t e c t i o n IJ J I l I Sp l l l w a y C o n c r e t e 3. 1 8 7 I l Ga t e & H o i s t I n s t a l l 1, 9 2 0 M I I I l - Co ' f e r d a m R u i v a I 17 6 H H I i - £t r g e n c y $ p l 1 i i , . y 7$ 6 M I l I -- Co n t r a c t C i e a n - u p 3$ 2 M I I I - TO t a l H a n h o u r s 14 . 1 \ 4 .. I I I I I I l I J'~ T l M A T ~ n M A ~ D , l I l I I i I I I I 'R e S i d e n t E n g i n e e r . . .. . . . _. , .. . . . . . . . . . . . Se c r e t a r y . I I . I I .. I l . . . . i i . . . . . Cl i h f I n s p e c t o r i , J. ! ã : t .. . i . . . . . ' . . . I Of f i c e E n o i n e e r . I .. . . . . . . . . . i II I S l l . - C l y l l .. . . . I IM I I - C O n l ' r . t . I I .. . . . . . . . . . . . I la i i T e c h n i c i a n I I .. . . . . . . . . . . I II I S l l . - H e c h . I I I J i .. I i I i Jn s p . - £ l e c t I I I I i .. . I 1 I i wa r e h o u s l I a n I I i I I I .. . . . . . . . I I I i I I i I I I i l , , I I l , i l I i I I I I i , I I i I i I I I. i , I I i. I I I I l 1 i I 1. i I I i I I l l I I i I , l j i J. ¡ i I i I I i I l lI n Ht n p O e r e s t i m a t e s a r e b . s e d o n a s i n g l e S h i f t . A d l t f o n a l m a l l r wi l l b e r e q u i r e d t o c o v e r s h i f t w o r t . .. '_ r u l t ~ 1 r . ! .. . . . . ~ . r : ; ' " . , e .. .. .. . ..