HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900829Vol I Prehearing Conf.pdfI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r /~Cø09 ORIGINAL "" BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO RATEBASE THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED FOR THE REBUILD OF THE SWAN FALLS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT. ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-90-2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-90-8 ) ) ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR THE RATE BASING OF THE MILNER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, A DETERMINATION OF EXEMPT STATUS FOR THE MILNER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT. HEARING BEFORE COMMISSIONER DEAN J. MILLER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER PERRY SWISHER COMMISSIONER RALPH NELSON ... , ' ,....'C1 =0§rv(. :z -' rn ~n '" '=, i:.. Commission Hearing Room 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho m ¡"o1.. :ifJ 0 (" ,:;: '; ce' :: r-- -- (ll C' r~'lC;Place:-0:: c: ~ 00 (.() C)Date:August 22, 1990 -".."..~ VOLUME I - Pages 1 - 21 7WEDRICKCOURT REPORTING 537 W. Bannock P.O. Box 578 Suite 205 Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 336-9208 . .: We offer. . . BaronDaa Mlcrotranscriptlon™ by ., I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I APPEARANCES For the Staff:MICHAEL S. GILMORE, Esq. and BRADFORD PURDY, Esq. Deputy Attorneys General 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83720 For idaho Power Company: LARRY D. RI PLEY, Esq. and STEVEN L. HERNDON, Esq. Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 For idaho ConsumerAffairs, Inc.:HAROLD C. MILES, Esq. Energy and Natural Resources Commi s sian Idaho Consumer Affairs Inc. 316 Fifteenth Avenue South Boise, Idaho 83651 For FMC:CLEMONS, COSHO & HUMPHREY, PA by R. MICHAEL SOUTHCOMBE, Esq. 815 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702-and- PILLSBURY, MADISON & SUTRO by JAMES N. ROETHE, Esq. P.O. Box 7880 San Francisco, California 94120 For Afton Energy Inc.:ORNDORFF & PETERSON by MARK E. WIGHT, Esq. Suite 230 1087 West River Street Boise, Idaho 83702 For Industrial Customers of Idaho Powe r : DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE by GRANT E. TANNER, Esq. and PETER RICHARDSON, Esq. 2300 First Interstate Tower 1300 southwest Fifth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 APPEARANCES I I \ 1 For J . R.Simplot DAVID H.HAWK,Director Company:Energy Natural Resources 2 J . R.Simplot Company I P .0.Box 27 3 One Capital CenterBoise,Idaho 83707 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I HEDR I CK COURT REPORTING APPEARANCES P .0.Box 578,Bo i se,ID 83701 I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I BOISE, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1990, 9:30 A.M. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Let's go on the record now and we'll take up now consol ida ted prehearing conferences in Cases IPC-E-90-2 and IPC-E-90-8.Although it's an imposition for the o parties, let me ask you each to make the appearances for the record again so that we'll have them in our court reporter's record. MR. RIPLEY:Larry D. Ripley and Steven L. Herndon appearing on behalf of Idaho Power Company. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Mr. Miles. MR. MILES:Harold C. Miles, representing Idaho Consumer Affairs Inc. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Mr. southcombe. MR. SOUTHCOMBE:R. Michae 1 Southcombe, Clemons, Cosho & Humphrey; James N. Roethe, Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, for FMC. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Afton. MR. WIGHT:Mark Wight from Orndorff and Peterson appearing for Afton Energy Inc. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Mr. Tanner. MR. TANNER: Grant E. Tanner and 1HEDRICK COURT REPORTING COLLOQUY P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I Peter Richardson of Davis Wright Tremaine on behalf of the Industrial Customers o~ Idaho Power. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Mr. Hawk. MR. HAWK:David H. Hawk, H-a-w-k, on behalf of the J. R. Simplot Company. COMMISSIONER MILLER:And Mr. Gilmore. MR. GI LMORE :Michael S. Gilmore and Brad Purdy, Deputy Attorneys General, on behalf of the Commission staff. COMMISSIONER MILLER:All right, thank you. In these two proceedings, we've had informal discussions off the record prior to convening our formal conferences, and as a result of those, I think we are prepared now to allow the parties to prepare proposed scheduling procedures for the handling of each of the two cases, recognizing that the procedures for each case may be different. It's been suggested, and most -- as far as I can tell, all parties seem to concur that in the Swan Falls case, rather than setting evidentiary hearings at this point, the appropriate procedure would be for the parties to file written briefs or statements of position that would allow the Commission to have a better understanding of what appear to be 2 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I primarily legal issues associated with this case; and based on those statements of position, the Commission could then determine whether to enter rulings based on the written record or written statements of position, or to schedule further proceedings.So that, in the Swan Falls case, perhaps the parties could discuss a schedule for the submission of written statements of position. In the Milner case, all parties agree that that appears to be a more traditional, fact-based case where factual questions are more predominant than legal, and as a consequence, evidentiary hearings will be appropriate in the Milner case.So, the parties in that case should discuss a hearing schedule to be pre c e d ed, 0 f co u r s e, by pre f i lin g and s c h e du 1 e san d discovery schedules if appropriate, recognizing Mr. Ripley's observation that this is a matter that should be handled somewhat expeditiously by the Commission, given the fact that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has done certain things and as a consequence of that, the Company is already taking certain actions, and as a consequence of that, our decision should not be unduly delayed.So, the parties should, in devising their schedule for Milner, should take into account those circumstances. 3 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY 1 I 1 2 1 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I,9 1 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 1 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 1 22 23 I 24 1 25 I So, in a moment, we'll go off the record and allow the parties to discuss their preferences within that framework.Before we do: Commissioner Nelson, do you have anything else to add? COMMISSIONER NELSON:I don't think so at this time.I had some thoughts on the appropriateness of it all, but I think we've covered it. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Commissioner Swisher, anything else before we go off the record? COMMISSIONER SWISHER:Everything I did off the record is incriminating and appealable, so I'll not repeat it now. COMMISSIONER MILLER:We'll make every effort to keep those comments out of the record. Mr. Tanner. MR. TANNER:Mr. Chairman, do you have any timings to suggest as to when these statements of position should be submitted? COMMISSIONER MILLER:Well, I would think sometime within 14 to 30 days.Probably closer to 30 would give everybody adequate opportunity. MR. TANNER:Okay. COMMISSIONER MILLER:With that 4 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I guidance, can we go off the record then and allow the parties to discuss -- "MR. MI LES:Mr. Chairman, may I -- COMMISSIONER MILLER:Mr. Miles. MR. MILES:-- ask a question? Will we be allowed to submit some questions to Idaho Power Company and receive their replies before we submit the written statements? COMMISSIONER MILLER: What sort of questions do you have in mind, Mr. Miles? MR. MILES:Well, there's some I've ,been making a list of different questions and interrogatories.I noticed the staff submitted their first already, and I think that the other parties should be allowed the same prerogative. COMMISSIONER MILLER:So, you're suggesting the need for some discovery before identifying of written position statements? MR. MILES:Yes. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Can you give us a little clearer idea of what you'd like to inquire into? MR. MILES:Well, the water flows, particularly.I've got a list here someplace. COMMISSIONER SWISHER:You talking about 5 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I Milner now? MR. MILES:No, Idaho Falls.As I see it, Swan Falls is two different issues.Clearly, the Idaho Power Company can go ahead and rebuild the Swan Falls dam with a 10.4 megawatt output. There's a second proposition which is even better fo r ratepaye r s, for them to be a II owed to build -- rebuild it with the two, twelve-and-a-half-megawatt turbans, because the costs will be probably half of what it would be for -- to construct the coal fire plant. The question is whether there will be enough water under the current Swan Falls agreement and the pump water from the river to adequately produce power with a regional plant factor for the 25 megawatts that they propose on the rebuil t. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Let me suggest this, Mr. Miles:I think that holding up the filing of written statements to, in essence, conduct formal discovery might not be necessary.I would like to suggest that you outline your questions in some format and then discuss those with the Company informally and see if the Company can't provide you wi th the information you want, and you could then include that in your written comments. If the Commission comes to 6HEDRICK COURT REPORTING COLLOQUY P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I the conclusion later that there needs to be a thorough investigation of water rights adequacy, we can do that. But for the preliminary -- at this stage of the game, I think that if the Idaho Power Company gave you informally the information you'd like to have, you can use that as the basis for your written comments. And, Mr. Ripley, I'm sure you'd cooperate in that regard, wouldn't you, by providing Mr. MR. RIPLEY:Yes, sir. MR. MILES:Mr. Chairman, as I see it, the idaho Power Company is subject to two regulatory entities in the State of Idaho; and I refer to the order submitted by the Idaho Department of Water Resources under the 10th day of April, 1989, and I'm particularly interested in item number five of the order: "The water right acquired under this permit shall be junior and subordinate to all rights to the use of water in the Snake River and sources contributory thereto upstream from Swan Falls Dam within the State of Idaho that are initiated later in time than the priority date of this permit and shall not give rise to any right or claim against future rights for the use of water within the State of Idaho 7 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I initiated later in time than the priority of this permit." And the permit, as I understand it, is dated the 10th day of April, 1989, and idaho Power Company, when they purchased the consolidated mine, they acquired that mine's water rights and they have, according to the water right application granted by the Idaho Power and Water Resources in 1982, they were granted in 9,500 CFS.The hydraulic capacity of the plant is 8,400 CFS, so obviously, that's all they can use.So, it seems to me there's a big confusion as to how much water the Idaho Power Company has and what is the date of the water permit. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Well, those may be questions well worth pursuing.At this point, of course, the Commission isn't prepared to decide those things. I think the way to proceed here is, Mr. Ripley, I'd like you to appoint or delegate someone from your company to provide Mr. Miles any information he thinks he needs to prepare his initial comments.We would like to be assured that Mr. Miles will obtain whatever information he thinks he needs to prepare those comments.If tha t can be done informally, that will eliminate the need at this point 8 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I for formal discovery and will allow us to proceed expeditiously. So, Mr. Ripley, would you undertake to insure that there is a person in the Company that can provide to Mr. Miles the information that he thinks may be helpful in preparing his comments? MR. RIPLEY:Yes, sir.I'll make arrangements that Mr. Miles has a contact person, which will probably be myself, and then I will make every effort to obtain responses to his questions from the various departments of the Company.Just listening to Harold, they are, indeed, mixed questions of law and fact, and, in fact, Mr. Miles and I have gotten along for a good many years and I think we'll continue to do so. COMMISSIONER MILLER:I'm sure you'll have a cooperative and enjoyable relationship. COMMISSIONER SWISHER:As will Mr. Herndon. MR. RIPLEY:Mr. Herndon will be at the meetings. COMMISSIONER MILLER:In this proceeding as well. All right, with that then, let's go off the record in each of these cases, allow the parties 9 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 to discuss their desires with respect to scheduling, 2 and we'll be available to you when you need us.We're 3 off the record. 4 (Discussion off the record.) 5 COMMISSIONER MILLER:We'll go back on 6 the record in IPC-E-90-8 and -2. 7 We've been off the record for some time 8 to allow the parties to devise scheduling procedures, 9 and Mr. Gilmore or Mr. Purdy, do you have something to report for us? MR. GILMORE:I can go ahead, Mr. Chairman. The parties have agreed to a scheduling procedure for the Milner.There is some disagreement on Swan Falls.Maybe I should run through Milner first and get that out of the way, and then you can address the disagreements for the Milner case, which is IPC-E-90-8. Idaho Power will have the initial filing deadline.Its prepared direct case of testimony and exhibits will have to be filed with the Commission on Monday, September 24th. The parties' deadline for submitting discovery question for idaho Power will be about two and a half weeks after that:Friday, October 12th. 10 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I Idaho Power's deadl ine for answering those wil 1 be another two and a half weeks: Wednesday, October 31st. And then the deadline for staff and intervenors to prepare their direct filed cases of testimony and exhibits will be Friday, November 9th, which precedes the three-day weekend for Veteran's Day. Idaho Power's rebuttal deadline for prepared rebuttal will be Wednesday, November 21st, which is the day before Thanksgiving, and they have ag reed to that. And we have proposed setting aside three hearing days the following week, the week after Thanksgiving, Tuesday through Thursday, November 27th through 29th.The reason we have set aside three days is we hoped to address Swan Falls, which will be tacked on at the end if necessary.We don't think we will need three days for Milner by itself. Then, for Swan Falls and for Milner, there was a question about the timetable for filing the statements of position.Maybe I should let Mr. Miles present his position first so I don't prejudice you, and then if I can respond. COMMISSIONER MILLER:All right. 11 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Mr. Miles, do you have comments for us 2 on that question? 3 Well, yes.Since thisMR. MILES: 4 prehearing conference is so late in August that I 5 didn't anticipate there would be any bum's rush to get 6 the -- set the schedule for Swan Falls first part of 7 September and I had made plans for a couple of 8 meetings which will be practically the entire month of 9 September, so I'm very interested in the Swan Falls issue and I was hoping that these dates could be set at a later time than September. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Okay.So, what you're saying is that the parties have agreed on a filing of position papers in September.Due to your per sana 1 c ir cum s tan c e s , you co u 1 d n ' t meet the i r September filing deadline. Is that basically it? MR. MILES: Well, I would like to be able to.I could probably submit a position paper in time, but I would like to have been here to receive the answers and the response of the Company and all the rest that participated in all the hearing. COMMISSIONER SWISHER:Are those meetings in some place where you couldn't have those materials forwarded to you? MR. MILES:Well, I don't know.I was 12 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I going up to Yellowstone Park, and also, the Tetons, and I don't know where -- COMMISSIONER SWISHER:Are you in continuing law? MR. MILES:I didn't understand. MR. RIPLEY:He's picking on us now. MR. MILES:It would help, Mr. Commissioner, if you'd pull your microphone closer. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Did I hear you, Mr. Miles, that you think you could have a position paper filed in September, but you would like any subsequent procedures to be after that so that you can participate in that?Is that what you said? MR. MILES:I would like -- IYes. can't see why they couldn't be after -- after Milner. In fact, Milner is the biggest project. COMMISSIONER MILLER:But you're saying you could have an initial position paper filed in September? MR. MILES:Mr. Ripley suggested IYe s . go over to Boise tomorrow -- and I could, I could do that -- with a rough draft of what I'd like to in the interrogatories -- I'd like to submit. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Okay.We ll, I 13 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I think what we're contemplating is that at this point, we'll receive position papers from each of the parties, and we will then determine what matters we can decide without further hearings and what matters will require further hearings.So, it looks to me like if there are going to be further proceedings, you could participate in those fully if you can get your position paper filed in September. Let's hear, though, from Mr. Gilmore and see what the rest of the parties think. MR. GILMORE:The remaining parties proposed a comment schedule for filing position papers in both cases. Parties other than idaho Power would file their position by Wednesday, September 5th. Idaho Power would have one week to respond, until Wednesday, September 12th. And then if any of the parties wanted to respond to idaho Power's response, that would be due a week later:Wednesday, the 19th. These are all September dates, excuse me. So that, all the position papers would be in front of the Commission no later than Wednesday, September 19th. In the event that there would be an 14 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 evidentiary hearing for Swan Falls, there would be an 2 all-parties filing date of Friday, November 9th, which 3 is the file date for Staff and intervenors in the 4 Milner case. 5 And if parties need to rebut, they would 6 have until Wednesday, November 21st. 7 And then if there was an evidentiary 8 hearing in Swan Falls, that would follow on the tail 9 of Milner, and that would be the reason for blocking out three days in November -- 27th, 28th, and 29th. COMMISSIONER NELSON:Well, it would seem to me like Mr. Miles will have an adequate chance to present his position if he can get his paper filed on the September 5th date. Was it a further response that you were concerned about, Mr. Miles? MR. MILES:Well, there's a possibility, Mr. Commissioner. COMMISSIONER NELSON:You would only be interested in filing a response if Idaho Power came back and attacked your position on the water flow issue, wouldn't you? MR. MILES:That's -- that would be the main thing, yes.Although, there might be other -- other issues.if -- as I said, there's two parts to 15 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, rD 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I the Swan Falls:It's the rebuild.There's no -- FERC's order to Idaho Power Company is going ahead with the plans to rebuild át least up to the 10.4 megawatts. COMMISSIONER NELSON:Okay, I didn't understand that to be an issue with you.I thought your main issue was the water flow necessary for 25 megawatts. MR. MILES:Then there's a question then, of course, about the upgrading the 25 megawatts, whether there would be sufficient water for that. COMMISSIONER NELSON:And tha t 's your main issue in this matter. MR. MILES:Of course.There's other possibility Idaho Power Company could just blow up the dam or let the water go down the river and preserve the historical significance. COMMISSIONER NELSON:I don't anticipate that anybody's going to file advocating that position, however. MR. MILES:No, I don't either, but they could build another plant upstream. COMMISSIONER MILLER:All right. COMMISSIONER NELSON:I think we reach you. 16 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I COMMISSIONER SWISHER:Mr. Chairman, I do think you can accomodate Mr. Miles by simply giving him an independent crack for his filing.I think all parties would agree to that. COMMISSIONER NELSON:Maybe we could agree that if Mr. Miles does have further issues he needs to keep, maybe we could give him an extension upon request at the time he thinks that's a problem and just address it if we've got until a hearing on November 9th. COMMISSIONER MILLER:I think that's a good suggestion, Commissioner Nelson. I think what we should do is approve the schedule that's been proposed by the parties. If Mr. Miles feels the necessity to file anything additionally outside of the time limits agreed upon here, he can request permission to do that and we will review it at that time.Otherwise, from my point of view, the schedule seems reasonable. The only thing I might add is that if, for some reason, a evidentiary hearing is required in Swan Falls, perhaps another prehearing conference would be appropriate in that case, but we'd just cross that bridge when we come to it; or if any party feels the necessity of one at some point down the track, we 17 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I can always schedule those on pretty short notice. So, if you feel a necessity for a prehearing conference in either of the cases as we move through the schedule, certainly feel free to request one. So, the Commission will issue an order con fir min g the s c h e d u 1 es in these two cas e s . Having said that, is there anything else that we should take up today? MR. RIPLEY:Two things, Mr. Chairman. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Mr. Ripley. MR. RIPLEY:In the order -- and we discussed and I think Mike just forgot it -- if you could require that the statement of positions and the requests for production of affirmation, et cetera, be faxed to Idaho Power Company or be mailed to Idaho Power Company by overnight mail, that would assist us. And secondly, might we anticipate that the Commission would issue an order after receipt of all of the statements of position to give some guidance to the parties? I don't want to suggest that you be committed to that, but is there that possibility at least? COMMISSIONER MILLER:Tha t had been my contemplation.It's not -- obviously, we don't know 18 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I exactly what's going to be in the position papers and if they will provide us an adequate basis upon which we think we could make definitive rulings, but I think we'll try and do something worthwhile or dispositive, or at least provide guidance after receipt of those. We don't just take them in and say, "Thanks."We'll try and do something. MR. RIPLEY:Thank you. COMMISSIONER MILLER:Mr. Tanner. MR. TANNER:i'll be happy to Federal Express my issue statement or statement of position to the Company if they will, in turn, Federal Express their direct testimony to me. MR. RIPLEY: Sure. MR. TANNER:It takes about six days to get to Portland regular mail for some reason. COMMISSIONER MILLER:All right, we'll include, Mr. Gilmore, in the order an order that the materials be transmitted by the fastest available means or something 1 ike that. MR. MILES:Would hand-delivered be just as good, Mr. Chairman? COMMISSIONER MILLER:That would be fine, Mr. Miles. COMMISSIONER SWISHER:Teton or Jackson 19 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Ho le? 2 3 COMMISSIONER MILLER:Delivered to you at Marsing or -- I'm sure all the parties will 4 cooperate in that arrangement. 5 All right, anything else?I f not, we 6 7 will recess this hearing and see you at the appointed time s . 8 (The hearing adjourned at 11: 35 9 a . m. ) 20 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 COLLOQUY I I 1 2 I 3 I 4 5 I 6 I 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 I 13 14 I 15 I 16 17 I 18 I 19 20 I 21 I 22 23 I 24 I 25 I AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that the foregoing proceedings held in the matter of the application of Idaho Power Company for authority to rate base the i n v est men t r e qu ire d for the reb u i 1 d 0 f the S wan Fa lIs hydroelectric project, Case No. IPC-E-90-2, and in the matter of the application of Idaho Power Company for a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the rate basing of the Milner hydroelectric project, or in the alternative, a determination of exempt status for the Milner hydroelectric project, Case No. IPC-E-90-8, commencing on Wednesday, August 22,1990, at the Commission Hearing Room, 472 West Washington, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. Accuracy of all prefiled testimony as originally submitted to this Reporter and incorporated herein at the direction of the Commission is the sale tiittUIU". '~\I\1 'ii#,r e spo n s ib ~\I ~ J ootA.fl-9e submi t t i ng pa rt i e s . ~.. L;~ ......00. ~If.. "'##~v .. °o'o(~ '" (:(+O~::cJ-l:w! fldi. J7a~---- \ ~....~lTBL\ ...w~1fY ~~N'1J.~# ~ .00........ '~~"t t i fie d S h 0 r t han d Rep 0 r t e r"'#. -'1' b \n~~~~~ ~ 0 F \I~e g i s t ere d Pro f e s s ion a 1 Rep 0 r t e r ""iiiuaalt"" 2 1 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P.O. Box 578, Boise, ID 83701 AUTHENTICATION