HomeMy WebLinkAbout19890403Letter re Swift Creek Project.pdfSNAKE RIVER ..I..' ~S(,LJ.. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY HYDROPOWER .-:~ECEi\F) W LOX 70 . lOISE, IDAHO 83707':lLED ri ¡J9 APR 3 PFI 2' YO March 31, 1989 HO FUbLiC Mr Farley Eskel son, PE President Swift Creek Power Co, Inc 100 Lindberg P1 aza 2 5160 Wi ley Post Way Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Re: Swi ft Creek Sma 11 Hydro Proj ect UTI LIT I ESC 0 tA M i s :; ION Dear Mr Eskelson: This letter will recap some of the issues discussed at our meeting in Boi se, and the status of those outstandi ng issues. 1. Status of 1 i censes, permi ts, and water ri ghts. You have pro- vided me with copies of the extensions of time you have received from the FERC, the Forest Service, and the state of Wyoming. At this time, it does not appear that we need any additional information regarding the status of those permits. If we do, I will contact you immediately. 2.. Wheeling Agreements. At the meeting we discussed the fact that we had still not receivêd the information we had requested many months ago regarding the contracts for wheeling the power from your project to Idaho Power. The reason that we must insist that the wheeling arrangements be in place prior to our executing a contract with Swift Creek is based on our prior experience with Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). It is our understanding that BPA insists that Idaho Power execute your wheeling agreement and that Idaho Power be responsible to BPA for paying for wheeling charges. Idaho Power is not willing to do either of those things. Wheeling arrangements are between yourself, BPA, and the other intermediary utilities and we will not be contractua lly bound to guarantee those arrangements. For thi s reason we do not think it is appropriate for you to simply po~tpone your discussions with BPA until after you had secured a contract with Idaho Power. While that may be more convenient for you, past experience indicates it is not the best way to proceed. 3. Expiration of the FERC license. Much of our discussion at the Boi se meeti ng focused on the overpayment li abi 1 i ty securi ty problems caused by the fact that your FERC 1 icense wi 11 expi re in approximately three years. We discussed a number of possible ways that satisfactory security arrangements coul d be made to cover the overpayment 1 i abi 1 i ty unti 1 such time as the new license is issued (if it is). You state that your insurance advisor had i ndi cated that thi s ri sk coul d be covered by insurance. However, based on our recent telephone conversations, it is now apparent that the insurance your advisor had in mind does not cover the risk of a loss of your FERC license. At our Boise meeting, Idaho Power suggested a number of alternatives to address #..~. this risk including a proposal that additional liquid security be posted until the new 1 icense is issued. Another possible solution would be for Swift Creek to accept nonfirm rates until the new license is issued. As we indicated, in the Boise meeting, Idaho Power is willing to consider any reasonable alternative you might suggest. However, our discussions need to be bilateraL. We have suggested a number of alternative solutions but we have not received any workable proposals from you. Aga in, 1 et me emphas i ze that we are wi 11 i ng to meet wi th you anddi scuss these matters at any time. It is our des i re that thi s matter be amicably resolved by an agreement that is mutually acceptable. We will continue to search 'for a reasonable way to resolve this matter and we hope that you wi 11 do the same. sæl:John Ferree Administrator of Customer Generation JF/ekg cc: L A Crowley R W Stahman S Woodbury -2-