HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231120Customer Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfIn The Matter Of: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 T&T Reporting, LLC 477 Shoup Avenue, Suite 105 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 (208) 529-5491 Min-U-Script® with Word Index 1 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2 3 IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY ) Case No. 4 TO IMPLEMENT CHANGES TO THE ) IPC-E-23-14 COMPENSATION STRUCTURE APPLICABLE ) 5 TO CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERATION ) UNDER SCHEDULES 6, 8, AND 84 AND TO ) 6 ESTABLISH AN EXPORT CREDIT RATE ) 7 8 9 Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 4:02 p.m. 10 Twin Falls, Idaho 11 12 13 BE IT REMEMBERED that the Idaho Public 14 Utilities Commission public hearing was taken before the Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners at 447 15 Seastrom Street, Twin Falls, Idaho, before Jessica Simpson, Court Reporter and Notary Public, in and for 16 the State of Idaho, in the above-entitled matter. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1 A P P E A R A N C E S 2 FOR THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION: 3 COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON COMMISSIONER EDWARD LODGE 4 COMMISSIONER JOHN HAMMOND JR. 5 FOR THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF: DAYN HARDIE 6 DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL Post Office Box 83720 7 Boise, Idaho 83720 (208) 334-0312 8 dayn.hardie@puc.idaho.gov 9 FOR IDAHO POWER COMPANY: LISA NORDSTROM 10 IDAHO POWER COMPANY Post Office Box 70 11 Boise, Idaho 83707 (208) 388-5825 12 lnordstrom@idahopower.com 13 MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY 14 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 15 (208) 388-2664 mallen@idahopower.com 16 DONOVAN WALKER 17 IDAHO POWER COMPANY Post Office Box 70 18 Boise, Idaho 83707 (208) 388-5317 19 dwalker@idahopower.com 20 21 22 23 24 25 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 3 1 (The hearing proceeded at 4:02 p.m. as 2 follows:) 3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Well, today is 4 Wednesday, November 8th, Twin Falls meeting, and good 5 afternoon. This is the time and place for the 6 customer hearing in case No. IPC-E-23-14, also 7 referred to as: In the matter of the Idaho Power 8 Company's application for authority to implement 9 changes to the structure applicable to customer 10 on-site generation under Schedule 6, 8, and 84, and 11 establish an export credit rating. 12 The purpose of this hearing is to take 13 testimony from members of the public in reference to 14 Idaho Power's request that was filed with the 15 commission on May 1, 2023. 16 My name is Eric Anderson. I'm the 17 commissioner hearing this meeting today. I'm joined 18 with Commissioner John Hammond to my left, and 19 Commissioner Ed Lodge to my right. We comprise the 20 commission in this case, and we will collectively 21 make a final determination on this matter. 22 To this point, seven parties have 23 intervened and two informational workshops for the 24 public have been conducted. Today's objective is to 25 take live testimony, public testimony, which will be IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 4 1 added to the record. In the case, commissioners will 2 review the facts and evidence in the record to make 3 its final decisions for these proceedings. 4 We have about 15 people signed up at 5 this time to speak. And we -- oftentimes, these 6 things take three to five minutes, but we're not 7 going to do that tonight. Just try to keep it within 8 that timeframe so that everybody has an opportunity 9 to speak and hear everyone's thoughts. 10 As far as the procedures go today, I 11 will call your name from the sign-up sheets, and you 12 will take the stand and be sworn in. Commissioner 13 Hammond will ask you to raise your right hand and 14 swear or affirm that the testimony you're providing 15 is the whole truth. 16 And the Deputy Attorney General Dayn 17 Hardie to my left over here, will then ask you to 18 identify yourself for the record, which will include 19 your name, spelling of your last name, and whether or 20 not you're a customer of Idaho Power. Then you may 21 present your testimony. 22 Please remain on the stand to see if the 23 parties or the commissioners have any questions. 24 Afterwards, you will be excused. I do want to take 25 this opportunity to remind everyone here who plans to IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 5 1 offer testimony today, that the substance of your 2 testimony should focus on the matters being decided 3 in this particular case. Any testimony that focuses 4 on policy issues that we, as economic regulators, do 5 not have the authority over or the ability to change, 6 should be directed instead to the appropriate 7 decision-making bodies, whether it be the legislation 8 or the DEQ. 9 While we encourage anyone to speak, 10 please, be respectful of the time, as we said 11 earlier. As you provide your testimony today, 12 please, remember that decorum of these proceedings is 13 similar to a courtroom. Your comments should be 14 directed to the commissioners and not to members of 15 the audience. 16 For those in the audience, we ask you to 17 refrain from reacting to any testimony while it is 18 being presented or after met with clapping or any 19 comment, and we would appreciate your willingness to 20 respect this process. 21 Since our cases are judicial in nature, 22 we have a court reporter taking our official 23 transcript. Our court reporter this afternoon is 24 Jessie Simpson. Please don't speak too softly or too 25 fast, or she will have to give you a nudge, or I will IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 6 1 to say, please, slow down or speak up. 2 This transcript is necessary because in 3 our quasi-judicial role, we must base our decisions 4 on the official record and only on the official 5 record. The record is also significant in the event 6 that this decision is ever appealed. 7 I would also like to ask us to refrain 8 from audio or visual. It is distracting to us when 9 people are holding their phones up and doing 10 different things. This is the opportunity for all of 11 you in the public to give your testimony. So, 12 please, refrain from that. 13 Now I'd like to take the appearance of 14 the parties. Let's begin taking turns of Idaho Power 15 Company. 16 MR. WALKER: Yes. Donovan Walker on behalf 17 of Idaho Power. 18 MS. GOICOECHEA ALLEN: Megan Goicoechea Allen 19 on behalf of Idaho Power. 20 MS. NORDSTROM: Lisa Nordstrom on behalf of 21 Idaho Power. 22 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much 23 for that. 24 Now to deputy attorney general 25 representing the staff of the Idaho Public Utilities IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 7 1 Commission. 2 MR. HARDIE: Dayn Hardie representing 3 commission staff. 4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. The Idaho 5 Irrigation Pumpers Association? Idaho Conservation 6 League? IdaHydro? Clean Energy Opportunities for 7 Idaho? Micon Technology? The City of Boise? Vote 8 Solar? 9 And just for your identification, those 10 are intervenors in the case, as if you would have a 11 plaintiff or a respondent. And we would like for 12 them to identify themselves, if they are in the room. 13 They are not today. 14 Are there any other parties that I have 15 forgotten or missed? Hearing none. 16 Well, with that, we are ready to call 17 our first witness. I call Melody Lenkner. 18 (Melody Lenkner was sworn.) 19 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name for 20 the record and spell your last. 21 MS. LENKNER: It's Melody Lenkner, 22 L-e-n-k-n-e-r. 23 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 24 Power? 25 MS. LENKNER: I am. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 8 1 MR. HARDIE: Thank you. 2 MS. LENKNER: I oppose Idaho Power's proposal 3 to decrease compensation rates, and increase fees for 4 rooftop solar. At a time of a climate change crisis, 5 we need to encourage, not discourage, every source of 6 sustainable energy. 7 Rooftop solar in numbers, in a climate 8 like Idaho's, so suited to rooftop solar, would be a 9 giant step in the right direction towards 10 sustainability. The changes being proposed would 11 discourage, not encourage, rooftop solar and would 12 make solar power far less affordable for Idaho 13 families, farmers, businesses, and communities. 14 To me, the public utilities commission 15 is charged with the duty of protecting Idaho 16 consumers of electrical energy. Decreased 17 compensation and increased fees for rooftop solar 18 favors profits for shareholders over the well-being 19 of the community. 20 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, ma'am. 21 Is there any questions from the parties? 22 Thank you for your testimony. 23 Rick Hiatt. 24 (Rick Hiatt was sworn.) 25 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name for IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 9 1 the record and spell your last. 2 MR. HIATT: Rick Hiatt, H-i-a-t-t. 3 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 4 Power? 5 MR. HIATT: I am. 6 MR. HARDIE: Proceed. 7 MR. HIATT: First I'd like to ask Idaho 8 Power: What is the rate that you pay other -- 9 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Excuse me, sir. It 10 really isn't a question and answer. 11 MR. HIATT: Okay. All right. 12 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: You can form your 13 questions to us. We won't answer that, but please... 14 MR. HIATT: Well, I would like to know why -- 15 I know that the rates Idaho Power pays to other 16 individuals, other companies, where they buy power 17 from, is higher than that. I was wondering -- would 18 like to have some kind of an explanation why they're 19 trying to reduce the payments to individuals, when 20 other entities are actually raising their rates. 21 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And do you have 22 access to online at all, sir? 23 MR. HIATT: Yes. 24 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: This is all filed. 25 The filings are there. You can see what the IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 10 1 pleadings are and what they're asking for and the 2 causations for that. 3 MR. HIATT: Okay. Well, I just think it's 4 time that we start thinking more about the whole 5 world, the state of our whole world, rather than just 6 lining pockets of individuals. 7 Anyway, thank you. 8 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, sir. 9 Are there any questions from the 10 parties? 11 Thank you for your testimony. 12 Kevin Bradshaw. 13 MR. HARDIE: Can you state your full name for 14 the record and spell your last. 15 MR. BRADSHAW: It's Kevin Bradshaw, 16 B-r-a-d-s-h-a-w. 17 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 18 Power? 19 MR. BRADSHAW: I am. 20 So I recently purchased -- when I built 21 a fourplex, I purchased a $60,000 system for -- to 22 put into these units to, one, include costs in the 23 rent to the customers without them having to worry 24 about what their utilities would be. 25 And then I'm just wondering why Idaho IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 11 1 Power, you know, they're invested in a solar array 2 field south of Albertsons, and so they must enjoy 3 that. Idaho Power I know imports 40 percent of their 4 energy right now through other sources. 5 And so I'm -- in the inflation reduction 6 act, I also -- through the inflation reduction act, 7 that's one of the reasons I also purchased this and, 8 again, to help with job support. And I'm a strong 9 proponent of renewable energy. 10 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, 11 Mr. Bradshaw. 12 Are there any questions from the 13 parties? Commissioners? 14 Thank you very much for your testimony. 15 MR. BRADSHAW: Thank you. 16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Charles Lenkner. 17 (Charles Lenkner was sworn.) 18 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name for 19 the record and spell your last. 20 MR. LENKNER: Charles Lenkner, L-e-n-k-n-e-r. 21 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 22 Power? 23 MR. LENKNER: We are -- or I am -- both of 24 us. 25 Based on my personal experience and IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 12 1 observations over eight decades of living on the 2 planet, and mostly in the United States, in the 3 western states of the nation, it is my conclusion 4 that encouraged and enhanced use of solar to meet 5 energy needs is one of our better and always [sic] 6 means of so doing. 7 In our living situation, home and 8 property, we have incorporated so far -- and done so 9 under the cooperative program with Idaho Power, as 10 previously configured -- we have panels on the roof, 11 our roof, and pay Idaho Power for the usable energy 12 consumed. And to date, I can see nothing, no 13 arrangement for electricity that makes more sense, 14 more enhanced provision for production, and use of 15 electricity, than the solar we're using. 16 Idaho Power and others have for a long 17 time expropriated and used collectively shared and 18 owned falling water, of which we can all see obvious 19 limitations. My view, based on years of wide travel 20 in Idaho and the western states, is encouraging and 21 incentivizing wide use of solar is in the better 22 interest of all people and corporations. 23 I'm firmly opposed to corporate Idaho 24 Power's move to disincentivize and discourage 25 enhanced and expanded use, reliance on solar energy, IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 13 1 from and for homeowners and the public. 2 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. 3 Are there any questions from the parties 4 or the commissioners? 5 Thank you for your testimony. 6 Robert Sojka. 7 (Robert Sojka was sworn.) 8 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name and 9 spell your last name. 10 MR. SOJKA: Robert E. Sojka, S-o-j-k-a. 11 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 12 Power? 13 MR. SOJKA: Yes. I am. 14 I'm strongly opposed to Idaho Power's 15 current effort to discourage and disincentivize the 16 expansion of rooftop solar generation by homeowners 17 and businesses. They should be doing the exact 18 opposite. 19 I view this current attempt to increase 20 monthly fees charged to existing owners in the 21 rooftop solar generation systems as actually the 22 second time that they've changed the standards by 23 which we were going to be charged when they initially 24 started their program, of at least proclaiming that 25 they were going to develop a system that was based IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 14 1 mostly or entirely on renewables. 2 They've also changed with -- they're 3 also intending to change the grandfathering clause 4 that was made in the previous hearings several years 5 ago. 6 I don't feel that Idaho Power recognizes 7 or gives adequate credit or appreciation to the 8 participation of individuals helping Idaho achieve 9 energy independence via renewable energy strategies. 10 Rooftop solar systems represent 11 substantial financial, labor, and logistical 12 commitment by homeowners. Much of that commitment is 13 pure altruism. However, it represents enormous 14 removal of financial, labor, and logistical burdens 15 from Idaho Power in the meeting of proclaimed -- 16 their proclaimed goal of being freed from 17 nonrenewable energy strategies. 18 Rooftop solar also relieves the State of 19 Idaho from subsidizing massive stationary, 20 single-point generation facilities at tax payer 21 expense. 22 Rooftop solar installation incur the 23 least destructive environmental footprint involved in 24 power generation. Placement atop of roofs helps 25 mitigate the existing negative environmental IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 15 1 footprint of the house itself, and there is no 2 long-distance resistance in these power transmission 3 laws. 4 Many of us, most of us perhaps, that 5 generate power from our rooftop solar system, produce 6 more power than we use. We don't get paid for the 7 excess power we produce. It feeds into the grid, and 8 Idaho Power sells that excess to users that do not 9 generate their own power. 10 Yet the new proposal under consideration 11 requires us to pay more per month to give away our 12 excess generation so Idaho Power can sell it for 13 additional profit. 14 If Idaho Power really wants to achieve 15 energy independence through renewable resources, it 16 should be further incentivizing property owner 17 installation of on-site renewable generation, whether 18 it with be solar, wind, or micro hydro, but not 19 penalizing it. And in fact, if anything, it should 20 be considering a strategy of raising rates for power 21 users that make no effort whatsoever to provide 22 on-site generation of any fraction of its energy 23 needs. 24 I personally believe that the issue of 25 becoming energy independent with renewable generation IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 16 1 sources is existentially significant enough that, in 2 my personal opinion, it should be taken out of the 3 hands of entangled reward interest of the PUC and the 4 legislature, and offered directly to the voting 5 public at large, who I suspect have a better 6 financial and fairness compass on this important 7 aspect of their daily existence. Thank you. 8 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, sir. 9 Any questions from the parties? 10 Thank you very much for your testimony. 11 Tracy McFarlin. 12 (Tracy McFarlin was sworn.) 13 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name for 14 the record and spell your last. 15 MR. MCFARLIN: My name is Tracy McFarlin. 16 First name is T-r-a-c-y. My last name, 17 M-c-F-a-r-l-i-n. 18 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 19 Power? 20 MR. MCFARLIN: I am. 21 Good afternoon my name is Tracy 22 McFarlin. I live in Kimberly, and I have 28 solar 23 panels on my home. I've been producing power since 24 February of 2021. 25 I'm asking you not to change the way IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 17 1 Idahoans are credited for the excess energy they send 2 back to the grid. I had my solar panels installed to 3 reduce energy costs, and to do my part for our 4 environment. 5 If you choose to change the present 6 policy, I believe it will cause prospective solar 7 customers to not want solar. It will greatly 8 increase the cost in order to go off the grid and use 9 batteries, wind, and standby generators to supplement 10 our needs; not to mention the use of fossil fuels in 11 order to operate these generators. 12 This will punish all the current solar 13 owners by allowing the Idaho Power monopoly to 14 benefit from our solar production, purchasing our 15 power at a greatly reduced rate to sell at exorbitant 16 cost to those whom they monopolize. 17 The rules we presently have in place 18 enables Idahoans to predict their return on their 19 investment into solar. This alone is fundamental for 20 Idahoans in order to decide on solar for their home. 21 I'm asking you to strongly consider the 22 ramifications this will cause on the Idaho economy. 23 Please vote against Idaho Power's suggested change to 24 on-site and self-generation tariffs. I kindly thank 25 you for your time and consideration in this matter. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 18 1 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, 2 Mr. McFarlin. 3 Are there any questions? 4 Thank you for your testimony. 5 Melody Asher. 6 (Melody Asher was sworn.) 7 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name and 8 spell your last. 9 MS. ASHER: Melody Asher. I'll spell both: 10 M-e-l-o-d-y, A-s-h-e-r. 11 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 12 Power? 13 MS. ASHER: Oh, yeah. 14 I believe that local solar power is 15 important for our community and our world, especially 16 because of climate change. Idaho Power says it wants 17 to have a hundred percent clean energy by 2045, so 18 they should be happy to have customers generating 19 power. Customers like me, generating power. 20 But instead, Idaho Power seems to be 21 discouraging rooftop solar. And I think that 22 perspective rooftop solar customers should be able to 23 lock in a price for at least ten years so at least 24 they can figure out whether or not it's feasible to 25 put panels on the roof. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 19 1 Idaho Power gets paid by -- gets paid by 2 the rooftop solar customer's neighbors. So my 3 neighbor gets my power, my excess exported power, and 4 there's not much line loss, and they get a full 5 amount for that power, you know, get paid that full 6 amount for that power, and they don't have to 7 generate that power. I think that they can even sell 8 that power at a more expensive rate through their 9 green power program. 10 So they -- I think, they should be happy 11 to have rooftop solar panels making power for them, 12 but for some reason they are not happy about that, 13 and they're fairly tenacious about not supporting 14 rooftop solar. 15 Idaho Power doesn't want to pay rooftop 16 solar power owners a fair rate, whether it be money 17 or kilowatt-hours, for the power that they generate. 18 So I hope that you will insist on paying or having a 19 fair rate decided on for compensation for those 20 rooftop solar customers. 21 So I would ask you to vote against, at 22 least, the majority of this proposal. 23 And I also feel that the general rate 24 case should be decided first because it's going to 25 impact all customers in a really big way if you okay IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 20 1 that proposal, and it will impact us even more. And 2 I'll expand on that in my letter, or at the November 3 27th hearing. 4 And thanks for listening to me again, 5 because I've been here before. 6 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Ms. Asher. 7 Any questions for Ms. Asher? 8 Michael McBride. 9 (Michael McBride was sworn.) 10 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name for 11 the record and spell your last. 12 MR. MCBRIDE: My name is Michael McBride, 13 M-c-B-r-i-d-e for the spelling on my last name. 14 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 15 Power? 16 MR. MCBRIDE: I'm a customer of Idaho Power, 17 and I'm also a rooftop solar producer for Idaho 18 Power, for us. 19 First I'd like to thank the PUC for 20 coming to Twin Falls, Idaho. It's nice not to have 21 to drive back at 1 o'clock in the morning. 22 The first hearing I attended on this 23 subject was held in Pocatello. I believe it was 24 winter of 2018, pretty much the same subjects. The 25 second time addressing you was in December of 2019, IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 21 1 in Boise at the time of the settlement agreement. 2 After the Boise hearing, I was very pleased how the 3 PUC listened to Idaho Power customers, and came up 4 with grandfathering for those of us who had already 5 had solar in place. 6 Here we are back again in November 2023. 7 That's about five years. Idaho Power still controls 8 the data. They come up with the plans. They have 9 the money to hire lawyers. They can hire 10 professional spokespeople. And in general, they 11 outgun the scattered individuals that are positive on 12 rooftop solar and small electric generators, less 13 than 2 percent of their customers. 14 We are counting on you, the PUC, to 15 treat both of us fairly here. It needs to -- we need 16 some fairness there, and it's hard for me to tell you 17 what's fair. 18 We did not buy our solar system to make 19 money. We bought our solar system because we felt it 20 was the right thing to do. We would hate to see 21 Idaho Power be able to scuttle interest in rooftop 22 solar going forward. 23 Solar power is part of the solution to 24 global warming. If Idaho Power is able to make it 25 economically unfeasible for small electric IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 22 1 generators, then people won't do the right thing. 2 They just won't bother with solar. 3 Also, the less solar that gets put in, 4 the less companies doing this work means there's less 5 installers in the future, means there's less service 6 people in the future. So when my system -- heading 7 towards 2045, also on the grandfathering -- starts 8 wearing out, it'd sure be nice if there's a bountiful 9 field of repair people to reach, to get things fixed, 10 and not have to wait on somebody to come down from 11 Boise or Moscow to fix our system. Thank you. 12 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, 13 Mr. McBride. 14 Are there any questions? 15 Thank you for your testimony. 16 Linda Engle. 17 (Linda Engle was sworn.) 18 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name for 19 the record and spell your last. 20 MS. ENGLE: It's Linda Engle, E-n-g-l-e. 21 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 22 Power? 23 MS. ENGLE: I am. 24 I also would like to thank you for 25 holding this hearing today. I traveled with some IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 23 1 other customers from Pocatello, and I look forward to 2 having a hearing in Pocatello in the future. 3 So my concern is the climate. And, 4 ultimately, I'm concerned for the world that my 5 children will live in, and I'm concerned we're not 6 moving fast enough to avoid the worst effects of 7 climate change. 8 I commend Idaho Power and Avista to 9 their commitment to a hundred percent clean energy by 10 2045, but their plans do not appear to include and 11 promote a contribution by residential solar. 12 As the drought increases and hydropower 13 continues to decrease, residential solar is an 14 opportunity that our power companies can use to help 15 them achieve their goal of transitioning to a hundred 16 percent clean power. 17 According to the national renewable 18 energy laboratory, rooftop solar in Idaho has the 19 potential to provide more than 26 percent of all the 20 electricity used in Idaho, but it is doubtful that 21 this can happen with Idaho Power's proposed export 22 credit rates. 23 Their export credit rate proposal is not 24 only difficult to understand, it will make it very 25 difficult for solar providers and homeowners to IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 24 1 determine if installing solar on their home is a 2 worthwhile investment. This has a chilling effect on 3 the solar industry in -- as well -- as a whole in 4 Idaho. 5 As Idaho electrical demand increases 6 with electrical transportation, heating, and cooking, 7 residential solar could be part of the solution; but 8 confusing export credit rates slow the deployment of 9 this important Idaho industry and resource. 10 My second point is that if Idaho Power 11 is raising their rates for all customers in their 12 general rate case, that should be completed before 13 any consideration of changing the export credit rate 14 for solar owners. And this is because solar owners 15 are a tiny fraction of all the Idaho rate payers, and 16 they should not be considered before the general rate 17 case. 18 Idaho needs both large scale, clean 19 energy production, and we need to promote residential 20 solar with fair, easy to understand rates, and this 21 proposal does not do that. 22 In addition, Idaho Power's general rate 23 case should be determined before any changes are made 24 to the solar export credit rate. 25 Thank you very much. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 25 1 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. 2 Are there any questions? 3 I have one question from me: Do you 4 currently have solars already? 5 MS. ENGLE: Yes. We do. Since 2019. 6 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Ma'am, 7 thank you for your testimony. 8 Kathy Noble. 9 (Kathryn Noble was sworn.) 10 MR. HARDIE: Can you please state your full 11 name for the record and spell your last. 12 MS. NOBLE: Kathryn Noble, N-o-b-l-e. 13 MR. HARDIE: Are you an Idaho Power customer? 14 MS. NOBLE: Yes. 15 I have a small farm in the Bellevue 16 Triangle, and I've been studying Europe and the 17 Northeast for farm applications of solar panels. I'm 18 single, and so developing my farm has maybe been a 19 little slower than had I had a partner. 20 And one of the things that bothers me is 21 that without having a rate -- an export rate that is 22 consistent for a period of time, a specific period of 23 time, there's no way that I can get a bank loan to 24 help pay for solar installation. 25 There have been many studies done IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 26 1 about -- for small farmers, small acreage farmers. 2 Jake's Garden in Colorado and Oregon State University 3 in Oregon have done many studies on vegetable growing 4 and grazing under solar panels. 5 Solar panels utilize green light in our 6 light spectrum, and plants utilize red. So there's 7 no conflict in terms of the sunshine usage for 8 utilizing solar panels over top of farm activities, 9 both grazing and raising vegetables or other grow 10 crops. 11 Also, one of the most regenerative ways 12 of farming is to have shade for your animals, trees 13 in your pasture, and solar panels provide shade when 14 we live in climate that doesn't really grow that many 15 trees, and doesn't provide shade. So that's a very 16 important aspect of raising animals that solar panels 17 could help with. 18 Not to mention the fact that by doing 19 solar panels in farmland, over farm ground, you -- we 20 preserve our natural native public lands in a native 21 state. We don't have to utilize BLM property or the 22 forest service property in order to meet the demands 23 or the commitment to clean energy that Idaho Power 24 has made. 25 I appreciate having you come to Twin IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 27 1 Falls. I'm happy that you were able to schedule a 2 second hearing for us. And those are the primary 3 points that I would like -- oh, the other thing is 4 that all of the scientists are giving us a real 5 heads-up that things are happening a lot faster than 6 they originally projected. So I think that Idaho 7 Power needs to have as much solar energy being 8 produced by private enterprise as possible in order 9 to meet these deadlines. 10 We are getting all kinds of indications 11 that the temperature has already risen considerably 12 faster than was anticipated, and it's going to 13 continue to do that. So those are considerations 14 that I think need to be taken into -- that we need to 15 think about. 16 It seems to me that we could form a 17 partnership, Idaho Power and private citizens, and 18 produce lots more clean energy a lot faster than 19 simply relying on one entity to create clean energy. 20 Thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. 22 Are there any questions? 23 Thank you for your testimony. 24 Mike Engle. 25 (Michael Engle was sworn.) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 28 1 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name for 2 the record and spell your last. 3 MR. ENGLE: It's Michael Engle, E-n-g-l-e. 4 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 5 Power? 6 MR. ENGLE: Yes. I am. 7 I wanted to start by thanking the 8 commission for establishing these public hearings. 9 It's very valuable, and it's good for you to be able 10 to hear directly from the people, I think. I'm going 11 to read a prepared statement, so bear with me. I 12 have a couple technical points to make, so it's 13 better said through what I've prepared. 14 I'm here tonight to give remarks on 15 behalf of the Portneuf Resource Council. My name is 16 Mike Engle, and I'm the chair of PRC. The Portneuf 17 Resource Council, based out of the Pocatello, is a 18 nonprofit organization that promotes clean energy and 19 clean water in southeast Idaho. We represent more 20 than 300 clean energy advocates in our region. 21 The current proposal from Idaho Power 22 has several issues. However, in the limited time 23 here, there are a couple of key points PRC wants to 24 highlight to the commission. 25 The first of which is the timing. There IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 29 1 is a concurrent Idaho Power proposal before the PUC 2 for a general rate increase. That general rate 3 increase includes a plan to increase the fixed charge 4 fee for all Idaho Power customers, including existing 5 and future residential solar customers. 6 The initial proposal to increase the 7 fixed charge fee is something like 700 percent 8 increase over just a few years. I understand that it 9 has been renegotiated recently by the intervenors 10 down to something like 300 or 400 percent, but that 11 is still not yet approved, and it has not been 12 demonstrated by Idaho Power what impact this still 13 significant increase in the fixed export credit rate 14 fees are. In part, to -- sorry. Well, let me -- 15 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Take your time. 16 MR. ENGLE: I just lost my spot here. I 17 understand it has been renegotiated down to the 300 18 or 400 percent, but it's not yet approved, and it has 19 not been demonstrated by Idaho Power what impact this 20 still significant increase in the fixed charged fee 21 will have on the complex calculation of the export 22 credit rate. 23 Idaho Power has stated that the changes 24 in the charge fee are in part to ensure that solar 25 owners pay their fair share of grid maintenance and IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 30 1 improvement costs. At the same time, the general 2 rate change proposal says that the increase in the 3 fixed charge fee is to cover fixed costs that all 4 customers incur, which includes grid maintenance and 5 improvement. 6 It appears that the two proposals could 7 shift an unfair burden of fixed costs to solar 8 owners. The general rate increase proposal should be 9 resolved, and the impact on fixed charges be 10 quantified. Only then should the proposal for the 11 export credit rate be reevaluated and submitted to 12 the PUC. 13 The second point is related to 14 reevaluating the export credit rate without 15 forecasting future changes. The initial export 16 credit rate values in the proposal are only for the 17 first year, and the proposal calls for a periodic 18 reevaluation of the export credit rate. This 19 open-ended portion of the proposal has the chilling 20 effect of creating huge uncertainty for anyone 21 considering installing a residential system. Return 22 on investment cannot be calculated. 23 Idaho Power has a powerful model that 24 they use to create their integrated resource plan. 25 PRC suggests that Idaho Power uses this capability to IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 31 1 model and forecast a range of values for future 2 export credit rate changes. Having a range of 3 potential values for the export credit rate will give 4 equal the means to calculate a best and worst case 5 return on investment. This is a reasonable request 6 that can be amended into the Idaho Power proposal. 7 This evening, PRC is encouraging the PUC 8 commissioners to consider the consequence of both 9 Idaho Power proposals. We propose that the general 10 rate increase needs to be resolved before moving 11 forward with the export credit rate case. 12 Further, when evaluating the future 13 proposal for the export credit rate, in fairness to 14 solar customers, Idaho Power should model the range 15 of potential export credit rate values out in time -- 16 out five, ten, fifteen, and twenty years; similarly 17 to how they model their entire business in their 18 ongoing integrated resource plan evaluations. 19 Lastly, PRC believes it is important to 20 include the economically quantifiable environmental 21 benefits of clean energy in any Idaho Power proposal 22 affecting clean energy generation. Idaho Power 23 acknowledges the impact of climate change in its 24 integrated resource plan, and commits to clean energy 25 as part of the solution to mitigate climate impacts IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 32 1 in Idaho. This is a good reason to make sure these 2 benefits are included here, and in any future Idaho 3 Power proposals to the Idaho Public Utilities 4 Commission. 5 Again, thank you for listening, and we 6 look forward to your decisions. 7 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Mr. Engle. 8 Will you submit this for the record? 9 MR. ENGLE: Yes. 10 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much. 11 Are there any questions? 12 Thank you. 13 Lila Dressen. 14 (Lila Dressen was sworn.) 15 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name for 16 the record and spell your last. 17 MS. DRESSEN: Lila Dressen, D-r-e-s-s-e-n. 18 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 19 Power's? 20 MS. DRESSEN: I am. 21 It's my understanding -- I've heard 22 Idaho Power justify their request for the reduction 23 in the compensation structure with excess energy 24 production provided by rooftop solar by saying that 25 they want to make sure that the pricing power is fair IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 33 1 for all customers. They claim that the current 2 policy overcompensates customers with solar at the 3 expense of customers without. 4 I don't necessarily understand the 5 logic. Everyone is pushing green energy. For those 6 of us who have gone along with that idea, we have 7 spent between 40 and $50,000 to install our roofs 8 with systems on our roofs with the idea of receiving 9 some kind of benefit for the investment. In my case, 10 it was being a little bit warmer during the winter. 11 It -- you know, it's a challenge. 12 Idaho Power doesn't have to provide us 13 power five to six months out of the year, and we 14 provide them with excess power during these periods. 15 Doesn't that delay the need for them to build 16 additional power sources to meet everybody's needs? 17 Surely, be worth an even exchange what 18 they give us for our excess power. Installing solar 19 is a major investment with an even credit -- with an 20 even credit, the payback periods run at least about 21 ten years. 22 By allowing Idaho Power to reduce that 23 amount by a large amount, move the payback to 20 or 24 more years. They are, in effect, trying to put solar 25 companies out of business to their benefit as the IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 34 1 move for solar grows. Returns that far out don't 2 incentivize people to make that investment. 3 Any adjustment to the net metering 4 should be based on a review made by an independent 5 nonpartisan group. It's my understanding that the 6 adjustments being suggested have been developed by a 7 study that was conducted by Idaho Power. And in 8 fairness, I think it needs to be done by someone who 9 doesn't directly benefit from this study. 10 And that's all I have. Thank you. 11 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. 12 Any questions? I'm seeing none. 13 Thank you very much for your testimony. 14 David Makings. 15 (David Makings was sworn.) 16 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name for 17 the record and spell your last. 18 MR. MAKINGS: David Makings, M-a-k-i-n-g-s. 19 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 20 Power? 21 MR. MAKINGS: Yes, I am. 22 Good afternoon, everyone. I would like 23 to take just a little bit different approach here in 24 my comments. First of all, I'm very happy to hear 25 and agree with just about everybody who spoke up IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 35 1 here. I got -- I installed solar panels right at 2 the -- about the time that Idaho Power was 3 considering moving away from the net metering, so I 4 came in under that net metering concept. I thought 5 it was simple, straight forward, and pretty easy to 6 understand. Whatever -- anytime that I was 7 generating more than I was using, it ran the meter 8 backwards. 9 Several things -- I would like to agree 10 with some of the prior testimony -- that it should be 11 relatively simple to grasp how much I'm sending out 12 to the other customers. 13 I fully agree with the fact that someone 14 brought up that any of the power that I generate 15 above and beyond what I use, goes back out to the 16 grid. And in spite of what Idaho Power sometimes 17 tells me about having to compensate for all these 18 miles of transmission line, I can pretty much 19 guarantee you that the few electrons that I generate, 20 goes back out to the grid, goes down the road about a 21 hundred yards to the next guy's irrigation pump. So 22 I don't see a -- I don't buy into that concept. 23 I think it's -- I don't know. I think 24 it's small scale local and pretty much self-contained 25 within that system. But I don't see any need for, IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 36 1 you know, all of these generation capacity upgrades. 2 Furthermore, we are -- all of us solar 3 owners -- are actually taking a load off the grid. 4 Everyone knows that the peak solar generation 5 component is afternoons, and in the summertime that's 6 when everybody's air conditioner's running. 7 I recently purchased an electric 8 vehicle. I'm very conscientious about charging that 9 vehicle only when the sun is shining. I am not 10 placing an additional load on the grid by driving an 11 electric vehicle. I have, in the time that I've 12 purchased it, put on about 5,000 miles on that 13 vehicle, and I am proud to say that I have yet to 14 spew out one molecule of carbon dioxide from my 15 little electric car. 16 And furthermore, it's about as snappy as 17 anything out there on the road. And I swear I 18 haven't been speeding. I can keep up with any of 19 them out there. Those kinds of things. 20 One other issue that I would like to 21 bring up very briefly, I guess briefly, I view the 22 public utilities commission as having responsibility 23 for the public at large, in addition to us solar 24 owners and everybody else. Some sort of a 25 responsibility to the public at large. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 37 1 Several other people have mentioned 2 climate change. I have been studying this for years. 3 I recall a conversation with a geologist friend of 4 mine in college when I was teaching in Kansas. This 5 was back in the 70s. And at that time, the 6 geologists were not concerned about us running out of 7 coal or running out of oil. Back in the 70s, some of 8 the geologists were very concerned about the amount 9 of carbon dioxide that was being pumped into the 10 atmosphere. So this is not something that we made up 11 recently. This is not something that a bunch of woke 12 individuals made up in the last couple of years. 13 There's been concern about this for a great deal of 14 time. 15 And I view the public utilities 16 commission as having some responsibility to the 17 public at large. And climate change, global warming, 18 is real; and it's here and it's big-time. 19 As far as any possible solution, I 20 really thought that the net metering thing was really 21 very convenient and simple. And I, like many others, 22 did not generate that much excess electricity. So no 23 big deal to me: Take it, buy it for a little bit, 24 and sell it on down the line. 25 This idea that we have to have IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 38 1 minute-by-minute metering and minute-by-minute price 2 differentiations -- the electricity that I generated 3 during the day, some of it, some of the excess, 4 occurred at 9:00 in the morning, some of it occurred 5 at 4:30 in the afternoon. I don't know. 6 So take the average of how much that I 7 had generated extra, maybe a little bit for that, 8 and, again, encourage -- encourage other people to 9 get involved with passive solar, with solar, with 10 wind, et cetera, all kinds of small-scale stuff. 11 We are taking -- helping Idaho Power 12 take the load off the grid. We are feeding a little 13 bit back into the grid. And mostly we are trying to 14 help make the planet a little more livable for your 15 grandchildren, and the grandchildren of all the 16 people working for Idaho Power. Thank you. 17 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. 18 Is there any questions? 19 Mr. Hammond. 20 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: You mentioned 21 irrigation down the road from you. Do you know if he 22 takes service from Idaho Power? Different schedules, 23 for example, scheduling for irrigation service. Do 24 you take service under that, or... 25 MR. MAKINGS: The farmer down the road? IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 39 1 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Well, I'm asking you: 2 Do you know what -- and I understand maybe if you 3 don't, but I just was trying to determine what type 4 of customer you might be. Are you a residential 5 customer? 6 MR. MAKINGS: Oh, me? 7 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Yeah. 8 MR. MAKINGS: It's strictly residential. In 9 fact, it's an interesting situation. Long story, but 10 my wife and I recently sold a home that we owned and 11 moved into town. So this other property that we have 12 is rented to my -- actually to my brother-in-law. 13 So we have these panels out here on this 14 farmland that we have, and so the person down the 15 road with the irrigation pump, yeah, I'm sure that 16 there are. I don't know that I've looked into it, 17 but I'm sure that there are Idaho Power schedules for 18 large-scale irrigation pumping systems like that. 19 One other last comment, I think. One 20 solution that, to me anyway, was very simple, was, 21 again, go back to the net metering, and any excess 22 credits I had at the end of the month, allow me to 23 donate those credits to someone, or to specify 24 someplace where those credits could be applied. 25 I mentioned my situation at home. We IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 40 1 live in a rented apartment in Kimberly. It's a long 2 story of why we're there, and the house we own is 3 someplace else; but I had asked at one time if -- 4 when we were going through all this stuff -- if Idaho 5 Power could include the power bill of my renter out 6 there where the solar panels are, just to save him a 7 little time and money since he wouldn't have much of 8 a bill, if they could just attach that to my meter, 9 to my metering bill. Yes, they said. 10 The gal was on the phone, took about a 11 half a minute, maybe 45 seconds, for her to key in 12 some stuff. And then the -- what bill was remaining 13 on the property with the solar panels was simply 14 applied to the meter at the place that we are 15 currently renting. 16 A few weeks later I called back and 17 said, well, what about the credit? If it's that easy 18 to do, couldn't I just apply those credits that I had 19 earned to this meter that I have here? After about a 20 35-minute long discussion about why we couldn't do 21 that, I was told by the receptionist, secretary, 22 whoever answered the phone, yes, that might be 23 possible if those meters are on the same or adjacent 24 property. 25 Now, I don't understand why it took half IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 41 1 a minute to transfer the bill to another property, 2 and it's also impossible to transfer any credits to 3 another meter. I don't know if anybody knows the 4 answer to that or not. 5 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, 6 Mr. Makings, very much. 7 MR. MAKINGS: Thank you. And thank you all 8 for allowing my long-winded little chat. 9 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: I have run out of 10 names of people that wish to speak. Is there anybody 11 here that is getting some other considerations about, 12 perhaps, testifying? If you are reluctant to testify 13 tonight, please, understand you can submit written 14 testimony to the commission, and we will review that 15 the same way we review these hearings here. 16 Looks like we have a taker. 17 MS. EGBERT: Or a fool. 18 (Marla Egbert was sworn.) 19 MR. HARDIE: Please state your full name for 20 the record and spell your last. 21 MS. EGBERT: Marla Egbert, E-g-b-e-r-t. 22 MR. HARDIE: Are you a customer of Idaho 23 Power's? 24 MS. EGBERT: I am. 25 My solar power came on August the 13th, IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 42 1 2012. I am grandfathered in. My panels have been on 2 there for 11 years. So that metering is fabulous. 3 Because I have solar panels on my roof 4 in American Falls, other people in American Falls 5 have solar panels on their roofs, and my cousin in 6 Pocatello and my daughter in Eugene, Oregon. It's -- 7 when I see my roof in full sun from years back, the 8 only thing I ever wanted to do was put solar panels 9 on my roof. 10 My first set of solar panels did not 11 produce power, they produced heat, and they were on 12 my roof for 28 years. And then they quit working, 13 and something on the inside -- whatever. But they 14 would heat my house and heat my hot water. And then 15 I put solar panels on my roof that do produce energy, 16 and I get credits for. I think it is one of the 17 smartest things people can do. 18 It takes -- I'm from Power County, and 19 so we have American Falls dam with regenerators. We 20 have wind turbines. We have solar panels out in the 21 countryside that people don't even know they're there 22 producing power. So we live up to our name. 23 And to take the pressure off of building 24 more of anything to produce power when everybody 25 could do a little bit for their part, I think is the IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - November 08, 2023 43 1 smart thing. 2 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Marla. 3 Marla, could you please restate your last name? 4 MS. EGBERT: Egbert, E-g-b-e-r-t. 5 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Any questions? Thank 6 you very much for your testimony. 7 Okay. Well, our list is complete. So, 8 please, if you wish to speak, now is the time. We're 9 here, and if you are uncomfortable with that, please, 10 submit in writing. This is last call. 11 So I guess nobody else is interested. 12 At this point, we are adjourned. 13 (The hearing concluded at 5:01 p.m.) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 44 1 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 2 3 STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. 4 COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE ) 5 6 7 I, Jessica Simpson, SRT, and Notary Public in and for the State of Idaho, do hereby certify: 8 That said hearing was taken down by me in shorthand at the time and place therein named and 9 thereafter reduced to typewriting under my direction, and that the foregoing transcript contains a full, 10 true, and verbatim record of said hearing. I further certify that I have no interest in the 11 event of the action. WITNESS my hand and seal this 13th day of 12 November 2023. 13 14 15 16 17 Jessica Simpson 18 Idaho SRT No. SRT-1216, Notary Public in and for 19 the State of Idaho 20 21 22 23 24 25 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 $ $50,000 (1) 33:7 $60,000 (1) 10:21 [ [sic] (1) 12:5 A ability (1) 5:5 able (5) 18:22;21:21,24; 27:1;28:9 above (1) 35:15 access (1) 9:22 According (1) 23:17 achieve (3) 14:8;15:14;23:15 acknowledges (1) 31:23 acreage (1) 26:1 act (2) 11:6,6 activities (1) 26:8 actually (4) 9:20;13:21;36:3; 39:12 added (1) 4:1 addition (2) 24:22;36:23 additional (3) 15:13;33:16;36:10 addressing (1) 20:25 adequate (1) 14:7 adjacent (1) 40:23 adjourned (1) 43:12 adjustment (1) 34:3 adjustments (1) 34:6 advocates (1) 28:20 affecting (1) 31:22 affirm (1) 4:14 affordable (1) 8:12 afternoon (5) 3:5;5:23;16:21; 34:22;38:5 afternoons (1) 36:5 Afterwards (1) 4:24 again (6) 11:8;20:4;21:6; 32:5;38:8;39:21 against (2) 17:23;19:21 ago (1) 14:5 agree (3) 34:25;35:9,13 agreement (1) 21:1 air (1) 36:6 Albertsons (1) 11:2 Allen (2) 6:18,18 allow (1) 39:22 allowing (3) 17:13;33:22;41:8 alone (1) 17:19 along (1) 33:6 altruism (1) 14:13 always (1) 12:5 amended (1) 31:6 American (3) 42:4,4,19 amount (5) 19:5,6;33:23,23; 37:8 ANDERSON (29) 3:3,16;6:22;7:4; 8:20;9:9,12,21,24; 10:8;11:10,16;13:2; 16:8;18:1;20:6;22:12; 25:1,6;27:21;29:15; 32:7,10;34:11;38:17; 41:5,9;43:2,5 animals (2) 26:12,16 answered (1) 40:22 anticipated (1) 27:12 apartment (1) 40:1 appealed (1) 6:6 appear (1) 23:10 appearance (1) 6:13 appears (1) 30:6 applicable (1) 3:9 application (1) 3:8 applications (1) 25:17 applied (2) 39:24;40:14 apply (1) 40:18 appreciate (2) 5:19;26:25 appreciation (1) 14:7 approach (1) 34:23 appropriate (1) 5:6 approved (2) 29:11,18 arrangement (1) 12:13 array (1) 11:1 Asher (7) 18:5,6,9,9,13;20:6,7 A-s-h-e-r (1) 18:10 aspect (2) 16:7;26:16 Association (1) 7:5 atmosphere (1) 37:10 atop (1) 14:24 attach (1) 40:8 attempt (1) 13:19 attended (1) 20:22 Attorney (2) 4:16;6:24 audience (2) 5:15,16 audio (1) 6:8 August (1) 41:25 authority (2) 3:8;5:5 average (1) 38:6 Avista (1) 23:8 avoid (1) 23:6 away (2) 15:11;35:3 B back (11) 17:2;20:21;21:6; 35:15,20;37:5,7; 38:13;39:21;40:16; 42:7 backwards (1) 35:8 bank (1) 25:23 base (1) 6:3 Based (5) 11:25;12:19;13:25; 28:17;34:4 batteries (1) 17:9 bear (1) 28:11 becoming (1) 15:25 begin (1) 6:14 behalf (4) 6:16,19,20;28:15 believes (1) 31:19 Bellevue (1) 25:15 benefit (4) 17:14;33:9,25;34:9 benefits (2) 31:21;32:2 best (1) 31:4 better (4) 12:5,21;16:5;28:13 beyond (1) 35:15 big (2) 19:25;37:23 big-time (1) 37:18 bill (5) 40:5,8,9,12;41:1 bit (6) 33:10;34:23;37:23; 38:7,13;42:25 BLM (1) 26:21 bodies (1) 5:7 Boise (4) 7:7;21:1,2;22:11 both (6) 11:23;18:9;21:15; 24:18;26:9;31:8 bother (1) 22:2 bothers (1) 25:20 bought (1) 21:19 bountiful (1) 22:8 Bradshaw (6) 10:12,15,15,19; 11:11,15 B-r-a-d-s-h-a-w (1) 10:16 briefly (2) 36:21,21 bring (1) 36:21 brother-in-law (1) 39:12 brought (1) 35:14 build (1) 33:15 building (1) 42:23 built (1) 10:20 bunch (1) 37:11 burden (1) 30:7 burdens (1) 14:14 business (2) 31:17;33:25 businesses (2) 8:13;13:17 buy (4) 9:16;21:18;35:22; 37:23 C calculate (1) 31:4 calculated (1) 30:22 calculation (1) 29:21 call (4) 4:11;7:16,17;43:10 called (1) 40:16 calls (1) 30:17 came (3) 21:3;35:4;41:25 can (18) 9:12,25;10:13; 12:12,18;15:12; 18:24;19:7;21:9; 23:14,21;25:10,23; 31:6;35:18;36:18; 41:13;42:17 Min-U-Script®(1) $50,000 - can IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 capability (1) 30:25 capacity (1) 36:1 car (1) 36:15 carbon (2) 36:14;37:9 case (12) 3:6,20;4:1;5:3; 7:10;19:24;24:12,17, 23;31:4,11;33:9 cases (1) 5:21 causations (1) 10:2 cause (2) 17:6,22 cetera (1) 38:10 chair (1) 28:16 challenge (1) 33:11 change (12) 5:5;8:4;14:3;16:25; 17:5,23;18:16;23:7; 30:2;31:23;37:2,17 changed (2) 13:22;14:2 changes (6) 3:9;8:10;24:23; 29:23;30:15;31:2 changing (1) 24:13 charge (4) 29:3,7,24;30:3 charged (4) 8:15;13:20,23; 29:20 charges (1) 30:9 charging (1) 36:8 Charles (3) 11:16,17,20 chat (1) 41:8 children (1) 23:5 chilling (2) 24:2;30:19 choose (1) 17:5 citizens (1) 27:17 City (1) 7:7 claim (1) 33:1 clapping (1) 5:18 clause (1) 14:3 Clean (14) 7:6;18:17;23:9,16; 24:18;26:23;27:18, 19;28:18,19,20;31:21, 22,24 climate (10) 8:4,7;18:16;23:3,7; 26:14;31:23,25;37:2, 17 coal (1) 37:7 collectively (2) 3:20;12:17 college (1) 37:4 Colorado (1) 26:2 coming (1) 20:20 commend (1) 23:8 comment (2) 5:19;39:19 comments (2) 5:13;34:24 commission (11) 3:15,20;7:1,3;8:14; 28:8,24;32:4;36:22; 37:16;41:14 COMMISSIONER (35) 3:3,17,18,19;4:12; 6:22;7:4;8:20;9:9,12, 21,24;10:8;11:10,16; 13:2;16:8;18:1;20:6; 22:12;25:1,6;27:21; 29:15;32:7,10;34:11; 38:17,20;39:1,7;41:5, 9;43:2,5 commissioners (6) 4:1,23;5:14;11:13; 13:4;31:8 commitment (4) 14:12,12;23:9; 26:23 commits (1) 31:24 communities (1) 8:13 community (2) 8:19;18:15 companies (4) 9:16;22:4;23:14; 33:25 Company (1) 6:15 Company's (1) 3:8 compass (1) 16:6 compensate (1) 35:17 compensation (4) 8:3,17;19:19;32:23 complete (1) 43:7 completed (1) 24:12 complex (1) 29:21 component (1) 36:5 comprise (1) 3:19 concept (2) 35:4,22 concern (2) 23:3;37:13 concerned (4) 23:4,5;37:6,8 concluded (1) 43:13 conclusion (1) 12:3 concurrent (1) 29:1 conditioner's (1) 36:6 conducted (2) 3:24;34:7 configured (1) 12:10 conflict (1) 26:7 confusing (1) 24:8 conscientious (1) 36:8 consequence (1) 31:8 Conservation (1) 7:5 consider (2) 17:21;31:8 considerably (1) 27:11 consideration (3) 15:10;17:25;24:13 considerations (2) 27:13;41:11 considered (1) 24:16 considering (3) 15:20;30:21;35:3 consistent (1) 25:22 consumed (1) 12:12 consumers (1) 8:16 continue (1) 27:13 continues (1) 23:13 contribution (1) 23:11 controls (1) 21:7 convenient (1) 37:21 conversation (1) 37:3 cooking (1) 24:6 cooperative (1) 12:9 corporate (1) 12:23 corporations (1) 12:22 cost (2) 17:8,16 costs (5) 10:22;17:3;30:1,3,7 Council (2) 28:15,17 counting (1) 21:14 countryside (1) 42:21 County (1) 42:18 couple (3) 28:12,23;37:12 court (2) 5:22,23 courtroom (1) 5:13 cousin (1) 42:5 cover (1) 30:3 create (2) 27:19;30:24 creating (1) 30:20 credit (21) 3:11;14:7;23:22,23; 24:8,13,24;29:13,22; 30:11,14,16,18;31:2, 3,11,13,15;33:19,20; 40:17 credited (1) 17:1 credits (6) 39:22,23,24;40:18; 41:2;42:16 crisis (1) 8:4 crops (1) 26:10 current (5) 13:15,19;17:12; 28:21;33:1 currently (2) 25:4;40:15 customer (20) 3:6,9;4:20;7:23; 9:3;10:17;11:21; 13:11;16:18;18:11; 20:14,16;22:21; 25:13;28:4;32:18; 34:19;39:4,5;41:22 customers (19) 10:23;17:7;18:18, 19,22;19:20,25;21:3, 13;23:1;24:11;29:4,5; 30:4;31:14;33:1,2,3; 35:12 customer's (1) 19:2 D daily (1) 16:7 dam (1) 42:19 data (1) 21:8 date (1) 12:12 daughter (1) 42:6 David (3) 34:14,15,18 day (1) 38:3 Dayn (2) 4:16;7:2 deadlines (1) 27:9 deal (2) 37:13,23 decades (1) 12:1 December (1) 20:25 decide (1) 17:20 decided (3) 5:2;19:19,24 decision (1) 6:6 decision-making (1) 5:7 decisions (3) 4:3;6:3;32:6 decorum (1) 5:12 decrease (2) 8:3;23:13 Decreased (1) 8:16 delay (1) 33:15 demand (1) 24:5 demands (1) 26:22 demonstrated (2) 29:12,19 Min-U-Script®(2) capability - demonstrated IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 deployment (1) 24:8 Deputy (2) 4:16;6:24 DEQ (1) 5:8 destructive (1) 14:23 determination (1) 3:21 determine (2) 24:1;39:3 determined (1) 24:23 develop (1) 13:25 developed (1) 34:6 developing (1) 25:18 different (3) 6:10;34:23;38:22 differentiations (1) 38:2 difficult (2) 23:24,25 dioxide (2) 36:14;37:9 directed (2) 5:6,14 direction (1) 8:9 directly (3) 16:4;28:10;34:9 discourage (4) 8:5,11;12:24;13:15 discouraging (1) 18:21 discussion (1) 40:20 disincentivize (2) 12:24;13:15 distracting (1) 6:8 donate (1) 39:23 done (4) 12:8;25:25;26:3; 34:8 Donovan (1) 6:16 doubtful (1) 23:20 down (9) 6:1;22:10;29:10,17; 35:20;37:24;38:21, 25;39:14 Dressen (5) 32:13,14,17,17,20 D-r-e-s-s-e-n (1) 32:17 drive (1) 20:21 driving (1) 36:10 drought (1) 23:12 during (3) 33:10,14;38:3 duty (1) 8:15 E earlier (1) 5:11 earned (1) 40:19 easy (3) 24:20;35:5;40:17 economic (1) 5:4 economically (2) 21:25;31:20 economy (1) 17:22 Ed (1) 3:19 effect (3) 24:2;30:20;33:24 effects (1) 23:6 effort (2) 13:15;15:21 EGBERT (7) 41:17,18,21,21,24; 43:4,4 E-g-b-e-r-t (2) 41:21;43:4 eight (1) 12:1 electric (5) 21:12,25;36:7,11, 15 electrical (3) 8:16;24:5,6 electricity (5) 12:13,15;23:20; 37:22;38:2 electrons (1) 35:19 else (3) 36:24;40:3;43:11 enables (1) 17:18 encourage (5) 5:9;8:5,11;38:8,8 encouraged (1) 12:4 encouraging (2) 12:20;31:7 end (1) 39:22 Energy (32) 7:6;8:6,16;11:4,9; 12:5,11,25;14:9,9,17; 15:15,22,25;17:1,3; 18:17;23:9,18;24:19; 26:23;27:7,18,19; 28:18,20;31:21,22,24; 32:23;33:5;42:15 Engle (15) 22:16,17,20,20,23; 25:5;27:24,25;28:3,3, 6,16;29:16;32:7,9 E-n-g-l-e (2) 22:20;28:3 enhanced (3) 12:4,14,25 enjoy (1) 11:2 enormous (1) 14:13 enough (2) 16:1;23:6 ensure (1) 29:24 entangled (1) 16:3 enterprise (1) 27:8 entire (1) 31:17 entirely (1) 14:1 entities (1) 9:20 entity (1) 27:19 environment (1) 17:4 environmental (3) 14:23,25;31:20 equal (1) 31:4 Eric (1) 3:16 especially (1) 18:15 establish (1) 3:11 establishing (1) 28:8 et (1) 38:10 Eugene (1) 42:6 Europe (1) 25:16 evaluating (1) 31:12 evaluations (1) 31:18 even (6) 19:7;20:1;33:17,19, 20;42:21 evening (1) 31:7 event (1) 6:5 everybody (4) 4:8;34:25;36:24; 42:24 everybody's (2) 33:16;36:6 everyone (4) 4:25;33:5;34:22; 36:4 everyone's (1) 4:9 evidence (1) 4:2 exact (1) 13:17 example (1) 38:23 excess (11) 15:7,8,12;17:1; 19:3;32:23;33:14,18; 37:22;38:3;39:21 exchange (1) 33:17 Excuse (1) 9:9 excused (1) 4:24 existence (1) 16:7 existentially (1) 16:1 existing (3) 13:20;14:25;29:4 exorbitant (1) 17:15 expand (1) 20:2 expanded (1) 12:25 expansion (1) 13:16 expense (2) 14:21;33:3 expensive (1) 19:8 experience (1) 11:25 explanation (1) 9:18 export (18) 3:11;23:21,23;24:8, 13,24;25:21;29:13, 21;30:11,14,15,18; 31:2,3,11,13,15 exported (1) 19:3 expropriated (1) 12:17 extra (1) 38:7 F fabulous (1) 42:2 facilities (1) 14:20 fact (4) 15:19;26:18;35:13; 39:9 facts (1) 4:2 fair (6) 19:16,19;21:17; 24:20;29:25;32:25 fairly (2) 19:13;21:15 fairness (4) 16:6;21:16;31:13; 34:8 falling (1) 12:18 Falls (6) 3:4;20:20;27:1; 42:4,4,19 families (1) 8:13 far (5) 4:10;8:12;12:8; 34:1;37:19 farm (5) 25:15,17,18;26:8, 19 farmer (1) 38:25 farmers (3) 8:13;26:1,1 farming (1) 26:12 farmland (2) 26:19;39:14 fast (2) 5:25;23:6 faster (3) 27:5,12,18 favors (1) 8:18 feasible (1) 18:24 February (1) 16:24 fee (5) 29:4,7,20,24;30:3 feeding (1) 38:12 feeds (1) 15:7 feel (2) 14:6;19:23 fees (4) 8:3,17;13:20;29:14 felt (1) 21:19 few (3) 29:8;35:19;40:16 field (2) Min-U-Script®(3) deployment - field IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 11:2;22:9 fifteen (1) 31:16 figure (1) 18:24 filed (2) 3:14;9:24 filings (1) 9:25 final (2) 3:21;4:3 financial (3) 14:11,14;16:6 firmly (1) 12:23 first (10) 7:17;9:7;16:16; 19:24;20:19,22; 28:25;30:17;34:24; 42:10 five (4) 4:6;21:7;31:16; 33:13 fix (1) 22:11 fixed (9) 22:9;29:3,7,13,20; 30:3,3,7,9 focus (1) 5:2 focuses (1) 5:3 follows (1) 3:2 fool (1) 41:17 footprint (2) 14:23;15:1 forecast (1) 31:1 forecasting (1) 30:15 forest (1) 26:22 forgotten (1) 7:15 form (2) 9:12;27:16 forward (5) 21:22;23:1;31:11; 32:6;35:5 fossil (1) 17:10 fourplex (1) 10:21 fraction (2) 15:22;24:15 freed (1) 14:16 friend (1) 37:3 fuels (1) 17:10 full (17) 7:19;8:25;10:13; 11:18;13:8;16:13; 18:7;19:4,5;20:10; 22:18;25:10;28:1; 32:15;34:16;41:19; 42:7 fully (1) 35:13 fundamental (1) 17:19 further (2) 15:16;31:12 Furthermore (2) 36:2,16 future (8) 22:5,6;23:2;29:5; 30:15;31:1,12;32:2 G gal (1) 40:10 Garden (1) 26:2 General (12) 4:16;6:24;19:23; 21:10;24:12,16,22; 29:2,2;30:1,8;31:9 generate (7) 15:5,9;19:7,17; 35:14,19;37:22 generated (2) 38:2,7 generating (3) 18:18,19;35:7 generation (12) 3:10;13:16,21; 14:20,24;15:12,17,22, 25;31:22;36:1,4 generators (4) 17:9,11;21:12;22:1 geologist (1) 37:3 geologists (2) 37:6,8 gets (4) 19:1,1,3;22:3 giant (1) 8:9 gives (1) 14:7 giving (1) 27:4 global (2) 21:24;37:17 goal (2) 14:16;23:15 goes (3) 35:15,20,20 GOICOECHEA (2) 6:18,18 good (5) 3:4;16:21;28:9; 32:1;34:22 grandchildren (2) 38:15,15 grandfathered (1) 42:1 grandfathering (3) 14:3;21:4;22:7 grasp (1) 35:11 grazing (2) 26:4,9 great (1) 37:13 greatly (2) 17:7,15 green (3) 19:9;26:5;33:5 grid (11) 15:7;17:2,8;29:25; 30:4;35:16,20;36:3, 10;38:12,13 ground (1) 26:19 group (1) 34:5 grow (2) 26:9,14 growing (1) 26:3 grows (1) 34:1 guarantee (1) 35:19 guess (2) 36:21;43:11 guy's (1) 35:21 H half (2) 40:11,25 Hammond (6) 3:18;4:13;38:19,20; 39:1,7 hand (1) 4:13 hands (1) 16:3 happen (1) 23:21 happening (1) 27:5 happy (5) 18:18;19:10,12; 27:1;34:24 hard (1) 21:16 Hardie (33) 4:17;7:2,2,19,23; 8:1,25;9:3,6;10:13, 17;11:18,21;13:8,11; 16:13,18;18:7,11; 20:10,14;22:18,21; 25:10,13;28:1,4; 32:15,18;34:16,19; 41:19,22 hate (1) 21:20 heading (1) 22:6 heads-up (1) 27:5 hear (3) 4:9;28:10;34:24 heard (1) 32:21 hearing (12) 3:1,6,12,17;7:15; 20:3,22;21:2;22:25; 23:2;27:2;43:13 hearings (3) 14:4;28:8;41:15 heat (3) 42:11,14,14 heating (1) 24:6 held (1) 20:23 help (5) 11:8;23:14;25:24; 26:17;38:14 helping (2) 14:8;38:11 helps (1) 14:24 Hiatt (10) 8:23,24;9:2,2,5,7, 11,14,23;10:3 H-i-a-t-t (1) 9:2 higher (1) 9:17 highlight (1) 28:24 hire (2) 21:9,9 holding (2) 6:9;22:25 home (6) 12:7;16:23;17:20; 24:1;39:10,25 homeowners (4) 13:1,16;14:12; 23:25 hope (1) 19:18 hot (1) 42:14 house (3) 15:1;40:2;42:14 huge (1) 30:20 hundred (4) 18:17;23:9,15; 35:21 hydro (1) 15:18 hydropower (1) 23:12 I Idaho (101) 3:7,14;4:20;6:14, 17,19,21,25;7:4,5,7, 23;8:2,12,15;9:3,7,15; 10:17,25;11:3,21; 12:9,11,16,20,23; 13:11,14;14:6,8,15, 19;15:8,12,14;16:18; 17:13,22,23;18:11,16, 20;19:1,15;20:14,16, 17,20;21:3,7,21,24; 22:21;23:8,18,20,21; 24:4,5,9,10,15,18,22; 25:13;26:23;27:6,17; 28:4,19,21;29:1,4,12, 19,23;30:23,25;31:6, 9,14,21,22;32:1,2,3, 18,22;33:12,22;34:7, 19;35:2,16;38:11,16, 22;39:17;40:4;41:22 Idahoans (3) 17:1,18,20 Idaho's (1) 8:8 IdaHydro (1) 7:6 idea (3) 33:6,8;37:25 identification (1) 7:9 identify (2) 4:18;7:12 impact (6) 19:25;20:1;29:12, 19;30:9;31:23 impacts (1) 31:25 implement (1) 3:8 important (5) 16:6;18:15;24:9; 26:16;31:19 imports (1) 11:3 impossible (1) 41:2 improvement (2) 30:1,5 incentivize (1) 34:2 incentivizing (2) 12:21;15:16 include (5) 4:18;10:22;23:10; 31:20;40:5 Min-U-Script®(4) fifteen - include IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 included (1) 32:2 includes (2) 29:3;30:4 including (1) 29:4 incorporated (1) 12:8 increase (13) 8:3;13:19;17:8; 29:2,3,3,6,8,13,20; 30:2,8;31:10 increased (1) 8:17 increases (2) 23:12;24:5 incur (2) 14:22;30:4 independence (2) 14:9;15:15 independent (2) 15:25;34:4 indications (1) 27:10 individuals (6) 9:16,19;10:6;14:8; 21:11;37:12 industry (2) 24:3,9 inflation (2) 11:5,6 informational (1) 3:23 initial (2) 29:6;30:15 initially (1) 13:23 inside (1) 42:13 insist (1) 19:18 install (1) 33:7 installation (3) 14:22;15:17;25:24 installed (2) 17:2;35:1 installers (1) 22:5 installing (3) 24:1;30:21;33:18 instead (2) 5:6;18:20 integrated (3) 30:24;31:18,24 intending (1) 14:3 interest (3) 12:22;16:3;21:21 interested (1) 43:11 interesting (1) 39:9 intervened (1) 3:23 intervenors (2) 7:10;29:9 into (10) 10:22;15:7;17:19; 27:14;31:6;35:22; 37:9;38:13;39:11,16 invested (1) 11:1 investment (7) 17:19;24:2;30:22; 31:5;33:9,19;34:2 involved (2) 14:23;38:9 IPC-E-23-14 (1) 3:6 Irrigation (6) 7:5;35:21;38:21,23; 39:15,18 issue (2) 15:24;36:20 issues (2) 5:4;28:22 J Jake's (1) 26:2 Jessie (1) 5:24 job (1) 11:8 John (1) 3:18 joined (1) 3:17 judicial (1) 5:21 justify (1) 32:22 K Kansas (1) 37:4 Kathryn (2) 25:9,12 Kathy (1) 25:8 keep (2) 4:7;36:18 Kevin (2) 10:12,15 key (2) 28:23;40:11 kilowatt-hours (1) 19:17 Kimberly (2) 16:22;40:1 kind (2) 9:18;33:9 kindly (1) 17:24 kinds (3) 27:10;36:19;38:10 knows (2) 36:4;41:3 L labor (2) 14:11,14 laboratory (1) 23:18 lands (1) 26:20 large (6) 16:5;24:18;33:23; 36:23,25;37:17 large-scale (1) 39:18 last (21) 4:19;7:20;9:1; 10:14;11:19;13:9; 16:14,16;18:8;20:11, 13;22:19;25:11;28:2; 32:16;34:17;37:12; 39:19;41:20;43:3,10 Lastly (1) 31:19 later (1) 40:16 laws (1) 15:3 lawyers (1) 21:9 League (1) 7:6 least (6) 13:24;14:23;18:23, 23;19:22;33:20 left (2) 3:18;4:17 legislation (1) 5:7 legislature (1) 16:4 Lenkner (11) 7:17,18,21,21,25; 8:2;11:16,17,20,20,23 L-e-n-k-n-e-r (2) 7:22;11:20 less (6) 8:12;21:12;22:3,4, 4,5 letter (1) 20:2 light (2) 26:5,6 Lila (3) 32:13,14,17 limitations (1) 12:19 limited (1) 28:22 Linda (3) 22:16,17,20 line (3) 19:4;35:18;37:24 lining (1) 10:6 Lisa (1) 6:20 list (1) 43:7 listened (1) 21:3 listening (2) 20:4;32:5 little (11) 25:19;33:10;34:23; 36:15;37:23;38:7,12, 14;40:7;41:8;42:25 livable (1) 38:14 live (6) 3:25;16:22;23:5; 26:14;40:1;42:22 living (2) 12:1,7 load (3) 36:3,10;38:12 loan (1) 25:23 local (2) 18:14;35:24 lock (1) 18:23 Lodge (1) 3:19 logic (1) 33:5 logistical (2) 14:11,14 long (4) 12:16;39:9;40:1,20 long-distance (1) 15:2 long-winded (1) 41:8 look (2) 23:1;32:6 looked (1) 39:16 Looks (1) 41:16 loss (1) 19:4 lost (1) 29:16 lot (2) 27:5,18 lots (1) 27:18 M ma'am (2) 8:20;25:6 maintenance (2) 29:25;30:4 major (1) 33:19 majority (1) 19:22 makes (1) 12:13 making (1) 19:11 Makings (10) 34:14,15,18,18,21; 38:25;39:6,8;41:6,7 M-a-k-i-n-g-s (1) 34:18 Many (5) 15:4;25:25;26:3,14; 37:21 Marla (4) 41:18,21;43:2,3 massive (1) 14:19 matter (3) 3:7,21;17:25 matters (1) 5:2 May (2) 3:15;4:20 maybe (4) 25:18;38:7;39:2; 40:11 McBride (6) 20:8,9,12,12,16; 22:13 M-c-B-r-i-d-e (1) 20:13 McFarlin (7) 16:11,12,15,15,20, 22;18:2 M-c-F-a-r-l-i-n (1) 16:17 means (4) 12:6;22:4,5;31:4 meet (4) 12:4;26:22;27:9; 33:16 meeting (3) 3:4,17;14:15 Megan (1) 6:18 Melody (6) 7:17,18,21;18:5,6,9 M-e-l-o-d-y (1) 18:10 members (2) 3:13;5:14 mention (2) 17:10;26:18 mentioned (3) 37:1;38:20;39:25 met (1) 5:18 Min-U-Script®(5) included - met IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 meter (5) 35:7;40:8,14,19; 41:3 metering (8) 34:3;35:3,4;37:20; 38:1;39:21;40:9;42:2 meters (1) 40:23 Michael (5) 20:8,9,12;27:25; 28:3 Micon (1) 7:7 micro (1) 15:18 might (2) 39:4;40:22 Mike (2) 27:24;28:16 miles (2) 35:18;36:12 mine (1) 37:4 minute (2) 40:11;41:1 minute-by-minute (2) 38:1,1 minutes (1) 4:6 missed (1) 7:15 mitigate (2) 14:25;31:25 model (4) 30:23;31:1,14,17 molecule (1) 36:14 money (4) 19:16;21:9,19;40:7 monopolize (1) 17:16 monopoly (1) 17:13 month (2) 15:11;39:22 monthly (1) 13:20 months (1) 33:13 more (14) 10:4;12:13,14;15:6, 11;19:8;20:1;23:19; 27:18;28:19;33:24; 35:7;38:14;42:24 morning (2) 20:21;38:4 Moscow (1) 22:11 most (2) 15:4;26:11 mostly (3) 12:2;14:1;38:13 move (3) 12:24;33:23;34:1 moved (1) 39:11 moving (3) 23:6;31:10;35:3 much (18) 6:22;11:14;14:12; 16:10;19:4;20:24; 24:25;27:7;32:10; 34:13;35:11,18,24; 37:22;38:6;40:7;41:6; 43:6 must (2) 6:3;11:2 N name (28) 3:16;4:11,19,19; 7:19;8:25;10:13; 11:18;13:8,9;16:13, 15,16,16,21;18:7; 20:10,12,13;22:18; 25:11;28:1,15;32:15; 34:16;41:19;42:22; 43:3 names (1) 41:10 nation (1) 12:3 national (1) 23:17 native (2) 26:20,20 natural (1) 26:20 nature (1) 5:21 necessarily (1) 33:4 necessary (1) 6:2 need (7) 8:5;21:15;24:19; 27:14,14;33:15;35:25 needs (9) 12:5;15:23;17:10; 21:15;24:18;27:7; 31:10;33:16;34:8 negative (1) 14:25 neighbor (1) 19:3 neighbors (1) 19:2 net (5) 34:3;35:3,4;37:20; 39:21 new (1) 15:10 next (1) 35:21 nice (2) 20:20;22:8 Noble (5) 25:8,9,12,12,14 N-o-b-l-e (1) 25:12 nobody (1) 43:11 none (2) 7:15;34:12 nonpartisan (1) 34:5 nonprofit (1) 28:18 nonrenewable (1) 14:17 Nordstrom (2) 6:20,20 Northeast (1) 25:17 November (3) 3:4;20:2;21:6 nudge (1) 5:25 numbers (1) 8:7 O objective (1) 3:24 observations (1) 12:1 obvious (1) 12:18 occurred (2) 38:4,4 o'clock (1) 20:21 off (4) 17:8;36:3;38:12; 42:23 offer (1) 5:1 offered (1) 16:4 official (3) 5:22;6:4,4 oftentimes (1) 4:5 oil (1) 37:7 one (13) 10:22;11:7;12:5; 25:3,20;26:11;27:19; 36:14,20;39:19,19; 40:3;42:16 ongoing (1) 31:18 online (1) 9:22 only (6) 6:4;23:24;30:10,16; 36:9;42:8 on-site (4) 3:10;15:17,22; 17:24 open-ended (1) 30:19 operate (1) 17:11 opinion (1) 16:2 Opportunities (1) 7:6 opportunity (4) 4:8,25;6:10;23:14 oppose (1) 8:2 opposed (2) 12:23;13:14 opposite (1) 13:18 order (5) 17:8,11,20;26:22; 27:8 Oregon (3) 26:2,3;42:6 organization (1) 28:18 originally (1) 27:6 others (2) 12:16;37:21 out (21) 16:2;18:24;22:8; 28:17;31:15,16; 33:13,25;34:1;35:11, 15,20;36:14,17,19; 37:6,7;39:13;40:5; 41:9;42:20 outgun (1) 21:11 over (7) 4:17;5:5;8:18;12:1; 26:8,19;29:8 overcompensates (1) 33:2 own (2) 15:9;40:2 owned (2) 12:18;39:10 owner (1) 15:16 owners (9) 13:20;17:13;19:16; 24:14,14;29:25;30:8; 36:3,24 P paid (4) 15:6;19:1,1,5 panels (23) 12:10;16:23;17:2; 18:25;19:11;25:17; 26:4,5,8,13,16,19; 35:1;39:13;40:6,13; 42:1,3,5,8,10,15,20 part (7) 17:3;21:23;24:7; 29:14,24;31:25;42:25 participation (1) 14:8 particular (1) 5:3 parties (9) 3:22;4:23;6:14; 7:14;8:21;10:10; 11:13;13:3;16:9 partner (1) 25:19 partnership (1) 27:17 passive (1) 38:9 pasture (1) 26:13 pay (6) 9:8;12:11;15:11; 19:15;25:24;29:25 payback (2) 33:20,23 payer (1) 14:20 payers (1) 24:15 paying (1) 19:18 payments (1) 9:19 pays (1) 9:15 peak (1) 36:4 penalizing (1) 15:19 people (15) 4:4;6:9;12:22;22:1, 6,9;28:10;34:2;37:1; 38:8,16;41:10;42:4, 17,21 per (1) 15:11 percent (9) 11:3;18:17;21:13; 23:9,16,19;29:7,10,18 perhaps (2) 15:4;41:12 period (2) 25:22,22 periodic (1) 30:17 periods (2) 33:14,20 person (1) 39:14 personal (2) 11:25;16:2 personally (1) Min-U-Script®(6) meter - personally IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 15:24 perspective (1) 18:22 phone (2) 40:10,22 phones (1) 6:9 place (4) 3:5;17:17;21:5; 40:14 Placement (1) 14:24 placing (1) 36:10 plaintiff (1) 7:11 plan (4) 29:3;30:24;31:18, 24 planet (2) 12:2;38:14 plans (3) 4:25;21:8;23:10 plants (1) 26:6 pleadings (1) 10:1 Please (25) 4:22;5:10,12,24; 6:1,12;7:19;8:25; 9:13;11:18;13:8; 16:13;17:23;18:7; 20:10;22:18;25:10; 28:1;32:15;34:16; 41:13,19;43:3,8,9 pleased (1) 21:2 pm (2) 3:1;43:13 Pocatello (5) 20:23;23:1,2;28:17; 42:6 pockets (1) 10:6 point (4) 3:22;24:10;30:13; 43:12 points (3) 27:3;28:12,23 policy (3) 5:4;17:6;33:2 portion (1) 30:19 Portneuf (2) 28:15,16 positive (1) 21:11 possible (3) 27:8;37:19;40:23 potential (3) 23:19;31:3,15 Power (110) 3:7;4:20;6:14,17, 19,21;7:24;8:12;9:4, 8,15,16;10:18;11:1,3, 22;12:9,11,16;13:12; 14:6,15,24;15:2,5,6,7, 8,9,12,14,20;16:19, 23;17:13,15;18:12,14, 16,19,19,20;19:1,3,3, 5,6,7,8,9,11,15,16,17; 20:15,16,18;21:3,7, 21,23,24;22:22;23:8, 14,16;24:10;25:13; 26:23;27:7,17;28:5, 21;29:1,4,12,19,23; 30:23,25;31:6,9,14, 21,22;32:3,22,25; 33:12,13,14,16,18,22; 34:7,20;35:2,14,16; 38:11,16,22;39:17; 40:5,5;41:25;42:11, 18,22,24 powerful (1) 30:23 Power's (9) 3:14;8:2;12:24; 13:14;17:23;23:21; 24:22;32:19;41:23 PRC (5) 28:16,23;30:25; 31:7,19 predict (1) 17:18 prepared (2) 28:11,13 present (2) 4:21;17:5 presented (1) 5:18 presently (1) 17:17 preserve (1) 26:20 pressure (1) 42:23 pretty (4) 20:24;35:5,18,24 previous (1) 14:4 previously (1) 12:10 price (2) 18:23;38:1 pricing (1) 32:25 primary (1) 27:2 prior (1) 35:10 private (2) 27:8,17 procedures (1) 4:10 Proceed (1) 9:6 proceeded (1) 3:1 proceedings (2) 4:3;5:12 process (1) 5:20 proclaimed (2) 14:15,16 proclaiming (1) 13:24 produce (6) 15:5,7;27:18;42:11, 15,24 produced (2) 27:8;42:11 producer (1) 20:17 producing (2) 16:23;42:22 production (4) 12:14;17:14;24:19; 32:24 professional (1) 21:10 profit (1) 15:13 profits (1) 8:18 program (3) 12:9;13:24;19:9 projected (1) 27:6 promote (2) 23:11;24:19 promotes (1) 28:18 property (8) 12:8;15:16;26:21, 22;39:11;40:13,24; 41:1 proponent (1) 11:9 proposal (18) 8:2;15:10;19:22; 20:1;23:23;24:21; 28:21;29:1,6;30:2,8, 10,16,17,19;31:6,13, 21 proposals (3) 30:6;31:9;32:3 propose (1) 31:9 proposed (2) 8:10;23:21 prospective (1) 17:6 protecting (1) 8:15 proud (1) 36:13 provide (7) 5:11;15:21;23:19; 26:13,15;33:12,14 provided (1) 32:24 providers (1) 23:25 providing (1) 4:14 provision (1) 12:14 public (16) 3:13,24,25;6:11,25; 8:14;13:1;16:5;26:20; 28:8;32:3;36:22,23, 25;37:15,17 PUC (7) 16:3;20:19;21:3,14; 29:1;30:12;31:7 pump (2) 35:21;39:15 pumped (1) 37:9 Pumpers (1) 7:5 pumping (1) 39:18 punish (1) 17:12 purchased (5) 10:20,21;11:7;36:7, 12 purchasing (1) 17:14 pure (1) 14:13 purpose (1) 3:12 pushing (1) 33:5 put (7) 10:22;18:25;22:3; 33:24;36:12;42:8,15 Q quantifiable (1) 31:20 quantified (1) 30:10 quasi-judicial (1) 6:3 quit (1) 42:12 R raise (1) 4:13 raising (5) 9:20;15:20;24:11; 26:9,16 ramifications (1) 17:22 ran (1) 35:7 range (3) 31:1,2,14 rate (31) 9:8;17:15;19:8,16, 19,23;23:23;24:12,13, 15,16,22,24;25:21,21; 29:2,2,13,22;30:2,8, 11,14,16,18;31:2,3, 10,11,13,15 rates (8) 8:3;9:15,20;15:20; 23:22;24:8,11,20 rather (1) 10:5 rating (1) 3:11 reach (1) 22:9 reacting (1) 5:17 read (1) 28:11 ready (1) 7:16 real (2) 27:4;37:18 really (6) 9:10;15:14;19:25; 26:14;37:20,20 reason (2) 19:12;32:1 reasonable (1) 31:5 reasons (1) 11:7 recall (1) 37:3 receiving (1) 33:8 recently (5) 10:20;29:9;36:7; 37:11;39:10 receptionist (1) 40:21 recognizes (1) 14:6 record (19) 4:1,2,18;6:4,5,5; 7:20;9:1;10:14;11:19; 16:14;20:11;22:19; 25:11;28:2;32:8,16; 34:17;41:20 red (1) 26:6 reduce (3) 9:19;17:3;33:22 reduced (1) 17:15 reduction (3) 11:5,6;32:22 reevaluated (1) 30:11 reevaluating (1) Min-U-Script®(7) perspective - reevaluating IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 30:14 reevaluation (1) 30:18 reference (1) 3:13 referred (1) 3:7 refrain (3) 5:17;6:7,12 regenerative (1) 26:11 regenerators (1) 42:19 region (1) 28:20 regulators (1) 5:4 related (1) 30:13 relatively (1) 35:11 reliance (1) 12:25 relieves (1) 14:18 reluctant (1) 41:12 relying (1) 27:19 remain (1) 4:22 remaining (1) 40:12 remarks (1) 28:14 remember (1) 5:12 remind (1) 4:25 removal (1) 14:14 renegotiated (2) 29:9,17 renewable (6) 11:9;14:9;15:15,17, 25;23:17 renewables (1) 14:1 rent (1) 10:23 rented (2) 39:12;40:1 renter (1) 40:5 renting (1) 40:15 repair (1) 22:9 reporter (2) 5:22,23 represent (2) 14:10;28:19 representing (2) 6:25;7:2 represents (1) 14:13 request (3) 3:14;31:5;32:22 requires (1) 15:11 residential (8) 23:11,13;24:7,19; 29:5;30:21;39:4,8 resistance (1) 15:2 resolved (2) 30:9;31:10 resource (6) 24:9;28:15,17; 30:24;31:18,24 resources (1) 15:15 respect (1) 5:20 respectful (1) 5:10 respondent (1) 7:11 responsibility (3) 36:22,25;37:16 restate (1) 43:3 return (3) 17:18;30:21;31:5 Returns (1) 34:1 review (4) 4:2;34:4;41:14,15 reward (1) 16:3 Rick (3) 8:23,24;9:2 right (8) 3:19;4:13;8:9;9:11; 11:4;21:20;22:1;35:1 risen (1) 27:11 road (5) 35:20;36:17;38:21, 25;39:15 Robert (3) 13:6,7,10 role (1) 6:3 roof (8) 12:10,11;18:25; 42:3,7,9,12,15 roofs (4) 14:24;33:7,8;42:5 rooftop (23) 8:4,7,8,11,17;13:16, 21;14:10,18,22;15:5; 18:21,22;19:2,11,14, 15,20;20:17;21:12, 21;23:18;32:24 room (1) 7:12 rules (1) 17:17 run (2) 33:20;41:9 running (3) 36:6;37:6,7 S same (4) 20:24;30:1;40:23; 41:15 save (1) 40:6 saying (1) 32:24 scale (2) 24:18;35:24 scattered (1) 21:11 Schedule (2) 3:10;27:1 schedules (2) 38:22;39:17 scheduling (1) 38:23 scientists (1) 27:4 scuttle (1) 21:21 second (5) 13:22;20:25;24:10; 27:2;30:13 seconds (1) 40:11 secretary (1) 40:21 seeing (1) 34:12 seems (2) 18:20;27:16 self-contained (1) 35:24 self-generation (1) 17:24 sell (4) 15:12;17:15;19:7; 37:24 sells (1) 15:8 send (1) 17:1 sending (1) 35:11 sense (1) 12:13 service (5) 22:5;26:22;38:22, 23,24 set (1) 42:10 settlement (1) 21:1 seven (1) 3:22 several (4) 14:4;28:22;35:9; 37:1 shade (3) 26:12,13,15 share (1) 29:25 shared (1) 12:17 shareholders (1) 8:18 sheets (1) 4:11 shift (1) 30:7 shining (1) 36:9 signed (1) 4:4 significant (4) 6:5;16:1;29:13,20 sign-up (1) 4:11 similar (1) 5:13 similarly (1) 31:16 simple (4) 35:5,11;37:21; 39:20 simply (2) 27:19;40:13 Simpson (1) 5:24 single (1) 25:18 single-point (1) 14:20 situation (3) 12:7;39:9,25 six (1) 33:13 slow (2) 6:1;24:8 slower (1) 25:19 small (6) 21:12,25;25:15; 26:1,1;35:24 small-scale (1) 38:10 smart (1) 43:1 smartest (1) 42:17 snappy (1) 36:16 softly (1) 5:24 Sojka (5) 13:6,7,10,10,13 S-o-j-k-a (1) 13:10 Solar (88) 7:8;8:4,7,8,11,12, 17;11:1;12:4,15,21, 25;13:16,21;14:10,18, 22;15:5,18;16:22; 17:2,6,7,12,14,19,20; 18:14,21,22;19:2,11, 14,16,20;20:17;21:5, 12,18,19,22,23;22:2, 3;23:11,13,18,25; 24:1,3,7,14,14,20,24; 25:17,24;26:4,5,8,13, 16,19;27:7;29:5,24; 30:7;31:14;32:24; 33:2,18,24;34:1;35:1; 36:2,4,23;38:9,9;40:6, 13;41:25;42:3,5,8,10, 15,20 solars (1) 25:4 sold (1) 39:10 solution (5) 21:23;24:7;31:25; 37:19;39:20 somebody (1) 22:10 someone (3) 34:8;35:13;39:23 someplace (2) 39:24;40:3 sometimes (1) 35:16 sorry (1) 29:14 sort (1) 36:24 source (1) 8:5 sources (3) 11:4;16:1;33:16 south (1) 11:2 southeast (1) 28:19 speak (7) 4:5,9;5:9,24;6:1; 41:10;43:8 specific (1) 25:22 specify (1) 39:23 spectrum (1) 26:6 speeding (1) 36:18 spell (15) 7:20;9:1;10:14; 11:19;13:9;16:14; 18:8,9;20:11;22:19; Min-U-Script®(8) reevaluation - spell IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 25:11;28:2;32:16; 34:17;41:20 spelling (2) 4:19;20:13 spent (1) 33:7 spew (1) 36:14 spite (1) 35:16 spoke (1) 34:25 spokespeople (1) 21:10 spot (1) 29:16 staff (2) 6:25;7:3 stand (2) 4:12,22 standards (1) 13:22 standby (1) 17:9 start (2) 10:4;28:7 started (1) 13:24 starts (1) 22:7 state (18) 7:19;8:25;10:5,13; 11:18;13:8;14:18; 16:13;18:7;20:10; 22:18;25:10;26:2,21; 28:1;32:15;34:16; 41:19 stated (1) 29:23 statement (1) 28:11 States (3) 12:2,3,20 stationary (1) 14:19 step (1) 8:9 still (4) 21:7;29:11,12,20 story (2) 39:9;40:2 straight (1) 35:5 strategies (2) 14:9,17 strategy (1) 15:20 strictly (1) 39:8 strong (1) 11:8 strongly (2) 13:14;17:21 structure (2) 3:9;32:23 studies (2) 25:25;26:3 study (2) 34:7,9 studying (2) 25:16;37:2 stuff (3) 38:10;40:4,12 subject (1) 20:23 subjects (1) 20:24 submit (3) 32:8;41:13;43:10 submitted (1) 30:11 subsidizing (1) 14:19 substance (1) 5:1 substantial (1) 14:11 suggested (2) 17:23;34:6 suggests (1) 30:25 suited (1) 8:8 summertime (1) 36:5 sun (2) 36:9;42:7 sunshine (1) 26:7 supplement (1) 17:9 support (1) 11:8 supporting (1) 19:13 sure (5) 22:8;32:1,25;39:15, 17 Surely (1) 33:17 suspect (1) 16:5 sustainability (1) 8:10 sustainable (1) 8:6 swear (2) 4:14;36:17 sworn (14) 4:12;7:18;8:24; 11:17;13:7;16:12; 18:6;20:9;22:17;25:9; 27:25;32:14;34:15; 41:18 system (9) 10:21;13:25;15:5; 21:18,19;22:6,11; 30:21;35:25 systems (4) 13:21;14:10;33:8; 39:18 T taker (1) 41:16 tariffs (1) 17:24 tax (1) 14:20 teaching (1) 37:4 technical (1) 28:12 Technology (1) 7:7 tells (1) 35:17 temperature (1) 27:11 ten (3) 18:23;31:16;33:21 tenacious (1) 19:13 terms (1) 26:7 testify (1) 41:12 testifying (1) 41:12 testimony (24) 3:13,25,25;4:14,21; 5:1,2,3,11,17;6:11; 8:22;10:11;11:14; 13:5;16:10;18:4; 22:15;25:7;27:23; 34:13;35:10;41:14; 43:6 thanking (1) 28:7 thanks (1) 20:4 thinking (1) 10:4 thought (2) 35:4;37:20 thoughts (1) 4:9 three (1) 4:6 timeframe (1) 4:8 timing (1) 28:25 tiny (1) 24:15 today (7) 3:3,17;4:10;5:1,11; 7:13;22:25 Today's (1) 3:24 told (1) 40:21 tonight (3) 4:7;28:14;41:13 took (2) 40:10,25 top (1) 26:8 towards (2) 8:9;22:7 town (1) 39:11 Tracy (4) 16:11,12,15,21 T-r-a-c-y (1) 16:16 transcript (2) 5:23;6:2 transfer (2) 41:1,2 transitioning (1) 23:15 transmission (2) 15:2;35:18 transportation (1) 24:6 travel (1) 12:19 traveled (1) 22:25 treat (1) 21:15 trees (2) 26:12,15 Triangle (1) 25:16 truth (1) 4:15 try (1) 4:7 trying (4) 9:19;33:24;38:13; 39:3 turbines (1) 42:20 turns (1) 6:14 twenty (1) 31:16 Twin (3) 3:4;20:20;26:25 two (2) 3:23;30:6 type (1) 39:3 U ultimately (1) 23:4 uncertainty (1) 30:20 uncomfortable (1) 43:9 under (6) 3:10;12:9;15:10; 26:4;35:4;38:24 unfair (1) 30:7 unfeasible (1) 21:25 United (1) 12:2 units (1) 10:22 University (1) 26:2 up (12) 4:4;6:1,9;21:3,8; 34:25;35:14;36:18, 21;37:10,12;42:22 upgrades (1) 36:1 usable (1) 12:11 usage (1) 26:7 use (10) 12:4,14,21,25;15:6; 17:8,10;23:14;30:24; 35:15 used (2) 12:17;23:20 users (2) 15:8,21 uses (1) 30:25 using (2) 12:15;35:7 Utilities (6) 6:25;8:14;10:24; 32:3;36:22;37:15 utilize (3) 26:5,6,21 utilizing (1) 26:8 V valuable (1) 28:9 values (4) 30:16;31:1,3,15 vegetable (1) 26:3 vegetables (1) 26:9 vehicle (4) 36:8,9,11,13 via (1) 14:9 view (4) 12:19;13:19;36:21; 37:15 Min-U-Script®(9) spelling - view IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION November 08, 2023 visual (1) 6:8 Vote (3) 7:7;17:23;19:21 voting (1) 16:4 W wait (1) 22:10 Walker (2) 6:16,16 wants (3) 15:14;18:16;28:23 warmer (1) 33:10 warming (2) 21:24;37:17 water (3) 12:18;28:19;42:14 way (4) 16:25;19:25;25:23; 41:15 ways (1) 26:11 wearing (1) 22:8 Wednesday (1) 3:4 weeks (1) 40:16 well-being (1) 8:18 western (2) 12:3,20 what's (1) 21:17 whatsoever (1) 15:21 whole (4) 4:15;10:4,5;24:3 wide (2) 12:19,21 wife (1) 39:10 willingness (1) 5:19 wind (4) 15:18;17:9;38:10; 42:20 winter (2) 20:24;33:10 wish (2) 41:10;43:8 within (2) 4:7;35:25 without (4) 10:23;25:21;30:14; 33:3 witness (1) 7:17 woke (1) 37:11 wondering (2) 9:17;10:25 work (1) 22:4 working (2) 38:16;42:12 workshops (1) 3:23 world (4) 10:5,5;18:15;23:4 worry (1) 10:23 worst (2) 23:6;31:4 worth (1) 33:17 worthwhile (1) 24:2 writing (1) 43:10 written (1) 41:13 Y yards (1) 35:21 year (2) 30:17;33:13 years (13) 12:19;14:4;18:23; 21:7;29:8;31:16; 33:21,24;37:2,12; 42:2,7,12 1 1 (2) 3:15;20:21 11 (1) 42:2 13th (1) 41:25 15 (1) 4:4 2 2 (1) 21:13 20 (1) 33:23 2012 (1) 42:1 2018 (1) 20:24 2019 (2) 20:25;25:5 2021 (1) 16:24 2023 (2) 3:15;21:6 2045 (3) 18:17;22:7;23:10 26 (1) 23:19 27th (1) 20:3 28 (2) 16:22;42:12 3 300 (3) 28:20;29:10,17 35-minute (1) 40:20 4 4:02 (1) 3:1 4:30 (1) 38:5 40 (2) 11:3;33:7 400 (2) 29:10,18 45 (1) 40:11 5 5,000 (1) 36:12 5:01 (1) 43:13 6 6 (1) 3:10 7 700 (1) 29:7 70s (2) 37:5,7 8 8 (1) 3:10 84 (1) 3:10 8th (1) 3:4 9 9:00 (1) 38:4 Min-U-Script®(10) visual - 9:00