HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231201Customer Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfIn The Matter Of: THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY November 27, 2023 T&T Reporting, LLC 477 Shoup Avenue, Suite 105 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 (208) 529-5491 Min-U-Script® with Word Index 1 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2 3 4 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) 5 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ) Case No. IPC-E-23-11 6 IN THE STATE OF IDAHO AND FOR ) ASSOCIATED REGULATORY ACCOUNT ) 7 TREATMENT ) _________________________________) 8 9 10 11 LOCATION: American Legion Post 7 Building 447 Seastrom Street 12 Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 13 DATE & TIME: Monday, November 27, 2023; 5:00 p.m. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Reported by: Karla Steed-Layfield, RMR, CSR #1182 25 2 1 A P P E A R A N C E S 2 President Eric Anderson 3 Commissioner John R. Hammond, Jr. Assistant Attorney General Christen Burdin 4 Maria Barratt - Idaho Public Utilities Comm. Timothy Tatum - Idaho Power 5 Matt Larkin - Idaho Power Connie Aschenbrenner - Idaho Power 6 Donovan Walker - Idaho Power 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - November 27, 2023 3 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 * * * * * * * * 3 MR. ANDERSON: Good afternoon. This is 4 the time and place for the customer hearing in 5 Case Number IPC-E-23-11 also referred to In The 6 Matter Of Idaho Power Company for Authority To 7 Increase Its Rates And Charges for Electric 8 Service In The State Of Idaho And For 9 Associated Regulatory Account Treatment. 10 The purpose of this hearing is to take 11 testimony from the members of the public in 12 reference to Idaho Power's request that was 13 filed with the commission on June 1st, 2023. 14 My name is Eric Anderson. I'm the chair 15 of today's hearing. I'm joined by Commissioner 16 John Hammond. Commissioner Lodge was unable to 17 attend tonight. We do comprise the commission 18 in this case and we'll collectively make a 19 final determination in the matter. 20 To this point, 1047 intervened and two 21 informal informational workshops for the public 22 have been conducted. Today's objective is to 23 take live testimony which will be added to the 24 underlying record in this case. 25 The commission will review the facts and - November 27, 2023 4 1 evidence in the record to make its final 2 decisions on those proceedings. 3 We have four people signed up today to 4 speak. So the conservation of time is not 5 going to be asked for. I don't think we're 6 going to go too long. But let's be careful 7 that we don't go into some late dinnertime. I 8 don't think we will. 9 As far as the procedures go today, I 10 will call your name from the sign-up sheets. 11 You will take the stand to be sworn in. I will 12 ask you to raise your right hand to swear or 13 affirm the testimony that you will provide is 14 the truth. 15 Our Deputy Attorney Chris Burdin will at 16 that time ask you to identify yourself for the 17 record which will include your name, spelling 18 of your last name, your city of residence and 19 whether you are a customer of Idaho Power, then 20 you will present your testimony. 21 Please remain on the stand to see if the 22 parties or the commissioners have any questions 23 after which you will be excused. 24 Please keep your testimony this evening 25 generic to the rate case which is before us. - November 27, 2023 5 1 We have a couple of other cases going on, but 2 this is the case that we're taking public 3 testimony for tonight. 4 For those in the audience, we ask that 5 you reframe from reacting to any testimony 6 while it is being presented before or after. 7 That means no clapping, no verbal comment. We 8 appreciate your willingness to respect this 9 process. 10 Since our cases are judicial in nature 11 we have a court reporter taking the official 12 transcript. The court reporter this afternoon 13 is Karla Layfield. Don't speak too softly or 14 too fast or we may have to give you a little 15 nudge to slow down or to speak up. 16 The transcript is necessary because it 17 is -- in our quasi judicial role, we must base 18 our decisions on the official record. The 19 record is also significant in the event that 20 our decision is appealed. 21 At this time I'm going to take the 22 appearance of the parties. 23 Idaho Power. 24 MR. WALKER: Yes. Donovan Walker 25 representing Idaho Power. - November 27, 2023 6 1 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you, Mr. Walker. 2 Staff with the Idaho Public Utilities 3 Commission. 4 MR. BURDIN: Chris Burdin, Deputy 5 Attorney General representing the commission 6 staff. Thank you. 7 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you. I'm going to 8 go ahead and just -- I don't believe we have 9 any intervening parties here. If we do, please 10 stop me and identify yourself. 11 But the interveners are Clean Energy 12 Opportunities for Idaho, Idaho Irrigation 13 Pumpers Association, Industrial Customers of 14 Idaho, Micron Technology, Idaho Hydro, the city 15 of Boise, Idaho Conservation League, Federal 16 Executive Agencies, Northwest Energy Coalition 17 and WalMart. 18 Are there any parties here tonight that 19 I didn't mention? Are there any parties that I 20 missed? Seeing none, that is the list. With 21 that, we're ready to call our first witness. I 22 will call Michael McBride. 23 MR. MCBRIDE: Can you hear me okay? 24 Talk a little louder? Hello. My name is -- 25 MR. BURDIN: Do you want to swear him - November 27, 2023 7 1 in? 2 MR. HAMMOND: Yeah. Do you swear and 3 affirm the testimony you are about to give in 4 this proceeding is the truth? 5 MR. MCBRIDE: Yes. 6 MR. BURDIN: Will you please state your 7 name and spell your last name for the record. 8 MR. MCBRIDE: Michael Glen McBride. The 9 last name is spelled M.C.B.R.I.D.E. 10 MR. BURDIN: And in what city do you 11 reside? 12 MR. MCBRIDE: I live in the county of 13 Twin Falls, in the county. 14 MR. BURDIN: And are you a customer of 15 Idaho Power. 16 MR. MCBRIDE: I am a customer of Idaho 17 Power. My address is 2502 Laurie Lane. 18 MR. BURDIN: Thank you. Go ahead, 19 please. 20 MR. MCBRIDE: My wife is here too. I 21 get two monthly bills from Idaho Power. We 22 have a house and we have solar power on the 23 house. Most of our power goes out -- a couple 24 of months a year we have power coming in. Then 25 we have a little pasture out back where the - November 27, 2023 8 1 water comes. 2 We needed to put in a pump to move that 3 water around. So we have approximately a three 4 horsepower motor there. The power goes through 5 a shed to get on down there. It's on a septic 6 transformer. 7 On the water for the field we currently 8 pay year-round for that, but we only use it for 9 about six months out of the year. Rarely do we 10 turn on the lights in the shed. 11 We have a lot of goats and sometimes the 12 goats climb the walls and turn on the lights, 13 then it shines in the neighbor's back room, 14 bedroom and they complain. So we go and turn 15 the lights off. 16 This application E-23-11 is quite long, 17 and I couldn't get through reading the whole 18 thing. But I did find some things that perked 19 my interest near the start. 20 I did not understand why in the public 21 releases the power company used a general rate 22 case request chart. And they used a similar 23 general rate request chart in their application 24 to the PUC, but the numbers are different in 25 those charts. For instance, on the residential - November 27, 2023 9 1 I'm going to say 10.78 percent. And on the 2 other one, we'll say 12.25 percent. It was 3 just confusing to me. 4 It's also a little bit confusing of a 5 group, residential large users, irrigators. 6 I'm used to -- when I get a bill from them it 7 says Schedule 6 or Schedule 7. And I have a 8 hard time always relating what a Schedule 6, 9 Schedule 7, or Schedule 8 person was or home 10 that was or business that was. It could have 11 been a little clearer there. 12 We're both Schedule 6 and Schedule 7 at 13 our house. I would like to read a quote from 14 the flyer that Idaho Power put out: If this 15 request is approved, as filed, the average 16 Idaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt 17 hours per month would see a monthly bill 18 increase of about $11.61. 19 We're on the fringe. We don't use 20 hardly any electricity I guess compared to the 21 normal folks. So if you read the numbers in 22 there we're looking more like a 300 percent 23 increase, two- or 300 percent increase in our 24 bills from $5 for the basic service charge, 25 which is quite a deal, I think that is a very - November 27, 2023 10 1 nice deal for the customer, to 15 and $20 in 2 the first year and then to increase after that 3 I think they hope. 4 If it said something like Idaho Power 5 seeks to increase their service charge by two- 6 to 400 percent there would be a lot more people 7 here tonight than what there are. 8 So when you get to frame the question 9 and response yourself, you can kinda control 10 things. I think they started out doing that 11 very well from their point of view. 12 Let me see if there's anything else I 13 missed. (pause) I guess that is the main 14 thing. 15 Just being on a non-typical, non-energy 16 guzzling family it's a noticeable increase when 17 your bill is going to go up 300 percent, even 18 if it is still pretty reasonable, but going 19 from $5. I think eventually they're targeting 20 -- don't quote me on this. But I think they 21 are targeting $35 times twelve months out of 22 the year. That is a significant increase, a 23 very significant increase. 24 I would encourage you not to let them do 25 that. But I understand the tidal wave is going - November 27, 2023 11 1 the other way. Thanks for your time. 2 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you, Mr. McBride. 3 Any questions from the parties? 4 (No response.) 5 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you for your 6 testimony. 7 Next I have is Robert Sojka. Sorry, 8 Robert, I know I mispronounced that. 9 MR. SOJKA: Sojka. My name is Robert 10 Sojka, S.O.J.K.A. 11 MR. BURDIN: And do you swear or affirm 12 that the testimony you are about to give will 13 be the truth? 14 MR. SOJKA: Yes. 15 MR. BURDIN: Thank you. What city do 16 you reside? 17 MR. SOJKA: Sorry? 18 MR. BURDIN: What city do you reside? 19 MR. SOJKA: I actually live out in the 20 county, but it's a Twin Falls postal address. 21 2506 Laurie Lane. 22 MR. BURDIN: And are you a customer of 23 Idaho Power? 24 MR. SOJKA: Yes, I am. 25 MR. BURDIN: Thank you. Go ahead. - November 27, 2023 12 1 MR. SOJKA: I realize this is not a 2 hearing about solar panels, per se; although in 3 my case as with some of the friends that I 4 talked to about the specific issue, it does 5 kinda play into the rationale and what the 6 basis is for the kind of rate increases that 7 we're talking about. 8 As the previous speaker said the 9 baseline of these increases, and particularly 10 with the stated provision, that they may go up 11 multiple times in the future. It's a bit 12 disconcerting to somebody like myself that has 13 gone through the process with the solar and 14 seen Idaho Power change its, I will just call 15 it, promises -- maybe that is not the right 16 word -- about what the rate structures and so 17 forth are going to be down the road. 18 And this is bothersome to me in as much 19 as, yet again, the rate structure is asking for 20 more money from me when I have spent $40,000 of 21 my own money in order to generate power for 22 Idaho Power. Okay. 23 And to see no particular exceptions 24 regarding people that have done the similar 25 sort of thing just seems unreasonable to me. A - November 27, 2023 13 1 reasonable thing to me would be to perhaps 2 charge other folks that have not created any of 3 their own generation a similar starting fee. 4 And I say that somewhat tongue in cheek, but if 5 you could see the reason from my point of view. 6 To be constantly ratcheting up the power 7 when Idaho Power has made a long campaign to 8 develop sustainable power for the benefit not 9 only of Idaho Power itself as a company but 10 also for the consumers; I just think this just 11 goes in the face of that. 12 And I don't think that it's reasonable 13 to just have a flat rate increase across the 14 board. I'll just leave my statement at that. 15 I've got a written statement that I will hand 16 to you that explains my reasoning. 17 But I'm thoroughly against these rate 18 increases. I think the documentation that was 19 presented is extraordinarily dense. It's not 20 transparent. It's an awful lot -- we're not as 21 customers allowed access to understand about, 22 particularly for solar users, how much our 23 excess production is being sold for that, that 24 could influence the balance of costs to us as 25 individual users. - November 27, 2023 14 1 I could go on and on, but I will leave 2 it at that. 3 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you. Are there any 4 questions? 5 (No response.) 6 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you for your 7 testimony. 8 MR. SOJKA: Thank you for the time. 9 MR. ANDERSON: Melanie Asher. 10 MR. BURDIN: Do you swear or affirm that 11 the testimony you're about to give will be the 12 truth. 13 MS. ASHER: Yes. 14 MR. BURDIN: Please state your name and 15 spell your last name for the record. 16 MS. ASHER: Melanie Asher, A.S.H.E.R. 17 MR. BURDIN: And in what city do you 18 reside? 19 MS. ASHER: I live in the county. 20 MR. BURDIN: And are you a customer -- 21 MS. ASHER: Twin Falls. 22 MR. BURDIN: Are you a customer of Idaho 23 Power? 24 MS. ASHER: Yes. 25 MR. BURDIN: Go ahead. - November 27, 2023 15 1 MS. ASHER: Thanks for letting me come 2 talk to you today. I just want to say that I 3 thought a two- to 300 percent raise in the 4 monthly service charge and more over the next 5 few years was just too much. I will just hand 6 in my letter that has a lot more comments for 7 you to read. 8 But I think Idaho Power is doing okay 9 without these outrageous price increases. I 10 looked up their profits and last year they had 11 a gross profit of nine-hundred and seventy 12 point one million dollars. 13 So please don't allow Idaho Power to get 14 away with these large monthly charges. I 15 understand raising rates some but I think that 16 is too much. Thanks. 17 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you, Ms. Asher. 18 Are there any questions from the parties? 19 (No response.) 20 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you for testimony. 21 MS. ASHER: Thank you. 22 MR. ANDERSON: Mark Huber. 23 MR. BURDIN: Do you swear or affirm that 24 the testimony you are about to give will the 25 truth. - November 27, 2023 16 1 MR. HUBER: Yes. 2 MR. BURDIN: Please state your name and 3 spell your last name for the record. 4 MR. HUBER: H.U.B.E.R. I'm a resident 5 of Twin Falls City. 6 MR. BURDIN: And are you a customer of 7 Idaho Power? 8 MR. HUBER: I am. 9 MR. BURDIN: Thank you. Go ahead. 10 MR. HUBER: I didn't realize this wasn't 11 a solar hearing tonight. But mine all had to 12 do with solar panel. 13 MR. ANDERSON: We're trying to keep it 14 generic to the -- we had a solar meeting here 15 not too long ago. 16 MR. BURDIN: If you have written 17 comments. 18 MR. HUBER: No. I didn't realize that. 19 MR. ANDERSON: We'll yield some time to 20 go ahead and share your thoughts. 21 MR. HUBER: Okay, I will. I have two 22 questions. I came here inquiring to get 23 information more than I have testimony here. 24 So I had two questions where maybe somebody can 25 answer them. - November 27, 2023 17 1 MR. ANDERSON: And we probably -- we're 2 not -- that is what work shops are for. 3 MR. HUBER: I will state my concerns 4 then. One is, where everybody else has made a 5 comment here about the monthly service charge, 6 right now I'm paying on my solar $5.31 a month. 7 And I just don't quite understand why, in the 8 future why that connection fee will go up. 9 It seems to me once you get into the 10 computer, it should not be any more additional 11 costs associated with that. I oppose to seeing 12 that connection fee go up. 13 The other comment I have has to do 14 with -- if I understand the rate increase of 15 the solar it's going to be -- Idaho Power is 16 trying to bring it into more of a wholesale 17 rate. 18 I can understand where they are coming 19 from, saying that we're generating power and 20 that we should not be paying a retail rate 21 because of the -- you know, we should not have 22 the other customers subsidizing us. 23 If we go to that wholesale rate then 24 they -- at the end of that year we ought to be 25 able to get some money back from Idaho Power if - November 27, 2023 18 1 we produce more energy during that time period. 2 Knowing that, last year if we produced 3 more energy than what we consumed then we 4 benefited Idaho Power and we benefited the 5 other customers. 6 And my concern and my comment here is we 7 need to be paid for that. We need to be 8 compensated for that. If we are going to drop 9 the rates down to wholesale rates, then pay us 10 that wholesale rate at the end of the year. 11 That is only fair, you know. We should 12 not be subsidizing others and others should not 13 be subsidizing us. We ought to make that fair 14 and we ought to get paid for it at the end the 15 year. Those are two comments that I had with 16 regard to solar. 17 So sorry, I didn't realize that it had 18 actually been done. Appreciate you hearing me 19 now. Thank you. 20 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you. Do you have 21 any written comments you want to submit? 22 MR. HUBER: No, I didn't. 23 MR. HAMMOND: I think Chris Burdin 24 stated it earlier. If you want to submit 25 comments in this case you can submit written - November 27, 2023 19 1 comments. Of course, it's treated like 2 testimony. But if you also want to submit 3 comments in the net metering case, I believe 4 you can still do that. I'm not sure to be 5 honest. 6 MR. BURDIN: I think the comment of mine 7 was the last date for testimony. 8 MR. HAMMOND: I think you're right. 9 MR. HUBER: I see it on here. I didn't 10 realize that myself. Anyway, thank you. 11 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you very much. 12 That has exhausted my list of people who are 13 going to testify. I guess everybody has 14 testified who wishes to. I wish more people 15 would have showed up. 16 Well, if there's no one else who has a 17 desire to testify, I want to thank you for 18 coming and sharing your thoughts with us. And 19 having nothing else before us this evening, 20 then we're adjourned. 21 Thank you much. 22 (Hearing adjourned at 5:32 p.m.) 23 24 25 20 1 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 2 STATE OF IDAHO ) 3 ) ss. COUNTY OF BANNOCK ) 4 5 I, Karla Steed-Layfield, a registered Merit 6 Reporter and Certified Shorthand Reporter, do hereby certify that I reported by machine shorthand the 7 proceedings contained herein on the aforementioned subject on the date herein set forth, and that the 8 foregoing 1-19 pages constitute a full, true and correct transcript. 9 Dated this 1st day of December, 2023. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 _________________________ Karla Steed-Layfield 19 Idaho CSR No. 1182 Notary Public in and for 20 the State of Idaho 21 22 23 24 25 THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY November 27, 2023 $ $11.61 (1) 9:18 $20 (1) 10:1 $35 (1) 10:21 $40,000 (1) 12:20 $5 (2) 9:24;10:19 $5.31 (1) 17:6 A able (1) 17:25 access (1) 13:21 Account (1) 3:9 across (1) 13:13 actually (2) 11:19;18:18 added (1) 3:23 additional (1) 17:10 address (2) 7:17;11:20 adjourned (2) 19:20,22 affirm (5) 4:13;7:3;11:11; 14:10;15:23 afternoon (2) 3:3;5:12 again (1) 12:19 against (1) 13:17 Agencies (1) 6:16 ago (1) 16:15 ahead (6) 6:8;7:18;11:25; 14:25;16:9,20 allow (1) 15:13 allowed (1) 13:21 although (1) 12:2 always (1) 9:8 ANDERSON (17) 3:3,14;6:1,7;11:2,5; 14:3,6,9;15:17,20,22; 16:13,19;17:1;18:20; 19:11 appealed (1) 5:20 appearance (1) 5:22 application (2) 8:16,23 appreciate (2) 5:8;18:18 approved (1) 9:15 approximately (1) 8:3 around (1) 8:3 Asher (11) 14:9,13,16,16,16, 19,21,24;15:1,17,21 Associated (2) 3:9;17:11 Association (1) 6:13 attend (1) 3:17 Attorney (2) 4:15;6:5 audience (1) 5:4 Authority (1) 3:6 average (1) 9:15 away (1) 15:14 awful (1) 13:20 B back (3) 7:25;8:13;17:25 balance (1) 13:24 base (1) 5:17 baseline (1) 12:9 basic (1) 9:24 basis (1) 12:6 bedroom (1) 8:14 benefit (1) 13:8 benefited (2) 18:4,4 bill (3) 9:6,17;10:17 bills (2) 7:21;9:24 bit (2) 9:4;12:11 board (1) 13:14 Boise (1) 6:15 both (1) 9:12 bothersome (1) 12:18 bring (1) 17:16 Burdin (26) 4:15;6:4,4,25;7:6, 10,14,18;11:11,15,18, 22,25;14:10,14,17,20, 22,25;15:23;16:2,6,9, 16;18:23;19:6 business (1) 9:10 C call (4) 4:10;6:21,22;12:14 came (1) 16:22 campaign (1) 13:7 Can (6) 6:23;10:9;16:24; 17:18;18:25;19:4 careful (1) 4:6 Case (9) 3:5,18,24;4:25;5:2; 8:22;12:3;18:25;19:3 cases (2) 5:1,10 chair (1) 3:14 change (1) 12:14 charge (5) 9:24;10:5;13:2; 15:4;17:5 Charges (2) 3:7;15:14 chart (2) 8:22,23 charts (1) 8:25 cheek (1) 13:4 Chris (3) 4:15;6:4;18:23 city (7) 4:18;6:14;7:10; 11:15,18;14:17;16:5 clapping (1) 5:7 Clean (1) 6:11 clearer (1) 9:11 climb (1) 8:12 Coalition (1) 6:16 collectively (1) 3:18 coming (3) 7:24;17:18;19:18 comment (5) 5:7;17:5,13;18:6; 19:6 comments (7) 15:6;16:17;18:15, 21,25;19:1,3 commission (5) 3:13,17,25;6:3,5 Commissioner (2) 3:15,16 commissioners (1) 4:22 Company (3) 3:6;8:21;13:9 compared (1) 9:20 compensated (1) 18:8 complain (1) 8:14 comprise (1) 3:17 computer (1) 17:10 concern (1) 18:6 concerns (1) 17:3 conducted (1) 3:22 confusing (2) 9:3,4 connection (2) 17:8,12 conservation (2) 4:4;6:15 constantly (1) 13:6 consumed (1) 18:3 consumers (1) 13:10 control (1) 10:9 costs (2) 13:24;17:11 county (4) 7:12,13;11:20; 14:19 couple (2) 5:1;7:23 course (1) 19:1 court (2) 5:11,12 created (1) 13:2 currently (1) 8:7 customer (10) 3:4;4:19;7:14,16; 9:16;10:1;11:22; 14:20,22;16:6 Customers (4) 6:13;13:21;17:22; 18:5 D date (1) 19:7 deal (2) 9:25;10:1 decision (1) 5:20 decisions (2) 4:2;5:18 dense (1) 13:19 Deputy (2) 4:15;6:4 desire (1) 19:17 determination (1) 3:19 develop (1) 13:8 different (1) 8:24 dinnertime (1) 4:7 disconcerting (1) 12:12 documentation (1) 13:18 dollars (1) 15:12 done (2) 12:24;18:18 Donovan (1) 5:24 down (4) 5:15;8:5;12:17; 18:9 drop (1) 18:8 during (1) 18:1 E E-23-11 (1) 8:16 earlier (1) 18:24 Electric (1) 3:7 Min-U-Script®(1) $11.61 - Electric THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY November 27, 2023 electricity (1) 9:20 else (4) 10:12;17:4;19:16, 19 encourage (1) 10:24 end (3) 17:24;18:10,14 Energy (4) 6:11,16;18:1,3 Eric (1) 3:14 even (1) 10:17 evening (2) 4:24;19:19 event (1) 5:19 eventually (1) 10:19 everybody (2) 17:4;19:13 evidence (1) 4:1 exceptions (1) 12:23 excess (1) 13:23 excused (1) 4:23 Executive (1) 6:16 exhausted (1) 19:12 explains (1) 13:16 extraordinarily (1) 13:19 F face (1) 13:11 facts (1) 3:25 fair (2) 18:11,13 Falls (4) 7:13;11:20;14:21; 16:5 family (1) 10:16 far (1) 4:9 fast (1) 5:14 Federal (1) 6:15 fee (3) 13:3;17:8,12 few (1) 15:5 field (1) 8:7 filed (2) 3:13;9:15 final (2) 3:19;4:1 find (1) 8:18 first (2) 6:21;10:2 flat (1) 13:13 flyer (1) 9:14 folks (2) 9:21;13:2 forth (1) 12:17 four (1) 4:3 frame (1) 10:8 friends (1) 12:3 fringe (1) 9:19 future (2) 12:11;17:8 G General (3) 6:5;8:21,23 generate (1) 12:21 generating (1) 17:19 generation (1) 13:3 generic (2) 4:25;16:14 Glen (1) 7:8 goats (2) 8:11,12 goes (3) 7:23;8:4;13:11 Good (1) 3:3 gross (1) 15:11 group (1) 9:5 guess (3) 9:20;10:13;19:13 guzzling (1) 10:16 H Hammond (4) 3:16;7:2;18:23; 19:8 hand (3) 4:12;13:15;15:5 hard (1) 9:8 hardly (1) 9:20 hear (1) 6:23 hearing (7) 3:4,10,15;12:2; 16:11;18:18;19:22 Hello (1) 6:24 home (1) 9:9 honest (1) 19:5 hope (1) 10:3 horsepower (1) 8:4 hours (1) 9:17 house (3) 7:22,23;9:13 Huber (11) 15:22;16:1,4,4,8,10, 18,21;17:3;18:22; 19:9 Hydro (1) 6:14 I Idaho (30) 3:6,8,12;4:19;5:23, 25;6:2,12,12,14,14, 15;7:15,16,21;9:14, 16;10:4;11:23;12:14, 22;13:7,9;14:22;15:8, 13;16:7;17:15,25; 18:4 identify (2) 4:16;6:10 include (1) 4:17 Increase (11) 3:7;9:18,23,23; 10:2,5,16,22,23; 13:13;17:14 increases (4) 12:6,9;13:18;15:9 individual (1) 13:25 Industrial (1) 6:13 influence (1) 13:24 informal (1) 3:21 information (1) 16:23 informational (1) 3:21 inquiring (1) 16:22 instance (1) 8:25 interest (1) 8:19 intervened (1) 3:20 interveners (1) 6:11 intervening (1) 6:9 into (4) 4:7;12:5;17:9,16 IPC-E-23-11 (1) 3:5 Irrigation (1) 6:12 irrigators (1) 9:5 issue (1) 12:4 J John (1) 3:16 joined (1) 3:15 judicial (2) 5:10,17 June (1) 3:13 K Karla (1) 5:13 keep (2) 4:24;16:13 kilowatt (1) 9:16 kind (1) 12:6 kinda (2) 10:9;12:5 Knowing (1) 18:2 L Lane (2) 7:17;11:21 large (2) 9:5;15:14 last (8) 4:18;7:7,9;14:15; 15:10;16:3;18:2;19:7 late (1) 4:7 Laurie (2) 7:17;11:21 Layfield (1) 5:13 League (1) 6:15 leave (2) 13:14;14:1 letter (1) 15:6 letting (1) 15:1 lights (3) 8:10,12,15 list (2) 6:20;19:12 little (5) 5:14;6:24;7:25;9:4, 11 live (4) 3:23;7:12;11:19; 14:19 Lodge (1) 3:16 long (4) 4:6;8:16;13:7; 16:15 looked (1) 15:10 looking (1) 9:22 lot (4) 8:11;10:6;13:20; 15:6 louder (1) 6:24 M main (1) 10:13 Mark (1) 15:22 Matter (2) 3:6,19 may (2) 5:14;12:10 maybe (2) 12:15;16:24 McBride (10) 6:22,23;7:5,8,8,9, 12,16,20;11:2 means (1) 5:7 meeting (1) 16:14 Melanie (2) 14:9,16 members (1) 3:11 mention (1) 6:19 metering (1) 19:3 Michael (2) Min-U-Script®(2) electricity - Michael THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY November 27, 2023 6:22;7:8 Micron (1) 6:14 million (1) 15:12 mine (2) 16:11;19:6 mispronounced (1) 11:8 missed (2) 6:20;10:13 money (3) 12:20,21;17:25 month (2) 9:17;17:6 monthly (5) 7:21;9:17;15:4,14; 17:5 months (3) 7:24;8:9;10:21 more (11) 9:22;10:6;12:20; 15:4,6;16:23;17:10, 16;18:1,3;19:14 Most (1) 7:23 motor (1) 8:4 move (1) 8:2 much (6) 12:18;13:22;15:5, 16;19:11,21 multiple (1) 12:11 must (1) 5:17 myself (2) 12:12;19:10 N name (13) 3:14;4:10,17,18; 6:24;7:7,7,9;11:9; 14:14,15;16:2,3 nature (1) 5:10 near (1) 8:19 necessary (1) 5:16 need (2) 18:7,7 needed (1) 8:2 neighbor's (1) 8:13 net (1) 19:3 Next (2) 11:7;15:4 nice (1) 10:1 nine-hundred (1) 15:11 none (1) 6:20 non-energy (1) 10:15 non-typical (1) 10:15 normal (1) 9:21 Northwest (1) 6:16 noticeable (1) 10:16 nudge (1) 5:15 Number (1) 3:5 numbers (2) 8:24;9:21 O objective (1) 3:22 off (1) 8:15 official (2) 5:11,18 once (1) 17:9 one (4) 9:2;15:12;17:4; 19:16 only (3) 8:8;13:9;18:11 Opportunities (1) 6:12 oppose (1) 17:11 order (1) 12:21 others (2) 18:12,12 ought (3) 17:24;18:13,14 out (7) 7:23,25;8:9;9:14; 10:10,21;11:19 outrageous (1) 15:9 over (1) 15:4 own (2) 12:21;13:3 P paid (2) 18:7,14 panel (1) 16:12 panels (1) 12:2 particular (1) 12:23 particularly (2) 12:9;13:22 parties (7) 4:22;5:22;6:9,18, 19;11:3;15:18 pasture (1) 7:25 pause (1) 10:13 pay (2) 8:8;18:9 paying (2) 17:6,20 people (5) 4:3;10:6;12:24; 19:12,14 per (2) 9:17;12:2 percent (7) 9:1,2,22,23;10:6, 17;15:3 perhaps (1) 13:1 period (1) 18:1 perked (1) 8:18 person (1) 9:9 place (1) 3:4 play (1) 12:5 Please (8) 4:21,24;6:9;7:6,19; 14:14;15:13;16:2 pm (1) 19:22 point (4) 3:20;10:11;13:5; 15:12 postal (1) 11:20 Power (30) 3:6;4:19;5:23,25; 7:15,17,21,22,23,24; 8:4,21;9:14;10:4; 11:23;12:14,21,22; 13:6,7,8,9;14:23;15:8, 13;16:7;17:15,19,25; 18:4 Power's (1) 3:12 present (1) 4:20 presented (2) 5:6;13:19 pretty (1) 10:18 previous (1) 12:8 price (1) 15:9 probably (1) 17:1 procedures (1) 4:9 proceeding (1) 7:4 proceedings (1) 4:2 process (2) 5:9;12:13 produce (1) 18:1 produced (1) 18:2 production (1) 13:23 profit (1) 15:11 profits (1) 15:10 promises (1) 12:15 provide (1) 4:13 provision (1) 12:10 public (5) 3:11,21;5:2;6:2; 8:20 PUC (1) 8:24 pump (1) 8:2 Pumpers (1) 6:13 purpose (1) 3:10 put (2) 8:2;9:14 Q quasi (1) 5:17 quite (3) 8:16;9:25;17:7 quote (2) 9:13;10:20 R raise (2) 4:12;15:3 raising (1) 15:15 Rarely (1) 8:9 ratcheting (1) 13:6 rate (13) 4:25;8:21,23;12:6, 16,19;13:13,17;17:14, 17,20,23;18:10 Rates (4) 3:7;15:15;18:9,9 rationale (1) 12:5 reacting (1) 5:5 read (3) 9:13,21;15:7 reading (1) 8:17 ready (1) 6:21 realize (5) 12:1;16:10,18; 18:17;19:10 reason (1) 13:5 reasonable (3) 10:18;13:1,12 reasoning (1) 13:16 record (8) 3:24;4:1,17;5:18, 19;7:7;14:15;16:3 reference (1) 3:12 referred (1) 3:5 reframe (1) 5:5 regard (1) 18:16 regarding (1) 12:24 Regulatory (1) 3:9 relating (1) 9:8 releases (1) 8:21 remain (1) 4:21 reporter (2) 5:11,12 representing (2) 5:25;6:5 request (4) 3:12;8:22,23;9:15 reside (4) 7:11;11:16,18; 14:18 residence (1) 4:18 resident (1) 16:4 residential (3) 8:25;9:5,16 respect (1) 5:8 Min-U-Script®(3) Micron - respect THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY November 27, 2023 response (4) 10:9;11:4;14:5; 15:19 retail (1) 17:20 review (1) 3:25 right (4) 4:12;12:15;17:6; 19:8 road (1) 12:17 Robert (3) 11:7,8,9 role (1) 5:17 room (1) 8:13 S saying (1) 17:19 Schedule (7) 9:7,7,8,9,9,12,12 se (1) 12:2 Seeing (2) 6:20;17:11 seeks (1) 10:5 seems (2) 12:25;17:9 septic (1) 8:5 Service (5) 3:8;9:24;10:5;15:4; 17:5 seventy (1) 15:11 share (1) 16:20 sharing (1) 19:18 shed (2) 8:5,10 sheets (1) 4:10 shines (1) 8:13 shops (1) 17:2 showed (1) 19:15 signed (1) 4:3 significant (3) 5:19;10:22,23 sign-up (1) 4:10 similar (3) 8:22;12:24;13:3 six (1) 8:9 slow (1) 5:15 softly (1) 5:13 Sojka (11) 11:7,9,9,10,10,14, 17,19,24;12:1;14:8 solar (10) 7:22;12:2,13;13:22; 16:11,12,14;17:6,15; 18:16 sold (1) 13:23 somebody (2) 12:12;16:24 sometimes (1) 8:11 somewhat (1) 13:4 Sorry (3) 11:7,17;18:17 sort (1) 12:25 speak (3) 4:4;5:13,15 speaker (1) 12:8 specific (1) 12:4 spell (3) 7:7;14:15;16:3 spelled (1) 7:9 spelling (1) 4:17 spent (1) 12:20 Staff (2) 6:2,6 stand (2) 4:11,21 start (1) 8:19 started (1) 10:10 starting (1) 13:3 State (5) 3:8;7:6;14:14;16:2; 17:3 stated (2) 12:10;18:24 statement (2) 13:14,15 still (2) 10:18;19:4 stop (1) 6:10 structure (1) 12:19 structures (1) 12:16 submit (4) 18:21,24,25;19:2 subsidizing (3) 17:22;18:12,13 sure (1) 19:4 sustainable (1) 13:8 swear (6) 4:12;6:25;7:2; 11:11;14:10;15:23 sworn (1) 4:11 T Talk (2) 6:24;15:2 talked (1) 12:4 talking (1) 12:7 targeting (2) 10:19,21 Technology (1) 6:14 testified (1) 19:14 testify (2) 19:13,17 testimony (17) 3:11,23;4:13,20,24; 5:3,5;7:3;11:6,12; 14:7,11;15:20,24; 16:23;19:2,7 Thanks (3) 11:1;15:1,16 thoroughly (1) 13:17 thought (1) 15:3 thoughts (2) 16:20;19:18 three (1) 8:3 tidal (1) 10:25 times (2) 10:21;12:11 today (3) 4:3,9;15:2 today's (2) 3:15,22 tongue (1) 13:4 tonight (5) 3:17;5:3;6:18;10:7; 16:11 transcript (2) 5:12,16 transformer (1) 8:6 transparent (1) 13:20 treated (1) 19:1 Treatment (1) 3:9 truth (5) 4:14;7:4;11:13; 14:12;15:25 trying (2) 16:13;17:16 turn (3) 8:10,12,14 twelve (1) 10:21 Twin (4) 7:13;11:20;14:21; 16:5 two (5) 3:20;7:21;16:21,24; 18:15 two- (3) 9:23;10:5;15:3 U unable (1) 3:16 underlying (1) 3:24 unreasonable (1) 12:25 up (9) 4:3;5:15;10:17; 12:10;13:6;15:10; 17:8,12;19:15 use (2) 8:8;9:19 used (3) 8:21,22;9:6 users (3) 9:5;13:22,25 using (1) 9:16 Utilities (1) 6:2 V verbal (1) 5:7 view (2) 10:11;13:5 W Walker (3) 5:24,24;6:1 walls (1) 8:12 WalMart (1) 6:17 water (3) 8:1,3,7 wave (1) 10:25 way (1) 11:1 whole (1) 8:17 wholesale (4) 17:16,23;18:9,10 wife (1) 7:20 willingness (1) 5:8 wish (1) 19:14 wishes (1) 19:14 without (1) 15:9 witness (1) 6:21 word (1) 12:16 work (1) 17:2 workshops (1) 3:21 written (4) 13:15;16:16;18:21, 25 Y year (9) 7:24;8:9;10:2,22; 15:10;17:24;18:2,10, 15 year-round (1) 8:8 years (1) 15:5 yield (1) 16:19 1 10.78 (1) 9:1 1047 (1) 3:20 12.25 (1) 9:2 15 (1) 10:1 1st (1) 3:13 2 2023 (1) 3:13 2502 (1) 7:17 2506 (1) Min-U-Script®(4) response - 2506 THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY November 27, 2023 11:21 3 300 (4) 9:22,23;10:17;15:3 4 400 (1) 10:6 5 5:32 (1) 19:22 6 6 (3) 9:7,8,12 7 7 (3) 9:7,9,12 8 8 (1) 9:9 9 950 (1) 9:16 Min-U-Script®(5) 300 - 950