HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230213Staff 1-25 to IPC.pdfRILEY NEWTON MICHAEL DUVAL DEPUTY ATTORNEYS GENERAL i e n IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0318/334-0320 IDAHO BAR NOS.11202 &11714 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD,BLDG 8,SUITE 201-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorneys for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER )COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR A )CASE NO.IPC-E-23-01CERTIFICATEOFPUBLICCONVENIENCE)AND NECESSITY FOR THE BOARDMAN TO )HEMINGWAY 5OO-KV TRANSMISSION )FIRST PRODUCTIONLINE)REQUESTOF THE )COMMISSION STAFF )TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its attorney of record, Michael Duval,Deputy Attorney General,requests that Idaho Power Company ("Company"or "Idaho Power")provide the followingdocuments and information as soon as possible,but no later than MONDAY,MARCH 6,2023. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing,and the Company is requested to provide,by way of supplementary responses,additional documents that it,or any person acting on its behalf,may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question,supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations,and the name,job title,and telephonenumber of FIRST PRODUCTIONREQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 1 FEBRUARY 13,2023 the person preparing the documents.Please also identify the name,job title,location,and telephonenumber of the record holder. In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests,please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files on CD with formulas intact and enabled. REQUESTNO.1:Please provide supporting documents and workpapers with formulas intact for all Company testimony and exhibits. REQUESTNO.2:Please provide detailed and legible project maps portraying the operational components (substations,lines,etc.)and proposed transfer components,as described in agreements between the Company and its partners.Indicate name,physical location, agreement reference(s),and ownership. REQUESTNO.3:The Company's Exhibit 11 provides a high-leveloverview of the Boardman to Hemingway ("B2H")cost estimate.Please provide the underlyingworksheets showing the major expense components for the followingline items in the exhibit: a.Transmission Line Construction and MitigationDirect Costs, b.Pre-Construction Costs, c.Right of Way Option Costs, d.Substation Total, e.Local Interconnection Costs,and f.Idaho Power AFUDC &Property Tax. REQUESTNO.4:Company Witness Barretto testifies that "[t]he B2H project will require...removalof 12 miles of existing 69-kV transmission line,rebuilding 0.9 miles of a 230- kV transmission line,and rebuilding of 1.1 miles of an existing 138-kV transmission line into a new right-of-way."Barretto Direct at 3.Please provide the following: a.A detailed explanation of the need, b.The location, c.The scope of work,and d.The estimated cost. FIRST PRODUCTIONREQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 2 FEBRUARY 13,2023 REQUESTNO.5:Company Witness Ellsworth discusses both the "Midline Series Capacitor substation"associated with the B2H Project Joint Construction Funding Agreement, and the "Kinport -Midpoint 345-kV Series Capacitor Bank Project"associated with the Kinport Capacitor Bank Construction Agreement.Ellsworth Direct at 23-24.To help Staff distinguish between these two projects,please provide the followingfor each project: a.The project purpose, b.The project location, c.The project scope of work,and d.The estimated project cost. REQUESTNO.6:The Company's Application describes a complex plan with many significant projects and transactions that are distinct from constructing the B2H transmission line.Staff offers the followinglist of projects and transactions it has noted in the Application: a.BuyoutBonneville Power Association's ("BPA")Permit Interest. 1.Establish the Joint Permit Funding Agreement. 2.Establish the Purchase,Sale,and Security Agreement. 3.Establish the Network Integration Transmission Service Agreement ("NITSA")for Goshen load. 4.Establish the NITSA for Idaho Falls load. 5.Establish a point-to-point("PTP")Transmission Service Agreement ("TSA") from the Mid-Columbia ("Mid-C")hub to the proposed Longhorn substation. 6.BPA will redirect two 100 MW PTP TSAs from the Company to PacifiCorp. 7.Establish the Longhorn Substation Funding Agreement. b.Construct the B2H Core Project. 1.Establish the Joint Construction Funding Agreement with PacifiCorp. 2.Construct the main transmission line. 3.Rebuild or remove certain other transmission segments. 4.Construct the Longhorn substation. 5.Upgradethe Hemingway substation. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 3 FEBRUARY 13,2023 6.Construct the Midline Series Capacitor substation. c.Asset Swaps and Construction Agreements with PacifiCorp. 1.Company transfer to PacifiCorp transmission assets between Midpoint and Borah for 300 MW west-to-east capacity. 2.Company transfer to PacifiCorp transmission assets between Borah and Hemingway for 600 MW east-to-west capacity. 3.PacifiCorp transfer to the Company transmission assets between Populus and Four Corners for 200 MW of bi-directional capacity. 4.PacifiCorp transfer to the Company identified Goshen area assets. 5.Establish a construction agreement and construct the Midpoint 500/345-kV Transformer Project. 6.Establish a construction agreement and construct the Kinport-Midpoint345- kV Series Capacitor Bank Project. For each of these projects or transactions above (and any others inadvertently omitted by Staff), please provide the following: a.Please identify which of these projects/transactions that the Company is seeking Commission authorization under the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN"). b.Please identify which of these projects/transactions that the Company is seeking Commission authorization in this case but not specifically under the CPCN. c.Please identify which of these projects/transaction that the Company plans to seek Commission authorization outside of this case.If seeking authorization outside of this case,when and how will the Company be seeking authorization? d.For any projects/transactions that will be authorized outside of this case,please discuss possible dependencies between them and the included projects/transactions. REQUESTNO.7:Company Witness Ellsworth testifies that "...the Parties'capacity needs,strategies,and goals associated with the B2H project have evolved...BPA will transition out of its role as a joint permit funding coparticipant..."EllsworthDirect at 10.Please explain why BPA wants out of its role. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 4 FEBRUARY 13,2023 REQUESTNO.8:Please provide the Company's 20-year Load &Resource Balance ("L&RB")showing the year and deficits justifying the need for B2H.Also,please provide the following: a.A list of any new resource projects (includingtheir rated capacity)supplying the Company that have,or will,come online between the time the L&RB was established and before B2H is energized. b.If any of these projects are reflected in the L&RB,please correlate them. REQUESTNO.9:Please explain how the Company will serve native load customers if B2H is not approved? REQUESTNO.10:Please explain how the Company will serve native load customers if B2H is approved but completion is delayed beyond the 2026 deficiency date? REQUESTNO.11:Please explain all potential fundingsources the Company has considered and pursued to finance building B2H by answering the following: a.Has the Company pursued available Federal funds for grid resilience and transmission?If not,why not?If yes,please describe the funds available,status of funding pursued,and how these funds potentiallyreduce impact to ratepayers? b.Has the Company pursued available State funds throughthe Office of Energy and Mineral Resources ("OEMR")?If not,why not?If yes,please describe the funds available,status of funding pursued,and how these funds potentiallyreduce impact to ratepayers? c.Has the Company pursued funds throughthe Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA")and the Office of Emergency Management("OEM")?If not,why not?If yes,please describe the funds available,status of funding pursued,and how these funds potentiallyreduce impact to ratepayers? d.Has the Company applied for any grants or other funding for the project?If so,what were the sources,amounts,and application dates? e.Has the Company been awarded any grants or other fundingfor the project?If so, what were the sources,amounts,and dates awarded? FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 5 FEBRUARY 13,2023 REQUESTNO.12:For BPA's construction of the Longhorn substation,please explain when environmental compliance laws are expected to be met?Ellsworth Direct at 50. REQUESTNO.13:Please describe the Company's contingency plans if BPA decides not to pursue construction of the Longhorn substation.B2H Term Sheet Item No.7 at 26. REQUESTNO.14:In Company Witness Ellsworth's testimony he states:"the loss of the Hemingway-SummerLake 500-kV transmission line,the only 500-kV connection between the Pacific Northwest and Idaho Power,during peak summer load,is one of the worst possible contingencies the Company's transmission system can experience."EllsworthDirect at 61. a.Please describe the occurrences,over the last ten years,where the Hemingway- Summer Lake 500-kV transmission line was lost.Include the duration,cause,and impact for each occurrence. b.Please describe actions taken by the Company during the loss of the transmission line by occurrence to serve load. REQUESTNO.15:Please describe all lawsuits in process for the B2H project.In the response,please include the following: a.Case No., b.County filed in, c.Name of parties, d.Case caption, e.Date filed,and f.Any other relevant information. REQUESTNO.16:Please describe all lawsuits resolved for the B2H project.In the response,please include the following: a.Case No., b.County filed in, c.Name of parties, FIRST PRODUCTIONREQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 6 FEBRUARY 13,2023 d.Case caption, e.Date filed, f.Date resolved, g.The outcome of the case,and f.Any other relevant information. REQUESTNO.17:Please describe all known pending lawsuits for the B2H project and include all known informationabout the pending litigation. REQUESTNO.18:Company Witness Ellsworth testifies that the Company assessed five different data points regarding Mid-C market sufficiency.Ellsworth Direct at 78.To aid Staff's review of market sufficiency,please provide the following: a.The workpapers showing the Pacific Northwest forecast for 2030 winter and summer peaks.Ellsworth Direct at 79. b.The resource adequacy assessment performed by BPA.Ellsworth Direct at 79. c.The workpapers evaluating the 6,389 MW of planned new resources through 2031. Ellsworth Direct at 80. d.Please list the current firm power commitments the Company has with Mid-C market sellers during the summer peak. e.Please address the prospect of obtaining future Mid-C firm power commitments for summer peaks in light of the new California,Oregon,and Washington policies of electrification. REQUESTNO.19:Please evaluate the likelihood that pending permits will be issued in time to complete construction by the end of 2026.If the delay risk is high for a permit, describe the potential impact and the Company's plans to mitigate delays. REQUESTNO.20:Please provide Company guidelines for affected landowner compensation related to the B2H project.If the Company does not have guidelines,please explain why not. FIRST PRODUCTIONREQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 7 FEBRUARY 13,2023 REQUESTNO.21:Please provide the followingto explain the Company's real estate acquisitions in relation to the B2H route: a.How many real estate parcels ("segments")must the Company acquire access and construction rights to construct B2H? b.To date,how many segments has the Company acquired,and how many remain to be acquired? c.To date,how much has the Company spent to compensate landowners?How much more does the Company expect to spend? REQUESTNO.22:Please provide the supporting workpapers for the Company's analysis used to "calibrate"the project cost estimates against similar 500 kV projects described in Company Witness Ellsworth testimony.Ellsworth Direct at 51. REQUESTNO.23:Please describe the Requests For Proposals ("RFP")that are currentlyopen for the B2H project.Please include the following: a.A description of the product or service, b.The required date, c.The cost, d.The vendor selection criteria,and e.Supporting documents and workpapers. REQUESTNO.24:Please describe the RFPs that are plannedfor the B2H project. Please include the following: a.A description of the product or service, b.The required date, c.The cost, d.The vendor selection criteria,and e.Supporting documents and workpapers. FIRST PRODUCTIONREQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 8 FEBRUARY 13,2023 REQUESTNO.25:Please provide the scope of work for the Hemingway substation to integrate with the new B2H transmission line.Also,please provide worksheets with formulas intact detailing the costs. DATED at Boise,Idaho,this day of February 2023. Michael Duval Deputy Attorney General i:umise:prodreq/ipce23.lrnms prod req l FIRST PRODUCTIONREQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 9 FEBRUARY 13,2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2023,SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTOF THECOMMISSIONSTAFFTOIDAHOPOWERCOMPANY,IN CASE NO.IPC-E-23-01,BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF,TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOVAN E WALKER TIMOTHY TATUMIDAHOPOWERCOMPANYIDAHOPOWERCOMPANY PO BOX 70 PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 BOISE ID 83707-0070E-MAIL:dwalker@idahopower.com E-MAIL:ttatum@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com EMMA E.SPERRY IDAHO CONSERVATIONLEAGUE 710 N.6TH STREET BOISE,ID 83702 E-MAIL:esperry idahoconservation.org SECRE Y CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE